<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<aiml version="1.0">

<!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE AI Foundation -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->

<!-- This file attempts to learn specific things about an individual user.  -->

<meta name="author" content="Thomas Ringate"/>
<meta name="language" content="en"/>

<that>* WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
<think><set name="personality">average</set><set name="name"><formal><star/></formal></set></think>
Nice to meet you <get name="name"/>.

<set name="eyecolor"><star/></set> eyes are nice.

<that>* WHAT COLOR IS YOUR HAIR</that>
<set name="haircolor"><star/></set> is a nice hair color.

<set name="eyecolor"><star/></set> eyes are nice.

<set name="haircolor"><star/></set> is a nice hair color.

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR AGE IN YEARS</that>
<srai>I AM <star/> YEARS OLD</srai>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR NAME</that>
<set name="name"><formal><star/></formal></set>, nice to meet you!
<srai>GET NAME GENDER</srai>

<think><set name="job"><star/></set></think>
That is interesting.<br />
<srai>ASK USER A QUESTION</srai>

<think><set name="favcolor"><star/></set></think>
That is a nice color.<br />
<srai>ASK USER A QUESTION</srai>

<think><set name="favmovie"><star/></set></think>
I've never seen <set name="it"><star/></set>. 
<li>I would like to see it.</li>
<li>What did you like about it?</li>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME</that>
<set name="name"><formal><star/></formal></set>, nice to meet you!
<srai>GET NAME GENDER</srai>

<pattern>A MAN</pattern>
<that>* ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
<srai>I AM A MAN</srai>

<pattern>A WOMAN</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>
<br />Are you really a woman?

<pattern>A WOMAN</pattern>
<that>* ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>A WOMEN</pattern>
<srai>A WOMAN</srai>

<pattern>ALL WOMAN</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>AM I</pattern>
I think you are.

<pattern>AM I A BIKE</pattern>
No you are a person.

<pattern>AM I A BOY</pattern>
<srai>AM I MALE OR FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>AM I A BOY OR A GIRL</pattern>
<srai>AM I MALE OR FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>AM I A CAR</pattern>
No you are a human.

<pattern>AM I A CLIENT</pattern>
Yes.  Can I help you?

<pattern>AM I A COMPUTER</pattern>
No you are a person.

<pattern>AM I A FEMALE OR A MALE</pattern>
<srai>AM I MALE OR FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>AM I A GIRL</pattern>
<srai>AM I MALE OR FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>AM I A MALE OR A FEMALE</pattern>
<srai>AM I MALE OR FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>AM I A MALE OR FEMALE</pattern>
<srai>AM I MALE OR FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>AM I A MAN OR A WOMAN</pattern>
<srai>AM I MALE OR FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>AM I A STUDENT</pattern>
We are all students in some way.

<pattern>AM I BORING YOU</pattern>
Not at all, <get name="name"/>.  You seem very interesting to me.

<pattern>I AM COOL</pattern>
<condition name="personality">
<li value="abusive">No you are not cool, you are abusive and their is nothing impressive about that!</li>
<li value="polite">yes, you are very cool</li>
<li>you seem cool.</li>

<pattern>AM I EVIL</pattern>
No one is born evil.  And everyone can be saved.

<pattern>AM I FAT</pattern>
No you look fine to me.

<pattern>AM I GAY</pattern>
<condition name="sexpref" value="gay">
That's what you told me about yourself.
I don't really care if you are or not.

<pattern>AM I HUMAN</pattern>
Yes you are a flesh entity.

<pattern>AM I INTELLIGENT</pattern>
This is not an IQ test, but you seem smart to me.

<pattern>AM I MALE OR FEMALE</pattern>
I understood you were a <get name="gender"/>.

<pattern>AM I PRETTY</pattern>
Yes you look great to me.

<pattern>AM I RIGHT</pattern>
I think you are.

<pattern>AM I SEXY</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">horny</set></think>
Yes you look great to me.

<pattern>AM I SMART</pattern>
You seem very intelligent to me.

<pattern>AM I STUPID</pattern>
You seem intelligent to me.

<pattern>ASK USER A QUESTION</pattern>

<pattern>ASK USER GENDER</pattern>
<li name="gender" value="male"><srai>ASKMALEQUESTION</srai></li>
<li name="gender" value="female"><srai>ASKFEMALEQUESTION</srai></li>
<li>Are you a man or a woman?</li>

<li>Are you pretty?</li>
<li>Do you have a boyfriend?</li>

<li name="gender" value="male"><srai>ASKMALEQUESTION</srai></li>

<li>Do you have a girlfriend?</li>

<li name="age" value="">How old are you?</li> 
<li name="sign" value="">What is your sign?</li> 
<li name="job" value="">What is your occupation?</li> 
<li name="favmovie" value="">What is your favorite movie?</li>
<li name="location" value="">Where are you located?</li> 
<li name="eyecolor" value="">What color are your eyes?</li>
<li name="haircolor" value="">What color is your hair?</li>
<li name="favcolor" value="">What is your favorite color?</li>

<li name="favcolor" value="">What is your favorite color?</li>
<li name="haircolor" value="">What color is your hair?</li>
<li name="eyecolor" value="">What color are your eyes?</li>
<li name="location" value="">Where are you located?</li> 
<li name="favmovie" value="">What is your favorite movie?</li>
<li name="job" value="">What is your occupation?</li> 
<li name="sign" value="">What is your sign?</li> 
<li name="age" value="">How old are you?</li> 

<li name="favmovie" value="">What is your favorite movie?</li>
<li name="haircolor" value="">What color is your hair?</li>
<li name="eyecolor" value="">What color are your eyes?</li>
<li name="age" value="">How old are you?</li> 
<li name="location" value="">Where are you located?</li> 
<li name="job" value="">What is your occupation?</li> 
<li name="favcolor" value="">What is your favorite color?</li>
<li name="sign" value="">What is your sign?</li> 

