''' This class implements the AIML pattern-matching algorithm described by Dr. Richard Wallace at the following site: http://www.alicebot.org/documentation/matching.html ''' from __future__ import print_function import marshal import pprint import re import string import sys from .constants import * class PatternMgr: # special dictionary keys _UNDERSCORE = 0 _STAR = 1 _TEMPLATE = 2 _THAT = 3 _TOPIC = 4 _BOT_NAME = 5 def __init__(self): self._root = {} self._templateCount = 0 self._botName = u"Nameless" punctuation = r"""`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|;:'",<.>/?""" self._puncStripRE = re.compile("[" + re.escape(punctuation) + "]") self._whitespaceRE = re.compile(r"\s+", re.UNICODE) def numTemplates(self): """Return the number of templates currently stored.""" return self._templateCount def setBotName(self, name): """Set the name of the bot, used to match tags in patterns. The name must be a single word! """ # Collapse a multi-word name into a single word self._botName = unicode( ' '.join(name.split()) ) def dump(self): """Print all learned patterns, for debugging purposes.""" pprint.pprint(self._root) def save(self, filename): """Dump the current patterns to the file specified by filename. To restore later, use restore(). """ try: outFile = open(filename, "wb") marshal.dump(self._templateCount, outFile) marshal.dump(self._botName, outFile) marshal.dump(self._root, outFile) outFile.close() except Exception as e: print( "Error saving PatternMgr to file %s:" % filename ) raise def restore(self, filename): """Restore a previously save()d collection of patterns.""" try: inFile = open(filename, "rb") self._templateCount = marshal.load(inFile) self._botName = marshal.load(inFile) self._root = marshal.load(inFile) inFile.close() except Exception as e: print( "Error restoring PatternMgr from file %s:" % filename ) raise def add(self, data, template): """Add a [pattern/that/topic] tuple and its corresponding template to the node tree. """ pattern,that,topic = data # TODO: make sure words contains only legal characters # (alphanumerics,*,_) # Navigate through the node tree to the template's location, adding # nodes if necessary. node = self._root for word in pattern.split(): key = word if key == u"_": key = self._UNDERSCORE elif key == u"*": key = self._STAR elif key == u"BOT_NAME": key = self._BOT_NAME if key not in node: node[key] = {} node = node[key] # navigate further down, if a non-empty "that" pattern was included if len(that) > 0: if self._THAT not in node: node[self._THAT] = {} node = node[self._THAT] for word in that.split(): key = word if key == u"_": key = self._UNDERSCORE elif key == u"*": key = self._STAR if key not in node: node[key] = {} node = node[key] # navigate yet further down, if a non-empty "topic" string was included if len(topic) > 0: if self._TOPIC not in node: node[self._TOPIC] = {} node = node[self._TOPIC] for word in topic.split(): key = word if key == u"_": key = self._UNDERSCORE elif key == u"*": key = self._STAR if key not in node: node[key] = {} node = node[key] # add the template. if self._TEMPLATE not in node: self._templateCount += 1 node[self._TEMPLATE] = template def match(self, pattern, that, topic): """Return the template which is the closest match to pattern. The 'that' parameter contains the bot's previous response. The 'topic' parameter contains the current topic of conversation. Returns None if no template is found. """ if len(pattern) == 0: return None # Mutilate the input. Remove all punctuation and convert the # text to all caps. input_ = pattern.upper() input_ = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", input_) if that.strip() == u"": that = u"ULTRABOGUSDUMMYTHAT" # 'that' must never be empty thatInput = that.upper() thatInput = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", thatInput) thatInput = re.sub(self._whitespaceRE, " ", thatInput) if topic.strip() == u"": topic = u"ULTRABOGUSDUMMYTOPIC" # 'topic' must never be empty topicInput = topic.upper() topicInput = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", topicInput) # Pass the input off to the recursive call patMatch, template = self._match(input_.split(), thatInput.split(), topicInput.split(), self._root) return template def star(self, starType, pattern, that, topic, index): """Returns a string, the portion of pattern that was matched by a *. The 'starType' parameter specifies which type of star to find. Legal values are: - 'star': matches a star in the main pattern. - 'thatstar': matches a star in the that pattern. - 'topicstar': matches a star in the topic pattern. """ # Mutilate the input. Remove all punctuation and convert the # text to all caps. input_ = pattern.upper() input_ = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", input_) input_ = re.sub(self._whitespaceRE, " ", input_) if that.strip() == u"": that = u"ULTRABOGUSDUMMYTHAT" # 'that' must never be empty thatInput = that.upper() thatInput = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", thatInput) thatInput = re.sub(self._whitespaceRE, " ", thatInput) if