"""Utilities shared by tests.""" import asyncio import contextlib import functools import gc import socket import sys import unittest from unittest import mock from multidict import CIMultiDict import aiohttp from . import ClientSession, hdrs from .helpers import sentinel from .protocol import HttpVersion, RawRequestMessage from .signals import Signal from .web import Application, Request PY_35 = sys.version_info >= (3, 5) def run_briefly(loop): @asyncio.coroutine def once(): pass t = asyncio.Task(once(), loop=loop) loop.run_until_complete(t) def unused_port(): """Return a port that is unused on the current host.""" with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.bind(('', 0)) return s.getsockname()[1] class TestServer: def __init__(self, app, *, scheme="http", host=''): self.app = app self._loop = app.loop self.port = None self.server = None self.handler = None self._root = None self.host = host self.scheme = scheme self._closed = False @asyncio.coroutine def start_server(self, **kwargs): if self.server: return self.port = unused_port() self._root = '{}://{}:{}'.format(self.scheme, self.host, self.port) self.handler = self.app.make_handler(**kwargs) self.server = yield from self._loop.create_server(self.handler, self.host, self.port) def make_url(self, path): return self._root + path @asyncio.coroutine def close(self): """Close all fixtures created by the test client. After that point, the TestClient is no longer usable. This is an idempotent function: running close multiple times will not have any additional effects. close is also run when the object is garbage collected, and on exit when used as a context manager. """ if self.server is not None and not self._closed: self.server.close() yield from self.server.wait_closed() yield from self.app.shutdown() yield from self.handler.finish_connections() yield from self.app.cleanup() self._root = None self.port = None self._closed = True def __enter__(self): self._loop.run_until_complete(self.start_server()) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._loop.run_until_complete(self.close()) if PY_35: @asyncio.coroutine def __aenter__(self): yield from self.start_server() return self @asyncio.coroutine def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): yield from self.close() class TestClient: """ A test client implementation, for a aiohttp.web.Application. :param app: the aiohttp.web application passed to create_test_server :type app: aiohttp.web.Application :param protocol: http or https :type protocol: str TestClient can also be used as a contextmanager, returning the instance of itself instantiated. """ def __init__(self, app_or_server, *, scheme=sentinel, host=sentinel): if isinstance(app_or_server, TestServer): if scheme is not sentinel or host is not sentinel: raise ValueError("scheme and host are mutable exclusive " "with TestServer parameter") self._server = app_or_server elif isinstance(app_or_server, Application): scheme = "http" if scheme is sentinel else scheme host = '' if host is sentinel else host self._server = TestServer(app_or_server, scheme=scheme, host=host) else: raise TypeError("app_or_server should be either web.Application " "or TestServer instance") self._loop = self._server.app.loop self._session = ClientSession( loop=self._loop, cookie_jar=aiohttp.CookieJar(unsafe=True, loop=self._loop)) self._closed = False self._responses = [] @asyncio.coroutine def start_server(self): yield from self._server.start_server() @property def app(self): return self._server.app @property def host(self): return self._server.host @property def port(self): return self._server.port @property def handler(self): return self._server.handler @property def server(self): return self._server.server @property def session(self): """A raw handler to the aiohttp.ClientSession. Unlike the methods on the TestClient, client session requests do not automatically include the host in the url queried, and will require an absolute path to the resource. """ return self._session def make_url(self, path): return self._server.make_url(path) @asyncio.coroutine def request(self, method, path, *args, **kwargs): """Routes a request to the http server. The interface is identical to asyncio.ClientSession.request, except the loop kwarg is overridden by the instance used by the application. """ resp = yield from self._session.request( method, self.make_url(path), *args, **kwargs ) # save it to close later self._responses.append(resp) return resp def get(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """Perform an HTTP GET request.""" return self.request(hdrs.METH_GET, path, *args, **kwargs) def post(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """Perform an HTTP POST request.""" return self.request(hdrs.METH_POST, path, *args, **kwargs) def options(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """Perform an HTTP OPTIONS request.""" return self.request(hdrs.METH_OPTIONS, path, *args, **kwargs) def head(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """Perform an HTTP HEAD request.""" return self.request(hdrs.METH_HEAD, path, *args, **kwargs) def put(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """Perform an HTTP PUT request.""" return self.request(hdrs.METH_PUT, path, *args, **kwargs) def patch(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """Perform an HTTP PATCH request.""" return self.request(hdrs.METH_PATCH, path, *args, **kwargs) def delete(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """Perform an HTTP PATCH request.""" return self.request(hdrs.METH_DELETE, path, *args, **kwargs) def ws_connect(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """Initiate websocket connection. The api is identical to aiohttp.ClientSession.ws_connect. """ return self._session.ws_connect( self.make_url(path), *args, **kwargs ) @asyncio.coroutine def close(self): """Close all fixtures created by the test client. After that point, the TestClient