""" Actions - things like 'a model was removed' or 'a field was changed'. Each one has a class, which can take the action description and insert code blocks into the forwards() and backwards() methods, in the right place. """ from __future__ import print_function import sys from django.db.models.fields.related import RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist, NOT_PROVIDED, CharField, TextField from south.modelsinspector import value_clean from south.creator.freezer import remove_useless_attributes, model_key from south.utils import datetime_utils from south.utils.py3 import raw_input class Action(object): """ Generic base Action class. Contains utility methods for inserting into the forwards() and backwards() method lists. """ prepend_forwards = False prepend_backwards = False def forwards_code(self): raise NotImplementedError def backwards_code(self): raise NotImplementedError def add_forwards(self, forwards): if self.prepend_forwards: forwards.insert(0, self.forwards_code()) else: forwards.append(self.forwards_code()) def add_backwards(self, backwards): if self.prepend_backwards: backwards.insert(0, self.backwards_code()) else: backwards.append(self.backwards_code()) def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def triples_to_defs(cls, fields): # Turn the (class, args, kwargs) format into a string for field, triple in fields.items(): fields[field] = cls.triple_to_def(triple) return fields @classmethod def triple_to_def(cls, triple): "Turns a single triple into a definition." return "self.gf(%r)(%s)" % ( triple[0], # Field full path ", ".join(triple[1] + ["%s=%s" % (kwd, val) for kwd, val in triple[2].items()]), # args and kwds ) class AddModel(Action): """ Addition of a model. Takes the Model subclass that is being created. """ FORWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Adding model '%(model_name)s' db.create_table(%(table_name)r, ( %(field_defs)s )) db.send_create_signal(%(app_label)r, [%(model_name)r])'''[1:] + "\n" BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Deleting model '%(model_name)s' db.delete_table(%(table_name)r)'''[1:] + "\n" def __init__(self, model, model_def): self.model = model self.model_def = model_def def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " + Added model %s.%s" % ( self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def forwards_code(self): "Produces the code snippet that gets put into forwards()" field_defs = ",\n ".join([ "(%r, %s)" % (name, defn) for name, defn in self.triples_to_defs(self.model_def).items() ]) + "," return self.FORWARDS_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "table_name": self.model._meta.db_table, "app_label": self.model._meta.app_label, "field_defs": field_defs, } def backwards_code(self): "Produces the code snippet that gets put into backwards()" return self.BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "table_name": self.model._meta.db_table, } class DeleteModel(AddModel): """ Deletion of a model. Takes the Model subclass that is being created. """ def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " - Deleted model %s.%s" % ( self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def forwards_code(self): return AddModel.backwards_code(self) def backwards_code(self): return AddModel.forwards_code(self) class _NullIssuesField(object): """ A field that might need to ask a question about rogue NULL values. """ issue_with_backward_migration = False irreversible = False IRREVERSIBLE_TEMPLATE = ''' # User chose to not deal with backwards NULL issues for '%(model_name)s.%(field_name)s' raise RuntimeError("Cannot reverse this migration. '%(model_name)s.%(field_name)s' and its values cannot be restored.") # The following code is provided here to aid in writing a correct migration''' def deal_with_not_null_no_default(self, field, field_def): # If it's a CharField or TextField that's blank, skip this step. if isinstance(field, (CharField, TextField)) and field.blank: field_def[2]['default'] = repr("") return # Oh dear. Ask them what to do. print(" ? The field '%s.%s' does not have a default specified, yet is NOT NULL." % ( self.model._meta.object_name, field.name, )) print(" ? Since you are %s, you MUST specify a default" % self.null_reason) print(" ? value to use for existing rows. Would you like to:") print(" ? 1. Quit now"+("." if self.issue_with_backward_migration else ", and add a default to the field in models.py" )) print(" ? 2. Specify a one-off value to use for existing columns now") if self.issue_with_backward_migration: print(" ? 