# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Rapptz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import asyncio from collections import namedtuple import logging import signal import sys import traceback import aiohttp import websockets from .user import User, Profile from .asset import Asset from .invite import Invite from .widget import Widget from .guild import Guild from .channel import _channel_factory from .enums import ChannelType from .member import Member from .errors import * from .enums import Status, VoiceRegion from .gateway import * from .activity import BaseActivity, create_activity from .voice_client import VoiceClient from .http import HTTPClient from .state import ConnectionState from . import utils from .object import Object from .backoff import ExponentialBackoff from .webhook import Webhook from .iterators import GuildIterator from .appinfo import AppInfo log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _cancel_tasks(loop): try: task_retriever = asyncio.Task.all_tasks except AttributeError: # future proofing for 3.9 I guess task_retriever = asyncio.all_tasks tasks = {t for t in task_retriever(loop=loop) if not t.done()} if not tasks: return log.info('Cleaning up after %d tasks.', len(tasks)) for task in tasks: task.cancel() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)) log.info('All tasks finished cancelling.') for task in tasks: if task.cancelled(): continue if task.exception() is not None: loop.call_exception_handler({ 'message': 'Unhandled exception during Client.run shutdown.', 'exception': task.exception(), 'task': task }) def _cleanup_loop(loop): try: _cancel_tasks(loop) if sys.version_info >= (3, 6): loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens()) finally: log.info('Closing the event loop.') loop.close() class _ClientEventTask(asyncio.Task): def __init__(self, original_coro, event_name, coro, *, loop): super().__init__(coro, loop=loop) self.__event_name = event_name self.__original_coro = original_coro def __repr__(self): info = [ ('state', self._state.lower()), ('event', self.__event_name), ('coro', repr(self.__original_coro)), ] if self._exception is not None: info.append(('exception', repr(self._exception))) return ''.format(' '.join('%s=%s' % t for t in info)) class Client: r"""Represents a client connection that connects to Discord. This class is used to interact with the Discord WebSocket and API. A number of options can be passed to the :class:`Client`. Parameters ----------- max_messages: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum number of messages to store in the internal message cache. This defaults to 1000. Passing in ``None`` disables the message cache. .. versionchanged:: 1.3 Allow disabling the message cache and change the default size to 1000. loop: Optional[:class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop`] The :class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop` to use for asynchronous operations. Defaults to ``None``, in which case the default event loop is used via :func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()`. connector: :class:`aiohttp.BaseConnector` The connector to use for connection pooling. proxy: Optional[:class:`str`] Proxy URL. proxy_auth: Optional[:class:`aiohttp.BasicAuth`] An object that represents proxy HTTP Basic Authorization. shard_id: Optional[:class:`int`] Integer starting at 0 and less than :attr:`.shard_count`. shard_count: Optional[:class:`int`] The total number of shards. fetch_offline_members: :class:`bool` Indicates if :func:`.on_ready` should be delayed to fetch all offline members from the guilds the bot belongs to. If this is ``False``\, then no offline members are received and :meth:`request_offline_members` must be used to fetch the offline members of the guild. status: Optional[:class:`.Status`] A status to start your presence with upon logging on to Discord. activity: Optional[:class:`.BaseActivity`] An activity to start your presence with upon logging on to Discord. heartbeat_timeout: :class:`float` The maximum numbers of seconds before timing out and restarting the WebSocket in the case of not receiving a HEARTBEAT_ACK. Useful if processing the initial packets take too long to the point of disconnecting you. The default timeout is 60 seconds. guild_subscriptions: :class:`bool` Whether to dispatching of presence or typing events. Defaults to ``True``. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. warning:: If this is set to ``False`` then the following features will be disabled: - No user related updates (:func:`on_user_update` will not dispatch) - All member related events will be disabled. - :func:`on_member_update` - :func:`on_member_join` - :func:`on_member_remove` - Typing events will be disabled (:func:`on_typing`). - If ``fetch_offline_members`` is set to ``False`` then the user cache will not exist. This makes it difficult or impossible to do many things, for example: - Computing permissions - Querying members in a voice channel via :attr:`VoiceChannel.members` will be empty. - Most forms of receiving :class:`Member` will be receiving :class:`User` instead, except for message events. - :attr:`Guild.owner` will usually resolve to ``None``. - :meth:`Guild.get_member` will usually be unavailable. - Anything that involves using :class:`Member`. - :attr:`users` will not be as populated. - etc. In short, this makes it so the only member you can reliably query is the message author. Useful for bots that do not require any state. assume_unsync_clock: :class:`bool` Whether to assume the system clock is unsynced. This applies to the ratelimit handling code. If this is set to ``True``, the default, then the library uses the time to reset a rate limit bucket given by Discord. If this is ``False`` then your system clock is used to calculate how long to sleep for. If this is set to ``False`` it is recommended to sync your system clock to Google's NTP server. .. versionadded:: 1.3 Attributes ----------- ws The websocket gateway the client is currently connected to. Could be ``None``. loop: :class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop` The event loop that the client uses for HTTP requests and websocket operations. """ def __init__(self, *, loop=None, **options): self.ws = None self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop is None else loop self._listeners = {} self.shard_id = options.get('shard_id') self.shard_count = options.get('shard_count') connector = options.pop('connector', None) proxy = options.pop('proxy', None) proxy_auth = options.pop('proxy_auth', None) unsync_clock = options.pop('assume_unsync_clock', True) self.http = HTTPClient(connector, proxy=proxy, proxy_auth=proxy_auth, unsync_clock=unsync_clock, loop=self.loop) self._handlers = { 'ready': self._handle_ready } self._connection = ConnectionState(dispatch=self.dispatch, chunker=self._chunker, handlers=self._handlers, syncer=self._syncer, http=self.http, loop=self.loop, **options) self._connection.shard_count = self.shard_count self._closed = False self._ready = asyncio.Event() self._connection._get_websocket = lambda g: self.ws if VoiceClient.warn_nacl: VoiceClient.warn_nacl = False log.warning("PyNaCl is not installed, voice will NOT be supported") # internals async def _syncer(self, guilds): await self.ws.request_sync(guilds) async def _chunker(self, guild): try: guild_id = guild.id except AttributeError: guild_id = [s.id for s in guild] payload = { 'op': 8, 'd': { 'guild_id': guild_id, 'query': '', 'limit': 0 } } await self.ws.send_as_json(payload) def _handle_ready(self): self._ready.set() @property def latency(self): """:class:`float`: Measures latency between a HEARTBEAT and a HEARTBEAT_ACK in seconds. This could be referred to as the Discord WebSocket protocol latency. """ ws = self.ws return float('nan') if not ws else ws.latency @property def user(self): """Optional[:class:`.ClientUser`]: Represents the connected client. None if not logged in.""" return self._connection.user @property def guilds(self): """List[:class:`.Guild`]: The guilds that the connected client is a member of.""" return self._connection.guilds @property def emojis(self): """List[:class:`.Emoji`]: The emojis that the connected client has.""" return self._connection.emojis @property def cached_messages(self): """Sequence[:class:`.Message`]: Read-only list of messages the connected client has cached. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ return utils.SequenceProxy(self._connection._messages or []) @property def private_channels(self): """List[:class:`.abc.PrivateChannel`]: The private channels that the connected client is participating on. .. note:: This returns only up to 128 most recent private channels due to an internal working on how Discord deals with private channels. """ return self._connection.private_channels @property def voice_clients(self): """List[:class:`.VoiceClient`]: Represents a list of voice connections.""" return self._connection.voice_clients def is_ready(self): """Specifies if the client's internal cache is ready for use.""" return self._ready.is_set() async def _run_event(self, coro, event_name, *args, **kwargs): try: await coro(*args, **kwargs) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception: try: await self.on_error(event_name, *args, **kwargs) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass def _schedule_event(self, coro, event_name, *args, **kwargs): wrapped = self._run_event(coro, event_name, *args, **kwargs) # Schedules the task return _ClientEventTask(original_coro=coro, event_name=event_name, coro=wrapped, loop=self.loop) def