import datetime from discord import Embed, Colour from discord.ext import commands, menus from discord.ext.commands import command # Function to allow the first page of the help commands (Fun Commands) def fun_function(self, guild_icon, enso_name, enso_icon): # Setting up the Embed for the Fun Commands fun_commands = Embed(title="```(っ◔◡◔)っ Fun Commands (っ◔◡◔)っ```", colour=Colour(0xFF69B4), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) # Setting thumbnail and author fun_commands.set_thumbnail(url=guild_icon) fun_commands.set_author(name=enso_name, icon_url=enso_icon) # Setting up the fields in a separate array fun_fields = [ ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}attack [person]`" + "\n Allows the user to throw an insult to a person in the server" + "\n *(Perms: Co-Owner)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}comp [person]`" + "\n Allows the user to compliment a person in the server" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}8ball [text]`" + "\n Allows the user to ask a question and 8ball will give a custom response" + "\n *(Perms: everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}flip`" + "\n Allows the user to 'throw a coin' and get a response with a 50/50 chance" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}doggo`" + "\n Allows the user to look at an image of a doggo (Over 20k Images Available" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True)] # Setting up the Embed for the Fun Commands fun_commands_2 = Embed(title="```(っ◔◡◔)っ Fun Commands 2 (っ◔◡◔)っ```", colour=Colour(0xFF69B4), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) # Setting thumbnail and author fun_commands_2.set_thumbnail(url=guild_icon) fun_commands_2.set_author(name=enso_name, icon_url=enso_icon) # Setting up the fields in a separate array fun_fields_2 = [ ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}lemon [person]`" + "\n Allows the user to give a lemon to a person in the server" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}slap [person]`" + "\n Allows the user to slap a person in the server" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}kill [person]`" + "\n Allows the user to kill a person in the server" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}pat [person]`" + "\n Allows the user to pat a person in the server" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}kiss [person]`" + "\n Allows the user to kiss a person in the server" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}cuddle [person]`" + "\n Allows the user to cuddle a person in the server" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True)] # Add the fun_commands fields to the embed for name, value, inline in fun_fields: fun_commands.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) # Add the fun_commands_2 fields to the embed for name, value, inline in fun_fields_2: fun_commands_2.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) return fun_commands, fun_commands_2 # Function to allow the first page of the help commands (Waifu/Husbandos) def waifu_husbando_function(self, guild_icon, enso_name, enso_icon): # Setting up the Embed for the Waifu/Husbandos waifu_husbando_commands = Embed(title="```(っ◔◡◔)っ Waifus/Husbando Commands (っ◔◡◔)っ```", colour=Colour(0xFF69B4), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) # Setting thumbnail and author waifu_husbando_commands.set_thumbnail(url=guild_icon) waifu_husbando_commands.set_author(name=enso_name, icon_url=enso_icon) # Setting up the fields in a separate array waifu_husbando_fields = [ ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}[waifu]`" + "\n Allows for a randomly generated image of a Waifu to be shown" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}h [husbando]`" + "\n Allows for a randomly generated image of a Husbando to be shown" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}w list`" + "\n Returns a list of Waifu's that are in the bot " + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}h list`" + "\n Returns a list of Husbando's that are in the bot " + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}enso [person]`" + "\n Allows for a randomly generated image of the member specified" + "\n (Using ~enso by itself shall generate a random image of a person within all the server)" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}enso list`" + "\n Returns a list of the people's images currently in the bot" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True)] # Add the waifu_husbando_commands fields to the embed for name, value, inline in waifu_husbando_fields: waifu_husbando_commands.