@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import datetime
import io
import random
import aiomysql
import discord
from discord import Embed, TextChannel
from discord import File
@ -261,23 +260,12 @@ class Guild(Cog):
mod_log_setup = True
await self.bot.storage_modlog_for_guild(self.bot.db, ctx, user_channel.id, mod_log_setup)
async def mlsetup_command_error(self, ctx, exc):
"""Catching error if channel is not recognised"""
if isinstance(exc, BadArgument):
text = "**Channel Not Detected... Aborting Process**"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
async def mlupdate(self, ctx, user_channel: TextChannel):
"""Change the Channel that your Modlogs are Sent to"""
# Retrieve a list of channel id's in the guild
channels = [channel for channel in ctx.guild.channels]
# Setup pool
pool = self.bot.db
@ -298,11 +286,6 @@ class Guild(Cog):
f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help modlogs** to find out more!"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
# Abort the process if the channel does not exist within the guild
if user_channel not in channels:
text = "**Invalid ChannelID Detected... Aborting Process**"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
# Update the modlog channel within the database and cache
mod_log_setup = False
@ -365,15 +348,13 @@ class Guild(Cog):
async def mmsetup(self, ctx, channelID: int):
async def mmsetup(self, ctx, user_channel: TextChannel, modmail_channel: TextChannel):
Setup Modmail System
Input the ID of the Channel where the Modmail will be sent
First Argument: Input Channel(Mention or ID) where members can send modmail
Second Argument: Input Channel(Mention or ID) where the members mail should be sent
# Retrieve a list of channel id's in the guild
channels = [channel.id for channel in ctx.guild.channels]
# Setup pool
pool = self.bot.db
@ -382,7 +363,7 @@ class Guild(Cog):
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Get the author's row from the Members Table
select_query = """SELECT * FROM moderatormail WHERE guildID = (%s)"""
val = ctx.author.guild.id,
val = ctx.guild.id,
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(select_query, val)
@ -395,87 +376,48 @@ class Guild(Cog):
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
# As long as the channel exists within the guild
if channelID in channels:
desc = "React to this message if you want to send a message to the Staff Team!" \
"\n\n**React with ✅**" \
"\n\nWe encourage all suggestions/thoughts and opinions on the server!" \
"\nAs long as it is **valid** criticism." \
"\n\n\n**Purely negative feedback will not be considered.**"
# Ask for the channel ID that the modmail should be logged to
await ctx.send("**Please enter the ID of the channel you want your modmail to be sent**")
# Set up embed to let the user how to start sending modmail
ModMail = Embed(title="**Welcome to Modmail!**",
# Check the response is from the author and from the same channel as the previous message
def check(m):
return m.author == ctx.author and m.channel == ctx.channel
modmail_message = await user_channel.send(embed=ModMail)
# Wait for the message from the author
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check)
# Auto add the ✅ reaction
await modmail_message.add_reaction('✅')
# As long as the channel exists within the guild
if int(msg.content) in channels:
desc = "React to this message if you want to send a message to the Staff Team!" \
"\n\n**React with ✅**" \
"\n\nWe encourage all suggestions/thoughts and opinions on the server!" \
"\nAs long as it is **valid** criticism." \
"\n\n\n**Purely negative feedback will not be considered.**"
# Set up embed to let the user how to start sending modmail
ModMail = Embed(title="**Welcome to Modmail!**",
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Define the insert statement that will insert information about the modmail channel
insert_query = """INSERT INTO moderatormail (guildID, channelID, messageID, modmailChannelID) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"""
vals = ctx.guild.id, user_channel.id, modmail_message.id, modmail_channel.id,
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(insert_query, vals)
await conn.commit()
# Get the channel object from the channelID input by the user
channel = ctx.author.guild.get_channel(channelID)
modmailchannelID = await channel.send(embed=ModMail)
# Auto add the ✅ reaction
await modmailchannelID.add_reaction('✅')
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Define the insert statement that will insert information about the modmail channel
insert_query = """INSERT INTO moderatormail (guildID, channelID, messageID, modmailChannelID) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"""
vals = ctx.author.guild.id, channelID, modmailchannelID.id, int(msg.content),
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(insert_query, vals)
await conn.commit()
text = "**Modmail System** is successfully set up!" \
f"\nRefer to **{ctx.prefix}help modmail** for more information"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
except aiomysql.IntegrityError:
text = "**Modmail System** already set up!" \
f"\nRefer to **{ctx.prefix}help modmail** for more information"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
# Send error message if the channel ID is not recognised
text = "**Invalid ChannelID Detected... Aborting Process**"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
# Send error message if the channel ID is not recognised
text = "**Invalid ChannelID Detected... Aborting Process**"
text = "**Modmail System** is successfully set up!" \
f"\nRefer to **{ctx.prefix}help modmail** for more information"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
async def mmupdate(self, ctx, channelID: int):
async def mmupdate(self, ctx, user_channel: TextChannel):
Update the Channel that the Modmail is logged to
Input the ID of the New Channel
You can Mention or use the Channel ID
# Retrieve a list of channel id's in the guild
channels = [channel.id for channel in ctx.guild.channels]
# Setup pool
pool = self.bot.db
@ -484,7 +426,7 @@ class Guild(Cog):
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Get the author's row from the Members Table
select_query = """SELECT * FROM moderatormail WHERE guildID = (%s)"""
vals = ctx.author.guild.id,
vals = ctx.guild.id,
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(select_query, vals)
@ -497,36 +439,21 @@ class Guild(Cog):
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
# As long as the channel exists within the guild
if channelID in channels:
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Define the update statement that will insert information about the modmail channel
update_query = """UPDATE moderatormail SET modmailChannelID = (%s) WHERE guildID = (%s)"""
vals = channelID, ctx.author.guild.id
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(update_query, vals)
await conn.commit()
except aiomysql.Error:
text = "**Something Went Wrong! >:( Try Again Later!**"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Define the update statement that will insert information about the modmail channel
update_query = """UPDATE moderatormail SET modmailChannelID = (%s) WHERE guildID = (%s)"""
vals = user_channel.id, ctx.guild.id
# Send confirmation that the channel has been updated
channel = ctx.author.guild.get_channel(channelID)
text = "**Channel Updated**" \
f"\nNew Modmail will be sent to {channel.mention}"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(update_query, vals)
await conn.commit()
# Send error message if the channel ID is not recognised
text = "**Invalid ChannelID Detected... Aborting Process**"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
# Send confirmation that the channel has been updated
text = "**Channel Updated**" \
f"\nNew Modmail will be sent to {user_channel.mention}"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
@ -734,6 +661,17 @@ class Guild(Cog):
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await user_channel.delete()
async def mlsetup_command_error(self, ctx, exc):
"""Catching error if channel is not recognised"""
if isinstance(exc, BadArgument):
text = "**Channel Not Detected... Aborting Process**"
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text)
def setup(bot):