dispatch(self, event, *args, **kwargs): log.debug('Dispatching event %s', event) method = 'on_' + event listeners = self._listeners.get(event) if listeners: removed = [] for i, (future, condition) in enumerate(listeners): if future.cancelled(): removed.append(i) continue try: result = condition(*args) except Exception as exc: future.set_exception(exc) removed.append(i) else: if result: if len(args) == 0: future.set_result(None) elif len(args) == 1: future.set_result(args[0]) else: future.set_result(args) removed.append(i) if len(removed) == len(listeners): self._listeners.pop(event) else: for idx in reversed(removed): del listeners[idx] try: coro = getattr(self, method) except AttributeError: pass else: self._schedule_event(coro, method, *args, **kwargs) async def on_error(self, event_method, *args, **kwargs): """|coro| The default error handler provided by the client. By default this prints to :data:`sys.stderr` however it could be overridden to have a different implementation. Check :func:`~discord.on_error` for more details. """ print('Ignoring exception in {}'.format(event_method), file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() async def request_offline_members(self, *guilds): r"""|coro| Requests previously offline members from the guild to be filled up into the :attr:`.Guild.members` cache. This function is usually not called. It should only be used if you have the ``fetch_offline_members`` parameter set to ``False``. When the client logs on and connects to the websocket, Discord does not provide the library with offline members if the number of members in the guild is larger than 250. You can check if a guild is large if :attr:`.Guild.large` is ``True``. Parameters ----------- \*guilds: :class:`.Guild` An argument list of guilds to request offline members for. Raises ------- :exc:`.InvalidArgument` If any guild is unavailable or not large in the collection. """ if any(not g.large or g.unavailable for g in guilds): raise InvalidArgument('An unavailable or non-large guild was passed.') await self._connection.request_offline_members(guilds) # login state management async def login(self, token, *, bot=True): """|coro| Logs in the client with the specified credentials. This function can be used in two different ways. .. warning:: Logging on with a user token is against the Discord `Terms of Service `_ and doing so might potentially get your account banned. Use this at your own risk. Parameters ----------- token: :class:`str` The authentication token. Do not prefix this token with anything as the library will do it for you. bot: :class:`bool` Keyword argument that specifies if the account logging on is a bot token or not. Raises ------ :exc:`.LoginFailure` The wrong credentials are passed. :exc:`.HTTPException` An unknown HTTP related error occurred, usually when it isn't 200 or the known incorrect credentials passing status code. """ log.info('logging in using static token') await self.http.static_login(token.strip(), bot=bot) self._connection.is_bot = bot async def logout(self): """|coro| Logs out of Discord and closes all connections. .. note:: This is just an alias to :meth:`close`. If you want to do extraneous cleanup when subclassing, it is suggested to override :meth:`close` instead. """ await self.close() async def _connect(self): coro = DiscordWebSocket.from_client(self, shard_id=self.shard_id) self.ws = await asyncio.wait_for(coro, timeout=180.0) while True: try: await self.ws.poll_event() except ResumeWebSocket: log.info('Got a request to RESUME the websocket.') self.dispatch('disconnect') coro = DiscordWebSocket.from_client(self, shard_id=self.shard_id, session=self.ws.session_id, sequence=self.ws.sequence, resume=True) self.ws = await asyncio.wait_for(coro, timeout=180.0) async def connect(self, *, reconnect=True): """|coro| Creates a websocket connection and lets the websocket listen to messages from Discord. This is a loop that runs the entire event system and miscellaneous aspects of the library. Control is not resumed until the WebSocket connection is terminated. Parameters ----------- reconnect: :class:`bool` If we should attempt reconnecting, either due to internet failure or a specific failure on Discord's part. Certain disconnects that lead to bad state will not be handled (such as invalid sharding payloads or bad tokens). Raises ------- :exc:`.GatewayNotFound` If the gateway to connect to Discord is not found. Usually if this is thrown then there is a Discord API outage. :exc:`.ConnectionClosed` The websocket connection has been terminated. """ backoff = ExponentialBackoff() while not self.is_closed(): try: await self._connect() except (OSError, HTTPException, GatewayNotFound, ConnectionClosed, aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.TimeoutError, websockets.InvalidHandshake, websockets.WebSocketProtocolError) as