# Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Common objects shared by __init__.py and _ps*.py modules.""" # Note: this module is imported by setup.py so it should not import # psutil or third-party modules. from __future__ import division, print_function import contextlib import errno import functools import os import socket import stat import sys import threading import warnings from collections import defaultdict from collections import namedtuple from socket import AF_INET from socket import SOCK_DGRAM from socket import SOCK_STREAM try: from socket import AF_INET6 except ImportError: AF_INET6 = None try: from socket import AF_UNIX except ImportError: AF_UNIX = None if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): import enum else: enum = None # can't take it from _common.py as this script is imported by setup.py PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 __all__ = [ # OS constants 'FREEBSD', 'BSD', 'LINUX', 'NETBSD', 'OPENBSD', 'MACOS', 'OSX', 'POSIX', 'SUNOS', 'WINDOWS', # connection constants 'CONN_CLOSE', 'CONN_CLOSE_WAIT', 'CONN_CLOSING', 'CONN_ESTABLISHED', 'CONN_FIN_WAIT1', 'CONN_FIN_WAIT2', 'CONN_LAST_ACK', 'CONN_LISTEN', 'CONN_NONE', 'CONN_SYN_RECV', 'CONN_SYN_SENT', 'CONN_TIME_WAIT', # net constants 'NIC_DUPLEX_FULL', 'NIC_DUPLEX_HALF', 'NIC_DUPLEX_UNKNOWN', # process status constants 'STATUS_DEAD', 'STATUS_DISK_SLEEP', 'STATUS_IDLE', 'STATUS_LOCKED', 'STATUS_RUNNING', 'STATUS_SLEEPING', 'STATUS_STOPPED', 'STATUS_SUSPENDED', 'STATUS_TRACING_STOP', 'STATUS_WAITING', 'STATUS_WAKE_KILL', 'STATUS_WAKING', 'STATUS_ZOMBIE', 'STATUS_PARKED', # other constants 'ENCODING', 'ENCODING_ERRS', 'AF_INET6', # named tuples 'pconn', 'pcputimes', 'pctxsw', 'pgids', 'pio', 'pionice', 'popenfile', 'pthread', 'puids', 'sconn', 'scpustats', 'sdiskio', 'sdiskpart', 'sdiskusage', 'snetio', 'snicaddr', 'snicstats', 'sswap', 'suser', # utility functions 'conn_tmap', 'deprecated_method', 'isfile_strict', 'memoize', 'parse_environ_block', 'path_exists_strict', 'usage_percent', 'supports_ipv6', 'sockfam_to_enum', 'socktype_to_enum', "wrap_numbers", 'bytes2human', 'conn_to_ntuple', 'debug', # shell utils 'hilite', 'term_supports_colors', 'print_color', ] # =================================================================== # --- OS constants # =================================================================== POSIX = os.name == "posix" WINDOWS = os.name == "nt" LINUX = sys.platform.startswith("linux") MACOS = sys.platform.startswith("darwin") OSX = MACOS # deprecated alias FREEBSD = sys.platform.startswith("freebsd") OPENBSD = sys.platform.startswith("openbsd") NETBSD = sys.platform.startswith("netbsd") BSD = FREEBSD or OPENBSD or NETBSD SUNOS = sys.platform.startswith(("sunos", "solaris")) AIX = sys.platform.startswith("aix") # =================================================================== # --- API constants # =================================================================== # Process.status() STATUS_RUNNING = "running" STATUS_SLEEPING = "sleeping" STATUS_DISK_SLEEP = "disk-sleep" STATUS_STOPPED = "stopped" STATUS_TRACING_STOP = "tracing-stop" STATUS_ZOMBIE = "zombie" STATUS_DEAD = "dead" STATUS_WAKE_KILL = "wake-kill" STATUS_WAKING = "waking" STATUS_IDLE = "idle" # Linux, macOS, FreeBSD STATUS_LOCKED = "locked" # FreeBSD STATUS_WAITING = "waiting" # FreeBSD STATUS_SUSPENDED = "suspended" # NetBSD STATUS_PARKED = "parked" # Linux # Process.connections() and psutil.net_connections() CONN_ESTABLISHED = "ESTABLISHED" CONN_SYN_SENT = "SYN_SENT" CONN_SYN_RECV = "SYN_RECV" CONN_FIN_WAIT1 = "FIN_WAIT1" CONN_FIN_WAIT2 = "FIN_WAIT2" CONN_TIME_WAIT = "TIME_WAIT" CONN_CLOSE = "CLOSE" CONN_CLOSE_WAIT = "CLOSE_WAIT" CONN_LAST_ACK = "LAST_ACK" CONN_LISTEN = "LISTEN" CONN_CLOSING = "CLOSING" CONN_NONE = "NONE" # net_if_stats() if enum is None: NIC_DUPLEX_FULL = 2 NIC_DUPLEX_HALF = 1 NIC_DUPLEX_UNKNOWN = 0 else: class NicDuplex(enum.IntEnum): NIC_DUPLEX_FULL = 2 NIC_DUPLEX_HALF = 1 NIC_DUPLEX_UNKNOWN = 0 globals().update(NicDuplex.