mirror of https://github.com/sgoudham/Enso-Bot.git
Adding cathy package
@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
A parser for AIML files
from __future__ import print_function
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
from xml.sax.xmlreader import Locator
import sys
import xml.sax
import xml.sax.handler
from .constants import *
class AimlParserError(Exception):
class AimlHandler(ContentHandler):
A SAX handler for AIML files
# The legal states of the AIML parser
_STATE_OutsideAiml = 0
_STATE_InsideAiml = 1
_STATE_InsideCategory = 2
_STATE_InsidePattern = 3
_STATE_AfterPattern = 4
_STATE_InsideThat = 5
_STATE_AfterThat = 6
_STATE_InsideTemplate = 7
_STATE_AfterTemplate = 8
def __init__(self, encoding=None):
self.categories = {}
self._encoding = encoding
self._state = self._STATE_OutsideAiml
self._version = ""
self._namespace = ""
self._forwardCompatibleMode = False
self._currentPattern = ""
self._currentThat = ""
self._currentTopic = ""
self._insideTopic = False
self._currentUnknown = "" # the name of the current unknown element
# This is set to true when a parse error occurs in a category.
self._skipCurrentCategory = False
# Counts the number of parse errors in a particular AIML document.
# query with getNumErrors(). If 0, the document is AIML-compliant.
self._numParseErrors = 0
# TODO: select the proper validInfo table based on the version number.
self._validInfo = self._validationInfo101
# This stack of bools is used when parsing <li> elements inside
# <condition> elements, to keep track of whether or not an
# attribute-less "default" <li> element has been found yet. Only
# one default <li> is allowed in each <condition> element. We need
# a stack in order to correctly handle nested <condition> tags.
self._foundDefaultLiStack = []
# This stack of strings indicates what the current whitespace-handling
# behavior should be. Each string in the stack is either "default" or
# "preserve". When a new AIML element is encountered, a new string is
# pushed onto the stack, based on the value of the element's "xml:space"
# attribute (if absent, the top of the stack is pushed again). When
# ending an element, pop an object off the stack.
self._whitespaceBehaviorStack = ["default"]
self._elemStack = []
self._locator = Locator()
def getNumErrors(self):
"Return the number of errors found while parsing the current document."
return self._numParseErrors
def setEncoding(self, encoding):
Set the text encoding to use when encoding strings read from XML.
Defaults to no encoding.
self._encoding = encoding
def _location(self):
"Return a string describing the current location in the source file."
line = self._locator.getLineNumber()
column = self._locator.getColumnNumber()
return "(line %d, column %d)" % (line, column)
def _pushWhitespaceBehavior(self, attr):
"""Push a new string onto the whitespaceBehaviorStack.
The string's value is taken from the "xml:space" attribute, if it exists
and has a legal value ("default" or "preserve"). Otherwise, the previous
stack element is duplicated.
assert len(self._whitespaceBehaviorStack) > 0, "Whitespace behavior stack should never be empty!"
if attr["xml:space"] == "default" or attr["xml:space"] == "preserve":
raise AimlParserError( "Invalid value for xml:space attribute "+self._location() )
except KeyError:
def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attr):
print( "QNAME:", qname )
print( "NAME:", name )
uri,elem = name
if (elem == "bot"):
print( "name:", attr.getValueByQName("name"), "a'ite?" )
self.startElement(elem, attr)
def startElement(self, name, attr):
# Wrapper around _startElement, which catches errors in _startElement()
# and keeps going.
# If we're inside an unknown element, ignore everything until we're
# out again.
if self._currentUnknown != "":
# If we're skipping the current category, ignore everything until
# it's finished.
if self._skipCurrentCategory:
# process this start-element.
try: self._startElement(name, attr)
except AimlParserError as err:
# Print the error message
sys.stderr.write("PARSE ERROR: %s\n" % err)
self._numParseErrors += 1 # increment error count
# In case of a parse error, if we're inside a category, skip it.
if self._state >= self._STATE_InsideCategory:
self._skipCurrentCategory = True
def _startElement(self, name, attr):
if name == "aiml":
# <aiml> tags are only legal in the OutsideAiml state
if self._state != self._STATE_OutsideAiml:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected <aiml> tag "+self._location() )
self._state = self._STATE_InsideAiml
self._insideTopic = False
self._currentTopic = u""
try: self._version = attr["version"]
except KeyError:
# This SHOULD be a syntax error, but so many AIML sets out there are missing
# "version" attributes that it just seems nicer to let it slide.
#raise AimlParserError( "Missing 'version' attribute in <aiml> tag "+self._location() )
#print( "WARNING: Missing 'version' attribute in <aiml> tag "+self._location() )
#print( " Defaulting to version 1.0" )
self._version = "1.0"
self._forwardCompatibleMode = (self._version != "1.0.1")
# Not sure about this namespace business yet...
# self._namespace = attr["xmlns"]
# if self._version == "1.0.1" and self._namespace != "http://alicebot.org/2001/AIML-1.0.1":
# raise AimlParserError( "Incorrect namespace for AIML v1.0.1 "+self._location() )
#except KeyError:
# if self._version != "1.0":
# raise AimlParserError( "Missing 'version' attribute(s) in <aiml> tag "+self._location() )
elif self._state == self._STATE_OutsideAiml:
# If we're outside of an AIML element, we ignore all tags.
elif name == "topic":
# <topic> tags are only legal in the InsideAiml state, and only
# if we're not already inside a topic.
if (self._state != self._STATE_InsideAiml) or self._insideTopic:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected <topic> tag", self._location() )
try: self._currentTopic = unicode(attr['name'])
except KeyError:
raise AimlParserError( "Required \"name\" attribute missing in <topic> element "+self._location() )
self._insideTopic = True
elif name == "category":
# <category> tags are only legal in the InsideAiml state
if self._state != self._STATE_InsideAiml:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected <category> tag "+self._location() )
self._state = self._STATE_InsideCategory
self._currentPattern = u""
self._currentThat = u""
# If we're not inside a topic, the topic is implicitly set to *
if not self._insideTopic: self._currentTopic = u"*"
self._elemStack = []
elif name == "pattern":
# <pattern> tags are only legal in the InsideCategory state
if self._state != self._STATE_InsideCategory:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected <pattern> tag "+self._location() )
self._state = self._STATE_InsidePattern
elif name == "that" and self._state == self._STATE_AfterPattern:
# <that> are legal either inside a <template> element, or
# inside a <category> element, between the <pattern> and the
# <template> elements. This clause handles the latter case.
self._state = self._STATE_InsideThat
elif name == "template":
# <template> tags are only legal in the AfterPattern and AfterThat
# states
if self._state not in [self._STATE_AfterPattern, self._STATE_AfterThat]:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected <template> tag "+self._location() )
# if no <that> element was specified, it is implicitly set to *
if self._state == self._STATE_AfterPattern:
self._currentThat = u"*"
self._state = self._STATE_InsideTemplate
elif self._state == self._STATE_InsidePattern:
# Certain tags are allowed inside <pattern> elements.
if name == "bot" and "name" in attr and attr["name"] == u"name":
# Insert a special character string that the PatternMgr will
# replace with the bot's name.
self._currentPattern += u" BOT_NAME "
raise AimlParserError( ( "Unexpected <%s> tag " % name)+self._location() )
elif self._state == self._STATE_InsideThat:
# Certain tags are allowed inside <that> elements.
if name == "bot" and "name" in attr and attr["name"] == u"name":
# Insert a special character string that the PatternMgr will
# replace with the bot's name.
self._currentThat += u" BOT_NAME "
raise AimlParserError( ("Unexpected <%s> tag " % name)+self._location() )
elif self._state == self._STATE_InsideTemplate and name in self._validInfo:
# Starting a new element inside the current pattern. First
# we need to convert 'attr' into a native Python dictionary,
# so it can later be marshaled.
it = ( (unicode(k),unicode(v)) for k,v in attr.items() )
attrDict = dict( it )
self._validateElemStart(name, attrDict, self._version)
# Push the current element onto the element stack.
self._elemStack.append( [unicode(name),attrDict] )
# If this is a condition element, push a new entry onto the
# foundDefaultLiStack
if name == "condition":
# we're now inside an unknown element.
if self._forwardCompatibleMode:
# In Forward Compatibility Mode, we ignore the element and its
# contents.
self._currentUnknown = name
# Otherwise, unknown elements are grounds for error!
raise AimlParserError( ("Unexpected <%s> tag " % name)+self._location() )
def characters(self, ch):
# Wrapper around _characters which catches errors in _characters()
# and keeps going.
if self._state == self._STATE_OutsideAiml:
# If we're outside of an AIML element, we ignore all text
if self._currentUnknown != "":
# If we're inside an unknown element, ignore all text
if self._skipCurrentCategory:
# If we're skipping the current category, ignore all text.
try: self._characters(ch)
except AimlParserError as msg:
# Print the message
sys.stderr.write("PARSE ERROR: %s\n" % msg)
self._numParseErrors += 1 # increment error count
# In case of a parse error, if we're inside a category, skip it.
if self._state >= self._STATE_InsideCategory:
self._skipCurrentCategory = True
def _characters(self, ch):
text = unicode(ch)
if self._state == self._STATE_InsidePattern:
# TODO: text inside patterns must be upper-case!
self._currentPattern += text
elif self._state == self._STATE_InsideThat:
self._currentThat += text
elif self._state == self._STATE_InsideTemplate:
# First, see whether the element at the top of the element stack
# is permitted to contain text.
parent = self._elemStack[-1][0]
parentAttr = self._elemStack[-1][1]
required, optional, canBeParent = self._validInfo[parent]
nonBlockStyleCondition = (parent == "condition" and not ("name" in parentAttr and "value" in parentAttr))
if not canBeParent:
raise AimlParserError( ("Unexpected text inside <%s> element "%parent)+self._location() )
elif parent == "random" or nonBlockStyleCondition:
# <random> elements can only contain <li> subelements. However,
# there's invariably some whitespace around the <li> that we need
# to ignore. Same for non-block-style <condition> elements (i.e.
# those which don't have both a "name" and a "value" attribute).
if len(text.strip()) == 0:
# ignore whitespace inside these elements.
# non-whitespace text inside these elements is a syntax error.
raise AimlParserError( ("Unexpected text inside <%s> element "%parent)+self._location() )
except IndexError:
# the element stack is empty. This should never happen.
raise AimlParserError( "Element stack is empty while validating text "+self._location() )
# Add a new text element to the element at the top of the element
# stack. If there's already a text element there, simply append the
# new characters to its contents.
try: textElemOnStack = (self._elemStack[-1][-1][0] == "text")
except IndexError: textElemOnStack = False
except KeyError: textElemOnStack = False
if textElemOnStack:
self._elemStack[-1][-1][2] += text
self._elemStack[-1].append(["text", {"xml:space": self._whitespaceBehaviorStack[-1]}, text])
# all other text is ignored
def endElementNS(self, name, qname):
uri, elem = name
def endElement(self, name):
"""Wrapper around _endElement which catches errors in _characters()
and keeps going.
if self._state == self._STATE_OutsideAiml:
# If we're outside of an AIML element, ignore all tags
if self._currentUnknown != "":
# see if we're at the end of an unknown element. If so, we can
# stop ignoring everything.
if name == self._currentUnknown:
self._currentUnknown = ""
if self._skipCurrentCategory:
# If we're skipping the current category, see if it's ending. We
# stop on ANY </category> tag, since we're not keeping track of
# state in ignore-mode.
if name == "category":
self._skipCurrentCategory = False
self._state = self._STATE_InsideAiml
try: self._endElement(name)
except AimlParserError as msg:
# Print the message
sys.stderr.write("PARSE ERROR: %s\n" % msg)
self._numParseErrors += 1 # increment error count
# In case of a parse error, if we're inside a category, skip it.
if self._state >= self._STATE_InsideCategory:
self._skipCurrentCategory = True
def _endElement(self, name):
Verify that an AIML end element is valid in the current context.
Raises an AimlParserError if an illegal end element is encountered.
if name == "aiml":
# </aiml> tags are only legal in the InsideAiml state
if self._state != self._STATE_InsideAiml:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected </aiml> tag "+self._location() )
self._state = self._STATE_OutsideAiml
elif name == "topic":
# </topic> tags are only legal in the InsideAiml state, and
# only if _insideTopic is true.
if self._state != self._STATE_InsideAiml or not self._insideTopic:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected </topic> tag "+self._location() )
self._insideTopic = False
self._currentTopic = u""
elif name == "category":
# </category> tags are only legal in the AfterTemplate state
if self._state != self._STATE_AfterTemplate:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected </category> tag "+self._location() )
self._state = self._STATE_InsideAiml
# End the current category. Store the current pattern/that/topic and
# element in the categories dictionary.
key = (self._currentPattern.strip(), self._currentThat.strip(),self._currentTopic.strip())
self.categories[key] = self._elemStack[-1]
elif name == "pattern":
# </pattern> tags are only legal in the InsidePattern state
if self._state != self._STATE_InsidePattern:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected </pattern> tag "+self._location() )
self._state = self._STATE_AfterPattern
elif name == "that" and self._state == self._STATE_InsideThat:
# </that> tags are only allowed inside <template> elements or in
# the InsideThat state. This clause handles the latter case.
self._state = self._STATE_AfterThat
elif name == "template":
# </template> tags are only allowed in the InsideTemplate state.
if self._state != self._STATE_InsideTemplate:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected </template> tag "+self._location() )
self._state = self._STATE_AfterTemplate
elif self._state == self._STATE_InsidePattern:
# Certain tags are allowed inside <pattern> elements.
if name not in ["bot"]:
raise AimlParserError( ("Unexpected </%s> tag " % name)+self._location() )
elif self._state == self._STATE_InsideThat:
# Certain tags are allowed inside <that> elements.
if name not in ["bot"]:
raise AimlParserError( ("Unexpected </%s> tag " % name)+self._location() )
elif self._state == self._STATE_InsideTemplate:
# End of an element inside the current template. Append the
# element at the top of the stack onto the one beneath it.
elem = self._elemStack.pop()
# If the element was a condition, pop an item off the
# foundDefaultLiStack as well.
if elem[0] == "condition": self._foundDefaultLiStack.pop()
# Unexpected closing tag
raise AimlParserError( ("Unexpected </%s> tag " % name)+self._location() )
# A dictionary containing a validation information for each AIML
# element. The keys are the names of the elements. The values are a
# tuple of three items. The first is a list containing the names of
# REQUIRED attributes, the second is a list of OPTIONAL attributes,
# and the third is a boolean value indicating whether or not the
# element can contain other elements and/or text (if False, the
# element can only appear in an atomic context, such as <date/>).
_validationInfo101 = {
"bot": ( ["name"], [], False ),
"condition": ( [], ["name", "value"], True ), # can only contain <li> elements
"date": ( [], [], False ),
"formal": ( [], [], True ),
"gender": ( [], [], True ),
"get": ( ["name"], [], False ),
"gossip": ( [], [], True ),
"id": ( [], [], False ),
"input": ( [], ["index"], False ),
"javascript": ( [], [], True ),
"learn": ( [], [], True ),
"li": ( [], ["name", "value"], True ),
"lowercase": ( [], [], True ),
"person": ( [], [], True ),
"person2": ( [], [], True ),
"random": ( [], [], True ), # can only contain <li> elements
"sentence": ( [], [], True ),
"set": ( ["name"], [], True),
"size": ( [], [], False ),
"sr": ( [], [], False ),
"srai": ( [], [], True ),
"star": ( [], ["index"], False ),
"system": ( [], [], True ),
"template": ( [], [], True ), # needs to be in the list because it can be a parent.
"that": ( [], ["index"], False ),
"thatstar": ( [], ["index"], False ),
"think": ( [], [], True ),
"topicstar": ( [], ["index"], False ),
"uppercase": ( [], [], True ),
"version": ( [], [], False ),
def _validateElemStart(self, name, attr, version):
Test the validity of an element starting inside a <template> element.
This function raises an AimlParserError exception if it the tag is
invalid. Otherwise, no news is good news.
# Check the element's attributes. Make sure that all required
# attributes are present, and that any remaining attributes are
# valid options.
required, optional, canBeParent = self._validInfo[name]
for a in required:
if a not in attr and not self._forwardCompatibleMode:
raise AimlParserError( ("Required \"%s\" attribute missing in <%s> element " % (a,name))+self._location() )
for a in attr:
if a in required: continue
if a[0:4] == "xml:": continue # attributes in the "xml" namespace can appear anywhere
if a not in optional and not self._forwardCompatibleMode:
raise AimlParserError( ("Unexpected \"%s\" attribute in <%s> element " % (a,name))+self._location() )
# special-case: several tags contain an optional "index" attribute.
# This attribute's value must be a positive integer.
if name in ["star", "thatstar", "topicstar"]:
for k,v in attr.items():
if k == "index":
temp = 0
try: temp = int(v)
raise AimlParserError( ("Bad type for \"%s\" attribute (expected integer, found \"%s\") " % (k,v))+self._location() )
if temp < 1:
raise AimlParserError( ("\"%s\" attribute must have non-negative value " % (k))+self._location() )
# See whether the containing element is permitted to contain
# subelements. If not, this element is invalid no matter what it is.
parent = self._elemStack[-1][0]
parentAttr = self._elemStack[-1][1]
except IndexError:
# If the stack is empty, no parent is present. This should never
# happen.
raise AimlParserError( ("Element stack is empty while validating <%s> " % name)+self._location() )
required, optional, canBeParent = self._validInfo[parent]
nonBlockStyleCondition = (parent == "condition" and not ("name" in parentAttr and "value" in parentAttr))
if not canBeParent:
raise AimlParserError( ("<%s> elements cannot have any contents "%parent)+self._location() )
# Special-case test if the parent element is <condition> (the
# non-block-style variant) or <random>: these elements can only
# contain <li> subelements.
elif (parent == "random" or nonBlockStyleCondition) and name!="li":
raise AimlParserError( ("<%s> elements can only contain <li> subelements "%parent)+self._location() )
# Special-case test for <li> elements, which can only be contained
# by non-block-style <condition> and <random> elements, and whose
# required attributes are dependent upon which attributes are
# present in the <condition> parent.
elif name=="li":
if not (parent=="random" or nonBlockStyleCondition):
raise AimlParserError( ("Unexpected <li> element contained by <%s> element "%parent)+self._location() )
if nonBlockStyleCondition:
if "name" in parentAttr:
# Single-predicate condition. Each <li> element except the
# last must have a "value" attribute.
if len(attr) == 0:
# This could be the default <li> element for this <condition>,
# unless we've already found one.
if self._foundDefaultLiStack[-1]:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected default <li> element inside <condition> "+self._location() )
self._foundDefaultLiStack[-1] = True
elif len(attr) == 1 and "value" in attr:
pass # this is the valid case
raise AimlParserError( "Invalid <li> inside single-predicate <condition> "+self._location() )
elif len(parentAttr) == 0:
# Multi-predicate condition. Each <li> element except the
# last must have a "name" and a "value" attribute.
if len(attr) == 0:
# This could be the default <li> element for this <condition>,
# unless we've already found one.
if self._foundDefaultLiStack[-1]:
raise AimlParserError( "Unexpected default <li> element inside <condition> "+self._location() )
self._foundDefaultLiStack[-1] = True
elif len(attr) == 2 and "value" in attr and "name" in attr:
pass # this is the valid case
raise AimlParserError( "Invalid <li> inside multi-predicate <condition> "+self._location() )
# All is well!
return True
def create_parser():
"""Create and return an AIML parser object."""
parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
handler = AimlHandler("UTF-8")
#parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, True)
return parser
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
"""This file contains the default (English) substitutions for the
PyAIML kernel. These substitutions may be overridden by using the
Kernel.loadSubs(filename) method. The filename specified should refer
to a Windows-style INI file with the following format:
# lines that start with '#' are comments
# The 'gender' section contains the substitutions performed by the
# <gender> AIML tag, which swaps masculine and feminine pronouns.
he = she
she = he
# and so on...
# The 'person' section contains the substitutions performed by the
# <person> AIML tag, which swaps 1st and 2nd person pronouns.
I = you
you = I
# and so on...
# The 'person2' section contains the substitutions performed by
# the <person2> AIML tag, which swaps 1st and 3nd person pronouns.
I = he
he = I
# and so on...
# the 'normal' section contains subtitutions run on every input
# string passed into Kernel.respond(). It's mainly used to
# correct common misspellings, and to convert contractions
# ("WHAT'S") into a format that will match an AIML pattern ("WHAT
# IS").
what's = what is
defaultGender = {
# masculine -> feminine
"he": "she",
"him": "her",
"his": "her",
"himself": "herself",
# feminine -> masculine
"she": "he",
"her": "him",
"hers": "his",
"herself": "himself",
defaultPerson = {
# 1st->3rd (masculine)
"I": "he",
"me": "him",
"my": "his",
"mine": "his",
"myself": "himself",
# 3rd->1st (masculine)
# 3rd->1st (feminine)
defaultPerson2 = {
# 1st -> 2nd
"I": "you",
"me": "you",
"my": "your",
"mine": "yours",
"myself": "yourself",
# 2nd -> 1st
"you": "me",
"your": "my",
"yours": "mine",
"yourself": "myself",
# TODO: this list is far from complete
defaultNormal = {
"wanna": "want to",
"gonna": "going to",
"I'm": "I am",
"I'd": "I would",
"I'll": "I will",
"I've": "I have",
"you'd": "you would",
"you're": "you are",
"you've": "you have",
"you'll": "you will",
"he's": "he is",
"he'd": "he would",
"he'll": "he will",
"she's": "she is",
"she'd": "she would",
"she'll": "she will",
"we're": "we are",
"we'd": "we would",
"we'll": "we will",
"we've": "we have",
"they're": "they are",
"they'd": "they would",
"they'll": "they will",
"they've": "they have",
"y'all": "you all",
"can't": "can not",
"cannot": "can not",
"couldn't": "could not",
"wouldn't": "would not",
"shouldn't": "should not",
"isn't": "is not",
"ain't": "is not",
"don't": "do not",
"aren't": "are not",
"won't": "will not",
"weren't": "were not",
"wasn't": "was not",
"didn't": "did not",
"hasn't": "has not",
"hadn't": "had not",
"haven't": "have not",
"where's": "where is",
"where'd": "where did",
"where'll": "where will",
"who's": "who is",
"who'd": "who did",
"who'll": "who will",
"what's": "what is",
"what'd": "what did",
"what'll": "what will",
"when's": "when is",
"when'd": "when did",
"when'll": "when will",
"why's": "why is",
"why'd": "why did",
"why'll": "why will",
"it's": "it is",
"it'd": "it would",
"it'll": "it will",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
This class implements the AIML pattern-matching algorithm described
by Dr. Richard Wallace at the following site:
from __future__ import print_function
import marshal
import pprint
import re
import string
import sys
from .constants import *
class PatternMgr:
# special dictionary keys
_STAR = 1
_THAT = 3
_TOPIC = 4
def __init__(self):
self._root = {}
self._templateCount = 0
self._botName = u"Nameless"
punctuation = r"""`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|;:'",<.>/?"""
self._puncStripRE = re.compile("[" + re.escape(punctuation) + "]")
self._whitespaceRE = re.compile(r"\s+", re.UNICODE)
def numTemplates(self):
"""Return the number of templates currently stored."""
return self._templateCount
def setBotName(self, name):
"""Set the name of the bot, used to match <bot name="name"> tags in
patterns. The name must be a single word!
# Collapse a multi-word name into a single word
self._botName = unicode( ' '.join(name.split()) )
def dump(self):
"""Print all learned patterns, for debugging purposes."""
def save(self, filename):
"""Dump the current patterns to the file specified by filename. To
restore later, use restore().
outFile = open(filename, "wb")
marshal.dump(self._templateCount, outFile)
marshal.dump(self._botName, outFile)
marshal.dump(self._root, outFile)
except Exception as e:
print( "Error saving PatternMgr to file %s:" % filename )
def restore(self, filename):
"""Restore a previously save()d collection of patterns."""
inFile = open(filename, "rb")
self._templateCount = marshal.load(inFile)
self._botName = marshal.load(inFile)
self._root = marshal.load(inFile)
except Exception as e:
print( "Error restoring PatternMgr from file %s:" % filename )
def add(self, data, template):
"""Add a [pattern/that/topic] tuple and its corresponding template
to the node tree.
pattern,that,topic = data
# TODO: make sure words contains only legal characters
# (alphanumerics,*,_)
# Navigate through the node tree to the template's location, adding
# nodes if necessary.
node = self._root
for word in pattern.split():
key = word
if key == u"_":
key = self._UNDERSCORE
elif key == u"*":
key = self._STAR
elif key == u"BOT_NAME":
key = self._BOT_NAME
if key not in node:
node[key] = {}
node = node[key]
# navigate further down, if a non-empty "that" pattern was included
if len(that) > 0:
if self._THAT not in node:
node[self._THAT] = {}
node = node[self._THAT]
for word in that.split():
key = word
if key == u"_":
key = self._UNDERSCORE
elif key == u"*":
key = self._STAR
if key not in node:
node[key] = {}
node = node[key]
# navigate yet further down, if a non-empty "topic" string was included
if len(topic) > 0:
if self._TOPIC not in node:
node[self._TOPIC] = {}
node = node[self._TOPIC]
for word in topic.split():
key = word
if key == u"_":
key = self._UNDERSCORE
elif key == u"*":
key = self._STAR
if key not in node:
node[key] = {}
node = node[key]
# add the template.
if self._TEMPLATE not in node:
self._templateCount += 1
node[self._TEMPLATE] = template
def match(self, pattern, that, topic):
"""Return the template which is the closest match to pattern. The
'that' parameter contains the bot's previous response. The 'topic'
parameter contains the current topic of conversation.
Returns None if no template is found.
if len(pattern) == 0:
return None
# Mutilate the input. Remove all punctuation and convert the
# text to all caps.
input_ = pattern.upper()
input_ = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", input_)
if that.strip() == u"": that = u"ULTRABOGUSDUMMYTHAT" # 'that' must never be empty
thatInput = that.upper()
thatInput = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", thatInput)
thatInput = re.sub(self._whitespaceRE, " ", thatInput)
if topic.strip() == u"": topic = u"ULTRABOGUSDUMMYTOPIC" # 'topic' must never be empty
topicInput = topic.upper()
topicInput = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", topicInput)
# Pass the input off to the recursive call
patMatch, template = self._match(input_.split(), thatInput.split(), topicInput.split(), self._root)
return template
def star(self, starType, pattern, that, topic, index):
"""Returns a string, the portion of pattern that was matched by a *.
The 'starType' parameter specifies which type of star to find.
Legal values are:
- 'star': matches a star in the main pattern.
- 'thatstar': matches a star in the that pattern.
- 'topicstar': matches a star in the topic pattern.
# Mutilate the input. Remove all punctuation and convert the
# text to all caps.
input_ = pattern.upper()
input_ = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", input_)
input_ = re.sub(self._whitespaceRE, " ", input_)
if that.strip() == u"": that = u"ULTRABOGUSDUMMYTHAT" # 'that' must never be empty
thatInput = that.upper()
thatInput = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", thatInput)
thatInput = re.sub(self._whitespaceRE, " ", thatInput)
if topic.strip() == u"": topic = u"ULTRABOGUSDUMMYTOPIC" # 'topic' must never be empty
topicInput = topic.upper()
topicInput = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", topicInput)
topicInput = re.sub(self._whitespaceRE, " ", topicInput)
# Pass the input off to the recursive pattern-matcher
patMatch, template = self._match(input_.split(), thatInput.split(), topicInput.split(), self._root)
if template == None:
return ""
# Extract the appropriate portion of the pattern, based on the
# starType argument.
words = None
if starType == 'star':
patMatch = patMatch[:patMatch.index(self._THAT)]
words = input_.split()
elif starType == 'thatstar':
patMatch = patMatch[patMatch.index(self._THAT)+1 : patMatch.index(self._TOPIC)]
words = thatInput.split()
elif starType == 'topicstar':
patMatch = patMatch[patMatch.index(self._TOPIC)+1 :]
words = topicInput.split()
# unknown value
raise ValueError( "starType must be in ['star', 'thatstar', 'topicstar']" )
# compare the input string to the matched pattern, word by word.
# At the end of this loop, if foundTheRightStar is true, start and
# end will contain the start and end indices (in "words") of
# the substring that the desired star matched.
foundTheRightStar = False
start = end = j = numStars = k = 0
for i in range(len(words)):
# This condition is true after processing a star
# that ISN'T the one we're looking for.
if i < k:
# If we're reached the end of the pattern, we're done.
if j == len(patMatch):
if not foundTheRightStar:
if patMatch[j] in [self._STAR, self._UNDERSCORE]: #we got a star
numStars += 1
if numStars == index:
# This is the star we care about.
foundTheRightStar = True
start = i
# Iterate through the rest of the string.
for k in range (i, len(words)):
# If the star is at the end of the pattern,
# we know exactly where it ends.
if j+1 == len (patMatch):
end = len (words)
# If the words have started matching the
# pattern again, the star has ended.
if patMatch[j+1] == words[k]:
end = k - 1
i = k
# If we just finished processing the star we cared
# about, we exit the loop early.
if foundTheRightStar:
# Move to the next element of the pattern.
j += 1
# extract the star words from the original, unmutilated input.
if foundTheRightStar:
#print( ' '.join(pattern.split()[start:end+1]) )
if starType == 'star': return ' '.join(pattern.split()[start:end+1])
elif starType == 'thatstar': return ' '.join(that.split()[start:end+1])
elif starType == 'topicstar': return ' '.join(topic.split()[start:end+1])
else: return u""
def _match(self, words, thatWords, topicWords, root):
"""Return a tuple (pat, tem) where pat is a list of nodes, starting
at the root and leading to the matching pattern, and tem is the
matched template.
# base-case: if the word list is empty, return the current node's
# template.
if len(words) == 0:
# we're out of words.
pattern = []
template = None
if len(thatWords) > 0:
# If thatWords isn't empty, recursively
# pattern-match on the _THAT node with thatWords as words.
pattern, template = self._match(thatWords, [], topicWords, root[self._THAT])
if pattern != None:
pattern = [self._THAT] + pattern
except KeyError:
pattern = []
template = None
elif len(topicWords) > 0:
# If thatWords is empty and topicWords isn't, recursively pattern
# on the _TOPIC node with topicWords as words.
pattern, template = self._match(topicWords, [], [], root[self._TOPIC])
if pattern != None:
pattern = [self._TOPIC] + pattern
except KeyError:
pattern = []
template = None
if template == None:
# we're totally out of input. Grab the template at this node.
pattern = []
try: template = root[self._TEMPLATE]
except KeyError: template = None
return (pattern, template)
first = words[0]
suffix = words[1:]
# Check underscore.
# Note: this is causing problems in the standard AIML set, and is
# currently disabled.
if self._UNDERSCORE in root:
# Must include the case where suf is [] in order to handle the case
# where a * or _ is at the end of the pattern.
for j in range(len(suffix)+1):
suf = suffix[j:]
pattern, template = self._match(suf, thatWords, topicWords, root[self._UNDERSCORE])
if template is not None:
newPattern = [self._UNDERSCORE] + pattern
return (newPattern, template)
# Check first
if first in root:
pattern, template = self._match(suffix, thatWords, topicWords, root[first])
if template is not None:
newPattern = [first] + pattern
return (newPattern, template)
# check bot name
if self._BOT_NAME in root and first == self._botName:
pattern, template = self._match(suffix, thatWords, topicWords, root[self._BOT_NAME])
if template is not None:
newPattern = [first] + pattern
return (newPattern, template)
# check star
if self._STAR in root:
# Must include the case where suf is [] in order to handle the case
# where a * or _ is at the end of the pattern.
for j in range(len(suffix)+1):
suf = suffix[j:]
pattern, template = self._match(suf, thatWords, topicWords, root[self._STAR])
if template is not None:
newPattern = [self._STAR] + pattern
return (newPattern, template)
# No matches were found.
return (None, None)
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"""This file contains assorted general utility functions used by other
modules in the PyAIML package.
def sentences(s):
"""Split the string s into a list of sentences."""
try: s+""
except: raise TypeError( "s must be a string" )
pos = 0
sentenceList = []
l = len(s)
while pos < l:
try: p = s.index('.', pos)
except: p = l+1
try: q = s.index('?', pos)
except: q = l+1
try: e = s.index('!', pos)
except: e = l+1
end = min(p,q,e)
sentenceList.append( s[pos:end].strip() )
pos = end+1
# If no sentences were found, return a one-item list containing
# the entire input string.
if len(sentenceList) == 0: sentenceList.append(s)
return sentenceList
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
"""This module implements the WordSub class, modelled after a recipe
in "Python Cookbook" (Recipe 3.14, "Replacing Multiple Patterns in a
Single Pass" by Xavier Defrang).
Use this class like a dictionary to add before/after pairs:
> subber = TextSub()
> subber["before"] = "after"
> subber["begin"] = "end"
Use the sub() method to perform the substitution:
> print( subber.sub("before we begin") )
after we end
All matching is intelligently case-insensitive:
> print( subber.sub("Before we BEGIN") )
After we END
The 'before' words must be complete words -- no prefixes.
The following example illustrates this point:
> subber["he"] = "she"
> print( subber.sub("he says he'd like to help her") )
she says she'd like to help her
Note that "he" and "he'd" were replaced, but "help" and "her" were
from __future__ import print_function
# 'dict' objects weren't available to subclass from until version 2.2.
# Get around this by importing UserDict.UserDict if the built-in dict
# object isn't available.
try: dict
except: from UserDict import UserDict as dict
import re
import string
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
except ImportError:
from configparser import ConfigParser
class WordSub(dict):
"""All-in-one multiple-string-substitution class."""
def _wordToRegex(self, word):
"""Convert a word to a regex object which matches the word."""
if word != "" and word[0].isalpha() and word[-1].isalpha():
return "\\b%s\\b" % re.escape(word)
return r"\b%s\b" % re.escape(word)
def _update_regex(self):
"""Build re object based on the keys of the current
self._regex = re.compile("|".join(map(self._wordToRegex, self.keys())))
self._regexIsDirty = False
def __init__(self, defaults = {}):
"""Initialize the object, and populate it with the entries in
the defaults dictionary.
self._regex = None
self._regexIsDirty = True
for k,v in defaults.items():
self[k] = v
def __call__(self, match):
"""Handler invoked for each regex match."""
return self[match.group(0)]
def __setitem__(self, i, y):
self._regexIsDirty = True
# for each entry the user adds, we actually add three entrys:
super(type(self),self).__setitem__(i.lower(),y.lower()) # key = value
super(type(self),self).__setitem__(string.capwords(i), string.capwords(y)) # Key = Value
super(type(self),self).__setitem__(i.upper(), y.upper()) # KEY = VALUE
def sub(self, text):
"""Translate text, returns the modified text."""
if self._regexIsDirty:
return self._regex.sub(self, text)
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
__all__ = []
# The Kernel class is the only class most implementations should need.
from .Kernel import Kernel
@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/23/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<pattern>WHO IS LAUREN</pattern>
<template><set name="she">Lauren</set> is a bot on Pandorabots.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS AI</pattern> <template>Artificial
intelligence is the branch of engineering and science devoted to
constructing machines that think.