exc: self.dispatch('disconnect') if not reconnect: await self.close() if isinstance(exc, ConnectionClosed) and exc.code == 1000: # clean close, don't re-raise this return raise if self.is_closed(): return # We should only get this when an unhandled close code happens, # such as a clean disconnect (1000) or a bad state (bad token, no sharding, etc) # sometimes, discord sends us 1000 for unknown reasons so we should reconnect # regardless and rely on is_closed instead if isinstance(exc, ConnectionClosed): if exc.code != 1000: await self.close() raise retry = backoff.delay() log.exception("Attempting a reconnect in %.2fs", retry) await asyncio.sleep(retry) async def close(self): """|coro| Closes the connection to Discord. """ if self._closed: return await self.http.close() self._closed = True for voice in self.voice_clients: try: await voice.disconnect() except Exception: # if an error happens during disconnects, disregard it. pass if self.ws is not None and self.ws.open: await self.ws.close(code=1000) self._ready.clear() def clear(self): """Clears the internal state of the bot. After this, the bot can be considered "re-opened", i.e. :meth:`is_closed` and :meth:`is_ready` both return ``False`` along with the bot's internal cache cleared. """ self._closed = False self._ready.clear() self._connection.clear() self.http.recreate() async def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """|coro| A shorthand coroutine for :meth:`login` + :meth:`connect`. Raises ------- TypeError An unexpected keyword argument was received. """ bot = kwargs.pop('bot', True) reconnect = kwargs.pop('reconnect', True) if kwargs: raise TypeError("unexpected keyword argument(s) %s" % list(kwargs.keys())) await self.login(*args, bot=bot) await self.connect(reconnect=reconnect) def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """A blocking call that abstracts away the event loop initialisation from you. If you want more control over the event loop then this function should not be used. Use :meth:`start` coroutine or :meth:`connect` + :meth:`login`. Roughly Equivalent to: :: try: loop.run_until_complete(start(*args, **kwargs)) except KeyboardInterrupt: loop.run_until_complete(logout()) # cancel all tasks lingering finally: loop.close() .. warning:: This function must be the last function to call due to the fact that it is blocking. That means that registration of events or anything being called after this function call will not execute until it returns. """ loop = self.loop try: loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, lambda: loop.stop()) loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, lambda: loop.stop()) except NotImplementedError: pass async def runner(): try: await self.start(*args, **kwargs) finally: await self.close() def stop_loop_on_completion(f): loop.stop() future = asyncio.ensure_future(runner(), loop=loop) future.add_done_callback(stop_loop_on_completion) try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: log.info('Received signal to terminate bot and event loop.') finally: future.remove_done_callback(stop_loop_on_completion) log.info('Cleaning up tasks.') _cleanup_loop(loop) if not future.cancelled(): return future.result() # properties def is_closed(self): """Indicates if the websocket connection is closed.""" return self._closed @property def activity(self): """Optional[:class:`.BaseActivity`]: The activity being used upon logging in. """ return create_activity(self._connection._activity) @activity.setter def activity(self, value): if value is None: self._connection._activity = None elif isinstance(value, BaseActivity): self._connection._activity = value.to_dict() else: raise TypeError('activity must derive from BaseActivity.') # helpers/getters @property def users(self): """List[:class:`~discord.User`]: Returns a list of all the users the bot can see.""" return list(self._connection._users.values()) def get_channel(self, id): """Returns a channel with the given ID. Parameters ----------- id: :class:`int` The ID to search for. Returns -------- Optional[Union[:class:`.abc.GuildChannel`, :class:`.abc.PrivateChannel`]] The returned channel or ``None`` if not found. """ return self._connection.get_channel(id) def get_guild(self, id): """Returns a guild with the given ID. Parameters ----------- id: :class:`int` The ID to search for. Returns -------- Optional[:class:`.Guild`] The guild or ``None`` if not found. """ return self._connection._get_guild(id) def get_user(self, id): """Returns a user with the given ID. Parameters ----------- id: :class:`int` The ID to search for. Returns -------- Optional[:class:`~discord.User`] The user or ``None`` if not found. """ return self._connection.get_user(id) def get_emoji(self, id): """Returns an emoji