@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ def help_menu(self, guild_icon):
# Setting up the fields in a separate array
modmail_fields = [(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}mmsetup set modmail `<channelID>`**",
modmail_fields = [(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}mmsetup set `<channelID>`**",
"Sets up the modmail system in the guild,"
"channelID given will be the channel that the user will interact with", False),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}mmsetup update modmail `<channelID>`**",
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}mmsetup update `<channelID>`**",
"Updates the channel that the modmail will be sent to", False),
(f"**{self.ctx.prefix}mmsetup delete modmail**",
"Existing modmail system will be deleted", False)]