__members__) # sensors_battery() if enum is None: POWER_TIME_UNKNOWN = -1 POWER_TIME_UNLIMITED = -2 else: class BatteryTime(enum.IntEnum): POWER_TIME_UNKNOWN = -1 POWER_TIME_UNLIMITED = -2 globals().update(BatteryTime.__members__) # --- others ENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if not PY3: ENCODING_ERRS = "replace" else: try: ENCODING_ERRS = sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors() # py 3.6 except AttributeError: ENCODING_ERRS = "surrogateescape" if POSIX else "replace" # =================================================================== # --- namedtuples # =================================================================== # --- for system functions # psutil.swap_memory() sswap = namedtuple('sswap', ['total', 'used', 'free', 'percent', 'sin', 'sout']) # psutil.disk_usage() sdiskusage = namedtuple('sdiskusage', ['total', 'used', 'free', 'percent']) # psutil.disk_io_counters() sdiskio = namedtuple('sdiskio', ['read_count', 'write_count', 'read_bytes', 'write_bytes', 'read_time', 'write_time']) # psutil.disk_partitions() sdiskpart = namedtuple('sdiskpart', ['device', 'mountpoint', 'fstype', 'opts']) # psutil.net_io_counters() snetio = namedtuple('snetio', ['bytes_sent', 'bytes_recv', 'packets_sent', 'packets_recv', 'errin', 'errout', 'dropin', 'dropout']) # psutil.users() suser = namedtuple('suser', ['name', 'terminal', 'host', 'started', 'pid']) # psutil.net_connections() sconn = namedtuple('sconn', ['fd', 'family', 'type', 'laddr', 'raddr', 'status', 'pid']) # psutil.net_if_addrs() snicaddr = namedtuple('snicaddr', ['family', 'address', 'netmask', 'broadcast', 'ptp']) # psutil.net_if_stats() snicstats = namedtuple('snicstats', ['isup', 'duplex', 'speed', 'mtu']) # psutil.cpu_stats() scpustats = namedtuple( 'scpustats', ['ctx_switches', 'interrupts', 'soft_interrupts', 'syscalls']) # psutil.cpu_freq() scpufreq = namedtuple('scpufreq', ['current', 'min', 'max']) # psutil.sensors_temperatures() shwtemp = namedtuple( 'shwtemp', ['label', 'current', 'high', 'critical']) # psutil.sensors_battery() sbattery = namedtuple('sbattery', ['percent', 'secsleft', 'power_plugged']) # psutil.sensors_fans() sfan = namedtuple('sfan', ['label', 'current']) # --- for Process methods # psutil.Process.cpu_times() pcputimes = namedtuple('pcputimes', ['user', 'system', 'children_user', 'children_system']) # psutil.Process.open_files() popenfile = namedtuple('popenfile', ['path', 'fd']) # psutil.Process.threads() pthread = namedtuple('pthread', ['id', 'user_time', 'system_time']) # psutil.Process.uids() puids = namedtuple('puids', ['real', 'effective', 'saved']) # psutil.Process.gids() pgids = namedtuple('pgids', ['real', 'effective', 'saved']) # psutil.Process.io_counters() pio = namedtuple('pio', ['read_count', 'write_count', 'read_bytes', 'write_bytes']) # psutil.Process.ionice() pionice = namedtuple('pionice', ['ioclass', 'value']) # psutil.Process.ctx_switches() pctxsw = namedtuple('pctxsw', ['voluntary', 'involuntary']) # psutil.Process.connections() pconn = namedtuple('pconn', ['fd', 'family', 'type', 'laddr', 'raddr', 'status']) # psutil.connections() and psutil.Process.connections() addr = namedtuple('addr', ['ip', 'port']) # =================================================================== # --- Process.connections() 'kind' parameter mapping # =================================================================== conn_tmap = { "all": ([AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_UNIX], [SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM]), "tcp": ([AF_INET, AF_INET6], [SOCK_STREAM]), "tcp4": ([AF_INET], [SOCK_STREAM]), "udp": ([AF_INET, AF_INET6], [SOCK_DGRAM]), "udp4": ([AF_INET], [SOCK_DGRAM]), "inet": ([AF_INET, AF_INET6], [SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM]), "inet4": ([AF_INET], [SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM]), "inet6": ([AF_INET6], [SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM]), } if AF_INET6 is not None: conn_tmap.update({ "tcp6": ([AF_INET6], [SOCK_STREAM]), "udp6": ([AF_INET6], [SOCK_DGRAM]), }) if AF_UNIX is not None: conn_tmap.update({ "unix": ([AF_UNIX], [SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM]), }) # ===================================================================== # --- Exceptions # ===================================================================== class Error(Exception): """Base exception class. All other psutil exceptions inherit from this one. """ __module__ = 'psutil' def __init__(self, msg=""): Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg def __repr__(self): ret = "psutil.%s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.msg) return ret.strip() __str__ = __repr__ class NoSuchProcess(Error): """Exception raised when a process with a certain PID doesn't or no longer exists. """ __module__ = 'psutil' def __init__(self, pid, name=None, msg=None): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.pid = pid self.name = name self.msg = msg if msg is None: if name: details = "(pid=%s, name=%s)" % (self.pid, repr(self.name)) else: details = "(pid=%s)" % self.pid self.msg = "process no longer exists " + details def __path__(self): return 'xxx' class ZombieProcess(NoSuchProcess): """Exception raised when querying a zombie process. This is raised on macOS, BSD and Solaris only, and not always: depending on the query the OS may be able to succeed anyway. On Linux all zombie processes are querable (hence this is never raised). Windows doesn't have zombie processes. """ __module__ = 'psutil' def __init__(self, pid, name=None, ppid=None, msg=None): NoSuchProcess.__init__(self, msg) self.pid = pid self.ppid = ppid self.name = name self.msg = msg if msg is None: args = ["pid=%s" % pid] if name: args.append("name=%s" % repr(self.name)) if ppid: args.append("ppid=%s" % self.ppid) details = "(%s)" % ", ".join(args) self.msg = "process still exists but it's a zombie " + details class AccessDenied(Error): """Exception raised when permission to perform an action is denied.""" __module__ = 'psutil' def __init__(self, pid=None, name=None, msg=None): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.pid = pid self.name = name self.msg = msg if msg is None: if (pid is not None) and (name is not None): self.msg = "(pid=%s, name=%s)" % (pid, repr(name)) elif (pid is not None): self.msg = "(pid=%s)" % self.pid else: self.msg = "" class TimeoutExpired(Error): """Raised on Process.wait(timeout) if timeout expires and process is still alive. """ __module__ = 'psutil' def __init__(self, seconds, pid=None, name=None): Error.__init__(self, "timeout after %s seconds" % seconds) self.seconds = seconds self.pid = pid self.name = name if (pid is not None) and (name is not None): self.msg += " (pid=%s, name=%s)" % (pid, repr(name)) elif (pid is not None): self.msg += " (pid=%s)" % self.pid # =================================================================== # --- utils # =================================================================== def usage_percent(used, total, round_=None): """Calculate percentage usage of 'used' against 'total'.""" try: ret = (float(used) / total) * 100 except ZeroDivisionError: return 0.0 else: if round_ is not