with the given ID. Parameters ----------- id: :class:`int` The ID to search for. Returns -------- Optional[:class:`.Emoji`] The custom emoji or ``None`` if not found. """ return self._connection.get_emoji(id) def get_all_channels(self): """A generator that retrieves every :class:`.abc.GuildChannel` the client can 'access'. This is equivalent to: :: for guild in client.guilds: for channel in guild.channels: yield channel .. note:: Just because you receive a :class:`.abc.GuildChannel` does not mean that you can communicate in said channel. :meth:`.abc.GuildChannel.permissions_for` should be used for that. """ for guild in self.guilds: for channel in guild.channels: yield channel def get_all_members(self): """Returns a generator with every :class:`.Member` the client can see. This is equivalent to: :: for guild in client.guilds: for member in guild.members: yield member """ for guild in self.guilds: for member in guild.members: yield member # listeners/waiters async def wait_until_ready(self): """|coro| Waits until the client's internal cache is all ready. """ await self._ready.wait() def wait_for(self, event, *, check=None, timeout=None): """|coro| Waits for a WebSocket event to be dispatched. This could be used to wait for a user to reply to a message, or to react to a message, or to edit a message in a self-contained way. The ``timeout`` parameter is passed onto :func:`asyncio.wait_for`. By default, it does not timeout. Note that this does propagate the :exc:`asyncio.TimeoutError` for you in case of timeout and is provided for ease of use. In case the event returns multiple arguments, a :class:`tuple` containing those arguments is returned instead. Please check the :ref:`documentation ` for a list of events and their parameters. This function returns the **first event that meets the requirements**. Examples --------- Waiting for a user reply: :: @client.event async def on_message(message): if message.content.startswith('$greet'): channel = message.channel await channel.send('Say hello!') def check(m): return m.content == 'hello' and m.channel == channel msg = await client.wait_for('message', check=check) await channel.send('Hello {.author}!'.format(msg)) Waiting for a thumbs up reaction from the message author: :: @client.event async def on_message(message): if message.content.startswith('$thumb'): channel = message.channel await channel.send('Send me that \N{THUMBS UP SIGN} reaction, mate') def check(reaction, user): return user == message.author and str(reaction.emoji) == '\N{THUMBS UP SIGN}' try: reaction, user = await client.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=60.0, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await channel.send('\N{THUMBS DOWN SIGN}') else: await channel.send('\N{THUMBS UP SIGN}') Parameters ------------ event: :class:`str` The event name, similar to the :ref:`event reference `, but without the ``on_`` prefix, to wait for. check: Optional[Callable[..., :class:`bool`]] A predicate to check what to wait for. The arguments must meet the parameters of the event being waited for. timeout: Optional[:class:`float`] The number of seconds to wait before timing out and raising :exc:`asyncio.TimeoutError`. Raises ------- asyncio.TimeoutError If a timeout is provided and it was reached. Returns -------- Any Returns no arguments, a single argument, or a :class:`tuple` of multiple arguments that mirrors the parameters passed in the :ref:`event reference `. """ future = self.loop.create_future() if check is None: def _check(*args): return True check = _check ev = event.lower() try: listeners = self._listeners[ev] except KeyError: listeners = [] self._listeners[ev] = listeners listeners.append((future, check)) return asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout) # event registration def event(self, coro): """A decorator that registers an event to listen to. You can find more info about the events on the :ref:`documentation below `. The events must be a :ref:`coroutine `, if not, :exc:`TypeError` is raised. Example --------- .. code-block:: python3 @client.event async def on_ready(): print('Ready!') Raises -------- TypeError The coroutine passed is not actually a coroutine. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError('event registered must be a coroutine function') setattr(self, coro.__name__, coro) log.debug('%s has successfully been registered as an event', coro.