# Ensō~Chan - A Multi Purpose Discord Bot That Has Everything Your Server Needs!
# Copyright (C) 2020 Goudham Suresh
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import asyncio
import datetime
import random
from discord import Member, Embed, Colour
from discord.ext.commands import BucketType, command, cooldown, bot_has_permissions, Cog
from settings import colour_list
# Sets up the embed for the marriage info
def marriageInfo(target, marriedUser, marriedDate, currentDate, married):
# Make sure that non-users can still use the marriage
if not married:
# Set up the fields for the embed
fields = [("Married To", "No One", False),
("Marriage Date", "N/A", False),
("Days Married", "N/A", False)]
# Calculate the days married
marriedTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(marriedDate, "%a, %b %d, %Y")
currentTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(currentDate, "%a, %b %d, %Y")
delta = currentTime - marriedTime
# Set up the fields for the embed
fields = [("Married To", marriedUser.mention, False),
("Marriage Date", marriedDate, False),
("Days Married", delta.days, False)]
# Set the title, colour, timestamp and thumbnail
embed = Embed(title=f"{target.name}'s Marriage Information",
# Add fields to the embed
for name, value, inline in fields:
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
return embed
# Set up the Cog
class Relationship(Cog):
"""Marry/Divorce etc!"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def on_ready(self):
"""Printing out that Cog is ready on startup"""
print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} Cog has been loaded\n-----")
@command(name="marry", aliases=["Marry"])
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def marry(self, ctx, member: Member):
"""Wed your Lover!"""
# Getting the guild of the user
guild = ctx.author.guild
# Setup pool
pool = self.bot.db
# Make sure that the user cannot marry themselves
if member.id == ctx.author.id:
await ctx.send("**Senpaii! ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰ You can't possibly marry yourself!**")
# Setup pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as author_cursor:
# Get the author's/members row from the Members Table
select_query = """SELECT * FROM members WHERE discordID = (%s) and guildID = (%s)"""
author_val = ctx.author.id, guild.id,
member_val = member.id, guild.id,
# Execute the Author SQL Query
await author_cursor.execute(select_query, author_val)
author_result = await author_cursor.fetchone()
married_user = author_result[1]
# Make sure that the person is not already married to someone else within the server
if married_user is not None:
member = guild.get_member(int(married_user))
await ctx.send(f"**((╬◣﹏◢)) You're already married to {member.mention}!**")
# Set up new cursor for member row
async with conn.cursor() as member_cursor:
# Execute the Member SQL Query
await member_cursor.execute(select_query, member_val)
member_result = await member_cursor.fetchone()
target_user = member_result[1]
if target_user is not None:
member = guild.get_member(int(target_user))
await ctx.send(f"**Sorry! That user is already married to {member.mention}**")
# Send a message to the channel mentioning the author and the person they want to wed.
await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.mention} **Proposes To** {member.mention}"
f"\n**Do you accept??**"
f"\nRespond with [**Y**es/**N**o]")
# A check that makes sure that the reply is not from the author
# and that the reply is in the same channel as the proposal
def check(m):
return m.author == member and m.channel == ctx.channel
# Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur
# Wait for the message from the mentioned user
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=90.0)
# if the person says yes
if msg.content.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'yea']:
# Setup pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
message_time = msg.created_at.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y")
# Update the existing records in the database with the user that they are marrying along with the time of the accepted proposal
update_query = """UPDATE members SET married = (%s), marriedDate = (%s) WHERE discordID = (%s) AND guildID = (%s)"""
proposer = member.id, message_time, ctx.author.id, guild.id,
proposee = ctx.author.id, message_time, member.id, guild.id,
# Execute the SQL Query's
await cur.execute(update_query, proposer)
await cur.execute(update_query, proposee)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, "2 people have been married!")
