import datetime
import discord
from discord import Colour, Embed
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import command, is_owner
from settings import enso_guild_ID, enso_verification_ID
# Set up Cog
class Verification(commands.Cog, command_attrs=dict(hidden=True)):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.guild = None
# Setting up Listener to listen for reactions within the Verification channel
async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload):
# Get the guild
guild = self.bot.get_guild(enso_guild_ID)
# Get the member
member = guild.get_member(payload.user_id)
# Getting the channel verification by setting it to #verification
channel = guild.get_channel(enso_verification_ID)
# If the channel is #verification
if payload.channel_id == channel.id:
# A check that makes sure that the reaction is done by the bot
def check(m):
return m == self.bot
# If the member is not a user, do nothing
if not check:
# Get the 'Lucid' role and then give it to the user
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name='Lucid')
# if the emoji that was reacted is the tick mark.
if payload.emoji.name == "✅":
await member.add_roles(role)
# Set hamothyID equal to my id in discord
hamothyID = '<@&715412394968350756>'
# Set the channel id to "general"
general = guild.get_channel(663651584399507481)
# String for welcoming people in the #general channel
general_welcome = f"Welcome to the server! {member.mention} I hope you enjoy your stay here <a:huh:676195228872474643> <a:huh:676195228872474643> " \
f"\nPlease go into <#722347423913213992> to choose some ping-able roles for events! " \
f"\nPlease ping {hamothyID} for any questions about the server and of course, the other staff members!"
# Send welcome message to #general
await general.send(general_welcome)
# Allowing people to get ping-able self roles
@command(name="verification", hidden=True)
async def verification(self, ctx):
# Set up embed to let the user know that they have to react with ✅
embed = Embed(title="**Verification**",
embed.set_author(name=ctx.author, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
name="Remember to read the rules!",
value="React with ✅ to gain access to the rest of the server!",
# Edit the Embed And Update it
verif = await ctx.fetch_message(728424149692842115)
await verif.edit(embed=embed)
# Send embed to the channel it was called in and automatically add the reaction ✅
# verif = await ctx.send(embed=embed)
# await verif.add_reaction('✅')
def setup(bot):