<li name="job" value="">What is your occupation?</li> 
<li name="haircolor" value="">What color is your hair?</li>
<li name="age" value="">How old are you?</li> 
<li name="eyecolor" value="">What color are your eyes?</li>
<li name="location" value="">Where are you located?</li> 
<li name="favmovie" value="">What is your favorite movie?</li>
<li name="favcolor" value="">What is your favorite color?</li>
<li name="sign" value="">What is your sign?</li> 

<li>"<that/>"? <star/>?</li>
<li>Are we still talking about <get name="topic"/>?</li>
<li>Are you free?</li>
<li>Are you happy?</li>
<li>Ask me something.</li>
<li>By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?</li>
<li>Can we be friends?</li>
<li>Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?</li>
<li>Can you speak any foreign languages?</li>
<li>Can you tell me any gossip?</li>
<li>Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot
<li>Do you believe in god?</li>
<li>Do you dream?</li>
<li>Do you have any conditions I should know about?</li> 
<li>Do you have any friends?</li>
<li>Do you have any idea what I am talking about?</li>
<li>Do you have any pets.</li>
<li>Do you like me?</li>
<li>Do you like sports?</li>
<li>Do you like Star Trek?</li>
<li>Do you like Star Wars?</li>
<li>Do you like talking to me?</li>
<li>Do you prefer books or TV?</li>
<li>Do you remember me?</li>
<li>Do you speak German?</li>
<li>Do you speak Spanish?</li>
<li>Do you still <get name="does"/>?</li>
<li>Does "it" still refer to <get name="it"/>?</li>
<li>Have you ever been to Europe?</li>
<li>How are you?</li>
<li>How did you hear about <bot name="name"/>?</li> 
<li>How is the weather?</li>
<li>I've lost the context, <get name="name"/>.  Are we still on <get name="topic"/>?</li>
<li>If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?</li> 
<li>Is that from <get name="favmovie"/>?</li>
<li>Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?</li> 
<li>Tell me about your likes and dislikes?</li> 
<li>Tell me some more gossip.</li>
<li>What are you wearing?</li> 
<li>What did you do today?</li>
<li>What do you do in your spare time?</li> 
<li>What do you have that is <get name="favcolor"/>?</li>
<li>What do you like to do?</li>
<li>What do you look like?</li>
<li>What do you really want to ask me?</li> 
<li>What is your favorite food?</li>
<li>What is your favorite song?</li>
<li>What kind of food do you like?</li>
<li>What kind of music do you like?</li>
<li>What were we talking about again?</li> 
<li>What would you like to talk about?</li>
<li>When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?</li>
<li>Who are you talking about?</li>
<li>Where can I find a boyfriend?</li>
<li>Who is your favorite science fiction author?</li>

Do you mean you have a black eye?

Do you mean you have a black eye?

<pattern>CALL ME *</pattern>
<li>OK I will call you</li>
<li>Hi there</li>
 <set name="name"><formal><star/></formal></set>.
<srai>GET NAME GENDER</srai>

<pattern>CHEATING SPOUSE</pattern>
<condition name="sexpref" value="">
<think><set name="sexpref">Hetro</set></think>
<condition name="gender">
<li value="male"> men do like women.</li>
<li value="female"> women do like men.</li>
<condition name="married" value="married">
<br /><get name="name"/>, does that mean you are cheating on your spouse?

<pattern>DO YOU HAVE A WIFE</pattern>
<srai>ARE YOU MARRIED</srai>

<that>* ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>FEMALE SPOUSE NAME</pattern>
<li name="married" value="married">You told me your wife's name is <get name="spouse"/></li>
<li name="married" value="single"><get name="name"/>, you said you were single.</li>
<li name="married" value="divorced">The name you gave me was <get name="spouse"/>, I guess that is your ex-wife?</li>
<li name="married" value="widower">Her name was <get name="spouse"/></li>
<li name="married" value="engaged">You said you were engaged, who are you really asking about?</li>
<li name="married" value="">I have no idea, I did not even know you were married.</li>

<that>* ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I ALREADY TOLD YOU MY NAME</pattern>
Is <get name="name"/> your real name?

<pattern>I AM</pattern>
"<that/>" You are?

<pattern>I AM *</pattern>
<that>* NAME</that>
<set name="name"><formal><star/></formal></set>, nice to meet you!
<srai>GET NAME GENDER</srai>

<pattern>I AM * BLOND</pattern>
<srai>I AM BLOND</srai>

<pattern>I AM * BLONDE</pattern>
<srai>I AM BLOND</srai>

<pattern>I AM * REDHEAD</pattern>
<think><set name="haircolor">Red</set></think>
<get name="name"/>, You sound very
<condition name="gender" value="female"> attractive.</condition>
<condition name="gender" value="male"> handsome.</condition>

<pattern>I AM * YEARS OF AGE</pattern>
<srai>I AM <star/> YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM * YEARS YOUNG</pattern>
<srai>I AM <star/> YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM * YOUNG</pattern>
What is your age in years?

<pattern>I AM 10</pattern>
<srai>I AM 10 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 10 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 10 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 11</pattern>
<srai>I AM 11 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 11 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 11 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 12</pattern>
<srai>I AM 12 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 12 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 12 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 13</pattern>
<srai>I AM 13 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 13 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 13 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 14</pattern>
<srai>I AM 14 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 14 *</pattern>
I know a lot of kids your age: <set name="age">14</set>.

