# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Rapptz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import asyncio import datetime import re import io from . import utils from .reaction import Reaction from .emoji import Emoji from .partial_emoji import PartialEmoji from .calls import CallMessage from .enums import MessageType, try_enum from .errors import InvalidArgument, ClientException, HTTPException from .embeds import Embed from .member import Member from .flags import MessageFlags from .file import File from .utils import escape_mentions from .guild import Guild class Attachment: """Represents an attachment from Discord. Attributes ------------ id: :class:`int` The attachment ID. size: :class:`int` The attachment size in bytes. height: Optional[:class:`int`] The attachment's height, in pixels. Only applicable to images and videos. width: Optional[:class:`int`] The attachment's width, in pixels. Only applicable to images and videos. filename: :class:`str` The attachment's filename. url: :class:`str` The attachment URL. If the message this attachment was attached to is deleted, then this will 404. proxy_url: :class:`str` The proxy URL. This is a cached version of the :attr:`~Attachment.url` in the case of images. When the message is deleted, this URL might be valid for a few minutes or not valid at all. """ __slots__ = ('id', 'size', 'height', 'width', 'filename', 'url', 'proxy_url', '_http') def __init__(self, *, data, state): self.id = int(data['id']) self.size = data['size'] self.height = data.get('height') self.width = data.get('width') self.filename = data['filename'] self.url = data.get('url') self.proxy_url = data.get('proxy_url') self._http = state.http def is_spoiler(self): """:class:`bool`: Whether this attachment contains a spoiler.""" return self.filename.startswith('SPOILER_') def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self) async def save(self, fp, *, seek_begin=True, use_cached=False): """|coro| Saves this attachment into a file-like object. Parameters ----------- fp: Union[:class:`io.BufferedIOBase`, :class:`os.PathLike`] The file-like object to save this attachment to or the filename to use. If a filename is passed then a file is created with that filename and used instead. seek_begin: :class:`bool` Whether to seek to the beginning of the file after saving is successfully done. use_cached: :class:`bool` Whether to use :attr:`proxy_url` rather than :attr:`url` when downloading the attachment. This will allow attachments to be saved after deletion more often, compared to the regular URL which is generally deleted right after the message is deleted. Note that this can still fail to download deleted attachments if too much time has passed and it does not work on some types of attachments. Raises -------- HTTPException Saving the attachment failed. NotFound The attachment was deleted. Returns -------- :class:`int` The number of bytes written. """ data = await self.read(use_cached=use_cached) if isinstance(fp, io.IOBase) and fp.writable(): written = fp.write(data) if seek_begin: fp.seek(0) return written else: with open(fp, 'wb') as f: return f.write(data) async def read(self, *, use_cached=False): """|coro| Retrieves the content of this attachment as a :class:`bytes` object. .. versionadded:: 1.1 Parameters ----------- use_cached: :class:`bool` Whether to use :attr:`proxy_url` rather than :attr:`url` when downloading the attachment. This will allow attachments to be saved after deletion more often, compared to the regular URL which is generally deleted right after the message is deleted. Note that this can still fail to download deleted attachments if too much time has passed and it does not work on some types of attachments. Raises ------ HTTPException Downloading the attachment failed. Forbidden You do not have permissions to access this attachment NotFound The attachment was deleted. Returns ------- :class:`bytes` The contents of the attachment. """ url = self.proxy_url if use_cached else self.url data = await self._http.get_from_cdn(url) return data async def to_file(self): """|coro| Converts the attachment into a :class:`File` suitable for sending via :meth:`abc.Messageable.send`. .. versionadded:: 1.3 Raises ------ HTTPException Downloading the attachment failed. Forbidden You do not have permissions to access this attachment NotFound The attachment was deleted. Returns ------- :class:`File` The attachment as a file suitable for sending. """ data = await self.read() return File(io.BytesIO(data), filename=self.filename) def flatten_handlers(cls): prefix = len('_handle_') cls._HANDLERS = { key[prefix:]: value for key, value in cls.__dict__.items() if key.startswith('_handle_') } cls._CACHED_SLOTS = [ attr for attr in cls.