3. Disable the backwards migration by raising an exception; you can edit the migration to fix it later") while True: choice = raw_input(" ? Please select a choice: ") if choice == "1": sys.exit(1) elif choice == "2": break elif choice == "3" and self.issue_with_backward_migration: break else: print(" ! Invalid choice.") if choice == "2": self.add_one_time_default(field, field_def) elif choice == "3": self.irreversible = True def add_one_time_default(self, field, field_def): # OK, they want to pick their own one-time default. Who are we to refuse? print(" ? Please enter Python code for your one-off default value.") print(" ? The datetime module is available, so you can do e.g. datetime.date.today()") while True: code = raw_input(" >>> ") if not code: print(" ! Please enter some code, or 'exit' (with no quotes) to exit.") elif code == "exit": sys.exit(1) else: try: result = eval(code, {}, {"datetime": datetime_utils}) except (SyntaxError, NameError) as e: print(" ! Invalid input: %s" % e) else: break # Right, add the default in. field_def[2]['default'] = value_clean(result) def irreversable_code(self, field): return self.IRREVERSIBLE_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "table_name": self.model._meta.db_table, "field_name": field.name, "field_column": field.column, } class AddField(Action, _NullIssuesField): """ Adds a field to a model. Takes a Model class and the field name. """ null_reason = "adding this field" FORWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Adding field '%(model_name)s.%(field_name)s' db.add_column(%(table_name)r, %(field_name)r, %(field_def)s, keep_default=False)'''[1:] + "\n" BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Deleting field '%(model_name)s.%(field_name)s' db.delete_column(%(table_name)r, %(field_column)r)'''[1:] + "\n" def __init__(self, model, field, field_def): self.model = model self.field = field self.field_def = field_def # See if they've made a NOT NULL column but also have no default (far too common) is_null = self.field.null default = (self.field.default is not None) and (self.field.default is not NOT_PROVIDED) if not is_null and not default: self.deal_with_not_null_no_default(self.field, self.field_def) def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " + Added field %s on %s.%s" % ( self.field.name, self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def forwards_code(self): return self.FORWARDS_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "table_name": self.model._meta.db_table, "field_name": self.field.name, "field_column": self.field.column, "field_def": self.triple_to_def(self.field_def), } def backwards_code(self): return self.BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "table_name": self.model._meta.db_table, "field_name": self.field.name, "field_column": self.field.column, } class DeleteField(AddField): """ Removes a field from a model. Takes a Model class and the field name. """ null_reason = "removing this field" issue_with_backward_migration = True def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " - Deleted field %s on %s.%s" % ( self.field.name, self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def forwards_code(self): return AddField.backwards_code(self) def backwards_code(self): if not self.irreversible: return AddField.forwards_code(self) else: return self.irreversable_code(self.field) + AddField.forwards_code(self) class ChangeField(Action, _NullIssuesField): """ Changes a field's type/options on a model. """ null_reason = "making this field non-nullable" FORWARDS_TEMPLATE = BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Changing field '%(model_name)s.%(field_name)s' db.alter_column(%(table_name)r, %(field_column)r, %(field_def)s)''' RENAME_TEMPLATE = ''' # Renaming column for '%(model_name)s.%(field_name)s' to match new field type. db.rename_column(%(table_name)r, %(old_column)r, %(new_column)r)''' def __init__(self, model, old_field, new_field, old_def, new_def): self.model = model self.old_field = old_field self.new_field = new_field self.old_def = old_def self.new_def = new_def # See if they've changed a not-null field to be null new_default = (self.new_field.default is not None) and (self.new_field.default is not NOT_PROVIDED) old_default = (self.old_field.default is not None) and (self.old_field.default is not NOT_PROVIDED) if self.old_field.null and not self.new_field.null and not new_default: self.deal_with_not_null_no_default(self.new_field, self.new_def) if not self.old_field.null and self.new_field.null and not old_default: self.null_reason = "making this field nullable" self.issue_with_backward_migration = True self.deal_with_not_null_no_default(self.old_field, self.old_def) def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " ~ Changed field %s on %s.%s" % ( self.new_field.name, self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def _code(self, old_field, new_field, new_def): output = "" if self.old_field.column != self.new_field.column: output += self.RENAME_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "table_name": self.model._meta.db_table, "field_name": new_field.name, "old_column": old_field.column, "new_column": new_field.column, } output += self.FORWARDS_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "table_name": self.model._meta.db_table, "field_name": new_field.name, "field_column": new_field.column, "field_def": self.triple_to_def(new_def), } return output def forwards_code(self): return self._code(self.old_field, self.new_field, self.new_def) def backwards_code(self): change_code = self._code(self.new_field, self.old_field, self.old_def) if not self.irreversible: return change_code else: return self.irreversable_code(self.old_field) + change_code class AddUnique(Action): """ Adds a unique constraint to a model. Takes a Model class and the field names. """ FORWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Adding unique constraint on '%(model_name)s', fields %(field_names)s db.create_unique(%(table_name)r, %(fields)r)'''[1:] + "\n" BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Removing unique constraint on '%(model_name)s', fields %(field_names)s db.delete_unique(%(table_name)r, %(fields)r)'''[1:] + "\n" prepend_backwards = True def __init__(self, model, fields): self.model = model self.fields = fields def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " + Added unique constraint for %s on %s.