"""HTTP related errors.""" from asyncio import TimeoutError __all__ = ( 'DisconnectedError', 'ClientDisconnectedError', 'ServerDisconnectedError', 'HttpProcessingError', 'BadHttpMessage', 'HttpMethodNotAllowed', 'HttpBadRequest', 'HttpProxyError', 'BadStatusLine', 'LineTooLong', 'InvalidHeader', 'ClientError', 'ClientHttpProcessingError', 'ClientConnectionError', 'ClientOSError', 'ClientTimeoutError', 'ProxyConnectionError', 'ClientRequestError', 'ClientResponseError', 'FingerprintMismatch', 'WSServerHandshakeError', 'WSClientDisconnectedError') class DisconnectedError(Exception): """Disconnected.""" class ClientDisconnectedError(DisconnectedError): """Client disconnected.""" class ServerDisconnectedError(DisconnectedError): """Server disconnected.""" class WSClientDisconnectedError(ClientDisconnectedError): """Deprecated.""" class ClientError(Exception): """Base class for client connection errors.""" class ClientHttpProcessingError(ClientError): """Base class for client HTTP processing errors.""" class ClientRequestError(ClientHttpProcessingError): """Connection error during sending request.""" class ClientResponseError(ClientHttpProcessingError): """Connection error during reading response.""" class ClientConnectionError(ClientError): """Base class for client socket errors.""" class ClientOSError(ClientConnectionError, OSError): """OSError error.""" class ClientTimeoutError(ClientConnectionError, TimeoutError): """Client connection timeout error.""" class ProxyConnectionError(ClientConnectionError): """Proxy connection error. Raised in :class:`aiohttp.connector.ProxyConnector` if connection to proxy can not be established. """ class HttpProcessingError(Exception): """HTTP error. Shortcut for raising HTTP errors with custom code, message and headers. :param int code: HTTP Error code. :param str message: (optional) Error message. :param list of [tuple] headers: (optional) Headers to be sent in response. """ code = 0 message = '' headers = None def __init__(self, *, code=None, message='', headers=None): if code is not None: self.code = code self.headers = headers self.message = message super().__init__("%s, message='%s'" % (self.code, message)) class WSServerHandshakeError(HttpProcessingError): """websocket server handshake error.""" class HttpProxyError(HttpProcessingError): """HTTP proxy error. Raised in :class:`aiohttp.connector.ProxyConnector` if proxy responds with status other than ``200 OK`` on ``CONNECT`` request. """ class BadHttpMessage(HttpProcessingError): code = 400 message = 'Bad Request' def __init__(self, message, *, headers=None): super().__init__(message=message, headers=headers) class HttpMethodNotAllowed(HttpProcessingError): code = 405 message = 'Method Not Allowed' class HttpBadRequest(BadHttpMessage): code = 400 message = 'Bad Request' class ContentEncodingError(BadHttpMessage): """Content encoding error.""" class TransferEncodingError(BadHttpMessage): """transfer encoding error.""" class LineTooLong(BadHttpMessage): def __init__(self, line, limit='Unknown'): super().__init__( "got more than %s bytes when reading %s" % (limit, line)) class InvalidHeader(BadHttpMessage): def __init__(self, hdr): if isinstance(hdr, bytes): hdr = hdr.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') super().__init__('Invalid HTTP Header: {}'.format(hdr)) self.hdr = hdr class BadStatusLine(BadHttpMessage): def __init__(self, line=''): if not line: line = repr(line) self.args = line, self.line = line class LineLimitExceededParserError(HttpBadRequest): """Line is too long.""" def __init__(self, msg, limit): super().__init__(msg) self.limit = limit class FingerprintMismatch(ClientConnectionError): """SSL certificate does not match expected fingerprint.""" def __init__(self, expected, got, host, port): self.expected = expected self.got = got self.host = host self.port = port def __repr__(self): return '<{} expected={} got={} host={} port={}>'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.expected, self.got, self.host, self.port) class InvalidURL(Exception): """Invalid URL."""