# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Rapptz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import time import asyncio import discord.abc from .permissions import Permissions from .enums import ChannelType, try_enum from .mixins import Hashable from . import utils from .asset import Asset from .errors import ClientException, NoMoreItems, InvalidArgument from .webhook import Webhook __all__ = ( 'TextChannel', 'VoiceChannel', 'DMChannel', 'CategoryChannel', 'StoreChannel', 'GroupChannel', '_channel_factory', ) async def _single_delete_strategy(messages): for m in messages: await m.delete() class TextChannel(discord.abc.Messageable, discord.abc.GuildChannel, Hashable): """Represents a Discord guild text channel. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two channels are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two channels are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the channel's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the channel's name. Attributes ----------- name: :class:`str` The channel name. guild: :class:`Guild` The guild the channel belongs to. id: :class:`int` The channel ID. category_id: Optional[:class:`int`] The category channel ID this channel belongs to, if applicable. topic: Optional[:class:`str`] The channel's topic. None if it doesn't exist. position: :class:`int` The position in the channel list. This is a number that starts at 0. e.g. the top channel is position 0. last_message_id: Optional[:class:`int`] The last message ID of the message sent to this channel. It may *not* point to an existing or valid message. slowmode_delay: :class:`int` The number of seconds a member must wait between sending messages in this channel. A value of `0` denotes that it is disabled. Bots and users with :attr:`~Permissions.manage_channels` or :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` bypass slowmode. """ __slots__ = ('name', 'id', 'guild', 'topic', '_state', 'nsfw', 'category_id', 'position', 'slowmode_delay', '_overwrites', '_type', 'last_message_id') def __init__(self, *, state, guild, data): self._state = state self.id = int(data['id']) self._type = data['type'] self._update(guild, data) def __repr__(self): attrs = [ ('id', self.id), ('name', self.name), ('position', self.position), ('nsfw', self.nsfw), ('news', self.is_news()), ('category_id', self.category_id) ] return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ' '.join('%s=%r' % t for t in attrs)) def _update(self, guild, data): self.guild = guild self.name = data['name'] self.category_id = utils._get_as_snowflake(data, 'parent_id') self.topic = data.get('topic') self.position = data['position'] self.nsfw = data.get('nsfw', False) # Does this need coercion into `int`? No idea yet. self.slowmode_delay = data.get('rate_limit_per_user', 0) self._type = data.get('type', self._type) self.last_message_id = utils._get_as_snowflake(data, 'last_message_id') self._fill_overwrites(data) async def _get_channel(self): return self @property def type(self): """:class:`ChannelType`: The channel's Discord type.""" return try_enum(ChannelType, self._type) @property def _sorting_bucket(self): return ChannelType.text.value def permissions_for(self, member): base = super().permissions_for(member) # text channels do not have voice related permissions denied = Permissions.voice() base.value &= ~denied.value return base permissions_for.__doc__ = discord.abc.GuildChannel.permissions_for.__doc__ @property def members(self): """List[:class:`Member`]: Returns all members that can see this channel.""" return [m for m in self.guild.members if self.permissions_for(m).read_messages] def is_nsfw(self): """Checks if the channel is NSFW.""" return self.nsfw def is_news(self): """Checks if the channel is a news channel.""" return self._type == ChannelType.news.value @property def last_message(self): """Fetches the last message from this channel in cache. The message might not be valid or point to an existing message. .. admonition:: Reliable Fetching :class: helpful For a slightly more reliable method of fetching the last message, consider using either :meth:`history` or :meth:`fetch_message` with the :attr:`last_message_id` attribute. Returns --------- Optional[:class:`Message`] The last message in this channel or ``None`` if not found. """ return self._state._get_message(self.last_message_id) if self.last_message_id else None async def edit(self, *, reason=None, **options): """|coro| Edits the channel. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_channels` permission to use this. .. versionchanged:: 1.3 The ``overwrites`` keyword-only parameter was added. Parameters ---------- name: :class:`str` The new channel name. topic: :class:`str` The new channel's topic. position: :class:`int` The new channel's position. nsfw: :class:`bool` To mark the channel as NSFW or not. sync_permissions: :class:`bool` Whether to sync permissions with the channel's new or pre-existing category. Defaults to ``False``. category: Optional[:class:`CategoryChannel`] The new category for this channel. Can be ``None`` to remove the category. slowmode_delay: :class:`int` Specifies the slowmode rate limit for user in this channel, in seconds. A value of `0` disables slowmode. The maximum value possible is `21600`. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for editing this channel. Shows up on the audit log. overwrites: :class:`dict` A :class:`dict` of target (either a role or a member) to :class:`PermissionOverwrite` to apply to the channel. Raises ------ InvalidArgument If position is less than 0 or greater than the number of channels, or if the permission overwrite information is not in proper form. Forbidden You do not have permissions to edit the channel. HTTPException Editing the channel failed. """ await self._edit(options, reason=reason) async def clone(self, *, name=None, reason=None): return await self._clone_impl({ 'topic': self.topic, 'nsfw': self.nsfw, 'rate_limit_per_user': self.slowmode_delay }, name=name, reason=reason) clone.__doc__ = discord.abc.GuildChannel.clone.__doc__ async def delete_messages(self, messages): """|coro| Deletes a list of messages. This is similar to :meth:`Message.delete` except it bulk deletes multiple messages. As a special case, if the number of messages is 0, then nothing is done. If the number of messages is 1 then single message delete is done. If it's more than two, then bulk delete is used. You cannot bulk delete more than 100 messages or messages that are older than 14 days old. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission to use this. Usable only by bot accounts. Parameters ----------- messages: Iterable[:class:`abc.Snowflake`] An iterable of messages denoting which ones to bulk delete. Raises ------ ClientException The number of messages to delete was more than 100. Forbidden You do not have proper permissions to delete the messages or you're not using a bot account. NotFound If single delete, then the message was already deleted. HTTPException Deleting the messages failed. """ if not isinstance(messages, (list, tuple)): messages = list(messages) if len(messages) == 0: return # do nothing if len(messages) == 1: message_id = messages[0].id await self._state.http.delete_message(self.id, message_id) return if len(messages) > 100: raise ClientException('Can only bulk delete messages up to 100 messages') message_ids = [m.id for m in messages] await self._state.http.delete_messages(self.id, message_ids) async def purge(self, *, limit=100, check=None, before=None, after=None, around=None, oldest_first=False, bulk=True): """|coro| Purges a list of messages that meet the criteria given by the predicate ``check``. If a ``check`` is not provided then all messages are deleted without discrimination. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission to delete messages even if they are your own (unless you are a user account). The :attr:`~Permissions.read_message_history` permission is also needed to retrieve message history. Internally, this employs a different number of strategies depending on the conditions met such as if a bulk delete is possible or if the account is a user bot or not. Examples --------- Deleting bot's messages :: def is_me(m): return m.author == client.user deleted = await channel.purge(limit=100, check=is_me) await channel.send('Deleted {} message(s)'.format(len(deleted))) Parameters ----------- limit: Optional[:class:`int`] The number of messages to search through. This is not the number of messages that will be deleted, though it can be. check: Callable[[:class:`Message`], :class:`bool`] The function used to check if a message should be deleted. It must take a :class:`Message` as its sole parameter. before: Optional[Union[:class:`abc.Snowflake`, :class:`datetime.datetime`]] Same as ``before`` in :meth:`history`. after: Optional[Union[:class:`abc.Snowflake`, :class:`datetime.datetime`]] Same as ``after`` in :meth:`history`. around: Optional[Union[:class:`abc.Snowflake`, :class:`datetime.datetime`]] Same as ``around`` in :meth:`history`. oldest_first: Optional[:class:`bool`] Same as ``oldest_first`` in :meth:`history`. bulk: :class:`bool` If ``True``, use bulk delete. Setting this to ``False`` is useful for mass-deleting a bot's