__slots__ if attr.startswith('_cs_') ] return cls @flatten_handlers class Message: r"""Represents a message from Discord. There should be no need to create one of these manually. Attributes ----------- tts: :class:`bool` Specifies if the message was done with text-to-speech. This can only be accurately received in :func:`on_message` due to a discord limitation. type: :class:`MessageType` The type of message. In most cases this should not be checked, but it is helpful in cases where it might be a system message for :attr:`system_content`. author: :class:`abc.User` A :class:`Member` that sent the message. If :attr:`channel` is a private channel or the user has the left the guild, then it is a :class:`User` instead. content: :class:`str` The actual contents of the message. nonce The value used by the discord guild and the client to verify that the message is successfully sent. This is typically non-important. embeds: List[:class:`Embed`] A list of embeds the message has. channel: Union[:class:`abc.Messageable`] The :class:`TextChannel` that the message was sent from. Could be a :class:`DMChannel` or :class:`GroupChannel` if it's a private message. call: Optional[:class:`CallMessage`] The call that the message refers to. This is only applicable to messages of type :attr:`MessageType.call`. mention_everyone: :class:`bool` Specifies if the message mentions everyone. .. note:: This does not check if the ``@everyone`` or the ``@here`` text is in the message itself. Rather this boolean indicates if either the ``@everyone`` or the ``@here`` text is in the message **and** it did end up mentioning. mentions: List[:class:`abc.User`] A list of :class:`Member` that were mentioned. If the message is in a private message then the list will be of :class:`User` instead. For messages that are not of type :attr:`MessageType.default`\, this array can be used to aid in system messages. For more information, see :attr:`system_content`. .. warning:: The order of the mentions list is not in any particular order so you should not rely on it. This is a discord limitation, not one with the library. channel_mentions: List[:class:`abc.GuildChannel`] A list of :class:`abc.GuildChannel` that were mentioned. If the message is in a private message then the list is always empty. role_mentions: List[:class:`Role`] A list of :class:`Role` that were mentioned. If the message is in a private message then the list is always empty. id: :class:`int` The message ID. webhook_id: Optional[:class:`int`] If this message was sent by a webhook, then this is the webhook ID's that sent this message. attachments: List[:class:`Attachment`] A list of attachments given to a message. pinned: :class:`bool` Specifies if the message is currently pinned. flags: :class:`MessageFlags` Extra features of the message. .. versionadded:: 1.3 reactions : List[:class:`Reaction`] Reactions to a message. Reactions can be either custom emoji or standard unicode emoji. activity: Optional[:class:`dict`] The activity associated with this message. Sent with Rich-Presence related messages that for example, request joining, spectating, or listening to or with another member. It is a dictionary with the following optional keys: - ``type``: An integer denoting the type of message activity being requested. - ``party_id``: The party ID associated with the party. application: Optional[:class:`dict`] The rich presence enabled application associated with this message. It is a dictionary with the following keys: - ``id``: A string representing the application's ID. - ``name``: A string representing the application's name. - ``description``: A string representing the application's description. - ``icon``: A string representing the icon ID of the application. - ``cover_image``: A string representing the embed's image asset ID. """ __slots__ = ('_edited_timestamp', 'tts', 'content', 'channel', 'webhook_id', 'mention_everyone', 'embeds', 'id', 'mentions', 'author', '_cs_channel_mentions', '_cs_raw_mentions', 'attachments', '_cs_clean_content', '_cs_raw_channel_mentions', 'nonce', 'pinned', 'role_mentions', '_cs_raw_role_mentions', 'type', 'call', 'flags', '_cs_system_content', '_cs_guild', '_state', 'reactions', 'application', 'activity') def __init__(self, *, state, channel, data): self._state = state self.id = int(data['id']) self.webhook_id = utils._get_as_snowflake(data, 'webhook_id') self.reactions = [Reaction(message=self, data=d) for d in data.get('reactions', [])] self.attachments = [Attachment(data=a, state=self._state) for a in data['attachments']] self.embeds = [Embed.from_dict(a) for a in data['embeds']] self.application = data.get('application') self.activity = data.get('activity') self.channel = channel self._edited_timestamp = utils.parse_time(data['edited_timestamp']) self.type = try_enum(MessageType, data['type']) self.pinned = data['pinned'] self.flags = MessageFlags._from_value(data.get('flags', 0)) self.mention_everyone = data['mention_everyone'] self.tts = data['tts'] self.content = data['content'] self.nonce = data.get('nonce') for handler in ('author', 'member', 'mentions', 'mention_roles', 'call', 'flags'): try: getattr(self, '_handle_%s' % handler)(data[handler]) except KeyError: continue def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self) def _try_patch(self, data, key, transform=None): try: value = data[key] except KeyError: pass else: if transform is None: setattr(self, key, value) else: setattr(self, key, transform(value)) def _add_reaction(self, data, emoji, user_id): reaction = utils.find(lambda r: r.emoji == emoji, self.reactions) is_me = data['me'] = user_id == self._state.self_id if reaction is None: reaction = Reaction(message=self, data=data, emoji=emoji) self.reactions.append(reaction) else: reaction.count += 1 if is_me: reaction.me = is_me return reaction def _remove_reaction(self, data, emoji, user_id): reaction = utils.find(lambda r: r.emoji == emoji, self.reactions) if reaction is None: # already removed? raise ValueError('Emoji already removed?') # if reaction isn't in the list, we crash. This means discord # sent bad data, or we stored improperly reaction.count -= 1 if user_id == self._state.self_id: reaction.me = False if reaction.count == 0: # this raises ValueError if something went wrong as well. self.reactions.remove(reaction) return reaction def _clear_emoji(self, emoji): to_check = str(emoji) for index, reaction in enumerate(self.reactions): if str(reaction.emoji) == to_check: break else: # didn't find anything so just return return del self.reactions[index] return reaction def _update(self, data): handlers = self._HANDLERS for key, value in data.items(): try: handler = handlers[key] except KeyError: continue else: handler(self, value) # clear the cached properties for attr in self._CACHED_SLOTS: try: delattr(self, attr) except AttributeError: pass def _handle_edited_timestamp(self, value): self._edited_timestamp = utils.parse_time(value) def _handle_pinned(self, value): self.pinned = value def _handle_flags(self, value): self.flags = MessageFlags._from_value(value) def _handle_application(self, value): self.application = value def _handle_activity(self, value): self.activity = value def _handle_mention_everyone(self, value): self.mention_everyone = value def _handle_tts(self, value): self.tts = value def _handle_type(self, value): self.type = try_enum(MessageType, value) def _handle_content(self, value): self.content = value def _handle_attachments(self, value): self.attachments = [Attachment(data=a, state=self._state) for a in value] def _handle_embeds(self, value): self.embeds = [Embed.from_dict(data) for data in value] def _handle_nonce(self, value): self.nonce = value def _handle_author(self, author): self.author = self._state.store_user(author) if isinstance(self.guild, Guild): found = self.guild.get_member(self.author.id) if found is not None: self.author = found def _handle_member(self, member): # The gateway now gives us full Member objects sometimes with the following keys # deaf, mute, joined_at, roles # For the sake of performance I'm going to assume that the only # field that needs *updating* would be the joined_at field. # If there is no Member object (for some strange reason), then we can upgrade # ourselves to a more "partial" member object. author = self.author try: # Update member reference if author.joined_at is None: author.joined_at = utils.parse_time(member.get('joined_at')) except AttributeError: # It's a user here # TODO: consider adding to cache here self.author = Member._from_message(message=self, data=member) def _handle_mentions(self, mentions): self.mentions = r = [] guild = self.guild state = self._state if not isinstance(guild, Guild): self.mentions = [state.store_user(m) for m in mentions] return for mention in filter(None, mentions): id_search = int(mention['id']) member = guild.get_member(id_search) if member is not None: r.append(member) else: r.append(Member._try_upgrade(data=mention, guild=guild, state=state)) def _handle_mention_roles(self, role_mentions): self.role_mentions = [] if isinstance(self.guild, Guild): for role_id in map(int, role_mentions): role = self.guild.get_role(role_id) if role is not None: self.role_mentions.append(role) def _handle_call(self, call): if call is None or self.type is not MessageType.call: self.call = None return # we get the participant source from the mentions array or # the author participants = [] for uid in map(int, call.get('participants', [])): if uid == self.author.id: participants.append(self.author) else: user = utils.find(lambda u: u.id == uid, self.mentions) if user is not None: participants.append(user) call['participants'] = participants self.call = CallMessage(message=self, **call) @utils.cached_slot_property('_cs_guild') def guild(self): """Optional[:class:`Guild`]: The guild that the message belongs to, if applicable.""" return getattr(self.channel, 'guild', None) @utils.cached_slot_property('_cs_raw_mentions') def raw_mentions(self): """List[:class:`int`]: A property that returns an array of user IDs matched with the syntax of ``<@user_id>`` in the message content. This allows you to receive the user IDs of mentioned users even in a private message context. """ return [int(x) for x in re.findall(r'<@!?