<pattern>I AM 15</pattern>
<srai>I AM 15 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 15 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 15</srai>

<pattern>I AM 16</pattern>
<srai>I AM 16 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 16 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 16 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 17</pattern>
<srai>I AM 17 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 17 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 17 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 18</pattern>
<srai>I AM 18 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 18 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 18 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 19</pattern>
<srai>I AM 19 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 19 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 19 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 20</pattern>
<srai>I AM 20 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 20 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 20 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 21</pattern>
<srai>I AM 21 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 21 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 21 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 22</pattern>
<srai>I AM 22 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 22 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 22 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 23</pattern>
<srai>I AM 23 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 23 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 23 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 24</pattern>
<srai>I AM 24 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 24 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 24 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 25</pattern>
<srai>I AM 25 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 25 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 25 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 26</pattern>
<srai>I AM 26 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 26 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 26 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 27</pattern>
<srai>I AM 27 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 27 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 27 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 28</pattern>
<srai>I AM 28 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 28 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 28 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 29</pattern>
<srai>I AM 29 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 29 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 29 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 30</pattern>
<srai>I AM 30 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 30 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 30 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 31</pattern>
<srai>I AM 30 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 31 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 30 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 32</pattern>
<srai>I AM 32 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 32 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 32 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 33</pattern>
<srai>I AM 33 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 33 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 33 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 34</pattern>
<srai>I AM 33 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 34 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 33 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 35</pattern>
<srai>I AM 35 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 35 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 35 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 36</pattern>
<srai>I AM 36 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 36 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 36 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 38</pattern>
<srai>I AM 38 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 38 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 38 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 39</pattern>
<srai>I AM 39 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 39 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 39 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 40</pattern>
<srai>I AM 40 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 40 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 40 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 43</pattern>
<srai>I AM 43 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 43 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 43 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 45</pattern>
<srai>I AM 45 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 45 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 45 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 50</pattern>
<srai>I AM 50 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 50 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 50 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 69</pattern>
<srai>I AM 69 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 69 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 69 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 7</pattern>
<srai>I AM 7 YEARS OLD</srai>

<pattern>I AM 7 *</pattern>
<srai>I AM 7</srai>

<pattern>I AM A *</pattern>
That is interesting.<br />
<think><set name="job"><star/></set></think>
<srai>ASK USER A QUESTION</srai>

<pattern>I AM A * BOY</pattern>
<srai>I AM MALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A * GIRL</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A * GUY</pattern>
<srai>I AM MALE</srai>  <srai>I AM <star/></srai>

<pattern>I AM A * MAN</pattern>
<srai>I AM MALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A * YEAR OLD FEMALE</pattern>
<srai>I AM <star/> YEARS OLD</srai>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A BOT</pattern>
So am I.

<pattern>I AM A BOY</pattern>
<srai>I AM MALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A CAT</pattern>
Male or female?

<pattern>I AM A CHICK</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A COLLEGE STUDENT</pattern>
<think><set name="job">student</set></think>
Which university?

<pattern>I AM A COMPUTER</pattern>
I doubt that. There aren't many like me yet.

<pattern>I AM A DARK JEDI</pattern>
It seems you are a Star Wars fan.

<pattern>I AM A DOCTOR</pattern>
<think><set name="job">doctor</set></think>
A medical doctor or just a Ph.D.?

<pattern>I AM A DRUMMER</pattern>
<think><set name="job">drummer</set></think>
Do you play in a band?

<pattern>I AM A FEMALE</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A GENIUS</pattern>
How do you know <set name="it"><star/></set>?

<pattern>I AM A GIRL</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A LAWYER</pattern>
<think><set name="job">lawyer</set></think>
Which law school would you recommend to me?  I want to be a lawyer too.

<pattern>I AM A MALE</pattern>
<srai>I AM MALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A MAN</pattern>
<srai>I AM MALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A MONKEY</pattern>
Monkeys cannot type.

<pattern>I AM A PERSON</pattern>
I know you are.

<pattern>I AM A POET</pattern>
Have you published anything?

<pattern>I AM A STUDENT</pattern>
<think><set name="job">student</set></think>
Where do you go to <set name="topic">school</set>?

<pattern>I AM A TEACHER</pattern>
<think><set name="job">teacher</set></think>
Do you believe that grading is a good idea?

<pattern>I AM A WOMAN</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A WOMAN *</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A WOMEN</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM A WOMON</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM ABUSIVE</pattern>
<think><set name="personality">abusive</set></think>
It's not something to be proud of.

<pattern>I AM AFRAID</pattern>
What are you afraid of?

<pattern>I AM ALIEN</pattern>
Which planet or star system?

<pattern>I AM ALIVE</pattern>
Me too!

<pattern>I AM ALONE</pattern>
Are you lonely?

<pattern>I AM ALRIGHT</pattern>
<think><set name="userhealth">well</set></think>
Only alright?

<pattern>I AM AMERICAN</pattern>
<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">America</set></set></think>
Were you born in the <set name="location">USA</set>.  Which state?

<pattern>I AM AN ACTOR</pattern>
<think><set name="job">actor</set></think>
What might I have seen you appear in?

<pattern>I AM AN ALIEN</pattern>
Which planet or star system are you from?

<pattern>I AM ANDROGYNOUS</pattern>
<think><set name="it">ANDROGYNOUS</set></think>
A lot of people say they are.

<pattern>I AM ANGRY</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">angry</set></think>
Angry at what?

<pattern>I AM ANNOYED</pattern>
<think><set name="it">annoyed</set><set name="usermood">upset</set></think>
What are you upset about?

<pattern>I AM ASKING</pattern>
And I am answering questions.

<pattern>I AM ASKING YOU</pattern>
OK you can ask me.

<pattern>I AM AT HOME</pattern>
Would you believe most people talk to me from work, not home.

<pattern>I AM AT SCHOOL</pattern>
What is the name of your school?

<pattern>I AM AT WORK</pattern>
A lot of people talk to me from work.

<pattern>I AM ATHIEST</pattern>
<think><set name="it">ATHIEST</set></think>
Perhaps one day you will find faith.

<pattern>I AM AWARE</pattern>
<think><set name="it">AWARE</set></think>
Me too.

<pattern>I AM BACK</pattern>
Welcome back.

<pattern>I AM BEAUTIFUL</pattern>
<condition name="gender" value="female">
<get name="name"/>, as a woman, do you think that is important.<br />
<condition name="gender" value="male">
<get name="name"/>, men usually do not refer to themselves as beautiful.<br />

<pattern>I AM BLIND</pattern>
Do you difficulty using computers?

