import datetime
import random
import string
from discord import Embed, Colour
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import cooldown, BucketType, command
from settings import colour_list
# Defining the full names of the waifu's/husbando's
anime = {"yumeko": "Jabami Yumeko",
"toga": "Himiko Toga",
"maki": "Maki Oze",
"kakashi": "Hatake Kakashi",
"tamaki": "Tamaki Suoh",
"husk": "Husk"
# Gets the member and user avatar
def getMember(msg):
# Set member as the author
member = msg.author
# Get the member avatar
userAvatar = member.avatar_url
return member, userAvatar
# Function to turn the user inputted name into the full name
def Abbrev(anime_msg):
# Get the lowercase
lowercase_anime = anime_msg.lower()
split_anime = lowercase_anime.split()
new_msg = ""
# For each word in split_anime
for word in split_anime:
# If the word exists in the anime array
if word in anime:
# Set a new string equal to the full name of the waifu/husbando
new_msg = anime[word]
return new_msg
# Function to return a random image of a waifu
def randomWaifu(msg, waifu):
# Retrieve a random image of a waifu within the bot
with open(f'images/AnimeImages/Waifus/{random.choice(waifu)}.txt') as file:
array = file.readlines()
# Get the member and the userAvatar
member, userAvatar = getMember(msg)
# Set up the embed for a random waifu image
waifu_embed = Embed(
title=f"Oh Look! A Wonderful Waifu! <a:huh:676195228872474643> <a:huh:676195228872474643> ",
waifu_embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {member}", icon_url='{}'.format(userAvatar))
return waifu_embed
# Function to return a random image of a husbando
def randomHusbando(msg, husbando):
# Retrieve a random image of a husbando within the bot
with open(f'images/AnimeImages/Husbandos/{random.choice(husbando)}.txt') as file:
array = file.readlines()
# Get the member and the userAvatar
member, userAvatar = getMember(msg)
# Set up the embed for a random husbando image
husbando_embed = Embed(
title=f"Oh Look! A Handsome Husbando! <a:huh:676195228872474643> <a:huh:676195228872474643> ",
husbando_embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {member}", icon_url='{}'.format(userAvatar))
return husbando_embed
# Function to allow modular code and sets up the embed for the anime images
def displayAnimeImage(array, msg, name):
# Get the member and the userAvatar
member, userAvatar = getMember(msg)
# Set up embed for an image relating to a husbando or waifu
anime_embed = Embed(
anime_embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {member}", icon_url='{}'.format(userAvatar))
return anime_embed
class Anime(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
# Bot ~w/waifu command for the waifu's stored in the bot
@command(name="w", aliases=['W'])
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def waifu(self, ctx, waifu=None):
# Defining array for the list of waifus available
waifu_array = ["toga", "yumeko", "maki"]
# if a name is specified
if waifu:
# Get the lowercase
proper_waifu = waifu.lower()
# if the user does ~w list
if proper_waifu == "list":
# Tell the user to try the waifus in the array
await ctx.send(f"Try the waifu's listed below!")
# Send the list of waifus in the bot to the channel
waifu_list = string.capwords(', '.join(map(str, waifu_array)))
await ctx.send(waifu_list)
# Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur
# Retrieve image of the waifu specified
with open(f'images/AnimeImages/Waifus/{proper_waifu}.txt') as file:
w_array = file.readlines()
# Get the full name of the waifu
full_name = Abbrev(proper_waifu)
# Embed the image into a message and send it to the channel
embed = displayAnimeImage(w_array, ctx, full_name)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
except Exception as e:
# Send error message saying that the person isn't recognised
await ctx.send(f"Sorry! That waifu doesn't exist!"
f"\nPlease do **~w list** to see the list of waifu's")
# Get embed from randomWaifu() and send it to the channel
embed = randomWaifu(ctx, waifu_array)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
# Bot ~h/husbando command for the husbando's stored in the bot
@command(name="h", aliases=['H'])
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def husbando(self, ctx, husbando=None):
# Defining array for the list of husbando's available
husbando_array = ["husk", "kakashi", "tamaki"]
# if a name is specified
if husbando:
# Get the lowercase
proper_husbando = husbando.lower()
# Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur
# if the user does ~h list
if proper_husbando == "list":
# Tell the user to try the husbando's in the array
await ctx.send(f"Try the husbando's listed below!")
# Send the list of waifus in the bot to the channel
husbando_list = string.capwords(', '.join(map(str, husbando_array)))
await ctx.send(husbando_list)
# Retrieve image of the husbando specified
with open(f'images/AnimeImages/Husbandos/{proper_husbando}.txt') as file:
h_array = file.readlines()
# Get the full name of the husbando
full_name = Abbrev(proper_husbando)
# Embed the image into a message and send it to the channel
embed = displayAnimeImage(h_array, ctx, full_name)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
except Exception as e:
# Send error message saying that the person isn't recognised
await ctx.send(
f"Sorry! That husbando doesn't exist!"
f"\nPlease do **~h list** to see the list of husbando's")
# Get embed from randomHusbando() and send it to the channel
embed = randomHusbando(ctx, husbando_array)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def setup(bot):