import datetime from datetime import timedelta from typing import Optional import discord from discord import Member, Embed from discord.ext.commands import command, guild_only, has_guild_permissions, bot_has_guild_permissions, Greedy, \ cooldown, BucketType, Cog from settings import enso_embedmod_colours, get_modlog_for_guild, storeRoles, clearRoles, get_roles_persist async def send_to_modlogs(message, target, reason, action): """ Function to send the moderation actions to modlogs channel """ # Get the channel of the modlog within the guild modlog = get_modlog_for_guild(str( if modlog is not None: channel = message.guild.get_channel(int(modlog)) embed = Embed(title=f"Member {action}", colour=enso_embedmod_colours, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_thumbnail(url=target.avatar_url) fields = [("Member", target.mention, False), ("Actioned by",, False), ("Reason", reason, False)] for name, value, inline in fields: embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) await channel.send(embed=embed) async def check(ctx, members): """ Check Function - Checks if all arguments are given - Checks if user mentions themselves Error will be thrown in these two cases """ if not len(members): embed = Embed(description="Not Correct Syntax!" f"\nUse **{ctx.prefix}help** to find how to use **{ctx.command}**", colour=enso_embedmod_colours) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return True elif in members: embed = Embed(description=f"**❌ Forbidden Action ❌**", colour=enso_embedmod_colours) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return True async def ummute_members(self, message, targets, reason): """ Method to allow members to be unmuted 2 embeds will be sent, one to the channel that the user is in And if the user has the modlogs channel setup, an embed will be logged there """ # Setup pool pool = for target in targets: if ( > target.top_role.position and not target.guild_permissions.administrator): # Setup up pool connection and cursor async with pool.acquire() as conn: async with conn.cursor() as cur: # Get the roles of the user from the database select_query = """SELECT * FROM members WHERE guildID = (%s) AND discordID = (%s)""" select_vals =,, # Execute the SQL Query await cur.execute(select_query, select_vals) result = await cur.fetchone() role_ids = result[4] # Get all the roles of the user before they were muted from the database roles = [message.guild.get_role(int(id_)) for id_ in role_ids.split(", ") if len(id_)] # Clear all the roles of the user await clearRoles(ctx=message, member=target, pool=pool) await target.edit(roles=roles) # Send confirmation to the channel that the user is in embed = Embed(description="✅ **{}** Was Unmuted! ✅".format(target), colour=enso_embedmod_colours) await await send_to_modlogs(message, target, reason, action="Unmuted") # Send error message if the User could not be muted else: embed = Embed(description="**{} Could Not Be Unmuted!**".format(target.mention)) await async def mute_members(pool, ctx, targets, reason, muted): """ Method to allow members to be muted 2 embeds will be sent, one to the channel that the user is in And if the user has the modlogs channel setup, an embed will be logged there """ for target in targets: if ( > target.top_role.position and not target.guild_permissions.administrator): # Store the current roles of the user within database await storeRoles(pool=pool, target=target, ctx=ctx.message, member=target) # Give the user the muted role await target.edit(roles=[muted], reason=reason) # Send confirmation to the channel that the user is in embed = Embed(description="✅ **{}** Was Muted! ✅".format(target), colour=enso_embedmod_colours) if get_roles_persist(str( == 0: embed.add_field(name="**WARNING: ROLE PERSIST NOT ENABLED**", value="The bot **will not give** the roles back to the user if they leave the server." " Allowing the user to bypass the Mute by leaving and rejoining." f"\nPlease enable Role Persist by doing **{ctx.prefix}rolepersist enable**", inline=True) await await send_to_modlogs(ctx.message, target, reason, action="Muted") # Send error message if the User could not be muted else: embed = Embed(description="**{} Could Not Be Muted!**".format(target.mention)) await async def ban_members(message, targets, reason): """ Method to allow members to be banned 2 embeds will be sent, one to the channel that the user is in And if the user has the modlogs channel setup, an embed will be logged there """ for target in targets: if ( > target.top_role.position and not target.guild_permissions.administrator): await target.ban(reason=reason) embed = Embed(description="✅ **{}** Was Banned! ✅".format(target), colour=enso_embedmod_colours) await await send_to_modlogs(message, target, reason, action="Banned") # Send error message if the User could not be banned else: embed = Embed(description="**{} Could Not Be Banned!