# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation) # Copyright (c) 2008-2015 California Institute of Technology. # Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation. # License: 3-clause BSD. The full license text is available at: # - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE """ dill: a utility for serialization of python objects Based on code written by Oren Tirosh and Armin Ronacher. Extended to a (near) full set of the builtin types (in types module), and coded to the pickle interface, by . Initial port to python3 by Jonathan Dobson, continued by mmckerns. Test against "all" python types (Std. Lib. CH 1-15 @ 2.7) by mmckerns. Test against CH16+ Std. Lib. ... TBD. """ __all__ = ['dump','dumps','load','loads','dump_session','load_session', 'Pickler','Unpickler','register','copy','pickle','pickles', 'check','HIGHEST_PROTOCOL','DEFAULT_PROTOCOL','PicklingError', 'UnpicklingError','HANDLE_FMODE','CONTENTS_FMODE','FILE_FMODE'] import logging log = logging.getLogger("dill") log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) def _trace(boolean): """print a trace through the stack when pickling; useful for debugging""" if boolean: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: log.setLevel(logging.WARN) return stack = dict() # record of 'recursion-sensitive' pickled objects import os import sys diff = None _use_diff = False PY3 = (sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000) # OLDER: 3.0 <= x < 3.4 *OR* x < 2.7.10 #NOTE: guessing relevant versions OLDER = (PY3 and sys.hexversion < 0x3040000) or (sys.hexversion < 0x2070ab1) OLD33 = (sys.hexversion < 0x3030000) PY34 = (0x3040000 <= sys.hexversion < 0x3050000) if PY3: #XXX: get types from .objtypes ? import builtins as __builtin__ from pickle import _Pickler as StockPickler, Unpickler as StockUnpickler from _thread import LockType if (sys.hexversion >= 0x30200f0): from _thread import RLock as RLockType else: from threading import _RLock as RLockType #from io import IOBase from types import CodeType, FunctionType, MethodType, GeneratorType, \ TracebackType, FrameType, ModuleType, BuiltinMethodType BufferType = memoryview #XXX: unregistered ClassType = type # no 'old-style' classes EllipsisType = type(Ellipsis) #FileType = IOBase NotImplementedType = type(NotImplemented) SliceType = slice TypeType = type # 'new-style' classes #XXX: unregistered XRangeType = range if OLD33: DictProxyType = type(object.__dict__) else: from types import MappingProxyType as DictProxyType else: import __builtin__ from pickle import Pickler as StockPickler, Unpickler as StockUnpickler from thread import LockType from threading import _RLock as RLockType from types import CodeType, FunctionType, ClassType, MethodType, \ GeneratorType, DictProxyType, XRangeType, SliceType, TracebackType, \ NotImplementedType, EllipsisType, FrameType, ModuleType, \ BufferType, BuiltinMethodType, TypeType from pickle import HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, PicklingError, UnpicklingError try: from pickle import DEFAULT_PROTOCOL except ImportError: DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = HIGHEST_PROTOCOL import __main__ as _main_module import marshal import gc # import zlib from weakref import ReferenceType, ProxyType, CallableProxyType from functools import partial from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter # new in python3.3 if sys.hexversion < 0x03030000: FileNotFoundError = IOError if PY3 and sys.hexversion < 0x03040000: GENERATOR_FAIL = True else: GENERATOR_FAIL = False try: import ctypes HAS_CTYPES = True # if using `pypy`, pythonapi is not found IS_PYPY = not hasattr(ctypes, 'pythonapi') except ImportError: HAS_CTYPES = False IS_PYPY = False NumpyUfuncType = None NumpyArrayType = None try: if OLDER: raise AttributeError('find_spec not found') import importlib if not importlib.machinery.PathFinder().find_spec('numpy'): raise ImportError("No module named 'numpy'") NumpyUfuncType = True NumpyArrayType = True except AttributeError: try: import imp imp.find_module('numpy') NumpyUfuncType = True NumpyArrayType = True except ImportError: pass except ImportError: pass def __hook__(): global NumpyArrayType, NumpyUfuncType from numpy import ufunc as NumpyUfuncType from numpy import ndarray as NumpyArrayType return True if NumpyArrayType: # then has numpy def ndarraysubclassinstance(obj): if type(obj) in (TypeType, ClassType): return False # all classes return False try: # check if is ndarray, and elif is subclass of ndarray cls = getattr(obj, '__class__', None) if cls is None: return False elif cls is TypeType: return False elif 'numpy.ndarray' not in str(getattr(cls, 'mro', int.mro)()): return False except ReferenceError: return False # handle 'R3' weakref in 3.x except TypeError: return False # anything below here is a numpy array (or subclass) instance __hook__() # import numpy (so the following works!!!) # verify that __reduce__ has not been overridden NumpyInstance = NumpyArrayType((0,),'int8') if id(obj.__reduce_ex__) == id(NumpyInstance.__reduce_ex__) and \ id(obj.__reduce__) == id(NumpyInstance.__reduce__): return True return False def numpyufunc(obj): if type(obj) in (TypeType, ClassType): return False # all classes return False try: # check if is ufunc cls = getattr(obj, '__class__', None) if cls is None: return False elif cls is TypeType: return False if 'numpy.ufunc' not in str(getattr(cls, 'mro', int.mro)()): return False except ReferenceError: return False # handle 'R3' weakref in 3.x except TypeError: return False # anything below here is a numpy ufunc return True else: def ndarraysubclassinstance(obj): return False def numpyufunc(obj): return False # make sure to add these 'hand-built' types to _typemap if PY3: CellType = type((lambda x: lambda y: x)(0).