diff --git a/cogs/fun/homies.py b/cogs/fun/homies.py index e5111953..af783da0 100644 --- a/cogs/fun/homies.py +++ b/cogs/fun/homies.py @@ -55,16 +55,20 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog): """Allows people to summon the homies""" try: + # Make sure the text entered is less than 20 characters if len(user_word) >= 20: await ctx.send("Please make sure the prompt is below **20** characters!") return else: + # Define the text to be drawn on the top and the bottom top_text = f"Ayo fuck {user_word}" bottom_text = f"All my homies hate {user_word}" + # Call the method to generate the image generate_meme('homies/AllMyHomies.jpg', top_text=top_text, bottom_text=bottom_text) + # Send the image file stored in the directory await ctx.send(file=discord.File('AllMyHomiesHateMeme.jpg')) except Exception as e: print(e)