None: ret = round(ret, round_) return ret def memoize(fun): """A simple memoize decorator for functions supporting (hashable) positional arguments. It also provides a cache_clear() function for clearing the cache: >>> @memoize ... def foo() ... return 1 ... >>> foo() 1 >>> foo.cache_clear() >>> """ @functools.wraps(fun) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key = (args, frozenset(sorted(kwargs.items()))) try: return cache[key] except KeyError: ret = cache[key] = fun(*args, **kwargs) return ret def cache_clear(): """Clear cache.""" cache.clear() cache = {} wrapper.cache_clear = cache_clear return wrapper def memoize_when_activated(fun): """A memoize decorator which is disabled by default. It can be activated and deactivated on request. For efficiency reasons it can be used only against class methods accepting no arguments. >>> class Foo: ... @memoize ... def foo() ... print(1) ... >>> f = Foo() >>> # deactivated (default) >>> foo() 1 >>> foo() 1 >>> >>> # activated >>> foo.cache_activate(self) >>> foo() 1 >>> foo() >>> foo() >>> """ @functools.wraps(fun) def wrapper(self): try: # case 1: we previously entered oneshot() ctx ret = self._cache[fun] except AttributeError: # case 2: we never entered oneshot() ctx return fun(self) except KeyError: # case 3: we entered oneshot() ctx but there's no cache # for this entry yet ret = self._cache[fun] = fun(self) return ret def cache_activate(proc): """Activate cache. Expects a Process instance. Cache will be stored as a "_cache" instance attribute.""" proc._cache = {} def cache_deactivate(proc): """Deactivate and clear cache.""" try: del proc._cache except AttributeError: pass wrapper.cache_activate = cache_activate wrapper.cache_deactivate = cache_deactivate return wrapper def isfile_strict(path): """Same as os.path.isfile() but does not swallow EACCES / EPERM exceptions, see: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-June/120787.html """ try: st = os.stat(path) except OSError as err: if err.errno in (errno.EPERM, errno.EACCES): raise return False else: return stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) def path_exists_strict(path): """Same as os.path.exists() but does not swallow EACCES / EPERM exceptions, see: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-June/120787.html """ try: os.stat(path) except OSError as err: if err.errno in (errno.EPERM, errno.EACCES): raise return False else: return True @memoize def supports_ipv6(): """Return True if IPv6 is supported on this platform.""" if not socket.has_ipv6 or AF_INET6 is None: return False try: sock = socket.socket(AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) with contextlib.closing(sock): sock.bind(("::1", 0)) return True except socket.error: return False def parse_environ_block(data): """Parse a C environ block of environment variables into a dictionary.""" # The block is usually raw data from the target process. It might contain # trailing garbage and lines that do not look like assignments. ret = {} pos = 0 # localize global variable to speed up access. WINDOWS_ = WINDOWS while True: next_pos = data.find("\0", pos) # nul byte at the beginning or double nul byte means finish if next_pos <= pos: break # there might not be an equals sign equal_pos = data.find("=", pos, next_pos) if equal_pos > pos: key = data[pos:equal_pos] value = data[equal_pos + 1:next_pos] # Windows expects environment variables to be uppercase only if WINDOWS_: key = key.upper() ret[key] = value pos = next_pos + 1 return ret def sockfam_to_enum(num): """Convert a numeric socket family value to an IntEnum member. If it's not a known member, return the numeric value itself. """ if enum is None: return num else: # pragma: no cover try: return