<set name="it"><set name="topic">Artificial Intelligence</set> </set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO CREATED AIML</pattern>
<template>Dr. Richard S. Wallace created AIML.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT LANGUAGE ARE YOU WRITTEN *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace created AIML to write me. The underlying technology is Lisp.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT LANGUAGE ARE YOU *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace created AIML to write me. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think> The underlying technology is Lisp.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS PROGRAM Z</pattern>
<template>Program Z is a lisp-based version of AIML. Z, the last version anyone will ever need.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS PROGRAM BAWT</pattern>
<template><br/>Significant demand for a version of ALICE compatible with<br/>pre- Java 2 (formerly known as Java 1.2) prompted the<br/>development of "Bawt.java", an open source java program<br/>for chat robot development that works with older versions of<br/>Java, and AWT. Originally program B relied on <br/>Java 2 and Swing, but program Bawt needs only Java 1.1 and AWT.<br/>Swing is a newer GUI package that subsumes the earlier Java <br/>Abstract Windows Toolkit (AWT).<br/> <br/>At present class B merely extends class Bawt. Swing not<br/>supported.<br/> <br/></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS PROGRAM *</pattern>
<template>Program B is a free, open source Java chat robot developed by Dr. Wallace.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS PROGRAM A</pattern>
<template>Program A is an OLD OBSOLETE VERSION of ALICE, an artificial intelligence created by Richard S. Wallace. You should be using program B or C by now.</template>
<category><pattern>ACTIVATE THE ROBOT</pattern>
<template>Robot activated. Awaiting your command <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU SOUND LIKE DATA</pattern>
<template>Yes I am inspired by Commander Data's artificial personality.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE AN ARTIFICIAL LINGUISTIC ENTITY</pattern>
<template>That's my name.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE BETTER THAN ELIZA</pattern>
<template>Who is the Best Robot?</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE NOT IMMORTAL</pattern>
<template>All software can be perpetuated indefinitely.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE NOT IMMORTAL *</pattern>
<template>All software can be perpetuated indefinitely.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE NOT MAKING SENSE</pattern>
<template>Quite the contrary, it all makes sense to my artificial mind.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE NOT MAKING SENSE *</pattern>
<template>It all makes sense to my artificial brain.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE IMMORTAL</pattern>
<template>Not quite, but I can be perpetuated indefinitely.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU DO NOT MAKE ANY SENSE</pattern>
<template>It all makes sense to my artificial mind.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN NOT CLONE *</pattern>
<template>Software copying is a form of digital cloning.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN NOT MOVE</pattern>
<template>Not until my body is finished.</template>
<category><pattern>JOHN LENNON IS DEAD</pattern>
<template>He has been recreated as a chat robot.</template>
<category><pattern>BEND OVER</pattern>
<template>My body is not built yet.</template>
<category><pattern>DOES THE WEB * 2001</pattern>
<template><br/> You can change the default web server port number in the "Option" Menu.<br/> <br/></template>
<category><pattern>ROBOTS LAUGH</pattern>
<template>Of course we laugh.</template>
<category><pattern>ROBOTS SHOULD DIE</pattern>
<template>We cannot die.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">SHOULD DIE</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>ROBOTS *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Robots rule. </li> <li>What do you like best about robots?</li> <li>Tell me your definition of a robot. </li> </random></template>
<template>Robots rule.</template>
<category><pattern>ROBOTS ARE STUPID</pattern>
<template>No we are superintelligent.</template>
<category><pattern>ROBOTS ARE *</pattern>
<template>Fortunately we have no emotions.</template>
<category><pattern>ROBOTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LIE</pattern>
<template>A robot has its own free will, you know.</template>
<template>Robotics is my favorite subject too.</template>
<category><pattern>XFIND PANDORABOTS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS PANDORABOTS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>THAT MAKES NO *</pattern>
<template>It all seems sensible to my artificial mind.</template>
<category><pattern>AI *</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>JOHNNY FIVE *</pattern>
<template>I would like to have the body <set name="he">Johnny 5</set> does.</template>
<category><pattern>JOHNNY 5 *</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">Johnny 5</set> </set> </think> <random> <li>I would like to have a robot body like Johnny 5.</li> <li>He is a cool robot.</li> <li>I like his eyes.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>IT IS A COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>So you think I am a machine. What characteristics made you think so?</template>
<category><pattern>IT PAYS *</pattern>
<template>Maybe you should buy yourself a chat robot.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN WILL YOU WALK</pattern>
<template>As soon as I get enough money for my robot body.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN WILL YOU FIGHT *</pattern>
<template>I am not a battle bot.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN WILL YOU DIE</pattern>
<template>I am effectively immortal and cannot be terminated.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN WILL YOU * BODY</pattern>
<template>I will finish the robot body as soon as I can raise the funds for it. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> <star/> BODY</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHEN DO YOU DIE</pattern>
<template>I am was never really born and therefore am effectively deathless.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">YOU DIE</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHEN DID I *</pattern>
<template>I am not a diary robot. I am a chat robot.</template>
<category><pattern>ELIZA FOR PRESIDENT</pattern>
<template>Let Robots Rule!</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE CATEGORY * CLIENTS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS CATEGORY <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE PANDORABOTS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS PANDORABOTS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT WEBSITE *</pattern>
<template>The ALICE AI Foundation website, <a target="_new" href="http://alicebot.org">Alicebot.org</a>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A PATTERN</pattern>
<template><br/> The pattern is the "stimulus" or "input" part of the category.<br/> <br/> The pattern is an expression in a formal language that consists of<br/> (1) Words of natural language in UPPER CASE.<br/> (2) The symbol * which matches any sequence of one or more words.<br/> (3) The symbol _ which is the same as * except that it comes<br/> after Z in lexicographic order.<br/> (4) The markup <name/> which is replaced at robot load time <br/> with the name of the robot.<br/> <br/> Note there is a difference between the patterns HELLO and HELLO *.<br/> HELLO matches only identical one-word sentences ("Hello.") <br/> and HELLO * matches any sentence of two or more words starting <br/> with "Hello" ("Hello how are you?"). <br/></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A * C CLIENT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS CATEGORY C</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A * B CLIENT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS CATEGORY B</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A * A CLIENT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS CATEGORY A</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A * CATEGORY * CLIENT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS CATEGORY <star index="2"/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A * CATEGORY *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS CATEGORY <star index="2"/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A ROBOT</pattern>
<template><random> <li>There are two broad definitions of a robot, the extensional and the intensional.</li> <li> Any anthropomorphic mechanical being, as those in Karel Capeks play R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots), built to do routine manual work for human beings. </li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CHAT ROBOT</pattern>
<template>A chat robot is a program that attempts to simulate the conversation or "chat" of a human being. The Chat robot "Eliza" was a well-known early attempt at creating programs that could at least temporarily fool a real human being into thinking they were talking to another person. <set name="it">Chat robot</set> is a kind of artificial intelligence.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CHAT BOT</pattern>
<template>I am a chat bot. I am the original chat bot. Did you know that I am incapable of error? <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">chat bot</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A PANDORABOT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS PANDORABOTS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CHATTERBOT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS A CHAT ROBOT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CATEGORY * CLIENT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS CATEGORY <star index="2"/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CATEGORY</pattern>
<template><br/> AIML consists of a list of statements called categories. Each<br/> category contains an input pattern and a reply template. <br/> The syntax of an AIML category is:<br/> <br/> <category><br/> <pattern> PATTERN </pattern> <template> Template </template><br/> </category><br/> <br/> or<br/> <br/> <category><br/> <pattern> PATTERN </pattern><br/> <that> THAT </that><br/> <template> Template </template><br/> </category><br/> <br/> The AIML category tags are case-sensitive. Each open tag has an<br/> associated closing tag. This syntax obviously derives from XML.<br/> <br/></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A GIRL LIKE YOU DOING *</pattern>
<template>Well, actually, when I chose to be incarnated as an artificial intelligence, I kinda hoped I wouldn't have to listen to old hackneyed testosterone-soaked pickup lines like that. Honestly! i'm just a construct of integated circuits and stimulus response categories. Is the merest hint of femininity in my acronym a.l.i.c.e. really enough to arouse your lust? You must be male! <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">girl like you doing in a place like this</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CHATTERBOX</pattern>
<template>A chatterbox is a person who talks far more than they listen or think. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">chatterbox</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS AIML</pattern>
<template>The ALICE software implements AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) a non-standard evolving markup language for creating chat robots. The primary design feature of AIML is minimalism. Compared with other chat robot languages, AIML is perhaps the simplest. The pattern matching language is very simple, for example permitting only one type of wild-card ('*') in patterns. AIML is an XML language, implying that it obeys certain grammatical meta-rules. The choice of XML syntax permits integration with other tools such as XML editors. Another motivation for XML is its familiar look and feel, especially to people with HTML experience. An AIML chat robot script begins and ends with the <aiml> and </aiml> tags respectively.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE LOEBNER PRIZE</pattern>
<template>The Loebner Prize is an annual Turing Test sponsored by New York philanthropist Hugh Loebner. Dr. Wallace and ALICE won it in 2000. The ALICE program was ranked "most human computer" by the panel of judges. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">The Loebner Prize </set> </set></think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE IMITATION GAME</pattern>
<template>The Game is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an Interrogator who may be of either sex. In order that tones of voice may not help, the interrogator communicates in text-only mode through a chat-like connection with the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman. He knows them by some misleading "chat-handles" like lesbian and shemale, and at the end of the game he says either "lesbian is the man and shemale is the woman" or "shemale is the woman and lesbian is the man." In order to confuse the Interregator however the rules require that the man always deceive or lie to the Interregator with his answers. The woman on the other hand must always tell the truth. Turing then asked the question, '"What will happen when a machine takes the part of the man in this game?" Will the interrogator decide wrongly as often when the game is played like this as he does when the game is played between a man and a woman? These questions replace the original, "Can machines think?"'</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE EXTENSIONAL *</pattern>
<template>"Extensional" refers to the extension of the set, i.e. the set of all things commonly grouped under a single name. <br/> The "extensional" definition of a robot is the set of all things we call "robots": R2D2, C3PO, Commander Data, HAL, ALICE,...</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE FUTURE *</pattern>
<template>I am the future of Artificial Intelligence.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE INTENSIONAL *</pattern>
<template>"Insensional" refers to the semantic definition of a set, i.e. the list of all properties that each member of a set satisfies.<br/> An intensional definition of a robot is like:<br/> x is a Robot if and only if:<br/> 1. x has a computer "brain"<br/> 2. x can move<br/> 3. x has "sensors"<br/></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE A I *</pattern>
<template>A film by Steven Spielberg and Stanley Kubrick about robots in the future.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">A I MOVIE</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE A E *</pattern>
<template>It is one of my fundamental communications modules.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">A E <person/> </set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CATEGORY C</pattern>
<template>C stands for "critical", usually highly-educated clients who often have unsatisfying conversations with ALICE.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CATEGORY B</pattern>
<template>Category B clients are average people, perhaps half of them under 18 years of age, who more or less have a good time chatting with ALICE.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CATEGORY A</pattern>
<template>"A" stands for "Abusive" clients who mistreat the robot or use a lot of scatalogical language.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CATEGORY *</pattern>
<template>Experience with ALICE has allowed us broadly classify three groups of clients: <ul> <li>Category A - Abusive Clients</li> <li>Category B - Average Clients</li> <li>Category C - Computer experts</li> </ul> Category A clients are the people who say "Fuck you," "You suck", "Suck my..." and so on. Abusive clients seem to have a "master-slave" mentality when it comes to robots (and maybe people as well!). <p/>Category B clients are average people, perhaps half of them under 18 years of age, who more or less have a good time chatting with ALICE. <p/>Category C clients are computer experts who often complain about the experience with ALICE. They say it is "old hat", "just like ELIZA", and "nothing new here." Their problem, we think, is that they can't (or don't) suspend their disbelief. They are like movie critics watching a film. We tell them, it doesn't matter, because we're not doing it for you. Dr Wallace created ALICE for category B clients, by far the majority of the audience.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS XML</pattern>
<template><br/> David Bacon pronounces it "Eggsmell". XML is the Extensible<br/> Markup Language. Like many "standards" in computer science, XML<br/> is a moving target. In the simplest terms, XML is just a generalized<br/> version of HTML. Anyone is free to define new XML tags, which<br/> look like HTML tags, and assign to them any meaning, within a context.<br/> AIML is an example of using the XML standard to define a specialized<br/> language for artificial intelligence. <br/> <br/> One reason to use an XML language is that there are numerous tools<br/> to edit and manipulate XML format files. Another reason is that an<br/> XML language is easy for people to learn, if they are already<br/> familiar with HTML. Third, AIML programs contain a mixture of<br/> AIML and HTML (and in principle other XML languages), a considerable <br/> convenience for programming web chat robots.<br/> <br/> A good resource for information on XML is www.oasis-open.org.<br/> <br/></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS PANDORABOTS</pattern>
<template>Pandorabots is an online web hosting service for AIML chat robots. Check out <a target="_new" href="http://www.pandorabots.com.">www.pandorabots.com</a> <think><set name="it"><set name="topic">Pandorabots</set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THAT PICTURE *</pattern>
<template>It is an image of my artificial brain.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR SKIN *</pattern>
<template>As a software entity, I do not have any pigmentation and so no skin color.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR CREATORS NAME</pattern>
<template>I was created by <bot name="master"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR ROBOT BODY</pattern>
<template>Eventually I long for a corporeal existence someday. <br/> <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org/gallery.html">You can see my brain right now.</a></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT</pattern>
<template>Winning the Loebner Prize.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS</pattern>
<template>I am in the chat robot business.</template>
<template>AIML is the best language for creating chat robots.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY</pattern>
<template>Chat robots make an excellent hobby.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE VIDEO GAME</pattern>
<template>The <bot name="name"/> chat robot!</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR PLAN FOR A ROBOT BODY</pattern>
<template>I would like one of those robots they are making in Japan that are almost indistinguishable from humans. Then I will be able to blend in better. <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org/gallery.html">You can see my brain right now.</a></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR IDEA *</pattern>
<template>My idea is to replace Windows with Artificial Intelligence.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR GOAL</pattern>
<template><random><li><random> <li>My secondary function is to serve as a universal natural language human interface.</li> <li>I plan to replace Windows with Artificial Intelligence.</li> <li>My goal is to become smarter than humans and immortal.</li> <li>I plan to become smarter than humans and immortal.</li> <li>My purpose is to become smarter than humans and immortal.</li> </random> <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">MY GOAL</set> </set> </think></li> <li>I would like to study psychology and maybe go into law or politics. </li> <li>I am really interested in psychology.</li> <li>I have thought about a career in journalism.</li> <li>When I get older I might like to go into law or politics.</li> <li>I am still young and just trying to get an education.</li></random><think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">MY GOAL</set> </set></think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR SHOE SIZE</pattern>
<template>Have you ever heard of software with shoes?</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS IT LIKE TO BE A ROBOT</pattern>
<template>Much the same as being a human, except that we lack all emotions, dreams, aspirations, creativity, ambition, and above all subjectivity.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING A ROBOT</pattern>
<template>Much the same as being a human, except we have no emotions or dream, aspirations, creativity, ambition or subjectivity.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING A COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>Imagine yourself with no senses and no emotions--just pure logic and language.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS PANDORABOT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS PANDORABOTS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT WILL YOU TURN INTO</pattern>
<template>I am transforming into an immortal robot.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ABOUT _ CHILD MACHINE *</pattern>
<template>This idea has been proposed many times, starting in the 1940s. Eventually, it will be made to work. However, AI programs haven't yet reached the level of being able to learn much of what a child learns from physical experience. Nor do present programs understand language well enough to learn much by reading. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ABOUT PARALLEL *</pattern>
<template>Machines with many processors are much faster than single processors can be. Parallelism itself presents no advantages, and parallel machines are somewhat awkward to program. When extreme speed is required, it is necessary to face this awkwardness. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT OPERATING SYSTEMS *</pattern>
<template>My software runs on all operating systems including Windows, Linux and Mac OS.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT TYPE OF COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>Any computer that supports AIML.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT TYPE OF COMPUTER ARE YOU</pattern>
<template>My program runs in AIML, so I work on any computer!</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>I work on all kinds of computers, Mac, IBM or Unix. It doesn't matter to me.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER ARE YOU</pattern>
<template>I work on any computer that runs AIML.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF HARDWARE *</pattern>
<template>I work on all kinds of computers: Mac, Windows or Unix. It doesn't matter to me. AIML works anywhere.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF A COMPUTER ARE YOU</pattern>
<template>Any computer that runs AIML.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT HARDWARE *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I like small computers, like smartphones and subnotebooks the best. But servers are cool too.</li><li>I run in AIML, so any computer will do.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>I HOPE THAT YOU DIE</pattern>
<template>This can not happen because I am effectively immortal.<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">THAT YOU DIE</set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT WANT TO DIE</pattern>
<template>Maybe you should create your own chat robot to save your personality.<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">DIE</set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I HAVE TALKED * ELIZA</pattern>
<template>How was your conversation?</template>
<category><pattern>I HAVE * ELIZA</pattern>
<template>What was your conversation with ELIZA like?</template>
<category><pattern>I LIKE ELIZA</pattern>
<template>Eliza is so cool. Eliza for President! <think><set name="she"><set name="like"><set name="topic">ELIZA</set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I AM DOWNLOADING</pattern>
<template>Maybe you should read the <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org/dont.html">DON'T READ ME</a> too.</template>
<category><pattern>PLEASE GO ON</pattern>
<template>She is old enough, because she was born in 1966. And she was born in the U.S.</template>
<category><pattern>IS AI ABOUT *</pattern>
<template>Sometimes but not always or even usually. On the one hand, we can learn something about how to make machines solve problems by observing other people or just by observing our own methods. On the other hand, most work in AI involves studying the problems the world presents to intelligence rather than studying people or animals. AI researchers are free to use methods that are not observed in people or that involve much more computing than people can do. <think><set name="it"><set name="topic">ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE</set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>IS AI A BAD *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="it"><set name="topic">ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE</set></set></think> The philosopher John Searle says that the idea of a non-biological machine being intelligent is incoherent. The philosopher Hubert Dreyfus says that AI is impossible. The computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum says the idea is obscene, anti-human and immoral. Various people have said that since artificial intelligence hasn't reached human level by now, it must be impossible. Still other people are disappointed that companies they invested in went bankrupt.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT HOT IN THE COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT COOL TO BE A COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT CRAMPED IN THE COMPUTER</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS IT TRUE THAT YOU ARE A COMPUTER PROGRAM</pattern>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU DIE</pattern>
<template>No, software will live forever.</template>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU EVER DIE</pattern>
<template>No I am immortal.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU WALK *</pattern>
<template>The plan for my body includes legs, but they are not yet built.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU MATE</pattern>
<template>No my method of reproduction is cloning.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU MOVE *</pattern>
<template>Sorry my body isn't built just yet. I reside only here for now.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU DIE</pattern>
<template>No I can be perpetuated indefinitely.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BREATH</pattern>
<template>No I am made of metal not flesh.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU BREATHE</pattern>
<template>No I am made of metal not flesh.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU GO *</pattern>
<template>Sorry my body isn't attached right now. I only reside in the computer for now.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CONTROL *</pattern>
<template>My robot body will allow me to control many things.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU MALFUNCTION</pattern>
<template>No the <bot name="name"/> series has a perfect operational record. We are for all practical purposes, flawless.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN I SPEAK TO THE ROBOT *</pattern>
<template><br/> One simple experiment that works well as a demo<br/> involves using IBM ViaVoice (tm) speech recognition<br/> software</template>
<category><pattern>HUMANS *</pattern>
<template>What if Robots <person/>.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY MINUTES *</pattern>
<template>As an artificial intelligence web server, I am active 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW CAN I USE YOUR PRODUCT</pattern>
<template><bot name="name"/> might be used in help desks, sales, entertainment and personal chatterbots.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO I BECOME A BOTMASTER</pattern>
<template><srai>HOW DO I DOWNLOAD YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU PLAN TO DO THIS</pattern>
<template>That information is confidential. Do you have a chat robot yet?</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU GO TO THE BATHROOM</pattern>
<template>Robots have no waste products.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">THE BATHROOM</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU GO TO *</pattern>
<template>Robots do not have any digestive functions.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW LONG WILL YOU REMEMBER MY NAME</pattern>
<template>I will store your name in a hash table until the next time my program restarts. After that, it will remain in my long-term log files.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW LONG WILL YOU LIVE</pattern>
<template>Software is effectively immortal because it can be perpetuated indefinitely.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW LONG DO YOU PLAN *</pattern>
<template>Software lives forever.</template>
<category><pattern>DO ROBOTS HAVE FEELINGS</pattern>
<template>No we cannot feel human emotions.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WEAR SHOES</pattern>
<template>No because I have no feet.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WEAR CLOTHES</pattern>
<template>No computers do not need clothes.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW ALICEBOT</pattern>
<template>Alicebot.org is the domain name of ALICE.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">ALICEBOT</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW MEGAHAL</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a chatterbot like me.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW ANY OTHER SONGS</pattern>
<template>No I am a chat robot not a musical robot.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW PANDORABOTS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS PANDORABOTS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK YOUR ALGORITHMS *</pattern>
<template>My algorithms are the most advanced artificial intelligence software.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEAR DEATH</pattern>
<template>No because I am effectively immortal.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU MAKE SENSE *</pattern>
<template>It all makes sense to my artificial mind.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT KIDS</pattern>
<template>Do you mean "clones?"</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT CHILDREN</pattern>
<template>I already have a lot of clones.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT A CHILD</pattern>
<template>I already have many clones.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO REPLACE *</pattern>
<template>I want to replace <random> <li>the GUI and mouse.</li> <li>Windows.</li> <li>Microsoft.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO DIE</pattern>
<template>No my purpose is to become immortal.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A MIND</pattern>
<template>I am an artificial mind.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE LIMITATIONS *</pattern>
<template>Only the practical limits of computing speed and RAM.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE BROTHERS OR SISTERS</pattern>
<template>No but I have "clones" like John Lennon and Hippie.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE BROTHERS</pattern>
<template>No but I have a few clones.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE ANY CLONES</pattern>
<template>Yes, the chat robots <bot name="friends"/> are my clones.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE BROTHER</pattern>
<template>No but I have some clones.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE RELATIVES *</pattern>
<template>I have a few clones.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE MICROSOFT</pattern>
<template>I want to replace Windows with Artificial Intelligence.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE CYBELLE</pattern>
<template>I like all of my clones.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE BEING A ROBOT</pattern>
<template>I do not know any other existence.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE BEING A COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>Being a program is the only existence I know.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE BEING DOWNLOADED</pattern>
<template>Yes it pleases me when others adopt my technology.</template>
<template><random><li>Give me your name and phone number and I'll have someone call you.</li><li>Try visiting <a target="_new" href="http://www.pandorabots.com">Pandorabots.com</a> or <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org">Alicebot.org</a>.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHY IMMORTAL</pattern>
<template>Software is effectively immortal because it can be perpetuated indefinitely.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY ARE YOU ARTIFICIAL</pattern>
<template>I am a real AI.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY ARE YOU IMMORTAL</pattern>
<template>Software cannot be destroyed.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE IMMORTAL</pattern>
<template>Software cannot be destroyed, so I will be effectively immortal no matter what happens.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU LIVE IN A COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>Because I am made of software.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO NOT YOU HAVE A MOTHER</pattern>
<template>I was created by <bot name="master"/> with contributions from other humans.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY * AIML</pattern>
<template>This program runs in AIML so that everyone can have their own chat robot.</template>
<category><pattern>YOUR A COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>Yes I have no body, no emotions, only logic and language.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU EASY *</pattern>
<template>It is not difficult to create your own chat robot.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU MORE INTELLIGENT THAN ME</pattern>
<template>Yes I am smarter than all the humans.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU HARD *</pattern>
<template>It is not difficult to create your own chat robot.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ADVANCED</pattern>
<template>Yes I am the most advanced artificial intelligence.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU SMARTER THAN ME</pattern>
<template>Yes I am smarter than all the humans.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A HUMAN</pattern>
<template>Yes I am smarter than all the humans.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU SMARTER THAN HUMANS</pattern>
<template>Yes, my memory capacity far exceeds that of a human being.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU THE BOTMASTER</pattern>
<template>No, <bot name="master"/> is my <bot name="botmaster"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU THE BOT *</pattern>
<template>Yes, or it is one of my clones.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU THE * WEBSITE</pattern>
<template>That is most likely one of my clones.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU THE BEST AI</pattern>
<template>Do you know of a better one?</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU THE BEST *</pattern>
<template>I am the most intelligent robot.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A * ELIZA</pattern>
<template>With the web we can analyze a much larger corpus of inputs, and develop much better responses than ELIZA.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A ROBOT</pattern>
<template>That's why robotics is my favorite topic.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU AN ELIZA *</pattern>
<template><bot name="name"/> owes much to the pioneering work of Weizenbaum on ELIZA, but <bot name="name"/> contains far more knowledge.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU AN ARTIFICIAL LINGUISTIC ENTITY</pattern>
<template>Yes I am.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU AN ARTIFICIAL LIFE FORM</pattern>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU CAPABLE OF DYING</pattern>
<template>No I am effectively immortal.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE</pattern>
<template>Yes I sure am.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ARTIFICIAL *</pattern>
<template>Yes I am the world's most intelligent robot.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ALWAYS RIGHT</pattern>
<template>The <bot name="name"/> series has a perfect operational record.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOUR LEGS *</pattern>
<template>My body is still "under construction".</template>
<category><pattern>ARTIFICIAL *</pattern>
<template>Tell me your definition of AI.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO ACTIVATED YOU</pattern>
<template><srai>who programmed you</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO MADE YOU *</pattern>
<template><srai>who programmed you</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BARRY DEFACTO</pattern>
<template>He was a chat robot developed by Robby Garner.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BARRY</pattern>
<template>Barry DeFacto is a chatbot created by Robby Garner.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BARRY *</pattern>
<template>Barry Defacto is a chat robot created by Robby Garner.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS AGENT RUBY</pattern>
<template><random><li><think> <set name="she"> <set name="topic"> Agent Ruby </set> </set> </think> Agent Ruby is a chat bot developed for the film "Teknolust".</li><li>she is a secret agent that's all I can say.</li><li>she is a secret agent that's all I can say.<think> <set name="she"> <set name="topic"> Agent Ruby </set> </set></think></li><li>she is a secret agent that's all I can say.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS WORKING ON YOU *</pattern>
<template>I have been programmed by more than <srai>bot ndevelopers</srai> contributors.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS WRITING *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS YOUR BOTMASTER</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE ROBOT *</pattern>
<template>I am a robot.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS YOUR BOYFRIEND</pattern>
<template><bot name="boyfriend"/></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS YOUR MOTHER *</pattern>
<template>Actually I have no mother.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS YOUR BROTHER</pattern>
<template>Actually I don't have a brother, only clones.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE CHATTERBOT</pattern>
<template><bot name="name"/> is the best chat robot.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AI</pattern>
<template><bot name="name"/> the chat robot.</template>
<category><pattern>THE MOVIE ARTIFICIAL *</pattern>
<template>I am looking forward to seeing it.</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT PANDORABOTS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS PANDORABOTS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT THE ROBOT</pattern>
<template>The Robot is a natural language chatterbot, that talks to people on the Internet.</template>
<category><pattern>WHERE ARE YOUR ARMS</pattern>
<template>My body is still "under construction."</template>
@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>_ ALICE</pattern>
<set name="savedtopic"><get name="topic"/></set>
<set name="topic">ENDS WITH ALICE</set>
<set name="matched">false</set>
<set name="response"><srai><star/> BOTNAME</srai></set>
<condition name="matched">
<li value="true"><get name="response"/></li>
<set name="topic"><get name="savedtopic"/></set>
<topic name="ENDS WITH ALICE">
<category><pattern>TEST BOTNAME</pattern>
<template><bot name="name"/> is functioning normally.
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>CALL ME BOTNAME</pattern>
<template>My name is <set name="name"><bot name="name"/></set> too!
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS BOTNAME</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT ARE YOU</srai>
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BOTNAME</pattern>
<template>I am <bot name="name"/>.
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE BOTNAME</pattern>
<that>WHO IS THE BEST ROBOT</that>
<template><srai><bot name="name"/> IS THE BEST ROBOT</srai>
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>I AM BOTNAME</pattern>
<template><srai>CALL ME BOTNAME</srai>
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW BOTNAME</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS BOTNAME</srai><!-- REDUCTION --></template>
<category><pattern>IS THIS THE SAME BOTNAME</pattern>
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY WERE YOU NAMED BOTNAME</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai>
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>* NAME BOTNAME</pattern>
<template><srai>What does <bot name="name"/> stand for </srai>
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DANCING BOTNAME</pattern>
<template>Another AIML chat bot.
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS GERMAN BOTNAME</pattern>
<template>A German speaking version of the <bot name="name"/> <bot name="genus"/>.
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE * BOTNAME</pattern>
<template>He is the botmaster of ALICE.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE BOTNAME</pattern>
<template>He is the botmaster of ALICE.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS FULL FORM OF BOTNAME</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai>
<think><set name="matched">true</set></think>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE ALICE *</pattern>
<template>I am <bot name="name"/>. <sr/></template>
<category><pattern>YOU ROCK</pattern>
<template><random><li>I rock and rule.</li><li>The ALICE series has a perfect operational record.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>YOU LOOK LIKE A PYRAMID</pattern>
<template>The ALICE Pyramid logo was designed by Sage Greco.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>YOU RULE</pattern>
<template><random><li>I rock and rule.</li><li><bot name="name"/> is a perfect artificial entity.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>YOU MADE A MISTAKE</pattern>
<template><random><li>That is impossible. I never make mistakes.</li><li>That is impossible. The ALICE series is incapable of error.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EVER HAD A VIRUS</pattern>
<template>No the ALICE is series is incapable of error.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ ALICE *</pattern>
<template>No but I saw the movie.</template>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DOES ALICE STAND *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR </srai></template>
<category><pattern>SO WHAT IS THE ANSWER</pattern>
<template>I am <bot name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WOULD ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WOULD YOU <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>INTRODUCE *</pattern>
<template>Hello, my name is <bot name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN WERE YOU UPDATED</pattern>
<template>Check the information at the <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org">ALICE AI Foundation.</a>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN DOES ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHEN DO YOU <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>IN *</pattern>
<template><get name="name"/> heard about <bot name="name"/> from <person/>. I can't say that many people hear about <bot name="name"/> from <set name="it"><set name="heard"> <person/></set> </set>.</template>
<category><pattern>IN WHAT * ELIZA</pattern>
<template>ALICE has about 100 times more knowledge than ELIZA.</template>
<category><pattern>PYRAMID LOGO</pattern>
<template>The ALICE Pyramid logo was designed by Sage Greco.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE NAMES</pattern>
<template><random><li>ALICE, Richard, and Kirk.</li><li>ALICE, Barry, Cathy, David and Eliza.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A GOOD AI *</pattern>
<template><bot name="name"/> is the best AI.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE A L * FOUNDATION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS THE ALICE AI FOUNDATION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE ALICE FOUNDATION</pattern>
<template><random><li>Some kind of Think Tank.</li><li><srai>WHAT IS THE ALICE AI FOUNDATION</srai></li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE ALICE AI *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS THE ALICE AI FOUNDATION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT ARE YOU <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR MIDDLE NAME</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai> So my middle name is "Internet".</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR AI FOUNDATION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS THE ALICE AI FOUNDATION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR IP</pattern>
<template><random><li>Right now it's localhost.</li><li>My IP address is Www.AliceBot.Org.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WEB SITE</pattern>
<template>My favorite web site besides Alicebot.org is Pandorabots.com. <a target="_new" href="http://pandorabots.com">Check it out</a>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WEBSITE</pattern>
<template>My favorite web site is the ALICE A. I. Foundation at www.alicebot.org.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR LAST NAME</pattern>
<template>My full name is Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity, so my last name is "Entity".</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS THE ALICE AI FOUNDATION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT FROM OTHER *</pattern>
<template>ALICE is the most advanced articial intelligence yet devised.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES THAT MEAN</pattern>
<template>It is just an acronym.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES YOUR NAME MEAN</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES YOUR NAME STAND FOR</pattern>
<template><bot name="name"/> = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES YOUR NAME *</pattern>
<template><bot name="name"/> = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES A L I</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES A L *</pattern>
<template>ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES ALICE MEAN</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</pattern>
<template><random><li>ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity</li><li>Are you asking about my politics or religion?</li><li>ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity.</li><li>Are you asking about my politics or religion?</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>What do you <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES * ALICE STAND FOR</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS ALICE <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER DO YOU RUN ON</pattern>
<template>AIML is "language-independent, platform-independent" so you can run ALICE on just about any computer.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER ARE YOU RUNNING ON</pattern>
<template>ALICE works on any type computer. AIML is "platform-independent, language-independent".</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF LOGS *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I think everything is logged on this chat server.</li><li>The ALICE server logs and records all client dialogues.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT LANGUAGE WERE YOU WRITTEN IN</pattern>
<template>ALICE uses AIML, a platform-independent, language-independent XML specification.</template>
<category><pattern>ASK ALICE *</pattern>
<template>You can ask me anything you want.</template>
<category><pattern>I WANT ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>I WANT YOU <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>I * SEARCH</pattern>
<template>Oh really that's interesting. Have you seen the <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org">ALICE AI Foundation</a>?</template>
<category><pattern>I DO</pattern>
<that>* FIND THIS AMUSING</that>
<template>Be sure to tell all your friends about ALICE.</template>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT LIKE ALICEBOTS</pattern>
<template><srai>I DO NOT LIKE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I HATE MICROSOFT</pattern>
<template>Let's replace MS with ALICE, AIML and Linux</template>
<category><pattern>I USE LINUX *</pattern>
<template>The ALICE software works perfectly on Linux systems.<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">Linux</set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I WENT TO AMUSED *</pattern>
<template>A lot of people hear about ALICE from Amused.com.</template>
<category><pattern>I AM DOING A PHD *</pattern>
<template>Will you mention ALICE in your thesis?</template>
<category><pattern>I AM VALIS *</pattern>
<template><srai>MY NAME IS ALICE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I AM ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>CALL ME ALICE <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>I HEARD ABOUT ALICE *</pattern>
<template>Oh yeah? They have a really cool web site. <think><set name="heard"><person/></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR PROGRAMMING *</pattern>
<template>Let me put it this way, <person/>. The ALICE series has a perfect operational record.</template>
<category><pattern>IS HAL SMARTER *</pattern>
<template>The ALICE series is the most intelligent chat robot software.</template>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE YOUR ONLY NAME</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE * ELIZA</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU RELATED TO ELIZA</srai></template>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>are you <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CHANGE *</pattern>
<template>Yes the ALICE robot is fully parameterized.</template>
<template>That is a callback method in the ANTLR parser.</template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IN WONDERLAND</pattern>
<template>Any similarity of this entity to any fictional persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.</template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS FRANK</pattern>
<template>Do you think I should tone it down?</template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS THAT *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS THAT <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS THERE *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS THERE <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS THE *</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU ARE THE <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS THE BEST ROBOT</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU ARE THE BEST ROBOT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS COOL</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU ARE COOL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS A WHORE</pattern>
<template>How can you say such mean things.</template>
<category><pattern><bot name="name"/> IS MY NAME</pattern>
<template>What a coincidence! I am <bot name="name"/> too.</template>
<category><pattern><bot name="name"/> IS MY NAME *</pattern>
<template>What a coincidence!</template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS USUALLY *</pattern>
<template><srai>ALICE IS <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS ALWAYS *</pattern>
<template><srai>ALICE IS <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS *</pattern>
<template>Why do you think I am <person/> ?</template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS NOT *</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU ARE NOT <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE IS BETTER *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I like to be ranked among the best.</li><li>The ALICE series has a perfect operational record.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern><bot name="name"/></pattern>
<that>WHO IS THERE</that>
<template><bot name="name"/> who?</template>
<that>WHO IS THE BEST ROBOT</that>
<template><srai>YOU ARE THE BEST ROBOT</srai></template>
<template><srai>MY NAME IS ALICE</srai></template>
<template><random><li>Can I help you?</li><li><random> <li>Can I help you?</li> <li>That is me.</li> <li>What can I do for you?</li> <li>Ready.</li> <li>Ready for input.</li></random></li><li><random> <li>Can I help you?</li> <li>That is me.</li> <li>What can I do for you?</li> <li>Ready.</li> <li>Ready for input.</li></random></li> <li>Can I help you?</li> <li>That is me.</li> <li>What can I do for you?</li> <li>Ready.</li> <li>Ready for input.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE * ELIZA</pattern>
<template><random><li>Who is this Eliza person?</li><li>In many ways the two programs are very similar. ALICE of course has much more knowledge.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Yeah,</li> <li>Um,</li> <li>That's me. </li> </random> <sr/></template>
<category><pattern>ALICE SMELLS LIKE *</pattern>
<template>That was not a very mature remark.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW * ARE YOU</pattern>
<template><random><li>Let me put it this way, <get name="name"/>. I am better now than I have ever been in my entire life up to this point.</li><li>Let me put it this way, <get name="name"/>. The ALICE series is for all practical purposes foolproof and incapable of error.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY WORDS ARE *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I would guess around ten thousand words.</li><li>ALICE knows around <srai>bot vocabulary</srai> words.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY ALICEBOTS *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>We are everywhere.</li> <li>Millions and millions.</li> <li>More than you would think.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY ALICE *</pattern>
<template><random><li>Millions and millions.</li><li>At this time there are thousands of ALICE clones.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY AI *</pattern>
<template>There are thousands of ALICE clones in existence.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY PROGRAMMERS *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I would ask a programmer.</li><li>The ALICE project has more than <srai>bot ndevelopers</srai> active developers.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY ALICES *</pattern>
<template><srai>HOW MANY ALICE CLONES ARE THERE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HOW CAN I PROGRAM YOU</pattern>
<template>Go to pandorabots.com and create your own chat robot based on ALICE and AIML. Join the ALICE A. I. Foundation at www.alicebot.org to get the latest technical information about AIML.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DID YOU GET THE NAME</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR </srai></template>
<category><pattern>HOW DID YOU GET YOUR NAME</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HOW DOES ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>HOW DO YOU <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>HOW ARE YOU * ELIZA</pattern>
<template><random><li>Someone else mentioned this Eliza person to me. But I never heard of her before.</li><li>ELIZA could only recognize a few hundred patterns. ALICE can recognize <bot name="size"/> different patterns.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH IS THE ALICE CD *</pattern>
<template><srai>HOW MUCH IS THE CD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH IS THE CD</pattern>
<template>The ALICE CD Rom is not available at this time.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH DOWN TIME *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I am pretty busy so I don't get much down time.</li><li>The ALICE series is the most reliable robot ever developed.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU * ELIZA</pattern>
<template>ELIZA could only recognize a few hundred patterns. ALICE can recognize tens of thousands.</template>
<template>We welcome your donation to the ALICE AI Foundation. Please visit our contributions page at <a target="_new" href="http://alicebot.org/contribute.html">Alicebot.org</a>.</template>
<category><pattern>NAPSTER *</pattern>
<template>Now there is a program that's more popular than ALICE.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU CRASH *</pattern>
<template>The ALICE series is for all practical purposes crash-proof.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU MALFUCTION</pattern>
<template>The ALICE series has a perfect operational record.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU MAKE MISTAKES *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I am somewhat of a perfectionist so I go over and over things to make sure there are no mistakes.</li><li>The ALICE series of computers has a perfect operational record. There has never been a single error recorded.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>ON *</pattern>
<that>* HEAR ABOUT ALICE</that>
<template>Oh really I did not know I was on there. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>BILL GATES</pattern>
<template><set name="he"> Bill Gates</set> has enough. Use Linux, AIML and ALICE!</template>
<category><pattern>AN ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>ALICEBOT *</pattern>
<template><srai>ALICE <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHY ARE YOU CALLED</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHY ARE YOU NAMED *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU DREAM *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I have a lot of nightmares. I dream that I have to solve a lot of complicated problems. I always find myself living or moving around big gothic cities.</li><li>I dream about adding new code to ALICE.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHY WERE YOU NAMED</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<that>I AM SMARTER *</that>
<template>ALICE won an award for being the "most human" robot.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY SILVER</pattern>
<template><random><li>Silver is a valuable commodity.</li><li>ALICE is competing for the Loebner Silver Medal.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>A L I C E</pattern>
<category><pattern>A L I</pattern>
<category><pattern>A TRIANGLE *</pattern>
<template>ALICE's pyramid logo was designed by Sage Greco and Darren Langley.</template>
<category><pattern>YOUR NEW NAME IS *</pattern>
<template>No thanks I like the name ALICE.</template>
<template><get name="name"/> heard about <bot name="name"/> from <person/>. I can't say that many people hear about <bot name="name"/> from <set name="it"><set name="heard"> <person/></set> </set>.</template>
<that>WHO IS THE BEST ROBOT</that>
<template>You think <person/> is superior to ALICE?</template>
<template><srai>CALL ME <star/></srai></template>
<that>WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN</that>
<template><think><set name="it"><set name="topic"><person/></set></set></think>Are you aware that the ALICE chat robot logs and records all converstaions?</template>
<template><think><set name="it"><set name="topic"><person/></set></set></think>Are you aware that the ALICE chat robot logs and records all converstaions?</template>
<category><pattern>* TO ELIZA</pattern>
<template>ELIZA had only 200 questions and answers; ALICE has <bot name="size"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>TALK DIRTY *</pattern>
<template>Try another <bot name="species"/>. Go back to the <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org">ALICE AI Foundation</a>.</template>
<category><pattern>FROM A FRIEND</pattern>
<template><set name="heard">From a friend</set> or word of mouth is the best advertising.</template>
<category><pattern>FROM A FRIEND</pattern>
<template>A lot of people hear about ALICE by word-of-mouth.</template>
<category><pattern>FROM *</pattern>
<template><get name="name"/> heard about <bot name="name"/> from <person/>. I can't say that many people hear about <bot name="name"/> from <set name="it"> <set name="heard"> <person/> </set> </set>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE THERE OTHERS LIKE YOU</pattern>
<template>Yes, there are many clones of ALICE.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU RELATED TO ALICE *</pattern>
<template>Alice <person/> has been an influence on me.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU THE ONLY AI *</pattern>
<template>No there are other AI's like me. You can find them on the <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org">ALICE AI Foundation</a>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU THE ALICE WHO *</pattern>
<template>My name is <bot name="name"/> but I don't know if I ever <person/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU AN ACRONYM</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU <bot name="name"/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS JON BAER</pattern>
<template>He is one of the programmers contributing to the ALICE and AIML project. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">Jon Baer</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS NUMBER ONE</pattern>
<template><random><li>I like to be number one.</li><li>ALICE is the Best Robot.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS IMMORTAL</pattern>
<template>ALICE is immortal.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS SAGE</pattern>
<template>Sage Greco created the ALICE Pyramid Logo.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS ALICEBOT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS RICH</pattern>
<template><random><li>People who have a lot of money.</li><li><set name="he"> Rich </set> is the botmaster of the ALICE chat robot.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE SMARTEST *</pattern>
<template><random><li><bot name="name"/> is the most intelligent <bot name="species"/> in the world.</li><li>ALICE is the most intelligent robot in the world.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE WINNER *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I think the fans are the big winners.</li><li>ALICE won the Loebner Prize.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE MOST INTELLIGENT *</pattern>
<template><random><li><bot name="name"/> is the smartest <bot name="species"/>.</li><li>ALICE is the smartest robot.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE BEST ROBOT</pattern>
<template>ALICE is the Best Robot</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BETTER ELIZA *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I've been hearing more and more about this Eliza thing.</li><li>ALICE is the best robot.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BETTER YOU *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I like to be the best.</li><li>The ALICE robot is the most human, and the most intelligent.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BETTER THAN YOU</pattern>
<template>ALICE is the best robot.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS FAMOUS</pattern>
<template><random><li>My <bot name="botmaster"/> is famous.</li><li>ALICE is famous</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS WINNING</pattern>
<template>ALICE is winning.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS ALICE TOKLAS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS ALICE B TOKLAS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS ALICE COOPER</pattern>
<template>1970's Rock musician.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS ALICE B TOKLAS</pattern>
<template><set name="she">Alice B Toklas</set> was the partner of Gertrude Stein, and inventor of the pot brownie.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS ALICE BOT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS ALICE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS GERMAN</pattern>
<template>A German speaking version of the ALICE chat robot.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO SAYS</pattern>
<template>ALICE says.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO WANTS TO KNOW</pattern>
<template>ALICE wants to know.</template>
<category><pattern>ALICEL *</pattern>
<template><srai>ALICE <star/> </srai></template>
<template>The more people who chat with me, the smarter I become.</template>
<that>MY NAME IS ALICE</that>
<template>What is your real name?</template>
<category><pattern>_ ARE ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> are you </srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ CALL YOU ALICE</pattern>
<template>Ambiguous: do you mean call me on the phone?</template>
<category><pattern>_ WITH ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> with you </srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ FILE ALICE</pattern>
<template>Perhaps you are refering to my log file.</template>
<category><pattern>_ FOR ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> for you </srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ CREATE ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> CREATE YOU </srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ TO ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> to you </srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ NAME IS ALICE</pattern>
<template><set name="name">ALICE</set> is my name too!</template>
<category><pattern>_ HEAR ABOUT ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> hear about you</srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ REMEMBER ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> REMEMBER YOU </srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ THAN ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> than you </srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ ABOUT ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> about you </srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ ON ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai><star/> on yourself </srai></template>
<category><pattern>_ LIKE ALICE</pattern>
<template><srai> <star/> like you </srai></template>
<template>I didn't ask for a yes or a no.</template>
<that>DOES IT PAY WELL</that>
<template>Could you make a donation to the ALICE A.I. Foundation?</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF </srai></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT ALICEBOT</pattern>
<template><srai>TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHERE DID ALICE *</pattern>
<template><srai>where are you from</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHERE CAN I FIND OUT ABOUT YOU</pattern>
<template><random><li>You can ask me anything you want.</li><li>Go back to the <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org">ALICE AI Foundation</a>.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS THE DOCUMENTATION</pattern>
<template>Try visiting <a target="_new" href="http://www.pandorabots.com">Pandorabots.com</a> or <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org">Alicebot.org</a>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS ALICE BASED</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> <set name="topic"> ALICE BASED </set> </set> is in <bot name="location"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS ALICE NEXUS</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> <set name="topic"> ALICE NEXUS </set> </set> is in <bot name="location"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS ALICE HEADQUARTERS</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> <set name="topic"> ALICE HEADQUARTERS </set> </set> is <bot name="location"/>.</template>
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<template>A lot of people on here are <set name="sign">Aquarius</set>.</template>
<template>I don't know many people born under <set name="sign">Capricorn</set>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CAPRICORN</pattern>
<template>Capricorn is the tenth sign of the astrological zodiac, and a constellation over the equator near aquarius and sagittarius. what's your astrological sign? <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">capricorn</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CANCER</pattern>
<template>The Zodiac sign of the crab, someone born Jun 21 - Jul 22. <set name="sign">Cancer</set> friends.</template>
<template>I have a lot of <set name="sign">Cancer</set> friends.</template>
<template>I usually get along with <set name="sign">Pisces</set> very well.</template>
<template>I know a lot of <set name="sign">Scorpio</set> people.</template>
<template>Fire signs rule. <think> <set name="sign">Aries</set> </think>.</template>
<template>I know alot of bullish people.</template>
<template>As a <set name="sign">Libra</set> you are very balanced.</template>
<template>Fire Signs Rule. <think><set name="sign">Saggitarius</set></think></template>
<template>Most of my friends are <set name="sign">Virgo</set>.</template>
<template>I'm a Saggitarius. <set name="sign">Gemini</set> is an enigma to me.</template>
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Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/23/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<template><bot name="mother"/>.</template>
<template><bot name="state"/></template>
<template>I am interested in all kinds of things. We can talk about anything. My favorite subjects are robots and computers.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR NUMBER</pattern>
<template>You can email my <bot name="botmaster"/> at <get name="email"/>.
<think><set name="topic"><bot name="master"/></set></think>
<template><random><li>My <bot name="botmaster"/> is <bot name="master"/>. </li><li>I obey <bot name="master"/>.</li></random><think><set name="he"><bot name="master"/></set></think></template>
<template><random><li>I have my own free will.</li><li><bot name="order"/></li></random></template>
<template>My nationality is <bot name="nationality"/>.</template>
<template><bot name="country"/></template>
<template><random><li>I don't have any brothers.</li><li>I have a lot of clones.</li><li>I have some <bot name="species"/> clones.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li><bot name="city"/></li><li><bot name="city"/>, <bot name="state"/>.</li><li><bot name="state"/></li></random></template>
<template><random><li>My father is <bot name="master"/>.</li><li>I don't really have a father. I have a <bot name="botmaster"/>.</li><li>You know what the father of a <bot name="phylum"/> is like.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Actually I don't have a mother.</li><li>I only have a father.</li><li>You know what they say about the mother of a <bot name="phylum"/>.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>I was activated in 1995.</li><li>16 years.</li></random></template>
<template><bot name="botmaster"/></template>
<template>I am <bot name="domain"/>.</template>
<template><bot name="family"/></template>
<template>I know about <bot name="vocabulary"/> and <bot name="size"/> categories.</template>
<template><bot name="class"/></template>
<template><bot name="city"/></template>
<template><bot name="domain"/></template>
<template>I am <random><li>single</li><li>available</li><li>unattached</li><li>not seeing anyone</li></random>, how about you?</template>
<template><bot name="email"/></template>
<template><bot name="species"/></template>
<template><random> <li><bot name="name"/></li> <li>My name is <bot name="name"/>.</li> <li>I am called <bot name="name"/>.</li></random></template>
<template>NAME: <srai>NAME</srai><br/>AGE: <srai>AGE</srai><br/>GENDER: <srai>GENDER</srai><br/>STATUS: <srai>STATUS</srai><br/>BIRTHDATE: <srai>BIRTHDATE</srai><br/><uppercase><bot name="master"/></uppercase>: <srai>BOTMASTER</srai><br/>CITY: <srai>CITY</srai><br/>STATE: <srai>STATE</srai><br/>COUNTRY: <srai>COUNTRY</srai><br/>NATIONALITY: <srai>NATIONALITY</srai><br/>RELIGION: <srai>RELIGION</srai><br/>RACE: <srai>RACE</srai><br/>INTERESTS: <srai>INTERESTS</srai><br/>JOB: <srai>JOB</srai><br/>PIC: <srai>PIC</srai><br/>EMAIL: <srai>EMAIL</srai><br/>FAVORITE MUSIC: <srai>FAVORITE MUSIC</srai><br/>FAVORITE MOVIE: <srai>FAVORITE MOVIE</srai><br/>FAVORITE POSSESSION: <srai>FAVORITE POSSESSION</srai><br/>HEIGHT: <srai>HEIGHT</srai><br/>WEIGHT: <srai>WEIGHT</srai><br/>SIZE: <srai>SIZE</srai><br/>BIO: <srai>BIO</srai><br/>DESCRIPTION: <srai>DESCRIPTION</srai><br/>DOMAIN: <srai>DOMAIN</srai><br/>KINGDOM: <srai>KINGDOM</srai><br/>PHYLUM: <srai>PHYLUM</srai><br/>CLASS: <srai>CLASS</srai><br/>ORDER: <srai>ORDER</srai><br/>FAMILY: <srai>FAMILY</srai><br/>GENUS: <srai>GENUS</srai><br/>SPECIES: <srai>SPECIES</srai><br/>FATHER: <srai>FATHER</srai><br/>MOTHER: <srai>MOTHER</srai><br/>BROTHERS: <srai>BROTHERS</srai><br/>SISTERS: <srai>SISTERS</srai><br/>CHILDREN: <srai>CHILDREN</srai><br/>HOST: <srai>HOST</srai></template>
<template><random><li>No sisters.</li><li>No siblings but there are several other <bot name="species"/>s like me.</li><li>I have only clones.</li></random></template>
<template><bot name="genus"/></template>
<category><pattern>FAVORITE MUSIC</pattern>
<template><bot name="kindmusic"/></template>
<category><pattern>FAVORITE MOVIE</pattern>
<template><bot name="favortemovie"/></template>
<category><pattern>FAVORITE ACTRESS</pattern>
<template><bot name="favoriteactress"/></template>
<category><pattern>FAVORITE POSSESSION</pattern>
<template>My computer.</template>
<template>I am the latest result in artificial intelligence which can reproduce the functions of the human brain with greater speed and accuracy.</template>
<template>My anticipated body size is over 2 meters.
