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Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: owotext
Version: 1.0.2
Summary: A Python library for converting text strings into OwO
Author: DerpyChap
License: MIT
Platform: UNKNOWN
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
# owotext
A Python library for converting text strings into OwO, inspired by [Douglas Gardner's work](
## Installing
pip install owotext
## Usage
You can use owotext in your Python projects like so:
# OwO Impowt da wibwawy ÙωÙ
from owotext import OwO
# Huohhhh. Setup da convewtew ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
uwu = OwO()
# HIIII! Convewt a stwing into OwO speak Huoh.
print(uwu.whatsthis('In the beginning the Universe was created. '
'This had made many people very angry and has '
'been widely regarded as a bad move.'))
Example output:
Huohhhh. In da beginning da Univewse was cweated. This had made many peopwe vewy angwy and haz been widewy wegawded as a bad move. Huoh.
You can also call owotext from the command line by using the `owo` command:
owo You know something? I really hate people! They're selfish, ignorant, loud obnoxious pricks, with basically no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I mean really, look at all they've achieved! Genocide, global warming, reality TV, and just a never ending parade of failures and fuck ups! They are, without question, a complete write-off of a species
Example output:
Huohhhh. You knuw something? I weawwy hate peopwe! Theywe sewfish, ignuwant, woud obnuxious pwicks, with basicawwy nu wedeeming quawities whatsoevew. I mean weawwy, wook at aww theyve achieved! Genucide gwobaw wawming weawity TV and just a nevew ending pawade of faiwuwes and fuck ups! They awe without question a compwete wwite-off of a species ( '◟ ')
## Customization
`OwO()` accepts custom lists of prefixes, suffixes and substitutions.
OwO(prefixes, suffixes, substitutions)
Things should be fairly self explanatory here; `prefixes` and `sufffixes` should be `List` objects and `substitutions` should be a `Dict`.
## Requirements
- Python 3
- A lack of self worth