from discord import Colour # Defining a list of colours colors = { 'DEFAULT': 0x000000, 'WHITE': 0xFFFFFF, 'AQUA': 0x1ABC9C, 'GREEN': 0x2ECC71, 'BLUE': 0x3498DB, 'PURPLE': 0x9B59B6, 'LUMINOUS_VIVID_PINK': 0xE91E63, 'GOLD': 0xF1C40F, 'ORANGE': 0xE67E22, 'RED': 0xE74C3C, 'GREY': 0x95A5A6, 'NAVY': 0x34495E, 'DARK_AQUA': 0x11806A, 'DARK_GREEN': 0x1F8B4C, 'DARK_BLUE': 0x206694, 'DARK_PURPLE': 0x71368A, 'DARK_VIVID_PINK': 0xAD1457, 'DARK_GOLD': 0xC27C0E, 'DARK_ORANGE': 0xA84300, 'DARK_RED': 0x992D22, 'DARK_GREY': 0x979C9F, 'DARKER_GREY': 0x7F8C8D, 'LIGHT_GREY': 0xBCC0C0, 'DARK_NAVY': 0x2C3E50, 'BLURPLE': 0x7289DA, 'GREYPLE': 0x99AAB5, 'DARK_BUT_NOT_BLACK': 0x2C2F33, 'NOT_QUITE_BLACK': 0x23272A, 'CRIMSON': 0xDC143C, 'HOT_PINK': 0xFF69B4, 'DEEP_PINK': 0xFF69B4, 'MAGENTA': 0xFF00FF, 'VIOLET': 0xEE82EE, 'TEAL': 0x008080, 'MIDNIGHT_BLUE': 0x191970, 'MISTY_ROSE': 0xFFE4E1, 'SEA_GREEN': 0x2E8B57, 'MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED': 0xC71585, } # Allowed channel for Enso~Chan commands channels = ["enso-chan-commands", "picto-chat", 663651584399507481] # Grabbing the list of colours colour_list = [c for c in colors.values()] # Define repeated variables hammyMention = '<@154840866496839680>' hammyID = 154840866496839680 ensoMention = '<@716701699145728094>' blank_space = "\u200b" enso_embedmod_colours = Colour(0xFF69B4) enso_ensochancommands_Mention = "<#721449922838134876>" enso_ensochancommands_ID = 721449922838134876 enso_verification_ID = 728034083678060594 enso_selfroles_ID = 722347423913213992 enso_guild_ID = 663651584399507476 enso_newpeople_ID = 669771571337887765 enso_modmail_ID = 728083016290926623 # Returns a list of all the cogs def extensions(): anime_ext = ['cogs.anime.interactive', 'cogs.anime.waifu_husbandos', 'cogs.anime.relationship'] help_ext = ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] fun_ext = ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] modmail_ext = ['cogs.modmail.setup', 'cogs.modmail.modmail'] return (anime_ext, help_ext, fun_ext, modmail_ext)