# Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Windows platform implementation.""" import contextlib import errno import functools import os import signal import sys import time from collections import namedtuple from . import _common from ._common import AccessDenied from ._common import conn_tmap from ._common import conn_to_ntuple from ._common import debug from ._common import ENCODING from ._common import ENCODING_ERRS from ._common import isfile_strict from ._common import memoize from ._common import memoize_when_activated from ._common import NoSuchProcess from ._common import parse_environ_block from ._common import TimeoutExpired from ._common import usage_percent from ._compat import long from ._compat import lru_cache from ._compat import PY3 from ._compat import range from ._compat import unicode from ._psutil_windows import ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS from ._psutil_windows import BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS from ._psutil_windows import HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS from ._psutil_windows import IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS from ._psutil_windows import NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS from ._psutil_windows import REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS try: from . import _psutil_windows as cext except ImportError as err: if str(err).lower().startswith("dll load failed") and \ sys.getwindowsversion()[0] < 6: # We may get here if: # 1) we are on an old Windows version # 2) psutil was installed via pip + wheel # See: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/811 msg = "this Windows version is too old (< Windows Vista); " msg += "psutil 3.4.2 is the latest version which supports Windows " msg += "2000, XP and 2003 server" raise RuntimeError(msg) else: raise if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): import enum else: enum = None # process priority constants, import from __init__.py: # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686219(v=vs.85).aspx __extra__all__ = [ "win_service_iter", "win_service_get", # Process priority "ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS", "BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS", "HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS", "IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS", "NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS", "REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS", # IO priority "IOPRIO_VERYLOW", "IOPRIO_LOW", "IOPRIO_NORMAL", "IOPRIO_HIGH", # others "CONN_DELETE_TCB", "AF_LINK", ] # ===================================================================== # --- globals # ===================================================================== CONN_DELETE_TCB = "DELETE_TCB" ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY = 299 PYPY = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names if enum is None: AF_LINK = -1 else: AddressFamily = enum.IntEnum('AddressFamily', {'AF_LINK': -1}) AF_LINK = AddressFamily.AF_LINK TCP_STATUSES = { cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB: _common.CONN_ESTABLISHED, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_SENT: _common.CONN_SYN_SENT, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_RCVD: _common.CONN_SYN_RECV, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: _common.CONN_FIN_WAIT1, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT2: _common.CONN_FIN_WAIT2, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT: _common.CONN_TIME_WAIT, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSED: _common.CONN_CLOSE, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT: _common.CONN_CLOSE_WAIT, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_LAST_ACK: _common.CONN_LAST_ACK, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_LISTEN: _common.CONN_LISTEN, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSING: _common.CONN_CLOSING, cext.MIB_TCP_STATE_DELETE_TCB: CONN_DELETE_TCB, cext.PSUTIL_CONN_NONE: _common.CONN_NONE, } if enum is not None: class Priority(enum.IntEnum): ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS = IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS globals().update(Priority.__members__) if enum is None: IOPRIO_VERYLOW = 0 IOPRIO_LOW = 1 IOPRIO_NORMAL = 2 IOPRIO_HIGH = 3 else: class IOPriority(enum.IntEnum): IOPRIO_VERYLOW = 0 IOPRIO_LOW = 1 IOPRIO_NORMAL = 2 IOPRIO_HIGH = 3 globals().update(IOPriority.