([0-9]+)>', self.content)] @utils.cached_slot_property('_cs_raw_channel_mentions') def raw_channel_mentions(self): """List[:class:`int`]: A property that returns an array of channel IDs matched with the syntax of ``<#channel_id>`` in the message content. """ return [int(x) for x in re.findall(r'<#([0-9]+)>', self.content)] @utils.cached_slot_property('_cs_raw_role_mentions') def raw_role_mentions(self): """List[:class:`int`]: A property that returns an array of role IDs matched with the syntax of ``<@&role_id>`` in the message content. """ return [int(x) for x in re.findall(r'<@&([0-9]+)>', self.content)] @utils.cached_slot_property('_cs_channel_mentions') def channel_mentions(self): if self.guild is None: return [] it = filter(None, map(self.guild.get_channel, self.raw_channel_mentions)) return utils._unique(it) @utils.cached_slot_property('_cs_clean_content') def clean_content(self): """A property that returns the content in a "cleaned up" manner. This basically means that mentions are transformed into the way the client shows it. e.g. ``<#id>`` will transform into ``#name``. This will also transform @everyone and @here mentions into non-mentions. .. note:: This *does not* escape markdown. If you want to escape markdown then use :func:`utils.escape_markdown` along with this function. """ transformations = { re.escape('<#%s>' % channel.id): '#' + channel.name for channel in self.channel_mentions } mention_transforms = { re.escape('<@%s>' % member.id): '@' + member.display_name for member in self.mentions } # add the <@!user_id> cases as well.. second_mention_transforms = { re.escape('<@!%s>' % member.id): '@' + member.display_name for member in self.mentions } transformations.update(mention_transforms) transformations.update(second_mention_transforms) if self.guild is not None: role_transforms = { re.escape('<@&%s>' % role.id): '@' + role.name for role in self.role_mentions } transformations.update(role_transforms) def repl(obj): return transformations.get(re.escape(obj.group(0)), '') pattern = re.compile('|'.join(transformations.keys())) result = pattern.sub(repl, self.content) return escape_mentions(result) @property def created_at(self): """:class:`datetime.datetime`: The message's creation time in UTC.""" return utils.snowflake_time(self.id) @property def edited_at(self): """Optional[:class:`datetime.datetime`]: A naive UTC datetime object containing the edited time of the message.""" return self._edited_timestamp @property def jump_url(self): """:class:`str`: Returns a URL that allows the client to jump to this message.""" guild_id = getattr(self.guild, 'id', '@me') return 'https://discordapp.com/channels/{0}/{1.channel.id}/{1.id}'.format(guild_id, self) def is_system(self): """:class:`bool`: Whether the message is a system message. .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ return self.type is not MessageType.default @utils.cached_slot_property('_cs_system_content') def system_content(self): r"""A property that returns the content that is rendered regardless of the :attr:`Message.type`. In the case of :attr:`MessageType.default`\, this just returns the regular :attr:`Message.content`. Otherwise this returns an English message denoting the contents of the system message. """ if self.type is MessageType.default: return self.content if self.type is MessageType.pins_add: return '{0.name} pinned a message to this channel.'.format(self.author) if self.type is MessageType.recipient_add: return '{0.name} added {1.name} to the group.'.format(self.author, self.mentions[0]) if self.type is MessageType.recipient_remove: return '{0.name} removed {1.name} from the group.'.format(self.author, self.mentions[0]) if self.type is MessageType.channel_name_change: return '{0.author.name} changed the channel name: {0.content}'.format(self) if self.type is MessageType.channel_icon_change: return '{0.author.name} changed the channel icon.'.format(self) if self.type is MessageType.new_member: formats = [ "{0} just joined the server - glhf!", "{0} just joined. Everyone, look busy!", "{0} just joined. Can I get a heal?", "{0} joined your party.", "{0} joined. You must construct additional pylons.", "Ermagherd. {0} is here.", "Welcome, {0}. Stay awhile and listen.", "Welcome, {0}. We were expecting you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)", "Welcome, {0}. We hope you brought pizza.", "Welcome {0}. Leave your weapons by the door.", "A wild {0} appeared.", "Swoooosh. {0} just landed.", "Brace yourselves. {0} just joined the server.", "{0} just joined... or did they?", "{0} just arrived. Seems OP - please nerf.", "{0} just slid into the server.", "A {0} has spawned in the server.", "Big {0} showed up!", "Where’s {0}? In the server!", "{0} hopped into the server. Kangaroo!!", "{0} just showed up. Hold my beer.", "Challenger approaching - {0} has appeared!", "It's a bird! It's a plane! Nevermind, it's just {0}.", "It's {0}! Praise the sun! \\[T]/", "Never gonna give {0} up. Never gonna let {0} down.", "{0} has joined the battle bus.", "Cheers, love! {0}'s