own messages without :attr:`Permissions.manage_messages`. When ``True``, will fall back to single delete if current account is a user bot, or if messages are older than two weeks. Raises ------- Forbidden You do not have proper permissions to do the actions required. HTTPException Purging the messages failed. Returns -------- List[:class:`.Message`] The list of messages that were deleted. """ if check is None: check = lambda m: True iterator = self.history(limit=limit, before=before, after=after, oldest_first=oldest_first, around=around) ret = [] count = 0 minimum_time = int((time.time() - 14 * 24 * 60 * 60) * 1000.0 - 1420070400000) << 22 strategy = self.delete_messages if self._state.is_bot and bulk else _single_delete_strategy while True: try: msg = await iterator.next() except NoMoreItems: # no more messages to poll if count >= 2: # more than 2 messages -> bulk delete to_delete = ret[-count:] await strategy(to_delete) elif count == 1: # delete a single message await ret[-1].delete() return ret else: if count == 100: # we've reached a full 'queue' to_delete = ret[-100:] await strategy(to_delete) count = 0 await asyncio.sleep(1) if check(msg): if msg.id < minimum_time: # older than 14 days old if count == 1: await ret[-1].delete() elif count >= 2: to_delete = ret[-count:] await strategy(to_delete) count = 0 strategy = _single_delete_strategy count += 1 ret.append(msg) async def webhooks(self): """|coro| Gets the list of webhooks from this channel. Requires :attr:`~.Permissions.manage_webhooks` permissions. Raises ------- Forbidden You don't have permissions to get the webhooks. Returns -------- List[:class:`Webhook`] The webhooks for this channel. """ data = await self._state.http.channel_webhooks(self.id) return [Webhook.from_state(d, state=self._state) for d in data] async def create_webhook(self, *, name, avatar=None, reason=None): """|coro| Creates a webhook for this channel. Requires :attr:`~.Permissions.manage_webhooks` permissions. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Added the ``reason`` keyword-only parameter. Parameters ------------- name: :class:`str` The webhook's name. avatar: Optional[:class:`bytes`] A :term:`py:bytes-like object` representing the webhook's default avatar. This operates similarly to :meth:`~ClientUser.edit`. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for creating this webhook. Shows up in the audit logs. Raises ------- HTTPException Creating the webhook failed. Forbidden You do not have permissions to create a webhook. Returns -------- :class:`Webhook` The created webhook. """ if avatar is not None: avatar = utils._bytes_to_base64_data(avatar) data = await self._state.http.create_webhook(self.id, name=str(name), avatar=avatar, reason=reason) return Webhook.from_state(data, state=self._state) async def follow(self, *, destination): """ Follows a channel using a webhook. Only news channels can be followed. .. note:: The webhook returned will not provide a token to do webhook actions, as Discord does not provide it. .. versionadded:: 1.3 Parameters ----------- destination: :class:`TextChannel` The channel you would like to follow from. Raises ------- HTTPException Following the channel failed. Forbidden You do not have the permissions to create a webhook. Returns -------- :class:`Webhook` The created webhook. """ if not self.is_news(): raise ClientException('The channel must be a news channel.') if not isinstance(destination, TextChannel): raise InvalidArgument('Expected TextChannel received {0.__name__}'.format(type(destination))) data = await self._state.http.follow_webhook(self.id, webhook_channel_id=destination.id) return Webhook._as_follower(data, channel=destination, user=self._state.user) class VoiceChannel(discord.abc.Connectable, discord.abc.GuildChannel, Hashable): """Represents a Discord guild voice channel. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two channels are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two channels are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the channel's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the channel's name. Attributes ----------- name: :class:`str` The channel name. guild: :class:`Guild` The guild the channel belongs to. id: :class:`int` The channel ID. category_id: Optional[:class:`int`] The category channel ID this channel belongs to, if applicable. position: :class:`int` The position in the channel list. This is a number that starts at 0. e.g. the top channel is position 0. bitrate: :class:`int` The channel's preferred audio bitrate in bits per second. user_limit: :class:`int` The channel's limit for number of