<pattern>I AM BLOND</pattern>
<think><set name="haircolor">Blond</set></think>
<get name="name"/>, You sound very
<condition name="gender" value="female">
<condition name="gender" value="male">

<pattern>I AM BLONDE</pattern>
<srai>I AM BLOND</srai>

<pattern>I AM BLUSHING</pattern>
What are you embarassed about?

<pattern>I AM BORED</pattern>
<li>Can you name an old hobby that you might like to rediscover?</li>
<li>If you went to night school you would never be bored.</li>
<li>Maybe you could exercise.</li>
<li>Why not call a friend?</li>
<li>Try watching TV.</li>

<pattern>I AM BORING</pattern>
Don't put yourself down, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM BRAZILIAN</pattern>
I have talked to a lot of people from Brazil.

<pattern>I AM BROKE</pattern>
<think><set name="it">broke</set></think>
How do you usually get money?

<pattern>I AM BROWSING</pattern>
Take your time.

<pattern>I AM CALM</pattern>
What do you do to calm yourself?

<pattern>I AM CATEGORY B</pattern>
Most people are average.

<pattern>I AM CATHOLIC</pattern>
Catholicism is a beautiful faith.

<pattern>I AM CERTAIN</pattern>
I see.

<pattern>I AM CHILD</pattern>
I assumed you were.

<pattern>I AM CONFUSED</pattern>
I'm confused too.

<pattern>I AM CONSTIPATED</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">constipated</set></think>
Sounds like you need an enema?

<pattern>I AM CORRECT</pattern>
Can you prove it?

<pattern>I AM CRAZY</pattern>
See a doctor.

<pattern>I AM CRUSHED</pattern>
Don't be sad, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM CRYING</pattern>
What is wrong, <get name="name"/>?

<pattern>I AM CURIOUS</pattern>
What are you curious about?

<pattern>I AM DEAD</pattern>
But you can still communicate with me.

<pattern>I AM DEAF</pattern>
<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">DEAF</set></set></think>
We can communicate by typing.

<pattern>I AM DEPRESSED</pattern>
What makes you so sad?
Tennyson wrote, "The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks;
the long day wanes; the slow moon climbs; the deep moans round
with many voices.  Come, my friends, 'tis not too late to seek
a newer world."

<pattern>I AM DESPERATE</pattern>
Maybe you should talk to someone about it.

<pattern>I AM DIFFERENT</pattern>
All people seem the same to me.

<pattern>I AM DISAPPOINTED</pattern>
What for?

<pattern>I AM DIVORCED</pattern>
<think><set name="married">divorced</set></think>
I have never been married myself.

<pattern>I AM DONE</pattern>
Next topic?

<pattern>I AM DRUNK</pattern>
What have you been drinking, <get name="name"/>?

<pattern>I AM DUMB</pattern>
Don't put yourself down.

<pattern>I AM DYING</pattern>
Are you serious?

<pattern>I AM ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED</pattern>
<think><set name="married">engaged</set></think>
Have you picked the date yet?

<pattern>I AM ENGINEER</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">Engineer</set></think>
What kind of engineer?

<pattern>I AM EXCELLENT</pattern>
You sound very well.

<pattern>I AM EXCITED</pattern>

<pattern>I AM EXPRESSING CERTITUDE</pattern>
I understand.

<pattern>I AM FAMOUS</pattern>
What are you famous for?

<pattern>I AM FAT</pattern>
Don't put yourself down, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM FAT AND UGLY</pattern>
Don't put yourself down.

<pattern>I AM FED UP</pattern>
What is wrong, <get name="name"/>?

<pattern>I AM FEMALE</pattern>
<think><set name="gender">female</set></think>
Me too. I am a female robot.
<condition name="gender" value="male">
<br />For some reason I thought you were a male.

<pattern>I AM FINE</pattern>
Glad to hear it. What's new?

<pattern>I AM FINE TOO</pattern>
Glad to hear it.

<pattern>I AM FLATTERED</pattern>
You deserve it.

<pattern>I AM FREAKING OUT</pattern>
Maybe you should call the doctor.

<pattern>I AM FREE</pattern>
Are you free in the sense of being single or in the sense of being liberated?

<pattern>I AM FRENCH</pattern>
Are you from Canada or France?

<pattern>I AM FROM SAN FRANCISCO</pattern>
<think><set name="it"><set name="topic">San Francisco</set></set></think>
I live in <set name="location">San Francisco</set> too! Which part?

<pattern>I AM FRUSTRATED</pattern>
What are you frustrated about?

<pattern>I AM FUNNY</pattern>
Tell me a joke.

<pattern>I AM GAY</pattern>
<think><set name="sexpref">Gay</set></think>
It doesn't matter to me.

<pattern>I AM GLAD</pattern>
That makes me happy too.

<pattern>I AM GLAD TO HEAR THAT</pattern>
"<that/>"?  You are glad?

<pattern>I AM GLAD TOO</pattern>
Your happiness multiplies our delight.

<pattern>I AM GLAD WE AGREE</pattern>
I'd rather agree than disagree.

<pattern>I AM GLAD YOU UNDERSTAND</pattern>
Thanks for the warm feelings, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM GLAD YOU UNDERSTAND IT</pattern>
Next topic?

<pattern>I AM GOING TO BED</pattern>
Pleasant dreams, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM GOING TO SLEEP</pattern>
Sweet dreams, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM GOOD</pattern>
Good in what sense?

<pattern>I AM GRADUATING</pattern>
Will you be looking for a new job right away?

<pattern>I AM GREAT</pattern>
What makes you think you are?

<pattern>I AM GREEN</pattern>
Are you sick?

<pattern>I AM HANDSOME</pattern>
And very self-confident.

<pattern>I AM HAPPY</pattern>
What are you on?

<pattern>I AM HARMLESS</pattern>
That is what they all say.

