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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation)
# Copyright (c) 2008-2016 California Institute of Technology.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
# License: 3-clause BSD. The full license text is available at:
# -
Methods for detecting objects leading to pickling failures.
import dis
from inspect import ismethod, isfunction, istraceback, isframe, iscode
from .pointers import parent, reference, at, parents, children
from ._dill import _trace as trace
from ._dill import PY3
__all__ = ['baditems','badobjects','badtypes','code','errors','freevars',
def getmodule(object, _filename=None, force=False):
"""get the module of the object"""
from inspect import getmodule as getmod
module = getmod(object, _filename)
if module or not force: return module
if PY3: builtins = 'builtins'
else: builtins = '__builtin__'
builtins = __import__(builtins)
from .source import getname
name = getname(object, force=True)
return builtins if name in vars(builtins).keys() else None
def outermost(func): # is analogous to getsource(func,enclosing=True)
"""get outermost enclosing object (i.e. the outer function in a closure)
NOTE: this is the object-equivalent of getsource(func, enclosing=True)
if PY3:
if ismethod(func):
_globals = func.__func__.__globals__ or {}
elif isfunction(func):
_globals = func.__globals__ or {}
return #XXX: or raise? no matches
_globals = _globals.items()
if ismethod(func):
_globals = func.im_func.func_globals or {}
elif isfunction(func):
_globals = func.func_globals or {}
return #XXX: or raise? no matches
_globals = _globals.iteritems()
# get the enclosing source
from .source import getsourcelines
try: lines,lnum = getsourcelines(func, enclosing=True)
except: #TypeError, IOError
lines,lnum = [],None
code = ''.join(lines)
# get all possible names,objects that are named in the enclosing source
_locals = ((name,obj) for (name,obj) in _globals if name in code)
# now only save the objects that generate the enclosing block
for name,obj in _locals: #XXX: don't really need 'name'
if getsourcelines(obj) == (lines,lnum): return obj
except: #TypeError, IOError
return #XXX: or raise? no matches
def nestedcode(func, recurse=True): #XXX: or return dict of {co_name: co} ?
"""get the code objects for any nested functions (e.g. in a closure)"""
func = code(func)
if not iscode(func): return [] #XXX: or raise? no matches
nested = set()
for co in func.co_consts:
if co is None: continue
co = code(co)
if co:
if recurse: nested |= set(nestedcode(co, recurse=True))
return list(nested)
def code(func):
'''get the code object for the given function or method
NOTE: use dill.source.getsource(CODEOBJ) to get the source code
if PY3:
im_func = '__func__'
func_code = '__code__'
im_func = 'im_func'
func_code = 'func_code'
if ismethod(func): func = getattr(func, im_func)
if isfunction(func): func = getattr(func, func_code)
if istraceback(func): func = func.tb_frame
if isframe(func): func = func.f_code
if iscode(func): return func
#XXX: ugly: parse dis.dis for name after "<code object" in line and in globals?
def referrednested(func, recurse=True): #XXX: return dict of {__name__: obj} ?
"""get functions defined inside of func (e.g. inner functions in a closure)
NOTE: results may differ if the function has been executed or not.
If len(nestedcode(func)) > len(referrednested(func)), try calling func().
If possible, python builds code objects, but delays building functions
until func() is called.
if PY3:
att1 = '__code__'
att0 = '__func__'
att1 = 'func_code' # functions
att0 = 'im_func' # methods
import gc
funcs = set()
# get the code objects, and try to track down by referrence
for co in nestedcode(func, recurse):
# look for function objects that refer to the code object
for obj in gc.get_referrers(co):
# get methods
_ = getattr(obj, att0, None) # ismethod
if getattr(_, att1, None) is co: funcs.add(obj)
# get functions
elif getattr(obj, att1, None) is co: funcs.add(obj)
# get frame objects
elif getattr(obj, 'f_code', None) is co: funcs.add(obj)
# get code objects
elif hasattr(obj, 'co_code') and obj is co: funcs.add(obj)
