@ -325,19 +325,19 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
@command(name="homies", aliases=["Homies", "homie", "Homie"])
@cooldown(1, 10, BucketType.user)
async def homies(self, ctx, *, user_word):
async def homies(self, ctx, *, text):
"""Summoning the homies"""
# Make sure the text entered is less than 20 characters
if len(user_word) >= 20:
if len(text) >= 20:
await ctx.send("Please make sure the prompt is below **20** characters!")
# Define the text to be drawn on the top and the bottom
top_text = f"Ayo fuck {user_word}"
bottom_text = f"All my homies hate {user_word}"
top_text = f"Ayo fuck {text}"
bottom_text = f"All my homies hate {text}"
# Call the method to generate the image
generate_meme('homies/AllMyHomies.jpg', top_text=top_text, bottom_text=bottom_text)