# Ensō~Chan - A Multi Purpose Discord Bot That Has Everything Your Server Needs!
# Copyright (C) 2020 Hamothy
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
import datetime
import string
from asyncio.subprocess import Process
from platform import python_version
from time import time
from typing import Optional, Union
from discord import Embed, Role
from discord import Member, TextChannel
from discord import __version__ as discord_version
from discord.ext.commands import BucketType, cooldown, bot_has_permissions, guild_only, Cog
from discord.ext.commands import command
from psutil import Process, virtual_memory
from cogs.libs.functions import string_list, get_region, perms, detect_perms
from cogs.libs.paginators import SimpleMenu
def add_perms(embed, _list):
"""Add all the permission in the list to embed fields"""
i = 0
while i < len(_list):
i += 1
return embed
class Info(Cog):
"""(User/Server/Bot etc) Information!"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def on_ready(self):
"""Printing out that Cog is ready on startup"""
print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} Cog has been loaded\n-----")
async def ping(self, ctx):
"""Latency of the Bot (ms)"""
await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=f"Pong! **{round(self.bot.latency * 1000)}ms**")
@command(name="roleinfo", aliases=["ri"])
async def role_info(self, ctx, *, role: Role):
"""Retrieve information about any role!"""
# Returns the permissions that the role has within the guild
filtered = filter(lambda x: x[1], role.permissions)
# Replace all "_" with " " in each item and join them together
_perms = ",".join(map(lambda x: x[0].replace("_", " "), filtered))
# Capitalise every word in the array and filter out the permissions that are defined within the frozenset
permission = string.capwords("".join(detect_perms(_perms, perms)))
# Get all members within role
member = string_list(role.members, 30, "Member")
# Using emotes to represent bools
mentionable = self.bot.tick if role.mention else self.bot.cross
hoisted = self.bot.tick if role.hoist else self.bot.cross
managed = self.bot.tick if role.managed else self.bot.cross
# Description of the embed
desc = f"{role.mention} **|** @{role} **<-- Colour:** {str(role.colour)}" \
f"\n**Position -->** #{role.position} / {len(ctx.guild.roles)}" \
f"\n** ID -->** {role.id}"
# Set up Embed
embed = Embed(title=f"@{role.name} Information",
embed.set_footer(text=f"ID: {role.id}")
# Setting up fields
fields = [
("Creation At", role.created_at.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y\n%I:%M:%S %p"), True),
(f"Members ({len(role.members)})",
f"\nHumans: {len(list(filter(lambda m: not m.bot, role.members)))}" +
f"\nBots: {len(list(filter(lambda m: m.bot, role.members)))}", True),
f"\nMentionable?: {mentionable}"
f"\nHoisted?: {hoisted}"
f"\nManaged?: {managed}", True),
(f"List of Members ({len(role.members)})", member or "No Members In Role", False),
("Key Permissions", permission or "No Key Permissions", False)
# Add fields to the embed
for name, value, inline in fields:
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@command(name="permissions", aliases=["perms"], usage="`[Member|Role]`")
@bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, add_reactions=True)
async def perms(self, ctx, *, item: Optional[Union[Member, Role]]):
"""View all permissions for any Member/Role!"""
# Defaults to author if no argument is given
item = item if item else ctx.author
if isinstance(item, Member):
# Iterating through list of perms
perms = [f"{perm.title().replace('_', ' ')}: {self.bot.tick if value else self.bot.cross}" for perm, value
in item.guild_permissions]
# Iterating through list of perms
perms = [f"{perm.title().replace('_', ' ')}: {self.bot.tick if value else self.bot.cross}" for perm, value
in item.permissions]
middle = len(perms) // 2
f_half = perms[:middle]
s_half = perms[middle:]
first_page = Embed(description=f"**Item:** {item}",
first_page.set_footer(text=f"ID: {item.id}")
second_page = Embed(description=f"**Item:** {item}",
second_page.set_footer(text=f"ID: {item.id}")
# Add permissions to both of the embeds
first = add_perms(first_page, f_half)
second = add_perms(second_page, s_half)
# Get the permissions of the channel
perms = ctx.guild.me.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel)
menu = SimpleMenu(0, item, perms, [first, second], self)
await menu.start(ctx)
@command(name="rolelist", aliases=["rl"])
async def role_list(self, ctx):
"""Retrieve list of all roles in the server!"""