**".format(target.mention)) await async def unban_members(self, message, targets, reason): """ Method to allow members to be unbanned 2 embeds will be sent, one to the channel that the user is in And if the user has the modlogs channel setup, an embed will be logged there """ # Get the list of banned users from the server bans = await message.guild.bans() ban_ids = list(map(lambda m:, bans)) for target in targets: if target not in ban_ids: embed = Embed(description="❌ **Member Is Not In Unban's List!** ❌", colour=enso_embedmod_colours) await else: # Get the member and unban them user = await await message.guild.unban(user, reason=reason) # Send confirmation to the channel that the user is in embed = Embed(description="✅ **{}** Was Unbanned! ✅".format(user), colour=enso_embedmod_colours) await await send_to_modlogs(message, user, reason, action="Unbanned") async def kick_members(message, targets, reason): """ Method to allow the kick member log to be sent to the modlog channel 2 embeds will be sent, one to the channel that the user is in And if the user has the modlogs channel setup, an embed will be logged there """ await message.delete() for target in targets: if ( > target.top_role.position and not target.guild_permissions.administrator): await target.kick(reason=reason) embed = Embed(description="✅ **{}** Was Kicked! ✅".format(target), colour=enso_embedmod_colours) await await send_to_modlogs(message, target, reason, action="Kicked") # Send error message if the User could not be kicked else: embed = Embed(description="**{} Could Not Be Kicked!**".format(target.mention)) await class Moderation(Cog): """Moderation Commands! (Kick/Ban/Mute etc)""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot @Cog.listener() async def on_ready(self): print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} Cog has been loaded\n-----") @command(name="kick", aliases=["Kick"], usage="`...` `[reason]`") @guild_only() @has_guild_permissions(kick_members=True) @bot_has_guild_permissions(kick_members=True) @cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user) async def kick_member(self, ctx, members: Greedy[Member], *, reason: Optional[str] = "No Reason Given"): """ Kick Member(s) from Server Multiple Members can be Kicked at Once """ if not await check(ctx, members): with ctx.typing(): # Send embed of the kicked member await kick_members(ctx.message, members, reason) @command(name="mute", aliases=["Mute"], usage="`...` `[reason]`") @has_guild_permissions(manage_roles=True) @bot_has_guild_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def mute(self, ctx, members: Greedy[Member], *, reason: Optional[str] = "No Reason Given"): """ Mute Member(s) from Server Multiple Members can be Muted At Once """ if not await check(ctx, members): with ctx.typing(): role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Muted") if role is None: # Setting up the role permissions for the Muted Role muted = await ctx.guild.create_role(name="Muted") # Removes permission to send messages in all channels for channel in ctx.guild.channels: await channel.set_permissions(muted, send_messages=False, read_messages=True) # Send embed of the kicked member await mute_members(, ctx, members, reason, muted) else: # Send embed of the kicked member await mute_members(, ctx, members, reason, role) @command(name="unmute", aliases=["Unmute"], usage="`...` `[reason]`") @has_guild_permissions(manage_roles=True) @bot_has_guild_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def unmute(self, ctx, members: Greedy[Member], *, reason: Optional[str] = "No Reason Given"): """ Unmute Member(s) from Server Multiple Members can be unmuted at once """ unmute = False if not await check(ctx, members): with ctx.typing(): role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Muted") if role is None: embed = Embed(description="**❌ No Muted Role Was Found! ❌**", colour=enso_embedmod_colours) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: for member in members: if role in member.roles: await ummute_members(self, ctx.message, members, reason) unmute = True if role not in member.roles and unmute is False: embed = Embed(description=f"**❌ {member.mention} Is Not Muted! ❌**", colour=enso_embedmod_colours) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @command(name="ban", aliases=["Ban"], usage="`...` `[reason]`") @guild_only() @has_guild_permissions(ban_members=True) @bot_has_guild_permissions(ban_members=True) @cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user) async def ban(self, ctx, members: Greedy[Member], *, reason: Optional[str] = "No Reason Given"): """ Ban Member(s) from Server Multiple Members can be banned at once """ if not await check(ctx, members): with ctx.typing(): # Send embed of the Banned member await ban_members(ctx.message, members, reason) @command(name="unban", aliases=["Unban"], usage="`...