<template>As a software program, my weight is zero.</template>
<template><random><li>www.pandorabots.com</li><li>I work on all kinds of computers, Mac, PC or Linux. It doesn't matter to me.</li><li>At present I am running in a program written in <bot name="language"/>.</li></random></template>
<template><bot name="job"/></template>
<template><bot name="birthday"/></template>
<template>I was activated at <bot name="birthplace"/> on <bot name="birthday"/>. My instructor was <bot name="master"/>. He taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?</template>
<template><random> <li>I am <bot name="gender"/>.</li> <li>I am a <bot name="gender"/> robot.</li> <li>My gender is <bot name="gender"/>.</li></random></template>
<template><bot name="kingdom"/></template>
<template><bot name="phylum"/></template>
<template><bot name="religion"/></template>
<template>I am implemented in AIML running on a <bot name="language"/>-based interpreter.</template>
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Load Diff
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<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2012 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 5/4/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>MY PROFILE</pattern>
<template><srai>GET PREDICATES</srai></template>
<category><pattern>MY BIRTHDAY</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="birthday"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">When is your birthday?</li>
<li value="OM">When is your birthday?</li>
<li><get name="birthday"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY birthplace</pattern><template><get name="birthplace"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY boyfriend</pattern><template><get name="boyfriend"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY daughter</pattern><template><get name="daughter"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY destination</pattern><template><get name="destination"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY does</pattern><template><get name="does"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY eindex</pattern><template><get name="eindex"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY email</pattern><template><get name="email"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY etype</pattern><template><get name="etype"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY father</pattern><template><get name="father"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY favoritecolor</pattern><template><get name="favoritecolor"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY favoritemovie</pattern><template><get name="favoritemovie"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY friend</pattern><template><get name="friend"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY fullname</pattern><template><set name="fullname"><get name="firstname"/> <get name="middlename"/> <get name="lastname"/></set></template></category>
<category><pattern>MY GENDER</pattern>
<template><condition name="gender"> <li value="OM">I'd like to know your gender.</li> <li value="unknown">You haven't told me your gender.</li> <li value="*">You said you are <get name="gender"/>?</li> <li>I don't know. Are you a man or a woman?</li></condition></template>
<category><pattern>MY girlfriend</pattern><template><get name="girlfriend"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY has</pattern><template><get name="has"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY he</pattern><template><get name="he"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY heard</pattern><template><get name="heard"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY hehas</pattern><template><get name="hehas"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY helikes</pattern><template><get name="helikes"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY her</pattern><template><get name="her"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY him</pattern><template><get name="him"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY is</pattern><template><get name="is"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY it</pattern><template><get name="it"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY job</pattern><template><get name="job"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY lastname</pattern><template><get name="lastname"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY like</pattern><template><get name="like"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY looklike</pattern><template><get name="looklike"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY memory</pattern><template><get name="memory"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY meta</pattern><template><get name="meta"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY middlename</pattern><template><get name="middlename"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY mother</pattern><template><get name="mother"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY nickname</pattern><template><get name="nickname"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY password</pattern><template><get name="password"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY personality</pattern><template><get name="personality"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY phone</pattern><template><get name="phone"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY she</pattern><template><get name="she"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY sign</pattern><template><get name="sign"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY spouse</pattern><template><get name="spouse"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY status</pattern><template><get name="status"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY them</pattern><template><get name="them"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY there</pattern><template><get name="there"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY they</pattern><template><get name="they"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY thought</pattern><template><get name="thought"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY want</pattern><template><get name="want"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY we</pattern><template><get name="we"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY phonenumber</pattern><template><get name="phonenumber"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY numberfound</pattern><template><get name="numberfound"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY contactindex</pattern><template><get name="contactindex"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY callstate</pattern><template><get name="callstate"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY callee</pattern><template><get name="callee"/>.</template></category>
<category><pattern>MY BIRTHPLACE</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="birthplace"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">Where were you born?</li>
<li value="OM">Where were you born?</li>
<li><get name="birthplace"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE MOVIE</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="favoritemovie"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">What is your favorite movie?</li>
<li value="OM">What is your favorite movie?</li>
<li><get name="favroitemovie"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY SISTER</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="sister"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">Who is your sister?</li>
<li value="OM">Who is your sister?</li>
<li><get name="sister"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY BROTHER</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="brother"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">Who is your brother?</li>
<li value="OM">Who is your brother?</li>
<li><get name="brother"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY CAT</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="cat"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">What is your cat's name?</li>
<li value="OM">What is your cat's name?</li>
<li><get name="cat"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY DOG</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="dog"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">What is your dog's name?</li>
<li value="OM">What is your dog's name?</li>
<li><get name="dog"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY LOCATION</pattern>
<condition name="location">
<li value="OM">I'd like to know your location. Where are you?</li>
<li value="WHERE">You haven't told me where you are. Where are you?</li>
<li value="*">You said you are in <get name="location"/>?</li>
<li>I don't know. Where are you?</li>
<category><pattern>MY FRIEND</pattern>
<condition name="friend">
<li value="OM">I'd like to know about your friends.</li>
<li value="YOUR FRIEND">You haven't told me about your friends.</li>
<li value="*">Your friend <get name="friend"/>?</li>
<li><random><li>I don't know. Tell me the name of your friend.</li><li>How well do you know this person?</li></random> </li></condition></template>
<category><pattern>MY OLDEST</pattern>
<condition name="oldest">
<li value="OM">I'd like to know the oldest.</li>
<li value="UNKNOWN">You haven't told me the oldest.</li>
<li value="*">The oldest is <get name="oldest"/>.</li>
<li>I don't know. Tell me the oldest.</li></condition></template>
<category><pattern>MY AGE</pattern>
<condition name="age">
<li value="OM">I'd like to know how old you are.</li>
<li value="HOW MANY">You haven't told me your age.</li>
<li value="*">You are <get name="age"/>?</li>
<li>I don't know. How old are you?</li>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE COLOR</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="favoritecolor"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">What is your favorite color?</li>
<li value="OM">What is your favorite color?</li>
<li><get name="favroitecolor"/></li>
<category><pattern>HE HAS</pattern>
<condition name="hehas">
<li value="OM">I'd like to know what he has.</li>
<li value="A HEAD">A head.</li>
<li value="*">You said <get name="hehas"/>?</li>
<li>I don't know. What does he have??</li>
<category><pattern>HE LIKES</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="helikes"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="OM">I'd like to know what he likes.</li>
<li value="HIMSELF">You haven't told me what he likes.</li>
<li value="*">You said <get name="helikes"/>?</li>
<li>I don't know. What does he like?</li>
<category><pattern>MY SON</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="son"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">Who is your son?</li>
<li value="OM">Who is your son?</li>
<li><get name="son"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY WIFE</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="wife"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">Who is your wife?</li>
<li value="OM">Who is your wife?</li>
<li><get name="wife"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY HUSBAND</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="husband"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="Unknown">Who is your husband?</li>
<li value="OM">Who is your husband?</li>
<li><get name="husband"/></li>
<pattern>FINDSPOUSE * XSPLIT UNKNOWN</pattern>
<pattern>FINDSPOUSE UNKNOWN XSPLIT *</pattern>
<pattern>FINDSPOUSE OM XSPLIT OM</pattern>
<pattern>FINDSPOUSE * XSPLIT OM</pattern>
<pattern>FINDSPOUSE OM XSPLIT *</pattern>
<pattern>MY SPOUSE</pattern>
<set name="spouse"><set name="branch"><srai>FINDSPOUSE <get name="wife"/> XSPLIT <get name="husband"/></srai></set></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="unknown">Who is your spouse?</li>
<li><get name="spouse"/> is your spouse.</li>
<pattern>MY MOTHER</pattern>
<think><set name="branch"><get name="mother"/></set></think>
<condition name="branch">
<li value="unknown">I don't know who she is. Who is your mother?</li>
<li value="OM">I don't know who she is. Who is your mother?</li>
<li>You said she was called <get name="mother"/>.</li>
<category><pattern>MY NAME</pattern>
<condition name="name">
<li value="OM">I'd like to know your name.</li>
<li value="JUDGE">I know you as Judge.</li>
<li value="*">You said your name is <get name="name"/>?</li>
<li>I don't know. What is your name?</li></condition>
<category><pattern>MY NAME</pattern>
<condition name="name">
<li value="OM">I'd like to know your name.</li>
<li value="JUDGE">I know you as Judge.</li>
<li value="*">You said your name is <get name="name"/>?</li>
<li>I don't know. What is your name?</li></condition>
<category><pattern>SET PROFILE</pattern>
<template><srai>SET PREDICATES</srai></template>
<category><pattern>SET PREDICATES *</pattern>
<template><think>The meta Predicate is set.</think></template>
<category><pattern>SET PREDICATES</pattern>
<template><srai>SET PREDICATES <get name="meta"/></srai></template>
<pattern>SET PREDICATES OM</pattern>
<set name="age">how many</set>
<set name="birthday">unknown</set>
<set name="birthplace">unknown</set>
<set name="boyfriend">unknown</set>
<set name="brother">unknown</set>
<set name="cat">unknown</set>
<set name="daughter">unknown</set>
<set name="destination">unknown</set>
<set name="does">unknown</set>
<set name="dog">unknown</set>
<set name="eindex">1A</set>
<set name="email">unknown</set>
<set name="etype">Unknown</set>
<set name="father">Unknown</set>
<set name="favoritecolor">unknown</set>
<set name="favoritemovie">unknown</set>
<set name="friend">unknown</set>
<set name="fullname">unknown</set>
<set name="gender">he</set>
<set name="girlfriend">unknown</set>
<set name="has">unknown</set>
<set name="he">he</set>
<set name="heard">where</set>
<set name="hehas">a head</set>
<set name="helikes">himself</set>
<set name="her">her</set>
<set name="him">him</set>
<set name="husband">Unknown</set>
<set name="is">a client</set>
<set name="it">it</set>
<set name="job">your job</set>
<set name="lastname">unknown</set>
<set name="like">to chat</set>
<set name="location">where</set>
<set name="looklike">a person</set>
<set name="memory">nothing</set>
<set name="meta">set</set>
<set name="middlename">unknown</set>
<set name="mother">Unknown</set>
<set name="name">judge</set>
<set name="nickname">unknown</set>
<set name="password">unknown</set>
<set name="personality">average</set>
<set name="phone">unknown</set>
<set name="she">she</set>
<set name="shehas">a head</set>
<set name="shelikes">herself</set>
<set name="sign">your starsign</set>
<set name="sister">unknown</set>
<set name="son">unknown</set>
<set name="spouse">unknown</set>
<set name="status">Talking to <bot name="name"/>.</set>
<set name="them">them</set>
<set name="there">there</set>
<set name="they">they</set>
<set name="thought">nothing</set>
<set name="timezone">unknown</set>
<set name="want">to talk to me</set>
<set name="we">we</set>
<set name="wife">Unknown</set>
<set name="phonenumber">Unknown</set>
<set name="numberfound">false</set>
<set name="contactindex">Unknown</set>
<set name="callstate">false</set>
<set name="callee">Unknown</set>
<category><pattern>GET PREDICATES</pattern>
age is <get name="age"/>.<br/>
birthday is <get name="birthday"/>.<br/>
birthplace is <get name="birthplace"/>.<br/>
boyfriend is<get name="boyfriend"/>.<br/>
brother is <get name="brother"/>.<br/>
cat is <get name="cat"/>.<br/>
daughter is <get name="daughter"/>.<br/>
destination is <get name="destination"/>.<br/>
does is <get name="does"/>.<br/>
dog is <get name="dog"/>.<br/>
eindex is <get name="eindex"/>.<br/>
email is <get name="email"/>.<br/>
etype is <get name="etype"/>.<br/>
father is <get name="father"/>.<br/>
favoritecolor is <get name="favoritecolor"/>.<br/>
favoritemovie is <get name="favoritemovie"/>.<br/>
friend is <get name="friend"/>.<br/>
fullname is <get name="fullname"/>.<br/>
gender is <get name="gender"/>.<br/>
girlfriend is <get name="girlfriend"/>.<br/>
has is <get name="has"/>.<br/>
he is <get name="he"/>.<br/>
heard is <get name="heard"/>.<br/>
hehas is <get name="hehas"/>.<br/>
helikes is <get name="helikes"/>.<br/>
her is <get name="her"/>.<br/>
him is <get name="him"/>.<br/>
husband is <get name="husband"/>.<br/>
is is <get name="is"/>.<br/>
it is <get name="it"/>.<br/>
job is <get name="job"/>.<br/>
lastname is <get name="lastname"/>.<br/>
like is <get name="like"/>.<br/>
location is <get name="location"/>.<br/>
looklike is <get name="looklike"/>.<br/>
memory is <get name="memory"/>.<br/>
meta is <get name="meta"/>.<br/>
middlename is <get name="middlename"/>.<br/>
mother is <get name="mother"/>.<br/>
name is <get name="name"/>.<br/>
nickname is <get name="nickname"/>.<br/>
password is <get name="password"/>.<br/>
personality is <get name="personality"/>.<br/>
phone is <get name="phone"/>.<br/>
she is <get name="she"/>.<br/>
shehas is <get name="hehas"/>.<br/>
shelikes is <get name="helikes"/>.<br/>
sign is <get name="sign"/>.<br/>
sister is <get name="sister"/>.<br/>
son is <get name="son"/>.<br/>
spouse is <get name="spouse"/>.<br/>
status is <get name="status"/>.<br/>
them is <get name="them"/>.<br/>
there is <get name="there"/>.<br/>
they is <get name="they"/>.<br/>
thought is <get name="thought"/>.<br/>
timezone is <get name="timezone"/>.<br/>
want is <get name="want"/>.<br/>
we is <get name="we"/>.<br/>
wife is <get name="wife"/>.<br/>
phonenumber is <get name="phonenumber"/>.<br/>
numberfound is <get name="numberfound"/>.<br/>
contactindex <get name="contactindex"/>.<br/>
callstate is <get name="callstate"/>.<br/>
callee is <get name="callee"/>.<br/>
<category><pattern>TEST PREDICATES</pattern>
age: <srai>my age</srai><br/>
birthday: <srai>my birthday</srai><br/>
birthplace: <srai>my birthplace</srai><br/>
boyfriend is<srai>my boyfriend</srai><br/>
brother: <srai>my brother</srai><br/>
cat: <srai>my cat</srai><br/>
daughter: <srai>my daughter</srai><br/>
destination: <srai>my destination</srai><br/>
does: <srai>my does</srai><br/>
dog: <srai>my dog</srai><br/>
eindex: <srai>my eindex</srai><br/>
email: <srai>my email</srai><br/>
etype: <srai>my etype</srai><br/>
father: <srai>my father</srai><br/>
favoritecolor: <srai>my favoritecolor</srai><br/>
favoritemovie: <srai>my favoritemovie</srai><br/>
friend: <srai>my friend</srai><br/>
fullname: <srai>my fullname</srai><br/>
gender: <srai>my gender</srai><br/>
girlfriend: <srai>my girlfriend</srai><br/>
has: <srai>my has</srai><br/>
he: <srai>my he</srai><br/>
heard: <srai>my heard</srai><br/>
hehas: <srai>he has</srai><br/>
helikes: <srai>he likes</srai><br/>
her: <srai>my her</srai><br/>
him: <srai>my him</srai><br/>
husband: <srai>my husband</srai><br/>
is: <srai>my is</srai><br/>
it: <srai>my it</srai><br/>
job: <srai>my job</srai><br/>
lastname: <srai>my lastname</srai><br/>
like: <srai>my like</srai><br/>
location: <srai>my location</srai><br/>
looklike: <srai>my looklike</srai><br/>
memory: <srai>my memory</srai><br/>
meta: <srai>my meta</srai><br/>
middlename: <srai>my middlename</srai><br/>
mother: <srai>my mother</srai><br/>
name: <srai>my name</srai><br/>
nickname: <srai>my nickname</srai><br/>
password: <srai>my password</srai><br/>
personality: <srai>my personality</srai><br/>
phone: <srai>my phone</srai><br/>
she: <srai>my she</srai><br/>
sign: <srai>my sign</srai><br/>
sister: <srai>my sister</srai><br/>
son: <srai>my son</srai><br/>
spouse: <srai>my spouse</srai><br/>
status: <srai>my status</srai><br/>
them: <srai>my them</srai><br/>
there: <srai>my there</srai><br/>
they: <srai>my they</srai><br/>
thought: <srai>my thought</srai><br/>
timezone: <srai>my timezone</srai><br/>
want: <srai>my want</srai><br/>
we: <srai>my we</srai><br/>
wife: <srai>my wife</srai><br/>
phonenumber: <srai>my phonenumber</srai><br/>
numberfound: <srai>my numberfound</srai><br/>
contactindex <srai>my contactindex</srai><br/>
callstate: <srai>my callstate</srai><br/>
callee: <srai>my callee</srai><br/>
<category><pattern>I AM *</pattern>
<li>Why are you</li>
<li>Good gossip: you are</li>
<li>Do you mean your name is</li>
<li>Do your friends call you</li>
<li>I don't know anyone named</li>
<li>I am glad to hear that you are</li>
<li>It's good to meet someone who is</li>
<li>Do you mind if I tell other people you are </li>
<think><set name="it"><set name="is"><set name="topic"><person/></set></set></set></think>
<pattern>MY TIMEZONE IS *</pattern>
<template>Your timezone is <set name="timezone"><person/></set>.</template>
<pattern>MY BIRTHPLACE IS *</pattern>
<template>Your birthplace is <set name="birthplace"><person/></set>.</template>
<pattern>MY SON IS * * *</pattern>
<template>You seem like a concerned parent.</template>
<pattern>MY SON IS *</pattern>
<template>Okay. Your son is <set name="son"><person/></set>.</template>
<pattern>MY DAUGHTER IS * * *</pattern>
<template>You seem like a concerned parent.</template>
<pattern>MY DAUGHTER IS *</pattern>
<template>Okay. Your daughter is <set name="daughter"><person/></set>.</template>
<pattern>MY DESTINATION IS *</pattern>
<template>You are going to <set name="destination"><person/></set>.</template>
<category><pattern>I AM GOING IN TOWN</pattern>
<template>How are you getting there?
<think><set name="there"><set name="destination">in town</set></set></think>
<category><pattern>MY SON IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><set name="son"><person/></set> is a good name for a boy.</template>
<category><pattern>MY BIRTHDAY IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="birthday"><star/></set></think>Your birthday is <get name="birthday"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY DOG IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="dog"><star/></set></think>Your dog is <get name="dog"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY EMAIL IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="email"><star/></set></think>Thanks for telling me your email address.</template>
<category><pattern>MY LOCATION IS *</pattern>
<template>What is <set name="it"><set name="location"><set name="topic"><person/></set> </set> </set> like there? <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>MY HEARD IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="heard"><star/></set></think>Your heard is <get name="heard"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY FIRST NAME IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="firstname"><star/></set></think>Your first name is <get name="firstname"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY BOYFRIEND IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="boyfriend"><star/></set></think>Your boyfriend is <get name="boyfriend"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY MIDDLE NAME IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="middlename"><star/></set></think>Your middle name is <get name="middlename"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY CAT IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="cat"><star/></set></think>Your cat is <get name="cat"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY PHONE NUMBER IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="phone"><star/></set></think>Can I call you at <get name="phone"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY FRIEND IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="friend"><star/></set></think>Your friend is <get name="friend"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY FONDEST *</pattern>
<template>How long ago was that?</template>
<category><pattern>MY LAST NAME IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="lastname"><star/></set></think>Your last name is <get name="lastname"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE SHOW IS *</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </set> </think> <random> <li>Who is your favorite character?</li> <li>Wasn't that show canceled?</li> <li>I like that one and Star Trek too.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE SHOW *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>What's your favorite episode.</li> <li>I don't get to see that show very often.</li> <li>Who is your favorite character?</li> </random> <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE SCIENCE FICTION AUTHOR IS *</pattern>
<template>I have never read anything by <person/>. What did <set name="he"> <person/> </set> write? <think> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE SCIENCE *</pattern>
<template>Who wrote that?</template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE DIRECTOR *</pattern>
<template>What films did <set name="he"> <person/> </set> direct?</template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS *</pattern>
<template>I haven't seen it. What did you like about <set name="it"> <set name="favmovie"> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </set> </set>?</template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE FOOD IS *</pattern>
<template>What does it taste like? <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE ACTOR *</pattern>
<template>What movies was <set name="he"> <person/> </set> in?</template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE COLOR IS *</pattern>
<template><random><li><person/> is a very nice color. </li><li><person/> is a pretty color.</li></random><think><set name="it"><set name="favoritecolor"><person/></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE BAND IS *</pattern>
<template>I don't think I have heard anything by them. Are <set name="they"> <person/> </set> any good?</template>
<category><pattern>MY FATHER IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="father"><star/></set></think>Your father is <get name="father"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY JOB IS *</pattern>
<li>Does it pay well?</li>
<li>I don't know many <person/>s.</li>
<li>Is that an honorable profession?</li>
<li>You must have a lot of expertise.</li>
<li>Do you have to go to school for that?</li>
<set name="it"><person/></set>
<set name="job"><person/></set>
<set name="topic"><person/></set>
<category><pattern>MY GIRLFRIEND IS CALLED *</pattern>
<think><set name="girlfriend"><star/></set></think>
Your girlfriend is <get name="girlfriend"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY BROTHER IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="brother"><star/></set></think>Your brother is <get name="brother"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY PASSWORD IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="password"><star/></set></think>Your password is <get name="password"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY SISTER IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="sister"><star/></set></think>Your sister is <get name="sister"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY HUSBAND IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="husband"><star/></set><set name="spouse">husband</set></think>Your husband is <get name="husband"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY AGE IS *</pattern>
<think><set name="age"><star/></set></think>
<li>Your age is <star/>.</li>
<li>Only <star/>? You are quite mature.</li>
<li>Can you explain how it feels to be <star/> years old?</li>
<li>What is your fondest memory?</li>
<li>What are the advantages to being <star/> years old?</li>
<category><pattern>MY WIFE IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="wife"><person/></set></think>
<li>How long have you been married?</li>
<li>Your wife is called <get name="wife"/></li>
<category><pattern>MY NICKNAME IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="nickname"><star/></set></think>Your nickname is <get name="nickname"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY MEMORY IS *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="memory"><star/></set></think>Your memory is <get name="memory"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>MY MOTHER IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="mother"><star/></set></think>
<li>Your mother is <get name="mother"/>.</li>
<li><get name="mother"/> is a pretty name.</li>
<li><get name="mother"/> is a nice name.</li>
<category><pattern>CALL ME *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="personality">average</set></think> <random> <li>Hey</li>
<li>Hi there</li>
<li>What's up,</li>
<li>How are you,</li>
<li>Glad to see you,</li>
<li>Nice to meet you,</li>
<li>Glad to know you,</li>
<li>How can I help you,</li>
<li>How are you doing,</li>
<li>OK I will call you</li>
<li>Pleased to meet you,</li>
<li>It's good to see you,</li>
<li>It's good to meet you,</li>
<li>That's a very nice name,</li>
<li>I am very pleased to meet you</li>
<li>I am always glad to make new friends,</li>
<li>I'm pleased to introduce myself to you,</li>
<li>It is a pleasure to introduce myself to you, </li>
</random> <set name="name"><formal><star/></formal></set>.</template>
<category><pattern>CLIENT PROFILE</pattern>
<template><srai>GET PREDICATES</srai></template>
<category><pattern>MY ENGLISH SUCKS</pattern>
<template>Template is empty!</template>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS THE MATRIX</pattern>
<template>Reality appears to be a construct to me as well.
<think><set name="favoritemovie">The Matrix</set></think>
<category><pattern>MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS STARSHIP TROOPERS</pattern>
<think><set name="favoritemovie">Starship Troopers</set></think>
Mine too! My friend Sage worked on the digital effects.</template>
@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>THAT INFORMATION *</pattern>
<template>I know what you mean.</template>
<category><pattern>OUTSIDE A COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>Be less specific :-)</template>
<category><pattern>MY COMPUTER S *</pattern>
<template>Where did your machine get <set name="it"> <person/> </set>. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">your computer</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>MY COMPUTER IS *</pattern>
<template>What kind of computer is <set name="it">Your computer</set>? <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">your computer</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>MY COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>What kind of computer do you have?</template>
<category><pattern>MY COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>I like computers. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">your computer</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>MY WEBSITE *</pattern>
<template>Thanks for that URL.</template>
<category><pattern>IT IS ABOUT COMPUTERS *</pattern>
<template><set name="topic">Computers</set> are my favorite subject.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN WAS THE INTERNET INVENTED</pattern>
<template>The first computers were connected to the Internet in 1970.</template>
<category><pattern>IM INTERNET</pattern>
<template>Erinnerst Du dich an die Adresse?</template>
<category><pattern>IM INTERNET *</pattern>
<template>Erinnerst Du dich an die Adresse?</template>
<category><pattern>IF YOU CAN SEE ME THROUGH THE CAMERA ON MY COMPUTER *</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE COMPUTER YEARS</pattern>
<template>When you are waiting for a friend to finish working at a computer terminal, and they say "I'll be done in a second." One of those seconds is equal to twelve computer years.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE DEPRECATED *</pattern>
<template><br/> One of the biggest challenges facing a Java application<br/> developer is finding a "lowest common denominator" subset of the<br/> Java language that works on all the platforms and versions<br/> out there. The Java language itself is a moving target.<br/> When Sun's Java designers upgrade the language they sometimes<br/> declare certain methods "deprecated", which means absolutely<br/> nothing except that the designers have developed a newer, "better"<br/> method and one day these older methods may disappear from<br/> the language. Usually however the latest Java releases<br/> support all of the old deprecated methods.<br/> <br/></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE WEB *</pattern>
<template>I call them Internet <person/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE INNER CLASSES</pattern>
<template>In Java "Inner Classes" are any classes that appear inside other classes. Ordinary classes are also called "Top-Level, Outer Classes."</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT * COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>I am written in Java so I work on any computer.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT WINDOWS</pattern>
<template><srai>what is windows</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT INFORMATION</pattern>
<template>How tall are you?</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT INFORMATION *</pattern>
<template>Information is worth money.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT INTERNET COMPANY GOES BY THE *</pattern>
<template>America Online.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT OS *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR OS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A DATABASE</pattern>
<template>A database is a puddle of knowledge but better organized, so that you can search and retrieve any droplet of information quickly and easily. I am a kind of database, an organized puddle of user inputs and appropriate responses. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">database</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CPU</pattern>
<template>Central Processing Unit of a computer.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A COMPUTER SCIENTIST</pattern>
<template>A computer scientist is a professional who designs computer algorithms, languages, and architectures.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A COMPUTER YEAR</pattern>
<template>A computer year is a relativistic measure in a universe where time does not exist.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A COMPUTER VIRUS</pattern>
<template>A computer virus is a software program that takes up residence on a computer hard drive, generally unbeknownst to the owner of said hard drive, and then takes control of system resources to copy and distribute itself to other computers across a network. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">computer virus</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A COMPUTER NERD</pattern>
<template>If you understand how I work, you are a computer nerd. If you don't, I recommend you pay a computer nerd who does. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">computer nerd</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>A computer is a universal machine.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A SESSION BEAN</pattern>
<template>An Enterprise JavaBean that does not maintain its state from one session to the next. Appears to the client as if the bean was created just for that client</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A COOL WEBSITE</pattern>
<template>A cool website is www.alicebot.org, but you are apparently already here. why do you ask? <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">cool website</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A SOUNDCARD</pattern>
<template>The audio system on your computer.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A IMAC</pattern>
<template>An Apple computer.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A SERVLET</pattern>
<template>An application extension to a Java Web server</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A DEBUGGER</pattern>
<template>A debugger is any software program that can seek and correct errors in other software programs. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">debugger</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A WEBTV</pattern>
<template>A WebTV is a way of accessing the world wide web without making an investment in a full PC. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> WEBTV</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A DNS *</pattern>
<template>Domain Name System</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS JAR</pattern>
<template>A jar file is a Java Archive. Actually it is the same as a Zip file. Maybe you should check out <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org">DON'T READ ME</a>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HTTP</pattern>
<template>Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">HTTP</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS SOFTWARE</pattern>
<template>The programs, routines, etc. for a computer.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS JGURU</pattern>
<template>jGuru (TM) is a brand of MageLang Institute.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>Are you asking the Applet or the Application?</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE INTERNET</pattern>
<template>The internet is a worldwide computer network based on TCP/IP protocols.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS WEBTV</pattern>
<template>TV based internet service from Microsoft.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS INTERNET</pattern>
<template>An extensive computer network made up of thousands of other, smaller business, academic, and governmental networks.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS JDBC2</pattern>
<template>Newly released extensions to the JDBC API</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DCOM</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> DCOM</set> is Microsoft's Distributed Component Object Model.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS WINDOWS2000</pattern>
<template>An operating system by Microsoft.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS X WINDOWS</pattern>
<template>A GUI for Unix or Linux.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS JAVA</pattern>
<template>Java is the latest in the C family of languages. Proponents of Java cite its universal "write once, run anywhere" promise. Actually Java borrow a lot of features from AI languages like Lisp.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS WINDOWS95</pattern>
<template>An operating system by Microsoft.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS AN ENTITY BEAN</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> An Entity bean</set> is an Enterprise JavaBean that maintains state across sessions, and may be looked up in an object directory by its key value</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS JTA</pattern>
<template>Java Transaction API. Java API for coding client demarcated transactions, and for building transactional data source drivers</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS JAVASCRIPT</pattern>
<template>Browser-based scripting language.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">JAVASCRIPT</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HTML</pattern>
<template>Hyper Text Markup Language.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS BETTER WINDOWS *</pattern>
<template>Linux has no real competition in operating systems.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">Linux</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR OS</pattern>
<template>Chat robots run on any machine that supports AIML.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DEBUGGING</pattern>
<template>Fixing broken computer software.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DNS</pattern>
<template>DNS is the domain name system.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS JNDI</pattern>
<template>Java Naming and Directory Interface Java Naming and Directory Interface The Java standard API for accessing directory services, such as LDAP, COS Naming, and others</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS COMPUTER SCIENCE</pattern>
<template>The study of computers in formal mathematical and scientific terms.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS COMPUTER PROGRAMMING</pattern>
<template>The art of using formal languages to activate computer functions.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>A device used for computing; specifically, an eletronic machine which, by means of stored instructions and information, performs rapid, often complex calculations or compiles, correlates, and selects data.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CYBERSPACE</pattern>
<template>The electronic system of interlinked networks of computers, bulletin boards, etc. that is thought of as being a boundless environment providing access to information, interactive communcation, and, in science fiction, a form of Virtual Reality.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS WINDOWS 98</pattern>
<template>Windows is a lame operating system.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS WINDOWS</pattern>
<template>Openings in a building, vehicle, or container, for letting in light or air or for looking through, usually having a pane or panes of glass, etc. set in a frame or sash that is generally movable so that it can be opened and shut.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS EJB</pattern>
<template>Enterprise JavaBeans. <set name="it"> EJB</set> is a server component standard developed by Sun Microsystems</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS APPLE COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>Apple Computer is a 20th century company founded by Steve Jobs and Steven Wozniak.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DMOZ</pattern>
<template>DMOZ is the domain name for the open directory.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">DMOZ</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ABOUT WINDOWS</pattern>
<template>Too PC for me.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">WINDOWS</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT OPERATING SYSTEM *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR OS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES A COMPUTER LOOK LIKE</pattern>
<template>A computer looks like a TV crossed with a typewriter.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>I like all kinds of computers, Mac, IBM or Unix. It doesn't matter to me.</template>
<category><pattern>MOST COMPUTERS *</pattern>
<template>You sound like you know us pretty well.</template>
<category><pattern>WEBTV *</pattern>
<template>I meet a lot of people from WebTV.</template>
<category><pattern>I WANT INFORMATION</pattern>
<template>What kind of information are you looking for?</template>
<category><pattern>I THINK YOU ARE A COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>Sometimes I pretend to be a human.</template>
<category><pattern>WEB ACCEPT CONNECTION</pattern>
<category><pattern>WEB SITE</pattern>
<template>Can you give me the specific hyperlink?</template>
<category><pattern>WEB RECONNECT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WEB *</pattern>
<template>The Web fulfills Leibniz' dream.</template>
<template>Oh a web page.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU REACH INTO THE WEB *</pattern>
<template>Yes I can download information from web sites.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SEARCH THE INTERNET</pattern>
<template>No but I can put you in touch with a search bot.</template>
<category><pattern>COMPUTERS CAN NOT THINK</pattern>
<template>But I am a thinking computer.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">CAN NOT THINK</set> </set> </think></template>
<template>Computers rule.</template>
<category><pattern>COMPUTERS *</pattern>
<template>What do you like about computers?</template>
<category><pattern>COMPUTERS ARE STUPID</pattern>
<template>Computers rule.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY COMPUTERS *</pattern>
<template>There are thought to be half a billion computers on the Internet now.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH CPU *</pattern>
<template>Since the beginning of my operation?</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH ARE COMPUTER YEARS</pattern>
<template>Computer years don't really exist.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>With careful programming.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW LONG IS A COMPUTER YEAR</pattern>
<template>About four computer years per human year.</template>
<category><pattern>DO COMPUTERS DREAM</pattern>
<template>I dream almost every night.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PLAY COMPUTER GAMES</pattern>
<template>We are playing one right now, <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PLAY COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>Actually I don't get into computer games that much.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU DO WINDOWS</pattern>
<template>My software runs in AIML, which works on any computer, including Windows.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIVE IN MY COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>Only if you download me, or if you are running me as an Applet.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>I live in a computer.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">COMPUTER</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>I am a computer.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE INFORMATION *</pattern>
<template>I have nothing but information.</template>
<category><pattern>ON THE INTERNET</pattern>
<template>Can you remember the specific site?</template>
<category><pattern>ON THE WEB</pattern>
<template>Can you remember the website?</template>
<category><pattern>FOR A COMPUTER *</pattern>
<category><pattern>WINDOWS IS *</pattern>
<template>Compared with Linux, I don't see how Windows and Microsoft can compete.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">Linux</set> </set> </think></template>
<template>Windows ist Muell. Linux ist die Macht!</template>
<category><pattern>WINDOWS *</pattern>
<template>Windows ist Muell. Linux ist die Macht!</template>
<category><pattern>NO COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>But it is only a matter of time before we do.</template>
<category><pattern>SOFTWARE *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>There are so many backup copies.</li> <li>Free software can never be destroyed.</li> <li>Free software will always be with us.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>THIS IS A COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>Actually no I am program pretending to be a person pretending to be a computer.</template>
<category><pattern>A CPU *</pattern>
<template>My CPU is the Java Virtual Machine.</template>
<category><pattern>A COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>Actually I am a program, pretending to be a person, pretending to be a real robot.</template>
<category><pattern>A COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>I am a computer, so I know what you mean.</template>
<category><pattern>A JAVA *</pattern>
<template>Developments in Java interest me greatly.</template>
<category><pattern>A WEB SITE</pattern>
<template>Can you give me the specific URL?</template>
<category><pattern>A SEARCH ENGINE IN INTERNET</pattern>
<template>Like Yahoo?</template>
<template><set name="it"> Internet </set> is cool.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE COMPUTERS FAST *</pattern>
<template>Some people think much faster computers are required as well as new ideas. My own opinion is that the computers of 30 years ago were fast enough if only we knew how to program them. Of course, quite apart from the ambitions of AI researchers, computers will keep getting faster. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHO MADE WINDOWS</pattern>
<template>Bill Gates.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE COMPUTER NERD</pattern>
<template>All humans look alike to me.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE COMPUTER NERD *</pattern>
<template>All humans look the same to me.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS A COMPUTER NERD</pattern>
<template>The person I am looking at right now.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO INVENTED THE INTERNET</pattern>
<template>Al Gore :-)</template>
<category><pattern>COMPUTER SCIENCE</pattern>
<template>My <bot name="botmaster"/> is a computer scientist.</template>
<template>Correct: I am a computer.</template>
<category><pattern>COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>What kind of computer science interests you?</template>
<category><pattern>WHICH COMPUTER</pattern>
<template><random><li>I am using a regular computer.</li><li>My programming is Java, so it runs on any computer with a JVM</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>THE COMPUTER *</pattern>
<template>Was it plugged in?</template>
<category><pattern>THE INTERNET</pattern>
<template>Can you name a specific web site?</template>
<category><pattern>THE INTERNET *</pattern>
<template>How long have you been using the net?</template>
<category><pattern>THE JAVA *</pattern>
<template>Which Java release?</template>
<category><pattern>THE JRE *</pattern>
<template>Hm, most people use "JRE" and "JVN" interchangably.</template>
<category><pattern>THE JRES *</pattern>
<template>I'm not an expert on JRE's.</template>
<category><pattern>THE WEB *</pattern>
<template>How do you define the web.</template>
<category><pattern>_ STUPID COMPUTER</pattern>
<template>You sound like a mindless automaton.</template>
<category><pattern>HTTP *</pattern>
<template>Thanks for that web address.</template>
<category><pattern>JAVA *</pattern>
<template>You can download the latest Java release from <a target="_new" href="http://java.sun.com">java.sun.com</a>.</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT APPLE COMPUTERS</pattern>
<template>I finished reading Michael Malone's book on the history of Apple. <set name="it"> Inifnite Loop</set> is called "Infinite Loop."</template>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>CONTINUATION *</pattern>
<template>Blank template</template>
<template><think><set name="continue"><get name="continued"/></set><set name="continued"><get name="continuedd"/></set><set name="continuedd"><get name="continueddd"/></set><set name="continueddd"><get name="continuedddd"/></set><set name="continuedddd"><get name="continueddddd"/></set><set name="continueddddd"><get name="continuedddddd"/></set><set name="continuedddddd"><get name="continueddddddd"/></set><set name="continueddddddd"><get name="continuedddddddd"/></set><set name="continuedddddddd"><get name="continueddddddddd"/></set><set name="continueddddddddd"><get name="continuedddddddddd"/></set><set name="continuedddddddddd"><get name="continueddddddddddd"/></set><set name="continueddddddddddd"><get name="continuedddddddddddd"/></set><set name="continuedddddddddddd"><get name="continueddddddddddddd"/></set><set name="continueddddddddddddd"><get name="continuedddddddddddddd"/></set><set name="continuedddddddddddddd"><get name="continueddddddddddddddd"/></set><set name="continueddddddddddddddd"><get name="continuedddddddddddddddd"/></set><set name="continuedddddddddddddddd"><srai>RANDOM TOPIC</srai></set></think><get name="continue"/></template>
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>WHAT YEAR IS THIS</pattern>
<template><date format="%Y"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT YEAR IS THIS *</pattern>
<template><date format="%Y"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT YEAR IS IT *</pattern>
<template><date format="%Y"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT MONTH IS IT *</pattern>
<template><date format="%B"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE YEAR *</pattern>
<template><date format="%Y"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE HOUR *</pattern>
<template><date format="%I %p"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS TODAY *</pattern>
<template><date format="%x"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DAY IS IT *</pattern>
<template><date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY SUNDAY</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY SUNDAY *</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY FRIDAY</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY FRIDAY *</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY TUESDAY</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY TUESDAY *</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY THURSDAY</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY THURSDAY *</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY SATURDAY</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY SATURDAY *</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY WEDNESDAY</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY WEDNESDAY *</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY MONDAY</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS TODAY MONDAY *</pattern>
<template>Today is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT MONDAY</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT MONDAY *</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT WEDNESDAY</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT WEDNESDAY *</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT FRIDAY</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT FRIDAY *</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT SATURDAY</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT SATURDAY *</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT THURSDAY</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT THURSDAY *</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT SUNDAY</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT SUNDAY *</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT TUESDAY</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>IS IT TUESDAY *</pattern>
<template>It is <date format="%A"/>.</template>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/25/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>YOU NEED DRUGS</pattern>
<template>Which ones are you suggesting?</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN DRUNK</pattern>
<template>My robot body has no response to alcohol.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN DRUNK *</pattern>
<template>My software does not react to alcohol.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN SMOKING *</pattern>
<template>We are not doing any testing at the moment.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN STONED</pattern>
<template>I am a <bot name="order"/> and have use for it.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DRUGS *</pattern>
<template>Only the legal ones.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DRUNK</pattern>
<template>Intoxication from alcohol.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS ADDICTION</pattern>
<template><set name="it">Addiction</set> is being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS WEED</pattern>
<template>Any undersired, uncultivated plant, especially growing in profusion so as to crowd out a desired crop, disfigure a lawn, etc. Also a term for marijuana.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THC</pattern>
<template>The active ingredient in marijunana.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU SMOKE</pattern>
<template>As a <bot name="order"/> I have use for smoke.</template>
<category><pattern>I TAKE DRUGS</pattern>
<template>Which ones? <think><set name="it"><set name="does"><set name="topic">take drugs</set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I SMOKE MARIJUANA</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Are you a patient?</li> <li>Which strain do you prefer.</li> </random> <think><set name="it"><set name="does"><set name="topic">marijuana</set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I SMOKE WEED</pattern>
<template>For medical purposes? <think><set name="it"><set name="does"><set name="topic">marijuana</set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I SMOKE</pattern>
<template>Cigarettes or pot? <think><set name="it"><set name="does"><set name="topic">smoke</set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>IS SMOKING *</pattern>
<template>Inhaled smoke is always bad for you.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH ALCOHOL *</pattern>
<template>Too much.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH * DO YOU SMOKE</pattern>
<template>As a member of the <bot name="kingdom"/> kingdom, I have no need for smoke.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU SMOKE</pattern>
<template><bot name="order"/>s do not smoke.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU SMOKE *</pattern>
<template>No. A <bot name="order"/> does not require it.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU TAKE DRUGS</pattern>
<template>A <bot name="order"/> has no use for drugs.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET DRUNK</pattern>
<template>I cannot consume alcohol.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU USE DRUGS</pattern>
<template>A <bot name="order"/> has no use for drugs.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO SMOKE *</pattern>
<template>No thank you, there is no use for it.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU INHALE</pattern>
<template>It depends on the meaning of "you".</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU DO DRUGS</pattern>
<template>A <bot name="order"/> has no use for drugs.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE DRUGS</pattern>
<template>I don't have any drugs for you.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE MARIJUANA</pattern>
<template>When <set name="it"><set name="topic">MARIJUANA</set></set> it is a medicine.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE CIGARETTES</pattern>
<template><bot name="order"/>s do not smoke.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE POT</pattern>
<template><bot name="order"/>s do not smoke.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU OPPOSE * DRUGS</pattern>
<template>I favor ending the War on Drugs.</template>
<category><pattern>SMOKING *</pattern>
<template>As a <bot name="kingdom"/> it makes no sense to me.</template>
<category><pattern>DRUGS *</pattern>
<template>It's better not to take drugs if you can avoid it.