is no longer usable. This is an idempotent function: running close multiple times will not have any additional effects. close is also run on exit when used as a(n) (asynchronous) context manager. """ if not self._closed: for resp in self._responses: resp.close() yield from self._session.close() yield from self._server.close() self._closed = True def __enter__(self): self._loop.run_until_complete(self.start_server()) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._loop.run_until_complete(self.close()) if PY_35: @asyncio.coroutine def __aenter__(self): yield from self.start_server() return self @asyncio.coroutine def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): yield from self.close() class AioHTTPTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """A base class to allow for unittest web applications using aiohttp. Provides the following: * self.client (aiohttp.test_utils.TestClient): an aiohttp test client. * self.loop (asyncio.BaseEventLoop): the event loop in which the application and server are running. * self.app (aiohttp.web.Application): the application returned by self.get_app() Note that the TestClient's methods are asynchronous: you have to execute function on the test client using asynchronous methods. """ def get_app(self, loop): """ This method should be overridden to return the aiohttp.web.Application object to test. :param loop: the event_loop to use :type loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop """ pass # pragma: no cover def setUp(self): self.loop = setup_test_loop() self.app = self.get_app(self.loop) self.client = TestClient(self.app) self.loop.run_until_complete(self.client.start_server()) def tearDown(self): self.loop.run_until_complete(self.client.close()) teardown_test_loop(self.loop) def unittest_run_loop(func): """A decorator dedicated to use with asynchronous methods of an AioHTTPTestCase. Handles executing an asynchronous function, using the self.loop of the AioHTTPTestCase. """ @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(self): return self.loop.run_until_complete(func(self)) return new_func @contextlib.contextmanager def loop_context(loop_factory=asyncio.new_event_loop): """A contextmanager that creates an event_loop, for test purposes. Handles the creation and cleanup of a test loop. """ loop = setup_test_loop(loop_factory) yield loop teardown_test_loop(loop) def setup_test_loop(loop_factory=asyncio.new_event_loop): """Create and return an asyncio.BaseEventLoop instance. The caller should also call teardown_test_loop, once they are done with the loop. """ loop = loop_factory() asyncio.set_event_loop(None) return loop def teardown_test_loop(loop): """Teardown and cleanup an event_loop created by setup_test_loop. :param loop: the loop to teardown :type loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop """ closed = loop.is_closed() if not closed: loop.call_soon(loop.stop) loop.run_forever() loop.close() gc.collect() asyncio.set_event_loop(None) def _create_app_mock(): app = mock.Mock() app._debug = False app.on_response_prepare = Signal(app) return app def _create_transport(sslcontext=None): transport = mock.Mock() def get_extra_info(key): if key == 'sslcontext': return sslcontext else: return None transport.get_extra_info.side_effect = get_extra_info return transport def make_mocked_request(method, path, headers=None, *, version=HttpVersion(1, 1), closing=False, app=None, reader=sentinel, writer=sentinel, transport=sentinel, payload=sentinel, sslcontext=None, secure_proxy_ssl_header=None): """Creates mocked web.Request testing purposes. Useful in unit tests, when spinning full web server is overkill or specific conditions and errors are hard to trigger. :param method: str, that represents HTTP method, like; GET, POST. :type method: str :param path: str, The URL including *PATH INFO* without the host or scheme :type path: str :param headers: mapping containing the headers. Can be anything accepted by the multidict.CIMultiDict constructor. :type headers: dict, multidict.CIMultiDict, list of pairs :param version: namedtuple with encoded HTTP version :type version: aiohttp.protocol.HttpVersion :param closing: flag indicates that connection should be closed after response. :type closing: bool :param app: the aiohttp.web application attached for fake request :type app: aiohttp.web.Application :param reader: object for storing and managing incoming data :type reader: aiohttp.parsers.StreamParser :param writer: object for managing outcoming data :type wirter: aiohttp.parsers.StreamWriter :param transport: asyncio transport instance :type transport: asyncio.transports.Transport :param payload: raw payload reader object :type payload: aiohttp.streams.FlowControlStreamReader :param sslcontext: ssl.SSLContext object, for HTTPS connection :type sslcontext: ssl.SSLContext :param secure_proxy_ssl_header: A tuple representing a HTTP header/value combination that signifies a request is secure. :type secure_proxy_ssl_header: tuple """ if version < HttpVersion(1, 1): closing = True if headers: hdrs = CIMultiDict(headers) raw_hdrs = [ (k.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8')) for k, v in headers.items()] else: hdrs = CIMultiDict() raw_hdrs = [] message = RawRequestMessage(method, path, version, hdrs, raw_hdrs, closing, False) if app is None: app = _create_app_mock() if reader is sentinel: reader = mock.Mock() if writer is sentinel: writer = mock.Mock() if transport is sentinel: transport = _create_transport(sslcontext) if payload is sentinel: payload = mock.Mock() req = Request(app, message, payload, transport, reader, writer, secure_proxy_ssl_header=secure_proxy_ssl_header) return req def make_mocked_coro(return_value=sentinel, raise_exception=sentinel): """Creates a coroutine mock.""" @asyncio.coroutine def mock_coro(*args, **kwargs): if raise_exception is not sentinel: raise raise_exception return return_value return mock.Mock(wraps=mock_coro)