""" :mod:`websockets.handshake` provides helpers for the WebSocket handshake. See `section 4 of RFC 6455`_. .. _section 4 of RFC 6455: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-4 Some checks cannot be performed because they depend too much on the context; instead, they're documented below. To accept a connection, a server must: - Read the request, check that the method is GET, and check the headers with :func:`check_request`, - Send a 101 response to the client with the headers created by :func:`build_response` if the request is valid; otherwise, send an appropriate HTTP error code. To open a connection, a client must: - Send a GET request to the server with the headers created by :func:`build_request`, - Read the response, check that the status code is 101, and check the headers with :func:`check_response`. """ import base64 import binascii import hashlib import random from typing import List from .exceptions import InvalidHeader, InvalidHeaderValue, InvalidUpgrade from .headers import ConnectionOption, UpgradeProtocol, parse_connection, parse_upgrade from .http import Headers, MultipleValuesError __all__ = ["build_request", "check_request", "build_response", "check_response"] GUID = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" def build_request(headers: Headers) -> str: """ Build a handshake request to send to the server. Update request headers passed in argument. :param headers: request headers :returns: ``key`` which must be passed to :func:`check_response` """ raw_key = bytes(random.getrandbits(8) for _ in range(16)) key = base64.b64encode(raw_key).decode() headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket" headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade" headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = key headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13" return key def check_request(headers: Headers) -> str: """ Check a handshake request received from the client. This function doesn't verify that the request is an HTTP/1.1 or higher GET request and doesn't perform ``Host`` and ``Origin`` checks. These controls are usually performed earlier in the HTTP request handling code. They're the responsibility of the caller. :param headers: request headers :returns: ``key`` which must be passed to :func:`build_response` :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHandshake: if the handshake request is invalid; then the server must return 400 Bad Request error """ connection: List[ConnectionOption] = sum( [parse_connection(value) for value in headers.get_all("Connection")], [] ) if not any(value.lower() == "upgrade" for value in connection): raise InvalidUpgrade("Connection", ", ".join(connection)) upgrade: List[UpgradeProtocol] = sum( [parse_upgrade(value) for value in headers.get_all("Upgrade")], [] ) # For compatibility with non-strict implementations, ignore case when # checking the Upgrade header. It's supposed to be 'WebSocket'. if not (len(upgrade) == 1 and upgrade[0].lower() == "websocket"): raise InvalidUpgrade("Upgrade", ", ".join(upgrade)) try: s_w_key = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] except KeyError: raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key") except MultipleValuesError: raise InvalidHeader( "Sec-WebSocket-Key", "more than one Sec-WebSocket-Key header found" ) try: raw_key = base64.b64decode(s_w_key.encode(), validate=True) except binascii.Error: raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Key", s_w_key) if len(raw_key) != 16: raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Key", s_w_key) try: s_w_version = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] except KeyError: raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version") except MultipleValuesError: raise InvalidHeader( "Sec-WebSocket-Version", "more than one Sec-WebSocket-Version header found" ) if s_w_version != "13": raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Version", s_w_version) return s_w_key def build_response(headers: Headers, key: str) -> None: """ Build a handshake response to send to the client. Update response headers passed in argument. :param headers: response headers :param key: comes from :func:`check_request` """ headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket" headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade" headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"] = accept(key) def check_response(headers: Headers, key: str) -> None: """ Check a handshake response received from the server. This function doesn't verify that the response is an HTTP/1.1 or higher response with a 101 status code. These controls are the responsibility of the caller. :param headers: response headers :param key: comes from :func:`build_request` :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHandshake: if the handshake response is invalid """ connection: List[ConnectionOption] = sum( [parse_connection(value) for value in headers.get_all("Connection")], [] ) if not any(value.lower() == "upgrade" for value in connection): raise InvalidUpgrade("Connection", " ".join(connection)) upgrade: List[UpgradeProtocol] = sum( [parse_upgrade(value) for value in headers.get_all("Upgrade")], [] ) # For compatibility with non-strict implementations, ignore case when # checking the Upgrade header. It's supposed to be 'WebSocket'. if not (len(upgrade) == 1 and upgrade[0].lower() == "websocket"): raise InvalidUpgrade("Upgrade", ", ".join(upgrade)) try: s_w_accept = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"] except KeyError: raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept") except MultipleValuesError: raise InvalidHeader( "Sec-WebSocket-Accept", "more than one Sec-WebSocket-Accept header found" ) if s_w_accept != accept(key): raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", s_w_accept) def accept(key: str) -> str: sha1 = hashlib.sha1((key + GUID).encode()).digest() return base64.b64encode(sha1).decode()