socket.AddressFamily(num) except ValueError: return num def socktype_to_enum(num): """Convert a numeric socket type value to an IntEnum member. If it's not a known member, return the numeric value itself. """ if enum is None: return num else: # pragma: no cover try: return socket.SocketKind(num) except ValueError: return num def conn_to_ntuple(fd, fam, type_, laddr, raddr, status, status_map, pid=None): """Convert a raw connection tuple to a proper ntuple.""" if fam in (socket.AF_INET, AF_INET6): if laddr: laddr = addr(*laddr) if raddr: raddr = addr(*raddr) if type_ == socket.SOCK_STREAM and fam in (AF_INET, AF_INET6): status = status_map.get(status, CONN_NONE) else: status = CONN_NONE # ignore whatever C returned to us fam = sockfam_to_enum(fam) type_ = socktype_to_enum(type_) if pid is None: return pconn(fd, fam, type_, laddr, raddr, status) else: return sconn(fd, fam, type_, laddr, raddr, status, pid) def deprecated_method(replacement): """A decorator which can be used to mark a method as deprecated 'replcement' is the method name which will be called instead. """ def outer(fun): msg = "%s() is deprecated and will be removed; use %s() instead" % ( fun.__name__, replacement) if fun.__doc__ is None: fun.__doc__ = msg @functools.wraps(fun) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return getattr(self, replacement)(*args, **kwargs) return inner return outer class _WrapNumbers: """Watches numbers so that they don't overflow and wrap (reset to zero). """ def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.cache = {} self.reminders = {} self.reminder_keys = {} def _add_dict(self, input_dict, name): assert name not in self.cache assert name not in self.reminders assert name not in self.reminder_keys self.cache[name] = input_dict self.reminders[name] = defaultdict(int) self.reminder_keys[name] = defaultdict(set) def _remove_dead_reminders(self, input_dict, name): """In case the number of keys changed between calls (e.g. a disk disappears) this removes the entry from self.reminders. """ old_dict = self.cache[name] gone_keys = set(old_dict.keys()) - set(input_dict.keys()) for gone_key in gone_keys: for remkey in self.reminder_keys[name][gone_key]: del self.reminders[name][remkey] del self.reminder_keys[name][gone_key] def run(self, input_dict, name): """Cache dict and sum numbers which overflow and wrap. Return an updated copy of `input_dict` """ if name not in self.cache: # This was the first call. self._add_dict(input_dict, name) return input_dict self._remove_dead_reminders(input_dict, name) old_dict = self.cache[name] new_dict = {} for key in input_dict.keys(): input_tuple = input_dict[key] try: old_tuple = old_dict[key] except KeyError: # The input dict has a new key (e.g. a new disk or NIC) # which didn't exist in the previous call. new_dict[key] = input_tuple continue bits = [] for i in range(len(input_tuple)): input_value = input_tuple[i] old_value = old_tuple[i] remkey = (key, i) if input_value < old_value: # it wrapped! self.reminders[name][remkey] += old_value self.reminder_keys[name][key].add(remkey) bits.append(input_value + self.reminders[name][remkey]) new_dict[key] = tuple(bits) self.cache[name] = input_dict return new_dict def cache_clear(self, name=None): """Clear the internal cache, optionally only for function 'name'.""" with self.lock: if name is None: self.cache.clear() self.reminders.clear() self.reminder_keys.clear() else: self.cache.pop(name, None) self.reminders.pop(name, None) self.reminder_keys.pop(name, None) def cache_info(self): """Return internal cache dicts as a tuple of 3 elements.""" with self.lock: return (self.cache, self.reminders, self.reminder_keys) def wrap_numbers(input_dict, name): """Given an `input_dict` and a function `name`, adjust the numbers which "wrap" (restart from zero) across different calls by adding "old value" to "new value" and return an updated dict. """ with _wn.lock: return _wn.run(input_dict, name) _wn = _WrapNumbers() wrap_numbers.cache_clear = _wn.cache_clear wrap_numbers.cache_info = _wn.cache_info def open_binary(fname, **kwargs): return open(fname, "rb", **kwargs) def open_text(fname, **kwargs): """On Python 3 opens a file in text mode by using fs encoding and a proper en/decoding errors handler. On Python 2 this is just an alias for open(name, 'rt'). """ if PY3: # See: # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/675 # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/pull/733 kwargs.setdefault('encoding', ENCODING) kwargs.setdefault('errors', ENCODING_ERRS) return open(fname, "rt", **kwargs) def bytes2human(n, format="%(value).1f%(symbol)s"): """Used by various scripts. See: http://goo.gl/zeJZl >>> bytes2human(10000) '9.8K' >>> bytes2human(100001221) '95.4M' """ symbols = ('B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y') prefix = {} for i, s in enumerate(symbols[1:]): prefix[s] = 1 << (i + 1) * 10 for symbol in reversed(symbols[1:]): if n >= prefix[symbol]: value = float(n) / prefix[symbol] return format % locals() return format % dict(symbol=symbols[0], value=n) def get_procfs_path(): """Return updated psutil.PROCFS_PATH constant.""" return sys.modules['psutil'].PROCFS_PATH if PY3: def decode(s): return s.decode(encoding=ENCODING, errors=ENCODING_ERRS) else: def decode(s): return s # ===================================================================== # --- shell utils # ===================================================================== @memoize def term_supports_colors(file=sys.stdout): if os.name == 'nt': return True try: import curses assert file.isatty() curses.setupterm() assert curses.tigetnum("colors") > 0 except Exception: return False else: return True def hilite(s, color=None, bold=False): """Return an highlighted version of 'string'.""" if not term_supports_colors(): return s attr = [] colors = dict(green='32', red='91', brown='33', yellow='93', blue='34', violet='35', lightblue='36', grey='37', darkgrey='30') colors[None] = '29' try: color = colors[color] except KeyError: raise ValueError("invalid color %r; choose between %s" % ( list(colors.keys()))) attr.append(color) if bold: attr.append('1') return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), s) def print_color(s, color=None, bold=False, file=sys.stdout): """Print a colorized version of string.""" if not term_supports_colors(): print(s, file=file) # NOQA elif POSIX: print(hilite(s, color, bold), file=file) # NOQA else: import ctypes DEFAULT_COLOR = 7 GetStdHandle = ctypes.windll.Kernel32.GetStdHandle SetConsoleTextAttribute = \ ctypes.windll.Kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute colors = dict(green=2, red=4, brown=6, yellow=6) colors[None] = DEFAULT_COLOR try: color = colors[color] except KeyError: raise ValueError("invalid color %r; choose between %r" % ( color, list(colors.keys()))) if bold and color <= 7: color += 8 handle_id = -12 if file is sys.stderr else -11 GetStdHandle.restype = ctypes.c_ulong handle = GetStdHandle(handle_id) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, color) try: print(s, file=file) # NOQA finally: SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, DEFAULT_COLOR) if bool(os.getenv('PSUTIL_DEBUG', 0)): import inspect def debug(msg): """If PSUTIL_DEBUG env var is set, print a debug message to stderr.""" fname, lineno, func_name, lines, index = inspect.getframeinfo( inspect.currentframe().f_back) print("psutil-debug [%s:%s]> %s" % (fname, lineno, msg), # NOQA file=sys.stderr) else: def debug(msg): pass