import asyncio
import discord
import mariadb
from decouple import config
from discord import Embed , DMChannel
from discord . ext import commands
import db
import settings
from settings import blank_space , enso_embedmod_colours , time , enso_guild_ID , enso_newpeople_ID
# Getting the Bot token from Environment Variables
API_TOKEN = config ( ' DISCORD_TOKEN ' )
# Bot Initiation
client = commands . Bot ( # Create a new bot
command_prefix = " ~ " , # Set the prefix
description = ' Ensō~Chan! ' , # Set a description for the bot
owner_id = 154840866496839680 ) # Your unique User ID
# Calls the cogs from the file and loads them
( anime , helps , fun ) = settings . extensions ( )
complete_list = anime + helps + fun
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
for ext in complete_list :
client . load_extension ( ext )
async def on_message ( message ) :
# Making sure that the bot does not take in its own messages
if message . author . bot :
# Don't count messages that are taken in the dms
if isinstance ( message . channel , DMChannel ) :
else :
# Using connection to the database
with db . connection ( ) as conn :
# Make sure that mariaDB errors are handled properly
try :
msg_name = message . author . name
msg_discrim = message . author . discriminator
time = message . created_at
# Get:
guild_id = message . guild . id # Guild of the message
msg_time = time . strftime ( ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S ' ) # Time of the Message
msg_author = f " { msg_name } # { msg_discrim } " # DiscordID
msg_content = message . content # Content of the message
# Store the variables
val = guild_id , msg_time , msg_author , msg_content
attach = " "
# If an attachment (link) has been sent
if message . attachments :
# Loop through all attachments
for attachment in message . attachments :
# Get the message content and the link that was used
attach + = f " Message: { message . content } Link: { attachment . url } "
# Define the new variables to send
val = guild_id , msg_time , msg_author , attach
else :
# Define the Insert Into Statement inserting into the database
insert_query = """ INSERT INTO messages (guildID, messageTime, discordID, messageContent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """
cursor = conn . cursor ( )
# Execute the SQL Query
cursor . execute ( insert_query , val )
conn . commit ( )
print ( cursor . rowcount , " Record inserted successfully into Logs " )
except mariadb . Error as ex :
print ( " Parameterized Query Failed: {} " . format ( ex ) )
# Processing the message
await client . process_commands ( message )
# Bot Status on Discord
async def on_ready ( ) :
# Tells me that the bot is ready and logged in
print ( ' Bot is ready. ' )
# Sets the bots status on discord for everyone to view
await client . change_presence (
activity = discord . Game ( name = " with yo Feelings 😍 😳 🙈 " ) )
# await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name="Spider Man 3"))
# Bot ~Ping command in milliseconds
@client.command ( name = " ping " , aliases = [ " Ping " ] )
@commands.is_owner ( )
async def ping ( ctx ) :
""" Send the latency of the bot (ms) """
await ctx . send ( f ' Pong! ` { round ( client . latency * 1000 ) } ms` ' )
# Bot event for new member joining, sending an embed introducing them to the server
async def on_member_join ( member ) :
# Get the guild
guild = member . guild
# Make sure the guild is Enso
if guild . id != enso_guild_ID :
try :
# Set up connection to database
with db . connection ( ) as conn :
name = f " { member . name } # { member . discriminator } "
# Define the Insert Into Statement inserting into the database
insert_query = """ INSERT INTO members (discordUser, discordID) VALUES (?, ?) """
vals = name , member . id
cursor = conn . cursor ( )
# Execute the SQL Query
cursor . execute ( insert_query , vals )
conn . commit ( )
print ( cursor . rowcount , " Record inserted successfully into Members " )
except mariadb . Error as ex :
print ( " Parameterized Query Failed: {} " . format ( ex ) )
# Set the channel id to "newpeople"
new_people = guild . get_channel ( enso_newpeople_ID )
# Set the enso server icon and the welcoming gif
server_icon = guild . icon_url
welcome_gif = " "
# Set up embed for the #newpeople channel
embed = Embed ( title = " \n **Welcome To Ensō!** " ,
colour = enso_embedmod_colours ,
timestamp = time )
embed . set_thumbnail ( url = server_icon )
embed . set_image ( url = welcome_gif )
embed . add_field (
name = blank_space ,
value = f " Hello { member . mention } ! We hope you enjoy your stay in this server! " ,
inline = False )
embed . add_field (
name = blank_space ,
value = f " Be sure to check out our <#669815048658747392> channel to read the rules and <#683490529862090814> channel to get caught up with any changes! " ,
inline = False )
embed . add_field (
name = blank_space ,
value = f " Last but not least, feel free to go into <#669775971297132556> to introduce yourself! " ,
inline = False )
# Send embed to #newpeople
await new_people . send ( embed = embed )
# Bot event for new member joining, sending an embed introducing them to the server
async def on_member_remove ( member ) :
# Get the guild
guild = member . guild
# Make sure the guild is Enso
if guild . id != enso_guild_ID :
try :
# With the database connection
with db . connection ( ) as conn :
# Delete the record of the member as they leave the server
insert_query = """ DELETE FROM members WHERE discordID = (?) """
val = member . id ,
cursor = conn . cursor ( )
# Execute the SQL Query
cursor . execute ( insert_query , val )
conn . commit ( )
print ( cursor . rowcount , " Record Deleted successfully from Members " )
except mariadb . Error as ex :
print ( " Parameterized Query Failed: {} " . format ( ex ) )
# Bot Event for handling all errors within discord.commands
async def on_command_error ( ctx , args2 ) :
# if the user did not specify an user
if isinstance ( args2 , commands . MissingRequiredArgument ) :
await on_command_missing_user ( ctx )
# if the user has spammed a command and invoked a cooldown
elif isinstance ( args2 , commands . CommandOnCooldown ) :
await on_command_cooldown ( ctx , args2 )
# if the user does not the correct permissions to call a command
elif isinstance ( args2 , commands . CheckFailure ) :
await on_command_permission ( ctx )
# Async def for handling cooldown error/permission errors
async def on_command_cooldown ( ctx , error ) :
# Send an error message to the user telling them that the command is on cooldown
message = await ctx . send ( f ' That command is on cooldown. Try again in ** { error . retry_after : ,.2f } ** seconds. ' )
# Let the User read the message for 2.5 seconds
await asyncio . sleep ( 2.5 )
# Delete the message
await message . delete ( )
# Async def for handling permission errors
async def on_command_permission ( ctx ) :
# Send an error message to the user saying that they don't have permission to use this command
message = await ctx . send ( " **Uh oh! You don ' t have permission to use this command!** " )
# Let the user read the message for 2.5 seconds
await asyncio . sleep ( 2.5 )
# Delete the message
await message . delete ( )
async def on_command_missing_user ( ctx ) :
# Send an error message to the user saying that an argument is missing
message = await ctx . send ( " **Uh oh! Couldn ' t find anyone to mention! Try again!** " )
# Let the user read the message for 2.5 seconds
await asyncio . sleep ( 2.5 )
# Delete the message
await message . delete ( )
# Run the bot, allowing it to come online
try :
client . run ( API_TOKEN )
except discord . errors . LoginFailure as e :
print ( " Login unsuccessful. " )
def write_to_dm_file ( time , author , content ) :
with open ( ' images/logs/dm-logs.txt ' , mode = ' a ' ) as dm_logs_file :
dm_logs_file . write ( f " { time } : { author } : { content } " )
# File Writing Variables
time = message . created_at
msg_time = time . strftime ( ' % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % S ' )
msg_author = message . author
msg_content = message . content