# Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format # Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Contains routines for printing protocol messages in text format. Simple usage example:: # Create a proto object and serialize it to a text proto string. message = my_proto_pb2.MyMessage(foo='bar') text_proto = text_format.MessageToString(message) # Parse a text proto string. message = text_format.Parse(text_proto, my_proto_pb2.MyMessage()) """ __author__ = 'kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)' # TODO(b/129989314) Import thread contention leads to test failures. import encodings.raw_unicode_escape # pylint: disable=unused-import import encodings.unicode_escape # pylint: disable=unused-import import io import re import six if six.PY3: long = int # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top from google.protobuf.internal import decoder from google.protobuf.internal import type_checkers from google.protobuf import descriptor from google.protobuf import text_encoding __all__ = ['MessageToString', 'Parse', 'PrintMessage', 'PrintField', 'PrintFieldValue', 'Merge', 'MessageToBytes'] _INTEGER_CHECKERS = (type_checkers.Uint32ValueChecker(), type_checkers.Int32ValueChecker(), type_checkers.Uint64ValueChecker(), type_checkers.Int64ValueChecker()) _FLOAT_INFINITY = re.compile('-?inf(?:inity)?f?$', re.IGNORECASE) _FLOAT_NAN = re.compile('nanf?$', re.IGNORECASE) _QUOTES = frozenset(("'", '"')) _ANY_FULL_TYPE_NAME = 'google.protobuf.Any' class Error(Exception): """Top-level module error for text_format.""" class ParseError(Error): """Thrown in case of text parsing or tokenizing error.""" def __init__(self, message=None, line=None, column=None): if message is not None and line is not None: loc = str(line) if column is not None: loc += ':{0}'.format(column) message = '{0} : {1}'.format(loc, message) if message is not None: super(ParseError, self).__init__(message) else: super(ParseError, self).__init__() self._line = line self._column = column def GetLine(self): return self._line def GetColumn(self): return self._column class TextWriter(object): def __init__(self, as_utf8): if six.PY2: self._writer = io.BytesIO() else: self._writer = io.StringIO() def write(self, val): if six.PY2: if isinstance(val, six.text_type): val = val.encode('utf-8') return self._writer.write(val) def close(self): return self._writer.close() def getvalue(self): return self._writer.getvalue() def MessageToString( message, as_utf8=False, as_one_line=False, use_short_repeated_primitives=False, pointy_brackets=False, use_index_order=False, float_format=None, double_format=None, use_field_number=False, descriptor_pool=None, indent=0, message_formatter=None, print_unknown_fields=False, force_colon=False): # type: (...) -> str """Convert protobuf message to text format. Double values can be formatted compactly with 15 digits of precision (which is the most that IEEE 754 "double" can guarantee) using double_format='.15g'. To ensure that converting to text and back to a proto will result in an identical value, double_format='.17g' should be used. Args: message: The protocol buffers message. as_utf8: Return unescaped Unicode for non-ASCII characters. In Python 3 actual Unicode characters may appear as is in strings. In Python 2 the return value will be valid UTF-8 rather than only ASCII. as_one_line: Don't introduce newlines between fields. use_short_repeated_primitives: Use short repeated format for primitives. pointy_brackets: If True, use angle brackets instead of curly braces for nesting. use_index_order: If True, fields of a proto message will be printed using the order defined in source code instead of the field number, extensions will be printed at the end of the message and their relative order is determined by the extension number. By default, use the field number order. float_format (str): If set, use this to specify float field formatting (per the "Format Specification Mini-Language"); otherwise, shortest float that has same value in wire will be printed. Also affect double field if double_format is not set but float_format is set. double_format (str): If set, use this to specify double field formatting (per the "Format Specification Mini-Language"); if it is not set but float_format is set, use float_format. Otherwise, use ``str()`` use_field_number: If True, print field numbers instead of names. descriptor_pool (DescriptorPool): Descriptor pool used to resolve Any types. indent (int): The initial indent level, in terms of spaces, for pretty print. message_formatter (function(message, indent, as_one_line) -> unicode|None): Custom formatter for selected sub-messages (usually based on message type). Use to pretty print parts of the protobuf for easier diffing. print_unknown_fields: If True, unknown fields will be printed. force_colon: If set, a colon will be added after the field name even if the field is a proto message. Returns: str: A string of the text formatted protocol buffer message. """ out = TextWriter(as_utf8) printer = _Printer( out, indent, as_utf8, as_one_line, use_short_repeated_primitives, pointy_brackets, use_index_order, float_format, double_format, use_field_number, descriptor_pool, message_formatter, print_unknown_fields=print_unknown_fields, force_colon=force_colon) printer.PrintMessage(message) result = out.getvalue() out.close() if as_one_line: return result.rstrip() return result def MessageToBytes(message, **kwargs): # type: (...) -> bytes """Convert protobuf message to encoded text format. See MessageToString.""" text = MessageToString(message, **kwargs) if isinstance(text, bytes): return text codec = 'utf-8' if kwargs.get('as_utf8') else 'ascii' return text.encode(codec) def _IsMapEntry(field): return (field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE and field.message_type.has_options and field.message_type.GetOptions().map_entry) def PrintMessage(message, out, indent=0, as_utf8=False, as_one_line=False, use_short_repeated_primitives=False, pointy_brackets=False, use_index_order=False, float_format=None, double_format=None, use_field_number=False, descriptor_pool=None, message_formatter=None, print_unknown_fields=False, force_colon=False): printer = _Printer( out=out, indent=indent, as_utf8=as_utf8, as_one_line=as_one_line, use_short_repeated_primitives=use_short_repeated_primitives, pointy_brackets=pointy_brackets, use_index_order=use_index_order, float_format=float_format, double_format=double_format, use_field_number=use_field_number, descriptor_pool=descriptor_pool, message_formatter=message_formatter, print_unknown_fields=print_unknown_fields, force_colon=force_colon) printer.PrintMessage(message) def