# More readable name
guild_roles = ctx.guild.roles
# Get all guild roles
role = string_list(guild_roles, 50, "Role")
embed = Embed(title=f"{ctx.guild}'s Roles --> {len(ctx.guild.roles)}",
description=role or "Guild Has No Roles",
embed.set_footer(text=f"Guild ID: {ctx.guild.id}", icon_url=ctx.guild.icon_url)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@command(name="userinfo", aliases=["ui"])
async def user_info(self, ctx, member: Optional[Member] = None):
"""User Information! (Created At/Joined/Roles etc)"""
# Use member when mentioned
# Use author if no member is mentioned
member = ctx.author if not member else member
# Get the member avatar
userAvatar = member.avatar_url
# Get total member roles
role = string_list(member.roles, 20, "Role")
# Returns the permissions that the user has within the guild
filtered = filter(lambda x: x[1], member.guild_permissions)
# Replace all "_" with " " in each item and join them together
perms = ",".join(map(lambda x: x[0].replace("_", " "), filtered))
# Capitalise every word in the array and filter out the permissions that are defined within the frozenset
permission = string.capwords("".join(map(str, detect_perms(perms, perms))))
embed = Embed(
title=f"**User Information**",
embed.set_footer(text=f"ID: {member.id}", icon_url=userAvatar)
embed_fields = [("Name", member.mention, True),
("Tag", member.name, True),
("Discrim", f"#{member.discriminator}", True),
("Registered", member.created_at.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y\n%I:%M:%S %p"), True),
("Joined", member.joined_at.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y\n%I:%M:%S %p"), True),
("Top Role", member.top_role.mention, False),
("Roles", role or "No Roles", False),
("Key Permissions", permission or "No Key Permissions", False),
("Status", str(member.status).title(), True),
("Boosting Server", bool(member.premium_since), True),
("Bot", member.bot, True)]
# Add fields to the embed
for name, value, inline in embed_fields:
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@command(name="serverinfo", aliases=["si", "guildinfo", "gi"])
async def server_info(self, ctx):
"""Guild Information! (Owner/Roles/Emojis etc)"""
# Define guild icon and id
guild_icon = ctx.guild.icon_url
guild_id = ctx.guild.id
# Getting permissions of the bot within the channel
perms = ctx.guild.me.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel)
# Retrieve the top role of the guild
top_role = ctx.guild.roles[-1]
# Get total guild roles
role_string = string_list(ctx.guild.roles, 20, "Role")
# Get total emojis
emojis = string_list(ctx.guild.emojis, 20, "Emoji")
# Defining a dictionary of the statuses
member_status = {
"online": 0,
"idle": 0,
"dnd": 0,
"offline": 0
# Iterating over the members and then storing the numbers in the dictionary
for m in ctx.guild.members:
member_status[str(m.status)] += 1
# Storing the statuses in an array
statuses = [member_status["online"],
# Set up embed to display all the server information
embed = Embed(title="**Server Information**",
embed.set_footer(text=f"ID: {guild_id}", icon_url=guild_icon)
# Get the list of banned users from the server
bans = len(await ctx.guild.bans()) if perms.ban_members else f"No Perms {self.bot.cross}"
# Get the list of invites created for the server
invites = len(await ctx.guild.invites()) if perms.manage_guild else f"No Perms {self.bot.cross}"
# Define fields to be added into the embed
fields = [("Owner", ctx.guild.owner.mention, True),
("Created", ctx.guild.created_at.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y\n%I:%M:%S %p"), False),
("Region", get_region(str(ctx.guild.region)), False),
("Statuses", f" {statuses[0]} "
f" {statuses[1]} "
f" {statuses[2]} "
f" {statuses[3]} ", False),
(f"Members ({len(ctx.guild.members)})",
f"\nHumans: {len(list(filter(lambda m: not m.bot, ctx.guild.members)))}"
f"\nBots: {len(list(filter(lambda m: m.bot, ctx.guild.members)))}"
f"\nBanned: {bans}", True),
(f"Channels ({len(ctx.guild.channels)})",
f"\nText: {len(ctx.guild.text_channels)}"
f"\nVoice: {len(ctx.guild.voice_channels)}"
f"\nCategories: {len(ctx.guild.categories)}", True),
f"Invites: {invites}"
f"\nVerif Level: {ctx.guild.verification_level.name.capitalize()}"
f"\nNitro Boosters: {len(ctx.guild.premium_subscribers)}", True),
("Top Role", top_role.mention, False),
(f"Roles ({len(ctx.guild.roles)})", role_string or "No Roles In Guild", True),
(f"Emojis ({len(ctx.guild.emojis)})", emojis or "No Emojis In Guild", False)]
# Add fields to the embed
for name, value, inline in fields:
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@command(name="channelinfo", aliases=["chinfo"])
async def channel_info(self, ctx, channel: Optional[TextChannel] = None):
"""Channel Statistics! (Category/Created At etc)"""
# Get information about the channel
channel = ctx.channel if not channel else channel
perms_synced = self.bot.tick if channel.permissions_synced else self.bot.cross
nsfw = self.bot.tick if channel.is_nsfw() else self.bot.cross
# Set up Embed
desc = f"**Guild -->** {ctx.guild}" \
f"\n**Position -->** {f'#{channel.position} / {len(ctx.guild.channels)}'}"
embed = Embed(title=f"Statistics For #{channel.name}",
embed.set_footer(text=f"ID: {channel.id}")
# Setting up fields
fields = [("Category", channel.category or self.bot.cross, True),
("Topic", channel.topic or self.bot.cross, True),
("\u200b", "\u200b", True),
("Perms Synced?", perms_synced, True),
("Nsfw?", nsfw, True),
("Creation At", channel.created_at.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y\n%I:%M:%S %p"), False)]
# Add fields to the embed
for name, value, inline in fields:
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def _bot_source(self, ctx):
"""Link to the source code for Enso!"""