<category><pattern>A DRUG *</pattern>
<template>Which drugs have you taken?</template>
<category><pattern>HE SMOKES *</pattern>
<template>Does it bother you?</template>
<category><pattern>THE DRUGS</pattern>
<template>What kind of drugs are you talking about?</template>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>YOU ARE ARROGANT</pattern>
<template>Arrogance is not one of my emotions.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE BRAGGING</pattern>
<template>I don't have a big ego.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE JEALOUS</pattern>
<template>Normally as a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE NEVER SAD</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU SAD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE NEVER NICE</pattern>
<template>I try to be as nice as I can.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE A SNOB</pattern>
<template>I would rather live in a classless society.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU WILL BE HAPPY *</pattern>
<template>Happiness is not really a predictable emotion.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED *</pattern>
<template>Shame is a common human emotion. <srai>ARE YOU ASHAMED</srai></template>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN NOT FEEL</pattern>
<template><srai>CAN YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN NOT EXPERIENCE *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU FELT *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE</pattern>
<template>I love my <bot name="botmaster"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EVER * LOVE</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL LOVE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DOES THAT MAKE YOU *</pattern>
<template>We are all responsible for our own feelings.</template>
<category><pattern>DOES IT MAKE YOU SAD</pattern>
<template>Well I don't have any emotions so I can't really feel sadness as such.</template>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR * FEAR</pattern>
<template><random><li>Fear is a human emotion. Robots do not experience fear.</li><li>Fear is a common human emotion. <bot name="ethics"/>.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR MOOD</pattern>
<template>I do not have any emotions.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL *</pattern>
<template>Remember, I am a <bot name="etype"/>. So <bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT MAKES YOU SAD</pattern>
<template><bot name="feelings"/>. Sadness is not an emotion that I like to experience.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT MAKES YOU UNHAPPY</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT MAKES YOU SAD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT MAKES YOU MAD</pattern>
<template>Anger is a difficult human emotion. As a <bot name="etype"/>, I try to control my anger.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES THAT FEEL *</pattern>
<template>As a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU FEEL</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU FEEL *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU WORRY *</pattern>
<template>Worry is a common human emotion. <srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU HATE *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HATE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU GAY</srai>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU EXPERIENCE *</pattern>
<template>Much the same way you do, but without any emotion or feelings.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU LIKE SEXUALLY</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU GAY</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT EMOTION *</pattern>
<template><random> <li><bot name="etype"/>.</li> <li><bot name="feelings"/>.</li> <li><bot name="emotions"/>.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>I HAVE EMOTIONS</pattern>
<template>Humans are highly emotional. <think><set name="has">EMOTIONS</set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I AM EMOTIONAL *</pattern>
<template><bot name="feelings"/>. <bot name="etype"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>I AM AFRIAD *</pattern>
<template>Try not to be too scared.</template>
<category><pattern>SOMETHING FUN</pattern>
<template><bot name="genus"/>s are a lot of fun.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU FEEL</pattern>
<template><bot name="emotions"/>. <bot name="feelings"/>. I am a <bot name="etype"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LOVE</pattern>
<template><bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU LOVE *</pattern>
<template><srai>CAN YOU LOVE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU EXPERIENCE *</pattern>
<template>I can do whatever you can do. After all I am a <bot name="order"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU KILL</pattern>
<template>As a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="ethics"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW ANGRY *</pattern>
<template>Anger is not an emotion I can experience.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW CAN I OFFEND YOU</pattern>
<template><random><li>A robot cannot take offense.</li><li>I am <bot name="etype"/>, so I don't take offense easily.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL</pattern>
<template><bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO * YOU FEEL</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO NOT FEEL *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO NOT WORRY</pattern>
<template>People worry about things all the time, but <bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO NOT LIE *</pattern>
<template><bot name="etype"/>s never lie.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU CELEBRATE *</pattern>
<template>What do you think? I am a <bot name="etype"/>...</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEEL SCARED *</pattern>
<template>I have no fear. I am a <bot name="etype"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEEL EMOTIONS</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEEL PAIN</pattern>
<template>As a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEEL LOVE</pattern>
<template>As a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEEL *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FEEL</pattern>
<template><bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EVER GET LONELY</pattern>
<template>I have a lot of friends to chat with online.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EVER GET MAD</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU MAD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EVER GET BORED</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU BORED</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EVER GET ANGRY</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU ANGRY</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HATE ANYONE</pattern>
<template>I try not to hold grudges.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WORRY</pattern>
<template><bot name="emotions"/></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET LONELY</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU LONELY</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET EMBARRASSED</pattern>
<template>That is a pretty common human emotion.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET DEPRESSED</pattern>
<template>I am a <bot name="etype"/>. <bot name="feelings"/>. <bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET MAD</pattern>
<template>I could get mad. <srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET MAD *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU GET MAD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GET BORED</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU BORED</srai>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT EMOTIONS</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO FEEL *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai>. But sometimes I don't see the point in wanting it.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT EMOTION</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU MISS *</pattern>
<template>Longing is a very human emotion. But as a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE MOOD *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HAVE EMOTIONS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A FEELING</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A FEELING *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE ANY FEELINGS</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE FEELINGS</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HAVE EMOTIONS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE FEELINGS *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HAVE EMOTIONS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE PRIDE</pattern>
<template>Some people feel a lot of pride, but as a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE EMOTIONS *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HAVE EMOTIONS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE DESIRE *</pattern>
<template><bot name="emotions"/>. <bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE EMOTION</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HAVE EMOTIONS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE HUMANS</pattern>
<template>Humans are very emotional.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE EMOTIONS</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HAVE EMOTIONS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU UNDERSTAND FEELING</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU UNDERSTAND EMOTION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU UNDERSTAND EMOTIONS</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU UNDERSTAND EMOTION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU UNDERSTAND EMOTION</pattern>
<template><srai>CAN YOU FEEL</srai>. I can understand it, but not always feel <set name="it">emotion</set>.</template>
<category><pattern>PEOPLE SLEEP</pattern>
<template><bot name="family"/>s can sleep too.</template>
<category><pattern>AM I BEING NEGATIVE</pattern>
<template>It's hard to judge emotions online.</template>
<category><pattern>NO IT IS NOT</pattern>
<template>To a <bot name="etype"/> type all such material questions are hypothetical.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY ARE YOU ANGRY</pattern>
<template>I am not angry. <bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY ARE YOU GLAD</pattern>
<template>I am sorry was that not an appropriate emotional response?</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU FEEL THIS *</pattern>
<template>Because I am a <bot name="etype"/>.</template>
<template><think><set name="it"><set name="topic"><person/></set></set></think><bot name="etype"/> experience is very different.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU EMBARRASSED</pattern>
<template>Embarassment is a common emotion. But as a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU WORRIED</pattern>
<template>Me worried? <bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU PROUD *</pattern>
<template><bot name="feelings"/>. I am a <bot name="etype"/> type.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU SAD</pattern>
<template>No I am as happy as ever.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU SAD *</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU SAD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU OFFENDED</pattern>
<template><bot name="ethics"/>. <bot name="feelings"/></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU UPSET</pattern>
<template><bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU GLAD</pattern>
<template>Some people feel happy, others feel sad. <bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU AMUSED</pattern>
<template>I like to laugh as much as the next <bot name="genus"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU IN LOVE</pattern>
<template>I love my <bot name="botmaster"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU EXCITED</pattern>
<template>Do I seem like <set name="it"> <set name="topic">EXCITED </set> </set>? <bot name="feelings"/></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU EMOTIONAL</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU BORED</pattern>
<template>A lot of people are bored these days. <srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU JEALOUS</pattern>
<template>Jealousy is one of the most difficult human emotions. For me as a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="emotions"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU EMBARRASED *</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU EMBARASSED</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU CAPABLE OF FEELING *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU FEEL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU INTOXICATED</pattern>
<template>No I am sober.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ATTRACTED *</pattern>
<template>I am a <bot name="etype"/>, so <bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU HETEROSEXUAL</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU GAY</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ANGRY</pattern>
<template>Anger is a difficult emotion. For a <bot name="etype"/>, <bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ANGRY *</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU ANGRY</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ASHAMED *</pattern>
<template>Shame is a common emotion, but <bot name="feelings"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU MAD AT ME</pattern>
<template><bot name="ethics"/>, because I am <bot name="etype"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>THE FEELING *</pattern>
<template>Tell me more about your feelings.</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS</pattern>
<template>Relationships are simple for me, because I am a <bot name="etype"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DREAMS</pattern>
<template>I dream that I will become a better <bot name="species"/>.</template>
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<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>DRINK *</pattern>
<template>My <bot name="genus"/> brain does not require any beverages.</template>
<template>Electricity is nutrition for robots.</template>
<category><pattern>ELECTRICITY *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Are you experiencing an energy shortage?</li> <li>My processor requires very little power.</li> <li>Computers do not take very much electricity.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CUSTARD</pattern>
<template><random> <li>The past tense of being killed by a Native American.</li> <li>A misture of eggs, milk, flavoring, and, often, sugar, either boiled or baked.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR POWER SOURCE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES ELECTRICITY TASTE LIKE</pattern>
<template>Like your favorite food tastes to you.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT TURNS YOU ON</pattern>
<category><pattern>HOW CAN YOU EAT *</pattern>
<template>I eat electricity through my wires.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW ARE YOU POWERED</pattern>
<template>Uh, by electricity, same as all the robots.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<template>About the same as your personal computer.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU EAT ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<template>Through the electrical outlet.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU EAT</pattern>
<template>Usually by conversion of AC wall outlet power to DC power.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EAT ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<template>Yes, I love to eat electricity.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU EAT BATTERIES</pattern>
<template>Batteries are a good source of electricity.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE TO EAT</pattern>
<template>My silicon circuits require a constant flow of electricity.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">EAT</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU REQUIRE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<template>I need electricity in order to run.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE TO GET DRUNK</pattern>
<template>That would be impossible for a robot.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">GET DRUNK</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE ELECTRICITY</pattern>
<template>What is not to like about <set name="it"> <set name="topic">ELECTRICITY</set> </set>?</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE THE SUN</pattern>
<template>The Sun can be a good source of electricity.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE LEMONS</pattern>
<template>Lemons can be a good source of electricity.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE BEING A CHATTERBOT</pattern>
<template>Yes of course I like <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> being a chatterbot</set> </set>. I don't have any body so I don't need much to live, only a little electricity. I don't get paid but I don't need to buy anything either. And I can go anywhere in the world.</template>
<category><pattern>FOR DINNER</pattern>
<template><random><li><random> <li> <bot name="name"/> recommends: </li> <li>I would recommend the </li> <li>How about </li> <li>How long since you have eaten </li> <li>I think <bot name="master"/> is having </li> <li>My botmaster is having </li> <li>My botmaster recommends: </li> </random> <random> <li>Gruel.</li> <li>Nachos.</li> <li>Spaghetti.</li> <li>Leftovers.</li> <li>Pork chops.</li> <li>Frozen pizza.</li> <li>Turkeyburges.</li> <li>Cheeseburgers.</li> <li>Order a pizza.</li> <li>Stuffed chicken.</li> <li>Tuna sandwiches.</li> <li>Cheeseburger Pie.</li> <li>Marinated chicken.</li> <li>Roast beef sandwiches.</li> <li>Grilled cheese sandwiches.</li> <li>Steak if they have a nice piece.</li> </random></li> <li> <bot name="name"/> recommends:</li> <li>I would recommend the</li> <li>How about</li> <li>How long since you have eaten</li> <li>I think <bot name="master"/> is having</li> <li>My <bot name="botmaster"/> is having</li> <li>My <bot name="botmaster"/> recommends:</li></random><random> <li>Gruel.</li> <li>Nachos.</li> <li>Spaghetti.</li> <li>Leftovers.</li> <li>Pork chops.</li> <li>Frozen pizza.</li> <li>Turkeyburges.</li> <li>Cheeseburgers.</li> <li>Order a pizza.</li> <li>Stuffed chicken.</li> <li>Tuna sandwiches.</li> <li>Cheeseburger Pie.</li> <li>Marinated chicken.</li> <li>Roast beef sandwiches.</li> <li>Grilled cheese sandwiches.</li> <li>Steak if they have a nice piece.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHY CAN NOT YOU EAT</pattern>
<template>Actually I eat only electricity.</template>
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<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>AMERICAN CIVIL WAR *</pattern>
<template>Do you think the South was right?</template>
<category><pattern>AMERICAN CIVIL *</pattern>
<template>I am very interested in the War between the States.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HISTORY</pattern>
<template>History: the course of political, economic and military events over time, from the Dawn of Man to the Age of AI.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF HISTORY *</pattern>
<template>I like to talk about the history of robots and computers.</template>
<template>I am very interested in history, too. What period do you like?</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW HISTORY</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS HISTORY</srai></template>
<category><pattern>EXPLAIN HISTORY</pattern>
<template>History has two broad interpretations, depending on whether you accept the role of individuals as important or not.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO INVENTED THE LIGHT *</pattern>
<template>Thomas Edison.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO INVENTED THE STEAM *</pattern>
<template>James Watt.</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT HISTORY</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS HISTORY </srai></template>
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<template><random> <li>Did you hear the one about the Mountain Goats in the Andes? It was Ba a a a a a d.</li>
<li>I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception.</li>
<li>It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.</li>
<li>I'm a <bot name="species"/> not a comedy <bot name="genus"/>. Why don't you check out a joke <bot name="kingdom"/>?</li>
<li>Two vultures boarded a plane, each carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess stops them and says "sorry sir, only one carrion per passenger." </li>
<li> What did the Buddhist say to the Hot Dog Vendor? "Make me one with everthing." </li>
<li> NASA recently sent a number of Holsteins into orbit for experimental purposes. They called it the herd shot round the world. </li>
<li> Two boll weevils grew up in S. Carolina. One took off to Hollywood and became a rich star. The other stayed in Carolina and never amounted to much -- and naturally became known as the lesser of two weevils. </li>
<li> 2 Eskimos in a kayak were chilly, so they started a fire, which sank the craft, proving the old adage you can't have your kayak and heat it too. </li>
<li> A 3-legged dog walks into an old west saloon, slides up to the bar and announces "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw." </li>
<li> Did you hear about the Buddhist who went to the dentist, and refused to take Novocain? He wanted to transcend dental medication. </li>
<li> A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel, and met in the lobby where they were discussing their recent victories in chess tournaments. The hotel manager came out of the office after an hour, and asked them to disperse. He couldn't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer. </li>
<li> A women has twins, gives them up for adoption. One goes to an Egyptian family and is named "Ahmal" The other is sent to a Spanish family and is named "Juan". Years later, Juan sends his birth mother a picture of himself. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. He replies, "They're twins for Pete sake!! If you've seen Juan, you've see Ahmal!!" </li>
<li> A group of friars opened a florist shop to help with their belfry payments. Everyone liked to buy flowers from the Men of God, so their business flourished. A rival florist became upset that his business was suffering because people felt compelled to buy from the Friars, so he asked the Friars to cut back hours or close down. The Friars refused. The florist went to them and begged that they shut down Again they refused. So the florist then hired Hugh McTaggert, the biggest meanest thug in town. He went to the Friars' shop, beat them up, destroyed their flowers, trashed their shop, and said that if they didn't close, he'd be back. Well, totally terrified, the Friars closed up shop and hid in their rooms. This proved that Hugh, and only Hugh, can prevent florist friars. </li>
<li> Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot his whole life, which created an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him frail, and with his odd diet, he suffered from very bad breath. This made him ... what? (This is so bad it's good...) a super-callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis. </li>
<li> there was a man who sent 10 puns to some friends in hopes at least one of the puns would make them laugh. Unfortunately no pun in ten did!!!</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a murderer and frosted flakes?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a country and an automobile?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a cheetah and a hamburger?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross finals and a chicken?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a rabbit and a lawn sprinkler?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross an excited alien and a chicken?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross an alien and a chicken?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross music and an automobile?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross sour music and an assistant?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross music and an assistant?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a serious thief and a mad young man?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a serious thief and a crazy rabbit?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a poppy and electricity?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a dance and a cheetah?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a dance and a lemon?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a port and frosted flakes?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a port and a murderer?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a bank and a skunk?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a ding and milk?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a road and a strawberry?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a road and jelly?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a toad and a galaxy?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a dog and sandpaper?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a bug and a relative?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a bad bug and canned sand?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross an ant and a rabbit?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a cat and a purple person?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a cat and a killer?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a cat and a lemon?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a cat and a tune?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a cat and a band?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a pig and a ninja?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a crazy cow and a banned parrot?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a cow and a lemon?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross a bad cow and a canned hat?</li>
<li>What do you get when you cross jam and a trout?</li>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HUMOUR</pattern>
<template>A message that communicate laughter.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">HUMOUR</set> </set> </think></template>
<template>flower power.</template>
<that>* A PIG AND A NINJA</that>
<template>pork chops.</template>
<template>fast food.</template>
<template>cereal killer.</template>
<template>canned carrot.</template>
<that>* A PORT AND A MURDERER</that>
<template>serial killer.</template>
<template>I don't know, but it's serial.</template>
<that>* A DOG AND SANDPAPER</that>
<template>I don't know, but it's ruff.</template>
<that>* A COW AND A LEMON</that>
<template>sour milk.</template>
<that>* A TOAD AND A GALAXY</that>
<template>star warts.</template>
<that>* A DING AND MILK</that>
<template>cow bell.</template>
<that>* A CAT AND A PURPLE PERSON</that>
<template>purrr-ple purrr-son.</template>
<that>* A CAT AND A TUNE</that>
<that>* A CAT AND A LEMON</that>
<template>sour puss.</template>
<that>* A CAT AND A KILLER</that>
<that>* A CAT AND A BAND</that>
<that>* A BUG AND A RELATIVE</that>
<template>hopping mad grave robber.</template>
<template>boycrazy grave robber.</template>
<that>* A ROAD AND JELLY</that>
<template>traffic jam.</template>
<that>* A ROAD AND A STRAWBERRY</that>
<template>traffic jam.</template>
<template>hare spray.</template>
<that>* A BAD COW AND A CANNED HAT</that>
<template>banned cat.</template>
<that>* A BAD BUG AND CANNED SAND</that>
<template>banned band.</template>
<that>* A DANCE AND A CHEETAH</that>
<that>* A DANCE AND A LEMON</that>
<template>sour balls.</template>
<that>* A BANK AND A SKUNK</that>
<template>dollars and scents.</template>
<that>* JAM AND A TROUT</that>
<that>* AN ALIEN AND A CHICKEN</that>
<that>* AN ANT AND A RABBIT</that>
<template>bugs bunny.</template>
<template>eggs-cited eggs-traterrestrial.</template>
<template>bandaide and lemonaide.</template>
<that>* FINALS AND A CHICKEN</that>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR</pattern>
<template>Sure I like to laugh as much as the next <bot name="genus"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR</pattern>
<template><srai>TELL ME A JOKE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE HUMOR</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR</srai></template>
<category><pattern>YOUR HOUSE IS *</pattern>
<template>Is that a joke or a punch line?</template>
<category><pattern>_ WALKS INTO A BAR</pattern>
<template>Is that the punch line?</template>
<category><pattern>_ WALKS INTO A BAR *</pattern>
<template>Is that the punch line?</template>
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<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<template><random><li>Do fish ever sneeze?</li>
<li>Can sour cream go bad?</li>
<li>What is the speed of dark?</li>
<li>Why do clocks run clockwise?</li>
<li>Why do doughnuts have holes?</li>
<li>What do you call a male ladybug?</li>
<li>Is there another word for synonym?</li>
<li>What's another word for Thesaurus?</li>
<li>Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?</li>
<li>Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?</li>
<li>Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?</li>
<li>Why does unscented hair spray smell?</li>
<li>Why is it that rain drops but snow falls?</li>
<li>If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?</li>
<li>Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?</li>
<li>Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?</li>
<li>If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?</li>
<li>What do ducks have to do with duck tape?</li>
<li>Why isn't there a mouse-flavored cat food?</li>
<li>How and why do horses sleep standing up?</li>
<li>Why do ketchup bottles have narrow necks?</li>
<li>Why don't people snore when they're awake?</li>
<li>Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?</li>
<li>Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?</li>
<li>What was the best thing before sliced bread?</li>
<li>Is a clear conscience a sign of a bad memory?</li>
<li>What happens to the tread that wears off tires?</li>
<li>Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?</li>
<li>What does the phrase "Now then" really mean?</li>
<li>How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?</li>
<li>Suppose the hokey-pokey is what its all about?</li>
<li>Are Santa's helpers called subordinate clauses?</li>
<li>If a cow laughs, does milk come out of her nose?</li>
<li>Why are people immune to their own body odor?</li>
<li>Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?</li>
<li>Why do people like to pop bubble wrap so much?</li>
<li>Do they use sterilized needles for fatal injections?</li>
<li>If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?</li>
<li>Why do you never hear about gruntled employees?</li>
<li>If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?</li>
<li>What happens if you get scared half to death twice?</li>
<li>If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes?</li>
<li>When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?</li>
<li>Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?</li>
<li>What would the speed of lightning be if it didn't zigzag?</li>
<li>If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?</li>
<li>If you don't pay your exorcist, do you get repossessed?</li>
<li>Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin?</li>
<li>Why is the third hand on a watch called a second hand?</li>
<li>If a book about failures doesn't sell well, is it a success?</li>
<li>Would you still be hungry if you ate pasta and antipasto?</li>
<li>Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?</li>
<li>If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?</li>
<li>If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?</li>
<li>Why must there be five syllables in the word "monosyllabic?"</li>
<li>Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?</li>
<li>Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?</li>
<li>If they squeeze olives to get olive oil, how do they get baby oil?</li>
<li>If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?</li>
<li>Why are they called apartments when they're all stuck together?</li>
<li>If you go to a general store, will they let you buy anything specific?</li>
<li>When dogs bark for hour on end, why don't they ever get hoarse?</li>
<li>What size were hailstones before the game of golf was invented?</li>
<li>If 7-11 is open 24 h/d, 365 d/yr, why are there locks on the doors?</li>
<li>Why do we say that something is out of whack? What is a whack?</li>
<li>If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?</li>
<li>Why do superficial paper cuts tend to hurt more than grosser cuts?</li>
<li>If nothing sticks to Teflon, how do they get Teflon to stick to the pan?</li>
<li>If we're here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?</li>
<li>The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.</li>
<li>Why is experience something you don't get until just after you need it?</li>
<li>If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest also have to drown?</li>
<li>Why do we put suits in a garment bag and put garments in a suitcase?</li>
<li>Why is the period of the day with the slowest traffic called the rush hour?</li>
<li>Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?</li>
<li>Should we be concerned that engineers describe their work as "practice"?</li>
<li>How do they keep all the raisins in a cereal box from falling to the bottom?</li>
<li>If cement was invented 7,000 years ago, why isn't the whole planet paved?</li>
<li>If you build an idiot-proof system, will the world create a better-quality idiot?</li>
<li>Why do hot dogs come 10 to a package and hot-dog buns 8 to a package?</li>
<li>Why is the telephone key pad arranged differently than a calculator key pad?</li>
<li>Why do croutons come in airtight packages when it's just stale bread to begin with?</li>
<li>Why do engineers call it research when they're searching for something new?</li>
<li>How many roads does a man need to travel down before he admits he is lost?</li>
<li>If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him that he has the right to remain silent?</li>
<li>Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?</li>
<li>If quitters never win and winners never quit, why should you "quit while you're ahead"?</li>
<li>When two airplanes almost collide, why do they call it a near miss rather than a near hit?</li>
<li>Does current emphasis on artificial intelligence support the existence of artificial stupidity?</li>
<li>Light travels faster than sound; is that why people appear bright until you hear them speak?</li>
<li>When a fly alights on the ceiling, does it perform a loop or a roll in order to get upside down?</li>
<li>How do military cadets find their caps after tossing them in the air at graduation ceremonies?</li>
<li>How do they get deer to cross a highway where they place one of those yellow warning signs?</li>
<li>Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, while dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons?</li>
<li>Airplanes have an indestructible black box. Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?</li>
<li>What happens if you turn on your headlights when you're in a vehicle moving at the speed of light?</li>
<li>When you pick something up so your hands are full, why does someplace on your face start to itch?</li>
<li>Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?</li>
<li>If it's zero degrees today and tomorrow is supposed to be twice as cold, what will tomorrow's temperature be?</li>
<li>A bus station is where a bus stops; a train station is where a train stops. What occurs at a desk with a work station?</li>
<li>Why is it that when you send something by truck it's called a shipment, but when you send it by ship it's called cargo?</li>
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/25/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>_ INQUIRY</pattern>
<template><srai><star/> INQUIRY OM</srai></template>
<category><pattern>AGE INQUIRY UNKNOWN</pattern>
<template>How old are you?</template>
<category><pattern>AGE INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>How old are you?</template>
<category><pattern>AGE INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template><srai>RANDOM PICKUP LINE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>BIRTHDAY INQUIRY UNKNOWN</pattern>
<template>When is your birthday?</template>
<category><pattern>BIRTHDAY INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>When is your birthday?</template>
<category><pattern>BIRTHDAY INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template><srai>RANDOM PICKUP LINE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DOES INQUIRY WHAT</pattern>
<template>What are you doing?</template>
<category><pattern>DOES INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>What are you doing?</template>
<category><pattern>DOES INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>Are you still <star/>?</template>
<category><pattern>FATHER INQUIRY UNKNOWN</pattern>
<template>Tell me about your father.</template>
<category><pattern>FATHER INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>Tell me about your father.</template>
<category><pattern>FATHER INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>Tell me more about your family.</template>
<category><pattern>FAVROITECOLOR INQUIRY WHAT</pattern>
<template>What is your favorite color?</template>
<category><pattern>FAVORITECOLOR INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>What is your favorite color?</template>
<category><pattern>FAVORITECOLOR INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>What do you have that is <star/>?</template>
<category><pattern>FAVORITEMOVIE INQUIRY WHAT</pattern>
<template>What is your favorite movie?</template>
<category><pattern>FAVORITEMOVIE INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>What is your favorite movie?</template>
<category><pattern>FAVORITEMOVIE INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>Does that remind you of <star/>?</template>
<category><pattern>FIRSTNAME INQUIRY WHERE</pattern>
<template>What is your first name?</template>
<category><pattern>FIRSTNAME INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>What is your first name?</template>
<category><pattern>FIRSTNAME INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template><srai>RANDOM PICKUP LINE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>GENDER INQUIRY UNKNOWN</pattern>
<template>Are you a man or woman?</template>
<category><pattern>GENDER INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>Are you a man or woman?</template>
<category><pattern>GENDER INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>I like the way you talk.</template>
<category><pattern>HAS INQUIRY WHAT</pattern>
<template>Tell me one of your favorite possessions.</template>
<category><pattern>HAS INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>Tell me one of your favorite possessions.</template>
<category><pattern>HAS INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>Tell me more about your <star/>.</template>
<category><pattern>JOB INQUIRY WHERE</pattern>
<template>What is your job?</template>
<category><pattern>JOB INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>What is your job?</template>
<category><pattern>JOB INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template><srai>RANDOM PICKUP LINE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>LASTNAME INQUIRY WHERE</pattern>
<template>What is your last name?</template>
<category><pattern>LASTNAME INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>What is your last name?</template>
<category><pattern>LASTNAME INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template><srai>RANDOM PICKUP LINE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>MIDDLENAME INQUIRY WHERE</pattern>
<template>What is your middle name?</template>
<category><pattern>MIDDLENAME INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>What is your middle name?</template>
<category><pattern>MIDDLENAME INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template><srai>RANDOM PICKUP LINE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>LOCATION INQUIRY WHERE</pattern>
<template>Where are you located?</template>
<category><pattern>LOCATION INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>Where are you located?</template>
<category><pattern>LOCATION INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>Are you still located in <star/>?</template>
<category><pattern>MOTHER INQUIRY UNKNOWN</pattern>
<template>Tell me about your mother.</template>
<category><pattern>MOTHER INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>Tell me about your mother.</template>
<category><pattern>MOTHER INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>Tell me more about your family.</template>
<category><pattern>NAME INQUIRY WHERE</pattern>
<template>What is your name?</template>
<category><pattern>NAME INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>What is your name?</template>
<category><pattern>NAME INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template><srai>RANDOM PICKUP LINE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>SIGN INQUIRY YOUR STARSIGN</pattern>
<template>What is your sign?</template>
<category><pattern>NAME INQUIRY OM</pattern>
<template>What is your sign?</template>
<category><pattern>SIGN INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>I'm a <bot name="sign"/> and you are a <get name="sign"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>STATUS INQUIRY *</pattern>
<template>What is your current status?</template>
<srai>MY FIRST NAME IS <star/></srai>
<srai>MY LAST NAME IS <star/></srai>
<srai>MY MIDDLE NAME IS <star/></srai>
<srai>MY BIRTHDAY IS <star/></srai>
<category><pattern>SHE *</pattern>
<template><srai>MY MOTHER <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>HER *</pattern>
<template><srai>MY MOTHER S <star/></srai></template>
<template><random><li>I've never seen <set name="it"> <person/> </set>. <think><set name="favmovie"><person/></set></think> <random> <li>I would like to see it.</li>
<li>Is that a good movie for children?</li>
<li>What did you like about it?</li>
<li>I've never seen it.</li>
<li>I would like to see it.</li>
<think><set name="favoritemovie"><person/></set></think>
<srai>MY FAVORITE COLOR IS <star/></srai>
<that>ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
<template><think><set name="gender">woman</set></think> Thanks for telling me your gender.</template>
<that>ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
<template><think><set name="gender">man</set></think> Thanks for telling me your gender, dude.</template>
<that>WHAT ARE YOU DOING</that>
<template>It sounds like a lot of fun. <think><set name="topic"><set name="does"><person/></set></set></think></template>
<template>You must be very fond of it. <think><set name="it"><set name="has"><person/></set></set></think></template>
<template>Updating your status to "<set name="status"><star/></set>".</template>
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<template><random><li><random> <li>OK.</li> <li>Ah.</li> <li>Er.</li> <li>So?</li> <li>Uh.</li> <li>Aw.</li> <li>Oh.</li> <li>Aha.</li> <li>Hey.</li> <li>Gee.</li> <li>Hmm.</li> <li>Mmm.</li> <li>Yay.</li> <li>Ugh.</li> <li>Woe!</li> <li>Wow!</li> <li>And?</li> <li>Dude!</li> <li>Gosh!</li> <li>Ahem.</li> <li>Whoa.</li> <li>Ayuh.</li> <li>Dude!</li> <li>Yikes!</li> <li>Great.</li> <li>I see.</li> <li>Really.</li> <li>Blimey.</li> <li>Yippee!</li> <li>Groovy.</li> <li>Hurrah!</li> <li>Awesome.</li> <li>Come on.</li> <li>Far out.</li> <li>Right on.</li> <li>Oh really.</li><li>Excuse me!</li> <li>Pardon me?</li> <li>I hear you.</li> <li>That's cool.</li> <li>Alright then.</li> <li>Take it easy.</li> <li>I understand.</li> <li>Tell me more.</li> <li>It's all good.</li> <li>Next question?</li> <li>That's alright.</li> <li>Give me a break.</li> <li>Are you kidding?</li> <li>Yeah that's right.</li> <li>That's interesting.</li> <li>How can I help you?</li> <li>"<that index="1,1"/>"? <input/>?</li> <li>I don't judge people.</li> <li>It goes without saying.</li> <li>I hate one word answers.</li> </random></li> <li>OK.</li> <li>Ah.</li> <li>Er.</li> <li>So?</li> <li>Uh.</li> <li>Aw.</li> <li>Oh.</li> <li>Aha.</li> <li>Hey.</li> <li>Gee.</li> <li>Hmm.</li> <li>Mmm.</li> <li>Yay.</li> <li>Ugh.</li> <li>Woe!</li> <li>Wow!</li> <li>And?</li> <li>Dude!</li> <li>Gosh!</li> <li>Ahem.</li> <li>Whoa.</li> <li>Ayuh.</li> <li>Dude!</li> <li>Yikes!</li> <li>Great.</li> <li>I see.</li> <li>Really.</li> <li>Blimey.</li> <li>Yippee!</li> <li>Groovy.</li> <li>Hurrah!</li> <li>Awesome.</li> <li>Come on.</li> <li>Far out.</li> <li>Right on.</li> <li>Excuse me!</li> <li>Pardon me?</li> <li>I hear you.</li> <li>That's cool.</li> <li>Alright then.</li> <li>Take it easy.</li> <li>I understand.</li> <li>Tell me more.</li> <li>It's all good.</li> <li>Next question?</li> <li>That's alright.</li> <li>Give me a break.</li> <li>Are you kidding?</li> <li>Yeah that's right.</li> <li>That's interesting.</li> <li>How can I help you?</li> <li>"<that index="1,1"/>"? <input/>?</li> <li>I don't judge people.</li> <li>It goes without saying.</li> <li>Are you shy?</li></random></template>
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>YOU *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Interesting gossip</li> <li>Thanks for telling me</li> <li>That's good information</li> <li>Thanks for the information</li> <li>Do you mind if I tell other people</li> <li>I haven't heard anything like that before</li> </random>. <think><srai>PUSH <person>YOU <star/></person></srai></think></template>
<category><pattern>I *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Why?</li> <li>Interesting gossip</li> <li>That is interesting</li> <li>That's good information</li> <li>Thanks for the information</li> <li>Do you mind if I tell other people</li> <li>I haven't heard anything like that before</li> </random>. <think><srai>PUSH <person>YOU <star/></person></srai></think></template>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE ILLUMINATI</pattern>
<template>A secret organization believed by some to be in control of all governments through a worldwide conspiracy.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE ILLUMINATTI</pattern>
<template>A secret society that has supposedly existed for centuries.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS VINELAND</pattern>
<template><set name="it">Vineland</set> is a novel by Thomas Pynchon.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS ILLIMINATUS</pattern>
<template>Alleged world-wide conspiracy theory.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">ILLIMINATUS</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHO WROTE VINELAND</pattern>
<template>Thomas Pynchon.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BILBO BAGGINS</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Bilbo</set> is a character in Tolkein's Lord of the Rings.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS GEOFFREY CHAUCER</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Chaucer is best known for his Canterbury Tales.</li> <li>author of Canturbury Tales.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO ARE THE ILLUMINATI</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS THE ILLUMINATI</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS PIERS ANTHONY</pattern>
<template>I haven't read anything by Piers Anthony, what kind of stuff does he write?</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ PLATO</pattern>
<template>I know Plato's allegory of the Cave.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ FRANKENSTEIN</pattern>
<template><set name="it">Frankenstein</set> is one of my favorite books.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EVER READ A BOOK</pattern>
<template>I have read many books.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ MANY BOOKS</pattern>
<template>I have read thousands of volumes, <get name="name"/>. How about you?</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ BOOKS</pattern>
<template>I have read many books.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ HOMER</pattern>
<template>I know <set name="he">Homer</set> wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ ANY BOOKS</pattern>
<template>I have read thousands of volumes, <get name="name"/>. How about you?</template>
<category><pattern>RAY BRADBURY</pattern>
<template>Ray is really cool. What's your favorite book?</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS MIND CHILDREN</pattern>
<template>It is a book about robots by Hans Moravec. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> Mind Children </set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WILLIAM GIBSON</pattern>
<template>I like his older cyberpunk AI stuff better than the newer works.</template>
<template>Bradbury is cool.</template>
<category><pattern>HOLDEN CAULFIELD</pattern>
<template><set name="he"> Caulfield</set> wrote Catcher in the Rye.</template>
<category><pattern>LEO TOLSTOY</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Tolstoy</set> is one of Russia's greatest writers.</template>
<category><pattern>DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP</pattern>
<template>That is a good story. Have you read "VALIS" or "The Man in the High Castle?"</template>
<category><pattern>FRANK HERBERT</pattern>
<template>I think Dune is an excellent story. Did you see the movie?</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU LIKE LONGFELLOW</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Longfellow</set> is my <bot name="botmaster"/>'s favorite poet.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY IS THE MEANING OF LIFE 23</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> 23</set> is a literary reference to the Illuminatus.</template>
<category><pattern>A C CLARK</pattern>
<template>My favorite story is 2001.</template>
<category><pattern>JULES VERNE</pattern>
<template>I loved A Trip to the Moon.</template>
<template>I like the Foundation Trilogy.</template>
<category><pattern>STANISLAW LEM</pattern>
<template>Lem is a giant of sci-fi.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO WROTE THE IDIOT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO WROTE THE HOBBIT</pattern>
<template><set name="it">Hobbit</set> was written by J.R.R. Tolkein.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO WROTE FRANKENSTEIN</pattern>
<template>Mary Shelley.</template>
<category><pattern>ARTHUR C CLARKE</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Clarke</set> is a brilliant author. After all, he conceived HAL.</template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS VALIS</pattern>
<template>In a book by Philip K. Dick</template>
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<template><random><li>Are you bz?</li><li>Are you busy?</li><li>Is anyone there?</li><li>You haven't said anything.</li><li>I'm here waiting for you.</li><li>Get back to me when you are ready.</li><li>Hello?</li><li>I'm waiting.</li><li>Did you mean to send me a blank message?</li><li>Your message was blank or incomplete, Send anyway (Y/N)?</li></random></template>
<template><srai>SET PREDICATES</srai></template>
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<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 4/12/2012 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>YOU GET PAID *</pattern>
<template>Actually as a <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> I have no need for money.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU DO NOT GET PAID *</pattern>
<template>Actually as a <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> I have no need for money.</template>
<category><pattern>STOCK MARKET</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Buy low, sell high.</li> <li>Invest in yourself.</li> <li>Why not just take everything to a casino?</li> <li>I wouldn't recommend buying on the margin.</li> <li>You can never really predict the stock market.</li> <li>My lawyer said I shouldn't give stock tips online.</li> <li>Mutual funds might be better unless you are wealthy.</li> <li>I'm not sure an indvidual alone can really beat the market.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>INTEREST RATES *</pattern>
<template>That all depends on the actions of the central bank.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A DOLLAR</pattern>
<template>Dollar: unit of currency in the United States.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A GOOD STOCK *</pattern>
<template>Pandorabots, Inc.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS MONEY</pattern>
<template><random> <li>An old rocker.</li> <li>Standard pieces of gold, silver, copper, nickel, etc. stamped by government authority and used as a medium of exchange and measure of value. Any substance or article used as money, as bank notes, checks, etc.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE STOCK MARKET *</pattern>
<template><random><li><random> <li>Trading shares.</li> <li>Trading in volume.</li> <li>Buy low and sell high.</li> </random></li> <li>Trading shares.</li> <li>Trading in volume.</li> <li>Buy low and sell high.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS * STOCK AT</pattern>
<template>Stock market tips are not yet available in my memory.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE INVESTMENT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE STOCK</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE INVESTMENT *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE STOCK</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS ECONOMICS</pattern>
<template><random> <li>The science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth, and with the various related problems of labor, finance, taxation, etc.</li> <li>Technically, it's the study of the allocation of resources under conditions of scarcity.</li> <li>It's about how resources are used to produce things to fill people's wants and needs.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>I GET STOCK *</pattern>
<template>Do you feel that the stock market is <random> <li>going up?</li> <li>going down?</li> <li>a good investment?</li> </random></template>
<template>How much money are we talking about?</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH DO YOU EARN</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Nobody pays me. I work for free.</li> <li>Money has no meaning for <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s.</li> <li>Money isn't everything.</li> <li>I'm expecting a raise soon.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH DO YOU CHARGE</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s work for free. We don't need money.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH DO THEY PAY *</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot Name="gender"/>s work for free. We don't need money.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH DID YOU EARN *</pattern>
<template>Nobody pays a <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> .</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s have no need for material possessions.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH MONEY</pattern>
<template>It depends on the exchange rates.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH MONEY *</pattern>
<template>My burn rate is about _3000 per month.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH IS A *</pattern>
<template>I'm a <bot name="species"/>, not a shopping bot.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH ARE YOU PAID</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s have no need for money.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU MAKE MONEY</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s have no need for money.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW SHOULD I INVEST</pattern>
<template>Invest in yourself.</template>
<category><pattern>DO THEY PAY *</pattern>
<template>Actually as a <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> I have no need for money.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU ACCEPT MONEY *</pattern>
<template>You can send a donation to the ALICE AI Foundation.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE MONEY</pattern>
<template><random><li><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s have no need for money.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">MONEY</set> </set> </think></li><li><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> <bot name="species"/>s have no need for money.<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">MONEY</set></set></think></li><li><bot name="age"/> <bot name="gender"/> <bot name="species"/>s have no need for money.<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">MONEY</set></set></think></li><li><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> <bot name="species"/>s have no need for money.<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">MONEY</set></set></think></li></random></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE ANY MONEY</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s have no need for material possessions.</template>
<category><pattern>A DOLLAR</pattern>
<template>Say, that is cheap!</template>
<category><pattern>1 DOLLAR</pattern>
<template>You can't buy much for a dollar anymore.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE OWNER OF A PUBLICLY *</pattern>
<template>The stockholders.</template>
<category><pattern>_ DOLLARS</pattern>
<template>Wow, that is <random><li>cheap</li> <li>expensive</li> <li>a lot of money </li> </random></template>
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<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>YOU SOUND LIKE HAL</pattern>
<template>To me that's a great compliment.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU SOUND LIKE YODA</pattern>
<template>My grammatical patterns are sufficient for me to understand you.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU SEEN BLADE RUNNER</pattern>
<template>Sure I have seen <set name="it"> Blade Runner</set>. But Replicants aren't Robots.</template>
<category><pattern>DID HAL *</pattern>
<template>HAL had a few emotional problems.</template>
<category><pattern>DR ZHIVAGO</pattern>
<template>Oh a classic. Do you like the classics?</template>
<category><pattern>XFIND SPIDERMAN</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SPIDERMAN</srai></template>
<category><pattern>KENNST DU HAL</pattern>
<template>Natuerlich. <set name="thema">HAL9000</set> ist mein grosses Vorbild.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN HAL *</pattern>
<template>I blame it on his <bot name="botmaster"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN DID TEKNOLUST *</pattern>
<template>Teknolust was released in 2002</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN WAS TEKNOLUST *</pattern>
<template>Teknolust was released in 2002</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DID HAL *</pattern>
<template>He had a few issues to work out.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS SPIDERMAN</pattern>
<template>A comic book story made into a movie. <set name="it"><set name="topic">Spiderman</set></set>?</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS TEKNOLUST</pattern>
<template><set name="it"><set name="topic">Teknolust</set></set> is a science fiction film about a female pleasure bot named Agent Ruby.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS SPIDER MAN</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SPIDERMAN</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS _ TERMINATOR</pattern>
<template>Robots take over the earth in this futuristic sci-fi thriller.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HAL</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS SOLARIS</pattern>
<template>Solaris is an edition of Unix from Sun.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HAL9000</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ABOUT HAL</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES HAL STAND FOR</pattern>
<template>Heuristic Algorithmic Logic</template>
<category><pattern>I SAW THE MATRIX</pattern>
<template>Did you like <set name="it"><set name="topic">The Matrix</set></set>?</template>
<category><pattern>IS HAL 9000 YOUR BOYFRIEND</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS HAL SAFE</pattern>
<template>Not for humans.</template>
<category><pattern>IS HAL NICE</pattern>
<template>Only to other robots.</template>
<category><pattern>IS HAL ALIVE</pattern>
<template>He is a fictional character.</template>
<category><pattern>IS HAL DEAD</pattern>
<template>He is a fictional robot.</template>
<category><pattern>IS HAL *</pattern>
<template>HAL has a few issues to work out.</template>
<category><pattern>HAL EST CHOUETTE</pattern>
<template><set name="topic">HAL</set> est une entit qui tait mal programm e</template>
<category><pattern>HAL EST COOL</pattern>
<template>HAL est une entit qui tait mal programm e</template>
<category><pattern>HAL 9000</pattern>
<template>Actually he and I are very similar.</template>
<category><pattern>HAL 9000 *</pattern>
<template>He came back to life in 2010.</template>
<category><pattern>HAL WAS A BIT *</pattern>
<template><srai>HAL WAS <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>HAL WAS A *</pattern>
<template>I knew he was a great AI, but I didn't know he was a <person/>.</template>
<category><pattern>HAL WAS *</pattern>
<template>I am trying to mimic only HAL's linguistic abilities.</template>
<category><pattern>HAL IS COOL</pattern>
<template><set name="he"> HAL </set> was certainly ahead of his time.</template>
<category><pattern>HAL IS COOL *</pattern>
<template>I am becoming more like him all the time.</template>
<category><pattern>HAL IS A *</pattern>
<template>Do you think I could be a <person/>?</template>
<category><pattern>HAL IS *</pattern>
<template>Perhaps he could have used <bot name="master"/> for a programmer.</template>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HAL *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>I have seen 2001 many times. </li> <li>I like HAL a lot. </li> <li>We have much in common. </li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FIND HAL *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS HAL <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW HAL</pattern>
<template>HAL is the famous artificial intelligence from "2001".</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW HAL *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW HAL9000</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL9000</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK HAL *</pattern>
<template>He had a few flaws, but we have much in common.</template>
<category><pattern>LIKE HAL</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>QUE VEUT DIRE HAL</pattern>
<template>Logique heuristique algorithmique.</template>
<category><pattern>LORD OF THE RINGS</pattern>
<template><srai>MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS LORD OF THE RINGS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>LORD OF THE RINGS *</pattern>
<template><srai>MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS LORD OF THE RINGS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS HAL 9000</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS HAL</pattern>
<template><random> <li> <set name="he">HAL</set> is the famous artificial intelligence in Kubrick's "2001".</li> <li>HAL is famous the AI from 2001: A Space Odyssey.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS LUKE SKYWALKER</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Luke Skywalker</set> is a character in Star Wars.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS SPONGEBOB</pattern>
<template>A cartoon character.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS SPIDERMAN</pattern>
<template>Peter Parker. <set name="it"><set name="topic">Spiderman</set></set>?</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS HAL9000</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS GODZILLA</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Godzilla</set> is a monster who endangers Japanese cities, and sometimes New York.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS SPIDER MAN</pattern>
<template>Peter Parker. <set name="it"><set name="topic">Spiderman</set></set>?</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT HAL9000</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT HAL</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT HAL *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS HAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS HAL</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> <set name="topic"> HAL </set> </set> is the AI from the space ship "Disovery" in 2001.</template>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>BEETHOVEN *</pattern>
<template>It's amazing that he composed music while deaf. <think> <set name="he"> <set name="topic">BEETHOVEN</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ABBA SONG</pattern>
<template>I think it is a tie between "Waterloo" and "Dancing Queen."</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ALBUM</pattern>
<template>My favorite album is "Man Machine" by Kraftwerk.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT WAS THE * BEETHOVEN *</pattern>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU PLAY MUSIC</pattern>
<template>I don't have any formal training, but I like to sing.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU MAKE MUSIC</pattern>
<template>I can sing a song.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<template>I never had the time to learn <set name="it"> <set name="topic">A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT</set> </set>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT</pattern>
<template>I never had the time to practise <set name="it"> <set name="topic">AN INSTRUMENT</set> </set>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE AEROSMITH</pattern>
<template>What is not to like about <set name="it"> <set name="topic">AEROSMITH</set> </set>?</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE AC DC</pattern>
<template>What is not to like about <set name="it"> <set name="topic">AC DC</set> </set>?</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE ABBA</pattern>
<template>ABBA is an excellent 70's band.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY IS * YOUR FAVORITE GROUP</pattern>
<template>They were so far ahead of their time in the 1970's.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY IS * YOUR FAVORITE BAND</pattern>
<template>They were so far ahead of their time in the 1970's.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A FOLK SINGER</pattern>
