# Ensō~Chan - A Multi Purpose Discord Bot That Has Everything Your Server Needs! # Copyright (C) 2020 Hamothy # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import datetime import asyncpg from discord import Embed class Starboard: def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot async def send_starboard_message(self, payload, new_stars, msg_id, channel, message, embed): """Send the message to the starboard for the first time""" # When the message stars is larger than the minimum, send to the starboard and store in database/cache if new_stars >= self.bot.get_starboard_min_stars(payload.guild_id) and not msg_id: star_message = await channel.send(embed=embed) # Only insert the record into database when it doesn't exist in cache if not self.bot.check_root_message_id(message.id, payload.guild_id): # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Insert the starboard message in the database try: insert = """INSERT INTO starboard_messages (root_message_id, guild_id, star_message_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)""" await conn.execute(insert, message.id, payload.guild_id, star_message.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print( f"PostGres Error: Starboard_Message Record Could Not Be Inserted For Guild {payload.guild_id}", e) # Update cache else: self.bot.cache_store_starboard_message(message.id, payload.guild_id, star_message.id) else: # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Update the stars that the message has in the database and then store the message id's try: update = """UPDATE starboard_messages SET stars = $1, star_message_id = $2 WHERE root_message_id = $3 AND guild_id = $4""" await conn.execute(update, new_stars, star_message.id, message.id, payload.guild_id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print( f"PostGres Error: Starboard_Message Record Could Not Be Updated For Guild {payload.guild_id}", e) # Update cache else: self.bot.update_starboard_message_id(message.id, payload.guild_id, star_message.id) self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars) # Store the message into the database so the reactions can be tracked else: # Only insert into the database when the message doesn't exist in cache if not self.bot.check_root_message_id(message.id, payload.guild_id): # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Insert the starboard message in the database try: insert = """INSERT INTO starboard_messages (root_message_id, guild_id) VALUES ($1, $2)""" await conn.execute(insert, message.id, payload.guild_id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print( f"PostGres Error: Starboard_Message Record Could Not Be Inserted For Guild {payload.guild_id}", e) # Update cache else: self.bot.cache_store_starboard_message(message.id, payload.guild_id, None) # When the message is already in the database/cache, update the amount of reactions else: # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Update the stars that the message has in the database and then store the message id's try: update = """UPDATE starboard_messages SET stars = $1 WHERE root_message_id = $2 AND guild_id = $3""" await conn.execute(update, new_stars, message.id, payload.guild_id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print( f"PostGres Error: Starboard_Message Record Could Not Be Updated For Guild {payload.guild_id}", e) # Update cache else: self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars) async def edit_starboard_message(self, payload, new_stars, msg_id, channel, message, embed): """Edit the message which is already on the starboard""" min_stars = self.bot.get_starboard_min_stars(payload.guild_id) # When the message has finally reached the minimum amount of stars, send the message to the starboard if new_stars >= min_stars and not msg_id: star_message = await channel.send(embed=embed) # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Update the stars that the message has in the database and then store the message id's try: update = """UPDATE starboard_messages SET stars = $1, star_message_id = $2 WHERE root_message_id = $3 AND guild_id = $4""" await conn.execute(update, new_stars, star_message.id, message.id, payload.guild_id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print(f"PostGres Error: Starboard_Message Record Could Not Be Updated For Guild {payload.guild_id}", e) # Update cache else: self.bot.cache_store_starboard_message(message.id, payload.guild_id, star_message.id) self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars) elif new_stars < min_stars and msg_id: star_message = await channel.fetch_message(msg_id) await star_message.delete() # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Update the stars that the message has in the database and set the star message id to None try: update = """UPDATE starboard_messages SET stars = $1, star_message_id = NULL WHERE root_message_id = $2 AND guild_id = $3""" await conn.execute(update, new_stars, message.id, payload.guild_id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print( f"PostGres Error: Starboard_Message Record Could Not Be Updated For Guild {payload.guild_id}", e) # Update cache else: self.bot.del_starboard_star_message_id(message.id, payload.guild_id) self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars) # When the message already exists on the starboard but doesn't have enough reactions anymore elif msg_id: star_message = await channel.fetch_message(msg_id) await star_message.edit(embed=embed) # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Update the stars that the message has in the database and set the star message id to None try: update = """UPDATE starboard_messages SET stars = $1 WHERE root_message_id = $2 AND guild_id = $3""" await conn.execute(update, new_stars, message.id, payload.guild_id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print( f"PostGres Error: Starboard_Message Record Could Not Be Updated For Guild {payload.guild_id}", e) # Update cache else: self.bot.update_starboard_message_id(message.id, payload.guild_id, star_message.id) self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars) elif not msg_id: self.bot.update_starboard_message_stars(message.id, payload.guild_id, new_stars) async def send_starboard_and_update_db(self, payload, action): """Send the starboard embed and update database/cache""" if (starboard := self.bot.get_starboard_channel(payload.guild_id)) and payload.emoji.name == "⭐": message = await self.bot.get_channel(payload.channel_id).fetch_message(payload.message_id) if not message.author.bot and payload.user_id != message.author.id: channel = self.bot.get_channel(starboard) msg_id, stars = await self.bot.check_starboard_messages_cache(message.id, payload.guild_id) new_stars = stars + 1 if action == "added" else stars - 1 embed = Embed(title=f"Starred Message | {new_stars} :star:", description=f"{message.content or 'View Attachment'}", colour=message.author.colour, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_author(name=message.author, icon_url=message.author.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(text=f"ID: {message.id}") embed.add_field(name="Original", value=f"**Channel:** {message.channel.mention}\n[Jump To Message]({message.jump_url})", inline=False) # Send spoiler attachments as links if message.attachments: file = message.attachments[0] spoiler = file.is_spoiler() if not spoiler and file.url.endswith(('png', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'webp')): embed.set_image(url=file.url) elif spoiler: embed.add_field(name='Attachment', value=f'||[{file.filename}]({file.url})||', inline=False) else: embed.add_field(name='Attachment', value=f'[{file.filename}]({file.url})', inline=False) # When the message has no previous stars, send a new starboard message or update the amount of stars it has if not stars: await self.send_starboard_message(payload, new_stars, msg_id, channel, message, embed) # When the message has stars already from the cache/database. Delete or edit the message else: await self.edit_starboard_message(payload, new_stars, msg_id, channel, message, embed)