__name__) return coro async def change_presence(self, *, activity=None, status=None, afk=False): """|coro| Changes the client's presence. Example --------- .. code-block:: python3 game = discord.Game("with the API") await client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.idle, activity=game) Parameters ---------- activity: Optional[:class:`.BaseActivity`] The activity being done. ``None`` if no currently active activity is done. status: Optional[:class:`.Status`] Indicates what status to change to. If ``None``, then :attr:`.Status.online` is used. afk: Optional[:class:`bool`] Indicates if you are going AFK. This allows the discord client to know how to handle push notifications better for you in case you are actually idle and not lying. Raises ------ :exc:`.InvalidArgument` If the ``activity`` parameter is not the proper type. """ if status is None: status = 'online' status_enum = Status.online elif status is Status.offline: status = 'invisible' status_enum = Status.offline else: status_enum = status status = str(status) await self.ws.change_presence(activity=activity, status=status, afk=afk) for guild in self._connection.guilds: me = guild.me if me is None: continue if activity is not None: me.activities = (activity,) me.status = status_enum # Guild stuff def fetch_guilds(self, *, limit=100, before=None, after=None): """|coro| Retrieves an :class:`.AsyncIterator` that enables receiving your guilds. .. note:: Using this, you will only receive :attr:`.Guild.owner`, :attr:`.Guild.icon`, :attr:`.Guild.id`, and :attr:`.Guild.name` per :class:`.Guild`. .. note:: This method is an API call. For general usage, consider :attr:`guilds` instead. Examples --------- Usage :: async for guild in client.fetch_guilds(limit=150): print(guild.name) Flattening into a list :: guilds = await client.fetch_guilds(limit=150).flatten() # guilds is now a list of Guild... All parameters are optional. Parameters ----------- limit: Optional[:class:`int`] The number of guilds to retrieve. If ``None``, it retrieves every guild you have access to. Note, however, that this would make it a slow operation. Defaults to 100. before: Union[:class:`.abc.Snowflake`, :class:`datetime.datetime`] Retrieves guilds before this date or object. If a date is provided it must be a timezone-naive datetime representing UTC time. after: Union[:class:`.abc.Snowflake`, :class:`datetime.datetime`] Retrieve guilds after this date or object. If a date is provided it must be a timezone-naive datetime representing UTC time. Raises ------ :exc:`.HTTPException` Getting the guilds failed. Yields -------- :class:`.Guild` The guild with the guild data parsed. """ return GuildIterator(self, limit=limit, before=before, after=after) async def fetch_guild(self, guild_id): """|coro| Retrieves a :class:`.Guild` from an ID. .. note:: Using this, you will **not** receive :attr:`.Guild.channels`, :attr:`.Guild.members`, :attr:`.Member.activity` and :attr:`.Member.voice` per :class:`.Member`. .. note:: This method is an API call. For general usage, consider :meth:`get_guild` instead. Parameters ----------- guild_id: :class:`int` The guild's ID to fetch from. Raises ------ :exc:`.Forbidden` You do not have access to the guild. :exc:`.HTTPException` Getting the guild failed. Returns -------- :class:`.Guild` The guild from the ID. """ data = await self.http.get_guild(guild_id) return Guild(data=data, state=self._connection) async def create_guild(self, name, region=None, icon=None): """|coro| Creates a :class:`.Guild`. Bot accounts in more than 10 guilds are not allowed to create guilds. Parameters ---------- name: :class:`str` The name of the guild. region: :class:`.VoiceRegion` The region for the voice communication server. Defaults to :attr:`.VoiceRegion.us_west`. icon: :class:`bytes` The :term:`py:bytes-like object` representing the icon. See :meth:`.ClientUser.edit` for more details on what is expected. Raises ------ :exc:`.HTTPException` Guild creation failed. :exc:`.InvalidArgument` Invalid icon image format given. Must be PNG or JPG. Returns ------- :class:`.Guild` The guild created. This is not the same guild that is added to cache. """ if icon is not None: icon = utils._bytes_to_base64_data(icon) if region is None: region = VoiceRegion.us_west.value else: region = region.value data = await self.http.create_guild(name, region, icon) return Guild(data=data, state=self._connection) # Invite management async def fetch_invite(self, url, *, with_counts=True): """|coro| Gets an :class:`.Invite` from a discord.gg URL or ID. .. note:: If the invite is for a guild you have not joined, the guild and channel attributes of the returned :class:`.Invite` will be :class:`.PartialInviteGuild` and :class:`PartialInviteChannel` respectively. Parameters ----------- url: :class:`str` The Discord invite ID or URL (must be a discord.gg URL). with_counts: :class:`bool` Whether to include count information in the invite. This fills the :attr:`.Invite.approximate_member_count` and :attr:`.Invite.approximate_presence_count` fields. Raises ------- :exc:`.NotFound` The invite has expired or is invalid. :exc:`.HTTPException` Getting the invite failed. Returns -------- :class:`.Invite` The invite from