PrintField(field, value, out, indent=0, as_utf8=False, as_one_line=False, use_short_repeated_primitives=False, pointy_brackets=False, use_index_order=False, float_format=None, double_format=None, message_formatter=None, print_unknown_fields=False, force_colon=False): """Print a single field name/value pair.""" printer = _Printer(out, indent, as_utf8, as_one_line, use_short_repeated_primitives, pointy_brackets, use_index_order, float_format, double_format, message_formatter=message_formatter, print_unknown_fields=print_unknown_fields, force_colon=force_colon) printer.PrintField(field, value) def PrintFieldValue(field, value, out, indent=0, as_utf8=False, as_one_line=False, use_short_repeated_primitives=False, pointy_brackets=False, use_index_order=False, float_format=None, double_format=None, message_formatter=None, print_unknown_fields=False, force_colon=False): """Print a single field value (not including name).""" printer = _Printer(out, indent, as_utf8, as_one_line, use_short_repeated_primitives, pointy_brackets, use_index_order, float_format, double_format, message_formatter=message_formatter, print_unknown_fields=print_unknown_fields, force_colon=force_colon) printer.PrintFieldValue(field, value) def _BuildMessageFromTypeName(type_name, descriptor_pool): """Returns a protobuf message instance. Args: type_name: Fully-qualified protobuf message type name string. descriptor_pool: DescriptorPool instance. Returns: A Message instance of type matching type_name, or None if the a Descriptor wasn't found matching type_name. """ # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top if descriptor_pool is None: from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool as pool_mod descriptor_pool = pool_mod.Default() from google.protobuf import symbol_database database = symbol_database.Default() try: message_descriptor = descriptor_pool.FindMessageTypeByName(type_name) except KeyError: return None message_type = database.GetPrototype(message_descriptor) return message_type() # These values must match WireType enum in google/protobuf/wire_format.h. WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED = 2 WIRETYPE_START_GROUP = 3 class _Printer(object): """Text format printer for protocol message.""" def __init__( self, out, indent=0, as_utf8=False, as_one_line=False, use_short_repeated_primitives=False, pointy_brackets=False, use_index_order=False, float_format=None, double_format=None, use_field_number=False, descriptor_pool=None, message_formatter=None, print_unknown_fields=False, force_colon=False): """Initialize the Printer. Double values can be formatted compactly with 15 digits of precision (which is the most that IEEE 754 "double" can guarantee) using double_format='.15g'. To ensure that converting to text and back to a proto will result in an identical value, double_format='.17g' should be used. Args: out: To record the text format result. indent: The initial indent level for pretty print. as_utf8: Return unescaped Unicode for non-ASCII characters. In Python 3 actual Unicode characters may appear as is in strings. In Python 2 the return value will be valid UTF-8 rather than ASCII. as_one_line: Don't introduce newlines between fields. use_short_repeated_primitives: Use short repeated format for primitives. pointy_brackets: If True, use angle brackets instead of curly braces for nesting. use_index_order: If True, print fields of a proto message using the order defined in source code instead of the field number. By default, use the field number order. float_format: If set, use this to specify float field formatting (per the "Format Specification Mini-Language"); otherwise, shortest float that has same value in wire will be printed. Also affect double field if double_format is not set but float_format is set. double_format: If set, use this to specify double field formatting (per the "Format Specification Mini-Language"); if it is not set but float_format is set, use float_format. Otherwise, str() is used. use_field_number: If True, print field numbers instead of names. descriptor_pool: A DescriptorPool used to resolve Any types. message_formatter: A function(message, indent, as_one_line): unicode|None to custom format selected sub-messages (usually based on message type). Use to pretty print parts of the protobuf for easier diffing. print_unknown_fields: If True, unknown fields will be printed. force_colon: If set, a colon will be added after the field name even if the field is a proto message. """ self.out = out self.indent = indent self.as_utf8 = as_utf8 self.as_one_line = as_one_line self.use_short_repeated_primitives = use_short_repeated_primitives self.pointy_brackets = pointy_brackets self.use_index_order = use_index_order self.float_format = float_format if double_format is not None: self.double_format = double_format else: self.double_format = float_format self.use_field_number = use_field_number self.descriptor_pool = descriptor_pool self.message_formatter = message_formatter self.print_unknown_fields = print_unknown_fields self.force_colon = force_colon def _TryPrintAsAnyMessage(self, message): """Serializes if message is a google.protobuf.Any field.""" if '/' not in message.type_url: return False packed_message = _BuildMessageFromTypeName(message.TypeName(), self.descriptor_pool) if packed_message: packed_message.MergeFromString(message.value) colon = ':' if self.force_colon else '' self.out.write('%s[%s]%s ' % (self.indent * ' ', message.type_url, colon)) self._PrintMessageFieldValue(packed_message) self.out.write(' ' if self.as_one_line else '\n') return True else: return False def _TryCustomFormatMessage(self, message): formatted = self.message_formatter(message, self.indent, self.as_one_line) if formatted is None: return False out = self.out out.write(' ' * self.indent) out.write(formatted) out.write(' ' if self.as_one_line else '\n') return True def PrintMessage(self, message): """Convert protobuf message to text format. Args: message: The protocol buffers message. """ if self.message_formatter and self._TryCustomFormatMessage(message): return if (message.DESCRIPTOR.full_name == _ANY_FULL_TYPE_NAME and self._TryPrintAsAnyMessage(message)): return fields = message.ListFields() if self.use_index_order: fields.sort( key=lambda x: x[0].number if x[0].is_extension else x[0].index) for field, value in fields: if _IsMapEntry(field): for key in sorted(value): # This is