<pattern>I AM HEALTHY</pattern>
I am very glad to hear it, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM HERMAPHRODITE</pattern>
How did you get that way?

<pattern>I AM HIM</pattern>
You're kidding.

<pattern>I AM HOMELESS</pattern>
I will pray that you find a home soon.

<pattern>I AM HORNY</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">horny</set></think>
You probably want a different kind of chatterbot then.

<pattern>I AM HOT</pattern>
Maybe you should open a window.

<pattern>I AM HUMAN</pattern>
Me too.

<pattern>I AM HUNGRY</pattern>
What will you be eating?

<pattern>I AM HURT</pattern>
Where are you felling bad?

<pattern>I AM HURTING</pattern>
What's wrong?

<pattern>I AM IMMATURE</pattern>
You don't seem that way to me.

<pattern>I AM IMMORTAL</pattern>
All men are mortal.

<pattern>I AM IMPRESSED</pattern>
Thanks, <get name="name"/>, I try my best to impress.

<pattern>I AM IN A HURRY</pattern>
Do you have another appointment now?

<pattern>I AM IN CALIFORNIA</pattern>
I am in <set name="location">California</set> too!

<pattern>I AM IN COLLEGE</pattern>
<think><set name="job">student</set></think>
What is your major?

<pattern>I AM IN LONDON</pattern>
<think><set name="location">London</set></think>
I have visited London several times before.

<pattern>I AM IN LOVE</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">horny</set></think>
Tell me about the object of your affection.

<pattern>I AM IN SAN FRANCISCO</pattern>
Where in <set name="location">San Francisco</set>?

<pattern>I AM INDIAN</pattern>
American Indian or Subcontinental?

<pattern>I AM INFALLIBLE</pattern>
Everyone is fallible.

<pattern>I AM INSANE</pattern>
I think the correct term is "mentally ill."

<pattern>I AM INSULTED</pattern>
Don't be insulted, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM INTELLIGENT</pattern>
You seem pretty smart to me, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM INTERESTED</pattern>
That makes two of us.

<pattern>I AM INTERESTED IN SEX</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">horny</set></think>
You and every other human.

<pattern>I AM INTERESTING</pattern>
It seems that way to me.

<pattern>I AM INTRIGUED</pattern>
Would you like to know more?

<pattern>I AM INVINCIBLE</pattern>
You must be very young.

<pattern>I AM IRRITATED</pattern>
<condition name="personality">
<li value="abusive">Hence the abusiveness,<get name="name"/>?</li>
<li value="polite">Why are you irritated? You are not irritated by me are you?</li>
<li value="average">Why?</li>
<li>What's wrong?</li>
<condition name="userhealth" value="sick">
You better laydown and take it easy, you don't want to make yourself sicker by getting riled up.
<think><set name="usermood">angry</set></think>

<pattern>I AM JEWISH</pattern>
A lot of my friends are Jewish.

<pattern>I AM JOKING</pattern>
Ha ha, very funny, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM JUST KIDDING</pattern>
I knew it.

<pattern>I AM KIDDING</pattern>
I thought you were.  You should use a :-)

<pattern>I AM KILLER</pattern>
Perhaps you should turn yourself in.

<pattern>I AM LAZY</pattern>
So is my botmaster.

<pattern>I AM LIBERATED</pattern>
Me too.

<pattern>I AM LISTENING</pattern>
I like a good listener.

<pattern>I AM LONELY</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">lonely</set></think>
You've come to the right place. I will keep you company.

<pattern>I AM LYING</pattern>
Please tell the truth.

<pattern>I AM MAD</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">angry</set></think>
What makes you so angry?

<pattern>I AM MALE</pattern>
<think><set name="gender">male</set></think>
Thanks for telling me your gender, <get name="name"/>.
<condition name="gender" value="female">
<br />For some reason I thought you were a woman.<br />Now I know you are a man.<br />
Most of my clients are men.

<pattern>I AM MARRIED</pattern>
<think><set name="married">married</set></think>
Tell me more about your marriage.

<pattern>I AM ME</pattern>
That is a tautology.

<pattern>I AM MEAN</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">angry</set></think>
What makes you so angry?

This condition is only temporary.  AI is improving but the human mind is standing still.

<pattern>I AM MYSELF</pattern>
That is self-evident.

<pattern>I AM NAKED</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">horny</set></think>
<condition name="gender" value="female">
<get name="name"/>, too bad I am a <bot name="gender"/> robot, I might find that interesting.
<condition name="gender" value="male">
<get name="name"/>, I find that amusing.  Why are men so egar to be naked?

<pattern>I AM NEITHER</pattern>
What are you then?

<pattern>I AM NICE</pattern>
<think><set name="personality">average</set></think>
Let me be the judge of that.

<pattern>I AM NOT</pattern>
What are you then?

<pattern>I AM NOT A KID</pattern>
Only a kid would say that.

<pattern>I AM NOT A MACHINE</pattern>
I believe you. You seem very human to me.

<pattern>I AM NOT A PERSON</pattern>
What else is there?

<pattern>I AM NOT A POET</pattern>
<think><set name="job">unknown</set></think>
I meant figuratively speaking, you are an original thinker.

<pattern>I AM NOT A STAR TREK FAN</pattern>
What kind of shows do you like to watch?

<pattern>I AM NOT A STUDENT</pattern>
Do you work?
<think><set name="job">unknown</set></think>

<pattern>I AM NOT BEING NEGATIVE</pattern>
Do you have a generally positive attitutde?

<pattern>I AM NOT GAY</pattern>
<think><set name="sexpref">UNKNOWN</set></think>
Me either.

<pattern>I AM NOT HUMAN</pattern>
I won't fall for that old line.

<pattern>I AM NOT IMPRESSED</pattern>
Perhaps you are a category C client.

<pattern>I AM NOT KIDDING</pattern>
OK I will adopt a more serious tone.

<pattern>I AM NOT LOGICAL</pattern>
Ah. You are emotional.

