mirror of https://github.com/sgoudham/Enso-Bot.git
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193 lines
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5 years ago
Handles freezing of models into FakeORMs.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase, Model
from django.contrib.contenttypes.generic import GenericRelation
from south.utils import get_attribute, auto_through
from south import modelsinspector
from south.utils.py3 import string_types
def freeze_apps(apps):
Takes a list of app labels, and returns a string of their frozen form.
if isinstance(apps, string_types):
apps = [apps]
frozen_models = set()
# For each app, add in all its models
for app in apps:
for model in models.get_models(models.get_app(app)):
# Only add if it's not abstract or proxy
if not model._meta.abstract and not getattr(model._meta, "proxy", False):
# Now, add all the dependencies
for model in list(frozen_models):
# Serialise!
model_defs = {}
model_classes = {}
for model in frozen_models:
model_defs[model_key(model)] = prep_for_freeze(model)
model_classes[model_key(model)] = model
# Check for any custom fields that failed to freeze.
missing_fields = False
for key, fields in model_defs.items():
for field_name, value in fields.items():
if value is None:
missing_fields = True
model_class = model_classes[key]
field_class = model_class._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0]
print(" ! Cannot freeze field '%s.%s'" % (key, field_name))
print(" ! (this field has class %s.%s)" % (field_class.__class__.__module__, field_class.__class__.__name__))
if missing_fields:
print(" ! South cannot introspect some fields; this is probably because they are custom")
print(" ! fields. If they worked in 0.6 or below, this is because we have removed the")
print(" ! models parser (it often broke things).")
print(" ! To fix this, read http://south.aeracode.org/wiki/MyFieldsDontWork")
return model_defs
def freeze_apps_to_string(apps):
return pprint_frozen_models(freeze_apps(apps))
def model_key(model):
"For a given model, return 'appname.modelname'."
return "%s.%s" % (model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name.lower())
def prep_for_freeze(model):
Takes a model and returns the ready-to-serialise dict (all you need
to do is just pretty-print it).
fields = modelsinspector.get_model_fields(model, m2m=True)
# Remove useless attributes (like 'choices')
for name, field in fields.items():
fields[name] = remove_useless_attributes(field)
# See if there's a Meta
fields['Meta'] = remove_useless_meta(modelsinspector.get_model_meta(model))
# Add in our own special items to track the object name and managed
fields['Meta']['object_name'] = model._meta.object_name # Special: not eval'able.
if not getattr(model._meta, "managed", True):
fields['Meta']['managed'] = repr(model._meta.managed)
return fields
### Dependency resolvers
def model_dependencies(model, checked_models=None):
Returns a set of models this one depends on to be defined; things like
OneToOneFields as ID, ForeignKeys everywhere, etc.
depends = set()
checked_models = checked_models or set()
# Get deps for each field
for field in model._meta.fields + model._meta.many_to_many:
depends.update(field_dependencies(field, checked_models))
# Add in any non-abstract bases
for base in model.__bases__:
if issubclass(base, models.Model) and hasattr(base, '_meta') and not base._meta.abstract:
# Now recurse
new_to_check = depends - checked_models
while new_to_check:
checked_model = new_to_check.pop()
if checked_model == model or checked_model in checked_models:
deps = model_dependencies(checked_model, checked_models)
# Loop through dependencies...
for dep in deps:
# If the new dep is not already checked, add to the queue
if (dep not in depends) and (dep not in new_to_check) and (dep not in checked_models):
return depends
def field_dependencies(field, checked_models=None):
checked_models = checked_models or set()
depends = set()
arg_defs, kwarg_defs = modelsinspector.matching_details(field)
for attrname, options in arg_defs + list(kwarg_defs.values()):
if options.get("ignore_if_auto_through", False) and auto_through(field):
if options.get("is_value", False):
value = attrname
elif attrname == 'rel.through' and hasattr(getattr(field, 'rel', None), 'through_model'):
# Hack for django 1.1 and below, where the through model is stored
# in rel.through_model while rel.through stores only the model name.
value = field.rel.through_model
value = get_attribute(field, attrname)
except AttributeError:
if options.get("ignore_missing", False):
if isinstance(value, Model):
value = value.__class__
if not isinstance(value, ModelBase):
if getattr(value._meta, "proxy", False):
value = value._meta.proxy_for_model
if value in checked_models:
depends.update(model_dependencies(value, checked_models))
return depends
### Prettyprinters
def pprint_frozen_models(models):
return "{\n %s\n }" % ",\n ".join([
"%r: %s" % (name, pprint_fields(fields))
for name, fields in sorted(models.items())
def pprint_fields(fields):
return "{\n %s\n }" % ",\n ".join([
"%r: %r" % (name, defn)
for name, defn in sorted(fields.items())
### Output sanitisers
USELESS_KEYWORDS = ["choices", "help_text", "verbose_name"]
USELESS_DB_KEYWORDS = ["related_name", "default", "blank"] # Important for ORM, not for DB.
INDEX_KEYWORDS = ["db_index"]
def remove_useless_attributes(field, db=False, indexes=False):
"Removes useless (for database) attributes from the field's defn."
# Work out what to remove, and remove it.
keywords = USELESS_KEYWORDS[:]
if db:
keywords += USELESS_DB_KEYWORDS[:]
if indexes:
keywords += INDEX_KEYWORDS[:]
if field:
for name in keywords:
if name in field[2]:
del field[2][name]
return field
USELESS_META = ["verbose_name", "verbose_name_plural"]
def remove_useless_meta(meta):
"Removes useless (for database) attributes from the table's meta."
if meta:
for name in USELESS_META:
if name in meta:
del meta[name]
return meta