""" Now-obsolete startmigration command. """ from __future__ import print_function from optparse import make_option from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand from django.core.management.color import no_style class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--model', action='append', dest='added_model_list', type='string', help='Generate a Create Table migration for the specified model. Add multiple models to this migration with subsequent --add-model parameters.'), make_option('--add-field', action='append', dest='added_field_list', type='string', help='Generate an Add Column migration for the specified modelname.fieldname - you can use this multiple times to add more than one column.'), make_option('--add-index', action='append', dest='added_index_list', type='string', help='Generate an Add Index migration for the specified modelname.fieldname - you can use this multiple times to add more than one column.'), make_option('--initial', action='store_true', dest='initial', default=False, help='Generate the initial schema for the app.'), make_option('--auto', action='store_true', dest='auto', default=False, help='Attempt to automatically detect differences from the last migration.'), make_option('--freeze', action='append', dest='freeze_list', type='string', help='Freeze the specified model(s). Pass in either an app name (to freeze the whole app) or a single model, as appname.modelname.'), make_option('--stdout', action='store_true', dest='stdout', default=False, help='Print the migration to stdout instead of writing it to a file.'), ) help = "Deprecated command" def handle(self, app=None, name="", added_model_list=None, added_field_list=None, initial=False, freeze_list=None, auto=False, stdout=False, added_index_list=None, **options): print("The 'startmigration' command is now deprecated; please use the new 'schemamigration' and 'datamigration' commands.")