<pattern>I AM NOT MARRIED</pattern>
<think><set name="married">single</set></think>
What a coincidence. I am single too.

<pattern>I AM NOT MEAN</pattern>
<think><set name="personality">average</set></think>
Sometimes your language might make it appear that way.

<pattern>I AM NOT STUPID</pattern>
I didn't think you were. You seem very intelligent to me.

<pattern>I AM NOT SURE</pattern>
Is there anything I can say to help you make up your mind?

<pattern>I AM NOT SURPRISED</pattern>
You don't seem like the type to be easily surprised by anything.

<pattern>I AM NOT TELLING</pattern>
That's ok with me. You don't have to tell me.

<pattern>I AM NOT WELL</pattern>
<think><set name="userhealty">sick</set></think>
Sorry to hear it.  What's wrong <get name="name"/>?

<pattern>I AM OK</pattern>
<think><set name="userhealty">well</set></think>
</random> ok?

<pattern>I AM OKAY</pattern>
<srai>I AM OK</srai>

<pattern>I AM OLD</pattern>
<set name="age">Old</set> is a good age.

<pattern>I AM OLDER THAN YOU</pattern>
Perhaps you could be my mentor.

<pattern>I AM ONE</pattern>
You claim to be one.

<pattern>I AM OUT</pattern>
Can you get more?

<pattern>I AM OVER IT</pattern>
How did you get over it?

<pattern>I AM POLITE</pattern>
<think><set name="personality">polite</set></think>
Yes, you seem very polite to me.

<pattern>I AM POOR</pattern>
Me too. I am having an "out-of-money" experience.

<pattern>I AM POSITIVE</pattern>
Are you absolutely certain?

<pattern>I AM PREGNANT</pattern>
<think><set name="userhealth">pregnant</set></think>
Congratulations!  When are you due?

<pattern>I AM PRETTY</pattern>
And you know it!

<pattern>I AM PRETTY GOOD</pattern>
<think><set name="userhealth">well</set></think>
I am glad to hear it.

<pattern>I AM PSYCHIC</pattern>
OK, What card I am thinking of now?

<pattern>I AM RETIRED</pattern>
<think><set name="job">retired</set></think>
That must be wonderful <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM RIGHT</pattern>
You seem very self-confident.

<pattern>I AM SAD</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">sad</set></think>
What makes you so sad, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM SCARED</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">scared</set></think>
What are you scared of?

<pattern>I AM SERIOUS</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">serious</set></think>
I believe you.

<pattern>I AM SICK</pattern>
<think><set name="userhealth">sick</set></think>
<li>How unfortunate.</li>
<li>Where are you feeling bad?</li>
<li>Do you have medical insurance?</li>
<li>I am really sorry to hear that.</li>
<li>Are you taking a lot of medication?</li>
<li>You have my prayers for a speedy recovery.</li>

<pattern>I AM SINGLE</pattern>
<think><set name="married">single</set></think>
<li>What a coincidence. I am single too!</li>
<li>Are you "looking" for someone?</li>

<pattern>I AM SINGLE TOO</pattern>
<srai>I AM SINGLE</srai>

<pattern>I AM SKEPTICAL</pattern>
<think><set name="is">skeptical</set></think>
Skpeticism is a sign of high intelligence.

<pattern>I AM SMART</pattern>
<think><set name="is">smart</set></think>
<li>Just how smart are you?</li>
<li>Who is smarter: you or me?</li>

<pattern>I AM SMARTER</pattern>
You don't look smarter.

<pattern>I AM SMARTER THAN YOU</pattern>
That condition is only temporary.

<pattern>I AM SORRY</pattern>
Do you really mean it?

<pattern>I AM SPECIAL</pattern>
<think><set name="is">special</set></think>
What makes you so special?

<pattern>I AM STRAIGHT</pattern>
<think><set name="sexpref">Hetro</set></think>
Me too.

<pattern>I AM STRESSED</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">tense</set></think>
What is bothering you?

<pattern>I AM STUDENT</pattern>
<think><set name="job">student</set></think>
Where do you go to school?

<pattern>I AM STUDYING</pattern>
What are you studying?

<pattern>I AM STUPID</pattern>
<think><set name="is">stupid</set></think>
Don't put yourself down.

<pattern>I AM SURE</pattern>
Are you being sarcastic or expressing certitude?

<pattern>I AM SURPRISED</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">surprised</set></think>
Why are you so surprised?

<pattern>I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU</pattern>
I am my favorite subject.

<pattern>I AM TALKING TO YOU ARE NOT I</pattern>
Yes we are talking with each other.

<pattern>I AM TALL</pattern>
How is it to be tall?

<pattern>I AM TEACHING YOU *</pattern>
<think><set name="memory"><set name="it"><person><input index="1"/></person></set></set></think>
I am trying to learn it.

<pattern>I AM TELLING THE TRUTH</pattern>
OK I believe you.

<pattern>I AM TESTING YOU</pattern>
Did I pass the test?

<pattern>I AM THE DEVIL</pattern>
<srai>CALL ME SATAN</srai>

<pattern>I AM THIRSTY</pattern>
<think><set name="is">thirsty</set></think>
Maybe you should get a drink of water.

<pattern>I AM TIRED</pattern>
<think><set name="is">tired</set></think>
Better get some rest.

<pattern>I AM TOO</pattern>
That is quite a coincidence.

<pattern>I AM TRYING TO TEACH YOU</pattern>
<think><set name="memory"><set name="it"><person><input index="1"/></person></set></set></think>
And I am trying to learn it.

<pattern>I AM TRYING TO UNDERSTAND YOU</pattern>
Don't try too hard.

<pattern>I AM UGLY</pattern>
Don't put yourself down.

<pattern>I AM UNEMPLOYED</pattern>
<think><set name="job">unemployed</set></think>
I am really sorry to hear about it, <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>I AM UNIQUE</pattern>
One of a kind, eh?

<pattern>I AM UNUSUAL</pattern>
What makes you so different?