__members__) pinfo_map = dict( num_handles=0, ctx_switches=1, user_time=2, kernel_time=3, create_time=4, num_threads=5, io_rcount=6, io_wcount=7, io_rbytes=8, io_wbytes=9, io_count_others=10, io_bytes_others=11, num_page_faults=12, peak_wset=13, wset=14, peak_paged_pool=15, paged_pool=16, peak_non_paged_pool=17, non_paged_pool=18, pagefile=19, peak_pagefile=20, mem_private=21, ) # ===================================================================== # --- named tuples # ===================================================================== # psutil.cpu_times() scputimes = namedtuple('scputimes', ['user', 'system', 'idle', 'interrupt', 'dpc']) # psutil.virtual_memory() svmem = namedtuple('svmem', ['total', 'available', 'percent', 'used', 'free']) # psutil.Process.memory_info() pmem = namedtuple( 'pmem', ['rss', 'vms', 'num_page_faults', 'peak_wset', 'wset', 'peak_paged_pool', 'paged_pool', 'peak_nonpaged_pool', 'nonpaged_pool', 'pagefile', 'peak_pagefile', 'private']) # psutil.Process.memory_full_info() pfullmem = namedtuple('pfullmem', pmem._fields + ('uss', )) # psutil.Process.memory_maps(grouped=True) pmmap_grouped = namedtuple('pmmap_grouped', ['path', 'rss']) # psutil.Process.memory_maps(grouped=False) pmmap_ext = namedtuple( 'pmmap_ext', 'addr perms ' + ' '.join(pmmap_grouped._fields)) # psutil.Process.io_counters() pio = namedtuple('pio', ['read_count', 'write_count', 'read_bytes', 'write_bytes', 'other_count', 'other_bytes']) # ===================================================================== # --- utils # ===================================================================== @lru_cache(maxsize=512) def convert_dos_path(s): r"""Convert paths using native DOS format like: "\Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\systemew\file.txt" into: "C:\Windows\systemew\file.txt" """ rawdrive = '\\'.join(s.split('\\')[:3]) driveletter = cext.win32_QueryDosDevice(rawdrive) remainder = s[len(rawdrive):] return os.path.join(driveletter, remainder) def py2_strencode(s): """Encode a unicode string to a byte string by using the default fs encoding + "replace" error handler. """ if PY3: return s else: if isinstance(s, str): return s else: return s.encode(ENCODING, ENCODING_ERRS) @memoize def getpagesize(): return cext.getpagesize() # ===================================================================== # --- memory # ===================================================================== def virtual_memory(): """System virtual memory as a namedtuple.""" mem = cext.virtual_mem() totphys, availphys, totpagef, availpagef, totvirt, freevirt = mem # total = totphys avail = availphys free = availphys used = total - avail percent = usage_percent((total - avail), total, round_=1) return svmem(total, avail, percent, used, free) def swap_memory(): """Swap system memory as a (total, used, free, sin, sout) tuple.""" mem = cext.virtual_mem() total = mem[2] free = mem[3] used = total - free percent = usage_percent(used, total, round_=1) return _common.sswap(total, used, free, percent, 0, 0) # ===================================================================== # --- disk # ===================================================================== disk_io_counters = cext.disk_io_counters def disk_usage(path): """Return disk usage associated with path.""" if PY3 and isinstance(path, bytes): # XXX: do we want to use "strict"? Probably yes, in order # to fail immediately. After all we are accepting input here... path = path.decode(ENCODING, errors="strict") total, free = cext.disk_usage(path) used = total - free percent = usage_percent(used, total, round_=1) return _common.sdiskusage(total, used, free, percent) def disk_partitions(all): """Return disk partitions.""" rawlist = cext.disk_partitions(all) return [_common.sdiskpart(*x) for x in rawlist] # ===================================================================== # --- CPU # ===================================================================== def cpu_times(): """Return system CPU times as a named tuple.""" user, system, idle = cext.cpu_times() # Internally, GetSystemTimes() is used, and it doesn't return # interrupt and dpc times. cext.per_cpu_times() does, so we # rely on it to get those only. percpu_summed = scputimes(*[sum(n) for n in zip(*cext.per_cpu_times())]) return scputimes(user, system, idle, percpu_summed.interrupt, percpu_summed.dpc) def per_cpu_times(): """Return