slow for maps with submessage entries because it copies the # entire tree. Unfortunately this would take significant refactoring # of this file to work around. # # TODO(haberman): refactor and optimize if this becomes an issue. entry_submsg = value.GetEntryClass()(key=key, value=value[key]) self.PrintField(field, entry_submsg) elif field.label == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: if (self.use_short_repeated_primitives and field.cpp_type != descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_MESSAGE and field.cpp_type != descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_STRING): self._PrintShortRepeatedPrimitivesValue(field, value) else: for element in value: self.PrintField(field, element) else: self.PrintField(field, value) if self.print_unknown_fields: self._PrintUnknownFields(message.UnknownFields()) def _PrintUnknownFields(self, unknown_fields): """Print unknown fields.""" out = self.out for field in unknown_fields: out.write(' ' * self.indent) out.write(str(field.field_number)) if field.wire_type == WIRETYPE_START_GROUP: if self.as_one_line: out.write(' { ') else: out.write(' {\n') self.indent += 2 self._PrintUnknownFields(field.data) if self.as_one_line: out.write('} ') else: self.indent -= 2 out.write(' ' * self.indent + '}\n') elif field.wire_type == WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED: try: # If this field is parseable as a Message, it is probably # an embedded message. # pylint: disable=protected-access (embedded_unknown_message, pos) = decoder._DecodeUnknownFieldSet( memoryview(field.data), 0, len(field.data)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pos = 0 if pos == len(field.data): if self.as_one_line: out.write(' { ') else: out.write(' {\n') self.indent += 2 self._PrintUnknownFields(embedded_unknown_message) if self.as_one_line: out.write('} ') else: self.indent -= 2 out.write(' ' * self.indent + '}\n') else: # A string or bytes field. self.as_utf8 may not work. out.write(': \"') out.write(text_encoding.CEscape(field.data, False)) out.write('\" ' if self.as_one_line else '\"\n') else: # varint, fixed32, fixed64 out.write(': ') out.write(str(field.data)) out.write(' ' if self.as_one_line else '\n') def _PrintFieldName(self, field): """Print field name.""" out = self.out out.write(' ' * self.indent) if self.use_field_number: out.write(str(field.number)) else: if field.is_extension: out.write('[') if (field.containing_type.GetOptions().message_set_wire_format and field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE and field.label == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_OPTIONAL): out.write(field.message_type.full_name) else: out.write(field.full_name) out.write(']') elif field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_GROUP: # For groups, use the capitalized name. out.write(field.message_type.name) else: out.write(field.name) if (self.force_colon or field.cpp_type != descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_MESSAGE): # The colon is optional in this case, but our cross-language golden files # don't include it. Here, the colon is only included if force_colon is # set to True out.write(':') def PrintField(self, field, value): """Print a single field name/value pair.""" self._PrintFieldName(field) self.out.write(' ') self.PrintFieldValue(field, value) self.out.write(' ' if self.as_one_line else '\n') def _PrintShortRepeatedPrimitivesValue(self, field, value): """"Prints short repeated primitives value.""" # Note: this is called only when value has at least one element. self._PrintFieldName(field) self.out.write(' [') for i in six.moves.range(len(value) - 1): self.PrintFieldValue(field, value[i]) self.out.write(', ') self.PrintFieldValue(field, value[-1]) self.out.write(']') if self.force_colon: self.out.write(':') self.out.write(' ' if self.as_one_line else '\n') def _PrintMessageFieldValue(self, value): if self.pointy_brackets: openb = '<' closeb = '>' else: openb = '{' closeb = '}' if self.as_one_line: self.out.write('%s ' % openb) self.PrintMessage(value) self.out.write(closeb) else: self.out.write('%s\n' % openb) self.indent += 2 self.PrintMessage(value) self.indent -= 2 self.out.write(' ' * self.indent + closeb) def PrintFieldValue(self, field, value): """Print a single field value (not including name). For repeated fields, the value should be a single element. Args: field: The descriptor of the field to be printed. value: The value of the field. """ out = self.out if field.cpp_type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: self._PrintMessageFieldValue(value) elif field.cpp_type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_ENUM: enum_value = field.enum_type.values_by_number.get(value, None) if enum_value is not None: out.write(enum_value.name) else: out.write(str(value)) elif field.cpp_type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_STRING: out.write('\"') if isinstance(value, six.text_type) and (six.PY2 or not self.as_utf8): out_value = value.encode('utf-8') else: out_value = value if field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: # We always need to escape all binary data in TYPE_BYTES fields. out_as_utf8 = False else: out_as_utf8 = self.as_utf8 out.write(text_encoding.CEscape(out_value, out_as_utf8)) out.write('\"') elif field.cpp_type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_BOOL: if value: out.write('true') else: out.write('false') elif field.cpp_type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_FLOAT: if self.float_format is not None: out.write('{1:{0}}'.format(self.float_format, value)) else: out.write(str(type_checkers.ToShortestFloat(value))) elif (field.cpp_type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_DOUBLE and self.double_format is not None): out.write('{1:{0}}'.format(self.double_format, value)) else: out.write(str(value)) def Parse(text, message, allow_unknown_extension=False, allow_field_number=False, descriptor_pool=None, allow_unknown_field=False): """Parses a text representation of a protocol message into a message. NOTE: for historical reasons this function does not clear the input message. This is different from what the binary msg.ParseFrom(...) does. If text contains a field already set in message, the value is appended if the field is repeated. Otherwise, an error is raised. Example:: a = MyProto() a.repeated_field.append('test') b = MyProto() # Repeated fields are combined text_format.Parse(repr(a), b) text_format.Parse(repr(a), b) # repeated_field contains ["test", "test"] # Non-repeated