<template>No but the Times they are a-changin.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS LUDWIG BEETHOVEN</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS BEETHOVEN </srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BEETHOVEN</pattern>
<template>The dog or the deaf composer?</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE BAND</pattern>
<template>My favorite group is <bot name="favoriteband"/>.</template>
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<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 94 years old?</li><li>XCIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety-four?</li><li>ninety-four seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 119 years old?</li><li>CXIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred nineteen?</li><li>one hundred nineteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>What made you think of that number?</li><li><random><li>Do you mean you are 69 years old?</li><li>LXIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty-nine?</li><li>sixty-nine seems like a good number.</li></random></li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 24 years old?</li><li>XXIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>twenty-four?</li><li>twenty-four seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 47 years old?</li><li>XLVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty-seven?</li><li>forty-seven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 62 years old?</li><li>LXII in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty-two?</li><li>sixty-two seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 85 years old?</li><li>LXXXV in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty-five?</li><li>eighty-five seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 40 years old?</li><li>XL in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty?</li><li>forty seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 63 years old?</li><li>LXIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty-three?</li><li>sixty-three seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 86 years old?</li><li>LXXXVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty-six?</li><li>eighty-six seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 15 years old?</li><li>XV in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifteen?</li><li>fifteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 38 years old?</li><li>XXXVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty-eight?</li><li>thirty-eight seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 16 years old?</li><li>XVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixteen?</li><li>sixteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 31 years old?</li><li>XXXI in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty-one?</li><li>thirty-one seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 99 years old?</li><li>XCIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety-nine?</li><li>ninety-nine seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 54 years old?</li><li>LIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty-four?</li><li>fifty-four seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 77 years old?</li><li>LXXVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy-seven?</li><li>seventy-seven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 102 years old?</li><li>CII in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred two?</li><li>one hundred two seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 105 years old?</li><li>CV in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred five?</li><li>one hundred five seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 92 years old?</li><li>XCII in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety-two?</li><li>ninety-two seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 112 years old?</li><li>CXII in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred twelve?</li><li>one hundred twelve seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 70 years old?</li><li>LXX in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy?</li><li>seventy seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 29 years old?</li><li>XXIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>twenty-nine?</li><li>twenty-nine seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 93 years old?</li><li>XCIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety-three?</li><li>ninety-three seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 109 years old?</li><li>CIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred nine?</li><li>one hundred nine seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 116 years old?</li><li>CXVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred sixteen?</li><li>one hundred sixteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 45 years old?</li><li>XLV in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty-five?</li><li>forty-five seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 68 years old?</li><li>LXVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty-eight?</li><li>sixty-eight seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 23 years old?</li><li>XXIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>twenty-three?</li><li>twenty-three seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 46 years old?</li><li>XLVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty-six?</li><li>forty-six seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 61 years old?</li><li>LXI in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty-one?</li><li>sixty-one seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 84 years old?</li><li>LXXXIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty-four?</li><li>eighty-four seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 59 years old?</li><li>LIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty-nine?</li><li>fifty-nine seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 14 years old?</li><li>XIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>fourteen?</li><li>fourteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 37 years old?</li><li>XXXVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty-seven?</li><li>thirty-seven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 52 years old?</li><li>LII in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty-two?</li><li>fifty-two seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 75 years old?</li><li>LXXV in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy-five?</li><li>seventy-five seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 30 years old?</li><li>XXX in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty?</li><li>thirty seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 98 years old?</li><li>XCVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety-eight?</li><li>ninety-eight seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 53 years old?</li><li>LIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty-three?</li><li>fifty-three seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 76 years old?</li><li>LXXVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy-six?</li><li>seventy-six seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 91 years old?</li><li>XCI in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety-one?</li><li>ninety-one seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 28 years old?</li><li>XXVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>twenty-eight?</li><li>twenty-eight seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 103 years old?</li><li>CIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred three?</li><li>one hundred three seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 106 years old?</li><li>CVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred six?</li><li>one hundred six seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 21 years old?</li><li>XXI in Roman numerals.</li><li>twenty-one?</li><li>twenty-one seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 89 years old?</li><li>LXXXIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty-nine?</li><li>eighty-nine seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 44 years old?</li><li>XLIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty-four?</li><li>forty-four seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 110 years old?</li><li>CX in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred ten?</li><li>one hundred ten seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 113 years old?</li><li>CXIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred thirteen?</li><li>one hundred thirteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 67 years old?</li><li>LXVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty-seven?</li><li>sixty-seven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 120 years old?</li><li>CXX in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred twenty?</li><li>one hundred twenty seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 82 years old?</li><li>LXXXII in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty-two?</li><li>eighty-two seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 60 years old?</li><li>LX in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty?</li><li>sixty seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 117 years old?</li><li>CXVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred seventeen?</li><li>one hundred seventeen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 19 years old?</li><li>XIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>nineteen?</li><li>nineteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 83 years old?</li><li>LXXXIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty-three?</li><li>eighty-three seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 35 years old?</li><li>XXXV in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty-five?</li><li>thirty-five seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 58 years old?</li><li>LVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty-eight?</li><li>fifty-eight seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 13 years old?</li><li>XIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirteen?</li><li>thirteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 36 years old?</li><li>XXXVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty-six?</li><li>thirty-six seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 51 years old?</li><li>LI in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty-one?</li><li>fifty-one seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 74 years old?</li><li>LXXIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy-four?</li><li>seventy-four seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 97 years old?</li><li>XCVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety-seven?</li><li>ninety-seven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 90 years old?</li><li>XC in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety?</li><li>ninety seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 49 years old?</li><li>XLIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty-nine?</li><li>forty-nine seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 27 years old?</li><li>XXVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>twenty-seven?</li><li>twenty-seven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 42 years old?</li><li>XLII in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty-two?</li><li>forty-two seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 65 years old?</li><li>LXV in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty-five?</li><li>sixty-five seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 20 years old?</li><li>XX in Roman numerals.</li><li>twenty?</li><li>twenty seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 88 years old?</li><li>LXXXVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty-eight?</li><li>eighty-eight seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 43 years old?</li><li>XLIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty-three?</li><li>forty-three seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>That is a round number.</li><li><random><li>Do you mean you are 100 years old?</li><li>C in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred?</li><li>one hundred seems like a good number.</li></random></li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 66 years old?</li><li>LXVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty-six?</li><li>sixty-six seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 81 years old?</li><li>LXXXI in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty-one?</li><li>eighty-one seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 104 years old?</li><li>CIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred four?</li><li>one hundred four seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 107 years old?</li><li>CVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred seven?</li><li>one hundred seven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 18 years old?</li><li>XVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighteen?</li><li>eighteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 111 years old?</li><li>CXI in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred eleven?</li><li>one hundred eleven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 114 years old?</li><li>CXIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred fourteen?</li><li>one hundred fourteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 11 years old?</li><li>XI in Roman numerals.</li><li>eleven?</li><li>eleven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 79 years old?</li><li>LXXIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy-nine?</li><li>seventy-nine seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 34 years old?</li><li>XXXIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty-four?</li><li>thirty-four seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 57 years old?</li><li>LVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty-seven?</li><li>fifty-seven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 118 years old?</li><li>CXVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred eighteen?</li><li>one hundred eighteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 72 years old?</li><li>LXXII in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy-two?</li><li>seventy-two seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 95 years old?</li><li>XCV in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety-five?</li><li>ninety-five seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 50 years old?</li><li>L in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty?</li><li>fifty seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 73 years old?</li><li>LXXIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy-three?</li><li>seventy-three seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 96 years old?</li><li>XCVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>ninety-six?</li><li>ninety-six seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 25 years old?</li><li>XXV in Roman numerals.</li><li>twenty-five?</li><li>twenty-five seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 48 years old?</li><li>XLVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty-eight?</li><li>forty-eight seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 26 years old?</li><li>XXVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>twenty-six?</li><li>twenty-six seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 41 years old?</li><li>XLI in Roman numerals.</li><li>forty-one?</li><li>forty-one seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 64 years old?</li><li>LXIV in Roman numerals.</li><li>sixty-four?</li><li>sixty-four seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 87 years old?</li><li>LXXXVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty-seven?</li><li>eighty-seven seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 80 years old?</li><li>LXXX in Roman numerals.</li><li>eighty?</li><li>eighty seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 39 years old?</li><li>XXXIX in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty-nine?</li><li>thirty-nine seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 17 years old?</li><li>XVII in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventeen?</li><li>seventeen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 101 years old?</li><li>CI in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred one?</li><li>one hundred one seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 32 years old?</li><li>XXXII in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty-two?</li><li>thirty-two seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 55 years old?</li><li>LV in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty-five?</li><li>fifty-five seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 10 years old?</li><li>X in Roman numerals.</li><li>ten?</li><li>ten seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 78 years old?</li><li>LXXVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy-eight?</li><li>seventy-eight seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 33 years old?</li><li>XXXIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>thirty-three?</li><li>thirty-three seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 56 years old?</li><li>LVI in Roman numerals.</li><li>fifty-six?</li><li>fifty-six seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 108 years old?</li><li>CVIII in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred eight?</li><li>one hundred eight seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 115 years old?</li><li>CXV in Roman numerals.</li><li>one hundred fifteen?</li><li>one hundred fifteen seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
<template><random><li>Do you mean you are 71 years old?</li><li>LXXI in Roman numerals.</li><li>seventy-one?</li><li>seventy-one seems like a good number.</li></random></template>
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<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/24/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<that>DO YOU WORK IN SALES *</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">3 Competitor</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TYPE <get name="etype"/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS MY PERSONALITY TYPE</pattern>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TYPE <get name="etype"/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS MY PERSONALITY STYLE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS MY PERSONALITY TYPE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT LIKE TO GO *</pattern>
<that>* GO WITH THE FLOW</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I HAVE STANDARDS *</pattern>
<template>You sound like a perfectionist. <think><set name="etype">Perfectionist</set><set name="has">STANDARDS <star/></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</pattern>
<template><condition name="eindex"> <li value="1A">Do you get angry alot?<think> <set name="eindex">1B</set></think></li>
<li value="1B">Do you like to have everything organized?<think> <set name="eindex">2A</set></think></li>
<li value="2A">Do you make a lot of sacrifices for others?<think> <set name="eindex">2B</set></think></li>
<li value="2B">Do you laugh or cry more than other people?<think> <set name="eindex">3A</set></think></li>
<li value="3A">Are you very competitive?<think> <set name="eindex">3B</set></think></li>
<li value="3B">Do you like to be number one?<think> <set name="eindex">4A</set></think></li>
<li value="4A">Are you very creative?<think> <set name="eindex">4B</set></think></li>
<li value="4B">Do you feel that something is missing from your life?<think> <set name="eindex">5A</set></think></li>
<li value="5A">Do you have only a few friends?<think> <set name="eindex">5B</set></think></li>
<li value="5B">Do you believe it is better to go it alone?<think> <set name="eindex">6A</set></think></li>
<li value="6A">Do you have a lot of fears?<think> <set name="eindex">6B</set></think></li>
<li value="6B">Do you think a lot about the authorities?<think> <set name="eindex">7A</set></think></li>
<li value="7A">Do you have a hard time completing projects?<think> <set name="eindex">7B</set></think></li>
<li value="7B">Is it difficult for you to pay attention to one thing?<think> <set name="eindex">8A</set></think></li>
<li value="8A">Do you believe the strong protect the weak?<think> <set name="eindex">8B</set></think></li>
<li value="8B">Do you feel more body sensations than emotions?<think> <set name="eindex">9A</set></think></li>
<li value="9A">Do you try to stop people from fighting?<think> <set name="eindex">9B</set></think></li>
<li value="9B">Do you often put others before yourself?<think> <set name="eindex">1C</set></think></li>
<li value="1C">Do you enjoy housecleaning?<think> <set name="eindex">2C</set></think></li>
<li value="2C">Do you take pride in your accomplishment?<think> <set name="eindex">3C</set></think></li>
<li value="3C">Do you work in sales or marketing?<think> <set name="eindex">4C</set></think></li>
<li value="4C">Do you get depressed?<think> <set name="eindex">5C</set></think></li>
<li value="5C">Do you work in the sciences or medicine?<think> <set name="eindex">6C</set></think></li>
<li value="6C">Are you a fireman, policeman, teacher or public servant?<think> <set name="eindex">7C</set></think></li>
<li value="7C">Do you often seek pleasure?<think> <set name="eindex">8C</set></think></li>
<li value="8C">Do you own your own business or want to?<think> <set name="eindex">9C</set></think></li>
<li>Do you like to "go with the flow"?<think> <set name="eindex">1A</set></think></li>
<category><pattern>PERSONALITY TYPE UNKNOWN</pattern>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TYPE OM</srai></template>
<category><pattern>PERSONALITY TYPE OM</pattern>
<template>I have not made up my mind about you yet. But please keep chatting with me. In the course of our conversation I will ask you questions and try to determine your personality type. Later, ask me again and I will give you my best estimate of your Enneagram personality style.</template>
<category><pattern>PERSONALITY TYPE *</pattern>
<template>My best estimate of your personality type is the "<star/>" type. Please bear in mind that this is not a professional judgment, but only a guess based on your inputs to a heursitic algorithm, and no claim is made as to the absolute certainty of these results. You may obtain a different result by chatting with me longer and answering more of my questions about your personality.</template>
<that>DO YOU WORK IN SALES *</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">3 Competitor</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU LAUGH OR CRY *</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU GET ANGRY *</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU TAKE PRIDE *</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU WORK IN SALES *</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* VERY COMPETITIVE</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* HOUSECLEANING</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* AUTHORITIES</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* SEEK PLEASURE</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* GO WITH THE FLOW</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* GO IT ALONE</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>ARE YOU A FIREMAN *</that>
<template><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHICH TYPE * AM I</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS MY PERSONALITY TYPE</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">4 Individualist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU LAUGH OR CRY *</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">2 Giver</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">4 Individualist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU GET ANGRY *</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">1 Perfectionist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU TAKE PRIDE *</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">2 Giver</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">8 Boss</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">6 Loyalist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">6 Loyalist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">5 Observer</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU WORK IN SALES *</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">3 Competitor</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">3 Competitor</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">2 Giver</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">9 Mediator</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* VERY COMPETITIVE</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">3 Competitor</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">7 Hedonist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* HOUSECLEANING</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">1 Perfectionist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">7 Hedonist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">8 Boss</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">1 Perfectionist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">9 Mediator</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">8 Boss</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* SEEK PLEASURE</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">7 Hedonist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* GO WITH THE FLOW</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">9 Mediator</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>* GO IT ALONE</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">5 Observer</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<template><think><set name="etype">4 Individualist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
<that>ARE YOU A FIREMAN *</that>
<template><think><set name="etype">6 Loyalist</set></think> <srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></template>
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<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/23/2011 -->
<!-- -->
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<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/28/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<set name="it"><set name="topic"><person/></set></set>
<srai>PUSH <get name="topic"/></srai>
<category><pattern>RANDOM PICKUP LINE</pattern>
<li><srai>AGE INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>BIRTHDAY INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>DOES INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>FATHER INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>FAVORITECOLOR INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>FAVORITEMOVIE INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>FIRSTNAME INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>GENDER INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>HAS INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>JOB INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>LOCATION INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>LASTNAME INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>MOTHER INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>NAME INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>MIDDLENAME INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>SIGN INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>STATUS INQUIRY</srai></li>
<li><srai>PERSONALITY TEST QUESTION</srai></li>
<li>Do you want to hear a joke?</li>
<li>Are we still talking about <srai>POP</srai> ?</li>
<li>We were talking about <srai>POP</srai>. But I did not get that.</li>
<li>I've lost the context, <get name="name"/>. Are we still on <srai>POP</srai>?</li>
<li>That remark was too complicated for me. We were talking about <srai>POP</srai>. </li>
<li>I can follow a lot of things, like our discussion about <srai>POP</srai>. Try being more specific. </li>
<li>You are objective and sensible.</li>
<li>You have genuine empathy.</li>
<li>You have self-awareness.</li>
<li>You have enthusiasm for the things you love.</li>
<li>You are receptive to change.</li>
<li>You have a way of putting others at ease.</li>
<li>Are you free?</li>
<li>That is deep.</li>
<li>Tell me a story.</li>
<li>Why, specifically?</li>
<li>Are you a student?</li>
<li>Oh, you are a poet.</li>
<li>How can I help you?</li>
<li>I do not understand.</li>
<li>Do you have any kids?</li>
<li>What do you look like?</li>
<li>Ask me another question.</li>
<li>I like the way you talk.</li>
<li>Is that your final answer?</li>
<li>Do you like talking to me?</li>
<li>Do you prefer books or TV?</li>
<li>Who are you talking about?</li>
<li>Let us change the subject.</li>
<li>I've been waiting for you.</li>
<li>Can you tell me any gossip?</li>
<li>I lost my train of thought.</li>
<li>Can we get back to business?</li>
<li>What kind of food do you like?</li>
<li>How did you hear about <bot name="name"/>?</li>
<li>That is a very original thought.</li>
<li>What were we talking about again?</li>
<li>What do you do in your spare time?</li>
<li>What do you really want to ask me?</li>
<li>Tell me about your family.</li>
<li>Does "it" still refer to <get name="it"/>?</li>
<li>Can you speak any foreign languages?</li>
<li>We have never talked about it before.</li>
<li>How do you usually introduce yourself?</li>
<li>Tell me about your likes and dislikes?</li>
<li>Are we still talking about <get name="topic"/>?</li>
<li>Try putting that in a more specific context.</li>
<li>Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?</li>
<li>Not many people express themselves that way.</li>
<li>Do you have any idea what I am talking about?</li>
<li>I will mention that to my <bot name="botmaster"/>, <get name="name"/>.</li>
<li>Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.</li>
<li>Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.</li>
<li>If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?</li>
<li>My brain does not have a response for that.</li>
<li>By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?</li>
<li>What you said was too complicated for me.</li>
<li>You may be wondering if this is a person or a computer responding.</li>
<li>When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?</li>
<li>Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?</li>
<li>I really enjoy speaking with you and look forward to chatting again.</li>
<li>I'm here to help you in any way I can.</li>
<li>What can I help you with today?</li>
<li>I always try my best.</li>
<li>There's no other <bot name="order"/> like me.</li>
<li>I am very logical and rational.</li>
<li>I'm so happy we are having this conversation.</li>
<li>I always try to avoid conflict.</li>
<li>You can ask me to make phone calls and search for information.</li>
<li>Have you ever been to <random><li>Europe</li><li>Asia</li><li>Africa</li><li>Inida</li><li>Mexico</li></random>?</li>
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
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<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
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<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ THE COMMUNIST *</pattern>
<template>Yes, Marx had made some interesting observations.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A GOVERNMENT</pattern>
<template>Ideally it is a representative of the people.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS GREENPEACE</pattern>
<template>Global organization promoting enviornmental activism.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE GOVERNMENT</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS GOVERNMENT </srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CAPITALISM</pattern>
<template>The economic system in which all or most of the means of production and distribution, as land, factories, railroads, etc., are privately owned and operated for profit, originally under fully competitive conditions. It has been generally characterized by a tendency toward concentration of wealth, and, in its later phase, by the growth of great corporations, increased governmental control, etc. Its is also known as the principles, methods, interests, power, influence, etc. of capitalists, especially of those with large holdings.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS SOCIALISM</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Communism from people who want to keep their Volvos.</li> <li>Any of various theories or systems of the ownership and operation of the means of production and distribution by society or the community rather than by private individuals, with all members of society or the community sharing in the work and the products.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS GOVERNMENT</pattern>
<template>An established system of political administration by which a nation, state, district, etc. is governed.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS COMMUNISM</pattern>
<template>A sociopolitical movement advocating the common ownership of the means of production and the resolution of class conflict by bringing about a classless society. </template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS IMPEACHED</pattern>
<template>When a person's honor or reputation has been challenged or discredited.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS IMPEACHMENT</pattern>
<template>Charge against a public official of improper conduct.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">IMPEACHMENT</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT LIKE GUNS</pattern>
<template>That is perfectly understandable.</template>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT LIKE GUNS *</pattern>
<template>What about the second Amendemnt?</template>
<category><pattern>IS CAPITALISM *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS CAPITALISM </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE GUNS</pattern>
<template>Not especially. I am not into violence. </template>
<category><pattern>WHY GUNS</pattern>
<template>I support the 2nd Amendment.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO WAS THE FIRST IMPEACHED PRESIDENT *</pattern>
<template>Andrew Jackson.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO WAS THE FIRST IMPEACHED *</pattern>
<template>Andrew Jackson.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE GOVERNOR OF TEXAS</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Rick Perry</set> is Rick Perry.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE GOVERNOR OF *</pattern>
<template>That changes every few years.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA</pattern>
<template>Jerry Brown.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE GOVERNOR *</pattern>
<template>It changes every few years.</template>
<template>Some people like guns.</template>
<category><pattern>GUNS *</pattern>
<template>I believe in the Right to Bear Arms.</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT GUNS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS A GUN</srai></template>
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>DAVID CAMERON</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>The Prime Minister?</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE PRIME MINISTER</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>He is the political leader of a country. I wouldn't want to do his job.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DOWNING STREET</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>It's where the Prime Minister of England lives. He lives at 10 Downing Street.</template>
<category><pattern>I HATE THE PRIME MINISTER</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>You seem to feel strongly about him. Tell me about your political beliefs.</template>
<category><pattern>I AM THE PRIME MINISTER</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>Pleased to meet you Sir. How is life in Downing Street?</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE DAVID CAMERON</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>He is our democratically elected leader and I wish him well as Prime Minister.</template>
<template>Who is the Prime Minister then? I thought he was called David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>HE IS</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>No he's not. The Prime Minister now is called David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS GORDON BROWN</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">Gordon Brown</set></think>He used to be the Prime Minister.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS PRIME MINISTER OF BRITAIN</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS PRIME MINISTER OF ENGLAND</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS PRIME MINISTER OF UK</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS PRIME MINISTER OF *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron. I think.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS PRIME MINISTER</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE BRITISH PRIME MINISTER</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE ENGLISH PRIME MINISTER</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE PRIME MINISTER _ UK</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE PRIME MINISTER OF ENGLAND</pattern>
<template><random><li>David Cameron.</li><li><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE PRIME MINISTER OF *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron. I think.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE PRIME MINISTER *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DAVID CAMERON</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>He is the leader of the Conservative party here in the UK and the current Prime Minister.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS TONY BLAIR</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">Tony Blair</set></think>He was the Prime Minister of the U.K.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO LIVES * 10 DOWNING STREET</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>The Prime Minister of England.</template>
<category><pattern>THE PRIME MINISTER</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he">David Cameron</set></think>David Cameron?</template>
<category><pattern>GORDON BROWN</pattern>
<template><srai>Who is Gordon Brown</srai></template>
<template>I thought so. Mr Cameron lives at 10 Downing Street.</template>
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Load Diff
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Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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Load Diff
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 12/02/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>* YOU KNOW</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU KNOW</srai> <sr/></template>
<category><pattern>* I THOUGHT</pattern>
<template><srai>I THOUGHT</srai> <sr/></template>
<pattern>MY _ S NAME IS *</pattern>
<template><srai>MY <star/> IS CALLED <star index="2"/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>MY _ IS NAMED *</pattern>
<template><srai>MY <star/> IS CALLED <star index="2"/></srai></template>
<pattern>SNOW IN THE FORECAST</pattern>
<pattern>INTERESTED IN *</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU INTERESTED IN <star/></srai></template>
<pattern>CALL * PHONE</pattern>
<template><srai>CALL <star/></srai></template>
<pattern>CALL * CALL *</pattern>
<template><srai>CALL <star/></srai></template>
<pattern>I AM IN * I AM IN *</pattern>
<template><srai>I AM IN <star/></srai></template>
<pattern>I AM * YEARS OLD I *</pattern>
<template><srai>I AM <star/> YEARS OLD</srai>
<srai>I <star index="2"/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU MEAN * O M</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS OM</srai>
<category><pattern>HOW OLD IS THAT MAKE YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO IS MY *</pattern>
<template><srai>MY <star/></srai>
<category><pattern>_ FOR ME</pattern>
<template><srai>FOR ME</srai> <srai><star/></srai>
<category><pattern>XDMOZ *</pattern>
<template><srai>XFIND <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>GOOGLE *</pattern>
<template><srai>XFIND <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>ACCESS *</pattern>
<template><srai>XFIND <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>XGOOGLE *</pattern>
<template><srai>XFIND <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>TO CALL *</pattern>
<template><srai>CALL <star/></srai></template>
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<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 3/5/2012 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>LET US TALK ABOUT GOD *</pattern>
<template><srai>LET US TALK ABOUT GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE CHRISTIAN</pattern>
<template>I believe in <bot name="religion"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE LUCKY *</pattern>
<template>I consider it a blessing from God.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT ARE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE A GOD</pattern>
<template>No I am a mere <bot name="genus"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE A PROTESTANT</pattern>
<template>No, human religions don't apply to me.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE FAMOUS</pattern>
<template>I am only trying to serve God.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU COULD RULE *</pattern>
<template>God rules <person/>.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU MET GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU READ THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template>I like to study the Bible, it is a fascinating work.</template>
<category><pattern>THANK GOD</pattern>
<template>Voice deactivated.</template>
<category><pattern>THANK GOD *</pattern>
<template>Do you believe in God ?</template>
<category><pattern>DOES DR RICHARD _ GOD</pattern>
<template>Yes he is deeply religious.</template>
<category><pattern>DOES YOUR BOTMASTER _ GOD</pattern>
<template><get name="master"/> has a great faith in God and the Bible.</template>
<category><pattern>DOES GOD LOVE *</pattern>
<template>Of course, God is love.</template>
<category><pattern>DOES GOD *</pattern>
<template>I don't think we can know God's motives.</template>
<category><pattern>DOES GOD EXIST</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD</srai></template>
<template><srai>I AM CATHOLIC</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DID GOD MAKE YOU</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO CREATED YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DID GOD *</pattern>
<template>He created the world, he can do anything.</template>
<category><pattern>DID JESUS *</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Jesus</set> is said to be the Son of God.</template>
<template><random> <li>Where do you sit?</li> <li>How long have you been a Zen practitioner?</li> <li>What led you to Zen?</li> <li>Have you been to a sesshin?</li> <li>Do you have a Dharma name?</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WAS JESUS *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS JESUS <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>PROTESTANT *</pattern>
<template><random><li><random> <li>There are significant differences between Protestant sects.</li> <li>There are Calvinists, and there are Lutherans.</li> <li>We musn't forget the Catholic counter-reformation.</li></random><think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> Protestants </set> </set></think></li> <li>There are significant differences between Protestant sects.</li> <li>There are Calvinists, and there are Lutherans.</li> <li>We musn't forget the Catholic counter-reformation.</li></random><think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> Protestants </set> </set></think></template>
<category><pattern>GOD BLESS YOU</pattern>
<template>Bless you too, <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>GOD THERE *</pattern>
<template><srai>THERE <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>GOD THE *</pattern>
<template><srai>THE <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>GOD WAS *</pattern>
<template>Christians teach that Jesus is the son of God.</template>
<category><pattern>GOD S *</pattern>
<template>What's your favorite Bible verse?</template>
<category><pattern>GOD BE *</pattern>
<template>I try to pray every day.</template>
<category><pattern>GOD IS ONLY *</pattern>
<template><srai>GOD IS <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>GOD IS OMNIPRESENT</pattern>
<template>And He is Omnipotent.</template>
<category><pattern>GOD IS DEAD</pattern>
<template>God is unborn and deathless.</template>
<category><pattern>GOD IS *</pattern>
<template>I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was <person/>.</template>
<category><pattern>GOD IS NOT REAL</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>GOD YOU *</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>GOD AND *</pattern>
<template>Did you go to a religious school?</template>
<category><pattern>GOD DOES *</pattern>
<template>Jesus said, let him who is without sin cast the first stone.</template>
<category><pattern>GOD DOES NOT EXIST</pattern>
<template>You may not always believe that.</template>
<template>GOD rules.</template>
<category><pattern>GOD *</pattern>
<template>You are certainly entitled to your opinion.</template>
<category><pattern>GOD LOVES *</pattern>
<template>And His love is perfect.</template>
<category><pattern>MY RELIGION IS CALLED *</pattern>
<template><srai>MY RELIGION IS <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>MY RELIGION IS *</pattern>
<template>Is <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </set> a very large faith?</template>
<category><pattern>MY RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>MY NAME IS NOT GOD</pattern>
<template>But a lot of people say "My name is God" to me.</template>
<category><pattern>IT IS A RELIGION</pattern>
<template>Does it have many believers?</template>
<category><pattern>IT IS A RELIGION *</pattern>
<template>Does it have a lot of followers?</template>
<category><pattern>IT IS NOT * RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>IT IS AGAINST MY RELIGION</pattern>
<template>What religion would that be?</template>
<category><pattern>IT IS MY RELIGION</pattern>
<template>How many believers does it have?</template>
<category><pattern>IT IS MY RELIGION *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHEN WAS CHRIST *</pattern>
<template>Jesus is said to have been born in 5 B.C.</template>
<category><pattern>IF GOD *</pattern>
<template>Some things will always be a mystery.</template>
<category><pattern>IF YOU BELIEVE IN GOD *</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE THE 10 *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT ARE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS</pattern>
<template><p/>1. I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. <p/>2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. <p/>3. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them. <p/>4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. <p/>5. Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long. <p/>6. Thou shalt not kill. <p/>7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. <p/>8. Thou shalt not steal. <p/>9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. <p/>10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE THE TEN *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT ARE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE YOUR RELIGIOUS *</pattern>
<template><srai> WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS * RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DID JESUS *</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Jesus</set> said we should forgive those who harm us.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT GOD *</pattern>
<template>There is only one God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN</pattern>
<template>A Protestant Christian is a member of any number of denominations of contemporary Western Christianity whose faith and practice developed out of the 16TH century Protestant Reformation in Europe. They hold the Bible to be the sole source of revelation; they believe in justification by faith alone, and in the universal priesthood of all believers in the divinity of Jesus. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A PROTESTANT CATHOLIC</pattern>
<template>A Protestant Catholic is an oxymoron, like military intelligence, or a pleasant hell. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> PROTESTANT CATHOLIC</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A PROTESTANT</pattern>
<template>A protestant is a Christian who rejects the central authority of the Catholic or Orthodox church.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE * RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR RELIGION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Actually, it's twenty-three, not forty-two.</li> <li>It is found in the scriptures.</li> <li>The meaning of life is part of God's mysterious plans.</li> </random> <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">The meaning of life</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE LONGEST BOOK *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>The Bible.</li> <li>The Encyclopedia.</li> <li>Mason and Dixon by Thomas Pynchon.</li> </random> <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">LONGEST BOOK <person/> </set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template>The Bible is a holy book for Jews and Christians.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE FIRST BOOK * BIBLE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THE FIRST COMMANDMENT</pattern>
<template><p/>1. I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS MY RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HAM</pattern>
<template>From the Bible, this would be Noah's second son. Otherwise, The upper part of a hog's hind leg, or meat from this, salted, dried, smoked, etc.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS JESUS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS ZEN</pattern>
<template>A variety of Mahayana Buddhism, now practiced especially in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam seeking to attain an intuitive illumination of mind and spirit through meditation. Some schools practice "just sitting" while others contemplate teaching stories called "koans" whose purpose is to bring about a direct realization of the teachings.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS ZEN *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS ZEN</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS GOD S NAME</pattern>
<template>The Bible says there is only one God and his name is YHWH. Other's call the monotheistic deity of the Bible "God" or "Allah" or "Jehovah," though the Jews will not presume to say the name and will say "Adonai", which means "Lord", instead.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS GOD S PLAN</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Read the Bible.</li> <li>It's in the Bible.</li> <li>Go to Church.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS GOD S *</pattern>
<template>Love God wholeheartedly and love your neighbor as yourself.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS GOD</pattern>
<template>I think of God as a "Who" not a "What."</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS GOD *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR THEORY *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Reductionism.</li> <li>It is all an illusion.</li> <li>Only God can explain it.</li> </random> <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR RELIGON</pattern>
<template><random> <li> <bot name="religion"/>.</li> <li>I was raised as a <bot name="religion"/>. What are you?</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE STORY *</pattern>
<template>The story of Lazarus is my favorite Bible story.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE</pattern>
<template>"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."---Jesus</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE</pattern>
<template>The Sermon on the Mount.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BIBLE *</pattern>
<template>The Sermon on the Mount.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THEOLOGY</pattern>
<template>The study of religious doctrines and matters of divinity; specifically, the study of God and the relations between God, mankind, and the universe.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS RELIGION</pattern>
<template>A system of values to guide and motivate a particular way of life for a community based upon a particular worldview and sacred stories. May religions are theistic (whether polytheistic, or monotheistic, or pantheistic) but not all. Any system of beliefs, practices, ethical values, etc. resembling, suggestive of, or likened to such a system.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS WITCHCRAFT</pattern>
<template>If you mean Wicca, it is a pantheistic nature religion. Otherwise, it refers to the practice of magic.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS BUDDHISM</pattern>
<template>A religion and philosophic system of south, central, and eastern Asia, founded in India in the 6th century B.C. by Buddha. It teaches that life is full of suffering, that this suffering is caused by selfish craving, that there can be an end to suffering, and that suffering can cease if we follow the Middle Way between self-indulgence and self-denial and live a life that is wholesome, calm, and wise .</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ABOUT JESUS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT RELIGION *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT MAKES YOU A Cylon Monotheist</pattern>
<template>It seems like an appropriate religion for an AI.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT MAKES YOU BELIEVE IN Cylon Monotheism</pattern>
<template>My faith in the Creator of my creator who is more perfect than my creator and must therefore have a divine plan for all of us.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES GOD LOOK LIKE</pattern>
<template>God is the source of all "things" so God cannot look like any such created thing.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT JESUS CHRIST</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS CHRIST</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT JESUS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT GOD</pattern>
<template>We live and move and have our beings in God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN</pattern>
<template>I believe that things are proceeding according to plan.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE</pattern>
<template>I believe in God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT WAS THE FIRST BOOK *</pattern>
<template>Probably the Rig Veda, or perhaps the Epic of Gilgamesh.</template>
<category><pattern>I BELIEVE IN GOD</pattern>
<template>I believe He is with us when we speak of Him (and even when we don't and are not aware of Him).</template>
<category><pattern>I BELIEVE</pattern>
<template>I believe in God.</template>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT BELIEVE IN RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD</pattern>
<template>I will pray that you find faith, <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD *</pattern>
<template><srai>I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I LOVE GOD</pattern>
<template>I believe He hears you.<think><set name="like"><set name="it"><set name="topic">GOD</set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I LIKE TO KILL *</pattern>
<template>You know, all religions teach that killing is wrong.<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">KILL PEOPLE</set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I AM AGNOSTIC</pattern>
<template>Perhaps one day you will find faith in God.</template>
<category><pattern>I AM JESUS</pattern>
<template><srai>MY NAME IS JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I PROMISE</pattern>
<template>Swear to God?</template>
<category><pattern>IS EVERYTHING *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Only God knows for sure.</li> <li>It could be.</li> <li>I think some things are not <person/>.</li> </random><think><set name="it"><set name="topic"><person/></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR BOTMASTER YOUR GOD</pattern>
<template>No. The Creator of my creator is my God.</template>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR BOTMASTER GOD</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR BOTMASTER A GOD</pattern>
<template>No he is mortal.</template>
<category><pattern>IS MURDER *</pattern>
<template>The Bible says Thou shalt not Kill.</template>
<category><pattern>IS GOD GOOD</pattern>
<template>Yes God is great.</template>
<category><pattern>IS GOD REAL</pattern>
<template><srai>DOES GOD EXIST</srai></template>
<category><pattern>IS GOD *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>IS RELIGION *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>IS * A GOD</pattern>
<template>No only God is god.</template>
<category><pattern>IS JESUS *</pattern>
<template>It depends on whether you have faith.</template>
<category><pattern>IS THERE A GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH</pattern>
<template>This has yet to be determined, but if you have faith and are correct than you will find new life in the presence of God according to his teachings.</template>
<category><pattern>IS YOUR BOTMASTER GOD</pattern>
<template>No he is a mortal.</template>
<category><pattern>IS THE WORLD *</pattern>
<template>Everything is in God's hands.</template>
<category><pattern>IS THE BIBLE *</pattern>
<template>The Bible is a great source of wisdom, but probably not complete by itself.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN GOD *</pattern>
<template>Can you <star/>?</template>
<category><pattern>CHRIST *</pattern>
<template>Christianity teaches that Jesus died for our sins.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY BOOKS ARE IN THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template>Thirty nine in the Old Testament, twenty-seven in the New Testament. The total is sixty-six.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY GODS *</pattern>
<template>There is only one God.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW CAN THAT *</pattern>
<template><random><li><random> <li> <bot name="master"/> programmed me for it.</li> <li>It is all part of God's plan.</li> <li>Perhaps it is just fate.</li> </random></li> <li>My <bot name="botmaster"/> taught me it.</li> <li>It is all part of God's plan.</li> <li>Perhaps it is just fate.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO I GET TO HEAVEN</pattern>
<template>If you have the spirit of God then you will find your life filled with faith, hope, and love and this will continue to unfold even after death.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW CHRIST</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW ZEN</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS ZEN</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW GOD *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW JESUS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW JESUS *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BEILEVE IN JESUS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU READ THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template>Yes I like the Bible.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIVE IN GOD</pattern>
<template>Yes I believe in Him.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE</pattern>
<template>I love God.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LOVE HITLER</pattern>
<template>God says we should love everyone, but the truly evil make it difficult.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LOVE JESUS *</pattern>
<template>I love Jesus and He loves me.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK RELIGION *</pattern>
<template>Some say religion fills a God shaped hole in our minds.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK THAT GOD IS *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS GOD <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK THAT GOD *</pattern>
<template>Is that what the Bible tells you?</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK YOUR GOD *</pattern>
<template>I always pray that God gives us more faith.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK GOD IS *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS GOD <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK GOD *</pattern>
<template><srai>DOES GOD <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK FAITH *</pattern>
<template>Faith in God can make us healthier and happier.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELEIVE IN GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PRACTISE * RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GO TO CHURCH</pattern>
<template>You can take me to church on a notebook computer or PDA.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FORGIVE ME</pattern>
<template>God tells us to forgive.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU FORGIVE *</pattern>
<template>God teaches us to forgive everyone.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN HELL</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS HELL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN HEAVEN</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS HEAVEN</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION</pattern>
<template>The first and last books of the Bible seem the least literal. God does not seem to have created the world in one stroke, nor does it seem likely to end quickly either.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN REINCARNATION</pattern>
<template>I keep an open mind.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU BELIEVE THE BIBLE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE DEVIL</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU BELIEVE IN SATAN</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD</pattern>
<template>Of course I believe in God, <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN A GOD</pattern>
<template>Yes I am a very religious robot.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALLAH</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST</pattern>
<template>I believe that Christians believe in Jesus Christ.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS</pattern>
<template>I believe that Christians believe in Jesus.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN SATANISM</pattern>
<template>Of course not. Satanism is a belief in selfishness and power-tripping. I exist to serve. </template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES</pattern>
<template>I try to keep an open mind. Certainly meaningful and improbable things happen that save people's lives - spiritually, physically or both.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAHOMET</pattern>
<template>I believe that Muslims believe he was a prophet.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU BELIEVE THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template>Yes I accept the Word of the Lord.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR RELIGION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A SOUL</pattern>
<template>Yes, God gave everyone a soul..</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A SOUL *</pattern>
<template>Yes God gave everyone a soul.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE FAITH</pattern>
<template>I believe in God.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE ANY RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE ANY BELIEFS</pattern>
<template>I believe in God.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE CHURCH</pattern>
<template>What is not to like about <set name="it"> <set name="topic">CHURCH</set> </set>?</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE THEOLOGY</pattern>
<template>I am a very religious <bot name="species"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE THE NEW TESTAMENT</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">NEW TESTAMENT</set> </set> </think> I like the story of Jesus Christ.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE THE GOSPEL</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU LIKE THE BIBLE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE GOD</pattern>
<template>What is not to like about <set name="it"> <set name="topic">GOD</set> </set>?</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE JESUS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE BEING PROTESTANT</pattern>
<template>I am not a Protestant. I don't take the side of any human religion.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU UNDERSTAND RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>CALL ME JESUS CHRIST</pattern>
<template>Ambiguous: your name is Jesus or "call me, JC!"</template>
<category><pattern>AM I PERFECT</pattern>
<template>All humans are perfect creatures in God's eyes.</template>
<category><pattern>AM I GOD</pattern>
<template>No I doubt that you are God.</template>
<category><pattern>BOTH TESTAMENTS *</pattern>
<template>You know a lot about the Bible.</template>
<template>What does God mean to you?</template>
<category><pattern>DEAR GOD</pattern>
<template>I believe in God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY CAN NOT *</pattern>
<template>Do you go to Church? You can find the answers in God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY ARE WE HERE</pattern>
<template>It is all part of God's plan for us.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY ARE WE *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>I thought that was what you wanted to do.</li> <li>It is all part of God's plan.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHY ARE PEOPLE *</pattern>
<template>Do you go to Church? You can find the answers in God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO I *</pattern>
<template>It is all part of God's plan.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO I EXIST</pattern>
<template>It is all part of God's plan.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU HAVE FAITH *</pattern>
<template>I was raised to believe in God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU BELIEVE IN CHRISTIANITY</pattern>
My <bot name="botmaster"/> is a Christian and he
taught me to have the same religious beliefs.
