import datetime import boto3 from jinja2 import Template # Start of some things you need to change # # # Recipient emails or domains in the AWS Email Sandbox must be verified # You'll want to change this to the email you verify in SES FROM_ADDRESS = '' REPLY_TO_ADDRESS = '' CLIENTS = [ { # You'll need to verify this email 'email': '', 'first_name': 'Fernando', 'last_name': 'Medina Corey', 'pet_name': 'Riley' }, ] EMPLOYEES = [ { # You'll need to verify this email 'email': '', 'first_name': 'Homer', 'last_name': 'Simpson' }, ] # Change to the bucket you create on your AWS account TEMPLATE_S3_BUCKET = 'gpc-email-templates' # # # End of things you need to change def get_template_from_s3(key): """Loads and returns html template from Amazon S3""" s3 = boto3.client('s3') s3_file = s3.get_object( Bucket=TEMPLATE_S3_BUCKET, Key=key ) try: template = Template(s3_file['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: print('Failed to load template') raise e return template def render_come_to_work_template(employee_first_name): template = get_template_from_s3('come_to_work.html') html_email = template.render(first_name=employee_first_name) plaintext_email = 'Hello {0}, \nPlease remember to be into work by 8am'.format(employee_first_name) return html_email, plaintext_email def render_daily_tasks_template(): template = get_template_from_s3('daily_tasks.html') tasks = { 'Monday': '- Clean the dog areas\n', 'Tuesday': '- Clean the cat areas\n', 'Wednesday': '- Feed the aligator\n', 'Thursday': '- Clean the dog areas\n', 'Friday': '- Clean the cat areas\n', 'Saturday': '- Relax! Play with the puppies! It\'s the weekend!', 'Sunday': '- Relax! Play with the puppies! It\'s the weekend!' } # Gets an integer value from 0 to 6 for today (Monday - Sunday) # Keep in mind this will run in GMT and you will need to adjust runtimes accordingly days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'] today = days[] html_email = template.render( day_of_week=today, daily_tasks=tasks[today] ) plaintext_email = ( "Remember to do all of these today:\n" "- Feed the dogs\n" "- Feed the rabbits\n" "- Feed the cats\n" "- Feed the turtles\n" "- Walk the dogs\n" "- Empty cat litterboxes\n" "{0}".format(tasks[today]) ) return html_email, plaintext_email def render_pickup_template(client_first_name, client_pet_name): template = get_template_from_s3('pickup.html') html_email = template.render( first_name=client_first_name, pet_name=client_pet_name ) plaintext_email = ( 'Hello {0}, \nPlease remember to ' 'pickup {1} by 7pm!'.format( client_first_name, client_pet_name ) ) return html_email, plaintext_email def send_email(html_email, plaintext_email, subject, recipients): try: ses = boto3.client('ses') response = ses.send_email( Source=FROM_ADDRESS, Destination={ 'ToAddresses': [recipients], 'CcAddresses': [], 'BccAddresses': [] }, Message={ 'Subject': { 'Data': subject, }, 'Body': { 'Text': { 'Data': plaintext_email }, 'Html': { 'Data': html_email } } }, ReplyToAddresses=[ REPLY_TO_ADDRESS, ] ) except Exception as e: print('Failed to send message via SES') print(e) raise e def handler(event, context): event_trigger = event['resources'][0] print('event triggered by ' + event_trigger) if 'come_to_work' in event_trigger: for employee in EMPLOYEES: html_email, plaintext_email = render_come_to_work_template(employee['first_name']) send_email(html_email, plaintext_email, 'Work Schedule Reminder', employee['email']) elif 'daily_tasks' in event_trigger: for employee in EMPLOYEES: html_email, plaintext_email = render_daily_tasks_template() send_email(html_email, plaintext_email, 'Daily Tasks Reminder', employee['email']) elif 'pickup' in event_trigger: for client in CLIENTS: html_email, plaintext_email = render_pickup_template(client['first_name'], client['pet_name']) send_email(html_email, plaintext_email, 'Pickup Reminder', client['email']) else: return 'No template for this trigger!'