fields cannot be overwritten a.singular_field = 1 b.singular_field = 2 text_format.Parse(repr(a), b) # ParseError # Binary version: b.ParseFromString(a.SerializeToString()) # repeated_field is now "test" Caller is responsible for clearing the message as needed. Args: text (str): Message text representation. message (Message): A protocol buffer message to merge into. allow_unknown_extension: if True, skip over missing extensions and keep parsing allow_field_number: if True, both field number and field name are allowed. descriptor_pool (DescriptorPool): Descriptor pool used to resolve Any types. allow_unknown_field: if True, skip over unknown field and keep parsing. Avoid to use this option if possible. It may hide some errors (e.g. spelling error on field name) Returns: Message: The same message passed as argument. Raises: ParseError: On text parsing problems. """ return ParseLines(text.split(b'\n' if isinstance(text, bytes) else u'\n'), message, allow_unknown_extension, allow_field_number, descriptor_pool=descriptor_pool, allow_unknown_field=allow_unknown_field) def Merge(text, message, allow_unknown_extension=False, allow_field_number=False, descriptor_pool=None, allow_unknown_field=False): """Parses a text representation of a protocol message into a message. Like Parse(), but allows repeated values for a non-repeated field, and uses the last one. This means any non-repeated, top-level fields specified in text replace those in the message. Args: text (str): Message text representation. message (Message): A protocol buffer message to merge into. allow_unknown_extension: if True, skip over missing extensions and keep parsing allow_field_number: if True, both field number and field name are allowed. descriptor_pool (DescriptorPool): Descriptor pool used to resolve Any types. allow_unknown_field: if True, skip over unknown field and keep parsing. Avoid to use this option if possible. It may hide some errors (e.g. spelling error on field name) Returns: Message: The same message passed as argument. Raises: ParseError: On text parsing problems. """ return MergeLines( text.split(b'\n' if isinstance(text, bytes) else u'\n'), message, allow_unknown_extension, allow_field_number, descriptor_pool=descriptor_pool, allow_unknown_field=allow_unknown_field) def ParseLines(lines, message, allow_unknown_extension=False, allow_field_number=False, descriptor_pool=None, allow_unknown_field=False): """Parses a text representation of a protocol message into a message. See Parse() for caveats. Args: lines: An iterable of lines of a message's text representation. message: A protocol buffer message to merge into. allow_unknown_extension: if True, skip over missing extensions and keep parsing allow_field_number: if True, both field number and field name are allowed. descriptor_pool: A DescriptorPool used to resolve Any types. allow_unknown_field: if True, skip over unknown field and keep parsing. Avoid to use this option if possible. It may hide some errors (e.g. spelling error on field name) Returns: The same message passed as argument. Raises: ParseError: On text parsing problems. """ parser = _Parser(allow_unknown_extension, allow_field_number, descriptor_pool=descriptor_pool, allow_unknown_field=allow_unknown_field) return parser.ParseLines(lines, message) def MergeLines(lines, message, allow_unknown_extension=False, allow_field_number=False, descriptor_pool=None, allow_unknown_field=False): """Parses a text representation of a protocol message into a message. See Merge() for more details. Args: lines: An iterable of lines of a message's text representation. message: A protocol buffer message to merge into. allow_unknown_extension: if True, skip over missing extensions and keep parsing allow_field_number: if True, both field number and field name are allowed. descriptor_pool: A DescriptorPool used to resolve Any types. allow_unknown_field: if True, skip over unknown field and keep parsing. Avoid to use this option if possible. It may hide some errors (e.g. spelling error on field name) Returns: The same message passed as argument. Raises: ParseError: On text parsing problems. """ parser = _Parser(allow_unknown_extension, allow_field_number, descriptor_pool=descriptor_pool, allow_unknown_field=allow_unknown_field) return parser.MergeLines(lines, message) class _Parser(object): """Text format parser for protocol message.""" def __init__(self, allow_unknown_extension=False, allow_field_number=False, descriptor_pool=None, allow_unknown_field=False): self.allow_unknown_extension = allow_unknown_extension self.allow_field_number = allow_field_number self.descriptor_pool = descriptor_pool self.allow_unknown_field = allow_unknown_field def ParseLines(self, lines, message): """Parses a text representation of a protocol message into a message.""" self._allow_multiple_scalars = False self._ParseOrMerge(lines, message) return message def MergeLines(self, lines, message): """Merges a text representation of a protocol message into a message.""" self._allow_multiple_scalars = True self._ParseOrMerge(lines, message) return message def _ParseOrMerge(self, lines, message): """Converts a text representation of a protocol message into a message. Args: lines: Lines of a message's text representation. message: A protocol buffer message to merge into. Raises: ParseError: On text parsing problems. """ # Tokenize expects native str lines. if six.PY2: str_lines = (line if isinstance(line, str) else line.encode('utf-8') for line in lines) else: str_lines = (line if isinstance(line, str) else line.decode('utf-8') for line in lines) tokenizer = Tokenizer(str_lines) while not tokenizer.AtEnd(): self._MergeField(tokenizer, message) def _MergeField(self, tokenizer, message): """Merges a single protocol message field into a message. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer to parse the field name and values. message: A protocol message to record the data. Raises: ParseError: In case of text parsing problems. """ message_descriptor = message.DESCRIPTOR if (message_descriptor.full_name == _ANY_FULL_TYPE_NAME and tokenizer.TryConsume('[')): type_url_prefix, packed_type_name = self._ConsumeAnyTypeUrl(tokenizer) tokenizer.Consume(']') tokenizer.TryConsume(':') if tokenizer.TryConsume('<'): expanded_any_end_token = '>' else: tokenizer.Consume('{') expanded_any_end_token = '}' expanded_any_sub_message = _BuildMessageFromTypeName(packed_type_name, self.descriptor_pool) if not expanded_any_sub_message: raise ParseError('Type %s not found in descriptor pool' % packed_type_name) while not tokenizer.TryConsume(expanded_any_end_token): if tokenizer.AtEnd(): raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken('Expected "%s".' % (expanded_any_end_token,)) self._MergeField(tokenizer, expanded_any_sub_message) message.Pack(expanded_any_sub_message, type_url_prefix=type_url_prefix) return if tokenizer.TryConsume('['): name = [tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifier()] while tokenizer.TryConsume('.'): name.append(tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifier()) name = '.'