#!/bin/bash # Create and initialize a Python Virtual Environment echo "Creating virtual environment - .venv" python3 -m venv .venv echo "sourcing virtual environment - .venv" source .venv/bin/activate # Create a directory to put things in echo "Creating 'setup' directory" mkdir setup # Move the relevant files into setup directory echo "Moving function file(s) to setup dir" cp cuckoo.py setup/ cd ./setup # Install requirements echo "pip installing requirements from requirements file in target directory" pip install -r ../requirements.txt -t . # Prepares the deployment package echo "Zipping package" zip -r ../package.zip ./* # Remove the setup directory used echo "Removing setup directory and virtual environment" cd .. rm -r ./setup deactivate rm -r .venv # changing dirs back to dir from before echo "Opening folder containg function package - 'package.zip'" open .