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from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from traceback import format_tb
import logging
import sys
from pytz import utc
import six
from import (
class MaxInstancesReachedError(Exception):
def __init__(self, job):
super(MaxInstancesReachedError, self).__init__(
'Job "%s" has already reached its maximum number of instances (%d)' %
(, job.max_instances))
class BaseExecutor(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
"""Abstract base class that defines the interface that every executor must implement."""
_scheduler = None
_lock = None
_logger = logging.getLogger('apscheduler.executors')
def __init__(self):
super(BaseExecutor, self).__init__()
self._instances = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
Called by the scheduler when the scheduler is being started or when the executor is being
added to an already running scheduler.
:param apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler scheduler: the scheduler that is starting
this executor
:param str|unicode alias: alias of this executor as it was assigned to the scheduler
self._scheduler = scheduler
self._lock = scheduler._create_lock()
self._logger = logging.getLogger('apscheduler.executors.%s' % alias)
def shutdown(self, wait=True):
Shuts down this executor.
:param bool wait: ``True`` to wait until all submitted jobs
have been executed
def submit_job(self, job, run_times):
Submits job for execution.
:param Job job: job to execute
:param list[datetime] run_times: list of datetimes specifying
when the job should have been run
:raises MaxInstancesReachedError: if the maximum number of
allowed instances for this job has been reached
assert self._lock is not None, 'This executor has not been started yet'
with self._lock:
if self._instances[] >= job.max_instances:
raise MaxInstancesReachedError(job)
self._do_submit_job(job, run_times)
self._instances[] += 1
def _do_submit_job(self, job, run_times):
"""Performs the actual task of scheduling `run_job` to be called."""
def _run_job_success(self, job_id, events):
Called by the executor with the list of generated events when :func:`run_job` has been
successfully called.
with self._lock:
self._instances[job_id] -= 1
if self._instances[job_id] == 0:
del self._instances[job_id]
for event in events:
def _run_job_error(self, job_id, exc, traceback=None):
"""Called by the executor with the exception if there is an error calling `run_job`."""
with self._lock:
self._instances[job_id] -= 1
if self._instances[job_id] == 0:
del self._instances[job_id]
exc_info = (exc.__class__, exc, traceback)
self._logger.error('Error running job %s', job_id, exc_info=exc_info)
def run_job(job, jobstore_alias, run_times, logger_name):
Called by executors to run the job. Returns a list of scheduler events to be dispatched by the
events = []
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
for run_time in run_times:
# See if the job missed its run time window, and handle
# possible misfires accordingly
if job.misfire_grace_time is not None:
difference = - run_time
grace_time = timedelta(seconds=job.misfire_grace_time)
if difference > grace_time:
events.append(JobExecutionEvent(EVENT_JOB_MISSED,, jobstore_alias,
logger.warning('Run time of job "%s" was missed by %s', job, difference)
continue'Running job "%s" (scheduled at %s)', job, run_time)
retval = job.func(*job.args, **job.kwargs)
except BaseException:
exc, tb = sys.exc_info()[1:]
formatted_tb = ''.join(format_tb(tb))
events.append(JobExecutionEvent(EVENT_JOB_ERROR,, jobstore_alias, run_time,
exception=exc, traceback=formatted_tb))
logger.exception('Job "%s" raised an exception', job)
# This is to prevent cyclic references that would lead to memory leaks
if six.PY2:
del tb
import traceback
del tb
events.append(JobExecutionEvent(EVENT_JOB_EXECUTED,, jobstore_alias, run_time,
retval=retval))'Job "%s" executed successfully', job)
return events