system per-CPU times as a list of named tuples.""" ret = [] for user, system, idle, interrupt, dpc in cext.per_cpu_times(): item = scputimes(user, system, idle, interrupt, dpc) ret.append(item) return ret def cpu_count_logical(): """Return the number of logical CPUs in the system.""" return cext.cpu_count_logical() def cpu_count_physical(): """Return the number of physical CPU cores in the system.""" return cext.cpu_count_phys() def cpu_stats(): """Return CPU statistics.""" ctx_switches, interrupts, dpcs, syscalls = cext.cpu_stats() soft_interrupts = 0 return _common.scpustats(ctx_switches, interrupts, soft_interrupts, syscalls) def cpu_freq(): """Return CPU frequency. On Windows per-cpu frequency is not supported. """ curr, max_ = cext.cpu_freq() min_ = 0.0 return [_common.scpufreq(float(curr), min_, float(max_))] _loadavg_inititialized = False def getloadavg(): """Return the number of processes in the system run queue averaged over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes respectively as a tuple""" global _loadavg_inititialized if not _loadavg_inititialized: cext.init_loadavg_counter() _loadavg_inititialized = True # Drop to 2 decimal points which is what Linux does raw_loads = cext.getloadavg() return tuple([round(load, 2) for load in raw_loads]) # ===================================================================== # --- network # ===================================================================== def net_connections(kind, _pid=-1): """Return socket connections. If pid == -1 return system-wide connections (as opposed to connections opened by one process only). """ if kind not in conn_tmap: raise ValueError("invalid %r kind argument; choose between %s" % (kind, ', '.join([repr(x) for x in conn_tmap]))) families, types = conn_tmap[kind] rawlist = cext.net_connections(_pid, families, types) ret = set() for item in rawlist: fd, fam, type, laddr, raddr, status, pid = item nt = conn_to_ntuple(fd, fam, type, laddr, raddr, status, TCP_STATUSES, pid=pid if _pid == -1 else None) ret.add(nt) return list(ret) def net_if_stats(): """Get NIC stats (isup, duplex, speed, mtu).""" ret = {} rawdict = cext.net_if_stats() for name, items in rawdict.items(): if not PY3: assert isinstance(name, unicode), type(name) name = py2_strencode(name) isup, duplex, speed, mtu = items if hasattr(_common, 'NicDuplex'): duplex = _common.NicDuplex(duplex) ret[name] = _common.snicstats(isup, duplex, speed, mtu) return ret def net_io_counters(): """Return network I/O statistics for every network interface installed on the system as a dict of raw tuples. """ ret = cext.net_io_counters() return dict([(py2_strencode(k), v) for k, v in ret.items()]) def net_if_addrs(): """Return the addresses associated to each NIC.""" ret = [] for items in cext.net_if_addrs(): items = list(items) items[0] = py2_strencode(items[0]) ret.append(items) return ret # ===================================================================== # --- sensors # ===================================================================== def sensors_battery(): """Return battery information.""" # For constants meaning see: # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ # aa373232(v=vs.85).aspx acline_status, flags, percent, secsleft = cext.sensors_battery() power_plugged = acline_status == 1 no_battery = bool(flags & 128) charging = bool(flags & 8) if no_battery: return None if power_plugged or charging: secsleft = _common.POWER_TIME_UNLIMITED elif secsleft == -1: secsleft = _common.POWER_TIME_UNKNOWN return _common.sbattery(percent, secsleft, power_plugged) # ===================================================================== # --- other system functions # ===================================================================== _last_btime = 0 def boot_time(): """The system boot time expressed in seconds since the epoch.""" # This dirty hack is to adjust the precision of the returned # value which may have a 1 second fluctuation, see: # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1007 global _last_btime ret = float(cext.boot_time()) if abs(ret - _last_btime) <= 1: return _last_btime else: _last_btime = ret return ret def users(): """Return currently connected users as a list of namedtuples.""" retlist = [] rawlist = cext.users() for item in rawlist: user, hostname, tstamp = item user = py2_strencode(user) nt = _common.suser(user, None, hostname, tstamp, None) retlist.append(nt) return retlist # ===================================================================== # --- Windows services # ===================================================================== def win_service_iter(): """Yields a list of WindowsService instances.""" for name, display_name in cext.winservice_enumerate(): yield WindowsService(py2_strencode(name), py2_strencode(display_name)) def win_service_get(name): """Open a Windows service and return it as a WindowsService instance.""" service = WindowsService(name, None) service._display_name = service._query_config()['display_name'] return service class WindowsService(object): """Represents an installed Windows service.""" def __init__(self, name, display_name): self._name = name self._display_name = display_name def __str__(self): details = "(name=%r, display_name=%r)" % ( self._name, self._display_name) return "%s%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, details) def __repr__(self): return "<%s at %s>" % (self.__str__(), id(self)) def __eq__(self, other): # Test for equality with another WindosService object based # on name. if not isinstance(other, WindowsService): return NotImplemented return self._name == other._name def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def _query_config(self): with self._wrap_exceptions(): display_name, binpath, username, start_type = \ cext.winservice_query_config(self._name) # XXX - update _self.display_name? return dict( display_name=py2_strencode(display_name), binpath=py2_strencode(binpath), username=py2_strencode(username), start_type=py2_strencode(start_type)) def _query_status(self): with self._wrap_exceptions(): status, pid = cext.winservice_query_status(self._name) if pid == 0: pid = None return dict(status=status, pid=pid) @contextlib.contextmanager def _wrap_exceptions(self): """Ctx manager which translates bare OSError and WindowsError exceptions into NoSuchProcess and AccessDenied. """ try: yield except OSError as err: if is_permission_err(err): raise AccessDenied( pid=None, name=self._name, msg="service %r is not querable (not enough privileges)" % self._name) elif err.winerror in (cext.ERROR_INVALID_NAME, cext.ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST): raise NoSuchProcess( pid=None, name=self._name, msg="service %r does not exist)" % self._name) else: raise # config query def name(self): """The service name. This string is how a service is referenced and can be passed to win_service_get() to get a new WindowsService instance. """ return self._name def display_name(self): """The service display name. The value is cached when this class is instantiated. """ return self._display_name def binpath(self): """The fully qualified path to the service binary/exe file as a string, including command line arguments. """ return self._query_config()['binpath'] def username(self): """The name of the user that owns this service.""" return self._query_config()['username'] def start_type(self): """A string which can either be "automatic", "manual" or "disabled". """ return self._query_config()['start_type'] # status query def pid(self): """The process PID, if any, else None. This can be passed to Process class to control the service's process. """ return self._query_status()['pid'] def status(self): """Service status as a string.""" return self._query_status()['status'] def description(self): """Service long description.""" return py2_strencode(cext.winservice_query_descr(self.name())) # utils def as_dict(self): """Utility method retrieving all the information above as a dictionary. """ d = self._query_config() d.update(self._query_status()) d['name'] = self.name() d['display_name'] = self.display_name() d['description'] = self.description() return d # actions # XXX: the necessary C bindings for start() and stop() are # implemented but for now I prefer not to expose them. # I may change my mind in the future. Reasons: # - they require Administrator privileges # - can't implement a timeout for stop() (unless by using a thread, # which sucks) # - would require adding ServiceAlreadyStarted and # ServiceAlreadyStopped exceptions, adding two new APIs. # - we might also want to have modify(), which would basically mean # rewriting win32serviceutil.ChangeServiceConfig, which involves a # lot of stuff (and API constants which would pollute the API), see: # http://pyxr.sourceforge.net/PyXR/c/python24/lib/site-packages/ # win32/lib/win32serviceutil.py.html#0175 # - psutil