__closure__[0]) else: CellType = type((lambda x: lambda y: x)(0).func_closure[0]) # new in python2.5 if sys.hexversion >= 0x20500f0: from types import GetSetDescriptorType if not IS_PYPY: from types import MemberDescriptorType else: # oddly, MemberDescriptorType is GetSetDescriptorType # while, member_descriptor does exist otherwise... is this a pypy bug? class _member(object): __slots__ = ['descriptor'] MemberDescriptorType = type(_member.descriptor) if IS_PYPY: WrapperDescriptorType = MethodType MethodDescriptorType = FunctionType ClassMethodDescriptorType = FunctionType else: WrapperDescriptorType = type(type.__repr__) MethodDescriptorType = type(type.__dict__['mro']) ClassMethodDescriptorType = type(type.__dict__['__prepare__' if PY3 else 'mro']) MethodWrapperType = type([].__repr__) PartialType = type(partial(int,base=2)) SuperType = type(super(Exception, TypeError())) ItemGetterType = type(itemgetter(0)) AttrGetterType = type(attrgetter('__repr__')) def get_file_type(*args, **kwargs): open = kwargs.pop("open", __builtin__.open) f = open(os.devnull, *args, **kwargs) t = type(f) f.close() return t FileType = get_file_type('rb', buffering=0) TextWrapperType = get_file_type('r', buffering=-1) BufferedRandomType = get_file_type('r+b', buffering=-1) BufferedReaderType = get_file_type('rb', buffering=-1) BufferedWriterType = get_file_type('wb', buffering=-1) try: from _pyio import open as _open PyTextWrapperType = get_file_type('r', buffering=-1, open=_open) PyBufferedRandomType = get_file_type('r+b', buffering=-1, open=_open) PyBufferedReaderType = get_file_type('rb', buffering=-1, open=_open) PyBufferedWriterType = get_file_type('wb', buffering=-1, open=_open) except ImportError: PyTextWrapperType = PyBufferedRandomType = PyBufferedReaderType = PyBufferedWriterType = None try: from cStringIO import StringIO, InputType, OutputType except ImportError: if PY3: from io import BytesIO as StringIO else: from StringIO import StringIO InputType = OutputType = None if not IS_PYPY: from socket import socket as SocketType try: #FIXME: additionally calls ForkingPickler.register several times from multiprocessing.reduction import _reduce_socket as reduce_socket except ImportError: from multiprocessing.reduction import reduce_socket try: __IPYTHON__ is True # is ipython ExitType = None # IPython.core.autocall.ExitAutocall singletontypes = ['exit', 'quit', 'get_ipython'] except NameError: try: ExitType = type(exit) # apparently 'exit' can be removed except NameError: ExitType = None singletontypes = [] ### File modes # Pickles the file handle, preserving mode. The position of the unpickled # object is as for a new file handle. HANDLE_FMODE = 0 # Pickles the file contents, creating a new file if on load the file does # not exist. The position = min(pickled position, EOF) and mode is chosen # as such that "best" preserves behavior of the original file. CONTENTS_FMODE = 1 # Pickles the entire file (handle and contents), preserving mode and position. FILE_FMODE = 2 ### Shorthands (modified from python2.5/lib/pickle.py) def copy(obj, *args, **kwds): """use pickling to 'copy' an object""" ignore = kwds.pop('ignore', Unpickler.settings['ignore']) return loads(dumps(obj, *args, **kwds), ignore=ignore) def dump(obj, file, protocol=None, byref=None, fmode=None, recurse=None, **kwds):#, strictio=None): """pickle an object to a file""" from .settings import settings protocol = settings['protocol'] if protocol is None else int(protocol) _kwds = kwds.copy() _kwds.update(dict(byref=byref, fmode=fmode, recurse=recurse)) Pickler(file, protocol, **_kwds).dump(obj) return def dumps(obj, protocol=None, byref=None, fmode=None, recurse=None, **kwds):#, strictio=None): """pickle an object to a string""" file = StringIO() dump(obj, file, protocol, byref, fmode, recurse, **kwds)#, strictio) return file.getvalue() def load(file, ignore=None, **kwds): """unpickle an object from a file""" return Unpickler(file, ignore=ignore, **kwds).load() def loads(str, ignore=None, **kwds): """unpickle an object from a string""" file = StringIO(str) return load(file, ignore, **kwds) # def dumpzs(obj, protocol=None): # """pickle an object to a compressed string""" # return zlib.compress(dumps(obj, protocol)) # def loadzs(str): # """unpickle an object from a compressed string""" # return loads(zlib.decompress(str)) ### End: Shorthands ### ### Pickle the Interpreter Session def _module_map(): """get map of imported modules""" from collections import defaultdict modmap = defaultdict(list) items = 'items' if PY3 else 'iteritems' for name, module in getattr(sys.modules, items)(): if module is None: continue for objname, obj in module.__dict__.items(): modmap[objname].append((obj, name)) return modmap def _lookup_module(modmap, name, obj, main_module): #FIXME: needs work """lookup name if module is imported""" for modobj, modname in modmap[name]: if modobj is obj and modname != main_module.__name__: return modname def _stash_modules(main_module): modmap = _module_map() imported = [] original = {} items = 'items' if PY3 else 'iteritems' for name, obj in getattr(main_module.__dict__, items)(): source_module = _lookup_module(modmap, name, obj, main_module) if source_module: imported.append((source_module, name)) else: original[name] = obj if len(imported): import types newmod = types.ModuleType(main_module.__name__) newmod.__dict__.update(original) newmod.__dill_imported = imported return newmod else: return original def _restore_modules(main_module): if '__dill_imported' not in main_module.