import argparse import asyncio import os import signal import sys import threading from typing import Any, Set from .client import connect from .exceptions import ConnectionClosed, format_close if sys.platform == "win32": def win_enable_vt100() -> None: """ Enable VT-100 for console output on Windows. See also """ import ctypes STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = ctypes.c_uint(-11) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = ctypes.c_uint(-1) ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING = 0x004 handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) if handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: raise RuntimeError("unable to obtain stdout handle") cur_mode = ctypes.c_uint() if ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleMode(handle, ctypes.byref(cur_mode)) == 0: raise RuntimeError("unable to query current console mode") # ctypes ints lack support for the required bit-OR operation. # Temporarily convert to Py int, do the OR and convert back. py_int_mode = int.from_bytes(cur_mode, sys.byteorder) new_mode = ctypes.c_uint(py_int_mode | ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING) if ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleMode(handle, new_mode) == 0: raise RuntimeError("unable to set console mode") def exit_from_event_loop_thread( loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, stop: "asyncio.Future[None]" ) -> None: loop.stop() if not stop.done(): # When exiting the thread that runs the event loop, raise # KeyboardInterrupt in the main thread to exit the program. try: ctrl_c = signal.CTRL_C_EVENT # Windows except AttributeError: ctrl_c = signal.SIGINT # POSIX os.kill(os.getpid(), ctrl_c) def print_during_input(string: str) -> None: sys.stdout.write( # Save cursor position "\N{ESC}7" # Add a new line "\N{LINE FEED}" # Move cursor up "\N{ESC}[A" # Insert blank line, scroll last line down "\N{ESC}[L" # Print string in the inserted blank line f"{string}\N{LINE FEED}" # Restore cursor position "\N{ESC}8" # Move cursor down "\N{ESC}[B" ) sys.stdout.flush() def print_over_input(string: str) -> None: sys.stdout.write( # Move cursor to beginning of line "\N{CARRIAGE RETURN}" # Delete current line "\N{ESC}[K" # Print string f"{string}\N{LINE FEED}" ) sys.stdout.flush() async def run_client( uri: str, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, inputs: "asyncio.Queue[str]", stop: "asyncio.Future[None]", ) -> None: try: websocket = await connect(uri) except Exception as exc: print_over_input(f"Failed to connect to {uri}: {exc}.") exit_from_event_loop_thread(loop, stop) return else: print_during_input(f"Connected to {uri}.") try: while True: incoming: asyncio.Future[Any] = asyncio.ensure_future(websocket.recv()) outgoing: asyncio.Future[Any] = asyncio.ensure_future(inputs.get()) done: Set[asyncio.Future[Any]] pending: Set[asyncio.Future[Any]] done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [incoming, outgoing, stop], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) # Cancel pending tasks to avoid leaking them. if incoming in pending: incoming.cancel() if outgoing in pending: outgoing.cancel() if incoming in done: try: message = incoming.result() except ConnectionClosed: break else: if isinstance(message, str): print_during_input("< " + message) else: print_during_input("< (binary) " + message.hex()) if outgoing in done: message = outgoing.result() await websocket.send(message) if stop in done: break finally: await websocket.close() close_status = format_close(websocket.close_code, websocket.close_reason) print_over_input(f"Connection closed: {close_status}.") exit_from_event_loop_thread(loop, stop) def main() -> None: # If we're on Windows, enable VT100 terminal support. if sys.platform == "win32": try: win_enable_vt100() except RuntimeError as exc: sys.stderr.write( f"Unable to set terminal to VT100 mode. This is only " f"supported since Win10 anniversary update. Expect " f"weird symbols on the terminal.\nError: {exc}\n" ) sys.stderr.flush() try: import readline # noqa except ImportError: # Windows has no `readline` normally pass # Parse command line arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="python -m websockets", description="Interactive WebSocket client.", add_help=False, ) parser.add_argument("uri", metavar="") args = parser.parse_args() # Create an event loop that will run in a background thread. loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() # Create a queue of user inputs. There's no need to limit its size. inputs: asyncio.Queue[str] = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop) # Create a stop condition when receiving SIGINT or SIGTERM. stop: asyncio.Future[None] = loop.create_future() # Schedule the task that will manage the connection. asyncio.ensure_future(run_client(args.uri, loop, inputs, stop), loop=loop) # Start the event loop in a background thread. thread = threading.Thread(target=loop.run_forever) thread.start() # Read from stdin in the main thread in order to receive signals. try: while True: # Since there's no size limit, put_nowait is identical to put. message = input("> ") loop.call_soon_threadsafe(inputs.put_nowait, message) except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): # ^C, ^D loop.call_soon_threadsafe(stop.set_result, None) # Wait for the event loop to terminate. thread.join() if __name__ == "__main__": main()