:mod:`websockets.exceptions` defines the following exception hierarchy:

* :exc:`WebSocketException`
    * :exc:`ConnectionClosed`
        * :exc:`ConnectionClosedError`
        * :exc:`ConnectionClosedOK`
    * :exc:`InvalidHandshake`
        * :exc:`SecurityError`
        * :exc:`InvalidMessage`
        * :exc:`InvalidHeader`
            * :exc:`InvalidHeaderFormat`
            * :exc:`InvalidHeaderValue`
            * :exc:`InvalidOrigin`
            * :exc:`InvalidUpgrade`
        * :exc:`InvalidStatusCode`
        * :exc:`NegotiationError`
            * :exc:`DuplicateParameter`
            * :exc:`InvalidParameterName`
            * :exc:`InvalidParameterValue`
        * :exc:`AbortHandshake`
        * :exc:`RedirectHandshake`
    * :exc:`InvalidState`
    * :exc:`InvalidURI`
    * :exc:`PayloadTooBig`
    * :exc:`ProtocolError`


import http
from typing import Optional

from .http import Headers, HeadersLike

__all__ = [

class WebSocketException(Exception):
    Base class for all exceptions defined by :mod:`websockets`.


    1000: "OK",
    1001: "going away",
    1002: "protocol error",
    1003: "unsupported type",
    # 1004 is reserved
    1005: "no status code [internal]",
    1006: "connection closed abnormally [internal]",
    1007: "invalid data",
    1008: "policy violation",
    1009: "message too big",
    1010: "extension required",
    1011: "unexpected error",
    1015: "TLS failure [internal]",

def format_close(code: int, reason: str) -> str:
    Display a human-readable version of the close code and reason.

    if 3000 <= code < 4000:
        explanation = "registered"
    elif 4000 <= code < 5000:
        explanation = "private use"
        explanation = CLOSE_CODES.get(code, "unknown")
    result = f"code = {code} ({explanation}), "

    if reason:
        result += f"reason = {reason}"
        result += "no reason"

    return result

class ConnectionClosed(WebSocketException):
    Raised when trying to interact with a closed connection.

    Provides the connection close code and reason in its ``code`` and
    ``reason`` attributes respectively.


    def __init__(self, code: int, reason: str) -> None:
        self.code = code
        self.reason = reason
        super().__init__(format_close(code, reason))

class ConnectionClosedError(ConnectionClosed):
    Like :exc:`ConnectionClosed`, when the connection terminated with an error.

    This means the close code is different from 1000 (OK) and 1001 (going away).


    def __init__(self, code: int, reason: str) -> None:
        assert code != 1000 and code != 1001
        super().__init__(code, reason)

class ConnectionClosedOK(ConnectionClosed):
    Like :exc:`ConnectionClosed`, when the connection terminated properly.

    This means the close code is 1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away).


    def __init__(self, code: int, reason: str) -> None:
        assert code == 1000 or code == 1001
        super().__init__(code, reason)

class InvalidHandshake(WebSocketException):
    Raised during the handshake when the WebSocket connection fails.


class SecurityError(InvalidHandshake):
    Raised when a handshake request or response breaks a security rule.

    Security limits are hard coded.


class InvalidMessage(InvalidHandshake):
    Raised when a handshake request or response is malformed.


class InvalidHeader(InvalidHandshake):
    Raised when a HTTP header doesn't have a valid format or value.


    def __init__(self, name: str, value: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        self.name = name
        self.value = value
        if value is None:
            message = f"missing {name} header"
        elif value == "":
            message = f"empty {name} header"
            message = f"invalid {name} header: {value}"

class InvalidHeaderFormat(InvalidHeader):
    Raised when a HTTP header cannot be parsed.

    The format of the header doesn't match the grammar for that header.


    def __init__(self, name: str, error: str, header: str, pos: int) -> None:
        self.name = name
        error = f"{error} at {pos} in {header}"
        super().__init__(name, error)

class InvalidHeaderValue(InvalidHeader):
    Raised when a HTTP header has a wrong value.

    The format of the header is correct but a value isn't acceptable.


class InvalidOrigin(InvalidHeader):
    Raised when the Origin header in a request isn't allowed.


    def __init__(self, origin: Optional[str]) -> None:
        super().__init__("Origin", origin)

class InvalidUpgrade(InvalidHeader):
    Raised when the Upgrade or Connection header isn't correct.


class InvalidStatusCode(InvalidHandshake):
    Raised when a handshake response status code is invalid.

    The integer status code is available in the ``status_code`` attribute.


    def __init__(self, status_code: int) -> None:
        self.status_code = status_code
        message = f"server rejected WebSocket connection: HTTP {status_code}"

class NegotiationError(InvalidHandshake):
    Raised when negotiating an extension fails.


class DuplicateParameter(NegotiationError):
    Raised when a parameter name is repeated in an extension header.


    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
        self.name = name
        message = f"duplicate parameter: {name}"

class InvalidParameterName(NegotiationError):
    Raised when a parameter name in an extension header is invalid.


    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
        self.name = name
        message = f"invalid parameter name: {name}"

class InvalidParameterValue(NegotiationError):
    Raised when a parameter value in an extension header is invalid.


    def __init__(self, name: str, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
        self.name = name
        self.value = value
        if value is None:
            message = f"missing value for parameter {name}"
        elif value == "":
            message = f"empty value for parameter {name}"
            message = f"invalid value for parameter {name}: {value}"

class AbortHandshake(InvalidHandshake):
    Raised to abort the handshake on purpose and return a HTTP response.

    This exception is an implementation detail.

    The public API is :meth:`~server.WebSocketServerProtocol.process_request`.


    def __init__(
        self, status: http.HTTPStatus, headers: HeadersLike, body: bytes = b""
    ) -> None:
        self.status = status
        self.headers = Headers(headers)
        self.body = body
        message = f"HTTP {status}, {len(self.headers)} headers, {len(body)} bytes"

class RedirectHandshake(InvalidHandshake):
    Raised when a handshake gets redirected.

    This exception is an implementation detail.


    def __init__(self, uri: str) -> None:
        self.uri = uri

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"redirect to {self.uri}"

class InvalidState(WebSocketException, AssertionError):
    Raised when an operation is forbidden in the current state.

    This exception is an implementation detail.

    It should never be raised in normal circumstances.


class InvalidURI(WebSocketException):
    Raised when connecting to an URI that isn't a valid WebSocket URI.


    def __init__(self, uri: str) -> None:
        self.uri = uri
        message = "{} isn't a valid URI".format(uri)

class PayloadTooBig(WebSocketException):
    Raised when receiving a frame with a payload exceeding the maximum size.


class ProtocolError(WebSocketException):
    Raised when the other side breaks the protocol.


WebSocketProtocolError = ProtocolError  # for backwards compatibility