import random from discord import Member, Colour, Embed from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import BucketType, cooldown, command, has_any_role, is_owner from settings import time, colour_list # Set up the cog class Fun(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @command(name="attack", aliases=['Attack']) @has_any_role(664585078487252993, 715412394968350756) async def attack(self, ctx, target: Member): """Allows Co-Owners to throw insults at people""" # Set up array of insults to throw at people responses = [ f"{target.mention} is stinky", f"{target.mention} is ugly", f"{target.mention} has a gigantic nose", f"{target.mention} gets no views on their tiktok", f"{target.mention} is obviously compensating for something :eyes:", f"{target.mention} DIE DIE DIE :knife: :skull:", f"{target.mention} is so annoying smh :rolling_eyes:", f"I'd say {target.mention} was dropped as a child but they would have be to held to dropped in the first place", f"I hate {target.mention}", f"{target.mention} close your legs, it smells like clam chowder :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:", f"I bet {target.mention} can't reach the wall cabinets without a booster chair", f"{target.mention} Browses 4Chan and Reddit all day looking for love", f"{target.mention} Your forehead could be used as a landing pad", f"I bet {target.mention} likes eating watermelon with the rind.", f"{target.mention} You were the first creation to make god say oops", f"{target.mention} You have delusions of adequacy", f"{target.mention} I treasure the time I don't spend with you", f"Don't be ashamed of yourself {target.mention}, that's your parent's job", f"I don't have the energy to pretend I like {target.mention} today", f"I know this was made for me to insult but it’s kinda hard to be a hateful cunt like {target.mention} :star_struck::star_struck:", f"#{target.mention}IsOverParty", f"I hope {target.mention} drops dead with a curable disease that doctors simply didn’t feel like curing :)", f"{target.mention} You know there's no vaccine for stupidity right?", f"{target.mention} You are not very epic at all", f"You make Kpop Fancams 24/7 for validation on the internet {target.mention}", f"Your mother wanted to drop you on the head when you were little {target.mention}", f"{target.mention} You're the CEO of Racism", f"{target.mention} has no common sense" ] # Sending out a random insult from the array "responses" await ctx.send(random.choice(responses)) @command(name="comp", aliases=['Comp', 'Compliment']) @cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user) async def compliment(self, ctx, target: Member): """Allows users to compliment other people""" # Set up array of compliments to throw at people responses = [ f"{target.mention} is the most adorable uwu <:awie:676201100793085952> <:awie:676201100793085952> <:awie:676201100793085952>", f"{target.mention} You have my ENTIRE HEART <:blushlook1:677310734123663363> <:blushlook2:679524467248201769>", f"{target.mention} Hun you're CUTE uwu :pleading_face: :flushed: :pleading_face: :flushed: :pleading_face:", f"I love {target.mention} so so much :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: ", f"My heart is full of love for you {target.mention} <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953>", f"{target.mention} I admire your greatness so much that I consider making a fan club to become your #1 fan (´꒳`)", f"{target.mention} has no flaws, only special effects :))", f"{target.mention}'s smile is brighter than sunlight, so smile more often ( ◠‿◠ )", f"{target.mention} Your smile is so beautiful it blinds me :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:", f"Being on a journey all my life, I will never meet a person as amazing as you are {target.mention}", f"Such a pleasure to be on the same server with {target.mention} <:boneappleteeth:676202300573876252> <:boneappleteeth:676202300573876252>", f"With {target.mention}, even the worst day will be filled with joy <:hug:718248629034549299> <:hug:718248629034549299>", f"There's no better antidepressant than {target.mention}", f"{target.mention} You're great, keep going Σd(˘ꇴ˘๑)", f"I'd simp for {target.mention} anyday :flushed: :heart_eyes: :flushed: ", f"{target.mention} Even the ugliest clothes won't ruin your look (。•̀ᴗ -)☆", f"{target.mention} You’re that “nothing” when people ask me what I’m thinking about <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953>", f"{target.mention} Somehow you make time stop and fly at the same time <:awie:676201100793085952> <:blushlook1:677310734123663363>", f"{target.mention} is a whole ass SWAGMEAL <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953>", f"After meeting {target.mention}, I couldn't imagine living my life without them", f"Take me into your arms and tell me you love me <:blushlook1:677310734123663363> <:blushlook2:679524467248201769> {target.mention}", f"{target.mention} I would spend eternity cuddling with you :flushed: :flushed:", f"Would you want to go on an e-date together? :pleading_face: :point_right: :point_left: {target.mention}", f"Let me shoot my shot to you :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: {target.mention}", f"Your existence makes me feel so much better {target.mention}", f"You're so hot, even hotter than hell :heart_eyes: {target.mention}", f"{target.mention} You’re so cute that Taz will simp for you anytime :flushed: :heart_eyes: :flushed:", f"{target.mention} The thought of you leaving me is too much to bear. Stay with me forever :pleading_face: :pleading_face:", f"You're... You're SHREKTACULAR :heart_eyes: :flushed: :heart_eyes: {target.mention}", f"{target.mention} Your beauty renders me speechless... :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:", f"Your taste in music is impeccable {target.mention}", f"{target.mention} I can't stop thinking about you :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:", f"{target.mention} Your wedding will be wonderful, but the y is silent ", f"{target.mention} I would give up my lifelong goals just to have a chance with you ", f"{target.mention} Will you be the **yee** to my **haw**? :pleading_face: :pleading_face:", f"{target.mention} is the definition of perfection :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:" f"{target.mention} My love for you is bigger than the amount of code Hammy has written <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953> <:Kawaii:676203363922214953>" ] # Sending out a random compliment from the array "responses" await ctx.send(random.choice(responses)) @command(name="flip", aliases=['Flip']) @cooldown(1, 1, BucketType.user) async def flip(self, ctx): """"Allows for 50 / 50 chance decisions""" # Define 3 arrays that only have 2 strings stored in them pp_array = ["Smol pp", "Huge pp"] pewds_array = ["Floor Gang", "Ceiling Gang"] # Creating a 50/50 chance by choosing the array first responses = random.choice([pp_array, pewds_array]) # Send out one of the responses stored in the array await ctx.send(f"{} {random.choice(responses)}") @command(name="dm", aliases=["DM", "dM"]) @is_owner() async def dm(self, ctx, member: Member, *, text): """Allows me to DM anyone through the bot""" # Send the message typed the mentioned user await member.send(text) # Delete the message sent instantly await ctx.message.delete() @command(name="digby", aliases=["Digby"]) async def digby(self, ctx): """Allows users to see a picture of Digby""" # Surround with try/except to catch any exceptions that may occur try: # Open the file containing the digby images with open('images/FunCommands/digby.txt') as file: # Store content of the file in digby_array digby_array = file.readlines() # Set member as the author member = # Get the member avatar userAvatar = member.avatar_url # Set up the embed to display a random image of digby embed = Embed( title=f"**A cute picture of Digby!**", colour=Colour(int(random.choice(colour_list))), timestamp=time) embed.set_image(url=random.choice(digby_array)) embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {member}", icon_url='{}'.format(userAvatar)) # Send the embedded message to the user await ctx.send(embed=embed) except FileNotFoundError as e: print(e) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Fun(bot))