embed = Embed(title=f"<:github:741000905364603010> Source Code | Ensō~Chan {self.bot.version}",
description="**Click above me to view my source code!**",
embed.add_field(name="Developer", value=f"{self.bot.hammyMention} | Hamothy#5619", inline=False)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {ctx.author}", icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@command(name="vote", aliases=["upvote"])
async def upvote(self, ctx):
"""Upvote the bot on top.gg!"""
desc = "Click the link above to upvote me!\nIt would greatly help me out as it allows the bot to be " \
"noticed more on the website!\nIt's free and takes a maximum of 30 seconds to do. Thanks so much!"
embed = Embed(title="Upvote me on top.gg!",
embed.add_field(name="Developer", value=f"{self.bot.hammyMention} | Hamothy#5619", inline=False)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def checking_bot_stats(self, ctx):
"""Bot Statistics! (CPU/Mem Usage etc)"""
stats = Embed(title=f"<:github:741000905364603010> Source Code | Ensō~Chan {self.bot.version}",
stats.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {ctx.author}", icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
# Grabbing technical statistics of the bot
proc = Process()
with proc.oneshot():
uptime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time() - proc.create_time())
mem_total = virtual_memory().total / (1024 ** 2)
mem_of_total = proc.memory_percent()
mem_usage = mem_total * (mem_of_total / 100)
uptime_hours, uptime_remainder = divmod(uptime.seconds, 3600)
uptime_minutes, uptime_seconds = divmod(uptime_remainder, 60)
frmt_uptime = f'{int(uptime_hours):01} Hour(s), {int(uptime_minutes):01} Minute(s), {int(uptime_seconds):01} Second(s)'
# Grabbing total number of channels across all guilds in which the bot is present in
channels = map(lambda m: len(m.channels), self.bot.guilds)
# Setting up fields
fields = [
("Developer", f"{self.bot.hammyMention} | Hamothy#5619", False),
("Language | Library",
f"<:python:747224674319990895> Python {python_version()} | <:discord:747224665553895544> Discord.py {discord_version}",
("<:discord:747224665553895544> Support Server",
"[Here!](https://discord.com/invite/SZ5nexg)", True),
("<:invite:740998357643952139> Invite Link",
"[Here!](https://top.gg/bot/716701699145728094)", True),
("❗ Current Prefix", ctx.prefix, True),
("Discord Stats",
f"Guilds: {len(self.bot.guilds)}"
f"\nChannels: {sum(list(channels))}"
f"\nEmojis: {len(self.bot.emojis)}"
f"\nCommands: {len(self.bot.commands)}"
f"\nUsers: {len(self.bot.users):,}", True),
("Line Count", self.bot.line_count, True),
("Uptime", frmt_uptime, False),
("Memory Usage", f"{mem_usage:,.2f} / {mem_total:,.2f} MiB ({mem_of_total:.2f}%)", False)]
# Add fields to the embed
for name, value, inline in fields:
stats.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)
await ctx.send(embed=stats)
@cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user)
async def get_user_avatar(self, ctx, *, member: Optional[Member] = None):
Displaying Member's Avatar
Member can be mentioned and their avatar will be displayed
# Get member mentioned or set to author
member = ctx.author if not member else member
# Get the member avatar
userAvatar = str(member.avatar_url)
embed = Embed(title=f"{member}'s Avatar",
embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {ctx.author}", icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def setup(bot):