@ -136,11 +136,23 @@ class GetInfo(commands.Cog):
# Display all the emojis in the server as it is less than 20
emojis = " ".join(map(str, ctx.guild.emojis))
# Define the statuses of the members within the discord
statuses = [len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "online", ctx.guild.members))),
len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "idle", ctx.guild.members))),
len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "dnd", ctx.guild.members))),
len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "offline", ctx.guild.members)))]
# Defining a dictionary of the statuses
member_status = {
"online": 0,
"idle": 0,
"dnd": 0,
"offline": 0
# Iterating over the members and then storing the numbers in the dictionary
for m in ctx.guild.members:
member_status[str(m.status)] += 1
# Storing the statuses in an array
statuses = [member_status["online"],
# Set up embed to display all the server information
embed = Embed(title="**Server Information**",