__dict__: return imports = main_module.__dict__.pop('__dill_imported') for module, name in imports: exec("from %s import %s" % (module, name), main_module.__dict__) #NOTE: 06/03/15 renamed main_module to main def dump_session(filename='/tmp/session.pkl', main=None, byref=False, **kwds): """pickle the current state of __main__ to a file""" from .settings import settings protocol = settings['protocol'] if main is None: main = _main_module if hasattr(filename, 'write'): f = filename else: f = open(filename, 'wb') try: if byref: main = _stash_modules(main) pickler = Pickler(f, protocol, **kwds) pickler._main = main #FIXME: dill.settings are disabled pickler._byref = False # disable pickling by name reference pickler._recurse = False # disable pickling recursion for globals pickler._session = True # is best indicator of when pickling a session pickler.dump(main) finally: if f is not filename: # If newly opened file f.close() return def load_session(filename='/tmp/session.pkl', main=None, **kwds): """update the __main__ module with the state from the session file""" if main is None: main = _main_module if hasattr(filename, 'read'): f = filename else: f = open(filename, 'rb') try: #FIXME: dill.settings are disabled unpickler = Unpickler(f, **kwds) unpickler._main = main unpickler._session = True module = unpickler.load() unpickler._session = False main.__dict__.update(module.__dict__) _restore_modules(main) finally: if f is not filename: # If newly opened file f.close() return ### End: Pickle the Interpreter class MetaCatchingDict(dict): def get(self, key, default=None): try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def __missing__(self, key): if issubclass(key, type): return save_type else: raise KeyError() ### Extend the Picklers class Pickler(StockPickler): """python's Pickler extended to interpreter sessions""" dispatch = MetaCatchingDict(StockPickler.dispatch.copy()) _session = False from .settings import settings def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): settings = Pickler.settings _byref = kwds.pop('byref', None) #_strictio = kwds.pop('strictio', None) _fmode = kwds.pop('fmode', None) _recurse = kwds.pop('recurse', None) StockPickler.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self._main = _main_module self._diff_cache = {} self._byref = settings['byref'] if _byref is None else _byref self._strictio = False #_strictio self._fmode = settings['fmode'] if _fmode is None else _fmode self._recurse = settings['recurse'] if _recurse is None else _recurse def dump(self, obj): #NOTE: if settings change, need to update attributes stack.clear() # clear record of 'recursion-sensitive' pickled objects # register if the object is a numpy ufunc # thanks to Paul Kienzle for pointing out ufuncs didn't pickle if NumpyUfuncType and numpyufunc(obj): @register(type(obj)) def save_numpy_ufunc(pickler, obj): log.info("Nu: %s" % obj) StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj) log.info("# Nu") return # NOTE: the above 'save' performs like: # import copy_reg # def udump(f): return f.__name__ # def uload(name): return getattr(numpy, name) # copy_reg.pickle(NumpyUfuncType, udump, uload) # register if the object is a subclassed numpy array instance if NumpyArrayType and ndarraysubclassinstance(obj): @register(type(obj)) def save_numpy_array(pickler, obj): log.info("Nu: (%s, %s)" % (obj.shape,obj.dtype)) npdict = getattr(obj, '__dict__', None) f, args, state = obj.__reduce__() pickler.save_reduce(_create_array, (f,args,state,npdict), obj=obj) log.info("# Nu") return # end hack if GENERATOR_FAIL and type(obj) == GeneratorType: msg = "Can't pickle %s: attribute lookup builtins.generator failed" % GeneratorType raise PicklingError(msg) else: StockPickler.dump(self, obj) stack.clear() # clear record of 'recursion-sensitive' pickled objects return dump.__doc__ = StockPickler.dump.__doc__ pass class Unpickler(StockUnpickler): """python's Unpickler extended to interpreter sessions and more types""" from .settings import settings _session = False def find_class(self, module, name): if (module, name) == ('__builtin__', '__main__'): return self._main.__dict__ #XXX: above set w/save_module_dict elif (module, name) == ('__builtin__', 'NoneType'): return type(None) #XXX: special case: NoneType missing if module == 'dill.dill': module = 'dill._dill' return StockUnpickler.find_class(self, module, name) def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): settings = Pickler.settings _ignore = kwds.pop('ignore', None) StockUnpickler.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self._main = _main_module self._ignore = settings['ignore'] if _ignore is None else _ignore def load(self): #NOTE: if settings change, need to update attributes obj = StockUnpickler.load(self) if type(obj).__module__ == getattr(_main_module, '__name__', '__main__'): if not self._ignore: # point obj class to main try: obj.__class__ = getattr(self._main, type(obj).__name__) except (AttributeError,TypeError): pass # defined in a file #_main_module.__dict__.update(obj.__dict__) #XXX: should update globals ? return obj load.__doc__ = StockUnpickler.load.__doc__ pass ''' def dispatch_table(): """get the dispatch table of registered types""" return Pickler.dispatch ''' pickle_dispatch_copy = StockPickler.dispatch.copy() def pickle(t, func): """expose dispatch table for user-created extensions""" Pickler.dispatch[t] = func return def register(t): def proxy(func): Pickler.dispatch[t] = func return func return proxy def _revert_extension(): for type, func in list(StockPickler.dispatch.items()): if func.