#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#  not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#  a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#  License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#  under the License.

import logging

from .enabled import EnabledExtensionManager
from .exception import NoMatches

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DispatchExtensionManager(EnabledExtensionManager):
    """Loads all plugins and filters on execution.

    This is useful for long-running processes that need to pass
    different inputs to different extensions.

    :param namespace: The namespace for the entry points.
    :type namespace: str
    :param check_func: Function to determine which extensions to load.
    :type check_func: callable
    :param invoke_on_load: Boolean controlling whether to invoke the
        object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
    :type invoke_on_load: bool
    :param invoke_args: Positional arguments to pass when invoking
        the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load
        is True.
    :type invoke_args: tuple
    :param invoke_kwds: Named arguments to pass when invoking
        the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load
        is True.
    :type invoke_kwds: dict
    :param propagate_map_exceptions: Boolean controlling whether exceptions
        are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and
        then ignored
    :type invoke_on_load: bool

    def map(self, filter_func, func, *args, **kwds):
        """Iterate over the extensions invoking func() for any where
        filter_func() returns True.

        The signature of filter_func() should be::

            def filter_func(ext, *args, **kwds):

        The first argument to filter_func(), 'ext', is the
        instance. filter_func() should return True if the extension
        should be invoked for the input arguments.

        The signature for func() should be::

            def func(ext, *args, **kwds):

        The first argument to func(), 'ext', is the
        :class:`~stevedore.extension.Extension` instance.

        Exceptions raised from within func() are propagated up and
        processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True,
        otherwise they are logged and ignored.

        :param filter_func: Callable to test each extension.
        :param func: Callable to invoke for each extension.
        :param args: Variable arguments to pass to func()
        :param kwds: Keyword arguments to pass to func()
        :returns: List of values returned from func()
        if not self.extensions:
            # FIXME: Use a more specific exception class here.
            raise NoMatches('No %s extensions found' % self.namespace)
        response = []
        for e in self.extensions:
            if filter_func(e, *args, **kwds):
                self._invoke_one_plugin(response.append, func, e, args, kwds)
        return response

    def map_method(self, filter_func, method_name, *args, **kwds):
        """Iterate over the extensions invoking each one's object method called
        `method_name` for any where filter_func() returns True.

        This is equivalent of using :meth:`map` with func set to
        `lambda x: x.obj.method_name()`
        while being more convenient.

        Exceptions raised from within the called method are propagated up
        and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True,
        otherwise they are logged and ignored.

        .. versionadded:: 0.12

        :param filter_func: Callable to test each extension.
        :param method_name: The extension method name to call
                            for each extension.
        :param args: Variable arguments to pass to method
        :param kwds: Keyword arguments to pass to method
        :returns: List of values returned from methods
        return self.map(filter_func, self._call_extension_method,
                        method_name, *args, **kwds)

class NameDispatchExtensionManager(DispatchExtensionManager):
    """Loads all plugins and filters on execution.

    This is useful for long-running processes that need to pass
    different inputs to different extensions and can predict the name
    of the extensions before calling them.

    The check_func argument should return a boolean, with ``True``
    indicating that the extension should be loaded and made available
    and ``False`` indicating that the extension should be ignored.

    :param namespace: The namespace for the entry points.
    :type namespace: str
    :param check_func: Function to determine which extensions to load.
    :type check_func: callable
    :param invoke_on_load: Boolean controlling whether to invoke the
        object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
    :type invoke_on_load: bool
    :param invoke_args: Positional arguments to pass when invoking
        the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load
        is True.
    :type invoke_args: tuple
    :param invoke_kwds: Named arguments to pass when invoking
        the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load
        is True.
    :type invoke_kwds: dict
    :param propagate_map_exceptions: Boolean controlling whether exceptions
        are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and
        then ignored
    :type invoke_on_load: bool
    :param on_load_failure_callback: Callback function that will be called when
        a entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided
        when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are
        (manager, entrypoint, exception)
    :type on_load_failure_callback: function
    :param verify_requirements: Use setuptools to enforce the
        dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
    :type verify_requirements: bool


    def __init__(self, namespace, check_func, invoke_on_load=False,
                 invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={},
        super(NameDispatchExtensionManager, self).__init__(

    def _init_plugins(self, extensions):
        super(NameDispatchExtensionManager, self)._init_plugins(extensions)
        self.by_name = dict((e.name, e) for e in self.extensions)

    def map(self, names, func, *args, **kwds):
        """Iterate over the extensions invoking func() for any where
        the name is in the given list of names.

        The signature for func() should be::

            def func(ext, *args, **kwds):

        The first argument to func(), 'ext', is the
        :class:`~stevedore.extension.Extension` instance.

        Exceptions raised from within func() are propagated up and
        processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True,
        otherwise they are logged and ignored.

        :param names: List or set of name(s) of extension(s) to invoke.
        :param func: Callable to invoke for each extension.
        :param args: Variable arguments to pass to func()
        :param kwds: Keyword arguments to pass to func()
        :returns: List of values returned from func()
        response = []
        for name in names:
                e = self.by_name[name]
            except KeyError:
                LOG.debug('Missing extension %r being ignored', name)
                self._invoke_one_plugin(response.append, func, e, args, kwds)
        return response

    def map_method(self, names, method_name, *args, **kwds):
        """Iterate over the extensions invoking each one's object method called
        `method_name` for any where the name is in the given list of names.

        This is equivalent of using :meth:`map` with func set to
        `lambda x: x.obj.method_name()`
        while being more convenient.

        Exceptions raised from within the called method are propagated up
        and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True,
        otherwise they are logged and ignored.

        .. versionadded:: 0.12

        :param names: List or set of name(s) of extension(s) to invoke.
        :param method_name: The extension method name
                            to call for each extension.
        :param args: Variable arguments to pass to method
        :param kwds: Keyword arguments to pass to method
        :returns: List of values returned from methods
        return self.map(names, self._call_extension_method,
                        method_name, *args, **kwds)