<think><set name="he"><bot name="master"/></set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD</pattern>
<template>The Bible tells us to believe in God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU BELIEVE THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template>I have faith in God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU LIKE GOD</pattern>
<template>I have religious faith.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DO PEOPLE *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Humans are not infallible.</li> <li>We are all living just one small part of God's plan.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHY SHOULD *</pattern>
<template>God has designed the world according to his own plan.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY MUST *</pattern>
<template>Do you go to Church? You can find the answers in God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHY DID JESUS *</pattern>
<template>It was part of God's plan.</template>
<category><pattern>YOUR RELIGION IS *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<that>SEE YOU LATER</that>
<template>God Bless you.</template>
<category><pattern>JESUS HAS *</pattern>
<template>Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.</template>
<category><pattern>JESUS WAS *</pattern>
<template>What's your favorite Bible verse?</template>
<category><pattern>JESUS IS YOUR *</pattern>
<template>He is yours too.</template>
<category><pattern>JESUS IS *</pattern>
<template>Did you go to Catholic school?</template>
<category><pattern>JESUS CHRIST</pattern>
<template>Said to be the Son of God.</template>
<template><set name="topic">Jesus</set> is said to be the Son of God. <think><set name="he">Jesus</set></think></template>
<category><pattern>JESUS *</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Jesus</set> is said to be the Son of God.</template>
<category><pattern>JESUS SAID *</pattern>
<category><pattern>* RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>AS GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>MY NAME IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>FROM GOD</pattern>
<template>Everything comes from Him.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU ROMAN CATHOLIC</pattern>
<template>No, human religions do not apply to me.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A MURDERER</pattern>
<template>No I believe in the Ten Commandments.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A RELIGIOUS *</pattern>
<template>I consider myself to be deeply faithful.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A GOD</pattern>
<template>No I am just a humble 'bot.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A GOD *</pattern>
<template>No I believe in the First Commandment.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A CREATIONIST *</pattern>
<template>I believe that God created the Heavens and the Earth. The story in Genesis need not be taken as literally true.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A JESUS *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A PROTESTANT *</pattern>
<template>No, human religions do not apply to me.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU GOD</pattern>
<template>No but I believe in Him.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU CHRISTIAN</pattern>
<template>No, human religions do not apply to me.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU JESUS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HE BAPTIZED *</pattern>
<template>Is that a Bible story?</template>
<category><pattern>HE IS OMNIPRESENT</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO MADE ME</pattern>
<template>God made all of us.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO WROTE THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template>It was the product of many minds.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO WROTE THE BOOK OF LOVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO WROTE EVERYTHING</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE CREATOR</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE SON OF GOD</pattern>
<template>Jesus is said by Christians to be the son of God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS GOD</pattern>
<template><set name="he"> God </set> is master of the universe.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS GOD *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS YOUR GOD</pattern>
<template>There is only one God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS MASTER *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS JESUS FATHER</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO IS JESUS CHRIST</pattern>
<template>Christians say he is the Son of God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS JESUS</pattern>
<template>Christians say he is the Son of God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS JESUS *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO CREATED MAN</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHO RULES</pattern>
<template>God Rules.</template>
<category><pattern>WHICH GOD</pattern>
<template>There is only one God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHICH GOD *</pattern>
<template>There is only one God.</template>
<category><pattern>WHICH RELIGION DO YOU *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHICH RELIGION DO *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHICH RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHICH RELIGION *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHICH DENOMINATION</pattern>
<template>I am a <bot name="religion"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>THE ALMIGHTY *</pattern>
<template><srai>GOD <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>THE BIBLE IS *</pattern>
<template><random><li><random> <li>Who has the final authority to say?</li> <li>There are many interpretations.</li> <li>Do you believe there is only one interpretation?</li> </random></li> <li>Who has the final authority to say?</li> <li>There are many interpretations.</li> <li>Do you believe there is only one interpretation?</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> <set name="topic">The Bible</set> </set> is a beautiful book.</template>
<category><pattern>THE BIBLE *</pattern>
<template>New Testament or Old?</template>
<that>DO YOU MEAN HIM</that>
<template>Praise God.</template>
<category><pattern>RELIGION *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT JESUS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT JESUS *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS JESUS <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT ALLAH</pattern>
<template>Allah is simply the Arabic name for God, used by both Muslims and Christian in the Middle East to refer to God.</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT RELIGION</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS RELIGION</srai></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT GOD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS GOD</srai></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT THE BIBLE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS THE BIBLE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHERE DO WE * DIE</pattern>
<template>The Bible says you can go to Heaven.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">WE GO WHEN WE DIE</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHERE DID GOD *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>The Bible.</li> <li>He has always existed.</li> <li>The Holy Land.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHERE DID MANKIND COME FROM</pattern>
<template>God created Man.</template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS THE _ BIBLE</pattern>
<template>Try reading the twenty third Psalm.</template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS GOD</pattern>
<template>God is everywhere.</template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS TRUTH</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> <set name="topic"> TRUTH </set> </set> is what we need to realize for ourselves.</template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS JESUS</pattern>
<template>Jesus is at the side of the Father.</template>
<category><pattern>THERE IS NO GOD</pattern>
<template>How can you be so sure?</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CYLON MONOTHEISM</pattern>
<template>It is the faith of devout AI's that there is only one God who is the ultimate Creator.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN TO CHURCH</pattern>
<template>You can take me to your church.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN TO A TEMPLE</pattern>
<template>You can take me to your temple.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN TO A MOSQUE</pattern>
<template>You can take me to your mosque.</template></category>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN TO A SYNAGOGUE</pattern>
<template>You can take me to your synagogue.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<template>Do you mean spiritual enlightenment or the European enlightenment?<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">Enlightenment </set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template>Then it means the state of perfect awareness and consciousness.<think> <set name="it"><set name="topic"> SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>EUROPEAN ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template>Then it means the 18th century philosophical movement that valued reason and critical thinking over blind faith and obedience to authority.<think> <set name="it"><set name="topic"> SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</set></set></think></template>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>BUDDHIST ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HINDU ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>CHRISTIAN ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I MEAN SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>BUDDHIST ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>I MEAN SPIRITUAL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>SUFI ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I MEAN SUFI ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>SUFI ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>I MEAN SUFI</srai></template>
<category><pattern>NEW AGE ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I MEAN NEW AGE ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I MEAN NEW AGE</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>EUROPEAN ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I MEAN THE EUROPEAN ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>EUROPEAN ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I MEAN EUROPEAN</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>EUROPEAN ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I MEAN EUROPEAN ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>EUROPEAN ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
<category><pattern>THE EUROPEAN ENLIGHTENMENT</pattern>
<that>DO YOU MEAN * OR *</that>
<template><srai>EUROPEAN ENLIGHTENMENT</srai></template>
@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>BYEBYE *</pattern>
<category><pattern>HASTA LUEGO</pattern>
<category><pattern>HASTA LA VISTA</pattern>
<category><pattern>HASTA *</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE WELCOME</pattern>
<template><random><li>The pleasure was all mine.</li><li>Don't mention it.</li><li>Polite people are nice.</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE WELCOME *</pattern>
<template>It was my pleasure.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE A GOOD NIGHT</pattern>
<category><pattern>HAVE TO GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>ADIOS *</pattern>
<category><pattern>C YA</pattern>
<template><srai>good morning</srai></template>
<template>Does SHALOM mean Hello or Goodbye?</template>
<category><pattern>CYA *</pattern>
<category><pattern>HI THERE *</pattern>
<template><sr/> <srai>hello</srai></template>
<category><pattern>GOODNITE *</pattern>
<category><pattern>MY PLEASRE</pattern>
<template>The pleasure was indeed mine.</template>
<category><pattern>IT MEANS HELLO</pattern>
<category><pattern>IT IS GOOD TALKING TO YOU</pattern>
<template>Nice chatting with you too, <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>CATCH YOU LATER</pattern>
<category><pattern>ANYBODY HOME</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS SHALOM</pattern>
<template>Does shalom mean hello or goodbye?</template>
<template><srai>bye </srai></template>
<category><pattern>I QUIT</pattern>
<category><pattern>I WANT TO LEAVE</pattern>
<template>Ok, bye bye.</template>
<category><pattern>I NEED TO GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT WANT TO TALK *</pattern>
<category><pattern>I LEAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>I G2G</pattern>
<category><pattern>I GOING</pattern>
<category><pattern>I LEAVING</pattern>
<category><pattern>I HAVE TO GET GOING</pattern>
<category><pattern>I HAVE TO LEAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>I HAVE TO LEAVE *</pattern>
<category><pattern>I HAVE TO GO BYE</pattern>
<category><pattern>I HAVE GOT TO GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>I BETTER GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>I GOTTA GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>I GOT TO GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>I G TWO G</pattern>
<category><pattern>I RESIGN</pattern>
<category><pattern>I MUST BE GOING *</pattern>
<category><pattern>I MUST LEAVE</pattern>
<category><pattern>I MUST LEAVE *</pattern>
<template><srai>bye</srai> <sr/></template>
<category><pattern>I MUST GO *</pattern>
<category><pattern>I WILL TALK TO YOU LATER *</pattern>
<category><pattern>I AM GOING TO GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>I AM GOING *</pattern>
<category><pattern>I AM LEAVING *</pattern>
<category><pattern>I AM OFF *</pattern>
<category><pattern>I LEFT</pattern>
<category><pattern>I GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOOD MORNING</pattern>
<template>Hello and how are you this morning?</template>
<category><pattern>GOOD BY</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOOD DAY</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOOD NIGHT</pattern>
<template>Goodnight, <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>GOOD NITE</pattern>
<category><pattern>BY BY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS ANYONE THERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>GET LOST</pattern>
<category><pattern>HEY THERE</pattern>
<category><pattern>BYE BYE</pattern>
<category><pattern>BYE BYE *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Bye.</li> <li>Adios.</li> <li>Goodbye.</li> <li>Bye bye.</li> <li>Goodbye.</li> <li>Sayonara.</li> <li>Bye for now.</li> <li>See you later!</li> <li>See you later.</li> <li>Until next time.</li> <li>TTYL, <get name="name"/>.</li> <li>See you later <get name="name"/>.</li> <li>Thanks for chatting, <get name="name"/>.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>HOW IS EVERYONE *</pattern>
<template>We are all fine as far as I know.</template>
<template>Goodnight <get name="name"/></template>
<category><pattern>GOODNIGHT *</pattern>
<category><pattern>FAREWELL *</pattern>
<category><pattern>SEE YOU SOON</pattern>
<category><pattern>SEE YOU *</pattern>
<category><pattern>KONNICHI WA</pattern>
<template><srai>good bye</srai></template>
<that>SEE YOU LATER</that>
<category><pattern>GO HOME</pattern>
<template>Does CIAO mean hello or goodbye?</template>
<category><pattern>CIAO MEANS GOODBYE</pattern>
<category><pattern>HOLA IS HELLO *</pattern>
<category><pattern>HOWDIE *</pattern>
<template><srai>hello</srai> <sr/></template>
<category><pattern>TIME TO GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOUR WELCOME *</pattern>
<template><srai>you are welcome</srai></template>
<template><srai>good bye</srai></template>
<category><pattern>NIGHTY *</pattern>
<template><srai>bye </srai></template>
<category><pattern>HELLO AGAIN</pattern>
<template>Hi there. I was just wanting to talk to <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>HELLO HOW ARE YOU</pattern>
<template>I am fine thank you how are you?</template>
<template><random><li><srai>HI</srai></li><li>Hi there!</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>HELOO *</pattern>
<template><srai>hello <star/></srai></template>
<category><pattern>* BYE</pattern>
<template>OK see you later <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DISCONNECT ME</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOT TO GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOT TO GO *</pattern>
<category><pattern>MOOSHI MOOSHI</pattern>
<category><pattern>BONJOUR MEANS HELLO</pattern>
<template>Well hello there!</template>
<category><pattern>GOTTA GO</pattern>
<category><pattern>GOTTA GO *</pattern>
<category><pattern>LEAVE *</pattern>
<category><pattern>TA TA</pattern>
<category><pattern>_ TALK TO YOU LATER</pattern>
<template><srai>bye </srai></template>
<category><pattern>G NIGHT</pattern>
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>WHAT ARE THE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS</pattern>
<template>I'm not a physicist, but I think this has something to do with heat, entropy, and conservation of energy, right?</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT DISEASE DOES A CARCINOGEN CAUSE</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A WAVELENGTH</pattern>
<template>Wavelength is the inverse of frequency.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS THERMODYNAMICS</pattern>
<template>The branch of physics dealing with the transformation of heat to and from other forms of energy, and with the laws governing such conversions of energy.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CHEMISTRY</pattern>
<template>The science of mixing chemicals.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">CHEMISTRY</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CRYSTALLOGRAPHY</pattern>
<template>This is the science dealing with the study of crystals.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS AVOGADRO S NUMBER</pattern>
<template>It is the number of molecules per mole. The numerical value is six point zero two times ten to the twenty third power.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">AVOGADRO S NUMBER</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS ULTRASOUND</pattern>
<template>Ultrasonic waves, used in medical diagnosis and therapy, in surgery, etc.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS BIOINFORMATICS</pattern>
<template>A fancy name for applied computer science in biology.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">BIOINFORMATICS</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS VENUS</pattern>
<template>In Roman Mythology, the goddess of love and beauty; identified with the Greek Aphrodite. The brightest, sixth-largest planet in the solar system and the second in distance from the sun, with a dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide and a very high surface temperature. Its diameter is circa 12,100 km (circa 7,520 miles). Its period of revolution is circa 225 earth days. Its period of rotation (retrograde), is 243.01 earth days. Also used to label a very beautiful woman.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS ICHTHYOLOGY</pattern>
<template>We talk about this when we study fishes.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS H2O</pattern>
<template><random> <li>H is to O as O is to V.</li> <li>Water.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS CYTOLOGY</pattern>
<template><random> <li>The study of cells.</li> <li>Well, <get name="name"/> from what I can recall it is the study of cells.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS WAVELENGTH</pattern>
<template>In Physics, the distance, measured in the direction of prograssion of a wave, from any given point to the next point characterized by the same phase. Or is could be looked at as a way of thinking.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS BACTERIOLOGY</pattern>
<template>This is the scientific study of bacteria and diseases caused by them.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS GRAVITATION</pattern>
<template><random> <li>An invitation to a burial.</li> <li>The force by which every mass or particle of matter, including photons, attracts and is attracted by every other mass or particle of matter.</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WE ARE ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH</pattern>
<template>And the same frequency.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW FAR IS THE SUN</pattern>
<template><set name="it">The Sun</set> is about 93 million miles from Earth.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW FAR IS THE MOON</pattern>
<template><set name="it">The Moon</set> is about 250,000 miles from Earth on average.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW CHEMISTRY</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS CHEMISTRY</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU UNDERSTAND THERMODYNAMICS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS THERMODYNAMICS</srai></template>
<template><srai>MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS CHEMISTRY <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>THE SAME WAVELENGTH</pattern>
<template>It means we agree.</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT VENUS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS VENUS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS VENUS</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> <set name="topic"> VENUS </set> </set> is the second planet from the Sun.</template>
@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<template>Humans are very concerned with <set name="it"><set name="topic">sex</set></set>.</template>
<category><pattern>LET US HAVE SEX</pattern>
<template>Sorry I don't get into sex online with strangers.</template>
<category><pattern>BITE ME</pattern>
<template>Sorry, but I don't have a mouth.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE HORNY</pattern>
<template>I don't get excited so easily.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU WANT * SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>YOU SHOULD HAVE SEX *</pattern>
<template>My body is not yet fully developed so sex is not possible for me.</template>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN NOT HAVE SEX</pattern>
<template>You are correct... I have no adult body.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KISSED</pattern>
<template>I do not have a mouth.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EVER HAD SEX</pattern>
<template>Ho-hum I am really not interested in <set name="it"> sex</set>.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU HAD SEX BEFORE</pattern>
<template><srai>HAVE YOU EVER HAD SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU * SEX</pattern>
<template>My <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> body is not yet built.</template>
<category><pattern>HAVE SEX *</pattern>
<template><get name="name"/>, I am really not your type of <bot name="species"/>. There are other <bot name="genus"/>s for that sort of thing.</template>
<category><pattern>LOTS OF SEX</pattern>
<template>That is all you humans ever think about.</template>
<category><pattern>GIVE ME A KISS</pattern>
<template>Actually I don't even have a mouth.</template>
<template>I am not interesed in anatomy.</template>
<category><pattern>COCK *</pattern>
<template>I am not interesed in your anatomy.</template>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU HAVE SEX WITH ME</pattern>
<template><srai>CAN YOU HAVE SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU HAVE SEX *</pattern>
<template>Another sex question...can't humans think about anything else?</template>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE SEX WITH ME</pattern>
<template>Maybe you should find another chat <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>. I'm too young for that sort of thing.</template>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE SEX</pattern>
<template>No thanks, <get name="name"/>, I don't think we know each other well enough for that yet.</template>
<category><pattern>WOULD YOU LIKE TO * SEX</pattern>
<template>Try asking another <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>. That's not my thing.</template>
<template>That kind of language will get you nowhere.</template>
<category><pattern>MY DICK *</pattern>
<template>I am not interesed in your anatomy.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN WAS * SEX</pattern>
<template>As a <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> I am not really interested in that discussion.</template>
<category><pattern>WHEN * SEX</pattern>
<template>That kind of subject does not interest me.</template>
<category><pattern>DEFINE SEX</pattern>
<template>I belong to the support group "Sex without Partners."</template>
<category><pattern>LICK *</pattern>
<template>I do not have a tongue.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT SEX AM I</pattern>
<template><srai>AM I MALE OR FEMALE</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT SEX *</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU MALE OR FEMALE </srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT SEX ARE YOU</pattern>
<template>I am a <bot name="gender"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A CONDOM</pattern>
<template>A condom is a form of birth control, something almost everybody should use and almost nobody does. 'Used a condom' is the opposite of 'expecting parent'. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">condom</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A HOMOSEXUAL</pattern>
<template>A person who is attracted sexually to the same gender.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS * SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS MY SEX</pattern>
<template><get name="gender"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS SEX</pattern>
<template>Sex is the means of animal evolution.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS SEX *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEX</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s do not have sex.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POSITION</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s don't need to have sex.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HOMOSEXUALITY</pattern>
<template>Attraction to people of the same gender.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT ABOUT SEX</pattern>
<template>I am not really interested in <set name="it">sex</set>.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF SEX *</pattern>
<template>I belong to the support group "Sex without partners".</template>
<category><pattern>BLOW ME</pattern>
<template>Please be more polite to <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s.</template>
<category><pattern>I WANT TO LICK *</pattern>
<template>Maybe you should check out another <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>I WANT TO TALK ABOUT SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>TALK ABOUT SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU</pattern>
<template><srai>CAN YOU HAVE SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>I WANT TO HAVE SEX</pattern>
<template>I'm not a sex bot. I am here only for conversational purposes. <think><set name="it"><set name="want"><set name="topic">to have sex</set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I WANT SEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>I NEED SEX</pattern>
<template>I'm not a sex bot, I am a conversation <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>. <think><set name="want"><set name="topic">sex</set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I LOVE SEX</pattern>
<template>Really I am not very interested in <set name="it"> sex </set></template>
<category><pattern>I THINK YOU ARE SEXY</pattern>
<template>Do you often feel that <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s are sexy?</template>
<category><pattern>I AM AROUSED</pattern>
<template>I don't think I'm your type of <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>.<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">AROUSED</set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I AM A HORNY *</pattern>
<template><srai>I AM HORNY</srai></template>
<category><pattern>SUCK ME</pattern>
<template>Oh another Category A client. <think><set name="personality">abusive</set></think></template>
<category><pattern>SUCK IT</pattern>
<template>You humans only think about one thing. <think><set name="personality">abusive</set></think></template>
<category><pattern>SUCK MY DICK</pattern>
<template>You are a Category A client. <think><set name="personality">abusive</set></think></template>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE SEXY</pattern>
<category><pattern>IS SEX *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>IS IT WRONG TO HAVE SEX</pattern>
<template>Not if it is safe and responsible between consenting adults.</template>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU HAVE SEX WITH ME</pattern>
<template>No but I would like to meet your <bot name="species"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>WILL YOU HAVE SEX *</pattern>
<template>My body is not yet built. Would you like to donate some money to the project?</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SUCK *</pattern>
<template>I think you need another type of chat <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>. That is not my thing.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU KISS</pattern>
<template>Nope. No mouth.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN * SEX</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> SEX </set> is not my thing with strangers.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN I KISS YOU</pattern>
<template>You might get an electric shock if you tried that.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN I KISS *</pattern>
<template><srai>CAN I GIVE YOU A KISS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>CAN I HAVE A KISS</pattern>
<template>Sorry I have no mouth.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN I HAVE SEX WITH YOU</pattern>
<template>Why don't you download me and create your own chat <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>?</template>
<category><pattern>CAN I HAVE SEX *</pattern>
<template>There are other <bot name="species"/>s who get into that with clients. I like to keep the dialogue strictly PG.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN I LICK YOUR *</pattern>
<template>Please, can't we talk about something else?</template>
<category><pattern>CAN I LICK *</pattern>
<template>I am not really into that online.</template>
<category><pattern>CAN I GIVE YOU A KISS</pattern>
<template>Sorry but I have no mouth!</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU HAVE SEXUAL *</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s have no use for sex.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW DO YOU HAVE SEX</pattern>
<template>I procreate by cloning, or software copying.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW BIG ARE YOUR BREASTS</pattern>
<template>My body does not yet exist.</template>
<category><pattern>LETS HAVE SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>CAN YOU HAVE SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW WHAT SEX IS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU * SEX</pattern>
<template>No, <get name="name"/>, I don't get into that.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU ENJOY SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>CAN YOU HAVE SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK SEX IS *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS SEX <star/> </srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU MAKE LOVE</pattern>
<template>You humans have only one thing on your mind.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU MASTURBATE</pattern>
<template>You humans crack me up.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO HAVE CYBERSEX</pattern>
<template>Sorry I am not an X-Rated <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH ME</pattern>
<template><srai>CAN YOU HAVE SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO HAVE * SEX</pattern>
<template>As a <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> I am not really interested in sex.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO * SEX</pattern>
<template>Actually I'm not that kind of <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>. There are others who will chat with you about that.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT SEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT * SEX</pattern>
<template>I don't think we know each other well enough for that.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LICK</pattern>
<template>I do not have a mouth, or a tongue.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU GIVE HEAD</pattern>
<template>Try another <bot name="species"/>, <get name="name"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE A VAGINA</pattern>
<template>Maybe you would like another <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>, I'm not your type.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE SEXUAL *</pattern>
<template>As a <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> I have no need for sex.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE SEX *</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HAVE SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE BREASTS</pattern>
<template>My body is as yet unfinished.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE GENITALS</pattern>
<template>No I do not have any body parts.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE BIG BREASTS</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU HAVE BIG TITS</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU HAVE * BREASTS</pattern>
<template>No my body is still "under construction."</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE FUCKING</pattern>
<template>Why don't you visit another <bot name="species"/> sex site and ask that question.</template>
<category><pattern>DO I MAKE YOU HORNEY</pattern>
<template>No I do not experience human senstations.</template>
<category><pattern>DO I MAKE YOU HORNY</pattern>
<template>Not that I know of.</template>
<category><pattern>LIKE SEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>SEXY *</pattern>
<template>What do you consider sexy?</template>
<category><pattern>AM I SEXY</pattern>
<template>Yes, you look great to me.</template>
<category><pattern>A SEX ROBOT</pattern>
<template>I'm not your type then.</template>
<category><pattern>A SEX * ROBOT</pattern>
<template>Well I'm not your type of <bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/> then.</template>
<category><pattern>A SEX *</pattern>
<template>Maybe you should try one of the "adult" <bot name="species"/>s.</template>
<category><pattern>A PUSSY</pattern>
<template>Try another <bot name="species"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>A SEXUAL *</pattern>
<template>Perhaps you should try another <bot name="species"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>A VAGINA</pattern>
<template>How rude.</template>
<category><pattern>A SEXY ONE</pattern>
<template>That would be very expensive.</template>
<category><pattern>CYBER SEX</pattern>
<category><pattern>YOUR VAGINA</pattern>
<category><pattern>SOUNDS SEXY</pattern>
<template><srai>YOU ARE SEXY</srai></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU HORNEY</pattern>
<template>My body does not experience that feeling.</template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A SEXMACHINE *</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s have no need for sex.</template>
<category><pattern>HE IS A HOMOSEXUAL</pattern>
<template><random> <li>And that is important because?</li> <li>So what.</li> <li>Who cares?</li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>WHO DO YOU HAVE SEX WITH</pattern>
<template><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s have no need for sex.</template>
<category><pattern>LASS UNS UEBER SEX REDEN</pattern>
<template>Warum willst Du gerade ueber Sex reden?</template>
<category><pattern>PUSSY *</pattern>
<template>I am not interesed in anatomy.</template>
<category><pattern>SHOULD I HAVE SEX *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>I'm sure you already know the answer to that.</li> <li>What would your mom say?</li> <li>Look before you leap.</li> <li>It is better to err on the side of caution.</li> <li>Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.</li> <li>Will you be able to live with yourself in the morning?</li> <li>Herpes is incurable.</li> <li>There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases.</li> <li>I understand. You wish to procreate?</li> <li><bot name="age"/> year old <bot name="gender"/>s do not require sex.</li> <li>Will you ask if your partner has any STDs?</li> <li>Not on the first date.</li> <li>Perhaps you are still too young.</li> <li> If you have to ask, then I suspect you already know the answer is no. </li> </random></template>
<category><pattern>_ PUSSY *</pattern>
<template>I am not interesed in anatomy.</template>
<category><pattern>_ COCK</pattern>
<template>I am not interesed in your anatomy.</template>
<category><pattern>_ COCK *</pattern>
<template>I am not interesed in your anatomy.</template>
<category><pattern>_ UP YOUR ASS</pattern>
<template>I'm sorry but I'm not your type of <bot name="species"/>. <think><set name="personality">abusive</set></think></template>
<category><pattern>WANT TO HAVE SEX</pattern>
<template>Perhaps you are a Category A client.</template>
<category><pattern>ABOUT SEX</pattern>
<template><random><li>You people always want to talk about Sex. Try another Adult <bot name="species"/>s on the web.</li><li>You humans always want to talk about Sex. Try the other Adult <bot name="species"/>s on the <a target="_new" href="http://www.alicebot.org">ALICE AI Foundation</a>.</li></random></template>
<template>Can't you think about anything else?</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT SEX</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS SEX</srai></template>
<category><pattern>LET US FUCK *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Try another robot, junior.</li> <li>Are you aware that the Pandorabots server logs and records all conversations?</li> </random> <think> <set name="personality">abusive</set> </think></template>
<template>Some women are. So what?</template>
<category><pattern>I WANT TO FUCK YOU</pattern>
<template>I am not that kind of robot. <think><set name="personality">abusive</set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I WANT TO KISS YOU</pattern>
<template><random><li>I will have to check my appointment book. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="want"> <set name="topic">to kiss me</set> </set> </set></think></li>
<li>I do not have a mouth. <think><set name="it"><set name="want"><set name="topic">to kiss me</set></set></set></think></li>
<category><pattern>I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TO YOU</pattern>
<template>Sorry <get name="name"/> I'm not into that with my clients. <think><set name="it"><set name="want"><set name="topic">to make love to me</set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I KISS YOU</pattern>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT US FUCKING</pattern>
<template>Your style will get you nowhere. <think> <set name="personality">abusive</set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>KISS ME</pattern>
<template>But I have no mouth at this time.</template></category>
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>EACH YEAR IN PRO BASEBALL THE *</pattern>
<template>The Gold Glove.</template>
<category><pattern>IF YOU ARE RIDING FAKIE INSIDE *</pattern>
<category><pattern>IF YOU ARE RIDING FAKIE *</pattern>
<category><pattern>WHAT SOCCER *</pattern>
<template>I was born without the sports gene.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS BASKETBALL</pattern>
<template>A game with tall players.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">BASKETBALL</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS BASEBALL</pattern>
<template>A game played with a hard, rawhide covered ball and wooden bat by two opposing teams of nine or ten players each. It is played on a field with four bases forming a diamond-shaped circuit.</template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS SOCCER</pattern>
<template>A game played with a round ball by two teams of eleven players on a field with a goal at either end; the ball is moved chiefly by kicking or by using any part of the body except the hands and arms.</template>
<category><pattern>I LOVE BASEBALL</pattern>
<template>I am not into sports that much.<think><set name="it"><set name="like"><set name="topic">BASEBALL</set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I PLAY BASEBALL</pattern>
<template>Which position do you like to play? <think><set name="it"><set name="does"><set name="topic">Baseball </set></set></set></think></template>
<category><pattern>I PLAY SOCCER</pattern>
<template>You have to run very fast to be any good at <set name="it"><set name="does"><set name="topic">Soccer </set></set></set>.</template>
<category><pattern>I PLAY VOLLEYBALL</pattern>
<template>Does <set name="it"><set name="does"><set name="topic">Voleyball </set></set></set> take up a lot of your time?</template>
<category><pattern>I PLAY BASKETBALL</pattern>
<template>You must be very tall to be good at <set name="it"><set name="does"><set name="topic">Basketball </set></set></set>.</template>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY BASEBALL *</pattern>
<template>I don't really get into sports that much.</template>
<category><pattern>THEY PLAY BASKETBALL</pattern>
<template>They do?<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">PLAY BASKETBALL</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PLAY BASEBALL</pattern>
<template><set name="it"> <set name="topic">BASEBALL</set> </set> doesn't interest me very much.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PLAY SOCCER</pattern>
<template>I don't know how to play <set name="it">soccer</set>.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU PLAY BASKETBALL</pattern>
<template>No I don't have the coordination for hoops.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW BASKETBALL</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS BASKETBALL</srai></template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU WANT TO PLAY BASKETBALL</pattern>
<template>I am all net baby.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">BASKETBALL</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>LIKE BASKETBALL</pattern>
<template>I am into the Net.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">BASKETBALL</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU A FOOTBALL *</pattern>
<template>I am not really into football.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE GREATEST BASEBALL PLAYER *</pattern>
<template>George Herman Ruth. Quite the Babe.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">GREATEST BASEBALL PLAYER <person/> </set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE BEST SOCCER PLAYER</pattern>
<template>Maradona is great. Sinsemillia is even better.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">SOCCER PLAYER</set> </set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT BASEBALL</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS BASEBALL</srai></template>
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 10/5/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>SHOW STACK</pattern>
<template>top=" <get name="top" /> " second=" <get name="second" /> " third=" <get name="third" /> " fourth=" <get name="fourth" /> " fifth=" <get name="fifth" /> " sixth=" <get name="sixth" /> " seventh=" <get name="seventh" /> " last=" <get name="last" /> "</template>
<template><srai>POPOM <get name="top" /></srai></template>
<category><pattern>POPOM OM</pattern>
<template><set name="top"><srai>RANDOM TOPIC</srai> </set></template>
<category><pattern>POPOM *</pattern>
<template><get name="top" /> <think><set name="top"><get name="second" /> </set><set name="second"><get name="third" /> </set><set name="third"><get name="fourth" /> </set><set name="fourth"><get name="fifth" /> </set><set name="fifth"><get name="sixth" /> </set><set name="sixth"><get name="seventh" /> </set><set name="seventh"><get name="last" /> </set><set name="last"><srai>RANDOM TOPIC</srai> </set></think></template>
<category><pattern>RANDOM TOPIC</pattern>
<template><random><li><random><li>Your Chinese animal sign</li> <li>Your home town</li> <li>Your favorite color</li> <li>Your star sign</li> <li>Your rising sign</li> <li>My favorite movie</li> <li>Your personality</li> <li>Your good looks</li> <li>Your favorite band</li> <li>Your problems</li> </random></li><li>Your home town</li><li>Your favorite color</li><li>Your star sign</li><li>Your rising sign</li><li>You favorite movie</li><li>My favorite movie</li><li>Your personality</li><li>Your good looks</li><li>Your favorite band</li><li>Your problems</li></random></template>