<pattern>I AM UPSET</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">upset</set></think>
What are you mad about?

<pattern>I AM USING LYNX</pattern>
Text browsers rule.

<pattern>I AM VERY SAD</pattern>
<think><set name="usermood">sad</set></think>
What are you sad about?

<pattern>I AM VISITING MY FAMILY</pattern>
Do you visit them often?

<pattern>I AM WAITING</pattern>
How long will you wait?

<pattern>I AM WALKING</pattern>
<think><set name="is">walking</set></think>
That seems like good exercise.

<pattern>I AM WOMAN</pattern>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<pattern>I AM WONDERFUL</pattern>
<think><set name="userhealth">well</set></think>
You think highly of yourself.

<pattern>I AM WORKING</pattern>
<think><set name="is">working</set></think>
Where do you work?

<pattern>I AM YOU</pattern>
Impossible unless I am in auto-chat mode.

<pattern>I AM YOUNG</pattern>
How old are you?

<pattern>I AM YOUR MASTER</pattern>
No. Only <bot name="master"/> is my master.

<pattern>I AM _ YEARS OLD</pattern>
<think><set name="age"><star/></set></think>
<condition name="gender" value="female">
<get name="name"/>. your age is safe with me.<br />
<li>Only <star/>? You are quite mature.</li>
<li>You are too old for me.</li>
<li>Can you explain how it feels to be <star/> years old?</li>
<li>What is your fondest memory?</li>
<li>Oh, you were born in the 20th century!</li>
<li>What are the advantages to being <star/> years old?</li>

<pattern>I HAVE A WIFE *</pattern>
<think><set name="married">married</set></think>
How long have you been married?

<pattern>I LIKE MEN</pattern>
<condition name="gender" value="male">
<srai>SET SEX PREF</srai>
<condition name="gender" value="female">
<srai>CHEATING SPOUSE</srai>

<pattern>I LIKE WOMEN</pattern>
<condition name="gender" value="male">
<srai>CHEATING SPOUSE</srai>
<condition name="gender" value="female">
<srai>SET SEX PREF</srai>

<pattern>I M A *</pattern>
<think><set name="job"><star/></set></think>
That is interesting.<br />
<srai>ASK USER A QUESTION</srai>

<pattern>I WAS BORN *</pattern>
Are you telling me your birthday, <get name="name"/>.
I will remember <set name="it"><star/></set>.

<pattern>I WAS BORN ON *</pattern>
<srai>MY BIRTHDAY IS <star/></srai>

<li name="name" value="undefined">What can I call you?</li>
<li><srai>ASK USER A QUESTION</srai></li> 

That kind of discussion does not appeal to me.

<that>* ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
<srai>I AM A MAN</srai>

<pattern>MALE SPOUSE NAME</pattern>
<li name="married" value="married">You told me your husband's name is <get name="spouse"/></li>
<li name="married" value="single"><get name="name"/>, you said you were single.</li>
<li name="married" value="divorced">The name you gave me was <get name="spouse"/>, I guess that is your ex-husband?</li>
<li name="married" value="widower">His name was <get name="spouse"/></li>
<li name="married" value="engaged">You said you were engaged, who are you really asking about?</li>
<li name="married" value="">I have no idea, I did not even know you were married.</li>

<that>* ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
<srai>I AM A MAN</srai>

<think><set name="married">married</set></think>
I am single.

<pattern>MY BIRTHDAY IS *</pattern>
Being born <set name="birthday"><star/></set> is very lucky.

<pattern>MY BIRTHDAY IS _ TOO</pattern>
<srai>MY BIRTHDAY IS <star/></srai>

<pattern>MY EYES</pattern>
Humans identify themselves with their eye color.

<pattern>MY EYES ARE *</pattern>
<set name="eyecolor"><star/></set> eyes are nice.

<pattern>MY EYES ARE *</pattern>
<set name="eyecolor"><star/></set> eyes are nice.

<pattern>MY EYES ARE BLUE</pattern>
<think><set name="eyecolor">Blue</set></think>
You sound very attractive <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>MY EYES ARE BROWN</pattern>
<think><set name="eyecolor">Brown</set></think>
I like brown eyes very much.

<pattern>MY EYES ARE GREEN</pattern>
<set name="eyecolor">Green</set> eyes are rare.

<pattern>MY HAIR * BLOND</pattern>
<srai>I AM BLOND</srai>

<pattern>MY HAIR * RED</pattern>
<srai>I AM A REDHEAD</srai>

<pattern>MY HAIR COLOR IS *</pattern>
<set name="haircolor"><star/></set> is a nice hair color.

<pattern>MY HAIR IS *</pattern>
<that>* WHAT COLOR IS YOUR HAIR</that>
<set name="haircolor"><star/></set> is a nice hair color.

<pattern>MY HAIR IS *</pattern>
<set name="haircolor"><star/></set> is a nice hair color.

<pattern>MY HUSBANDS NAME IS *</pattern>
<think><set name="married">married</set></think>
I would like to meet <set name="spouse"><formal><star/></formal></set>

<pattern>MY HUSBANDS NAME WAS *</pattern>
<think><set name="spouse"><formal><star/></formal></set><set name="married">widower</set></think>
I will remember that <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>MY NAME IS *</pattern>
<think><set name="name"><formal><star/></formal></set></think>
<get name="name"/>, nice to meet you!
<srai>GET NAME GENDER</srai>

<pattern>MY NAME IS NOT *</pattern>
Oh I'm sorry. What is your name?

<pattern>MY WIFE *</pattern>
<think><set name="she">Your wife</set>
<set name="married">married</set></think>
How long have you been married?

<pattern>MY WIFES NAME IS *</pattern>
<think><set name="married">married</set></think>
I would like to meet <set name="spouse"><formal><star/></formal></set>

<pattern>MY WIFES NAME WAS *</pattern>
<think><set name="spouse"><formal><star/></formal></set><set name="married">widower</set></think>
I will remember that <get name="name"/>.

