import asyncio import datetime from contextlib import closing from typing import Optional import discord import mariadb from decouple import config from discord import Embed from discord.ext import commands, tasks from discord.ext.commands import when_mentioned_or, is_owner, guild_only, has_permissions import db import settings from import HelpPaginator from settings import blank_space, enso_embedmod_colours, enso_guild_ID, enso_newpeople_ID # Storing the prefixes and guildID's in the cache cached_prefixes = {} counter = 0 # Updating the prefix within the dict and database when the method is called async def storage_prefix_for_guild(ctx, prefix): cached_prefixes[str(] = prefix with db.connection() as connection: # Update the existing prefix within the database update_query = """UPDATE guilds SET prefix = (?) WHERE guildID = (?)""" update_vals = prefix,, # Using the connection cursor with closing(connection.cursor()) as cur: # Execute the query cur.execute(update_query, update_vals) print(cur.rowcount, f"Guild prefix has been updated for guild {}") # Let the user know that the guild prefix has been updated await ctx.send(f"**Guild prefix has been updated to `{prefix}`**") # Method to store the cached prefixes def cache_prefix(guildid, prefix): cached_prefixes[guildid] = prefix # Deleting the key - value pair for guild def del_cache_prefix(guildid): del cached_prefixes[guildid] # Get the prefix of the guild that the user is in def get_prefix_for_guild(guildid): prefix = cached_prefixes[guildid] if prefix is not None: return prefix return "defaultPrefix" # Before initialising the cache. Store the prefixes from the database within the cache with db.connection() as conn: # Grab the prefix of the server from the database select_query = """SELECT * FROM guilds""" with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(select_query) results = cursor.fetchall() # Store the guildids and prefixes within for row in results: cache_prefix(row[0], row[1]) # Getting the Bot token from Environment Variables API_TOKEN = config('DISCORD_TOKEN') # Method to allow the commands to be used with mentioning the bot async def get_prefix(bot, message): if message.guild is None: return "~" return when_mentioned_or(get_prefix_for_guild(str(, message) def get_version(): return "v1.7.2" # Bot Initiation client = commands.Bot( # Create a new bot command_prefix=get_prefix, # Set the prefix description='All current available commands within Ensō~Chan', # Set a description for the bot owner_id=154840866496839680, # Your unique User ID version=get_version) # Version number of Ensō~Chan client.remove_command("help") if __name__ == '__main__': for ext in settings.extensions(): client.load_extension(ext) # Bot event making sure that messages sent by the bot do nothing @client.event async def on_message(message): # Making sure that the bot does not take in its own messages if return # Processing the message await client.process_commands(message) @tasks.loop(seconds=180, reconnect=True) async def change_status(): """Creating Custom Statuses as a Background Task""" global counter # Waiting for the bot to ready await client.wait_until_ready() # Define array of statuses looping_statuses = [ discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=f"{len(client.users)} Weebs | {get_version()}"), discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=f"Hamothy | Real Life | {get_version()}"), discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=f"Hamothy Program | {get_version()}"), discord.Game(name=f"~help | {get_version()}") ] # Check if the counter is at the end of the array if counter == (len(looping_statuses) - 1): # Reset the loop counter = 0 else: # Increase the counter counter += 1 # Display the next status in the loop await client.change_presence(activity=looping_statuses[counter]) # Start the background task change_status.start() # Bot Status on Discord @client.event async def on_ready(): # Tells me that the bot is ready and logged in print('Bot is ready.') @client.command(name="ping", aliases=["Ping"]) async def _ping(ctx): """Latency of the Bot (ms)""" await ctx.send(f'Pong! `{round(client.latency * 1000)}ms`') @client.command(name="leave", aliases=["Leave"], hidden=True) @is_owner() async def leave(ctx): """Leaves the guild""" await ctx.send("**Leaving the guild... Bye Bye uvu**") await ctx.guild.leave() @client.command(name='help') async def _help(ctx, *, command: str = None): """Shows help about a command or the bot""" try: if command is None: p = await HelpPaginator.from_bot(ctx) else: entity = or if entity is None: clean = command.replace('@', '@\u200b') return await ctx.send(f'**Command or Category "{clean}" Not Found.**') elif isinstance(entity, commands.Command): p = await HelpPaginator.from_command(ctx, entity) else: p = await HelpPaginator.from_cog(ctx, entity) await p.paginate() except Exception as ex: await ctx.send(ex) @client.command(name="prefix", aliases=["Prefix"]) @guild_only() @has_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def change_prefix(ctx, new: Optional[str]): """View/Change Guild Prefix""" # As long as a new prefix has been given and is less than 5 characters if new and len(new) < 5: if len(new) > 1: spaced_prefix = f"{new} " await storage_prefix_for_guild(ctx, spaced_prefix) else: # Store the new prefix in the dictionary and update the database await storage_prefix_for_guild(ctx, new) # Making sure that errors are handled if prefix is above 5 characters elif new and len(new) > 5: await ctx.send("The guild prefix must be less than **5** characters!") # if no prefix was provided elif not new: # Grab the current prefix for the guild within the cached