topic.strip() == u"": topic = u"ULTRABOGUSDUMMYTOPIC" # 'topic' must never be empty topicInput = topic.upper() topicInput = re.sub(self._puncStripRE, " ", topicInput) topicInput = re.sub(self._whitespaceRE, " ", topicInput) # Pass the input off to the recursive pattern-matcher patMatch, template = self._match(input_.split(), thatInput.split(), topicInput.split(), self._root) if template == None: return "" # Extract the appropriate portion of the pattern, based on the # starType argument. words = None if starType == 'star': patMatch = patMatch[:patMatch.index(self._THAT)] words = input_.split() elif starType == 'thatstar': patMatch = patMatch[patMatch.index(self._THAT)+1 : patMatch.index(self._TOPIC)] words = thatInput.split() elif starType == 'topicstar': patMatch = patMatch[patMatch.index(self._TOPIC)+1 :] words = topicInput.split() else: # unknown value raise ValueError( "starType must be in ['star', 'thatstar', 'topicstar']" ) # compare the input string to the matched pattern, word by word. # At the end of this loop, if foundTheRightStar is true, start and # end will contain the start and end indices (in "words") of # the substring that the desired star matched. foundTheRightStar = False start = end = j = numStars = k = 0 for i in range(len(words)): # This condition is true after processing a star # that ISN'T the one we're looking for. if i < k: continue # If we're reached the end of the pattern, we're done. if j == len(patMatch): break if not foundTheRightStar: if patMatch[j] in [self._STAR, self._UNDERSCORE]: #we got a star numStars += 1 if numStars == index: # This is the star we care about. foundTheRightStar = True start = i # Iterate through the rest of the string. for k in range (i, len(words)): # If the star is at the end of the pattern, # we know exactly where it ends. if j+1 == len (patMatch): end = len (words) break # If the words have started matching the # pattern again, the star has ended. if patMatch[j+1] == words[k]: end = k - 1 i = k break # If we just finished processing the star we cared # about, we exit the loop early. if foundTheRightStar: break # Move to the next element of the pattern. j += 1 # extract the star words from the original, unmutilated input. if foundTheRightStar: #print( ' '.join(pattern.split()[start:end+1]) ) if starType == 'star': return ' '.join(pattern.split()[start:end+1]) elif starType == 'thatstar': return ' '.join(that.split()[start:end+1]) elif starType == 'topicstar': return ' '.join(topic.split()[start:end+1]) else: return u"" def _match(self, words, thatWords, topicWords, root): """Return a tuple (pat, tem) where pat is a list of nodes, starting at the root and leading to the matching pattern, and tem is the matched template. """ # base-case: if the word list is empty, return the current node's # template. if len(words) == 0: # we're out of words. pattern = [] template = None if len(thatWords) > 0: # If thatWords isn't empty, recursively # pattern-match on the _THAT node with thatWords as words. try: pattern, template = self._match(thatWords, [], topicWords, root[self._THAT]) if pattern != None: pattern = [self._THAT] + pattern except KeyError: pattern = [] template = None elif len(topicWords) > 0: # If thatWords is empty and topicWords isn't, recursively pattern # on the _TOPIC node with topicWords as words. try: pattern, template = self._match(topicWords, [], [], root[self._TOPIC]) if pattern != None: pattern = [self._TOPIC] + pattern except KeyError: pattern = [] template = None if template == None: # we're totally out of input. Grab the template at this node. pattern = [] try: template = root[self._TEMPLATE] except KeyError: template = None return (pattern, template) first = words[0] suffix = words[1:] # Check underscore. # Note: this is causing problems in the standard AIML set, and is # currently disabled. if self._UNDERSCORE in root: # Must include the case where suf is [] in order to handle the case # where a * or _ is at the end of the pattern. for j in range(len(suffix)+1): suf = suffix[j:] pattern, template = self._match(suf, thatWords, topicWords, root[self._UNDERSCORE]) if template is not None: newPattern = [self._UNDERSCORE] + pattern return (newPattern, template) # Check first if first in root: pattern, template = self._match(suffix, thatWords, topicWords, root[first]) if template is not None: newPattern = [first] + pattern return (newPattern, template) # check bot name if self._BOT_NAME in root and first == self._botName: pattern, template = self._match(suffix, thatWords, topicWords, root[self._BOT_NAME]) if template is not None: newPattern = [first] + pattern return (newPattern, template) # check star if self._STAR in root: # Must include the case where suf is [] in order to handle the case # where a * or _ is at the end of the pattern. for j in range(len(suffix)+1): suf = suffix[j:] pattern, template = self._match(suf, thatWords, topicWords, root[self._STAR]) if template is not None: newPattern = [self._STAR] + pattern return (newPattern, template) # No matches were found. return (None, None)