You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
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import asyncio
import discord
from decouple import config
from discord.ext import commands
# Getting the Bot token from Environment Variables
4 years ago
# Bot Prefix
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='~')
# Instantiates a list for all the cogs
extensions = ['cogs.WaifuImages', 'cogs.FunCommands', 'cogs.Music',
'cogs.HelpCommands', 'cogs.OwOText', 'cogs.Embeds']
# Calls the cogs
if __name__ == '__main__':
for ext in extensions:
# Bot Status on Discord
4 years ago
async def on_ready():
print('Bot is ready.')
await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name="I'm scared"))
4 years ago
# Bot ~Ping command in milliseconds
@commands.has_any_role('Hamothy', 'Servant')
async def ping(ctx):
4 years ago
await ctx.send(f'Pong! {round(client.latency * 1000)}ms')
# Bot Event for handling cooldown error
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown):
message = await ctx.send(f'That command is on cooldown. Try again in {error.retry_after:,.2f} seconds.')
# Let the user read the message for 2.5 seconds
await asyncio.sleep(2.5)
# Delete the message
await message.delete()
async def on_command_error(ctx, target: discord.member):
if isinstance(target, commands.MissingRequiredArgument):
message = await ctx.send("Uh oh! Couldn't find anyone to mention! Try again!")
# Let the user read the message for 2.5 seconds
await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
# Delete the message
await message.delete()
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure):
message = await ctx.send("Uh oh! You don't have permission to use this command!")
# Let the user read the message for 2.5 seconds
await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
# Delete the message
await message.delete()
except discord.errors.LoginFailure as e:
print("Login unsuccessful.")
async def users(ctx):
server_id = client.get_guild(663651584399507476)
await ctx.send(f"""Number of Members: {server_id.member_count}""")
async def on_message(message, target: discord.Member,):
player1 =
player2 = target.mention
channel =
if message.content.startswith('~punch'):
channel =
await channel.send(f"**Deathmatch started! {player1} vs {player2}**"
f"\n What do you want to do {}?"
f"\n 1) Punch"
f"\n 2) Kick")
def check(m):
return m.content == 'punch' and == channel
msg = await client.wait_for('f"**{player1} punched {player2} for {punch(p2)} damage!**"', check=check)
await channel.send(msg)
async def on_message(message):
if message.content.startswith('~hello'):
channel =
await channel.send('Say hello!')
def check(m):
return m.content == 'hello' and == channel
msg = await client.wait_for('message', check=check)
await channel.send('Hello {.author}!'.format(msg))
def check(author):
def inner_check(message):
return == author and message.content == "Hello"
return inner_check
msg = await client.wait_for('message', check=check(, timeout=30)
await ctx.send(msg)
# def check(m):
# return m.content == 'punch' and == channel
# = await client.wait_for('message', check=check)
# await channel.send(f"**{player1} punched {player2} for {punch(p2)} damage!**")
except Exception as e:
async def deathmatch(ctx, target: discord.Member):
player1 =
player2 = target.mention
channel =
p1 = 100
p2 = 100
await ctx.send(f"**Deathmatch started! {player1} vs {player2}**"
f"\n What do you want to do {}?"
f"\n 1) Punch"
f"\n 2) Kick")
def check(m):
return m.content == 'punch' and == channel
msg = await client.wait_for('message', check=check)
await channel.send(msg)
def punch(p2, player1, player2):
damage = random.randint(1, 100)
p2 -= damage
return f"**{player1} punched {player2} for {punch(p2)} damage!**"