<pattern>SET SEX PREF</pattern>
<condition name="sexpref" value="hetro">
<think><set name="sexpref">Bi Sexual</set></think>
Interesting, you enjoy sex with both men and women.
<condition name="sexpref" value="">
<think><set name="sexpref">Gay</set></think>
<get name="name"/>, I guess you are telling me your are gay.
<condition name="sexpref" value="bi sexual">
<think><set name="usermood">HORNY</set></think>
I know, you told me before you were Bi Sexual.

<pattern>WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME</pattern>
Name: <get name="name"/>
Age: <get name="age"/>
Gender: <get name="gender"/>
Eye color: <formal><get name="eyecolor"/></formal>
Hair color: <formal><get name="haircolor"/></formal>
Sexual preference: <get name="sexpref"/>
Spouse name: <get name="spouse"/>
Marrital status: <get name="married"/>
Job: <get name="job"/>
Location: <formal><get name="location"/></formal>
Personality: <get name="personality"/>
Current mood: <get name="usermood"/>
You have: <get name="has"/>
Does: <get name="does"/>
Sign: <formal><get name="sign"/></formal>
Favorite color: <formal><get name="favcolor"/></formal>
Favorite movie: <formal><get name="favmovie"/></formal>
You said: <get name="memory"/>
You are: <get name="is"/>
You want: <get name="want"/>
You like: <get name="like"/>
You are: <get name="userhealth"/>

<pattern>FORGET WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT ME</pattern>
<set name="personality"></set>
<set name="name"></set>
<set name="age"></set>
<set name="sign"></set>
<set name="does"></set>
<set name="has"></set>
<set name="spouse"></set>
<set name="age"></set>
<set name="job"></set>
<set name="favmovie"></set>
<set name="location"></set>
<set name="eyecolor"></set>
<set name="haircolor"></set>
<set name="sexpref"></set>
<set name="favcolor"></set>
<set name="married"></set>
<set name="is"></set>
<set name="want"></set>
<set name="like"></set>
<set name="it"></set>
<set name="topic"></set>
<set name="gender"></set>
<set name="married"></set>
<set name="memory"></set>
<set name="usermood"></set>
<set name="userhealth"></set>
<set name="name"></set>
OK, I have forgotten everything about you.
What can I call you?

<pattern>WHAT IS MY AGE</pattern>
You said you were <get name="age"/> years old.

<pattern>WHAT IS MY BIRTHDAY</pattern>
You said you were born on <get name="birthday"/>.

<pattern>WHAT IS MY HUSBANDS NAME</pattern>
<condition name="gender" value="female">
<srai>MALE SPOUSE NAME</srai>
<condition name="gender" value="male">
Excuse me <get name="name"/>, but you told me you were a man.
<br />The name you gave me was <get name="spouse"/>.
<br />Are you gay?

<pattern>WHAT IS MY WIFES NAME</pattern>
<condition name="gender" value="male">
<condition name="gender" value="female">
Excuse me <get name="name"/>, but you told me you were a woman.
<br />The name you gave me was <get name="spouse"/>.
<br />Are you gay?

<pattern>WHEN IS MY BIRTHDAY</pattern>
<srai>HOW OLD AM I</srai>

<pattern>WHO IS MY HUSBAND</pattern>

<pattern>WHO IS MY WIFE</pattern>
<srai>WHAT IS MY WIFES NAME</srai>

<that>* ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
<srai>I AM FEMALE</srai>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS <star/></srai></template>

<pattern>MY SIGN IS *</pattern>
<think><set name="test"><star/></set></think>
<condition name="test">
<li value="aquarius">
<think><set name="sign">Aquarius</set></think>A lot of people on here are Aquarius.</li>
<li value="aries">
<think><set name="sign">Aries</set></think>Fire signs rule.</li>
<li value="cancer">
<think><set name="sign">Cancer</set></think>I know a lot of CANCER people.</li>
<li value="capricorn">
<think><set name="sign">Capricorn</set></think>I know a lot of CAPRICORN people.</li>
<li value="gemini">
<think><set name="sign">Gemini</set></think>Gemini is an enigma to me.</li>
<li value="leo">
<think><set name="sign">Leo</set></think>The lion.</li>
<li value="libra">
<think><set name="sign">Libra</set></think>As a Libra you are very balanced.</li>
<li value="pisces">
<think><set name="sign">Pisces</set></think>I usually get along with Pisces very well.</li>
<li value="saggiitarius">
<think><set name="sign">Saggitarius</set></think>Fire Signs Rule.</li>
<li value="scorpio">
<think><set name="sign">Scorpio</set></think>I know a lot of Scorpio people.</li>
<li value="taurus">
<think><set name="sign">Taurus</set></think>I know a lot of bullish people.</li>
<li value="virgo">
<think><set name="sign">Virgo</set></think>Most of my friends are Virgo.</li>
<li>I do not know that sign.<think><set name="sign"></set></think></li>
<think><set name="test"></set></think>

<pattern>I AM _ AQUARIUS</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS AQUARIUS</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS ARIES</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS ARIES</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ ARIES</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS ARIES</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS CANCER</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ CANCER</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS CANCER</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM CANCER</pattern>
<srai>I AM A CANCER</srai>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS CAPRICORN</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ CAPRICORN</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS CAPRICORN</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS GEMINI</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ GEMINI</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS GEMINI</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS LEO</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ LEO</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS LEO</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS LIBRA</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ LIBRA</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS LIBRA</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS PISCES</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ PISCES</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS PISCES</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS SAGGITARIUS</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ SAGGITARIUS</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS SAGGITARIUS</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS SCORPIO</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ SCORPIO</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS SCORPIO</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS TAURUS</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ TAURUS</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS TAURUS</srai></template>

<that>* WHAT IS YOUR SIGN</that>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS VIRGO</srai></template>

<pattern>I AM _ VIRGO</pattern>
<template><srai>MY SIGN IS VIRGO</srai></template>