__module__ == __name__: del StockPickler.dispatch[type] if type in pickle_dispatch_copy: StockPickler.dispatch[type] = pickle_dispatch_copy[type] def use_diff(on=True): """ reduces size of pickles by only including object which have changed. Decreases pickle size but increases CPU time needed. Also helps avoid some unpicklable objects. MUST be called at start of script, otherwise changes will not be recorded. """ global _use_diff, diff _use_diff = on if _use_diff and diff is None: try: from . import diff as d except: import diff as d diff = d def _create_typemap(): import types if PY3: d = dict(list(__builtin__.__dict__.items()) + \ list(types.__dict__.items())).items() builtin = 'builtins' else: d = types.__dict__.iteritems() builtin = '__builtin__' for key, value in d: if getattr(value, '__module__', None) == builtin \ and type(value) is type: yield key, value return _reverse_typemap = dict(_create_typemap()) _reverse_typemap.update({ 'CellType': CellType, 'MethodWrapperType': MethodWrapperType, 'PartialType': PartialType, 'SuperType': SuperType, 'ItemGetterType': ItemGetterType, 'AttrGetterType': AttrGetterType, 'FileType': FileType, 'BufferedRandomType': BufferedRandomType, 'BufferedReaderType': BufferedReaderType, 'BufferedWriterType': BufferedWriterType, 'TextWrapperType': TextWrapperType, 'PyBufferedRandomType': PyBufferedRandomType, 'PyBufferedReaderType': PyBufferedReaderType, 'PyBufferedWriterType': PyBufferedWriterType, 'PyTextWrapperType': PyTextWrapperType, }) if ExitType: _reverse_typemap['ExitType'] = ExitType if InputType: _reverse_typemap['InputType'] = InputType _reverse_typemap['OutputType'] = OutputType if not IS_PYPY: _reverse_typemap['WrapperDescriptorType'] = WrapperDescriptorType _reverse_typemap['MethodDescriptorType'] = MethodDescriptorType _reverse_typemap['ClassMethodDescriptorType'] = ClassMethodDescriptorType else: _reverse_typemap['MemberDescriptorType'] = MemberDescriptorType if PY3: _typemap = dict((v, k) for k, v in _reverse_typemap.items()) else: _typemap = dict((v, k) for k, v in _reverse_typemap.iteritems()) def _unmarshal(string): return marshal.loads(string) def _load_type(name): return _reverse_typemap[name] def _create_type(typeobj, *args): return typeobj(*args) def _create_function(fcode, fglobals, fname=None, fdefaults=None, fclosure=None, fdict=None, fkwdefaults=None): # same as FunctionType, but enable passing __dict__ to new function, # __dict__ is the storehouse for attributes added after function creation if fdict is None: fdict = dict() func = FunctionType(fcode, fglobals or dict(), fname, fdefaults, fclosure) func.__dict__.update(fdict) #XXX: better copy? option to copy? if fkwdefaults is not None: func.__kwdefaults__ = fkwdefaults return func def _create_ftype(ftypeobj, func, args, kwds): if kwds is None: kwds = {} if args is None: args = () return ftypeobj(func, *args, **kwds) def _create_lock(locked, *args): #XXX: ignores 'blocking' from threading import Lock lock = Lock() if locked: if not lock.acquire(False): raise UnpicklingError("Cannot acquire lock") return lock def _create_rlock(count, owner, *args): #XXX: ignores 'blocking' lock = RLockType() if owner is not None: lock._acquire_restore((count, owner)) if owner and not lock._is_owned(): raise UnpicklingError("Cannot acquire lock") return lock # thanks to matsjoyce for adding all the different file modes def _create_filehandle(name, mode, position, closed, open, strictio, fmode, fdata): # buffering=0 # only pickles the handle, not the file contents... good? or StringIO(data)? # (for file contents see: http://effbot.org/librarybook/copy-reg.htm) # NOTE: handle special cases first (are there more special cases?) names = {'':sys.__stdin__, '':sys.__stdout__, '':sys.__stderr__} #XXX: better fileno=(0,1,2) ? if name in list(names.keys()): f = names[name] #XXX: safer "f=sys.stdin" elif name == '': f = os.tmpfile() elif name == '': import tempfile f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode) else: # treat x mode as w mode if "x" in mode and sys.hexversion < 0x03030000: raise ValueError("invalid mode: '%s'" % mode) try: exists = os.path.exists(name) except: exists = False if not exists: if strictio: raise FileNotFoundError("[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '%s'" % name) elif "r" in mode and fmode != FILE_FMODE: name = '' # or os.devnull? current_size = 0 # or maintain position? else: current_size = os.path.getsize(name) if position > current_size: if strictio: raise ValueError("invalid buffer size") elif fmode == CONTENTS_FMODE: position = current_size # try to open the file by name # NOTE: has different fileno try: #FIXME: missing: *buffering*, encoding, softspace if fmode == FILE_FMODE: f = open(name, mode if "w" in mode else "w") f.write(fdata) if "w" not in mode: f.close() f = open(name, mode) elif name == '': # file did not exist import tempfile f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode) elif fmode == CONTENTS_FMODE \ and ("w" in mode or "x" in mode): # stop truncation when opening flags = os.O_CREAT if "+" in mode: flags |= os.O_RDWR else: flags |= os.O_WRONLY f = os.fdopen(os.open(name, flags), mode) # set name to the correct value if PY3: r = getattr(f, "buffer", f) r = getattr(r, "raw", r) r.name = name else: if not HAS_CTYPES: raise ImportError("No module named 'ctypes'") class FILE(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("refcount", ctypes.c_long), ("type_obj", ctypes.py_object), ("file_pointer", ctypes.c_voidp), ("name", ctypes.py_object)] class PyObject(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("ob_refcnt", ctypes.c_int), ("ob_type", ctypes.py_object) ] #FIXME: CONTENTS_FMODE fails for pypy due to issue #1233 # https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issues/1233 ctypes.cast(id(f), ctypes.POINTER(FILE)).contents.name = name ctypes.cast(id(name), ctypes.POINTER(PyObject)).contents.ob_refcnt += 1 assert f.name == name else: f = open(name, mode) except (IOError, FileNotFoundError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] raise UnpicklingError(err) if closed: f.close() elif position >= 0 and fmode != HANDLE_FMODE: f.seek(position) return f def _create_stringi(value, position, closed): f = StringIO(value) if closed: f.close() else: f.seek(position) return f def _create_stringo(value, position, closed): f = StringIO() if closed: f.close() else: f.write(value) f.seek(position) return f class _itemgetter_helper(object): def __init__(self): self.items = [] def __getitem__(self, item): self.items.append(item) return class _attrgetter_helper(object): def __init__(self, attrs, index=None): self.attrs = attrs self.index = index def __getattribute__(self, attr): attrs = object.__getattribute__(self, "attrs") index = object.__getattribute__(self, "index") if index is None: index = len(attrs) attrs.append(attr) else: attrs[index] = ".".join([attrs[index], attr]) return type(self)(attrs, index) if PY3: def _create_cell(contents): return (lambda y: contents).__closure__[0] else: def _create_cell(contents): return (lambda y: contents).func_closure[0] def _create_weakref(obj, *args): from weakref import ref if obj is None: # it's dead if PY3: from collections import UserDict else: from UserDict import UserDict return ref(UserDict(), *args) return ref(obj, *args) def _create_weakproxy(obj, callable=False, *args): from weakref import proxy if obj is None: # it's dead if callable: return proxy(lambda x:x, *args) if PY3: from collections import UserDict else: from UserDict import UserDict return proxy(UserDict(), *args) return proxy(obj, *args) def _eval_repr(repr_str): return eval(repr_str) def _create_array(f, args, state, npdict=None): #array = numpy.core.multiarray._reconstruct(*args) array = f(*args) array.__setstate__(state) if npdict is not None: # we also have saved state in __dict__ array.__dict__.update(npdict) return array def _create_namedtuple(name, fieldnames, modulename): class_ = _import_module(modulename + '.' + name, safe=True) if class_ is not None: return class_ import collections t = collections.namedtuple(name, fieldnames) t.__module__ = modulename return t def _getattr(objclass, name, repr_str): # hack to grab the reference directly try: #XXX: works only for __builtin__ ? attr = repr_str.split("'")[3] return eval(attr+'.__dict__["'+name+'"]') except: try: attr = objclass.__dict__ if type(attr) is DictProxyType: attr = attr[name] else: attr = getattr(objclass,name) except: attr = getattr(objclass,name) return attr def _get_attr(self, name): # stop recursive pickling return getattr(self, name, None) or getattr(__builtin__, name) def _dict_from_dictproxy(dictproxy): _dict = dictproxy.copy() # convert dictproxy to dict _dict.pop('__dict__', None) _dict.pop('__weakref__', None) _dict.pop('__prepare__', None) return _dict def _import_module(import_name, safe=False): try: if '.' in import_name: items = import_name.split('.') module = '.'.join(items[:-1]) obj = items[-1] else: return __import__(import_name) return getattr(__import__(module, None, None, [obj]), obj) except (ImportError, AttributeError): if safe: return None raise def _locate_function(obj, session=False): if obj.__module__ in ['__main__', None]: # and session: return False found = _import_module(obj.__module__ + '.' + obj.__name__, safe=True) return found is obj #@register(CodeType) #def save_code(pickler, obj): # log.info("Co: %s" % obj) # pickler.save_reduce(_unmarshal, (marshal.dumps(obj),), obj=obj) # log.info("# Co") # return # The following function is based on 'save_codeobject' from 'cloudpickle' # Copyright (c) 2012, Regents of the University of California. # Copyright (c) 2009 `PiCloud, Inc. `_. # License: https://github.com/cloudpipe/cloudpickle/blob/master/LICENSE @register(CodeType) def save_code(pickler, obj): log.info("Co: %s" % obj) if PY3: if hasattr(obj, "co_posonlyargcount"): args = ( obj.co_argcount, obj.co_posonlyargcount, obj.co_kwonlyargcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize, obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names, obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name, obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_lnotab, obj.co_freevars, obj.co_cellvars ) else: args = ( obj.co_argcount, obj.co_kwonlyargcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize, obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names, obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name, obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_lnotab, obj.co_freevars, obj.co_cellvars ) else: args = ( obj.co_argcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize, obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names, obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name, obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_lnotab, obj.co_freevars, obj.co_cellvars ) pickler.save_reduce(CodeType, args, obj=obj) log.info("# Co") return @register(dict) def save_module_dict(pickler, obj): if is_dill(pickler) and obj == pickler._main.