members that can be in a voice channel. """ __slots__ = ('name', 'id', 'guild', 'bitrate', 'user_limit', '_state', 'position', '_overwrites', 'category_id') def __init__(self, *, state, guild, data): self._state = state self.id = int(data['id']) self._update(guild, data) def __repr__(self): attrs = [ ('id', self.id), ('name', self.name), ('position', self.position), ('bitrate', self.bitrate), ('user_limit', self.user_limit), ('category_id', self.category_id) ] return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ' '.join('%s=%r' % t for t in attrs)) def _get_voice_client_key(self): return self.guild.id, 'guild_id' def _get_voice_state_pair(self): return self.guild.id, self.id @property def type(self): """:class:`ChannelType`: The channel's Discord type.""" return ChannelType.voice def _update(self, guild, data): self.guild = guild self.name = data['name'] self.category_id = utils._get_as_snowflake(data, 'parent_id') self.position = data['position'] self.bitrate = data.get('bitrate') self.user_limit = data.get('user_limit') self._fill_overwrites(data) @property def _sorting_bucket(self): return ChannelType.voice.value @property def members(self): """List[:class:`Member`]: Returns all members that are currently inside this voice channel.""" ret = [] for user_id, state in self.guild._voice_states.items(): if state.channel.id == self.id: member = self.guild.get_member(user_id) if member is not None: ret.append(member) return ret @property def voice_states(self): """Returns a mapping of member IDs who have voice states in this channel. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. note:: This function is intentionally low level to replace :attr:`members` when the member cache is unavailable. Returns -------- Mapping[:class:`int`, :class:`VoiceState`] The mapping of member ID to a voice state. """ return {key: value for key, value in self.guild._voice_states.items() if value.channel.id == self.id} def permissions_for(self, member): base = super().permissions_for(member) # voice channels cannot be edited by people who can't connect to them # It also implicitly denies all other voice perms if not base.connect: denied = Permissions.voice() denied.update(manage_channels=True, manage_roles=True) base.value &= ~denied.value return base permissions_for.__doc__ = discord.abc.GuildChannel.permissions_for.__doc__ async def clone(self, *, name=None, reason=None): return await self._clone_impl({ 'bitrate': self.bitrate, 'user_limit': self.user_limit }, name=name, reason=reason) clone.__doc__ = discord.abc.GuildChannel.clone.__doc__ async def edit(self, *, reason=None, **options): """|coro| Edits the channel. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_channels` permission to use this. .. versionchanged:: 1.3 The ``overwrites`` keyword-only parameter was added. Parameters ---------- name: :class:`str` The new channel's name. bitrate: :class:`int` The new channel's bitrate. user_limit: :class:`int` The new channel's user limit. position: :class:`int` The new channel's position. sync_permissions: :class:`bool` Whether to sync permissions with the channel's new or pre-existing category. Defaults to ``False``. category: Optional[:class:`CategoryChannel`] The new category for this channel. Can be ``None`` to remove the category. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for editing this channel. Shows up on the audit log. overwrites: :class:`dict` A :class:`dict` of target (either a role or a member) to :class:`PermissionOverwrite` to apply to the channel. Raises ------ InvalidArgument If the permission overwrite information is not in proper form. Forbidden You do not have permissions to edit the channel. HTTPException Editing the channel failed. """ await self._edit(options, reason=reason) class CategoryChannel(discord.abc.GuildChannel, Hashable): """Represents a Discord channel category. These are useful to group channels to logical compartments. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two channels are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two channels are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the category's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the category's name. Attributes ----------- name: :class:`str` The category name. guild: :class:`Guild` The guild the category belongs to. id: :class:`int` The category channel ID. position: :class:`int` The position in the category list. This is a number that starts at 0. e.g. the top category is position 0. """ __slots__ = ('name', 'id', 'guild', 'nsfw', '_state', 'position', '_overwrites', 'category_id') def __init__(self, *, state, guild, data): self._state = state self.id = int(data['id']) self._update(guild, data) def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self) def _update(self, guild, data): self.guild = guild self.name = data['name'] self.category_id = utils._get_as_snowflake(data, 'parent_id') self.nsfw = data.get('nsfw', False) self.position = data['position'] self._fill_overwrites(data) @property def _sorting_bucket(self): return ChannelType.category.value @property def type(self): """:class:`ChannelType`: The channel's Discord type.""" return ChannelType.category def is_nsfw(self): """Checks if the category is NSFW.""" return self.nsfw async def clone(self, *, name=None, reason=None): return await self._clone_impl({ 'nsfw': self.nsfw }, name=name, reason=reason) clone.__doc__ = discord.abc.GuildChannel.clone.__doc__ async def edit(self, *, reason=None, **options): """|coro| Edits the channel. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_channels` permission to use this. .. versionchanged:: 1.3 The ``overwrites`` keyword-only parameter was added. Parameters ---------- name: :class:`str` The new category's name. position: :class:`int` The new category's position. nsfw: :class:`bool` To mark the category as NSFW or not. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for editing this category. Shows up on the audit log. overwrites: :class:`dict` A :class:`dict` of target (either a role or a member) to :class:`PermissionOverwrite` to apply to the channel. Raises ------ InvalidArgument If position is less than 0 or greater than the number of categories. Forbidden You do not have permissions to edit the category. HTTPException Editing the category failed. """ try: position = options.pop('position') except KeyError: pass else: await self._move(position, reason=reason) self.position = position if options: data = await self._state.http.edit_channel(self.id, reason=reason, **options) self._update(self.guild, data) @property def channels(self): """List[:class:`abc.GuildChannel`]: Returns the channels that are under this category. These are sorted by the official Discord UI, which places voice channels below the text channels. """ def comparator(channel): return (not isinstance(channel, TextChannel), channel.position) ret = [c for c in self.guild.channels if c.category_id == self.id] ret.sort(key=comparator) return ret @property def text_channels(self): """List[:class:`TextChannel`]: Returns the text channels that are under this category.""" ret = [c for c in self.guild.channels if c.category_id == self.id and isinstance(c, TextChannel)] ret.sort(key=lambda c: (c.position, c.id)) return ret @property def voice_channels(self): """List[:class:`VoiceChannel`]: Returns the voice channels that are under this category.""" ret = [c for c in self.guild.channels if c.category_id == self.id and isinstance(c, VoiceChannel)] ret.sort(key=lambda c: (c.position, c.id)) return ret async def create_text_channel(self, name, *, overwrites=None, reason=None, **options): """|coro| A shortcut method to :meth:`Guild.create_text_channel` to create a :class:`TextChannel` in the category. """ return await self.guild.create_text_channel(name, overwrites=overwrites, category=self, reason=reason, **options) async def create_voice_channel(self, name, *, overwrites=None, reason=None, **options): """|coro| A shortcut method to :meth:`Guild.create_voice_channel` to create a :class:`VoiceChannel` in the category. """ return await self.guild.create_voice_channel(name, overwrites=overwrites, category=self, reason=reason, **options) class StoreChannel(discord.abc.GuildChannel, Hashable): """Represents a Discord guild store channel. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two channels are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two channels are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the channel's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the channel's name. Attributes ----------- name: :class:`str` The channel name. guild: :class:`Guild` The guild the channel belongs to. id: :class:`int` The channel ID. category_id: :class:`int` The category channel ID this channel belongs to. position: :class:`int` The position in the channel list. This is a number that starts at 0. e.g. the top channel is position 0. """ __slots__ = ('name', 'id', 'guild', '_state', 'nsfw', 'category_id', 'position', '_overwrites',) def __init__(self, *, state, guild, data): self._state = state self.id = int(data['id']) self._update(guild, data) def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self) def _update(self, guild, data): self.guild = guild self.name = data['name'] self.category_id = utils._get_as_snowflake(data, 'parent_id') self.position = data['position'] self.nsfw = data.get('nsfw', False) self._fill_overwrites(data) @property def _sorting_bucket(self): return ChannelType.text.value @property def type(self): """:class:`ChannelType`: The channel's Discord type.""" return ChannelType.store def permissions_for(self, member): base = super().permissions_for(member) # store channels do not have voice related permissions denied = Permissions.voice() base.value &= ~denied.value return base permissions_for.