# Ensō~Chan - A Multi Purpose Discord Bot That Has Everything Your Server Needs! # Copyright (C) 2020 Goudham Suresh # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import aiohttp from decouple import config from discord import Embed from discord.ext import menus from discord.ext.commands import Cog, group, bot_has_permissions my_waifu_list_auth = config('MYWAIFULIST_AUTH') def store_waifus(waifus_dict, waifu, value): """Method to store waifu's in the new dict""" waifus_dict[waifu["name"]][value] = waifu[value] def multiple_waifu_generator(self, bot): """Method to generate embed of multiple waifu's""" embeds = [] for key in self.waifus_dict.values(): embed = Embed(title=key["name"], description=f"{key['original_name']} | {key['type']}", colour=bot.random_colour(), url=key["url"]) embed.set_image(url=key["display_picture"]) embed.set_footer(text=f"❤️ {key['likes']} 🗑️ {key['trash']} | Powered by MyWaifuList") embeds.append(embed) return embeds def single_waifu_generator(self, waifu): """Method to generate embed of single waifu's""" # Get all the data to be displayed in the embed name = waifu["name"] og_name = waifu["original_name"] picture = waifu["display_picture"] url = waifu["url"] likes = waifu["likes"] trash = waifu["trash"] waifu_type = waifu["type"] # Set up the embed embed = Embed(title=name, description=f"{og_name} | {waifu_type}", colour=self.bot.random_colour(), url=url) embed.set_image(url=picture) embed.set_footer(text=f"❤️ {likes} 🗑️ {trash} | Powered by MyWaifuList") return embed # Set up the Cog class HelpMenu(menus.Menu): def __init__(self, i, waifu, bot, guild_bot): super().__init__(timeout=125.0, clear_reactions_after=True) self.waifus_dict = waifu self.i = i self.bot = bot self.waifu = multiple_waifu_generator(self, bot) self.guild_bot = guild_bot # Message to be sent on the initial command ~help async def send_initial_message(self, ctx, channel): # Set the first embed to the first element in the pages[] initial = self.waifu[self.i] cur_page = self.i + 1 pages = len(self.waifu) initial.set_author(name=f"Page {cur_page}/{pages}") # Send embed return await channel.send(embed=initial) # Reaction to allow user to go to the previous page in the embed @menus.button('\N{LEFTWARDS BLACK ARROW}') async def on_left_arrow(self, payload): # Simple check to make sure that the reaction is performed by the user def check(m): return m.author == payload.member # Do nothing if the check does not return true if check(self.ctx): # Set self.i to (i - 1) remainder length of the array self.i = (self.i - 1) % len(self.waifu) prev_page = self.waifu[self.i] cur_page = self.i + 1 pages = len(self.waifu) prev_page.set_author(name=f"Page {cur_page}/{pages}") # Send the embed and remove the reaction of the user await self.message.edit(embed=prev_page) if self.guild_bot.guild_permissions.manage_messages: await self.message.remove_reaction("⬅", self.ctx.author) # Reaction to allow user to go to the next page in the embed @menus.button('\N{BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW}') async def on_right_arrow(self, payload): # Simple check to make sure that the reaction is performed by the user def check(m): return m.author == payload.member # Do nothing if the check does not return true if check(self.ctx): # Set self.i to (i + 1) remainder length of the array self.i = (self.i + 1) % len(self.waifu) next_page = self.waifu[self.i] cur_page = self.i + 1 pages = len(self.waifu) next_page.set_author(name=f"Page {cur_page}/{pages}") # Send the embed and remove the reaction of the user await self.message.edit(embed=next_page) if self.guild_bot.guild_permissions.manage_messages: await self.message.remove_reaction("➡", self.ctx.author) @menus.button('\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}\ufe0f') async def on_stop(self, payload): # Simple check to make sure that the reaction is performed by the user def check(m): return m.author == payload.member # Do nothing if the check does not return true if check(self.ctx): # Delete the embed and stop the function from running await self.message.delete() self.stop() class Anime(Cog): """Waifus and Husbandos!""" def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.headers = {'apikey': my_waifu_list_auth} @Cog.listener() async def on_ready(self): """Printing out that Cog is ready on startup""" print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} Cog has been loaded!\n-----") @group(name="waifu", invoke_without_command=True, case_insensitive=True) @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, add_reactions=True) async def waifu(self, ctx, *, name: str): """ Shows a Waifu (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Waifu's are grabbed from mywaifulist.com """ # Local Variable i to allow the index of the pages[] to be modified i = 0 waifus_dict = {} url = "https://mywaifulist.moe/api/v1/search/" data = {"term": name, 'content-type': "application/json"} # Searching API for waifu(s) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.post(url, data=data, headers=self.headers) as resp: # Store waifu's in dict when request is successful, else send an error if resp.status == 200: waifu_dict = await resp.json() # Send error if something went wrong internally/while grabbing data from API else: await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc="**Something went wrong!**") # As long waifu's were returned from the GET request # Store waifus in a dict if len(waifu_dict["data"]) > 0: for waifu in waifu_dict["data"]: # Only store "Waifu's" and "Husbando's" if waifu["type"] in ["Waifu", "Husbando"]: waifus_dict[waifu["name"]] = {} for value in waifu: store_waifus(waifus_dict, waifu, value) else: break # When no waifu has been retrieved, send error message to the user else: await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc="**Waifu Not Found!**") # Get the instance of the bot bot = ctx.guild.get_member(self.bot.user.id) # Send the menu to the display menu = HelpMenu(i, waifus_dict, self.bot, bot) await menu.start(ctx) @waifu.command(name="daily") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def daily_waifu(self, ctx): """Returns the Daily Waifu from MyWaifuList""" url = "https://mywaifulist.moe/api/v1/meta/daily" # Retrieve a random waifu from the API async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, headers=self.headers) as resp: # Store waifu's in dict when request is successful, else send an error if resp.status == 200: waifu_dict = await resp.json() waifu = waifu_dict["data"] # Send error if something went wrong internally/while grabbing data from API else: await ctx.send("Something went wrong!") await ctx.send(embed=single_waifu_generator(self, waifu)) @waifu.command(name="random", aliases=["rnd"]) @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def random_waifu(self, ctx): """Returning a Random Waifu from MyWaifuList""" # Set variables to retrieve data from the API url = "https://mywaifulist.moe/api/v1/meta/random" # Retrieve a random waifu from the API async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, headers=self.headers) as resp: # Store waifu's in dict when request is successful, else send an error if resp.status == 200: waifu_dict = await resp.json() waifu3 = waifu_dict["data"] # Send error if something went wrong internally/while grabbing data from API else: await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc="**Something went wrong!**") await ctx.send(embed=single_waifu_generator(self, waifu3)) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Anime(bot))