__dict__ and not pickler._session: log.info("D1: ')) owner = int(r.split('owner=')[1].split()[0]) if PY3 else getattr(obj, '_RLock__owner') pickler.save_reduce(_create_rlock, (count,owner,), obj=obj) log.info("# RL") return if not IS_PYPY: #@register(SocketType) #FIXME: causes multiprocess test_pickling FAIL def save_socket(pickler, obj): log.info("So: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(*reduce_socket(obj)) log.info("# So") return @register(ItemGetterType) def save_itemgetter(pickler, obj): log.info("Ig: %s" % obj) helper = _itemgetter_helper() obj(helper) pickler.save_reduce(type(obj), tuple(helper.items), obj=obj) log.info("# Ig") return @register(AttrGetterType) def save_attrgetter(pickler, obj): log.info("Ag: %s" % obj) attrs = [] helper = _attrgetter_helper(attrs) obj(helper) pickler.save_reduce(type(obj), tuple(attrs), obj=obj) log.info("# Ag") return def _save_file(pickler, obj, open_): if obj.closed: position = 0 else: obj.flush() if obj in (sys.__stdout__, sys.__stderr__, sys.__stdin__): position = -1 else: position = obj.tell() if is_dill(pickler) and pickler._fmode == FILE_FMODE: f = open_(obj.name, "r") fdata = f.read() f.close() else: fdata = "" if is_dill(pickler): strictio = pickler._strictio fmode = pickler._fmode else: strictio = False fmode = 0 # HANDLE_FMODE pickler.save_reduce(_create_filehandle, (obj.name, obj.mode, position, obj.closed, open_, strictio, fmode, fdata), obj=obj) return @register(FileType) #XXX: in 3.x has buffer=0, needs different _create? @register(BufferedRandomType) @register(BufferedReaderType) @register(BufferedWriterType) @register(TextWrapperType) def save_file(pickler, obj): log.info("Fi: %s" % obj) f = _save_file(pickler, obj, open) log.info("# Fi") return f if PyTextWrapperType: @register(PyBufferedRandomType) @register(PyBufferedReaderType) @register(PyBufferedWriterType) @register(PyTextWrapperType) def save_file(pickler, obj): log.info("Fi: %s" % obj) f = _save_file(pickler, obj, _open) log.info("# Fi") return f # The following two functions are based on 'saveCStringIoInput' # and 'saveCStringIoOutput' from spickle # Copyright (c) 2011 by science+computing ag # License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 if InputType: @register(InputType) def save_stringi(pickler, obj): log.info("Io: %s" % obj) if obj.closed: value = ''; position = 0 else: value = obj.getvalue(); position = obj.tell() pickler.save_reduce(_create_stringi, (value, position, \ obj.closed), obj=obj) log.info("# Io") return @register(OutputType) def save_stringo(pickler, obj): log.info("Io: %s" % obj) if obj.closed: value = ''; position = 0 else: value = obj.getvalue(); position = obj.tell() pickler.save_reduce(_create_stringo, (value, position, \ obj.closed), obj=obj) log.info("# Io") return @register(PartialType) def save_functor(pickler, obj): log.info("Fu: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(_create_ftype, (type(obj), obj.func, obj.args, obj.keywords), obj=obj) log.info("# Fu") return @register(SuperType) def save_super(pickler, obj): log.info("Su: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(super, (obj.__thisclass__, obj.__self__), obj=obj) log.info("# Su") return @register(BuiltinMethodType) def save_builtin_method(pickler, obj): if obj.__self__ is not None: if obj.__self__ is __builtin__: module = 'builtins' if PY3 else '__builtin__' _t = "B1" log.info("%s: %s" % (_t, obj)) else: module = obj.__self__ _t = "B3" log.info("%s: %s" % (_t, obj)) if is_dill(pickler): _recurse = pickler._recurse pickler._recurse = False pickler.save_reduce(_get_attr, (module, obj.__name__), obj=obj) if is_dill(pickler): pickler._recurse = _recurse log.info("# %s" % _t) else: log.info("B2: %s" % obj) StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj) log.info("# B2") return @register(MethodType) #FIXME: fails for 'hidden' or 'name-mangled' classes def save_instancemethod0(pickler, obj):# example: cStringIO.StringI log.info("Me: %s" % obj) #XXX: obj.__dict__ handled elsewhere? if PY3: pickler.save_reduce(MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__), obj=obj) else: pickler.save_reduce(MethodType, (obj.im_func, obj.im_self, obj.im_class), obj=obj) log.info("# Me") return if sys.hexversion >= 0x20500f0: if not IS_PYPY: @register(MemberDescriptorType) @register(GetSetDescriptorType) @register(MethodDescriptorType) @register(WrapperDescriptorType) @register(ClassMethodDescriptorType) def save_wrapper_descriptor(pickler, obj): log.info("Wr: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(_getattr, (obj.__objclass__, obj.__name__, obj.__repr__()), obj=obj) log.info("# Wr") return else: @register(MemberDescriptorType) @register(GetSetDescriptorType) def save_wrapper_descriptor(pickler, obj): log.info("Wr: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(_getattr, (obj.__objclass__, obj.__name__, obj.__repr__()), obj=obj) log.info("# Wr") return @register(MethodWrapperType) def save_instancemethod(pickler, obj): log.info("Mw: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(getattr, (obj.__self__, obj.__name__), obj=obj) log.info("# Mw") return elif not IS_PYPY: @register(MethodDescriptorType) @register(WrapperDescriptorType) def save_wrapper_descriptor(pickler, obj): log.info("Wr: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(_getattr, (obj.__objclass__, obj.__name__, obj.__repr__()), obj=obj) log.info("# Wr") return @register(CellType) def save_cell(pickler, obj): log.info("Ce: %s" % obj) f = obj.cell_contents pickler.save_reduce(_create_cell, (f,), obj=obj) log.info("# Ce") return if not IS_PYPY: if not OLD33: @register(DictProxyType) def save_dictproxy(pickler, obj): log.info("Mp: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(DictProxyType, (obj.copy(),), obj=obj) log.info("# Mp") return else: # The following function is based on 'saveDictProxy' from spickle # Copyright (c) 2011 by science+computing ag # License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 @register(DictProxyType) def save_dictproxy(pickler, obj): log.info("Dp: %s" % obj) attr = obj.get('__dict__') #pickler.save_reduce(_create_dictproxy, (attr,'nested'), obj=obj) if type(attr) == GetSetDescriptorType and attr.