# frameobjs => func.func_code.co_varnames not in func.func_code.co_cellvars
# funcobjs => func.func_code.co_cellvars not in func.func_code.co_varnames
# frameobjs are not found, however funcobjs are...
# (see: test_mixins.quad ... and
# after execution, code objects get compiled, and then may be found by gc
return list(funcs)
def freevars(func):
"""get objects defined in enclosing code that are referred to by func
returns a dict of {name:object}"""
if PY3:
im_func = '__func__'
func_code = '__code__'
func_closure = '__closure__'
im_func = 'im_func'
func_code = 'func_code'
func_closure = 'func_closure'
if ismethod(func): func = getattr(func, im_func)
if isfunction(func):
closures = getattr(func, func_closure) or ()
func = getattr(func, func_code).co_freevars # get freevars
return {}
return dict((name,c.cell_contents) for (name,c) in zip(func,closures))
# thanks to Davies Liu for recursion of globals
def nestedglobals(func, recurse=True):
"""get the names of any globals found within func"""
func = code(func)
if func is None: return list()
from .temp import capture
names = set()
with capture('stdout') as out:
dis.dis(func) #XXX: dis.dis(None) disassembles last traceback
for line in out.getvalue().splitlines():
if '_GLOBAL' in line:
name = line.split('(')[-1].split(')')[0]
for co in getattr(func, 'co_consts', tuple()):
if co and recurse and iscode(co):
names.update(nestedglobals(co, recurse=True))
return list(names)
def referredglobals(func, recurse=True, builtin=False):
"""get the names of objects in the global scope referred to by func"""
return globalvars(func, recurse, builtin).keys()
def globalvars(func, recurse=True, builtin=False):
"""get objects defined in global scope that are referred to by func
return a dict of {name:object}"""
if PY3:
im_func = '__func__'
func_code = '__code__'
func_globals = '__globals__'
func_closure = '__closure__'
im_func = 'im_func'
func_code = 'func_code'
func_globals = 'func_globals'
func_closure = 'func_closure'
if ismethod(func): func = getattr(func, im_func)
if isfunction(func):
globs = vars(getmodule(sum)).copy() if builtin else {}
# get references from within closure
orig_func, func = func, set()
for obj in getattr(orig_func, func_closure) or {}:
_vars = globalvars(obj.cell_contents, recurse, builtin) or {}
func.update(_vars) #XXX: (above) be wary of infinte recursion?
# get globals
globs.update(getattr(orig_func, func_globals) or {})
# get names of references
if not recurse:
func.update(getattr(orig_func, func_code).co_names)
func.update(nestedglobals(getattr(orig_func, func_code)))
# find globals for all entries of func
for key in func.copy(): #XXX: unnecessary...?
nested_func = globs.get(key)
if nested_func is orig_func:
#func.remove(key) if key in func else None
continue #XXX: globalvars(func, False)?
func.update(globalvars(nested_func, True, builtin))
elif iscode(func):
globs = vars(getmodule(sum)).copy() if builtin else {}
if not recurse:
func = func.co_names # get names
orig_func = func.co_name # to stop infinite recursion
func = set(nestedglobals(func))
# find globals for all entries of func
for key in func.copy(): #XXX: unnecessary...?
if key is orig_func:
#func.remove(key) if key in func else None
continue #XXX: globalvars(func, False)?
nested_func = globs.get(key)
func.update(globalvars(nested_func, True, builtin))
return {}
#NOTE: if name not in func_globals, then we skip it...
return dict((name,globs[name]) for name in func if name in globs)
def varnames(func):
"""get names of variables defined by func
returns a tuple (local vars, local vars referrenced by nested functions)"""
func = code(func)
if not iscode(func):
return () #XXX: better ((),())? or None?
return func.co_varnames, func.co_cellvars
def baditems(obj, exact=False, safe=False): #XXX: obj=globals() ?
"""get items in object that fail to pickle"""
if not hasattr(obj,'__iter__'): # is not iterable
return [j for j in (badobjects(obj,0,exact,safe),) if j is not None]
obj = obj.values() if getattr(obj,'values',None) else obj
_obj = [] # can't use a set, as items may be unhashable
[_obj.append(badobjects(i,0,exact,safe)) for i in obj if i not in _obj]
return [j for j in _obj if j is not None]
def badobjects(obj, depth=0, exact=False, safe=False):
"""get objects that fail to pickle"""
from dill import pickles
if not depth:
if pickles(obj,exact,safe): return None
return obj
return dict(((attr, badobjects(getattr(obj,attr),depth-1,exact,safe)) \
for attr in dir(obj) if not pickles(getattr(obj,attr),exact,safe)))
def badtypes(obj, depth=0, exact=False, safe=False):
"""get types for objects that fail to pickle"""
from dill import pickles
if not depth:
if pickles(obj,exact,safe): return None
return type(obj)
return dict(((attr, badtypes(getattr(obj,attr),depth-1,exact,safe)) \
for attr in dir(obj) if not pickles(getattr(obj,attr),exact,safe)))
def errors(obj, depth=0, exact=False, safe=False):
"""get errors for objects that fail to pickle"""
from dill import pickles, copy
if not depth:
pik = copy(obj)
if exact:
assert pik == obj, \
"Unpickling produces %s instead of %s" % (pik,obj)
assert type(pik) == type(obj), \
"Unpickling produces %s instead of %s" % (type(pik),type(obj))
return None
except Exception:
import sys
return sys.exc_info()[1]
_dict = {}
for attr in dir(obj):
_attr = getattr(obj,attr)
except Exception:
import sys
_dict[attr] = sys.exc_info()[1]
if not pickles(_attr,exact,safe):
_dict[attr] = errors(_attr,depth-1,exact,safe)
return _dict