You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

199 lines
7.5 KiB

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.core.paginator import InvalidPage, Paginator
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.http import Http404
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from django.views.generic.base import ContextMixin, TemplateResponseMixin, View
class MultipleObjectMixin(ContextMixin):
"""A mixin for views manipulating multiple objects."""
allow_empty = True
queryset = None
model = None
paginate_by = None
paginate_orphans = 0
context_object_name = None
paginator_class = Paginator
page_kwarg = 'page'
ordering = None
def get_queryset(self):
Return the list of items for this view.
The return value must be an iterable and may be an instance of
`QuerySet` in which case `QuerySet` specific behavior will be enabled.
if self.queryset is not None:
queryset = self.queryset
if isinstance(queryset, QuerySet):
queryset = queryset.all()
elif self.model is not None:
queryset = self.model._default_manager.all()
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"%(cls)s is missing a QuerySet. Define "
"%(cls)s.model, %(cls)s.queryset, or override "
"%(cls)s.get_queryset()." % {
'cls': self.__class__.__name__
ordering = self.get_ordering()
if ordering:
if isinstance(ordering, str):
ordering = (ordering,)
queryset = queryset.order_by(*ordering)
return queryset
def get_ordering(self):
"""Return the field or fields to use for ordering the queryset."""
return self.ordering
def paginate_queryset(self, queryset, page_size):
"""Paginate the queryset, if needed."""
paginator = self.get_paginator(
queryset, page_size, orphans=self.get_paginate_orphans(),
page_kwarg = self.page_kwarg
page = self.kwargs.get(page_kwarg) or self.request.GET.get(page_kwarg) or 1
page_number = int(page)
except ValueError:
if page == 'last':
page_number = paginator.num_pages
raise Http404(_('Page is not “last”, nor can it be converted to an int.'))
page =
return (paginator, page, page.object_list, page.has_other_pages())
except InvalidPage as e:
raise Http404(_('Invalid page (%(page_number)s): %(message)s') % {
'page_number': page_number,
'message': str(e)
def get_paginate_by(self, queryset):
Get the number of items to paginate by, or ``None`` for no pagination.
return self.paginate_by
def get_paginator(self, queryset, per_page, orphans=0,
allow_empty_first_page=True, **kwargs):
"""Return an instance of the paginator for this view."""
return self.paginator_class(
queryset, per_page, orphans=orphans,
allow_empty_first_page=allow_empty_first_page, **kwargs)
def get_paginate_orphans(self):
Return the maximum number of orphans extend the last page by when
return self.paginate_orphans
def get_allow_empty(self):
Return ``True`` if the view should display empty lists and ``False``
if a 404 should be raised instead.
return self.allow_empty
def get_context_object_name(self, object_list):
"""Get the name of the item to be used in the context."""
if self.context_object_name:
return self.context_object_name
elif hasattr(object_list, 'model'):
return '%s_list' % object_list.model._meta.model_name
return None
def get_context_data(self, *, object_list=None, **kwargs):
"""Get the context for this view."""
queryset = object_list if object_list is not None else self.object_list
page_size = self.get_paginate_by(queryset)
context_object_name = self.get_context_object_name(queryset)
if page_size:
paginator, page, queryset, is_paginated = self.paginate_queryset(queryset, page_size)
context = {
'paginator': paginator,
'page_obj': page,
'is_paginated': is_paginated,
'object_list': queryset
context = {
'paginator': None,
'page_obj': None,
'is_paginated': False,
'object_list': queryset
if context_object_name is not None:
context[context_object_name] = queryset
return super().get_context_data(**context)
class BaseListView(MultipleObjectMixin, View):
"""A base view for displaying a list of objects."""
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object_list = self.get_queryset()
allow_empty = self.get_allow_empty()
if not allow_empty:
# When pagination is enabled and object_list is a queryset,
# it's better to do a cheap query than to load the unpaginated
# queryset in memory.
if self.get_paginate_by(self.object_list) is not None and hasattr(self.object_list, 'exists'):
is_empty = not self.object_list.exists()
is_empty = not self.object_list
if is_empty:
raise Http404(_('Empty list and “%(class_name)s.allow_empty” is False.') % {
'class_name': self.__class__.__name__,
context = self.get_context_data()
return self.render_to_response(context)
class MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin(TemplateResponseMixin):
"""Mixin for responding with a template and list of objects."""
template_name_suffix = '_list'
def get_template_names(self):
Return a list of template names to be used for the request. Must return
a list. May not be called if render_to_response is overridden.
names = super().get_template_names()
except ImproperlyConfigured:
# If template_name isn't specified, it's not a problem --
# we just start with an empty list.
names = []
# If the list is a queryset, we'll invent a template name based on the
# app and model name. This name gets put at the end of the template
# name list so that user-supplied names override the automatically-
# generated ones.
if hasattr(self.object_list, 'model'):
opts = self.object_list.model._meta
names.append("%s/%s%s.html" % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name, self.template_name_suffix))
elif not names:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"%(cls)s requires either a 'template_name' attribute "
"or a get_queryset() method that returns a QuerySet." % {
'cls': self.__class__.__name__,
return names
class ListView(MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, BaseListView):
Render some list of objects, set by `self.model` or `self.queryset`.
`self.queryset` can actually be any iterable of items, not just a queryset.