__name__ == "__dict__" \ and getattr(attr.__objclass__, "__dict__", None) == obj: pickler.save_reduce(getattr, (attr.__objclass__,"__dict__"),obj=obj) log.info("# Dp") return # all bad below... so throw ReferenceError or TypeError raise ReferenceError("%s does not reference a class __dict__" % obj) @register(SliceType) def save_slice(pickler, obj): log.info("Sl: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(slice, (obj.start, obj.stop, obj.step), obj=obj) log.info("# Sl") return @register(XRangeType) @register(EllipsisType) @register(NotImplementedType) def save_singleton(pickler, obj): log.info("Si: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(_eval_repr, (obj.__repr__(),), obj=obj) log.info("# Si") return def _proxy_helper(obj): # a dead proxy returns a reference to None """get memory address of proxy's reference object""" _repr = repr(obj) try: _str = str(obj) except ReferenceError: # it's a dead proxy return id(None) if _str == _repr: return id(obj) # it's a repr try: # either way, it's a proxy from here address = int(_str.rstrip('>').split(' at ')[-1], base=16) except ValueError: # special case: proxy of a 'type' if not IS_PYPY: address = int(_repr.rstrip('>').split(' at ')[-1], base=16) else: objects = iter(gc.get_objects()) for _obj in objects: if repr(_obj) == _str: return id(_obj) # all bad below... nothing found so throw ReferenceError msg = "Cannot reference object for proxy at '%s'" % id(obj) raise ReferenceError(msg) return address def _locate_object(address, module=None): """get object located at the given memory address (inverse of id(obj))""" special = [None, True, False] #XXX: more...? for obj in special: if address == id(obj): return obj if module: if PY3: objects = iter(module.__dict__.values()) else: objects = module.__dict__.itervalues() else: objects = iter(gc.get_objects()) for obj in objects: if address == id(obj): return obj # all bad below... nothing found so throw ReferenceError or TypeError try: address = hex(address) except TypeError: raise TypeError("'%s' is not a valid memory address" % str(address)) raise ReferenceError("Cannot reference object at '%s'" % address) @register(ReferenceType) def save_weakref(pickler, obj): refobj = obj() log.info("R1: %s" % obj) #refobj = ctypes.pythonapi.PyWeakref_GetObject(obj) # dead returns "None" pickler.save_reduce(_create_weakref, (refobj,), obj=obj) log.info("# R1") return @register(ProxyType) @register(CallableProxyType) def save_weakproxy(pickler, obj): refobj = _locate_object(_proxy_helper(obj)) try: _t = "R2" log.info("%s: %s" % (_t, obj)) except ReferenceError: _t = "R3" log.info("%s: %s" % (_t, sys.exc_info()[1])) #callable = bool(getattr(refobj, '__call__', None)) if type(obj) is CallableProxyType: callable = True else: callable = False pickler.save_reduce(_create_weakproxy, (refobj, callable), obj=obj) log.info("# %s" % _t) return @register(ModuleType) def save_module(pickler, obj): if False: #_use_diff: if obj.__name__ != "dill": try: changed = diff.whats_changed(obj, seen=pickler._diff_cache)[0] except RuntimeError: # not memorised module, probably part of dill pass else: log.info("M1: %s with diff" % obj) log.info("Diff: %s", changed.keys()) pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj, state=changed) log.info("# M1") return log.info("M2: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj) log.info("# M2") else: # if a module file name starts with prefix, it should be a builtin # module, so should be pickled as a reference if hasattr(obj, "__file__"): names = ["base_prefix", "base_exec_prefix", "exec_prefix", "prefix", "real_prefix"] builtin_mod = any([obj.__file__.startswith(os.path.normpath(getattr(sys, name))) for name in names if hasattr(sys, name)]) builtin_mod = builtin_mod or 'site-packages' in obj.__file__ else: builtin_mod = True if obj.__name__ not in ("builtins", "dill") \ and not builtin_mod or is_dill(pickler) and obj is pickler._main: log.info("M1: %s" % obj) _main_dict = obj.__dict__.copy() #XXX: better no copy? option to copy? [_main_dict.pop(item, None) for item in singletontypes + ["__builtins__", "__loader__"]] pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj, state=_main_dict) log.info("# M1") else: log.info("M2: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj) log.info("# M2") return return @register(TypeType) def save_type(pickler, obj): #stack[id(obj)] = len(stack), obj #XXX: probably don't obj in all cases below if obj in _typemap: log.info("T1: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(_load_type, (_typemap[obj],), obj=obj) log.info("# T1") elif issubclass(obj, tuple) and all([hasattr(obj, attr) for attr in ('_fields','_asdict','_make','_replace')]): # special case: namedtuples log.info("T6: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(_create_namedtuple, (getattr(obj, "__qualname__", obj.__name__), obj._fields, obj.__module__), obj=obj) log.info("# T6") return elif obj.__module__ == '__main__': if issubclass(type(obj), type): # try: # used when pickling the class as code (or the interpreter) if is_dill(pickler) and not pickler._byref: # thanks to Tom Stepleton pointing out pickler._session unneeded _t = 'T2' log.info("%s: %s" % (_t, obj)) _dict = _dict_from_dictproxy(obj.__dict__) # except: # punt to StockPickler (pickle by class reference) else: log.info("T5: %s" % obj) StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj) log.info("# T5") return else: _t = 'T3' log.info("%s: %s" % (_t, obj)) _dict = obj.__dict__ #print (_dict) #print ("%s\n%s" % (type(obj), obj.