# Congratulate them!
await ctx.send(
f"**Congratulations! 。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。 {ctx.author.mention} and {member.mention} are now married to each other!**")
# if the person says no
elif msg.content.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'nah']:
# Try to console the person and wish them the best in their life
await ctx.send(f"**{ctx.author.mention} It's okay king. Pick up your crown and move on (◕‿◕✿)**")
# Abort the process as the message sent did not make sense
await ctx.send("**Senpaiiii! (。╯︵╰。) Speak English Please**")
except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex:
# Send out an error message if the user waited too long
await ctx.send("**(。T ω T。) {} waited too long**".format(member.mention))
@command(name="divorce", aliases=["Divorce"])
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def divorce(self, ctx, member: Member):
"""Divorce your Partner!"""
# Getting the guild of the user
guild = ctx.author.guild
# Setup pool
pool = self.bot.db
# Make sure that the user cannot divorce themselves
if member.id == ctx.author.id:
await ctx.send("**Senpaii! ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰ You can't possibly divorce yourself!**")
# Setup pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Get the author's row from the Members Table
select_query = """SELECT * FROM members WHERE discordID = (%s) and guildID = (%s)"""
val = ctx.author.id, guild.id,
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(select_query, val)
result = await cur.fetchone()
married_user = result[1]
# Make sure that the person trying to divorce is actually married to the user
if married_user is None:
await ctx.send(f"**((╬◣﹏◢)) You must be married in order to divorce someone! Baka!**")
# Make sure the person is married to the person that they're trying to divorce
elif married_user != str(member.id):
member = guild.get_member(int(married_user))
await ctx.send(f"**(ノ ゜口゜)ノ You can only divorce the person that you're married!"
f"\n That person is {member.mention}**")
# Send a message to the channel mentioning the author and the person they want to wed.
await ctx.send(
f"{ctx.author.mention} **Wishes to Divorce** {member.mention}"
f"\n**Are you willing to break this sacred bond?**"
f"\nRespond with [**Y**es/**N**o]")
# A check that makes sure that the reply is not from the author
# and that the reply is in the same channel as the proposal
def check(m):
return m.author == member and m.channel == ctx.channel
# Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur
# Wait for the message from the mentioned user
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=90.0)
# if the person says yes
if msg.content.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'yea']:
# Setup pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Update the existing records in the database with the user that they are marrying along with the time of the accepted proposal
update_query = """UPDATE members SET married = null, marriedDate = null WHERE discordID = (%s) and guildID = (%s)"""
divorcer = ctx.author.id, guild.id,
divorcee = member.id, guild.id,
# Execute the SQL Query's
await cur.execute(update_query, divorcer)
await cur.execute(update_query, divorcee)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, "2 Members have been divorced :(!")
# Congratulate them!
await ctx.send(
f"**૮( ´⁰▱๋⁰ )ა {ctx.author.mention} and {member.mention} are now divorced."
f"\nI hope you two can find happiness in life with other people**")
# if the person says no
elif msg.content.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'nah']:
# Try to console the person and wish them the best in their life
await ctx.send(
f"**{ctx.author.mention} Sorry but you're gonna need {member.mention}'s consent to move forward with this!**")
# Abort the process as the message sent did not make sense
await ctx.send("**Senpaiiii! (。╯︵╰。) Speak English Please**")
except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex:
# Send out an error message if the user waited too long
await ctx.send("**(。T ω T。) {} waited too long**".format(member.mention))
@command(name="marriageinfo", aliases=["minfo", "Minfo"])
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def m_info(self, ctx, member: Member = None):
"""Marriage Information!"""
# If a target has been specified, set them as the user
if member:
member = member
# If no target has been specified, choose the author
member = ctx.author
# Getting the guild of the user
guild = member.guild
# Setup pool
pool = self.bot.db
# Setup pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Get the author's row from the Members Table
select_query = """SELECT * FROM members WHERE discordID = (%s) and guildID = (%s)"""
val = member.id, guild.id,
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(select_query, val)
result = await cur.fetchone()
user = result[1]
marriage_date = result[2]
# Set empty values for non-married users
if user is None:
married = False
marriedUser = ""
marriedDate = ""
# Set the member, date married and setting married status
marriedUser = guild.get_member(int(user))
marriedDate = marriage_date
married = True
# Get the current date of the message sent by the user
currentDate = ctx.message.created_at.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y")
# Get the marriage info embed and then send it to the display
embed = marriageInfo(member, marriedUser, marriedDate, currentDate, married)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def setup(bot):