the URL/ID. """ invite_id = utils.resolve_invite(url) data = await self.http.get_invite(invite_id, with_counts=with_counts) return Invite.from_incomplete(state=self._connection, data=data) async def delete_invite(self, invite): """|coro| Revokes an :class:`.Invite`, URL, or ID to an invite. You must have the :attr:`~.Permissions.manage_channels` permission in the associated guild to do this. Parameters ---------- invite: Union[:class:`.Invite`, :class:`str`] The invite to revoke. Raises ------- :exc:`.Forbidden` You do not have permissions to revoke invites. :exc:`.NotFound` The invite is invalid or expired. :exc:`.HTTPException` Revoking the invite failed. """ invite_id = utils.resolve_invite(invite) await self.http.delete_invite(invite_id) # Miscellaneous stuff async def fetch_widget(self, guild_id): """|coro| Gets a :class:`.Widget` from a guild ID. .. note:: The guild must have the widget enabled to get this information. Parameters ----------- guild_id: :class:`int` The ID of the guild. Raises ------- :exc:`.Forbidden` The widget for this guild is disabled. :exc:`.HTTPException` Retrieving the widget failed. Returns -------- :class:`.Widget` The guild's widget. """ data = await self.http.get_widget(guild_id) return Widget(state=self._connection, data=data) async def application_info(self): """|coro| Retrieves the bot's application information. Raises ------- :exc:`.HTTPException` Retrieving the information failed somehow. Returns -------- :class:`.AppInfo` The bot's application information. """ data = await self.http.application_info() if 'rpc_origins' not in data: data['rpc_origins'] = None return AppInfo(self._connection, data) async def fetch_user(self, user_id): """|coro| Retrieves a :class:`~discord.User` based on their ID. This can only be used by bot accounts. You do not have to share any guilds with the user to get this information, however many operations do require that you do. .. note:: This method is an API call. For general usage, consider :meth:`get_user` instead. Parameters ----------- user_id: :class:`int` The user's ID to fetch from. Raises ------- :exc:`.NotFound` A user with this ID does not exist. :exc:`.HTTPException` Fetching the user failed. Returns -------- :class:`~discord.User` The user you requested. """ data = await self.http.get_user(user_id) return User(state=self._connection, data=data) async def fetch_user_profile(self, user_id): """|coro| Gets an arbitrary user's profile. .. note:: This can only be used by non-bot accounts. Parameters ------------ user_id: :class:`int` The ID of the user to fetch their profile for. Raises ------- :exc:`.Forbidden` Not allowed to fetch profiles. :exc:`.HTTPException` Fetching the profile failed. Returns -------- :class:`.Profile` The profile of the user. """ state = self._connection data = await self.http.get_user_profile(user_id) def transform(d): return state._get_guild(int(d['id'])) since = data.get('premium_since') mutual_guilds = list(filter(None, map(transform, data.get('mutual_guilds', [])))) user = data['user'] return Profile(flags=user.get('flags', 0), premium_since=utils.parse_time(since), mutual_guilds=mutual_guilds, user=User(data=user, state=state), connected_accounts=data['connected_accounts']) async def fetch_channel(self, channel_id): """|coro| Retrieves a :class:`.abc.GuildChannel` or :class:`.abc.PrivateChannel` with the specified ID. .. note:: This method is an API call. For general usage, consider :meth:`get_channel` instead. .. versionadded:: 1.2 Raises ------- :exc:`.InvalidData` An unknown channel type was received from Discord. :exc:`.HTTPException` Retrieving the channel failed. :exc:`.NotFound` Invalid Channel ID. :exc:`.Forbidden` You do not have permission to fetch this channel. Returns -------- Union[:class:`.abc.GuildChannel`, :class:`.abc.PrivateChannel`] The channel from the ID. """ data = await self.http.get_channel(channel_id) factory, ch_type = _channel_factory(data['type']) if factory is None: raise InvalidData('Unknown channel type {type} for channel ID {id}.'.format_map(data)) if ch_type in (ChannelType.group, ChannelType.private): channel = factory(me=self.user, data=data, state=self._connection) else: guild_id = int(data['guild_id']) guild = self.get_guild(guild_id) or Object(id=guild_id) channel = factory(guild=guild, state=self._connection, data=data) return channel async def fetch_webhook(self, webhook_id): """|coro| Retrieves a :class:`.Webhook` with the specified ID. Raises -------- :exc:`.HTTPException` Retrieving the webhook failed. :exc:`.NotFound` Invalid webhook ID. :exc:`.Forbidden` You do not have permission to fetch this webhook. Returns --------- :class:`.Webhook` The webhook you requested. """ data = await self.http.get_webhook(webhook_id) return Webhook.from_state(data, state=self._connection)