@ -128,7 +128,14 @@ class GetInfo(commands.Cog):
len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "dnd", ctx.guild.members))),
len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "offline", ctx.guild.members)))]
emojis = " ".join(map(str, ctx.guild.emojis[:30]))
# Check if the list of emojis returned are greater than 20
if len(ctx.guild.emojis) > 20:
# Display the first 20 emojis with a length specified after telling the user how many emojis were not shown
length = len(ctx.guild.emojis) - 20
emojis = f"{' '.join(map(str, ctx.guild.emojis[:15]))} and {length} more..."
# Display all the emojis in the server as it is less than 20
emojis = " ".join(map(str, ctx.guild.emojis))
# Set up embed to display all the server information
embed = Embed(title="**Server Information**",