__name__)) #print ("%s\n%s" % (obj.__bases__, obj.__dict__)) for name in _dict.get("__slots__", []): del _dict[name] pickler.save_reduce(_create_type, (type(obj), obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, _dict), obj=obj) log.info("# %s" % _t) # special cases: NoneType elif obj is type(None): log.info("T7: %s" % obj) if PY3: pickler.write(bytes('c__builtin__\nNoneType\n', 'UTF-8')) else: pickler.write('c__builtin__\nNoneType\n') log.info("# T7") else: log.info("T4: %s" % obj) #print (obj.__dict__) #print ("%s\n%s" % (type(obj), obj.__name__)) #print ("%s\n%s" % (obj.__bases__, obj.__dict__)) StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj) log.info("# T4") return @register(property) def save_property(pickler, obj): log.info("Pr: %s" % obj) pickler.save_reduce(property, (obj.fget, obj.fset, obj.fdel, obj.__doc__), obj=obj) log.info("# Pr") @register(staticmethod) @register(classmethod) def save_classmethod(pickler, obj): log.info("Cm: %s" % obj) im_func = '__func__' if PY3 else 'im_func' try: orig_func = getattr(obj, im_func) except AttributeError: # Python 2.6 orig_func = obj.__get__(None, object) if isinstance(obj, classmethod): orig_func = getattr(orig_func, im_func) # Unbind pickler.save_reduce(type(obj), (orig_func,), obj=obj) log.info("# Cm") @register(FunctionType) def save_function(pickler, obj): if not _locate_function(obj): #, pickler._session): log.info("F1: %s" % obj) if getattr(pickler, '_recurse', False): # recurse to get all globals referred to by obj from .detect import globalvars globs = globalvars(obj, recurse=True, builtin=True) # remove objects that have already been serialized #stacktypes = (ClassType, TypeType, FunctionType) #for key,value in list(globs.items()): # if isinstance(value, stacktypes) and id(value) in stack: # del globs[key] # ABORT: if self-references, use _recurse=False if id(obj) in stack: # or obj in globs.values(): globs = obj.__globals__ if PY3 else obj.func_globals else: globs = obj.__globals__ if PY3 else obj.func_globals _byref = getattr(pickler, '_byref', None) _recurse = getattr(pickler, '_recurse', None) _memo = (id(obj) in stack) and (_recurse is not None) #print("stack: %s + '%s'" % (set(hex(i) for i in stack),hex(id(obj)))) stack[id(obj)] = len(stack), obj if PY3: #NOTE: workaround for 'super' (see issue #75) _super = ('super' in getattr(obj.__code__,'co_names',())) and (_byref is not None) if _super: pickler._byref = True if _memo: pickler._recurse = False fkwdefaults = getattr(obj, '__kwdefaults__', None) pickler.save_reduce(_create_function, (obj.__code__, globs, obj.__name__, obj.__defaults__, obj.__closure__, obj.__dict__, fkwdefaults), obj=obj) else: _super = ('super' in getattr(obj.func_code,'co_names',())) and (_byref is not None) and getattr(pickler, '_recurse', False) if _super: pickler._byref = True if _memo: pickler._recurse = False pickler.save_reduce(_create_function, (obj.func_code, globs, obj.func_name, obj.func_defaults, obj.func_closure, obj.__dict__), obj=obj) if _super: pickler._byref = _byref if _memo: pickler._recurse = _recurse #clear = (_byref, _super, _recurse, _memo) #print(clear + (OLDER,)) #NOTE: workaround for #234; "partial" still is problematic for recurse if OLDER and not _byref and (_super or (not _super and _memo) or (not _super and not _memo and _recurse)): pickler.clear_memo() #if _memo: # stack.remove(id(obj)) # #pickler.clear_memo() # #StockPickler.clear_memo(pickler) log.info("# F1") else: log.info("F2: %s" % obj) StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj) #NOTE: also takes name=... log.info("# F2") return # quick sanity checking def pickles(obj,exact=False,safe=False,**kwds): """quick check if object pickles with dill""" if safe: exceptions = (Exception,) # RuntimeError, ValueError else: exceptions = (TypeError, AssertionError, PicklingError, UnpicklingError) try: pik = copy(obj, **kwds) try: result = bool(pik.all() == obj.all()) except AttributeError: result = pik == obj if result: return True if not exact: result = type(pik) == type(obj) if result: return result # class instances might have been dumped with byref=False return repr(type(pik)) == repr(type(obj)) #XXX: InstanceType? return False except exceptions: return False def check(obj, *args, **kwds): """check pickling of an object across another process""" # == undocumented == # python -- the string path or executable name of the selected python # verbose -- if True, be verbose about printing warning messages # all other args and kwds are passed to dill.dumps #FIXME: ignore on load verbose = kwds.pop('verbose', False) python = kwds.pop('python', None) if python is None: import sys python = sys.executable # type check isinstance(python, str) import subprocess fail = True try: _obj = dumps(obj, *args, **kwds) fail = False finally: if fail and verbose: print("DUMP FAILED") msg = "%s -c import dill; print(dill.loads(%s))" % (python, repr(_obj)) msg = "SUCCESS" if not subprocess.call(msg.split(None,2)) else "LOAD FAILED" if verbose: print(msg) return # use to protect against missing attributes def is_dill(pickler, child=None): "check the dill-ness of your pickler" if (child is False) or PY34 or (not hasattr(pickler.__class__, 'mro')): return 'dill' in pickler.__module__ return Pickler in pickler.__class__.mro() def _extend(): """extend pickle with all of dill's registered types""" # need to have pickle not choke on _main_module? use is_dill(pickler) for t,func in Pickler.dispatch.items(): try: StockPickler.dispatch[t] = func except: #TypeError, PicklingError, UnpicklingError log.info("skip: %s" % t) else: pass return del diff, _use_diff, use_diff # EOF