%s" % ( [x.name for x in self.fields], self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def forwards_code(self): return self.FORWARDS_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "table_name": self.model._meta.db_table, "fields": [field.column for field in self.fields], "field_names": [field.name for field in self.fields], } def backwards_code(self): return self.BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "table_name": self.model._meta.db_table, "fields": [field.column for field in self.fields], "field_names": [field.name for field in self.fields], } class DeleteUnique(AddUnique): """ Removes a unique constraint from a model. Takes a Model class and the field names. """ prepend_forwards = True prepend_backwards = False def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " - Deleted unique constraint for %s on %s.%s" % ( [x.name for x in self.fields], self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def forwards_code(self): return AddUnique.backwards_code(self) def backwards_code(self): return AddUnique.forwards_code(self) class AddIndex(AddUnique): """ Adds an index to a model field[s]. Takes a Model class and the field names. """ FORWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Adding index on '%(model_name)s', fields %(field_names)s db.create_index(%(table_name)r, %(fields)r)'''[1:] + "\n" BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Removing index on '%(model_name)s', fields %(field_names)s db.delete_index(%(table_name)r, %(fields)r)'''[1:] + "\n" def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " + Added index for %s on %s.%s" % ( [x.name for x in self.fields], self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) class DeleteIndex(AddIndex): """ Deletes an index off a model field[s]. Takes a Model class and the field names. """ def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " + Deleted index for %s on %s.%s" % ( [x.name for x in self.fields], self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def forwards_code(self): return AddIndex.backwards_code(self) def backwards_code(self): return AddIndex.forwards_code(self) class AddM2M(Action): """ Adds a unique constraint to a model. Takes a Model class and the field names. """ FORWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Adding M2M table for field %(field_name)s on '%(model_name)s' m2m_table_name = %(table_name)s db.create_table(m2m_table_name, ( ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)), (%(left_field)r, models.ForeignKey(orm[%(left_model_key)r], null=False)), (%(right_field)r, models.ForeignKey(orm[%(right_model_key)r], null=False)) )) db.create_unique(m2m_table_name, [%(left_column)r, %(right_column)r])'''[1:] + "\n" BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE = ''' # Removing M2M table for field %(field_name)s on '%(model_name)s' db.delete_table(%(table_name)s)'''[1:] + "\n" def __init__(self, model, field): self.model = model self.field = field def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " + Added M2M table for %s on %s.%s" % ( self.field.name, self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def table_name(self): # This is part of a workaround for the fact that Django uses # different shortening for automatically generated m2m table names # (as opposed to any explicitly specified table name) f = self.field explicit = f.db_table if explicit: return "%r" % explicit else: auto = "%s_%s" % (self.model._meta.db_table, f.name) return 'db.shorten_name(%r)' % auto def forwards_code(self): return self.FORWARDS_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "field_name": self.field.name, "table_name": self.table_name(), "left_field": self.field.m2m_column_name()[:-3], # Remove the _id part "left_column": self.field.m2m_column_name(), "left_model_key": model_key(self.model), "right_field": self.field.m2m_reverse_name()[:-3], # Remove the _id part "right_column": self.field.m2m_reverse_name(), "right_model_key": model_key(self.field.rel.to), } def backwards_code(self): return self.BACKWARDS_TEMPLATE % { "model_name": self.model._meta.object_name, "field_name": self.field.name, "table_name": self.table_name(), } class DeleteM2M(AddM2M): """ Adds a unique constraint to a model. Takes a Model class and the field names. """ def console_line(self): "Returns the string to print on the console, e.g. ' + Added field foo'" return " - Deleted M2M table for %s on %s.%s" % ( self.field.name, self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.object_name, ) def forwards_code(self): return AddM2M.backwards_code(self) def backwards_code(self): return AddM2M.forwards_code(self)