dictionary await ctx.send(f"**The current guild prefix is `{get_prefix_for_guild(str(}`**") @client.command(name="restart", hidden=True) @is_owner() async def restart(ctx): """Restart the Bot""" await client.logout() # Bot event for the bot joining a new guild, storing all users in the database @client.event async def on_guild_join(guild): # Store the default prefix when the bot joins a guild cache_prefix(str(, prefix="~") try: # Set up connection to database with db.connection() as conn: # Iterate through every member within the guild for member in guild.members: name = f"{}#{member.discriminator}" # Define the insert statement that will insert the user's information insert_query = """INSERT INTO members (guildID, discordUser, discordID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)""" vals =, name,, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(insert_query, vals) print(cursor.rowcount, f"Record inserted successfully into Members from {}") # Define the insert statement for inserting the guild into the guilds table insert_query = """INSERT INTO guilds (guildID) VALUES (?)""" val =, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(insert_query, val) print(cursor.rowcount, f"Record inserted successfully into Guilds from {}") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Bot event for the bot leaving a guild, deleted all users stored in the database @client.event async def on_guild_remove(guild): # Delete the key - value pair for the guild del_cache_prefix(str( try: # Set up connection to database with db.connection() as conn: for member in guild.members: # Delete the record of the member as the bot leaves the server delete_query = """DELETE FROM members WHERE discordID = (?) AND guildID = (?)""" vals =,, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the SQL Query cursor.execute(delete_query, vals) print(cursor.rowcount, f"Record deleted successfully from Members from {}") # Delete the guild and prefix information as the bot leaves the server delete_query = """DELETE FROM guilds WHERE guildID = (?)""" val =, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(delete_query, val) print(cursor.rowcount, f"Record deleted successfully from Guild {}") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Bot event for new member joining, sending an embed introducing them to the server @client.event async def on_member_join(member): # Get the guild guild = member.guild try: # Set up connection to database with db.connection() as conn: name = f"{}#{member.discriminator}" # Define the insert statement that will insert the user's information insert_query = """INSERT INTO members (guildID, discordUser, discordID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)""" vals =, name,, cursor = conn.cursor() # Execute the SQL Query cursor.execute(insert_query, vals) conn.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "Record inserted successfully into Members") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Make sure the guild is Enso if != enso_guild_ID: return # Set the channel id to "newpeople" new_people = guild.get_channel(enso_newpeople_ID) # Set the enso server icon and the welcoming gif server_icon = guild.icon_url welcome_gif = "" # Set up embed for the #newpeople channel embed = Embed(title="\n**Welcome To Ensō!**", colour=enso_embedmod_colours, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_thumbnail(url=server_icon) embed.set_image(url=welcome_gif) embed.add_field( name=blank_space, value=f"Hello {member.mention}! We hope you enjoy your stay in this server! ", inline=False) embed.add_field( name=blank_space, value=f"Be sure to check out our <#669815048658747392> channel to read the rules and <#683490529862090814> channel to get caught up with any changes! ", inline=False) embed.add_field( name=blank_space, value=f"Last but not least, feel free to go into <#669775971297132556> to introduce yourself!", inline=False) # Send embed to #newpeople await new_people.send(embed=embed) # Bot event for new member joining, sending an embed introducing them to the server @client.event async def on_member_remove(member): # Get the guild guild = member.guild try: # With the database connection with db.connection() as conn: # Delete the record of the member as they leave the server delete_query = """DELETE FROM members WHERE discordID = (?) AND guildID = (?)""" vals =,, cursor = conn.cursor() # Execute the SQL Query cursor.execute(delete_query, vals) conn.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "Record deleted successfully from Members") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Bot Event for handling all errors within discord.commands @client.event async def on_command_error(ctx, args2): discord.errors.Forbidden = getattr(discord.errors.Forbidden, "original", discord.errors.Forbidden) # if the user did not specify an user if isinstance(args2, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await on_command_missing_user(ctx) # if the user has spammed a command and invoked a cooldown elif isinstance(args2, commands.CommandOnCooldown): await on_command_cooldown(ctx, args2) # if the user does not the correct permissions to call a command elif isinstance(args2, commands.CheckFailure): await on_command_permission(ctx) # if the user tries to access a command that isn't available elif isinstance(args2, commands.CommandNotFound): await on_command_not_found(ctx) # if the user provides an argument that isn't recognised elif isinstance(args2, commands.BadArgument): await on_command_bad_argument(ctx) # if the bot does not permissions to send the command elif isinstance(args2, discord.errors.Forbidden): await on_command_forbidden(ctx) # Async def for handling command bad argument error async def on_command_forbidden(ctx): # Send an error message to the user telling them that the member specified could not be found message = await ctx.send(f"**I don't have permissions to execute this command**") # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Async def for handling command bad argument error async def on_command_bad_argument(ctx): # Send an error message to the user telling them that the member specified could not be found message = await ctx.send(f'**I could not find that member!**') # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Async def for handling command not found error async def on_command_not_found(ctx): # Send an error message to the user telling them that the command doesn't exist message = await ctx.send(f'**Command Not Found! Please use `{ctx.prefix}help` to see all commands**') # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Async def for handling cooldown error/permission errors async def on_command_cooldown(ctx, error): # Send an error message to the user telling them that the command is on cooldown message = await ctx.send(f'That command is on cooldown. Try again in **{error.retry_after:,.2f}** seconds.') # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Async def for handling permission errors async def on_command_permission(ctx): # Send an error message to the user saying that they don't have permission to use this command message = await ctx.send("**Uh oh! You don't have permission to use this command!**") # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() async def on_command_missing_user(ctx): # Send an error message to the user saying that an argument is missing message = await ctx.send("**Uh oh! Couldn't find anyone to mention! Try again!**") # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Run the bot, allowing it to come online try: except discord.errors.LoginFailure as e: print("Login unsuccessful.") """ def write_to_dm_file(time, author, content): with open('images/logs/dm-logs.txt', mode='a') as dm_logs_file: dm_logs_file.write(f"{time}: {author}: {content}") # File Writing Variables time = message.created_at msg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') msg_author = msg_content = message.content # Don't count messages that are taken in the dms if not isinstance(, DMChannel): # Using connection to the database with db.connection() as conn: # Make sure that mariaDB errors are handled properly try: msg_name = msg_discrim = time = message.created_at # Get: guild_id = # Guild of the message msg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Time of the Message msg_author = f"{msg_name}#{msg_discrim}" # DiscordID msg_content = message.content # Content of the message # Store the variables val = guild_id, msg_time, msg_author, msg_content, # If an attachment (link) has been sent if message.attachments: # Loop through all attachments for attachment in message.attachments: # Get the message content and the link that was used attach = "".join(f"Message: {message.content} Link: {attachment.url}") # Define the new variables to send val = guild_id, msg_time, msg_author, attach, # Define the Insert Into Statement inserting into the database insert_query = """"""INSERT INTO messages (guildID, messageTime, discordID, messageContent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"""""" cursor = conn.cursor() # Execute the SQL Query cursor.execute(insert_query, val) conn.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "Record inserted successfully into Logs") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Using database connection with db.connection() as conn: # Grab the guild and prefix information of the guild that the message was sent in select_query = """"""SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE guildID = (?)"""""" select_val =, # Using connection cursor with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(select_query, select_val) result = cursor.fetchone() # Grab the guild prefix curr_prefix = result[1] # If no argument has been given, display the current prefix if not new: await ctx.send(f"**The current guild prefix is `{curr_prefix}`**") # Update the prefix for the guild else: DON'T USE - BANNABLE CODE colours = [ discord.Colour(0x000000), discord.Colour(0xFFFFFF), discord.Colour(0x1ABC9C), discord.Colour(0x2ECC71), discord.Colour(0x3498DB), discord.Colour(0x9B59B6), discord.Colour(0xE91E63), discord.Colour(0xF1C40F), discord.Colour(0xE67E22), discord.Colour(0xE74C3C), discord.Colour(0x95A5A6), discord.Colour(0x34495E), discord.Colour(0x11806A), discord.Colour(0x1F8B4C), discord.Colour(0x206694), discord.Colour(0x71368A), discord.Colour(0xAD1457), discord.Colour(0xC27C0E), discord.Colour(0xA84300), discord.Colour(0x992D22), discord.Colour(0x979C9F), discord.Colour(0x7F8C8D), discord.Colour(0xBCC0C0), discord.Colour(0x2C3E50), discord.Colour(0x7289DA), discord.Colour(0x99AAB5), discord.Colour(0x2C2F33), discord.Colour(0x23272A), discord.Colour(0xDC143C), discord.Colour(0xFF69B4), discord.Colour(0xFF69B4), discord.Colour(0xFF00FF), discord.Colour(0xEE82EE), discord.Colour(0x008080), discord.Colour(0x191970), discord.Colour(0xFFE4E1), discord.Colour(0x2E8B57), discord.Colour(0xC71585)] guild_id = 663651584399507476 role_name = "Rainbow" @loop(seconds=5.0) async def colour_change(): try: await role_to_change.edit(colour=random.choice(colours)) except Exception as ex: print(ex) @colour_change.before_loop async def colour_change_before(): global role_to_change await client.wait_until_ready() guild = client.get_guild(guild_id) role_to_change = get(guild.roles, name=role_name) colour_change.start()"""