.join(name) if not message_descriptor.is_extendable: raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken( 'Message type "%s" does not have extensions.' % message_descriptor.full_name) # pylint: disable=protected-access field = message.Extensions._FindExtensionByName(name) # pylint: enable=protected-access if not field: if self.allow_unknown_extension: field = None else: raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken( 'Extension "%s" not registered. ' 'Did you import the _pb2 module which defines it? ' 'If you are trying to place the extension in the MessageSet ' 'field of another message that is in an Any or MessageSet field, ' 'that message\'s _pb2 module must be imported as well' % name) elif message_descriptor != field.containing_type: raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken( 'Extension "%s" does not extend message type "%s".' % (name, message_descriptor.full_name)) tokenizer.Consume(']') else: name = tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifierOrNumber() if self.allow_field_number and name.isdigit(): number = ParseInteger(name, True, True) field = message_descriptor.fields_by_number.get(number, None) if not field and message_descriptor.is_extendable: field = message.Extensions._FindExtensionByNumber(number) else: field = message_descriptor.fields_by_name.get(name, None) # Group names are expected to be capitalized as they appear in the # .proto file, which actually matches their type names, not their field # names. if not field: field = message_descriptor.fields_by_name.get(name.lower(), None) if field and field.type != descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_GROUP: field = None if (field and field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_GROUP and field.message_type.name != name): field = None if not field and not self.allow_unknown_field: raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken( 'Message type "%s" has no field named "%s".' % (message_descriptor.full_name, name)) if field: if not self._allow_multiple_scalars and field.containing_oneof: # Check if there's a different field set in this oneof. # Note that we ignore the case if the same field was set before, and we # apply _allow_multiple_scalars to non-scalar fields as well. which_oneof = message.WhichOneof(field.containing_oneof.name) if which_oneof is not None and which_oneof != field.name: raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken( 'Field "%s" is specified along with field "%s", another member ' 'of oneof "%s" for message type "%s".' % (field.name, which_oneof, field.containing_oneof.name, message_descriptor.full_name)) if field.cpp_type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: tokenizer.TryConsume(':') merger = self._MergeMessageField else: tokenizer.Consume(':') merger = self._MergeScalarField if (field.label == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED and tokenizer.TryConsume('[')): # Short repeated format, e.g. "foo: [1, 2, 3]" if not tokenizer.TryConsume(']'): while True: merger(tokenizer, message, field) if tokenizer.TryConsume(']'): break tokenizer.Consume(',') else: merger(tokenizer, message, field) else: # Proto field is unknown. assert (self.allow_unknown_extension or self.allow_unknown_field) _SkipFieldContents(tokenizer) # For historical reasons, fields may optionally be separated by commas or # semicolons. if not tokenizer.TryConsume(','): tokenizer.TryConsume(';') def _ConsumeAnyTypeUrl(self, tokenizer): """Consumes a google.protobuf.Any type URL and returns the type name.""" # Consume "type.googleapis.com/". prefix = [tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifier()] tokenizer.Consume('.') prefix.append(tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifier()) tokenizer.Consume('.') prefix.append(tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifier()) tokenizer.Consume('/') # Consume the fully-qualified type name. name = [tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifier()] while tokenizer.TryConsume('.'): name.append(tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifier()) return '.'.join(prefix), '.'.join(name) def _MergeMessageField(self, tokenizer, message, field): """Merges a single scalar field into a message. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer to parse the field value. message: The message of which field is a member. field: The descriptor of the field to be merged. Raises: ParseError: In case of text parsing problems. """ is_map_entry = _IsMapEntry(field) if tokenizer.TryConsume('<'): end_token = '>' else: tokenizer.Consume('{') end_token = '}' if field.label == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: if field.is_extension: sub_message = message.Extensions[field].add() elif is_map_entry: sub_message = getattr(message, field.name).GetEntryClass()() else: sub_message = getattr(message, field.name).add() else: if field.is_extension: if (not self._allow_multiple_scalars and message.HasExtension(field)): raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken( 'Message type "%s" should not have multiple "%s" extensions.' % (message.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, field.full_name)) sub_message = message.Extensions[field] else: # Also apply _allow_multiple_scalars to message field. # TODO(jieluo): Change to _allow_singular_overwrites. if (not self._allow_multiple_scalars and message.HasField(field.name)): raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken( 'Message type "%s" should not have multiple "%s" fields.' % (message.