import os import sys from subprocess import Popen try: import click except ImportError: sys.stderr.write('It seems python-dotenv is not installed with cli option. \n' 'Run pip install "python-dotenv[cli]" to fix this.') sys.exit(1) from .compat import IS_TYPE_CHECKING, to_env from .main import dotenv_values, get_key, set_key, unset_key from .version import __version__ if IS_TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Any, List, Dict @click.option('-f', '--file', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.env'), type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Location of the .env file, defaults to .env file in current working directory.") @click.option('-q', '--quote', default='always', type=click.Choice(['always', 'never', 'auto']), help="Whether to quote or not the variable values. Default mode is always. This does not affect parsing.") @click.version_option(version=__version__) @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, file, quote): # type: (click.Context, Any, Any) -> None '''This script is used to set, get or unset values from a .env file.''' ctx.obj = {} ctx.obj['FILE'] = file ctx.obj['QUOTE'] = quote @cli.command() @click.pass_context def list(ctx): # type: (click.Context) -> None '''Display all the stored key/value.''' file = ctx.obj['FILE'] dotenv_as_dict = dotenv_values(file) for k, v in dotenv_as_dict.items(): click.echo('%s=%s' % (k, v)) @cli.command() @click.pass_context @click.argument('key', required=True) @click.argument('value', required=True) def set(ctx, key, value): # type: (click.Context, Any, Any) -> None '''Store the given key/value.''' file = ctx.obj['FILE'] quote = ctx.obj['QUOTE'] success, key, value = set_key(file, key, value, quote) if success: click.echo('%s=%s' % (key, value)) else: exit(1) @cli.command() @click.pass_context @click.argument('key', required=True) def get(ctx, key): # type: (click.Context, Any) -> None '''Retrieve the value for the given key.''' file = ctx.obj['FILE'] stored_value = get_key(file, key) if stored_value: click.echo('%s=%s' % (key, stored_value)) else: exit(1) @cli.command() @click.pass_context @click.argument('key', required=True) def unset(ctx, key): # type: (click.Context, Any) -> None '''Removes the given key.''' file = ctx.obj['FILE'] quote = ctx.obj['QUOTE'] success, key = unset_key(file, key, quote) if success: click.echo("Successfully removed %s" % key) else: exit(1) @cli.command(context_settings={'ignore_unknown_options': True}) @click.pass_context @click.argument('commandline', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) def run(ctx, commandline): # type: (click.Context, List[str]) -> None """Run command with environment variables present.""" file = ctx.obj['FILE'] dotenv_as_dict = {to_env(k): to_env(v) for (k, v) in dotenv_values(file).items() if v is not None} if not commandline: click.echo('No command given.') exit(1) ret = run_command(commandline, dotenv_as_dict) exit(ret) def run_command(command, env): # type: (List[str], Dict[str, str]) -> int """Run command in sub process. Runs the command in a sub process with the variables from `env` added in the current environment variables. Parameters ---------- command: List[str] The command and it's parameters env: Dict The additional environment variables Returns ------- int The return code of the command """ # copy the current environment variables and add the vales from # `env` cmd_env = os.environ.copy() cmd_env.update(env) p = Popen(command, universal_newlines=True, bufsize=0, shell=False, env=cmd_env) _, _ = p.communicate() return p.returncode if __name__ == "__main__": cli()