import datetime import random import string from typing import Optional from discord import Embed, Member, Colour from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import BucketType, cooldown import settings class GetInfo(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot # ~userinfo to allow the users to see information about them relating to the guild @commands.command(name="userinfo", aliases=["ui"]) @cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user) async def user_info(self, ctx, target: Optional[Member]): # If a target has been specified, set them as the user if target: target = target # If no target has been specified, choose the author else: target = # Get the member avatar userAvatar = target.avatar_url # Get all the roles of the user mentions = [role.mention for role in target.roles] # Store the roles in a string called "roles" roles = "" # For each role that the user has (Skipping the first element as it's always going to be @everyone for role in mentions[1:]: # Add the role to the string roles += role + ' ' # Store all the permissions that the user has in a string permission = "" # For each permission that the user has for perms in target.guild_permissions: # If the permission is set to "True" if perms[1]: # Make the string look nice by replacing _ with a space permission += (perms[0].replace('_', ' ')) + ', ' # If the permission is set to "False", Don't do anything else: pass # Capitalise every word in the array and get rid of the ", " at the end of the string permissions = string.capwords("".join(map(str, permission[0:-2]))) # Set up the embed to display everything about the user embed = Embed( title=f"**User Information**", colour=Colour(int(random.choice(settings.colour_list))), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_thumbnail(url=userAvatar) embed.set_footer(text=f"ID: {}", icon_url='{}'.format(userAvatar)) # Define fields to be added into the embed embed_fields = [("Name", str(target.mention), True), ("Tag",, True), ("Discrim", "#" + target.discriminator, True), ("Registered", target.created_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"), True), ("Joined", target.joined_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"), True), ("Roles", roles, False), ("All Permissions", permissions, False), ("Status", str(target.status).title(), True), ("Boosting Server", bool(target.premium_since), True), ("Bot",, True)] # Add fields to the embed for name, value, inline in embed_fields: embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) # Send the embed to the channel that the command was triggered in await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name="serverinfo", aliases=["guildinfo"]) @cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user) async def server_info(self, ctx): try: # Define guild icon and id guild_icon = ctx.guild.icon_url guild_id = # Define the statuses of the members within the discord statuses = [len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "online", ctx.guild.members))), len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "idle", ctx.guild.members))), len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "dnd", ctx.guild.members))), len(list(filter(lambda m: str(m.status) == "offline", ctx.guild.members)))] # Set up embed to display all the server information embed = Embed(title="**Server Information**", colour=Colour(int(random.choice(settings.colour_list))), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_thumbnail(url=guild_icon) embed.set_footer(text=f"ID: {guild_id}", icon_url='{}'.format(guild_icon)) # Define fields to be added into the embed fields = [("Owner", ctx.guild.owner, True), ("Created", ctx.guild.created_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"), False), ("Region", str(ctx.guild.region).upper(), False), ("Statuses", f"🟢 {statuses[0]} 🟠 {statuses[1]} 🔴 {statuses[2]} ⚪ {statuses[3]}", False), ("\u200b", "\u200b", False), ("Members", len(ctx.guild.members), True), ("Humans", len(list(filter(lambda m: not, ctx.guild.members))), True), ("Bots", len(list(filter(lambda c:, ctx.guild.members))), True), ("Banned Members", len(await ctx.guild.bans()), True), ("Text Channels", len(ctx.guild.text_channels), True), ("Voice Channels", len(ctx.guild.voice_channels), True), ("Categories", len(ctx.guild.categories), True), ("Roles", len(ctx.guild.roles), True), ("Invites", len(await ctx.guild.invites()), True)] # Add fields to the embed for name, value, inline in fields: embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) # Send the embed to the channel that the command was triggered in await ctx.send(embed=embed) except Exception as ex: print(ex) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(GetInfo(bot))