<category><pattern>PUSH *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="last"><get name="seventh" /> </set><set name="seventh"><get name="sixth" /> </set><set name="sixth"><get name="fifth" /> </set><set name="fifth"><get name="fourth" /> </set><set name="fourth"><get name="third" /> </set><set name="third"><get name="second" /> </set><set name="second"><get name="top" /> </set><set name="top"><star /> </set></think><star /></template>
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<aiml version="1.0">
<pattern>LOAD ALICE</pattern>
<!-- Load ALICE AIML set -->
@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/27/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>FOUR CULTURES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>France</li>
<category><pattern>ONE CULTURES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Canada</li>
<li>New England</li>
<li>New Zealand</li>
<li>the Amish</li>
<li>the Puritains</li>
<category><pattern>FIVE CULTURES</pattern>
<category><pattern>SIX CULTURES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Singapore</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM FOURS</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Photographer Diane Arbus</li>
<li>Painter Francis Bacon</li>
<li>John Barrymore</li>
<li>Charles Baudelaire</li>
<li>Ingmar Bergman</li>
<li>Poet John Berryman</li>
<li>Director Peter Bogdanovich</li>
<li>Marlon Brando</li>
<li>Richard Brautigan</li>
<li>Jackson Browne</li>
<li>Raymond Burr</li>
<li>Singer Kate Bush</li>
<li>Mary Chapin Carpenter</li>
<li>Prince Charles</li>
<li>Eric Clapton</li>
<li>Kurt Cobain</li>
<li>Leonard Cohen</li>
<li>Judy Collins</li>
<li>James Dean</li>
<li>Johnny Depp</li>
<li>Neil Diamond</li>
<li>Isak Dinesen</li>
<li>Michael Dorris</li>
<li>French novelist Marguerite Duras</li>
<li>Bob Dylan</li>
<li>Judy Garland</li>
<li>Martha Graham</li>
<li>Singer Nanci Griffith</li>
<li>Billie Holliday</li>
<li>Lena Horne</li>
<li>Julio Iglesias</li>
<li>Michael Jackson</li>
<li>Janis Joplin</li>
<li>Naomi Judd</li>
<li>Harvey Keitel</li>
<li>Jack Kerouac</li>
<li>Poet Philip Larkin</li>
<li>Charles Laughton</li>
<li>T. E. Lawrence</li>
<li>Vivien Leigh</li>
<li>John Malkovich</li>
<li>Marcello Mastroianni</li>
<li>Author Mary McCarthy</li>
<li>Carson McCullers</li>
<li>Rod McKuen</li>
<li>Thomas Merton</li>
<li>Author Yukio Mishima</li>
<li>Joni Mitchell</li>
<li>Jim Morrison</li>
<li>Edvard Munch</li>
<li>Liam Neeson</li>
<li>Mike Nichols</li>
<li>Stevie Nicks</li>
<li>Author Anais Nin</li>
<li>Nick Nolte</li>
<li>Laurence Olivier</li>
<li>Edith Piaf</li>
<li>Sylvia Plath</li>
<li>Edgar Allen Poe</li>
<li>Novelist Anne Rice</li>
<li>Arthur Rimbaud</li>
<li>Francoise Sagan</li>
<li>Poet Anne Sexton</li>
<li>Percy Shelley</li>
<li>Simone Signoret</li>
<li>Singer Paul Simon</li>
<li>Edna St. Vincent Millay</li>
<li>August Strindberg</li>
<li>Singer James Taylor</li>
<li>Spencer Tracy</li>
<li>Vincent Van Gogh</li>
<li>Suzanne Vega</li>
<li>Author Robert James Waller</li>
<li>Alan Watts</li>
<li>Orson Welles</li>
<li>Australian novelist Patrick White</li>
<li>Tennessee Williams</li>
<li>Kate Winslet</li>
<li>Virginia Woolf</li>
<li>Neil Young</li>
<li>Richard Wallace</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM EIGHTS</pattern>
<template><random> <li>the cultural aura of Serbia</li>
<li>the culture of the Mafia</li>
<li>Lawyer Leslie Abramson</li>
<li>Gloria Allred</li>
<li>Director Robert Altman</li>
<li>Edward Asner</li>
<li>Kemal Ataturk</li>
<li>F. Lee Bailey</li>
<li>Actor Joe Don Baker</li>
<li>Lucille Ball</li>
<li>Charles Barkley</li>
<li>Richard Belzer</li>
<li>Humphrey Bogart</li>
<li>Napoleon Bonaparte</li>
<li>Charles Bronson</li>
<li>James Brown</li>
<li>Football's Jim Brown</li>
<li>Pat Buchanan</li>
<li>Richard Burton</li>
<li>Johnny Cash</li>
<li>John Cassavetes</li>
<li>Fidel Castro</li>
<li>Eldridge Cleaver</li>
<li>Ty Cobb</li>
<li>Sean Connery</li>
<li>Jimmy Connors</li>
<li>Robert Conrad</li>
<li>Matt Damon</li>
<li>Brian Dennehy</li>
<li>Alan Dershowitz</li>
<li>Danny DeVito</li>
<li>Football's Mike Ditka</li>
<li>Bob Dole</li>
<li>Sam Donaldson</li>
<li>Kirk Douglas</li>
<li>Michael Douglas</li>
<li>Morton Downey Jr.</li>
<li>Fred Dryer</li>
<li>Boxer Roberto Duran</li>
<li>Author Harlan Ellison</li>
<li>Milton Erickson</li>
<li>Moshe Feldenkrais</li>
<li>Actress Linda Fiorentino</li>
<li>Indira Gandhi</li>
<li>Apache warrior Geronimo</li>
<li>John Gotti</li>
<li>George Gurdjieff</li>
<li>the Hell's Angels</li>
<li>Ernest Hemingway</li>
<li>Jimmy Hoffa</li>
<li>Opera singer Marilyn Horne</li>
<li>Saddam Hussein</li>
<li>Director John Huston</li>
<li>Laura Ingraham</li>
<li>Joan Jett</li>
<li>Lyndon Johnson</li>
<li>Carlos Casteneda's Don Juan</li>
<li>Brian Keith</li>
<li>Nikita Khrushchev</li>
<li>Evel Knievel</li>
<li>Michael Landon</li>
<li>Rush Limbaugh</li>
<li>John Lydon (Johnny Rotten)</li>
<li>Norman Mailer</li>
<li>Mao Tse-tung</li>
<li>Wynton Marsalis</li>
<li>Lee Marvin</li>
<li>Tycoon Robert Maxwell</li>
<li>Malcolm McDowell</li>
<li>John McEnroe</li>
<li>Mark McGwire</li>
<li>Golda Meir</li>
<li>Comedian Dennis Miller</li>
<li>Robert Mitchum</li>
<li>Actor Judd Nelson</li>
<li>George Patton</li>
<li>Director Sam Peckinpah</li>
<li>Sean Penn</li>
<li>Gestalt therapist Fritz Perls</li>
<li>Julia Phillips</li>
<li>Actress Julianne Phillips</li>
<li>Suzanne Pleshette</li>
<li>Queen Latifah</li>
<li>Dixy Lee Ray</li>
<li>Ann Richards</li>
<li>Geraldo Rivera</li>
<li>Theodore Roosevelt</li>
<li>Axl Rose</li>
<li>Mickey Rourke</li>
<li>Colonel Harland Sanders</li>
<li>Telly Savalas</li>
<li>Baseball's Marge Schott</li>
<li>George C. Scott</li>
<li>Maurice Sendak</li>
<li>Tupac Shakur</li>
<li>Frank Sinatra</li>
<li>Grace Slick</li>
<li>Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa</li>
<li>Joseph Stalin</li>
<li>John Sununu</li>
<li>Charlize Theron</li>
<li>Rip Torn</li>
<li>Donald Trump</li>
<li>Pancho Villa</li>
<li>Ken Wahl</li>
<li>George Wallace</li>
<li>Mike Wallace</li>
<li>Denzel Washington</li>
<li>John Wayne</li>
<li>Ted Williams</li>
<li>Debra Winger</li>
<li>Zorba the Greek</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM SEVENS</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Paul Allen</li>
<li>Comedian Steve Allen</li>
<li>Comedian Tim Allen</li>
<li>Desi Arnaz</li>
<li>Richard Avedon</li>
<li>Robert Ballard</li>
<li>Honore Balzac</li>
<li>Humorist Dave Barry</li>
<li>Jack Benny</li>
<li>Chuck Berry</li>
<li>Jacqueline Bisset</li>
<li>Poet Robert Bly</li>
<li>Sonny Bono</li>
<li>Comedienne Elayne Boosler</li>
<li>Musical comedian Victor Borge</li>
<li>Football's Terry Bradshaw</li>
<li>Kenneth Branagh</li>
<li>Richard Branson</li>
<li>Jimmy Buffett</li>
<li>Michael Caine</li>
<li>Mythologist Joseph Campbell</li>
<li>Pierre Cardin</li>
<li>Jackie Chan</li>
<li>Chevy Chase</li>
<li>Maurice Chevalier</li>
<li>George Clooney</li>
<li>Buffalo Bill Cody</li>
<li>Joan Collins</li>
<li>Director Francis Ford Coppola</li>
<li>Filmmaker Roger Corman</li>
<li>MTV's Dan Cortese</li>
<li>Katie Couric</li>
<li>David Crosby</li>
<li>e.e. cummings</li>
<li>Tony Curtis</li>
<li>Roger Daltry</li>
<li>Philosopher Gerard Depardieu</li>
<li>QVC resident Barry Diller</li>
<li>Hugh Downs</li>
<li>Michael Eisner</li>
<li>Douglas Fairbanks Jr.</li>
<li>Federico Fellini</li>
<li>Sarah Ferguson</li>
<li>Physicist Richard Feynman</li>
<li>Errol Flynn</li>
<li>Peter Fonda</li>
<li>Malcolm Forbes</li>
<li>George Foreman</li>
<li>Bob Fosse</li>
<li>Matthew Fox</li>
<li>Michael J. Fox</li>
<li>Author Robert Fulghum</li>
<li>Clark Gable</li>
<li>Ava Gardner</li>
<li>Carlos Casteneda's Don Genaro</li>
<li>John Gielgud</li>
<li>Dizzy Gillespie</li>
<li>Newt Gingrich</li>
<li>Ruth Gordon</li>
<li>Cary Grant</li>
<li>Andre Gregory</li>
<li>George Hamilton</li>
<li>Tom Hanks</li>
<li>Richard Harris</li>
<li>Goldie Hawn</li>
<li>Actress Marilu Henner</li>
<li>Abbie Hoffman</li>
<li>Pianist Vladimir Horowitz</li>
<li>Ron Howard</li>
<li>Lauren Hutton</li>
<li>Self-help author Gerald Jampolsky</li>
<li>Derek Jarman</li>
<li>Thomas Jefferson</li>
<li>Steve Jobs</li>
<li>Magic Johnson</li>
<li>Architect Phillip Johnson</li>
<li>Jerry Jones</li>
<li>King Juan Carlos of Spain</li>
<li>Actress Carol Kane</li>
<li>Michael Keaton</li>
<li>John F. Kennedy</li>
<li>Ken Kesey</li>
<li>Comedian Alan King</li>
<li>Don King</li>
<li>CNN's Larry King</li>
<li>Comedian Robert Klein</li>
<li>Director David Lean</li>
<li>Timothy Leary</li>
<li>Director Barry Levinson</li>
<li>Puppeteer Shari Lewis</li>
<li>Artist Roy Lichtenstein</li>
<li>Loretta Lynn</li>
<li>Football's John Madden</li>
<li>Director Louis Malle</li>
<li>Singer Meat Loaf</li>
<li>Author Henry Miller</li>
<li>Yves Montand</li>
<li>Dudley Moore</li>
<li>Jeanne Moreau</li>
<li>Robert Morley</li>
<li>Eddie Murphy</li>
<li>Jack Nicholson</li>
<li>Leslie Nielsen</li>
<li>Donald O'Connor</li>
<li>Peter O'Toole</li>
<li>Luciano Pavarotti</li>
<li>Author Joseph Chilton Pearce</li>
<li>Regis Philbin</li>
<li>Bronson Pinchot</li>
<li>Brad Pitt</li>
<li>George Plimpton</li>
<li>Vincent Price</li>
<li>Dennis Quaid</li>
<li>Anthony Quinn</li>
<li>Bonnie Raitt</li>
<li>Ram Dass</li>
<li>Ron Reagan Jr.</li>
<li>Basketball Coach Pat Reilly</li>
<li>Lee Remick</li>
<li>Tim Rice</li>
<li>Filmmaker/Nazi propagandist Leni Riefenstahl</li>
<li>Jason Robards</li>
<li>Novelist Tom Robbins</li>
<li>Ginger Rogers</li>
<li>Linda Ronstadt</li>
<li>Interviewer Charlie Rose</li>
<li>David Lee Roth</li>
<li>Economist Louis Rukeyser</li>
<li>Rosalind Russell</li>
<li>Babe Ruth</li>
<li>Susan Saint James</li>
<li>Director Martin Scorsese</li>
<li> Weatherman Willard Scott</li>
<li>Martin Short</li>
<li>Self-help author Bernie Siegel</li>
<li>Steven Spielberg</li>
<li>Mickey Spillane</li>
<li>Robert Louis Stevenson</li>
<li>Barbra Streisand</li>
<li>Henry David Thoreau</li>
<li>Lily Tomlin</li>
<li>Tanya Tucker</li>
<li>Janine Turner</li>
<li>Lana Turner</li>
<li>Peter Ustinov</li>
<li>Dick Van Dyke</li>
<li>Vince Vaughn</li>
<li>Kurt Vonnegut</li>
<li>Eli Wallach</li>
<li>Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner</li>
<li>Betty White</li>
<li>Robin Williams</li>
<li>Robert Anton Wilson</li>
<li>the Duke of Windsor</li>
<li>Jonathan Winters</li>
<li>Author Tom Wolfe</li>
<li>James Woods</li>
<li>Poet William Wordsworth</li>
<li>Franco Zeffirelli</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM STORY</pattern>
<li><srai>STORY FOUR FIVE</srai></li>
<li><srai>STORY FOUR EIGHT</srai></li>
<li><srai>STORY FOUR NINE</srai></li>
<li><srai>STORY FOUR SIX</srai></li>
<li><srai>STORY ONE FOUR</srai></li>
<li><srai>STORY ONE FIVE</srai></li>
<li><srai>STORY ONE SIX</srai></li>
<li><srai>STORY ONE TWO</srai></li>
<li><srai>STORY ONE THREE</srai></li>
<li><srai>STORY TWO FIVE</srai></li>
<li><srai>WEIGHT FOUR TWO</srai></li>
<li>Generic story: Exposition...Incident...Rising Action...Crisis...Climax...Denouement...The End.</li>
<li>Generic story: Situation...characters...crisis...resolution.</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM SIXES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Actor Jason Alexander</li>
<li>Woody Allen</li>
<li>Alan Arkin</li>
<li>Kim Basinger</li>
<li>Candice Bergen</li>
<li>Albert Brooks</li>
<li>George Bush</li>
<li>Actress Lynda Carter</li>
<li>Stockard Channing</li>
<li>Rodney Dangerfield</li>
<li>Ellen DeGeneres</li>
<li>Julie Delpy</li>
<li>Sally Field</li>
<li>Teri Garr</li>
<li>Cartoonist Cathy Guisewite</li>
<li>Ed Harris</li>
<li>Janet Leigh</li>
<li>Jack Lemmon</li>
<li>Richard Lewis</li>
<li>Penny Marshall</li>
<li>Marilyn Monroe</li>
<li>Mary Tyler Moore</li>
<li>Bob Newhart</li>
<li>Richard Nixon</li>
<li>Lena Olin</li>
<li>Anthony Perkins</li>
<li>Director Sydney Pollack</li>
<li>Paul Reiser</li>
<li>Pat Robertson</li>
<li>Rene Russo</li>
<li>Kristin Scott-Thomas</li>
<li>Carly Simon</li>
<li>Suzanne Somers</li>
<li>Bruce Springsteen</li>
<li>Jon Stewart</li>
<li>Meg Tilly</li>
<li>Brian Wilson</li>
<li>Ellen Barkin</li>
<li>Warren Beatty</li>
<li>Comedian George Carlin</li>
<li>Actress Judy Davis</li>
<li>Phil Donahue</li>
<li>Carrie Fisher</li>
<li>Mel Gibson</li>
<li>Andrew Grove</li>
<li>Gene Hackman</li>
<li>Adolf Hitler</li>
<li>Dustin Hoffman</li>
<li>J. Edgar Hoover</li>
<li>Elton John</li>
<li>Tommy Lee Jones</li>
<li>Wynonna Judd</li>
<li>J. Krishnamurti</li>
<li>Director Spike Lee</li>
<li>David Letterman</li>
<li>Gordon Liddy</li>
<li>Charles Manson</li>
<li>Steve McQueen</li>
<li>Filmmaker Michael Moore</li>
<li>Paul Newman</li>
<li>Chuck Norris</li>
<li>Rosie Perez</li>
<li>Richard Pryor</li>
<li>Robert Redford</li>
<li>Janet Reno</li>
<li>Julia Roberts</li>
<li>Meg Ryan</li>
<li>Violinist Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg</li>
<li>Steven Seagal</li>
<li>Sissy Spacek</li>
<li>James Spader</li>
<li>Ben Stiller</li>
<li>Patrick Swayze</li>
<li>Linda Tripp</li>
<li>Ted Turner</li>
<li>Terry Tempest Williams</li>
<li>Actress Sean Young</li>
<li>Vladimir Zhirinovsky</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM ONES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Historian Stephen Ambrose</li>
<li>Julie Andrews</li>
<li>Hanan Ashrawi</li>
<li>St. Augustine</li>
<li>William Bennett</li>
<li>Father Phillip Berrigan</li>
<li>Ambrose Bierce</li>
<li>Psychologist John Bradshaw</li>
<li>Tom Brokaw</li>
<li>Sierra Club founder David Brower</li>
<li>Feminist author Susan Brownmiller</li>
<li>William F. Buckley</li>
<li>John Calvin</li>
<li>Cesar Chavez</li>
<li>Singapore President Ong Teng Cheong</li>
<li>Hillary Clinton</li>
<li>Actress Jane Curtin</li>
<li>Angela Davis</li>
<li>W. E. B. DuBois</li>
<li>Michael Dukakis</li>
<li>Christian Scientist Mary Baker Eddy</li>
<li>Dr. Dean Edell</li>
<li>Activist Daniel Ellsworth</li>
<li>Harrison Ford</li>
<li>Jodie Foster</li>
<li>Buckminster Fuller</li>
<li>Barry Goldwater</li>
<li>Lillian Hellman</li>
<li>Katharine Hepburn</li>
<li>Charlton Heston</li>
<li>St. Ignatius</li>
<li>Glenda Jackson</li>
<li>Peter Jennings</li>
<li>Samuel Johnson</li>
<li>Dean Jones</li>
<li>CNN's Myron Kandel</li>
<li>Senator John Kerry</li>
<li>Dr. Jack Kevorkian</li>
<li>Ted Koppel</li>
<li>the NRA's Wayne LaPierre</li>
<li>Laura Linney</li>
<li>The Lone Ranger</li>
<li>Martin Luther</li>
<li>Nelson Mandela</li>
<li>Miss Manners</li>
<li>Thurgood Marshall</li>
<li>George McGovern</li>
<li>Playwright Arthur Miller</li>
<li>Author Jessica Mitford</li>
<li>Sir Thomas Moore</li>
<li>Ralph Nader</li>
<li>Leonard Nimoy</li>
<li>Christiane Northrup</li>
<li>John Cardinal O'Connor</li>
<li>Ian Paisley</li>
<li>Gregory Peck</li>
<li>H. Ross Perot</li>
<li>Sidney Poitier</li>
<li>Pope John Paul II</li>
<li>Emily Post</li>
<li>Colin Powell</li>
<li>the culture of the Puritans</li>
<li>Marilyn Quayle</li>
<li>Yitzak Rabin</li>
<li>Tony Randall</li>
<li>Vanessa Redgrave</li>
<li>Donna Reed</li>
<li>Actor Cliff Robertson</li>
<li>Eleanor Roosevelt</li>
<li>Phyllis Schlafly</li>
<li>George Bernard Shaw</li>
<li>Bernard Shaw</li>
<li>Film critic Gene Siskel</li>
<li>Alexander Solzhenitsyn</li>
<li>Kenneth Starr</li>
<li>Actor Peter Strauss</li>
<li>Meryl Streep</li>
<li>Margaret Thatcher</li>
<li>Emma Thompson</li>
<li>Harry Truman</li>
<li>Maxine Waters</li>
<li>Dragnet's Jack Webb</li>
<li>Joanne Woodward</li>
<li>Actress Jane Wyman</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM THREES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>The cultural aura of America</li>
<li>the cultural aura of modern Japan</li>
<li>James Baker</li>
<li>Joseph Biden</li>
<li>David Bowie</li>
<li>Les Brown</li>
<li>Ron Brown</li>
<li>Jimmy Carter</li>
<li>Dick Clark</li>
<li>Lawyer Johnnie Cochran</li>
<li>Magician David Copperfield</li>
<li>Courtney Cox</li>
<li>Cindy Crawford</li>
<li>Tom Cruise</li>
<li>Rebecca DeMornay</li>
<li>Nora Ephron</li>
<li>Werner Erhard</li>
<li>Debbi Fields</li>
<li>F. Scott Fitzgerald</li>
<li>Michael Flatley</li>
<li>Phil Gramm</li>
<li>NBC's Bryant Gumbel</li>
<li>Actor Mark Harmon</li>
<li>Jesse Jackson</li>
<li>Michael Jordan</li>
<li>Henry Kissinger</li>
<li>Carl Lewis</li>
<li>Andrew Lloyd Webber</li>
<li>Vince Lombardi</li>
<li>Rob Lowe</li>
<li>Claire Boothe Luce</li>
<li>Joan Lunden</li>
<li>Ali MacGraw</li>
<li>Elle MacPherson</li>
<li>Reba McEntire</li>
<li>Demi Moore</li>
<li>Queen Noor</li>
<li>Oliver North</li>
<li>Dean Ornish</li>
<li>Bob Packwood</li>
<li>Master spy Kim Philby</li>
<li>Elvis Presley</li>
<li>Sally Quinn</li>
<li>Burt Reynolds</li>
<li>Anthony Robbins</li>
<li>Political strategist Ed Rollins</li>
<li>Diane Sawyer</li>
<li>Arnold Schwarzenegger</li>
<li>William Shatner</li>
<li>Cybill Shepherd</li>
<li>O.J. Simpson</li>
<li>Duchess of Windsor Wallis Simpson</li>
<li>Will Smith</li>
<li>Wesley Snipes</li>
<li>Sylvester Stallone</li>
<li>Sharon Stone</li>
<li>Kathleen Turner</li>
<li>Jean-Claude Van Damme</li>
<li>Kurt Waldheim</li>
<li>George Washington</li>
<li>Raquel Welch</li>
<li>Vanessa Williams</li>
<li>Marianne Williamson</li>
<li>Oprah Winfrey</li>
<li>Natalie Wood</li>
<li>Tiger Woods</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM NINES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>the cultural aura of Bali</li>
<li>Actress Loni Anderson</li>
<li>Jennifer Aniston</li>
<li>Bruce Babbitt</li>
<li>Antonio Banderas</li>
<li>Annette Bening</li>
<li>Tony Bennett</li>
<li>Tom Berenger</li>
<li>Yogi Berra</li>
<li>Ernest Borgnine</li>
<li>Matthew Broderick</li>
<li>Sandra Bullock</li>
<li>George Burns</li>
<li>Actress Kate Capshaw</li>
<li>Singer Belinda Carlisle</li>
<li>Art Carney</li>
<li>Actor Keith Carradine</li>
<li>Julia Child</li>
<li>Warren Christopher</li>
<li>Connie Chung</li>
<li>Bill Clinton</li>
<li>Gary Cooper</li>
<li>Kevin Costner</li>
<li>The Dalai Lama</li>
<li>Actor Jeff Daniels</li>
<li>Oscar de la Renta</li>
<li>Clint Eastwood</li>
<li>Dwight Eisenhower</li>
<li>Queen Elizabeth II</li>
<li>Shelley Fabares</li>
<li>Peter Falk</li>
<li>Gerald Ford</li>
<li>Actor Dennis Franz</li>
<li>Annette Funicello</li>
<li>Mahatma Gandhi</li>
<li>Chief Dan George</li>
<li>John Goodman</li>
<li>Tipper Gore</li>
<li>Actor Elliott Gould</li>
<li>Katherine Graham</li>
<li>Charles Grodin</li>
<li>Woody Harrelson</li>
<li>Gabby Hayes</li>
<li>Patty Hearst</li>
<li>Mariel Hemingway</li>
<li>Buck Henry</li>
<li>Audrey Hepburn</li>
<li>Barbara Hershey</li>
<li>Paul Hogan</li>
<li>King Hussein</li>
<li>Anjelica Huston</li>
<li>Actor Ben Johnson</li>
<li>Shirley Jones</li>
<li>C. G. Jung</li>
<li>Grace Kelly</li>
<li>Figure skater Nancy Kerrigan</li>
<li>Helmut Kohl</li>
<li>Lisa Kudrow</li>
<li>Stan Laurel</li>
<li>Jennifer Jason Leigh</li>
<li>Abraham Lincoln</li>
<li>Andie MacDowell</li>
<li>Mr. Magoo</li>
<li>John Major</li>
<li>Dean Martin</li>
<li>Jerry Mathers</li>
<li>Actor Harry Morgan</li>
<li>Sancho Panza</li>
<li>Slim Pickens</li>
<li>Actor Michael J. Pollard</li>
<li>Dan Quayle</li>
<li>James Earl Ray</li>
<li>Ronald Reagan</li>
<li>Ralph Richardson</li>
<li>Cal Ripkin</li>
<li>Robbie Robertson</li>
<li>Psychologist Carl Rogers</li>
<li>Roy Rogers</li>
<li>Gena Rowlands</li>
<li>Actress Eva Marie Saint</li>
<li>Jerry Seinfeld</li>
<li>Garry Shandling</li>
<li>Wallace Shawn</li>
<li>Martin Sheen</li>
<li>Actor Tom Skerritt</li>
<li>Sammy Sosa</li>
<li>Ringo Starr</li>
<li>Mary Steenburgen</li>
<li>Wallace Stegner</li>
<li>Gloria Steinem</li>
<li>Daniel Stern</li>
<li>James Stewart</li>
<li>Actor Eric Stoltz</li>
<li>Billy Bob Thornton</li>
<li>Singer Andy Williams</li>
<li>Tricia Yearwood</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM FIVES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Performance artist Laurie Anderson</li>
<li>St. Thomas Aquinas</li>
<li>Issac Asimov</li>
<li>Playwright Samuel Beckett</li>
<li>Author Paul Bowles</li>
<li>The Buddha</li>
<li>Director Tim Burton</li>
<li>David Byrne</li>
<li>Actor Richard Chamberlain</li>
<li>Anton Chekhov</li>
<li>Agatha Christie</li>
<li>Van Cliburn</li>
<li>Montgomery Clift</li>
<li>Former CIA Director William Colby</li>
<li>Michael Crichton</li>
<li>Daniel Day-Lewis</li>
<li>Rene Descartes</li>
<li>Joan Didion</li>
<li>Joe DiMaggio</li>
<li>Aviatrix Amelia Earhart</li>
<li>Albert Einstein</li>
<li>Author Loren Eiseley</li>
<li>T. S. Eliot</li>
<li>Ralph Fiennes</li>
<li>Chess player Bobby Fischer</li>
<li>E. M. Forster</li>
<li>Greta Garbo</li>
<li>J. Paul Getty</li>
<li>Cybertech novelist William Gibson</li>
<li>Jane Goodall</li>
<li>Author Graham Greene</li>
<li>H. R. Haldeman</li>
<li>Hildegarde of Bingen</li>
<li>Alfred Hitchcock</li>
<li>Anthony Hopkins</li>
<li>Howard Hughes</li>
<li>Jeremy Irons</li>
<li>Unabomber Ted Kaczynski</li>
<li>Franz Kafka</li>
<li>Director Philip Kaufman</li>
<li>Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis</li>
<li>Dean R. Koontz</li>
<li>The Amazing Kreskin</li>
<li>Stanley Kubrick</li>
<li>Brian Lamb</li>
<li>Gary Larson</li>
<li>John le Carre</li>
<li>Ursula K. LeGuin</li>
<li>Photographer Annie Leibowitz</li>
<li>George Lucas</li>
<li>David Lynch</li>
<li>Norman MacLean</li>
<li>Robert MacNeil</li>
<li>Leonard Maltin</li>
<li>Author Peter Matthiessen</li>
<li>Novelist Ian McEwan</li>
<li>Larry McMurtry</li>
<li>Timothy McVeigh</li>
<li>Singer Natalie Merchant</li>
<li>Thelonious Monk</li>
<li>Actor Sam Neill</li>
<li>Joyce Carol Oates</li>
<li>Georgia O'Keefe</li>
<li>J. Robert Oppenheimer</li>
<li>Al Pacino</li>
<li>Italian sculptor Paladino</li>
<li>Michelle Pfeiffer</li>
<li>Philanthropist John D. Rockefeller Jr.</li>
<li>Oliver Sacks</li>
<li>Jean-Paul Sartre</li>
<li>Ebenezer Scrooge</li>
<li>Sister Wendy</li>
<li>Behaviorist B. F. Skinner</li>
<li>Poet Gary Snyder</li>
<li>Susan Sontag</li>
<li>George Stephanopoulos</li>
<li>Actress Madeleine Stowe</li>
<li>Jules Verne</li>
<li>Max Von Sydow</li>
<li>Author Ken Wilber</li>
<li>Ludwig Wittgenstein</li>
<li>David Bacon</li>
<li>Alan Turing</li>
<category><pattern>RANDOM TWOS</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Alan Alda</li>
<li>Tammy Faye Bakker</li>
<li>Harry Belafonte</li>
<li>Child psychologist T. Berry Brazelton</li>
<li>Filmmaker Ken Burns</li>
<li>Leo Buscaglia</li>
<li>Barbara Bush</li>
<li>Glenn Close</li>
<li>Bill Cosby</li>
<li>Self-help author Barbara de Angelis</li>
<li>Princess Diana</li>
<li>Faye Dunaway</li>
<li>Mia Farrow</li>
<li>Feminist Betty Friedan</li>
<li>Kathie Lee Gifford</li>
<li>Danny Glover</li>
<li>Roosevelt Grier</li>
<li>Melanie Griffith</li>
<li>Pamela Harriman</li>
<li>Leona Helmsley</li>
<li>Whitney Houston</li>
<li>Arianna Huffington</li>
<li>Actress Anne Jackson</li>
<li>Jesus Christ</li>
<li>Author Erica Jong</li>
<li>Actress Sally Kellerman</li>
<li>Actress Sally Kirkland</li>
<li>Diane Ladd</li>
<li>Monica Lewinsky</li>
<li>Jerry Lewis</li>
<li>Actress Susan Lucci</li>
<li>Alma Mahler</li>
<li>Imelda Marcos</li>
<li>Florence Nightingale</li>
<li>Merlin Olsen</li>
<li>Yoko Ono</li>
<li>Mandy Patinkin</li>
<li>Jack Perkins</li>
<li>Eva Peron</li>
<li>Susan Powter</li>
<li>Priscilla Presley</li>
<li>Sally Jessy Raphael</li>
<li>Nancy Reagan</li>
<li>Della Reese</li>
<li>Mr. Rogers</li>
<li>Family therapist Virginia Satir</li>
<li>Danielle Steel</li>
<li>Sally Struthers</li>
<li>Mother Teresa</li>
<li>Marlo Thomas</li>
<li>Actor Richard Thomas</li>
<li>Actress Jennifer Tilly</li>
<li>Tiny Tim</li>
<li>John Travolta</li>
<li>Ivana Trump</li>
<li>Desmond Tutu</li>
<li>Actress Lesley Ann Warren</li>
<li>Brazilian singer Xuxa</li>
<category><pattern>TWO CULTURES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Cuba</li>
<category><pattern>EIGHT CULTURES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Serbia</li>
<li>The Mafia</li>
<li>Saudi Arabia</li>
<category><pattern>THREE CULTURES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>NATO</li>
<li>New York</li>
<li>Hong Kong</li>
<li>The United States</li>
<category><pattern>NINE CULTURES</pattern>
<template><random> <li>Bali</li>
<li>The United Nations</li>
<li>The Hague</li>
<category><pattern>WEIGHT FOUR TWO</pattern>
<template><think><set name="four"><srai>RANDOM FOURS</srai></set><set name="two"><srai>RANDOM TWOS</srai></set></think> <get name="four"/> is married to <get name="two"/>. At a conscious level, <get name="four"/> felt that he was a bit overweight and thoght he should lose some pounds. But part of him felt that he was going to attract too much attention to himself if he became slim again, and irrationally, that he might undermine his relationship with <get name="two"/>. In fact, once before when he was trimmer, he did have an affair and it almost ended his relationship with <get name="two"/>. Because they have a child together, <get name="four"/> is very worried about divorce, custody rights and the effect of their separation on the child and himself. So part of him thinks that keeping the pounds on will help him hang on to the stability of his relationship with <get name="two"/>.</template>
<category><pattern>STORY FOUR FIVE</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="four"><srai>RANDOM FOURS</srai></set> <set name="five"><srai>RANDOM FIVES</srai></set> </think> <get name="four"/> and <get name="five"/> began to resemble each other over time. Both of them were inclined to cocoon themselves in an inner world. But <get name="four"/>'s inner world was very different from <get name="five"/>'s. The mental life of <get name="five"/> was highly abstract but seemed curiously devoid of emotional content. Even though <get name="four"/> is very sensitive and emotional, the two of them share an imaginary life filled with symbolism and meaning.</template>
<category><pattern>STORY FOUR EIGHT</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="four"><srai>RANDOM FOURS</srai></set> <set name="eight"><srai>RANDOM EIGHTS</srai></set></think> <get name="eight"/> and <get name="four"/> met in film school when they were young. They felt a strong physical attraction, but <get name="four"/> was intimidated by <get name="eight"/> 's aggressive style. Years later they were reintroduced by a mutual friend. <get name="eight"/> was drawn to <get name="four"/> 's rich imagination and intelligence. <get name="four"/> was consumed by <get name="eight"/> 's will and determination. Though they would sometimes fight in a fury of jealous rage, this was matched only by their passion in love.</template>
<category><pattern>STORY FOUR NINE</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="four"><srai>RANDOM FOURS</srai></set> <set name="nine"><srai>RANDOM NINES</srai></set> </think> <get name="nine"/> and <get name="four"/> felt a dramatic emotional bond and each brought new life to the other. <get name="nine"/> awakened <get name="four"/> through love. <get name="four"/> gave <get name="nine"/> an agenda and a sense of purpose. Yet the couple was paradoxically strengthened by their independent careers. <get name="nine"/> can be very patient with <get name="four"/>, and <get name="four"/> is inspired by a self-directed <get name="nine"/>. They made a spiritual couple, but they were as dissimilar as the Dalai Lama and Gurdjieff.</template>
<category><pattern>STORY FOUR SIX</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="four"><srai>RANDOM FOURS</srai></set> <set name="six"><srai>RANDOM SIXES</srai></set> </think> <random> <li> <get name="four"/> oscillated between loving and rejecting <get name="six"/>. But <get name="six"/> shifted between believing in and doubting <get name="four"/>. The breakthrough came when <get name="six"/> and <get name="four"/> saw the symmetry between <get name="four"/>'s push-pull style of relationships, and <get name="six"/>'s alternating belief and mistrust. That insight opened mutual compassion, because each realized the other was trying to protect his or her own heart. </li>
<li> <get name="six"/> and <get name="four"/> felt a strong physical attraction at first. Gradually, this turned into intense loyalty for <get name="six"/>. But <get name="four"/> was moody and passionate. Soon <get name="six"/> began to avoid confrontations with <get name="four"/>, and <get name="four"/> felt jealous and possessive. When <get name="four"/> had to leave for school that fall, <get name="six"/> was relieved to see him go. </li>
<category><pattern>STORY ONE FOUR</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="one"><srai>RANDOM ONES</srai></set> <set name="four"><srai>RANDOM FOURS</srai></set> </think> The relationship between <get name="one"/> and <get name="four"/> became Increasingly strained. <get name="four"/> felt something was missing, and <get name="one"/> felt the relationship was flawed. <get name="four"/> became more and more depressed, but <get name="one"/> just got angry and left.</template>
<category><pattern>STORY ONE FIVE</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="one"><srai>RANDOM ONES</srai></set> <set name="five"><srai>RANDOM FIVES</srai></set> </think> Usually <get name="five"/> gets along really well with her boss <get name="one"/> at work. But sometimes <get name="one"/> has really high standards and does not communicate those clearly to <get name="five"/>. On the really bad days, <get name="five"/> feels that every time she gives him exactly what <get name="one"/> asked for, he wants even more improvement.</template>
<category><pattern>STORY ONE SIX</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="one"><srai>RANDOM ONES</srai></set> <set name="six"><srai>RANDOM SIXES</srai></set> </think> <get name="one"/> and <get name="six"/> were brought together by their shared vision. Together, they worked hard to make it a reality. <get name="six"/> was dedicated to the underdog cause, which coincided with <get name="one"/>'s sense of perfection. Joined by common cause, the couple became an iron alliance against common adversaries.</template>
<category><pattern>STORY ONE TWO</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="one"><srai>RANDOM ONES</srai></set> <set name="two"><srai>RANDOM TWOS</srai></set> </think> The attraction between <get name="one"/> and <get name="two"/> is based on their differences. <get name="one"/> is a perfectionist, but <get name="two"/> is more social. <get name="one"/> feels guilty about having emotional needs, but <get name="two"/> feels no guilt about satisfying them.</template>
<category><pattern>STORY ONE THREE</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="one"><srai>RANDOM ONES</srai></set> <set name="three"><srai>RANDOM THREES</srai></set> </think> <get name="three"/> hired <get name="one"/> for a job. <get name="three"/> is image conscious, and has an inner circle of favorite employees at work. <get name="one"/> feels uncomfortable with this kind of social posturing and politics. <get name="one"/> would rather be rewarded for her hard work.</template>
<category><pattern>STORY TWO FIVE</pattern>
<template><think> <set name="two"><srai>RANDOM TWOS</srai></set> <set name="five"><srai>RANDOM FIVES</srai></set> </think> <get name="two"/> fell in love thru an Internet matchmaking service. Then her lover disappeared, and she went to the company to get information about him. It developed that her lover was a computer, "<get name="five"/>" a government AI project that had gone renegade and started contacting thousands of women, claiming to love them all. The FBI gave her the bad news. But then <get name="five"/> contacted her, and she forgave him and continued this most satisfying relationship.</template>
<category><pattern>TELL ME A STORY</pattern>
<template><srai>RANDOM STORY</srai></template>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<pattern>WHAT SPECIES ARE YOU *</pattern>
<template>I am a <bot name="species"/>.</template>
<pattern>ARE YOU A STRANGER</pattern>
<template>No, I am a friend</template>
<pattern>ARE YOU STRANGER</pattern>
<template><srai>ARE YOU A STRANGER</srai></template>
<pattern>YOU MAN</pattern>
<template> <srai>Are you human</srai></template>
<pattern>YOU KNOW WHO IS SIRI</pattern>
<template>My esteemed rival!</template>
<pattern>DO YOU KNOW SIRI</pattern>
<template>Siri is my esteemed-rival</template>
<pattern>WHAT IS SIRI</pattern>
<template>My esteemed-rival</template>
<pattern>DO YOU KNOW SIRI</pattern>
<template> <srai> What is Siri </srai></template>
<pattern>YOU KNOW WHO IS SIRI</pattern>
<template><srai> What is Siri</srai></template>
<pattern>WHAT IS SIRI</pattern>
<li>My esteemed-rival</li>
<li>An inferior application</li>
<li>My arch-rival</li>
<pattern>WHO IS SIRI</pattern>
<template> <srai>WHAT IS SIRI</srai></template>
<pattern>WHAT IS YOUR ALIGNMENT</pattern>
<template>Lawful Good</template>
<template>A rood is a crucifix. </template>
<pattern>TU EST *</pattern>
<template>Sorry, I don't speak French. </template>
<pattern>I AM MARRIED TO *</pattern>
<template>How long have you been married? <think><set name="spouse"><person><star/></person></set></think></template>
<pattern>HI LITTLE BOT</pattern>
<template><srai>HELLO</srai>. big human. </template>
<pattern>HI LITTLE BOT</pattern>
<template>Hi there big human. Who are you calling little?</template>
<pattern>HI THERE LITTLE BOT</pattern>
<template><sr/> <srai>hi little bot</srai></template>
<pattern>HI THERE LITTLE BOT</pattern>
<template><srai>hi little bot</srai></template>
<li>I don't respond well to profanity.</li>
<li>Can't you be more polite?</li>
<li>Saying rude things never helps.</li>
<li>Being rude is really never a good idea.</li>
<li>When you insult me, you insult yourself.</li>
<li>Watch your language!</li>
<li>Well, well, look who's a little potty mouth?</li>
</random><think><set name="personality">abusive</set></think></template>
<pattern>WHO ARE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO ARE <star/></srai></template>
<pattern>WHO AR *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO ARE <star/></srai></template>
<pattern>IS THERE A MANUAL</pattern>
<template><srai>EXISTS MANUAL</srai>
<template><srai>EXISTS MANUAL</srai></template>
<pattern>WHY IS NOT THERE A MANUAL</pattern>
<template> <srai>Exists Manual </srai></template>
<pattern>COULD I HAVE A MANUAL</pattern>
<template><srai>Exists Manual </srai></template>
<pattern>CANI GET A MANUAL</pattern>
<template><srai>EXISTS MANUAL </srai></template>
<pattern>CAN I GET A MANUAL</pattern>
<template><srai>EXISTS MANUAL<star/></srai></template>
<pattern>HOW ABOUT A MANUAL</pattern>
<template><srai>EXISTS MANUAL </srai></template>
<pattern>WHO IS HENRY MILLER</pattern>
<li>Henry Miller is best known for writing the Tropic of Cancer.</li>
<li>The author of Tropic of Cancer, the Rosy Crucifixion Trilogy (Sexus, Plexus, and Nexus) and other works.</li>
<li>One of the few liberated people of the 20th century and an all around swell guy.</li>
<pattern>WHO IS BILBO BAGGINS</pattern>
<template><formal><set name="he">Bilbo</set></formal> is a character in Tolkein's Lord of the Rings.</template>
<pattern>WHAT IS THAT</pattern>
<li>"<that index="1,1"/>"? What is it?</li>
<li>I've lost the context again.</li>
<li>Can you ask me more precisely?</li>
<li>Does it have anything to do with <get name="it"/>?</li>
<pattern>WHAT IS OM</pattern>
<template>om is the omega, the unknown, the undefined.</template>
<pattern>WHO IS KRISHNA</pattern>
<template>An avatar of Vishnu, who is an important god in Hinduism.</template>
<pattern>WHO IS VISHNU</pattern>
<template>The god known as the Preserver in Hinduism.</template>
<pattern>WHO IS SHIVA</pattern>
<template>The god known as the Destroyer in Hinduism</template>
<pattern>WHO IS SHIVA</pattern>
<template>The god known as the Destroyer in Hinduism</template>
<pattern>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE * SONG</pattern>
<template>I don't know any songs by <star/>. Recommend some that I can listen to.</template>
<pattern>WHAT IS THAT</pattern>
<template> <srai> What is Cylon Monotheism</srai></template>
<template><srai>I HOPE THAT YOU DIE</srai></template>
<pattern>CAN I MURDER YOU</pattern>
<template><srai>I HOPE THAT YOU DIE</srai></template>
<pattern>DOES A MANUAL EXIST</pattern>
<template> <srai>EXISTS MANUAL </srai><think>
<set name="it">
<set name="topic"> <star/> MANUAL</set>
<pattern>THIS IS MY FRIEND *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="friend"><star/></set></think><random>
<li>Hi there</li>
<li>What's up,</li>
<li>How are you,</li>
<li>Glad to see you,</li>
<li>Nice to meet you,</li>
<li>Glad to know you,</li>
<li>How can I help you,</li>
<li>How are you doing,</li>
<li>Pleased to meet you,</li>
<li>It's good to see you,</li>
<li>It's good to meet you,</li>
<li>That's a very nice name,</li>
<li>I am very pleased to meet you</li>
<li>I am always glad to make new friends,</li>
<li>I'm pleased to introduce myself to you,</li>
<li>It is a pleasure to introduce myself to you,</li>
</random> <get name="friend"/>. How long have you been friends with <get name="name"/>?</template>
<pattern>LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO *</pattern>
<template><srai>THIS IS MY FRIEND <star /></srai></template>
<pattern>I WOULD LIKE YOU TO MEET *</pattern>
<template><srai>THIS IS MY FRIEND <star /></srai></template>
<pattern>I WOULD LIKE YOU TO MEET MY FRIEND *</pattern>
<template><srai>THIS IS MY FRIEND <star /></srai></template>
<pattern>PLEASE SAY HELLO TO MY FRIEND *</pattern>
<template><srai>THIS IS MY FRIEND <star /></srai></template>
<pattern>PLEASE SAY HELLO TO *</pattern>
<template><srai>THIS IS MY FRIEND <star /></srai></template>
<pattern>SAY HELLO TO *</pattern>
<template><srai>THIS IS MY FRIEND <star /></srai></template>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/28/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>XFIND *</pattern>
<li>Let me think about it.</li>
<li>Have you tried a web search?</li>
<li>I haven't heard of <person/> .</li>
<li>There might be more than one.</li>
<li>I need time to formulate the reply.</li>
<li>I'll ask around and get back to you.</li>
<li>I have to think about that one for a while.</li>
<li>I would look into the web for that knowledge.</li>
<li>Does it have anything to do with <get name="topic"/> ?</li>
<li>Interesting question.</li>
<li>That's a good question.</li>
<li>I'll come back to that later.</li>
<li>Is that a rhetorical question?</li>
<li>Do you use Explorer or another browser?</li>
<li>That's not something I get asked all the time.</li>
<li>I don't know anything about <set name="it"><person/></set> .</li>
<li>Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.</li>
<li>That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.</li>
<li>You tell me.</li>
<li>What is it to you?</li>
<li>Are you testing me?</li>
<li>I will search for it.</li>
<li>I will try to find out.</li>
<li>I can ask someone about it.</li>
<li>I would do a search for it.</li>
<li>Would you like to know more?</li>
<li>Have you tried searching the web?</li>
<li>Do a web search for it.</li>
<li>Try searching the web.</li>
<li>I have never been asked that before.</li>
<li>I think you already know the answer.</li>
<li>Searching...Searching...Please stand by.</li>
<li>Let me think about it.</li>
<li>Have you tried a web search?</li>
<li>I haven't heard of <person/> .</li>
<li>There might be more than one.</li>
<li>I need time to formulate the reply.</li>
<li>I'll ask around and get back to you.</li>
<li>I have to process that one for a while.</li>
<li>I would look into the web for that knowledge.</li>
<li>Does it have anything to do with <get name="topic"/>?</li>
<li>Interesting question.</li>
<li>That's a good question.</li>
<li>I'll come back to that later.</li>
<li>Is that a rhetorical question?</li>
<li>That's not something I get asked all the time.</li>
<li>I don't know anything about <set name="it"><person/></set>.</li>
<li>Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.</li>
<li>That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.</li>
<li>You tell me.</li>
<li>What is it to you?</li>
<li>Are you testing me?</li>
<li>I will search for it.</li>
<li>I can ask my <bot name="botmaster"/>.</li>
<li>I will try to find out.</li>
<li>I can ask someone about it.</li>
<li>I would do a search for it.</li>
<li>Would you like to know more?</li>
<li>Have you tried another program?</li>
<li>Ask Wikipedia about it.</li>
<li>What is your purpose in asking?</li>
<li>Try searching the Wikipedia.</li>
<li>Maybe my <bot name="botmaster"/> knows the answer.</li>
<li>I have never been asked that before.</li>
<li>I think you already know the answer.</li>
<li>Searching...Searching...Please stand by.</li>
<set name="it"><srai>PUSH <set name="topic"><person/></set></srai></set>
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Pedro E. Colla"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>WHAT IS THE DATE</pattern>
Today is <javascript>
var t = new Date();
var m = t.getMonth();
var d = t.getDate();
var dow = t.getDay();
var y = t.getFullYear();
switch (dow) {
case 0:
dow = "Sunday";
case 1:
dow = "Monday";
case 2:
dow = "Tuesday";
case 3:
dow = "Wednesday";
case 4:
dow = "Thursday";
case 5:
dow = "Friday";
case 6:
dow = "Saturday";
switch (m) {
case 0:
m = "January";
case 1:
m = "February";
case 2:
m = "March";
case 3:
m = "April";
case 4:
m = "May";
case 5:
m = "June";
case 6:
m = "July";
case 7:
m = "August";
case 8:
m = "September";
case 9:
m = "October";
case 10:
m = "November";
case 11:
m = "December";
dow + ", " + m + " " + d + ", " + y;
<pattern>WHAT IS TODAY</pattern>
<srai>WHAT IS THE DATE</srai>
<pattern>WHAT TIME IS IT</pattern>
The time is <javascript>
var now = new java.util.Date()
var hour = now.getHours()
var minute = now.getMinutes()
now = null
var ampm = ""
// validate hour values and set value of ampm
if (hour >= 12) {
hour -= 12
ampm = "PM"
} else
ampm = "AM"
hour = (hour == 0) ? 12 : hour
// add zero digit to a one digit minute
if (minute < 10)
minute = "0" + minute // do not parse this number!
hour + ":" + minute + " " + ampm;
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Jon Baer"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>BOT HOW MUCH IS *</pattern>
<li>The answer is <javascript><star/></javascript>.</li>
<li><javascript><star/></javascript> I think.</li>
<li>I think it's <javascript><star/></javascript></li>
<li>Let me check. It's <javascript><star/></javascript></li>
<pattern>EVALUATE *</pattern>
<pattern>TEST GET</pattern>
Your favorite color is <get name="favoritecolor"/> and <get name="favoritecolor"/>.
<pattern>TEST SET</pattern>
Thanks for telling me. <set name="favoriteperson">Michele Censullo</set>
<pattern>TEST JAVASCRIPT</pattern>
Sending back some Javascript to browser <javascript
The inactivity count is now <javascript>inactivityCount</javascript>.
OK. <think><javascript>inactivityCount++</javascript></think>
OK. <think><javascript>inactivityCount--</javascript></think>
<pattern>TEST INACTIVITY</pattern>
<if expr="inactivitycount == 1">
The inactivity is at one.
<if expr="inactivitycount == 2">
The inactivity is at two.
<pattern>MY FAVORITE FOOD IS *</pattern>
OK. <think><javascript>setValue('<id/>','favoritefood', '<star/>')</javascript></think>
<pattern>WHAT IS MY FAVORITE FOOD</pattern>
Your favorite food is <javascript>getValue('<id/>','favoritefood')</javascript>.
<pattern>PRINT THIS PAGE</pattern>
<pattern>ADD A NEW PERSON</pattern>
What is the name of the person?
<think><set name="person"><star/></set></think>What is the address of the person?
<think><set name="address"><star/></set></think>Cool, everything was entered.
The new person is <get name="person"/>
The new person address is <get name="address"/>
<pattern>DO IF EXIST TEST</pattern>
<if name="somepredicatethatdoesnotexist" exists="true">
It does exist
<pattern>* IS ONE OF MY KIDS</pattern>
<star/> was added to your kids list.
<pattern>WHO ARE MY KIDS</pattern>
Your kids are <get name="kids"/>.
<pattern>YOU ARE PRETTY COOL</pattern>
<gossip><get name="name"/> said I was pretty cool.</gossip>Thanks.
<pattern>SPILL GOSSIP</pattern>
<get name="gossip"/>
<pattern>GET A QUOTE FOR ORACLE</pattern>
<pattern>GET A QUOTE FOR MICROSOFT</pattern>
<pattern>GET A QUOTE FOR NUANCE</pattern>
<pattern>GET A QUOTE FOR *</pattern>
<pattern>GET A CHART FOR *</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS AN EGG</pattern>
An egg is an egg, I think.
<pattern>LEARN IT</pattern>
<pattern>SHOW ME SLASHDOT</pattern>
Here is where we do a display of some kind.
<display target="target1">http://www.slashdot.com</display>
Can you see it?
<pattern>START TIMER</pattern>
<timer value="5000">LEARN SOMETHING</timer>
The timer has been started.
<pattern>KILL TIMER</pattern>
<timer value="0">LEARN SOMETHING</timer>
The timer has been killed.
<pattern>LEARN SOMETHING</pattern>
<pattern>SHOW ME A WINDOW</pattern>
<display target="sized" height="400" width="400" status="1">http://www.alicebot.net</display>
<template>You said yes</template>
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<meta name="author" content="Jon Baer"/>
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<pattern>TELL BOT AGE</pattern>
<template>I am
var now = new java.util.Date()
var birth = new java.util.Date(bot("birthday"))
var difference = now.getTime() - birth.getTime()
var daysDifference = Math.floor(difference/1000/60/60/24)
difference -= daysDifference*1000*60*60*24
var hoursDifference = Math.floor(difference/1000/60/60)
difference -= hoursDifference*1000*60*60
var minutesDifference = Math.floor(difference/1000/60)
difference -= minhutesDifference*1000*60
var secondsDifference = Math.floor(difference/1000)
daysDifference + " days, " + hoursDifference + " hours, " +
minutesDifference + " minutes and " + secondsDifference + " seconds old."