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, field.name)) sub_message = getattr(message, field.name) sub_message.SetInParent() while not tokenizer.TryConsume(end_token): if tokenizer.AtEnd(): raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken('Expected "%s".' % (end_token,)) self._MergeField(tokenizer, sub_message) if is_map_entry: value_cpptype = field.message_type.fields_by_name['value'].cpp_type if value_cpptype == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: value = getattr(message, field.name)[sub_message.key] value.MergeFrom(sub_message.value) else: getattr(message, field.name)[sub_message.key] = sub_message.value @staticmethod def _IsProto3Syntax(message): message_descriptor = message.DESCRIPTOR return (hasattr(message_descriptor, 'syntax') and message_descriptor.syntax == 'proto3') def _MergeScalarField(self, tokenizer, message, field): """Merges a single scalar field into a message. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer to parse the field value. message: A protocol message to record the data. field: The descriptor of the field to be merged. Raises: ParseError: In case of text parsing problems. RuntimeError: On runtime errors. """ _ = self.allow_unknown_extension value = None if field.type in (descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_INT32, descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT32, descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SFIXED32): value = _ConsumeInt32(tokenizer) elif field.type in (descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_INT64, descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT64, descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SFIXED64): value = _ConsumeInt64(tokenizer) elif field.type in (descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT32, descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FIXED32): value = _ConsumeUint32(tokenizer) elif field.type in (descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT64, descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FIXED64): value = _ConsumeUint64(tokenizer) elif field.type in (descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FLOAT, descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_DOUBLE): value = tokenizer.ConsumeFloat() elif field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: value = tokenizer.ConsumeBool() elif field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: value = tokenizer.ConsumeString() elif field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: value = tokenizer.ConsumeByteString() elif field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM: value = tokenizer.ConsumeEnum(field) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown field type %d' % field.type) if field.label == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: if field.is_extension: message.Extensions[field].append(value) else: getattr(message, field.name).append(value) else: if field.is_extension: if (not self._allow_multiple_scalars and not self._IsProto3Syntax(message) and message.HasExtension(field)): raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken( 'Message type "%s" should not have multiple "%s" extensions.' % (message.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, field.full_name)) else: message.Extensions[field] = value else: duplicate_error = False if not self._allow_multiple_scalars: if self._IsProto3Syntax(message): # Proto3 doesn't represent presence so we try best effort to check # multiple scalars by compare to default values. duplicate_error = bool(getattr(message, field.name)) else: duplicate_error = message.HasField(field.name) if duplicate_error: raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken( 'Message type "%s" should not have multiple "%s" fields.' % (message.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, field.name)) else: setattr(message, field.name, value) def _SkipFieldContents(tokenizer): """Skips over contents (value or message) of a field. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer to parse the field name and values. """ # Try to guess the type of this field. # If this field is not a message, there should be a ":" between the # field name and the field value and also the field value should not # start with "{" or "<" which indicates the beginning of a message body. # If there is no ":" or there is a "{" or "<" after ":", this field has # to be a message or the input is ill-formed. if tokenizer.TryConsume(':') and not tokenizer.LookingAt( '{') and not tokenizer.LookingAt('<'): _SkipFieldValue(tokenizer) else: _SkipFieldMessage(tokenizer) def _SkipField(tokenizer): """Skips over a complete field (name and value/message). Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer to parse the field name and values. """ if tokenizer.TryConsume('['): # Consume extension name. tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifier() while tokenizer.TryConsume('.'): tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifier() tokenizer.Consume(']') else: tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifierOrNumber() _SkipFieldContents(tokenizer) # For historical reasons, fields may optionally be separated by commas or # semicolons. if not tokenizer.TryConsume(','): tokenizer.TryConsume(';') def _SkipFieldMessage(tokenizer): """Skips over a field message. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer to parse the field name and values. """ if tokenizer.TryConsume('<'): delimiter = '>' else: tokenizer.Consume('{') delimiter = '}' while not tokenizer.LookingAt('>') and not tokenizer.LookingAt('}'): _SkipField(tokenizer) tokenizer.Consume(delimiter) def _SkipFieldValue(tokenizer): """Skips over a field value. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer to parse the field name and values. Raises: ParseError: In case an invalid field value is found. """ # String/bytes tokens can come in multiple adjacent string literals. # If we can consume one, consume as many as we can. if tokenizer.TryConsumeByteString(): while tokenizer.TryConsumeByteString(): pass return if (not tokenizer.TryConsumeIdentifier() and not _TryConsumeInt64(tokenizer) and not _TryConsumeUint64(tokenizer) and not tokenizer.TryConsumeFloat()): raise ParseError('Invalid field value: ' + tokenizer.token) class Tokenizer(object): """Protocol buffer text representation tokenizer. This class handles the lower level string parsing by splitting it into meaningful tokens. It was directly ported from the Java protocol buffer API. """ _WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'\s+') _COMMENT = re.compile(r'(\s*#.*$)', re.MULTILINE) _WHITESPACE_OR_COMMENT = re.compile(r'(\s|(#.*$))+', re.MULTILINE) _TOKEN = re.compile('|'.join([ r'[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_+-]*', # an identifier r'([0-9+-]|(\.[0-9]))[0-9a-zA-Z_.+-]*', # a number ] + [ # quoted str for each quote mark # Avoid backtracking! https://stackoverflow.com/a/844267 r'{qt}[^{qt}\n\\]*((\\.)