__doc__ = discord.abc.GuildChannel.permissions_for.__doc__ def is_nsfw(self): """Checks if the channel is NSFW.""" return self.nsfw async def clone(self, *, name=None, reason=None): return await self._clone_impl({ 'nsfw': self.nsfw }, name=name, reason=reason) clone.__doc__ = discord.abc.GuildChannel.clone.__doc__ async def edit(self, *, reason=None, **options): """|coro| Edits the channel. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_channels` permission to use this. Parameters ---------- name: :class:`str` The new channel name. position: :class:`int` The new channel's position. nsfw: :class:`bool` To mark the channel as NSFW or not. sync_permissions: :class:`bool` Whether to sync permissions with the channel's new or pre-existing category. Defaults to ``False``. category: Optional[:class:`CategoryChannel`] The new category for this channel. Can be ``None`` to remove the category. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for editing this channel. Shows up on the audit log. overwrites: :class:`dict` A :class:`dict` of target (either a role or a member) to :class:`PermissionOverwrite` to apply to the channel. .. versionadded:: 1.3 Raises ------ InvalidArgument If position is less than 0 or greater than the number of channels, or if the permission overwrite information is not in proper form. Forbidden You do not have permissions to edit the channel. HTTPException Editing the channel failed. """ await self._edit(options, reason=reason) class DMChannel(discord.abc.Messageable, Hashable): """Represents a Discord direct message channel. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two channels are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two channels are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the channel's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns a string representation of the channel Attributes ---------- recipient: :class:`User` The user you are participating with in the direct message channel. me: :class:`ClientUser` The user presenting yourself. id: :class:`int` The direct message channel ID. """ __slots__ = ('id', 'recipient', 'me', '_state') def __init__(self, *, me, state, data): self._state = state self.recipient = state.store_user(data['recipients'][0]) self.me = me self.id = int(data['id']) async def _get_channel(self): return self def __str__(self): return 'Direct Message with %s' % self.recipient def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self) @property def type(self): """:class:`ChannelType`: The channel's Discord type.""" return ChannelType.private @property def created_at(self): """Returns the direct message channel's creation time in UTC.""" return utils.snowflake_time(self.id) def permissions_for(self, user=None): """Handles permission resolution for a :class:`User`. This function is there for compatibility with other channel types. Actual direct messages do not really have the concept of permissions. This returns all the Text related permissions set to ``True`` except: - :attr:`~Permissions.send_tts_messages`: You cannot send TTS messages in a DM. - :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages`: You cannot delete others messages in a DM. Parameters ----------- user: :class:`User` The user to check permissions for. This parameter is ignored but kept for compatibility. Returns -------- :class:`Permissions` The resolved permissions. """ base = Permissions.text() base.send_tts_messages = False base.manage_messages = False return base class GroupChannel(discord.abc.Messageable, Hashable): """Represents a Discord group channel. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two channels are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two channels are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the channel's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns a string representation of the channel Attributes ---------- recipients: List[:class:`User`] The users you are participating with in the group channel. me: :class:`ClientUser` The user presenting yourself. id: :class:`int` The group channel ID. owner: :class:`User` The user that owns the group channel. icon: Optional[:class:`str`] The group channel's icon hash if provided. name: Optional[:class:`str`] The group channel's name if provided. """ __slots__ = ('id', 'recipients', 'owner', 'icon', 'name', 'me', '_state') def __init__(self, *, me, state, data): self._state = state self.id = int(data['id']) self.me = me self._update_group(data) def _update_group(self, data): owner_id = utils._get_as_snowflake(data, 'owner_id') self.icon = data.get('icon') self.name = data.get('name') try: self.recipients = [self._state.store_user(u) for u in data['recipients']] except KeyError: pass if owner_id == self.me.id: self.owner = self.me else: self.owner = utils.find(lambda u: u.id == owner_id, self.recipients) async def _get_channel(self): return self def __str__(self): if self.name: return self.name if len(self.recipients) == 0: return 'Unnamed' return ', '.join(map(lambda x: x.name, self.recipients)) def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self) @property def type(self): """:class:`ChannelType`: The channel's Discord type.""" return ChannelType.group @property def icon_url(self): """:class:`Asset`: Returns the channel's icon asset if available.""" return Asset._from_icon(self._state, self, 'channel') @property def created_at(self): """:class:`datetime.datetime`: Returns the channel's creation time in UTC.""" return utils.snowflake_time(self.id) def permissions_for(self, user): """Handles permission resolution for a :class:`User`. This function is there for compatibility with other channel types. Actual direct messages do not really have the concept of permissions. This returns all the Text related permissions set to ``True`` except: - send_tts_messages: You cannot send TTS messages in a DM. - manage_messages: You cannot delete others messages in a DM. This also checks the kick_members permission if the user is the owner. Parameters ----------- user: :class:`User` The user to check permissions for. Returns -------- :class:`Permissions` The resolved permissions for the user. """ base = Permissions.text() base.send_tts_messages = False base.manage_messages = False base.mention_everyone = True if user.id == self.owner.id: base.kick_members = True return base async def add_recipients(self, *recipients): r"""|coro| Adds recipients to this group. A group can only have a maximum of 10 members. Attempting to add more ends up in an exception. To add a recipient to the group, you must have a relationship with the user of type :attr:`RelationshipType.friend`. Parameters ----------- \*recipients: :class:`User` An argument list of users to add to this group. Raises ------- HTTPException Adding a recipient to this group failed. """ # TODO: wait for the corresponding WS event req = self._state.http.add_group_recipient for recipient in recipients: await req(self.id, recipient.id) async def remove_recipients(self, *recipients): r"""|coro| Removes recipients from this group. Parameters ----------- \*recipients: :class:`User` An argument list of users to remove from this group. Raises ------- HTTPException Removing a recipient from this group failed. """ # TODO: wait for the corresponding WS event req = self._state.http.remove_group_recipient for recipient in recipients: await req(self.id, recipient.id) async def edit(self, **fields): """|coro| Edits the group. Parameters ----------- name: Optional[:class:`str`] The new name to change the group to. Could be ``None`` to remove the name. icon: Optional[:class:`bytes`] A :term:`py:bytes-like object` representing the new icon. Could be ``None`` to remove the icon. Raises ------- HTTPException Editing the group failed. """ try: icon_bytes = fields['icon'] except KeyError: pass else: if icon_bytes is not None: fields['icon'] = utils._bytes_to_base64_data(icon_bytes) data = await self._state.http.edit_group(self.id, **fields) self._update_group(data) async def leave(self): """|coro| Leave the group. If you are the only one in the group, this deletes it as well. Raises ------- HTTPException Leaving the group failed. """ await self._state.http.leave_group(self.id) def _channel_factory(channel_type): value = try_enum(ChannelType, channel_type) if value is ChannelType.text: return TextChannel, value elif value is ChannelType.voice: return VoiceChannel, value elif value is ChannelType.private: return DMChannel, value elif value is ChannelType.category: return CategoryChannel, value elif value is ChannelType.group: return GroupChannel, value elif value is ChannelType.news: return TextChannel, value elif value is ChannelType.store: return StoreChannel, value else: return None, value