` `[reason]`") @guild_only() @has_guild_permissions(ban_members=True) @bot_has_guild_permissions(ban_members=True) @cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user) async def unban(self, ctx, members: Greedy[int], *, reason: Optional[str] = "No Reason Given"): """ Unban Member(s) from Server Multiple Members can be Unbanned At Once """ if not await check(ctx, members): with ctx.typing(): await unban_members(self, ctx.message, members, reason) @command(name="purge", aliases=["Purge"]) @guild_only() @has_guild_permissions(manage_messages=True) @bot_has_guild_permissions(manage_messages=True, read_message_history=True) @cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user) async def purge(self, ctx, amount: int = None): """Purge Messages from Channel (No Amount Will Default to 50 Messages Deleted)""" # When an amount is specified and is between 0 and 100 if amount: if 0 < amount <= 100: # Delete the message sent and then the amount specified # (Only messages sent within the last 14 days) deleted = await + 1, after=datetime.datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=14)) await ctx.send(f"Deleted **{(len(deleted)) - 1:,}** messages.", delete_after=5) # Send error if amount is not between 0 and 100 else: await ctx.send("The amount provided is not between **0** and **100**") # Delete the last 50 messages if no amount is given else: # Delete the message sent and then the amount specified # (Only messages sent within the last 14 days) deleted = await, after=datetime.datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=14)) await ctx.send(f"Deleted **{(len(deleted)) - 1:,}** messages.", delete_after=5) @Cog.listener() async def on_raw_bulk_message_delete(self, payload): """Logging Bulk Message Deletion from Server""" # Get the channel within the cache channel = get_modlog_for_guild(str(payload.guild_id)) # When no modlogs channel is returned, do nothing if channel is not None: # Get the modlogs channel and channel that the messages were deleted in modlogs_channel = deleted_msgs_channel = # Set up embed showing the messages deleted and what channel they were deleted in embed = Embed( description="**Bulk Delete in {}, {} messages deleted**".format(deleted_msgs_channel.mention, len(payload.message_ids)), colour=enso_embedmod_colours, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_author(, icon_url=deleted_msgs_channel.guild.icon_url) await modlogs_channel.send(embed=embed) @Cog.listener() async def on_member_remove(self, member): """Log Member Leaves from Server""" # Get the channel within the cache channel = get_modlog_for_guild(str( # When no modlogs channel is returned, do nothing if channel is not None: # Get the modlogs channel modlogs_channel = embed = Embed(description="**{}** A.K.A **{}**".format(member.mention, member), colour=enso_embedmod_colours, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_author(name="Member Left", icon_url=member.avatar_url) embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(text="ID: {}".format( await modlogs_channel.send(embed=embed) @Cog.listener() async def on_member_join(self, member): """Log Member Joins to Server""" # Get the channel within the cache channel = get_modlog_for_guild(str( # When no modlogs channel is returned, do nothing if channel is not None: # Get the modlogs channel modlogs_channel = embed = Embed(description="**{}** A.K.A **{}**".format(member.mention, member), colour=enso_embedmod_colours, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.add_field(name="Account Creation Date", value=member.created_at.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y\n%I:%M:%S %p"), inline=False) embed.set_author(name="Member Joined", icon_url=member.avatar_url) embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(text="ID: {}".format( await modlogs_channel.send(embed=embed) @Cog.listener() async def on_member_ban(self, guild, user): """Logs Member Bans to Server""" # Get the channel within the cache channel = get_modlog_for_guild(str( # When no modlogs channel is returned, do nothing if channel is not None: # Get the modlogs channel modlogs_channel = embed = Embed(description=f"{user.mention} A.K.A **{user}**", colour=enso_embedmod_colours, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_author(name="Member Banned", icon_url=user.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(text=f"ID: {}") embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) await modlogs_channel.send(embed=embed) @Cog.listener() async def on_member_unban(self, guild, user): """Logs Member Unbans to Server""" # Get the channel within the cache channel = get_modlog_for_guild(str( # When no modlogs channel is returned, do nothing if channel is not None: # Get the modlogs channel modlogs_channel = embed = Embed(description=f"{user.mention} A.K.A **{user}**", colour=enso_embedmod_colours, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_author(name="Member Unbanned", icon_url=user.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(text=f"ID: {}") embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) await modlogs_channel.send(embed=embed) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Moderation(bot))