+[^{qt}\n\\]*)*({qt}|\\?$)'.format(qt=mark) for mark in _QUOTES ])) _IDENTIFIER = re.compile(r'[^\d\W]\w*') _IDENTIFIER_OR_NUMBER = re.compile(r'\w+') def __init__(self, lines, skip_comments=True): self._position = 0 self._line = -1 self._column = 0 self._token_start = None self.token = '' self._lines = iter(lines) self._current_line = '' self._previous_line = 0 self._previous_column = 0 self._more_lines = True self._skip_comments = skip_comments self._whitespace_pattern = (skip_comments and self._WHITESPACE_OR_COMMENT or self._WHITESPACE) self._SkipWhitespace() self.NextToken() def LookingAt(self, token): return self.token == token def AtEnd(self): """Checks the end of the text was reached. Returns: True iff the end was reached. """ return not self.token def _PopLine(self): while len(self._current_line) <= self._column: try: self._current_line = next(self._lines) except StopIteration: self._current_line = '' self._more_lines = False return else: self._line += 1 self._column = 0 def _SkipWhitespace(self): while True: self._PopLine() match = self._whitespace_pattern.match(self._current_line, self._column) if not match: break length = len(match.group(0)) self._column += length def TryConsume(self, token): """Tries to consume a given piece of text. Args: token: Text to consume. Returns: True iff the text was consumed. """ if self.token == token: self.NextToken() return True return False def Consume(self, token): """Consumes a piece of text. Args: token: Text to consume. Raises: ParseError: If the text couldn't be consumed. """ if not self.TryConsume(token): raise self.ParseError('Expected "%s".' % token) def ConsumeComment(self): result = self.token if not self._COMMENT.match(result): raise self.ParseError('Expected comment.') self.NextToken() return result def ConsumeCommentOrTrailingComment(self): """Consumes a comment, returns a 2-tuple (trailing bool, comment str).""" # Tokenizer initializes _previous_line and _previous_column to 0. As the # tokenizer starts, it looks like there is a previous token on the line. just_started = self._line == 0 and self._column == 0 before_parsing = self._previous_line comment = self.ConsumeComment() # A trailing comment is a comment on the same line than the previous token. trailing = (self._previous_line == before_parsing and not just_started) return trailing, comment def TryConsumeIdentifier(self): try: self.ConsumeIdentifier() return True except ParseError: return False def ConsumeIdentifier(self): """Consumes protocol message field identifier. Returns: Identifier string. Raises: ParseError: If an identifier couldn't be consumed. """ result = self.token if not self._IDENTIFIER.match(result): raise self.ParseError('Expected identifier.') self.NextToken() return result def TryConsumeIdentifierOrNumber(self): try: self.ConsumeIdentifierOrNumber() return True except ParseError: return False def ConsumeIdentifierOrNumber(self): """Consumes protocol message field identifier. Returns: Identifier string. Raises: ParseError: If an identifier couldn't be consumed. """ result = self.token if not self._IDENTIFIER_OR_NUMBER.match(result): raise self.ParseError('Expected identifier or number, got %s.' % result) self.NextToken() return result def TryConsumeInteger(self): try: # Note: is_long only affects value type, not whether an error is raised. self.ConsumeInteger() return True except ParseError: return False def ConsumeInteger(self, is_long=False): """Consumes an integer number. Args: is_long: True if the value should be returned as a long integer. Returns: The integer parsed. Raises: ParseError: If an integer couldn't be consumed. """ try: result = _ParseAbstractInteger(self.token, is_long=is_long) except ValueError as e: raise self.ParseError(str(e)) self.NextToken() return result def TryConsumeFloat(self): try: self.ConsumeFloat() return True except ParseError: return False def ConsumeFloat(self): """Consumes an floating point number. Returns: The number parsed. Raises: ParseError: If a floating point number couldn't be consumed. """ try: result = ParseFloat(self.token) except ValueError as e: raise self.ParseError(str(e)) self.NextToken() return result def ConsumeBool(self): """Consumes a boolean value. Returns: The bool parsed. Raises: ParseError: If a boolean value couldn't be consumed. """ try: result = ParseBool(self.token) except ValueError as e: raise self.ParseError(str(e)) self.NextToken() return result def TryConsumeByteString(self): try: self.ConsumeByteString() return True except ParseError: return False def ConsumeString(self): """Consumes a string value. Returns: The string parsed. Raises: ParseError: If a string value couldn't be consumed. """ the_bytes = self.ConsumeByteString() try: return six.text_type(the_bytes, 'utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise self._StringParseError(e) def ConsumeByteString(self): """Consumes a byte array value. Returns: The array parsed (as a string). Raises: ParseError: If a byte array value couldn't be consumed. """ the_list = [self._ConsumeSingleByteString()] while self.token and self.token[0] in _QUOTES: the_list.append(self._ConsumeSingleByteString()) return b''.join(the_list) def _ConsumeSingleByteString(self): """Consume one token of a string literal. String literals (whether bytes or text) can come in multiple adjacent tokens which are automatically concatenated, like in C or Python. This method only consumes one token. Returns: The token parsed. Raises: ParseError: When the wrong format data is found. """ text = self.token if len(text) < 1 or text[0] not in _QUOTES: raise self.ParseError('Expected string but found: %r' % (text,)) if len(text) < 2 or text[-1] != text[0]: raise self.ParseError('String missing ending quote: %r' % (text,)) try: result = text_encoding.CUnescape(text[1:-1]) except ValueError as e: raise self.ParseError(str(e)) self.NextToken() return result def ConsumeEnum(self, field): try: result = ParseEnum(field, self.token) except ValueError as e: raise self.ParseError(str(e)) self.NextToken() return result def ParseErrorPreviousToken(self, message): """Creates and *returns* a ParseError for the previously read token. Args: message: A message to set for the exception. Returns: A ParseError instance. """ return ParseError(message, self._previous_line + 1, self._previous_column + 1) def ParseError(self, message): """Creates and *returns* a ParseError for the current token.""" return ParseError('\'' + self._current_line + '\': ' + message, self._line + 1, self._column + 1) def _StringParseError(self, e): return self.ParseError('Couldn\'t parse string: ' + str(e)) def NextToken(self): """Reads the next meaningful token.""" self._previous_line = self._line self._previous_column = self._column self._column += len(self.token) self._SkipWhitespace() if not self._more_lines: self.token = '' return match = self._TOKEN.match(self._current_line, self._column) if not match and not self._skip_comments: match = self._COMMENT.match(self._current_line, self._column) if match: token = match.group(0) self.token = token else: self.token = self._current_line[self._column] # Aliased so it can still be accessed by current visibility violators. # TODO(dbarnett): Migrate violators to textformat_tokenizer. _Tokenizer = Tokenizer # pylint: disable=invalid-name def _ConsumeInt32(tokenizer): """Consumes a signed 32bit integer number from tokenizer. