import asyncio import sys import warnings from argparse import ArgumentParser from importlib import import_module from . import hdrs, web_exceptions, web_reqrep, web_urldispatcher, web_ws from .abc import AbstractMatchInfo, AbstractRouter from .helpers import sentinel from .log import web_logger from .protocol import HttpVersion # noqa from .server import ServerHttpProtocol from .signals import PostSignal, PreSignal, Signal from .web_exceptions import * # noqa from .web_reqrep import * # noqa from .web_urldispatcher import * # noqa from .web_ws import * # noqa __all__ = (web_reqrep.__all__ + web_exceptions.__all__ + web_urldispatcher.__all__ + web_ws.__all__ + ('Application', 'RequestHandler', 'RequestHandlerFactory', 'HttpVersion', 'MsgType')) class RequestHandler(ServerHttpProtocol): _meth = 'none' _path = 'none' def __init__(self, manager, app, router, *, secure_proxy_ssl_header=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._manager = manager self._app = app self._router = router self._middlewares = app.middlewares self._secure_proxy_ssl_header = secure_proxy_ssl_header def __repr__(self): return "<{} {}:{} {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._meth, self._path, 'connected' if self.transport is not None else 'disconnected') def connection_made(self, transport): super().connection_made(transport) self._manager.connection_made(self, transport) def connection_lost(self, exc): self._manager.connection_lost(self, exc) super().connection_lost(exc) @asyncio.coroutine def handle_request(self, message, payload): self._manager._requests_count += 1 if self.access_log: now = self._loop.time() app = self._app request = web_reqrep.Request( app, message, payload, self.transport, self.reader, self.writer, secure_proxy_ssl_header=self._secure_proxy_ssl_header) self._meth = request.method self._path = request.path try: match_info = yield from self._router.resolve(request) assert isinstance(match_info, AbstractMatchInfo), match_info resp = None request._match_info = match_info expect = request.headers.get(hdrs.EXPECT) if expect: resp = ( yield from match_info.expect_handler(request)) if resp is None: handler = match_info.handler for factory in reversed(self._middlewares): handler = yield from factory(app, handler) resp = yield from handler(request) assert isinstance(resp, web_reqrep.StreamResponse), \ ("Handler {!r} should return response instance, " "got {!r} [middlewares {!r}]").format( match_info.handler, type(resp), self._middlewares) except web_exceptions.HTTPException as exc: resp = exc resp_msg = yield from resp.prepare(request) yield from resp.write_eof() # notify server about keep-alive self.keep_alive(resp.keep_alive) # log access if self.access_log: self.log_access(message, None, resp_msg, self._loop.time() - now) # for repr self._meth = 'none' self._path = 'none' class RequestHandlerFactory: def __init__(self, app, router, *, handler=RequestHandler, loop=None, secure_proxy_ssl_header=None, **kwargs): self._app = app self._router = router self._handler = handler self._loop = loop self._connections = {} self._secure_proxy_ssl_header = secure_proxy_ssl_header self._kwargs = kwargs self._kwargs.setdefault('logger', app.logger) self._requests_count = 0 @property def requests_count(self): """Number of processed requests.""" return self._requests_count @property def secure_proxy_ssl_header(self): return self._secure_proxy_ssl_header @property def connections(self): return list(self._connections.keys()) def connection_made(self, handler, transport): self._connections[handler] = transport def connection_lost(self, handler, exc=None): if handler in self._connections: del self._connections[handler] @asyncio.coroutine def finish_connections(self, timeout=None): coros = [conn.shutdown(timeout) for conn in self._connections] yield from asyncio.gather(*coros, loop=self._loop) self._connections.clear() def __call__(self): return self._handler( self, self._app, self._router, loop=self._loop, secure_proxy_ssl_header=self._secure_proxy_ssl_header, **self._kwargs) class Application(dict): def __init__(self, *, logger=web_logger, loop=None, router=None, handler_factory=RequestHandlerFactory, middlewares=(), debug=False): if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if router is None: router = web_urldispatcher.UrlDispatcher() assert isinstance(router, AbstractRouter), router self._debug = debug self._router = router self._handler_factory = handler_factory self._loop = loop self.logger = logger self._middlewares = list(middlewares) self._on_pre_signal = PreSignal() self._on_post_signal = PostSignal() self._on_response_prepare = Signal(self) self._on_startup = Signal(self) self._on_shutdown = Signal(self) self._on_cleanup = Signal(self) @property def debug(self): return self._debug @property def on_response_prepare(self): return self._on_response_prepare @property def on_pre_signal(self): return self._on_pre_signal @property def on_post_signal(self): return self._on_post_signal @property def on_startup(self): return self._on_startup @property def on_shutdown(self): return self._on_shutdown @property def on_cleanup(self): return self._on_cleanup @property def router(self): return self._router @property def loop(self): return self._loop @property def middlewares(self): return self._middlewares def make_handler(self, **kwargs): debug = kwargs.pop('debug', sentinel) if debug is not sentinel: warnings.warn( "`debug` parameter is deprecated. " "Use Application's debug mode instead", DeprecationWarning) if debug != self.debug: raise ValueError( "The value of `debug` parameter conflicts with the debug " "settings of the `Application` instance. The " "application's debug mode setting should be used instead " "as a single point to setup a debug mode. For more " "information please check " "" "web_reference.html#aiohttp.web.Application" ) return self._handler_factory(self, self.router, debug=self.debug, loop=self.loop, **kwargs) @asyncio.coroutine def startup(self): """Causes on_startup signal Should be called in the event loop along with the request handler. """ yield from self.on_startup.send(self) @asyncio.coroutine def shutdown(self): """Causes on_shutdown signal Should be called before cleanup() """ yield from self.on_shutdown.send(self) @asyncio.coroutine def cleanup(self): """Causes on_cleanup signal Should be called after shutdown() """ yield from self.on_cleanup.send(self) @asyncio.coroutine def finish(self): """Finalize an application. Deprecated alias for .cleanup() """ warnings.warn("Use .cleanup() instead", DeprecationWarning) yield from self.cleanup() def register_on_finish(self, func, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("Use .on_cleanup.append() instead", DeprecationWarning) self.on_cleanup.append(lambda app: func(app, *args, **kwargs)) def copy(self): raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self): """gunicorn compatibility""" return self def __repr__(self): return "" def run_app(app, *, host='', port=None, shutdown_timeout=60.0, ssl_context=None, print=print, backlog=128): """Run an app locally""" if port is None: if not ssl_context: port = 8080 else: port = 8443 loop = app.loop handler = app.make_handler() server = loop.create_server(handler, host, port, ssl=ssl_context, backlog=backlog) srv, startup_res = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(server, app.startup(), loop=loop)) scheme = 'https' if ssl_context else 'http' print("======== Running on {scheme}://{host}:{port}/ ========\n" "(Press CTRL+C to quit)".format( scheme=scheme, host=host, port=port)) try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover pass finally: srv.close() loop.run_until_complete(srv.wait_closed()) loop.run_until_complete(app.shutdown()) loop.run_until_complete(handler.finish_connections(shutdown_timeout)) loop.run_until_complete(app.cleanup()) loop.close() def main(argv): arg_parser = ArgumentParser( description="aiohttp.web Application server", prog="aiohttp.web" ) arg_parser.add_argument( "entry_func", help=("Callable returning the `aiohttp.web.Application` instance to " "run. Should be specified in the 'module:function' syntax."), metavar="entry-func" ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-H", "--hostname", help="TCP/IP hostname to serve on (default: %(default)r)", default="localhost" ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-P", "--port", help="TCP/IP port to serve on (default: %(default)r)", type=int, default="8080" ) args, extra_argv = arg_parser.parse_known_args(argv) # Import logic mod_str, _, func_str = args.entry_func.partition(":") if not func_str or not mod_str: arg_parser.error( "'entry-func' not in 'module:function' syntax" ) if mod_str.startswith("."): arg_parser.error("relative module names not supported") try: module = import_module(mod_str) except ImportError: arg_parser.error("module %r not found" % mod_str) try: func = getattr(module, func_str) except AttributeError: arg_parser.error("module %r has no attribute %r" % (mod_str, func_str)) app = func(extra_argv) run_app(app, host=args.hostname, port=args.port) arg_parser.exit(message="Stopped\n") if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no branch main(sys.argv[1:]) # pragma: no cover