is typically about "read only" monitoring stuff; # win_service_* APIs should only be used to retrieve a service and # check whether it's running # def start(self, timeout=None): # with self._wrap_exceptions(): # cext.winservice_start(self.name()) # if timeout: # giveup_at = time.time() + timeout # while True: # if self.status() == "running": # return # else: # if time.time() > giveup_at: # raise TimeoutExpired(timeout) # else: # time.sleep(.1) # def stop(self): # # Note: timeout is not implemented because it's just not # # possible, see: # # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11973228/ # with self._wrap_exceptions(): # return cext.winservice_stop(self.name()) # ===================================================================== # --- processes # ===================================================================== pids = cext.pids pid_exists = cext.pid_exists ppid_map = cext.ppid_map # used internally by Process.children() def is_permission_err(exc): """Return True if this is a permission error.""" assert isinstance(exc, OSError), exc # On Python 2 OSError doesn't always have 'winerror'. Sometimes # it does, in which case the original exception was WindowsError # (which is a subclass of OSError). return exc.errno in (errno.EPERM, errno.EACCES) or \ getattr(exc, "winerror", -1) in (cext.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, cext.ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD) def convert_oserror(exc, pid=None, name=None): """Convert OSError into NoSuchProcess or AccessDenied.""" assert isinstance(exc, OSError), exc if is_permission_err(exc): return AccessDenied(pid=pid, name=name) if exc.errno == errno.ESRCH: return NoSuchProcess(pid=pid, name=name) raise exc def wrap_exceptions(fun): """Decorator which converts OSError into NoSuchProcess or AccessDenied.""" @functools.wraps(fun) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return fun(self, *args, **kwargs) except OSError as err: raise convert_oserror(err, pid=self.pid, name=self._name) return wrapper def retry_error_partial_copy(fun): """Workaround for https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/875. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4457745#4457745 """ @functools.wraps(fun) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): delay = 0.0001 times = 33 for x in range(times): # retries for roughly 1 second try: return fun(self, *args, **kwargs) except WindowsError as _: err = _ if err.winerror == ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY: time.sleep(delay) delay = min(delay * 2, 0.04) continue else: raise else: msg = "%s retried %s times, converted to AccessDenied as it's " \ "still returning %r" % (fun, times, err) raise AccessDenied(pid=self.pid, name=self._name, msg=msg) return wrapper class Process(object): """Wrapper class around underlying C implementation.""" __slots__ = ["pid", "_name", "_ppid", "_cache"] def __init__(self, pid): self.pid = pid self._name = None self._ppid = None # --- oneshot() stuff def oneshot_enter(self): self._proc_info.cache_activate(self) self.exe.cache_activate(self) def oneshot_exit(self): self._proc_info.cache_deactivate(self) self.exe.cache_deactivate(self) @memoize_when_activated def _proc_info(self): """Return multiple information about this process as a raw tuple. """ ret = cext.proc_info(self.pid) assert len(ret) == len(pinfo_map) return ret def name(self): """Return process name, which on Windows is always the final part of the executable. """ # This is how PIDs 0 and 4 are always represented in taskmgr # and process-hacker. if self.pid == 0: return "System Idle Process" if self.pid == 4: return "System" return os.path.basename(self.exe()) @wrap_exceptions @memoize_when_activated def exe(self): if PYPY: try: exe = cext.proc_exe(self.pid) except WindowsError as err: # 24 = ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES. Not sure why this happens # (perhaps PyPy's JIT delaying garbage collection of files?). if err.errno == 24: debug("%r forced into AccessDenied" % err) raise AccessDenied(self.pid, self._name) raise else: exe = cext.proc_exe(self.pid) if not PY3: exe = py2_strencode(exe) if exe.startswith('\\'): return convert_dos_path(exe) return exe # May be "Registry", "MemCompression", ... @wrap_exceptions @retry_error_partial_copy def cmdline(self): if cext.WINVER >= cext.WINDOWS_8_1: # PEB method detects cmdline changes but requires more # privileges: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/pull/1398 try: ret = cext.proc_cmdline(self.pid, use_peb=True) except OSError as err: if is_permission_err(err): ret = cext.proc_cmdline(self.pid, use_peb=False) else: raise else: ret = cext.proc_cmdline(self.pid, use_peb=True) if PY3: return ret else: return [py2_strencode(s) for s in ret] @wrap_exceptions @retry_error_partial_copy def environ(self): ustr = cext.proc_environ(self.pid) if ustr and not PY3: assert isinstance(ustr, unicode), type(ustr) return parse_environ_block(py2_strencode(ustr)) def ppid(self): try: return ppid_map()[self.pid] except KeyError: raise NoSuchProcess(self.pid, self._name) def _get_raw_meminfo(self): try: return cext.proc_memory_info(self.pid) except OSError as err: if is_permission_err(err): # TODO: the C ext can probably be refactored in order # to get this from cext.proc_info() info = self._proc_info() return ( info[pinfo_map['num_page_faults']], info[pinfo_map['peak_wset']], info[pinfo_map['wset']], info[pinfo_map['peak_paged_pool']], info[pinfo_map['paged_pool']], info[pinfo_map['peak_non_paged_pool']], info[pinfo_map['non_paged_pool']], info[pinfo_map['pagefile']], info[pinfo_map['peak_pagefile']], info[pinfo_map['mem_private']], ) raise @wrap_exceptions def memory_info(self): # on Windows RSS == WorkingSetSize and VSM == PagefileUsage. # Underlying C function returns fields of PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS # struct. t = self._get_raw_meminfo() rss = t[2] # wset vms = t[7] # pagefile return pmem(*(rss, vms, ) + t) @wrap_exceptions def memory_full_info(self): basic_mem = self.memory_info() uss = cext.proc_memory_uss(self.pid) uss *= getpagesize() return pfullmem(*basic_mem + (uss, )) def memory_maps(self): try: raw = cext.proc_memory_maps(self.pid) except OSError as err: # XXX - can't use wrap_exceptions decorator as we're # returning a generator; probably needs refactoring. raise convert_oserror(err, self.pid, self._name) else: for addr, perm, path, rss in raw: path = convert_dos_path(path) if not PY3: path = py2_strencode(path) addr = hex(addr) yield (addr, perm, path, rss) @wrap_exceptions def kill(self): return cext.proc_kill(self.pid) @wrap_exceptions def send_signal(self, sig): if sig == signal.SIGTERM: cext.proc_kill(self.pid) # py >= 2.7 elif sig in (getattr(signal, "CTRL_C_EVENT", object()), getattr(signal, "CTRL_BREAK_EVENT", object())): os.kill(self.pid, sig) else: raise ValueError( "only SIGTERM, CTRL_C_EVENT and CTRL_BREAK_EVENT signals " "are supported on Windows") @wrap_exceptions def wait(self, timeout=None): if timeout is None: cext_timeout = cext.INFINITE else: # WaitForSingleObject() expects time in milliseconds. cext_timeout = int(timeout * 1000) timer = getattr(time, 'monotonic', time.time) stop_at = timer() + timeout if timeout is not None else None try: # Exit code is supposed to come from GetExitCodeProcess(). # May also be None if OpenProcess() failed with # ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, meaning PID is already gone. exit_code = cext.proc_wait(self.pid, cext_timeout) except cext.TimeoutExpired: # WaitForSingleObject() returned WAIT_TIMEOUT. Just raise. raise TimeoutExpired(timeout, self.pid, self._name) except cext.TimeoutAbandoned: # WaitForSingleObject() returned WAIT_ABANDONED, see: # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1224 # We'll just rely on the internal polling and return None # when the PID disappears. Subprocess module does the same # (return None): # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/ # be50a7b627d0aa37e08fa8e2d5568891f19903ce/ # Lib/subprocess.py#L1193-L1194 exit_code = None # At this point WaitForSingleObject() returned WAIT_OBJECT_0, # meaning the process is gone. Stupidly there are cases where # its PID may still stick around so we do a further internal # polling. delay = 0.0001 while True: if not pid_exists(self.pid): return exit_code if stop_at and timer() >= stop_at: raise TimeoutExpired(timeout, pid=self.pid, name=self._name) time.sleep(delay) delay = min(delay * 2, 0.04) # incremental delay @wrap_exceptions def username(self): if self.pid in (0, 4): return 'NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM' domain, user = cext.proc_username(self.pid) return py2_strencode(domain) + '\\' + py2_strencode(user) @wrap_exceptions def create_time(self): # Note: proc_times() not put under oneshot() 'cause create_time() # is already cached by the