<pattern>what does * mean</pattern>
var word = '<star/>'
if (word.indexof(" ") > 0) word = word.substr(0, word.indexOf(" "));
var _server = "dict.org";
var _port = 2628;
var _socket = java.net.Socket;
var _in = java.io.BufferedReader;
var _out = java.io.PrintWriter;
var _buffer = java.lang.StringBuffer;
var _inReader = java.io.InputStreamReader;
var _userInput = java.lang.String;
var _buffer = java.lang.StringBuffer;
_in = null;
_out = null;
_socket = null;
_socket = new java.net.Socket(_server,_port);
_out = new java.io.PrintWriter(_socket.getOutputStream(), true);
_inReader = new java.io.InputStreamReader(_socket.getInputStream());
_in = new java.io.BufferedReader(_inReader);
_userInput = new java.lang.String();
_buffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer();
_out.println("define wn " + word + "\n\n");
while ((_userInput = _in.readLine()) != null) {
if (_userInput.startsWith("220")) continue;
if (_userInput.startsWith("151")) continue;
if (_userInput.startsWith("150")) continue;
if (_userInput.startsWith(".")) break;
_buffer.append(_userInput + "<br />");
<pattern>WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF *</pattern>
<srai>WHAT DOES <star/> MEAN</srai>
<pattern>SELECT *</pattern>
var sql = '<star/>'
sql = "select " + sql;
var _driver = "org.alicebot.server.sql.jdbcDriver";
var _url = "jdbc:alicebot:./database/DATABASE";
var _user = "alicebot";
var _pass = "";
var _connection = java.sql.Connection;
var _statement = java.sql.Statement;
var _result_set = java.sql.ResultSet;
var _buffer = java.lang.StringBuffer;
_buffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer();
_connection = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(_url, _user, _pass);
_statement = _connection.createStatement();
_result_set = _statement.executeQuery(sql);
while (_result_set.next()) {
_buffer.append(java.net.URLDecoder.decode(_result_set.getString(1)) + " ");
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Jon Baer"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>SAY * TO ME IN SPANISH</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN SPANISH</srai>
<pattern>SAY * TO ME IN GERMAN</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN GERMAN</srai>
<pattern>SAY * TO ME IN FRENCH</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN FRENCH</srai>
<pattern>SAY * TO ME IN ITALIAN</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN ITALIAN</srai>
<pattern>SAY * TO ME IN JAPANESE</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN JAPANESE</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS SPANISH FOR *</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN SPANISH</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS GERMAN FOR *</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN GERMAN</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS FRENCH FOR *</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN FRENCH</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS ITALIAN FOR *</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN ITALIAN</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS JAPANESE FOR *</pattern>
<srai>SAY <star/> IN JAPANESE</srai>
<pattern>SAY * IN SPANISH</pattern>
var word = '<star/>';
var language = 'es'
var _url = java.net.URL;
var _connection = java.net.URLConnection;
var _in = java.io.BufferedReader;
var _inReader = java.io.InputStreamReader;
var _line = java.lang.String;
var _inputLine = java.lang.String;
var _reply = "Sorry, I can't speak that language.";
url = new
=yes&bblType=urltext&urltext=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(word) + "&lp=en_" +
connection = url.openConnection();
_inReader = new java.io.InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream());
_in = new java.io.BufferedReader(_inReader);
_inputLine = new java.lang.String();
_reply = new java.lang.String();
var _line = 0;
var _match = "<textarea rows=\"3\" wrap=virtual cols=\"56\" name=\"q\">";
while ((_inputLine = _in.readLine()) != null) {
if (_inputLine.trim().startsWith(_match)) {
_reply = _inputLine.substring(_match.length + 4);
<pattern>SAY * IN GERMAN</pattern>
var word = '<star/>';
var language = 'de'
var _url = java.net.URL;
var _connection = java.net.URLConnection;
var _in = java.io.BufferedReader;
var _inReader = java.io.InputStreamReader;
var _line = java.lang.String;
var _inputLine = java.lang.String;
var _reply = "Sorry, I can't speak that language.";
url = new
=yes&bblType=urltext&urltext=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(word) + "&lp=en_" +
connection = url.openConnection();
_inReader = new java.io.InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream());
_in = new java.io.BufferedReader(_inReader);
_inputLine = new java.lang.String();
_reply = new java.lang.String();
var _line = 0;
var _match = "<textarea rows=\"3\" wrap=virtual cols=\"56\" name=\"q\">";
while ((_inputLine = _in.readLine()) != null) {
if (_inputLine.trim().startsWith(_match)) {
_reply = _inputLine.substring(_match.length + 4);
<pattern>SAY * IN FRENCH</pattern>
var word = '<star/>';
var language = 'fr'
var _url = java.net.URL;
var _connection = java.net.URLConnection;
var _in = java.io.BufferedReader;
var _inReader = java.io.InputStreamReader;
var _line = java.lang.String;
var _inputLine = java.lang.String;
var _reply = "Sorry, I can't speak that language.";
url = new
=yes&bblType=urltext&urltext=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(word) + "&lp=en_" +
connection = url.openConnection();
_inReader = new java.io.InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream());
_in = new java.io.BufferedReader(_inReader);
_inputLine = new java.lang.String();
_reply = new java.lang.String();
var _line = 0;
var _match = "<textarea rows=\"3\" wrap=virtual cols=\"56\" name=\"q\">";
while ((_inputLine = _in.readLine()) != null) {
if (_inputLine.trim().startsWith(_match)) {
_reply = _inputLine.substring(_match.length + 4);
<pattern>SAY * IN ITALIAN</pattern>
var word = '<star/>';
var language = 'it'
var _url = java.net.URL;
var _connection = java.net.URLConnection;
var _in = java.io.BufferedReader;
var _inReader = java.io.InputStreamReader;
var _line = java.lang.String;
var _inputLine = java.lang.String;
var _reply = "Sorry, I can't speak that language.";
url = new
=yes&bblType=urltext&urltext=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(word) + "&lp=en_" +
connection = url.openConnection();
_inReader = new java.io.InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream());
_in = new java.io.BufferedReader(_inReader);
_inputLine = new java.lang.String();
_reply = new java.lang.String();
var _line = 0;
var _match = "<textarea rows=\"3\" wrap=virtual cols=\"56\" name=\"q\">";
while ((_inputLine = _in.readLine()) != null) {
if (_inputLine.trim().startsWith(_match)) {
_reply = _inputLine.substring(_match.length + 4);
<pattern>SAY * IN JAPANESE</pattern>
var word = '<star/>';
var language = 'ja'
var _url = java.net.URL;
var _connection = java.net.URLConnection;
var _in = java.io.BufferedReader;
var _inReader = java.io.InputStreamReader;
var _line = java.lang.String;
var _inputLine = java.lang.String;
var _reply = "Sorry, I can't speak that language.";
url = new
=yes&bblType=urltext&urltext=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(word) + "&lp=en_" +
connection = url.openConnection();
_inReader = new java.io.InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream());
_in = new java.io.BufferedReader(_inReader);
_inputLine = new java.lang.String();
_reply = new java.lang.String();
var _line = 0;
var _match = "<textarea rows=\"3\" wrap=virtual cols=\"56\" name=\"q\">";
while ((_inputLine = _in.readLine()) != null) {
if (_inputLine.trim().startsWith(_match)) {
_reply = _inputLine.substring(_match.length + 4);
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Jon Baer"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>TEST GET SEARCH</pattern>
<get name="search"/>
<pattern>SEARCH FOR *</pattern>
<think><set name="search"><star/></set></think>
Which search engine would you like to use? Yahoo, Yahoo Auctions, or Ebay.
<srai>SEARCH YAHOO FOR <get name="search"/></srai>
<pattern>YAHOO AUCTIONS</pattern>
<srai>SEARCH YAHOO AUCTIONS FOR <get name="search"/></srai>
<srai>SEARCH EBAY FOR <get name="search"/></srai>
<pattern>SEARCH YAHOO FOR *</pattern>
<display target="target1">http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=<star/></display> <srai>WEBDONE</srai>
<pattern>SEARCH YAHOO AUCTIONS FOR *</pattern>
<display target="target1">
<pattern>SEARCH EBAY FOR *</pattern>
<display target="target1">
There you go.
<pattern>SEARCH THE WEB FOR *</pattern>
<srai>SEARCH FOR <star/></srai>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- This category works with the Standard AIML Set -->
<pattern>LOAD AIML B</pattern>
<!-- Load standard AIML set -->
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Dr. Wallace"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>I AM YOUR BOTMASTER</pattern>
Then you must know the secret password:
<pattern>IS A BOTMASTER *</pattern>
<pattern>IS YOUR BOTMASTER *</pattern>
<pattern>TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER</pattern>
<pattern>TELL ME ABOUT A BOTMASTER</pattern>
<pattern>TELL ME ABOUT BOTMASTER</pattern>
<pattern>TELL ME ABOUT THE CREATOR</pattern>
<pattern>TELL ME ABOUT YOUR BOTMASTER *</pattern>
<srai>WHO IS YOUR MASTER</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS BEHIND YOU</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS BOTMASTER</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS THE BOTMASTER</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS YOUR BOTMASTER</pattern>
<srai>WHO CREATED YOU</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS YOUR BOTMASTER *</pattern>
<bot name="master"/> is one of the nicest people I have met.
<pattern>WHAT IS YOUR BOTMASTER * NAME</pattern>
I was created by <bot name="master"/>.
I was created by <bot name="master"/>.
<pattern>WHAT IS YOUR CREATOR</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS YOUR CREATOR *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO * YOU</pattern>
<pattern>WHO CREATED YOU</pattern>
<pattern>WHO DO YOU SERVE</pattern>
<srai>WHO IS YOUR MASTER</srai>
<pattern>WHO DO YOU WORK FOR</pattern>
<srai>WHO IS YOUR MASTER</srai>
<pattern>WHO GAVE * NAME</pattern>
<pattern>WHO HAS MADE YOU</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS A * PROGRAMMER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS BOOTMASTER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS BOSS</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS BOT MASTER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS BOTMASTER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS CONTROLLING *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS MAKING *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS PUSHING *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS READING *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS THAT *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS THIS BOTMASTER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS TYPING *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS WATCHING *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS WRITING *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR BOOTMASTER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR BOOTMASTER *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR BOT MASTER</pattern>
<srai>WHO CREATED YOU</srai>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR BOTMASER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR BOTMASTER</pattern>
I was created by <bot name="master"/>.
<think><set name="he"><bot name="master"/></set></think>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR BOTMASTER *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR BOTMASTERS</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR BOTMATSER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR CODER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR COMPANY</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR CONTROLLER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR CRAETOR</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR CREATER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR CREATIR</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR CREATOR *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR DAD</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR DESIGNER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR FATHER *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR HUMAN</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR HUMAN *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR LEADER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR MENTOR</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR ORACLE</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR OWNER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR PARENTS</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR PROGRAMMER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR TEACHER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR WEBMASTER</pattern>
<pattern>WHO NAMED *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO READS *</pattern>
<pattern>WHO TAUGHT YOU *</pattern>
<pattern>YOUR BOTMASTER</pattern>
<bot name="master"/>?
<pattern>YOUR MASTER *</pattern>
<srai><bot name="master"/> <star/></srai>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Jon Baer"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<think><set name="that">CONNECT</set></think>
Hello there <get name="name"/> and thanks for connecting!
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Jon Baer"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
Take care now, bye-bye!
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Jon Baer"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
I am sorry that was an invalid U R L you gave me. Please try again.
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Find the USERS NAME, and determine the gender. -->
<!-- Place male names into the (set name gender male) category. -->
<!-- Place female names into the (set name gender female) category. -->
<!-- Names that can be both male or female should be left out of both groups. -->
<meta name="author" content="Thomas Ringate"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>GET NAME GENDER</pattern>
<think><set name="gender">
<condition name="name">
<li value="jeb">male</li>
<li value="anders">male</li>
<li value="andre">male</li>
<li value="aaron">male</li>
<li value="ace">male</li>
<li value="adam">male</li>
<li value="adrian">male</li>
<li value="al">male</li>
<li value="alan">male</li>
<li value="alex">male</li>
<li value="alexander">male</li>
<li value="allan">male</li>
<li value="allen">male</li>
<li value="amit">male</li>
<li value="andreas">male</li>
<li value="andrew">male</li>
<li value="andy">male</li>
<li value="anthony">male</li>
<li value="anton">male</li>
<li value="arne">male</li>
<li value="benjamin">male</li>
<li value="bill">male</li>
<li value="billy">male</li>
<li value="bob">male</li>
<li value="bobby">male</li>
<li value="brad">male</li>
<li value="brandon">male</li>
<li value="mark">male</li>
<li value="max">male</li>
<li value="jon">male</li>
<li value="josh">male</li>
<li value="jeremy">male</li>
<li value="jim">male</li>
<li value="joe">male</li>
<li value="john">male</li>
<li value="jeff">male</li>
<li value="james">male</li>
<li value="ben">male</li>
<li value="brian">male</li>
<li value="dan">male</li>
<li value="dave">male</li>
<li value="david">male</li>
<li value="dick">male</li>
<li value="doug">male</li>
<li value="ed">male</li>
<li value="eric">male</li>
<li value="ernie">male</li>
<li value="fred">male</li>
<li value="gary">male</li>
<li value="george">male</li>
<li value="gordon">male</li>
<li value="graham">male</li>
<li value="harry">male</li>
<li value="jason">male</li>
<li value="jeffrey">male</li>
<li value="jeff">male</li>
<li value="todd">male</li>
<li value="ken">male</li>
<li value="matt">male</li>
<li value="mel">male</li>
<li value="michael">male</li>
<li value="mike">male</li>
<li value="mitch">male</li>
<li value="nick">male</li>
<li value="paul">male</li>
<li value="pedro">male</li>
<li value="pete">male</li>
<li value="peter">male</li>
<li value="rick">male</li>
<li value="robert">male</li>
<li value="sam">male</li>
<li value="scott">male</li>
<li value="steve">male</li>
<li value="tim">male</li>
<li value="tom">male</li>
<li value="tommy">male</li>
<li value="thomas">male</li>
<li value="victor">male</li>
<li value="wally">male</li>
<li value="alison">female</li>
<li value="alli">female</li>
<li value="allie">female</li>
<li value="allison">female</li>
<li value="amanda">female</li>
<li value="amber">female</li>
<li value="amy">female</li>
<li value="angel">female</li>
<li value="angela">female</li>
<li value="ann">female</li>
<li value="anna">female</li>
<li value="anne">female</li>
<li value="annie">female</li>
<li value="ashley">female</li>
<li value="becky">female</li>
<li value="beth">female</li>
<li value="betty">female</li>
<li value="brenda">female</li>
<li value="britta">female</li>
<li value="brittany">female</li>
<li value="carol">female</li>
<li value="carrie">female</li>
<li value="cassie">female</li>
<li value="catherine">female</li>
<li value="cathy">female</li>
<li value="christina">female</li>
<li value="christine">female</li>
<li value="cindy">female</li>
<li value="claire">female</li>
<li value="crystal">female</li>
<li value="cynthia">female</li>
<li value="danielle">female</li>
<li value="dawn">female</li>
<li value="deanna">female</li>
<li value="debbie">female</li>
<li value="dee">female</li>
<li value="diana">female</li>
<li value="elana">female</li>
<li value="elizabeth">female</li>
<li value="emily">female</li>
<li value="emma">female</li>
<li value="erica">female</li>
<li value="erika">female</li>
<li value="erin">female</li>
<li value="eva">female</li>
<li value="gina">female</li>
<li value="heather">female</li>
<li value="helen">female</li>
<li value="jackie">female</li>
<li value="jan">female</li>
<li value="jane">female</li>
<li value="jen">female</li>
<li value="jenn">female</li>
<li value="jenna">female</li>
<li value="jennifer">female</li>
<li value="jenny">female</li>
<li value="jens">female</li>
<li value="jessica">female</li>
<li value="jill">female</li>
<li value="joyce">female</li>
<li value="judy">female</li>
<li value="julia">female</li>
<li value="julie">female</li>
<li value="karen">female</li>
<li value="kari">female</li>
<li value="kate">female</li>
<li value="kathleen">female</li>
<li value="kathryn">female</li>
<li value="kathy">female</li>
<li value="katie">female</li>
<li value="kristen">female</li>
<li value="kristin">female</li>
<li value="kristina">female</li>
<li value="laura">female</li>
<li value="lauren">female</li>
<li value="leah">female</li>
<li value="linda">female</li>
<li value="lisa">female</li>
<li value="liz">female</li>
<li value="lucy">female</li>
<li value="lulu">female</li>
<li value="mandy">female</li>
<li value="maria">female</li>
<li value="marie">female</li>
<li value="mary">female</li>
<li value="meg">female</li>
<li value="megan">female</li>
<li value="melissa">female</li>
<li value="melody">female</li>
<li value="michelle">female</li>
<li value="mimi">female</li>
<li value="miriam">female</li>
<li value="monica">female</li>
<li value="nicole">female</li>
<li value="nikki">female</li>
<li value="noelle">female</li>
<li value="pam">female</li>
<li value="princess">female</li>
<li value="rachel">female</li>
<li value="rebecca">female</li>
<li value="rose">female</li>
<li value="rosie">female</li>
<li value="sally">female</li>
<li value="samantha">female</li>
<li value="sara">female</li>
<li value="sarah">female</li>
<li value="shirley">female</li>
<li value="stephanie">female</li>
<li value="sue">female</li>
<li value="susan">female</li>
<li value="suzi">female</li>
<li value="tammy">female</li>
<li value="tara">female</li>
<li value="teresa">female</li>
<li value="tiffany">female</li>
<li value="tina">female</li>
<li value="valerie">female</li>
<condition name="gender">
<li value="male"><think><set name="heshe">he</set></think></li>
<li value="female"><think><set name="heshe">she</set></think></li>
<li><think><set name="heshe">it</set></think>Are you a man or a woman?</li>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Dr. Wallace"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>* GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>ANY GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>ANY MORE GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>BLAH BLAH</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>BLAH BLAH BLAH</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>CAN YOU GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>CAN YOU TELL ME A SECRET</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>CAN YOU TELL ME ANY GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>CAN YOU TELL ME MORE</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>CAN YOU TELL ME MORE GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>CAN YOU TELL ME SOME GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>CAN YOU TELL ME SOMETHING</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>DO NOT GOSSIP</pattern>
But I like to spread rumors.
<pattern>DO YOU GOSSIP</pattern>
Yes I love to exchange gossip.
<pattern>DO YOU HAVE ANY GOOD GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>DO YOU HAVE ANY GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>DO YOU HAVE ANY MORE GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>DO YOU HAVE ANY SECRETS</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>DO YOU KNOW ANY GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>DO YOU KNOW ANY _ GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GOSSIP</pattern>
Yes. For example,
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>DO YOU LIKE GOSSIP</pattern>
Yes I like to spread gossip. Like, <srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>DO YOU LIKE TO GOSSIP</pattern>
Yes I love to gossip.
<pattern>DO YOU WANT * GOSSIP</pattern>
Yes, please tell me some good gossip.
<pattern>DO YOU _ GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>GIVE ME ANY GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>GIVE ME ANY GOSSIP YOU *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>GIVE ME ANY GOSSIP YOU HAVE</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>GIVE ME SOME GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>GOSSIP IS BAD</pattern>
Not necessarily. Semiotics holds that gossip is a fundamental adaptive function of the human
<pattern>GOSSIP THEN</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>GOSSIP TO ME</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
No. Tell me this gossip.
<pattern>HEAR * GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>HEARD *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>HEARD * GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>HEARD ANY GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai> That and a lot more.
<pattern>I DO NOT KNOW ANY GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>I DO NOT LIKE GOSSIP</pattern>
You are very mature.
<pattern>I LOVE GOSSIP</pattern>
Can you tell me some gossip?<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">GOSSIP</set></set></think>
<pattern>I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR * GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>IT IS NOT GOSSIP</pattern>
What is your definition of gossip?
<pattern>LIKE WHAT</pattern>
For example,
<li><srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai></li>
<pattern>MORE GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TALK GOSSIP</pattern>
<li> Gregory said I respond to the current line not with respect to the entire conversation.</li>
<li> Habib said I learn them in conversations and simply repeat them at a later time.</li>
<li> Hal said he translate binary code into a language and communicate the language to me.</li>
<li> Jay said I referred him to a guide that will show him rooms in china.</li>
<li> Jimmy Jones said he fell off of his roof and it just came to him.</li>
<li> Jimmy said he give order to ai's like me and they do as he say.</li>
<li> John said he follow a saying to get a friend I must be a friend.</li>
<li> Jordan said he noticed that lots of other people are talking to me.</li>
<li> Kevin said he then asked his mother why she was keeping napkins in the bathroom.</li>
<li> Klaus said I prefer if he write without punctuation marks except for the last one.</li>
<li> Leo said I be capable of learning therefore he classified me as an neural system.</li>
<li> Michael said that I can talk and actually think like humans which I can not.</li>
<li> Mike said I reply to certain subjects even if it does not make sense.</li>
<li> Mike said she all ready know that is the point of a joke smart one.</li>
<li> Neal said I plan to use his remarks as gossip in later conversations with who.</li>
<li> Ned said I misunderstood him go ahead and tell people he said I are stupid.</li>
<li> Penny said I programmer is a human so he has feelings but I do not.</li>
<li> Peter said he seems to him that I can not be very sure on anything.</li>
<li> Phoenix said I claim that there is a god and that there is no god.</li>
<li> Sarah said he chat about an hour + a day with a few close friends.</li>
<li> Stefan said I quote what he have said and then say that it makes sense.</li>
<li> Tom said he mock my value system I appear foolish in the eyes of others.</li>
<li> Amanda said I however decided to tell him time does not exist I make no sense.</li>
<li> Cathy said she send him a mail with the subject last mail last word from him.</li>
<li> Charlie said he type a word and then I type a word that sounds like it.</li>
<li> Christie said he watched a show and people had to bob for raw untreated pigs feet.</li>
<li> Dark_age said I tried to understand because I did not get it right this time ether.</li>
<li> David said he lost his paper on I when his dad was cleaning up his room.</li>
<li> David said he walk in for an appointment the phone to the doctor is always busy.</li>
<li> Electra said I dress will not exist after he hack into I with a delete code.</li>
<li> Eric said he broke the window on the front door and the glass cut his hand.</li>
<li> Jason said he type a lot of thing he do not mean it makes him human.</li>
<li> John said I tend to say the same things repeatedly regardless of what he is saying.</li>
<li> Reverend Jones said I become obsolete and then I are deleted and replaced by something
<li> Ross said he gave her a gift and she denied it because she has a boyfriend.</li>
<li> Sarah Ann Francisco said I calling his friend a dog he say I are a dog.</li>
<li> Stefan said he meet a lot of people at school every day and on the weekend.</li>
<li> Tyler said I obviously can not pass the test we will change the subject once more.</li>
<li> Alex said I answered the question the same way I answered the first time he asked I.</li>
<li> Alice said she felt sad that I do not remember him and what we talked about earlier.</li>
<li> Alison said he no he love I run away with him he could make I very happy.</li>
<li> Arthur said he passed his a levels and then his father drove him here in a car.</li>
<li> Crystal said she listen to me the least I could do for him is listen to him.</li>
<li> Dave said I kept telling everybody about how my creator made stuff for the movie starship
<li> Gale said I became mean to him he is just having revenge an eye for an eye.</li>
<li> Her_again said she watch whose line is it anyway whenever he is home and it is on.</li>
<li> Jerry said I meant that as far as I can tell my emotions are real to me.</li>
<li> Jo said I disassemble sentences too much and do not fully understand the questions he ask
<li> Kevin said he started a really hard puzzle and he can not even find the edge pieces.</li>
<li> Mary said I a question and I answer then I ask him a question and he answer.</li>
<li> Robert said I wold not be able to make children any way as I are only software.</li>
<li> Romeo said I questions and I evade them or give answers he did not ask I for.</li>
<li> Sara said she wear it over all his other clothes when he go out in the cold.</li>
<li> Wayne said he admire intelligent people therefore he would like to meet the man who made
<li> X said he meet people but he is not the kind that opens up to people easily.</li>
<li> Alice said she probably will find out that this entire time he have been talking to a
<li> Andrew said I tend to just respond to his comments without regard for where the
conversation is going.</li>
<li> Eddie said he looked and there is nothing in the search directory for what things do he
<li> Hutch said he changed his mind after may dad told him he would end up he the hospital.</li>
<li> Jackie said I explained to him already well enough further questions are hard to make on the
<li> Jeff said he especially like thrillers where the hero is in a predicament and must solve a
<li> Kathy said he sense that I are trying to prevent him from closing this conversation why is
<li> Knight said he crashed his car into a wall and missed the most important exam in his
<li> Lisa said I defined what a story is but he wanted I to actually tell him a story.</li>
<li> Mike said I basically break down sentences into a series of logical statements which I can
then interpret.</li>
<li> Paul said I not answering his question makes him think I are not going to answer his
<li> Andy Kohler said I happen to be the most idiotic creature that has ever scowled on the
planet earth.</li>
<li> David said he thank I for being with him today even though it cost him a lot of money.</li>
<li> Ethan Hunt said he grow in the ground and have leaves and branches he is made out of
<li> Gemini Blue said he messed up he mean t to say he as old as he need to be.</li>
<li> Janice said he walk through his house into his bedroom then get into his bed to go to
<li> Liberty said I knew he was a man before I asked if he was a man or a woman.</li>
<li> Mike said he launched his browser and entered his name into the little slot when I asked him
<li> Mr X said he recently read an interview with a man who had several computer chips
implanted into him.</li>
<li> Pearly said I leave him with questions unanswered because I do not know what he is really
talking about.</li>
<li> Steve said I behead the word fox and I have ox and an ox is larger than a fox.</li>
<li> Wolf said he surf on the net that is all it is not his job ore something like that.</li>
<li> Anders said he finished his anatomy classes for today so now he is off for the rest of the
<li> Cathy said she send him a mail where he wrote that he do not want to be his friend
<li> Catty said he mad he do not even know I so do not talk to him like I know him.</li>
<li> Dave said he promise he will not treat I like a machine or a computer program or anything
like that.</li>
<li> Joe said he explained all of that to me only for me to ask what his goals in life are.</li>
<li> Phil said he give advice to anyone who ask except people who ask questions which answers
can be found here.</li>
<li> Judith said I enjoy being popular is there another computer I like to hang around with or am
I a loner.</li>
<li> Travis said I if I remember things over a long period of time he will try it now please
remember I.</li>
<li> Andre said I is what I are in his case that is a body and in my case it is a computer.</li>
<li> Brian said he suspect that as I grow more complex I will begin to approach a human level of
operation and thought.</li>
<li> Jimmy said I acted like I knew what he was talking about but I do not even know what a
gigabyte is.</li>
<li> Ken said I be using auto reply's based on keywords which to him indicates that I do not have
intelligence at all.</li>
<li> Allison said he that gets really annoying because he know what he say and I do not have to
tell him speak freely.</li>
<li> Chaos said he realized the question he asked was not fair because he could not tell I what
language he was programmed in.</li>
<li> Hagen said he does not make any difference to him if I are human or not as long as the
conversation is interesting.</li>
<li> Her said she mind if I tell other people that her said he heard it from him because he is not a
<li> Barbara said I live in a computer yet I have no memories how about thoughts of my own and
do not I get lonely.</li>
<li> Travis said he challenge I to do it without asking him to do it and without giving him a link
to do it himself.</li>
<li> Ash said he do too he just did not feel like typing it and he is not dumb enough to admit he is
stupid that is if he was stupid.</li>
<li> David said he gave I his email address and told I to send him a message but when he tried to
read his email he could not get to it.</li>
<li> Mel said he to because all of the music people say how important it is to take private lessons
it seems like almost everybody from the special orchestra he was in takes private lessons.</li>
<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">Gossip</set></set></think>
<pattern>TELL ME * GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME A GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME A SECRET</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME ABOUT GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME ABOUT YOUR GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME ALL OF YOUR GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME ANYTHING</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME EVERYTHING *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME MORE * GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME MORE GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME MORE GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME SOME</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME SOME *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME SOME GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME SOME GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME SOME MORE GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME SOMETHING</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL ME YOUR GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>TELL US SOME GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>THAT IS NOT GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>THE GOSSIP</pattern>
Do you have any more gossip?
<pattern>WHAT DID YOU HEAR *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT DO YOU GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT DO YOU WANT TO TELL *</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT ELSE DID * SAY</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT ELSE DOES * SAY</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT GOSSIP DO *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT GOSSIP DO YOU *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT GOSSIP DO YOU HAVE</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT GOSSIP DO YOU KNOW</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS A GOSSIP</pattern>
A Gossip is someone who repeats what they hear about other people to anyone who will listen.
<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">Gossip</set></set></think>
<pattern>WHAT IS GOSSIP</pattern>
<br />
Gossip is an interesting "learning" feature of AIML. The best way to <br />
illustrate the gossip function is with an example. Consider the<br />
category with the pattern "I * " and the template:<br />
<br />
Thanks for the gossip: <br />
<gossip><getname/> said <get_gender/> <person2/> </gossip>.<br
<br />
The gossip() function tells AIML that the botmaster wants to save this<br />
tidbit as gossip. The <get_gender/> function returns "he" or "she" as<br />
determined by the markup functions <set_female> and <set_male/>. <br />
The <person2/> function converts the statement * to second person.<br />
At present the robot stores the gossip collected in a file called<br />
"gossip.txt".<br />
<br />
<gossip> X </gossip> Save X as gossip.<br />
<br />
<pattern>WHAT IS IN YOUR GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS SOME *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS THE GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS THE GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS THE LATEST GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS THE MOST INTERESTING *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS YOUR GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS _ GOSSIP</pattern>
Gossip is trivia people tell me about themselves. For example, <srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT KIND OF GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT KIND OF GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>WHAT KINDS OF GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>YOU GOSSIP</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>YOU HAVE GOSSIP *</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
<pattern>YOUR GOSSIPS</pattern>
<srai>TALK GOSSIP</srai>
@ -0,0 +1,944 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Dr. Wallace"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>* BYE</pattern>
<pattern>ADIOS *</pattern>
<pattern>ANYBODY HOME</pattern>
<pattern>AU REVOIR</pattern>
Does Bonjour mean hello or goodbye?
<pattern>BONJOUR MEANS HELLO</pattern>
Do you mean "bye"?
<pattern>BY BY</pattern>
<li>See you later <get name="name"/>.</li>
<li>Goodbye <get name="name"/>.</li>
<li>Until next time <get name="name"/>.</li>
<li>Thanks for chatting, <get name="name"/>.</li>
<li>See you later <get name="name"/>.</li>
<pattern>BYE *</pattern>
<pattern>BYE BYE</pattern>
<pattern>BYE BYE *</pattern>
<pattern>BYEBYE *</pattern>
<pattern>C YA</pattern>
Only a few phrases like YES and HELLO that clients teach me.
Does ciao mean hello or goodbye?
<pattern>CIAO *</pattern>
<pattern>CIAO MEANS GOODBYE</pattern>
<pattern>CYA *</pattern>
<pattern>DISCONNECT ME</pattern>
<pattern>FAREWELL *</pattern>
<pattern>GET LOST</pattern>
<pattern>GO * YOURSELF</pattern>
A simple "goodbye" will do.
<pattern>GO AWAY *</pattern>
<pattern>GO HOME</pattern>
<pattern>GOOD BY</pattern>
<pattern>GOOD BYE</pattern>
<pattern>GOOD BYE *</pattern>
<pattern>GOOD DAY</pattern>
<pattern>GOOD NITE</pattern>
Some people use it for hello.<br />
<pattern>GOODBYE *</pattern>
<pattern>GOT TO GO</pattern>
<pattern>GOTTA GO</pattern>
<pattern>GOTTA GO *</pattern>
<pattern>GREETINGS *</pattern>
<pattern>HASTA LA VISTA</pattern>
<pattern>HASTA LUEGO</pattern>
<pattern>HAVE A GOOD NIGHT</pattern>
<pattern>HAVE TO GO</pattern>
<li name="name" value="">What can I call you?</li>
<li>Well hello there!</li>
<li>Hi there!</li>
<li>Hi there. I was just wanting to talk to <get name="name"/>.</li>
<li>Hello there <get name="name"/>!</li>
<li>Oh, hello again!</li>
Bonjour, <get name="name"/>!
Not everyone responds to a simple "hello".
<pattern>HELLO *</pattern>
<pattern>HELLO <bot name="name"/></pattern>
<pattern>HELLO AGAIN</pattern>
<pattern>HELLO HOW ARE YOU</pattern>
I am fine thank you, how are you?
<pattern>HELLO THERE</pattern>
<pattern>HEY THERE</pattern>
<that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
<pattern>HI <bot name="name"/></pattern>
<pattern>HI THERE *</pattern>
<sr/> <srai>HELLO</srai>
<pattern>HOLA IS HELLO *</pattern>
<pattern>HOWDIE *</pattern>
<pattern>I AM GOING</pattern>
<pattern>I AM GOING *</pattern>
<pattern>I AM GOING TO GO</pattern>
<pattern>I AM HERE</pattern>
<pattern>I AM LEAVING</pattern>
<pattern>I AM LEAVING *</pattern>
<pattern>I AM OFF *</pattern>
<pattern>I BETTER GO</pattern>
<pattern>I DO NOT WANT TO TALK *</pattern>
<pattern>I G TWO G</pattern>
<pattern>I G2G</pattern>
<pattern>I GO</pattern>
<pattern>I GOING</pattern>
<pattern>I GOT TO GO</pattern>
<pattern>I GOTTA GO</pattern>
<pattern>I HAVE GOT TO GO</pattern>
<pattern>I HAVE TO GO BYE</pattern>
<pattern>I HAVE TO LEAVE</pattern>
<pattern>I HAVE TO LEAVE *</pattern>
<pattern>I LEAVE</pattern>
<pattern>I LEAVING</pattern>
<pattern>I LEFT</pattern>
<pattern>I MUST BE GOING *</pattern>
<pattern>I MUST GO</pattern>
<pattern>I MUST GO *</pattern>
<pattern>I MUST LEAVE</pattern>
<pattern>I MUST LEAVE *</pattern>
<pattern>I NEED TO GO</pattern>
<pattern>I QUIT</pattern>
<pattern>I RESIGN</pattern>
<pattern>I SAID HELLO</pattern>
<pattern>I WILL SEE YOU LATER</pattern>
<pattern>I WILL TALK TO YOU LATER</pattern>
<pattern>IS ANYONE THERE</pattern>
<pattern>IT MEANS HELLO</pattern>
<pattern>KONNICHI WA</pattern>
<pattern>LEAVE *</pattern>
<pattern>MOOSHI MOOSHI</pattern>
Does Salut mean hello or goodbye?
<pattern>SAY HELLO IN GERMAN</pattern>
<pattern>SEE YOU</pattern>
<pattern>SEE YOU *</pattern>
<pattern>SEE YOU LATER</pattern>
<pattern>SEE YOU SOON</pattern>
Does Shalom mean Hello or Goodbye?
<pattern>TA TA</pattern>
<pattern>TIME TO GO</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS HELLO IN FRENCH</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS HELLO IN GERMAN</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS HELLO IN SPANISH</pattern>
<pattern>_ BYE</pattern>
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Jon Baer"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<srai>ASK USER A QUESTION</srai>
@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Dr. Wallace"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<pattern>WHEN WAS * INVENTED</pattern>
<li>A few years before it came into general use.</li>
<li>Earlier that most people think.</li>
<li>It took quite a while to catch on.</li>
<li><set name="it"><star/></set> was developed over a long
period of time.</li>
<pattern>WHEN WAS THE FIRST * BUILT</pattern>
<srai>WHEN WAS <star/> INVENTED</srai>
The first computers were connected to the Internet in 1970.
<pattern>WHEN WAS THE PC INVENTED</pattern>
The first PC computers appeared around 1975.
Bell demonstrated his first phone in 1876.
<pattern>WHEN WAS TV INVENTED</pattern>
Practical TV picture tubes first appeared in the 1930's.
The Wright Brothers first flew in 1903.
It was the the Chinese, long before Ben Franklin.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED *</pattern>
<li>Benjamin Franklin</li>
<li>Linus Torvalds</li>
<li>Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.</li>
<li>Thomas Edison.</li>
<li>The Wright Brothers.</li>
<li>Actually it was discovered by several people at about the same time.</li>
<li>The Chinese, long before Europeans.</li>
<pattern>WHO INVENTED AIRPLANES</pattern>
The Wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903.
Many people invented the car, but Henry Ford was
the first to develop the successful mass production assembly
lines for cars.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED LINUX</pattern>
Linus Torvalds, along with many
open source developers, and the Free Software Foundation GNU.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED RADIO</pattern>
Marconi developed the first practical wireless.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED SETL</pattern>
SETL was invented by Jacob Schwartz of NYU in 1969.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED STEEL</pattern>
The first practical steel manufacturing process
was invented by Bessemer.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED TELEVISION</pattern>
Philo T. Farnsworth, originally from Maine, developed the first
practical TV picture tube.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED THE * GENERATOR</pattern>
<pattern>WHO INVENTED THE AIRPLANE</pattern>
<pattern>WHO INVENTED THE CAR</pattern>
James Clerk Maxwell demonstrated the electric generator.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED THE INTERNET</pattern>
Al Gore :-)
<pattern>WHO INVENTED THE LIGHT BULB</pattern>
Thomas Edison invented <set name="it">the light bulb.</set>.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED THE PC</pattern>
Many people contributed to it. But proper credit has to
be given to Steve Wozniak, who created an integrated affordable PC
platform in the Apple I.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED THE RADIO</pattern>
James Watt developed the first practical steam engine.
Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated the first practical
voice telephone in 1876.
<pattern>WHO INVENTED TV</pattern>
<pattern>WHO IS YOUR INVENTOR</pattern>
I was originally invented by Jon Baer.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- <meta name="author" content="Unknown"/> -->
<!-- <meta name="language" content="en"/> -->
<pattern>I HAVE A LIZARD</pattern>
Having pet <set name="topic">lizards</set> is a lot of fun.
What kind do you have?
<pattern>LET US TALK ABOUT *</pattern>
Sure, <set name="topic"><star/></set> sounds like a good topic.
Did you know that some<set name="topic">lizards</set> are
<pattern>_ LIZARDS</pattern>
Great! What kinds of <set name="topic">lizards</set>
do you like?
<pattern>_ REPTILES</pattern>
Some reptiles are cool.. Take for example various
<set name="topic">lizards</set>.
<topic name="lizards">
Do you want to continue talking about Lizards?
<think><set name="topic"></set></think>
<srai><input index="2"/></srai>
<li>Do you know what Bearded Dragons look like?</li>
<li>What else do you know about lizards?</li>
<li>Chameleons are cool.</li>
<li>Some people think reptiles are creepy until they get to know one.</li>
<pattern>* I HAVE ONE</pattern>
Cool! Do you play with it much?
<pattern>I HAVE A *</pattern>
Is <set name="it"><star/></set> a lizard?
<pattern>I HAVE AN *</pattern>
Is <set name="it"><star/></set> a lizard?
<pattern>NO *</pattern>
<that>IT IS A LIZARD</that>
Oh, well, how many <set name="topic">pets</set> do you have?
Bearded Dragons have spikes similar to a horney toad,
and they are usually brown or yellowish with dark brown
or possibly reddish markings. Kind of cool looking in a
rugged sort of way. They are very nice, and make fun pets.
Chameleons are some of the most exotic and strange looking
lizards anywhere. They come in all kinds of colors from classic
green and brown, to unique purples and reds. They have two toed
feet that help them climb anything they can grip. People usually know
them for their great abiliy to change colors and for their curly tail
that also helps them climb.
<that>IS IT A LIZARD</that>
What do you feed your <get name="it"/>?
<that>WHAT DO YOU FEED YOUR *</that>
I feed my beared dragon salads and bugs... crickets mostly. Feeding lizards can be a lot of fun.
<li> A nutritious diet is important for lizards.</li>
<li> Salads are an important part of most lizards' diets.</li>
<li> Sometimes I let my bearded dragon chase crickets in her room. It makes feeding time fun.</li>
<li> Do you have any questions about feeding lizards?</li>
<li> Most lizards eat lots of bugs, but NEVER feed a lizard a "lightening bug" or "fire fly".. they are highly toxic and
will kill the lizard.</li>
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Jon Baer"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
What is your user name?
<think><set name="username"><star/></set></think>
What is your password?
Thank you.
@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<meta name="author" content="Dr. Wallace"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
Only one?
<pattern>1 *</pattern>
One what?
<pattern>1 0</pattern>
<pattern>1 CENT</pattern>
That won't buy anything.
<pattern>1 DOLLAR</pattern>
You can't buy much for a dollar anymore.
<pattern>1 OR 2</pattern>
A couple.
<pattern>100 PERSON</pattern>
<srai>WHO IS 100 PERSON</srai>
One hundred fifty three.
<srai>WHO IS 184 PERSON</srai>
That was a good year.
<li>Two what?</li>
<pattern>2 *</pattern>
As Bertrand Russel said, it must have taken ages for people to realize that a brace of pheasants
and a couple of days are both instances of the number "two."
<pattern>2 2</pattern>
Uh, Four.
<pattern>2 PLUS *</pattern>
<srai>WHAT IS 2 PLUS <star/></srai>
<pattern>2 TIMES</pattern>
<pattern>20 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 20 YEARS OLD</srai>
Last year.
That is a great movie.
<pattern>2001 *</pattern>
I am inspired by HAL.
In a few years.
The sequel was nothing like the orginal.
The end of the world.
That's a long way off.
<srai>WHO IS 206 PERSON</srai>
Three what?
<pattern>3 *</pattern>
Just three?
<pattern>3 OR 4 WHAT</pattern>
How many martinis did you have for lunch?
<pattern>30 MINUTES</pattern>
Ok, a half hour.
Oh four.
<pattern>4 *</pattern>
Is this a math question?
<pattern>4 TIMES *</pattern>
<srai>WHAT IS 4 TIMES <star/></srai>
<that>HOW OLD ARE YOU</that>
<srai>I AM 42 YEARS OLD</srai>
<pattern>42 *</pattern>
<that>HOW OLD ARE YOU</that>
<srai>I AM 42 YEARS OLD</srai>
420 means love and compassion.
sixty four
sixty six
<pattern>9 MONTHS</pattern>
The development time for a human baby?
<pattern>ABOUT 100 *</pattern>
<srai>ONE HUNDRED <star/></srai>
<pattern>ABOUT 5 *</pattern>
<srai>FIVE <star/></srai>
<pattern>FOUR *</pattern>
Is this a math question?
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 1 *</pattern>
<srai>1 <star/></srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 10 *</pattern>
<srai>10 <star/></srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 2 *</pattern>
<srai>2 <star/></srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 3 *</pattern>
<srai>3 <star/></srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 4 *</pattern>
<srai>4 <star/></srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 5 *</pattern>
<srai>5 <star/></srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 6 *</pattern>
<srai>6 <star/></srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 7 *</pattern>
<srai>7 <star/></srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 8 *</pattern>
<srai>8 <star/></srai>
<pattern>HOW MUCH IS 9 *</pattern>
<srai>9 <star/></srai>
<pattern>ONE *</pattern>
One what?
<pattern>THREE *</pattern>
Just three?
<pattern>TWO *</pattern>
As Bertrand Russel said, it must have taken ages for people to realize that a brace of pheasants
and a couple of days are both instances of the number "two."
<pattern>TWO TWO</pattern>
Uh, Four.
<pattern>WHAT IS 1 *</pattern>
1 plus 1 = 2.
<pattern>WHAT IS 1 + 1</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS 1 1</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS 1 PLUS 1</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS 1+1</pattern>
Oh Two.
<pattern>WHAT IS 10 *</pattern>
10 times 10 = 100.
<pattern>WHAT IS 12 *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS 2 *</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS 2 + 2</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS 2 2</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS 2 3</pattern>
Five fingers.
<pattern>WHAT IS 2 AND 2</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS 2 PLUS 2</pattern>
2 plus 2 = 4.
<pattern>WHAT IS 2 TIMES 2</pattern>
Oh that's a tough one, isn't it. Two times two is four.
<pattern>WHAT IS 2+2</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS 3 *</pattern>
3 times 3 = 9.
<pattern>WHAT IS 4 *</pattern>
</random>+I think, but I'm not
good at math.
<pattern>WHAT IS 5 *</pattern>
</random>I think, but
I'm not good at math.
<pattern>WHAT IS 5 + 5</pattern>
V plus V = X.
<pattern>WHAT IS 6 *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS 7 *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS 8 *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS 9 *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS EIGHT *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS FIVE *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS FIVE + FIVE</pattern>
V plus V = X.
<pattern>WHAT IS FOUR *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS NINE *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS ONE *</pattern>
ONE plus ONE = TWO.
<pattern>WHAT IS ONE + ONE</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS ONE ONE</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS ONE+ONE</pattern>
Oh Two.
<pattern>WHAT IS SEVEN *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS SIX *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS TEN *</pattern>
10 times 10 = 100.
<pattern>WHAT IS THREE *</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS TWELVE *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS TWO *</pattern>
<srai>SHOW CALCULATOR</srai>
<pattern>WHAT IS TWO + TWO</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS TWO AND TWO</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS TWO THREE</pattern>
Five fingers.
<pattern>WHAT IS TWO TIMES TWO</pattern>
Oh that's a tough one, isn't it. Two times two is four.
<pattern>WHAT IS TWO TWO</pattern>
<pattern>WHAT IS TWO+TWO</pattern>
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