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) return waifu_husbando_commands # Function to allow the first page of the help commands (Miscellaneous) def misc_function(self, guild_icon, enso_name, enso_icon): # Setting up the Embed for the Miscellaneous commands misc_commands = Embed(title="```(っ◔◡◔)っ Misc Commands (っ◔◡◔)っ```", colour=Colour(0xFF69B4), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) # Setting thumbnail and author misc_commands.set_thumbnail(url=guild_icon) misc_commands.set_author(name=enso_name, icon_url=enso_icon) # Setting up the fields in a separate array misc_fields = [ ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}ping`" + "\n Returns Pong! Along With The Latency in ms" + "\n *(Perms: Co-Owner)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}rolemenu`" + "\n Allows for the users to get self ping-able roles" + "\n *(Perms: Co-Owner)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}dm [person]`" + "\n Allows Hammy to dm anyone in the server through Enso~Chan!" + "\n *(Perms: Co-Owner)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}userinfo`" + "\n Returns information about the user (Name, Roles, Joined Date, Created Date, etc)" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}serverinfo`" + "\n Returns information about the server (Owner, Members, Region, Bots etc etc)" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}rules`" + "\n Returns the entire ruleset for the server" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}roles`" + "\n Shows you how the leveling and xp system works, as well as displaying the order of leveled roles" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}remindme [time] [text]`" + "\n Allows the user to get Enso~Chan to remind them in dms of anything that they want" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True), ("\u200b", f"`{self.ctx.prefix}help`" + "\n Allows you to see every command in the bot so far" + "\n *(Perms: Everyone)*", True)] # Add the misc_commands fields to the embed for name, value, inline in misc_fields: misc_commands.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) return misc_commands def stop_embed(self): # Define enso bot icon and enso bot name enso_icon = enso_name = # Set up the Embed to display when the user reacts with the stop reaction misc_commands = Embed(title="**Help Commands Embed Closed!**", colour=Colour(0xFF69B4), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) # Set the name and the icon for Enso~Chan misc_commands.set_author(name=enso_name, icon_url=enso_icon) return misc_commands def embeds(self): # Define guild icon, enso bot icon and enso bot name guild_icon = self.ctx.guild.icon_url enso_icon = enso_name = # Set the different pages of the embed page1, page2 = fun_function(self, guild_icon, enso_name, enso_icon) page3 = waifu_husbando_function(self, guild_icon, enso_name, enso_icon) page4 = misc_function(self, guild_icon, enso_name, enso_icon) # Store all the categories of the menu to an array called pages pages = [page1, page2, page3, page4] return pages class HelpMenu(menus.Menu): def __init__(self, i, bot): super().__init__() self.i = i = bot # Message to be sent on the initial command ~help async def send_initial_message(self, ctx, channel): # Set the first embed to the first element in the pages[] initial = embeds(self)[self.i] # Send embed return await channel.send(embed=initial) # Reaction to allow user to go to the previous page in the embed @menus.button('\N{LEFTWARDS BLACK ARROW}') async def on_left_arrow(self, payload): # Simple check to make sure that the reaction is performed by the user def check(m): return == payload.member # Do nothing if the check does not return true if not check(self.ctx): return # Allow the page number to be decreased else: # Set self.i to (i - 1) remainder length of the array self.i = (self.i - 1) % len(embeds(self)) prev_page = embeds(self)[self.i] # Send the embed and remove the reaction of the user await self.message.edit(embed=prev_page) await self.message.remove_reaction("⬅", # Reaction to allow user to go to the next page in the embed @menus.button('\N{BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW}') async def on_right_arrow(self, payload): # Simple check to make sure that the reaction is performed by the user def check(m): return == payload.member # Do nothing if the check does not return true if not check(self.ctx): return # Allow the page number to be increased else: # Set self.i to (i + 1) remainder length of the array self.i = (self.i + 1) % len(embeds(self)) next_page = embeds(self)[self.i] # Send the embed and remove the reaction of the user await self.message.edit(embed=next_page) await self.message.remove_reaction("➡", @menus.button('\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}\ufe0f') async def on_stop(self, payload): # Simple check to make sure that the reaction is performed by the user def check(m): return == payload.member if not check(self.ctx): return else: # Send the stop embed which shows that the help commands embed is no longer accessible stop = stop_embed(self) await self.message.edit(embed=stop) # Clear the reactions in the message and stop the function await self.message.clear_reactions() self.stop() # Set up the cog class ReactionMenu(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot # Remove default help command"help") # ~help command that returns a menu for help commands controlled by reactions @command(name="help", aliases=["Help"]) async def help(self, ctx): # Local Variable i to allow the index of the pages[] to be modified i = 0 # Send the menu to the display menu = HelpMenu(i, self) await menu.start(ctx) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(ReactionMenu(bot))