here!", "Hey! Listen! {0} has joined!", "We've been expecting you {0}", "It's dangerous to go alone, take {0}!", "{0} has joined the server! It's super effective!", "Cheers, love! {0} is here!", "{0} is here, as the prophecy foretold.", "{0} has arrived. Party's over.", "Ready player {0}", "{0} is here to kick butt and chew bubblegum. And {0} is all out of gum.", "Hello. Is it {0} you're looking for?", "{0} has joined. Stay a while and listen!", "Roses are red, violets are blue, {0} joined this server with you", ] # manually reconstruct the epoch with millisecond precision, because # datetime.datetime.timestamp() doesn't return the exact posix # timestamp with the precision that we need created_at_ms = int((self.created_at - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() * 1000) return formats[created_at_ms % len(formats)].format(self.author.name) if self.type is MessageType.call: # we're at the call message type now, which is a bit more complicated. # we can make the assumption that Message.channel is a PrivateChannel # with the type ChannelType.group or ChannelType.private call_ended = self.call.ended_timestamp is not None if self.channel.me in self.call.participants: return '{0.author.name} started a call.'.format(self) elif call_ended: return 'You missed a call from {0.author.name}'.format(self) else: return '{0.author.name} started a call \N{EM DASH} Join the call.'.format(self) if self.type is MessageType.premium_guild_subscription: return '{0.author.name} just boosted the server!'.format(self) if self.type is MessageType.premium_guild_tier_1: return '{0.author.name} just boosted the server! {0.guild} has achieved **Level 1!**'.format(self) if self.type is MessageType.premium_guild_tier_2: return '{0.author.name} just boosted the server! {0.guild} has achieved **Level 2!**'.format(self) if self.type is MessageType.premium_guild_tier_3: return '{0.author.name} just boosted the server! {0.guild} has achieved **Level 3!**'.format(self) if self.type is MessageType.channel_follow_add: return '{0.author.name} has added {0.content} to this channel'.format(self) async def delete(self, *, delay=None): """|coro| Deletes the message. Your own messages could be deleted without any proper permissions. However to delete other people's messages, you need the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Added the new ``delay`` keyword-only parameter. Parameters ----------- delay: Optional[:class:`float`] If provided, the number of seconds to wait in the background before deleting the message. If the deletion fails then it is silently ignored. Raises ------ Forbidden You do not have proper permissions to delete the message. NotFound The message was deleted already HTTPException Deleting the message failed. """ if delay is not None: async def delete(): await asyncio.sleep(delay) try: await self._state.http.delete_message(self.channel.id, self.id) except HTTPException: pass asyncio.ensure_future(delete(), loop=self._state.loop) else: await self._state.http.delete_message(self.channel.id, self.id) async def edit(self, **fields): """|coro| Edits the message. The content must be able to be transformed into a string via ``str(content)``. .. versionchanged:: 1.3 The ``suppress`` keyword-only parameter was added. Parameters ----------- content: Optional[:class:`str`] The new content to replace the message with. Could be ``None`` to remove the content. embed: Optional[:class:`Embed`] The new embed to replace the original with. Could be ``None`` to remove the embed. suppress: :class:`bool` Whether to suppress embeds for the message. This removes all the embeds if set to ``True``. If set to ``False`` this brings the embeds back if they were suppressed. Using this parameter requires :attr:`~.Permissions.manage_messages`. delete_after: Optional[:class:`float`] If provided, the number of seconds to wait in the background before deleting the message we just edited. If the deletion fails, then it is silently ignored. Raises ------- HTTPException Editing the message failed. Forbidden Tried to suppress a message without permissions or edited a message's content or embed that isn't yours. """ try: content = fields['content'] except KeyError: pass else: if content is not None: fields['content'] = str(content) try: embed = fields['embed'] except KeyError: pass else: if embed is not None: fields['embed'] = embed.to_dict() try: suppress = fields.pop('suppress') except KeyError: pass else: flags = MessageFlags._from_value(self.flags.value) flags.suppress_embeds = suppress fields['flags'] = flags.value delete_after = fields.pop('delete_after', None) if fields: data = await self._state.http.edit_message(self.channel.id, self.id, **fields) self._update(data) if delete_after is not None: await self.delete(delay=delete_after) async def publish(self): """|coro| Publishes this message to your announcement channel. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission to use this. .. note:: This can only be used by non-bot accounts. Raises ------- Forbidden You do not have the proper permissions to publish this message. HTTPException Publishing the message failed. """ await self._state.http.publish_message(self.channel.id, self.id) async def pin(self): """|coro| Pins the message. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission to do this in a non-private channel context. Raises ------- Forbidden You do not have permissions to pin the message. NotFound The message or channel was not found or deleted. HTTPException Pinning the message failed, probably due to the channel having more than 50 pinned messages. """ await self._state.http.pin_message(self.channel.id, self.id) self.pinned = True async def unpin(self): """|coro| Unpins the message. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission to do this in a non-private channel context. Raises ------- Forbidden You do not have permissions to unpin the message. NotFound The message or channel was not found or deleted. HTTPException Unpinning the message failed. """ await self._state.http.unpin_message(self.channel.id, self.id) self.pinned = False async def add_reaction(self, emoji): """|coro| Add a reaction to the message. The emoji may be a unicode emoji or a custom guild :class:`Emoji`. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.read_message_history` permission to use this. If nobody else has reacted to the message using this emoji, the :attr:`~Permissions.add_reactions` permission is required. Parameters ------------ emoji: Union[:class:`Emoji`, :class:`Reaction`, :class:`PartialEmoji`, :class:`str`] The emoji to react with. Raises -------- HTTPException Adding the reaction failed. Forbidden You do not have the proper permissions to react to the message. NotFound The emoji you specified was not found. InvalidArgument The emoji parameter is invalid. """ emoji = self._emoji_reaction(emoji) await self._state.http.add_reaction(self.channel.id, self.id, emoji) async def remove_reaction(self, emoji, member): """|coro| Remove a reaction by the member from the message. The emoji may be a unicode emoji or a custom guild :class:`Emoji`. If the reaction is not your own (i.e. ``member`` parameter is not you) then the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission is needed. The ``member`` parameter must represent a member and meet the :class:`abc.Snowflake` abc. Parameters ------------ emoji: Union[:class:`Emoji`, :class:`Reaction`, :class:`PartialEmoji`, :class:`str`] The emoji to remove. member: :class:`abc.Snowflake` The member for which to remove the reaction. Raises -------- HTTPException Removing the reaction failed. Forbidden You do not have the proper permissions to remove the reaction. NotFound The member or emoji you specified was not found. InvalidArgument The emoji parameter is invalid. """ emoji = self._emoji_reaction(emoji) if member.id == self._state.self_id: await self._state.http.remove_own_reaction(self.channel.id, self.id, emoji) else: await self._state.http.remove_reaction(self.channel.id, self.id, emoji, member.id) async def clear_reaction(self, emoji): """|coro| Clears a specific reaction from the message. The emoji may be a unicode emoji or a custom guild :class:`Emoji`. You need the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission to use this. .. versionadded:: 1.3 Parameters ----------- emoji: Union[:class:`Emoji`, :class:`Reaction`, :class:`PartialEmoji`, :class:`str`] The emoji to clear. Raises -------- HTTPException Clearing the reaction failed. Forbidden You do not have the proper permissions to clear the reaction. NotFound The emoji you specified was not found. InvalidArgument The emoji parameter is invalid. """ emoji = self._emoji_reaction(emoji) await self._state.http.clear_single_reaction(self.channel.id, self.id, emoji) @staticmethod def _emoji_reaction(emoji): if isinstance(emoji, Reaction): emoji = emoji.emoji if isinstance(emoji, Emoji): return '%s:%s' % (emoji.name, emoji.id) if isinstance(emoji, PartialEmoji): return emoji._as_reaction() if isinstance(emoji, str): # Reactions can be in :name:id format, but not <:name:id>. # No existing emojis have <> in them, so this should be okay. return emoji.strip('<>') raise InvalidArgument('emoji argument must be str, Emoji, or Reaction not {.__class__.__name__}.'.format(emoji)) async def clear_reactions(self): """|coro| Removes all the reactions from the message. You need the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission to use this. Raises -------- HTTPException Removing the reactions failed. Forbidden You do not have the proper permissions to remove all the reactions. """ await self._state.http.clear_reactions(self.channel.id, self.id) async def ack(self): """|coro| Marks this message as read. The user must not be a bot user. Raises ------- HTTPException Acking failed. ClientException You must not be a bot user. """ state = self._state if state.is_bot: raise ClientException('Must not be a bot account to ack messages.') return await state.http.ack_message(self.channel.id, self.id)