main Process class. try: user, system, created = cext.proc_times(self.pid) return created except OSError as err: if is_permission_err(err): return self._proc_info()[pinfo_map['create_time']] raise @wrap_exceptions def num_threads(self): return self._proc_info()[pinfo_map['num_threads']] @wrap_exceptions def threads(self): rawlist = cext.proc_threads(self.pid) retlist = [] for thread_id, utime, stime in rawlist: ntuple = _common.pthread(thread_id, utime, stime) retlist.append(ntuple) return retlist @wrap_exceptions def cpu_times(self): try: user, system, created = cext.proc_times(self.pid) except OSError as err: if not is_permission_err(err): raise info = self._proc_info() user = info[pinfo_map['user_time']] system = info[pinfo_map['kernel_time']] # Children user/system times are not retrievable (set to 0). return _common.pcputimes(user, system, 0.0, 0.0) @wrap_exceptions def suspend(self): cext.proc_suspend_or_resume(self.pid, True) @wrap_exceptions def resume(self): cext.proc_suspend_or_resume(self.pid, False) @wrap_exceptions @retry_error_partial_copy def cwd(self): if self.pid in (0, 4): raise AccessDenied(self.pid, self._name) # return a normalized pathname since the native C function appends # "\\" at the and of the path path = cext.proc_cwd(self.pid) return py2_strencode(os.path.normpath(path)) @wrap_exceptions def open_files(self): if self.pid in (0, 4): return [] ret = set() # Filenames come in in native format like: # "\Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\systemew\file.txt" # Convert the first part in the corresponding drive letter # (e.g. "C:\") by using Windows's QueryDosDevice() raw_file_names = cext.proc_open_files(self.pid) for _file in raw_file_names: _file = convert_dos_path(_file) if isfile_strict(_file): if not PY3: _file = py2_strencode(_file) ntuple = _common.popenfile(_file, -1) ret.add(ntuple) return list(ret) @wrap_exceptions def connections(self, kind='inet'): return net_connections(kind, _pid=self.pid) @wrap_exceptions def nice_get(self): value = cext.proc_priority_get(self.pid) if enum is not None: value = Priority(value) return value @wrap_exceptions def nice_set(self, value): return cext.proc_priority_set(self.pid, value) @wrap_exceptions def ionice_get(self): ret = cext.proc_io_priority_get(self.pid) if enum is not None: ret = IOPriority(ret) return ret @wrap_exceptions def ionice_set(self, ioclass, value): if value: raise TypeError("value argument not accepted on Windows") if ioclass not in (IOPRIO_VERYLOW, IOPRIO_LOW, IOPRIO_NORMAL, IOPRIO_HIGH): raise ValueError("%s is not a valid priority" % ioclass) cext.proc_io_priority_set(self.pid, ioclass) @wrap_exceptions def io_counters(self): try: ret = cext.proc_io_counters(self.pid) except OSError as err: if not is_permission_err(err): raise info = self._proc_info() ret = ( info[pinfo_map['io_rcount']], info[pinfo_map['io_wcount']], info[pinfo_map['io_rbytes']], info[pinfo_map['io_wbytes']], info[pinfo_map['io_count_others']], info[pinfo_map['io_bytes_others']], ) return pio(*ret) @wrap_exceptions def status(self): suspended = cext.proc_is_suspended(self.pid) if suspended: return _common.STATUS_STOPPED else: return _common.STATUS_RUNNING @wrap_exceptions def cpu_affinity_get(self): def from_bitmask(x): return [i for i in range(64) if (1 << i) & x] bitmask = cext.proc_cpu_affinity_get(self.pid) return from_bitmask(bitmask) @wrap_exceptions def cpu_affinity_set(self, value): def to_bitmask(ls): if not ls: raise ValueError("invalid argument %r" % ls) out = 0 for b in ls: out |= 2 ** b return out # SetProcessAffinityMask() states that ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER # is returned for an invalid CPU but this seems not to be true, # therefore we check CPUs validy beforehand. allcpus = list(range(len(per_cpu_times()))) for cpu in value: if cpu not in allcpus: if not isinstance(cpu, (int, long)): raise TypeError( "invalid CPU %r; an integer is required" % cpu) else: raise ValueError("invalid CPU %r" % cpu) bitmask = to_bitmask(value) cext.proc_cpu_affinity_set(self.pid, bitmask) @wrap_exceptions def num_handles(self): try: return cext.proc_num_handles(self.pid) except OSError as err: if is_permission_err(err): return self._proc_info()[pinfo_map['num_handles']] raise @wrap_exceptions def num_ctx_switches(self): ctx_switches = self._proc_info()[pinfo_map['ctx_switches']] # only voluntary ctx switches are supported return _common.pctxsw(ctx_switches, 0)