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer used to parse the number. Returns: The integer parsed. Raises: ParseError: If a signed 32bit integer couldn't be consumed. """ return _ConsumeInteger(tokenizer, is_signed=True, is_long=False) def _ConsumeUint32(tokenizer): """Consumes an unsigned 32bit integer number from tokenizer. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer used to parse the number. Returns: The integer parsed. Raises: ParseError: If an unsigned 32bit integer couldn't be consumed. """ return _ConsumeInteger(tokenizer, is_signed=False, is_long=False) def _TryConsumeInt64(tokenizer): try: _ConsumeInt64(tokenizer) return True except ParseError: return False def _ConsumeInt64(tokenizer): """Consumes a signed 32bit integer number from tokenizer. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer used to parse the number. Returns: The integer parsed. Raises: ParseError: If a signed 32bit integer couldn't be consumed. """ return _ConsumeInteger(tokenizer, is_signed=True, is_long=True) def _TryConsumeUint64(tokenizer): try: _ConsumeUint64(tokenizer) return True except ParseError: return False def _ConsumeUint64(tokenizer): """Consumes an unsigned 64bit integer number from tokenizer. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer used to parse the number. Returns: The integer parsed. Raises: ParseError: If an unsigned 64bit integer couldn't be consumed. """ return _ConsumeInteger(tokenizer, is_signed=False, is_long=True) def _TryConsumeInteger(tokenizer, is_signed=False, is_long=False): try: _ConsumeInteger(tokenizer, is_signed=is_signed, is_long=is_long) return True except ParseError: return False def _ConsumeInteger(tokenizer, is_signed=False, is_long=False): """Consumes an integer number from tokenizer. Args: tokenizer: A tokenizer used to parse the number. is_signed: True if a signed integer must be parsed. is_long: True if a long integer must be parsed. Returns: The integer parsed. Raises: ParseError: If an integer with given characteristics couldn't be consumed. """ try: result = ParseInteger(tokenizer.token, is_signed=is_signed, is_long=is_long) except ValueError as e: raise tokenizer.ParseError(str(e)) tokenizer.NextToken() return result def ParseInteger(text, is_signed=False, is_long=False): """Parses an integer. Args: text: The text to parse. is_signed: True if a signed integer must be parsed. is_long: True if a long integer must be parsed. Returns: The integer value. Raises: ValueError: Thrown Iff the text is not a valid integer. """ # Do the actual parsing. Exception handling is propagated to caller. result = _ParseAbstractInteger(text, is_long=is_long) # Check if the integer is sane. Exceptions handled by callers. checker = _INTEGER_CHECKERS[2 * int(is_long) + int(is_signed)] checker.CheckValue(result) return result def _ParseAbstractInteger(text, is_long=False): """Parses an integer without checking size/signedness. Args: text: The text to parse. is_long: True if the value should be returned as a long integer. Returns: The integer value. Raises: ValueError: Thrown Iff the text is not a valid integer. """ # Do the actual parsing. Exception handling is propagated to caller. orig_text = text c_octal_match = re.match(r'(-?)0(\d+)$', text) if c_octal_match: # Python 3 no longer supports 0755 octal syntax without the 'o', so # we always use the '0o' prefix for multi-digit numbers starting with 0. text = c_octal_match.group(1) + '0o' + c_octal_match.group(2) try: # We force 32-bit values to int and 64-bit values to long to make # alternate implementations where the distinction is more significant # (e.g. the C++ implementation) simpler. if is_long: return long(text, 0) else: return int(text, 0) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Couldn\'t parse integer: %s' % orig_text) def ParseFloat(text): """Parse a floating point number. Args: text: Text to parse. Returns: The number parsed. Raises: ValueError: If a floating point number couldn't be parsed. """ try: # Assume Python compatible syntax. return float(text) except ValueError: # Check alternative spellings. if _FLOAT_INFINITY.match(text): if text[0] == '-': return float('-inf') else: return float('inf') elif _FLOAT_NAN.match(text): return float('nan') else: # assume '1.0f' format try: return float(text.rstrip('f')) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Couldn\'t parse float: %s' % text) def ParseBool(text): """Parse a boolean value. Args: text: Text to parse. Returns: Boolean values parsed Raises: ValueError: If text is not a valid boolean. """ if text in ('true', 't', '1', 'True'): return True elif text in ('false', 'f', '0', 'False'): return False else: raise ValueError('Expected "true" or "false".') def ParseEnum(field, value): """Parse an enum value. The value can be specified by a number (the enum value), or by a string literal (the enum name). Args: field: Enum field descriptor. value: String value. Returns: Enum value number. Raises: ValueError: If the enum value could not be parsed. """ enum_descriptor = field.enum_type try: number = int(value, 0) except ValueError: # Identifier. enum_value = enum_descriptor.values_by_name.get(value, None) if enum_value is None: raise ValueError('Enum type "%s" has no value named %s.' % (enum_descriptor.full_name, value)) else: # Numeric value. if hasattr(field.file, 'syntax'): # Attribute is checked for compatibility. if field.file.syntax == 'proto3': # Proto3 accept numeric unknown enums. return number enum_value = enum_descriptor.values_by_number.get(number, None) if enum_value is None: raise ValueError('Enum type "%s" has no value with number %d.' % (enum_descriptor.full_name, number)) return enum_value.number