Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: python-dotenv
Version: 0.13.0
Summary: Add .env support to your django/flask apps in development and deployments
Author: Saurabh Kumar
License: UNKNOWN
Keywords: environment variables,deployments,settings,env,dotenv,configurations,python
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: System Administrators
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Systems Administration
Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
Requires-Dist: typing ; python_version < "3.5"
Provides-Extra: cli
Requires-Dist: click (>=5.0) ; extra == 'cli'

        _______ .__   __. ____    ____
       |   ____||  \ |  | \   \  /   /
       |  |__   |   \|  |  \   \/   /
       |   __|  |  . `  |   \      /
    __ |  |____ |  |\   |    \    /
   (__)|_______||__| \__|     \__/
python-dotenv | [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![PyPI version](]( [![Say Thanks!](!-1EAEDB.svg)](

Reads the key-value pair from `.env` file and adds them to environment
variable. It is great for managing app settings during development and
in production using [12-factor]( principles.

> Do one thing, do it well!

## Usages

The easiest and most common usage consists on calling `load_dotenv` when
the application starts, which will load environment variables from a
file named `.env` in the current directory or any of its parents or from
the path specificied; after that, you can just call the
environment-related method you need as provided by `os.getenv`.

`.env` looks like this:

# a comment that will be ignored.

You can optionally prefix each line with the word `export`, which is totally ignored by this library, but might allow you to [`source`]( the file in bash.


Python-dotenv can interpolate variables using POSIX variable expansion.

The value of a variable is the first of the values defined in the following list:

- Value of that variable in the environment.
- Value of that variable in the `.env` file.
- Default value, if provided.
- Empty string.

Ensure that variables are surrounded with `{}` like `${HOME}` as bare 
variables such as `$HOME` are not expanded.


## Getting started

Install the latest version with:

pip install -U python-dotenv

Assuming you have created the `.env` file along-side your settings

    ├── .env

Add the following code to your ``:

from dotenv import load_dotenv

# OR, the same with increased verbosity

# OR, explicitly providing path to '.env'
from pathlib import Path  # python3 only
env_path = Path('.') / '.env'

At this point, parsed key/value from the `.env` file is now present as
system environment variable and they can be conveniently accessed via

import os
SECRET_KEY = os.getenv("EMAIL")

`load_dotenv` does not override existing System environment variables. To
override, pass `override=True` to `load_dotenv()`.

`load_dotenv` also accepts `encoding` parameter to open the `.env` file. The default encoding is platform dependent (whatever `locale.getpreferredencoding()` returns), but any encoding supported by Python can be used. See the [codecs]( module for the list of supported encodings.

You can use `find_dotenv()` method that will try to find a `.env` file
by (a) guessing where to start using `__file__` or the working directory
-- allowing this to work in non-file contexts such as IPython notebooks
and the REPL, and then (b) walking up the directory tree looking for the
specified file -- called `.env` by default.

from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv

### In-memory filelikes

It is possible to not rely on the filesystem to parse filelikes from
other sources (e.g. from a network storage). `load_dotenv` and
`dotenv_values` accepts a filelike `stream`. Just be sure to rewind it
before passing.

>>> from io import StringIO     # Python2: from StringIO import StringIO
>>> from dotenv import dotenv_values
>>> filelike = StringIO('SPAM=EGGS\n')
>>> parsed = dotenv_values(stream=filelike)
>>> parsed['SPAM']

The returned value is dictionary with key-value pairs.

`dotenv_values` could be useful if you need to *consume* the envfile but
not *apply* it directly into the system environment.

### Django

If you are using Django, you should add the above loader script at the
top of `` and ``.

## IPython Support

You can use dotenv with IPython. You can either let the dotenv search
for `.env` with `%dotenv` or provide the path to the `.env` file explicitly; see
below for usages.

    %load_ext dotenv

    # Use find_dotenv to locate the file

    # Specify a particular file
    %dotenv relative/or/absolute/path/to/.env

    # Use '-o' to indicate override of existing variables
    %dotenv -o

    # Use '-v' to turn verbose mode on
    %dotenv -v

## Command-line Interface

For command-line support, use the CLI option during installation:

pip install -U "python-dotenv[cli]"

A CLI interface `dotenv` is also included, which helps you manipulate
the `.env` file without manually opening it. The same CLI installed on
remote machine combined with fabric (discussed later) will enable you to
update your settings on a remote server; handy, isn't it!

Usage: dotenv [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  This script is used to set, get or unset values from a .env file.

  -f, --file PATH                 Location of the .env file, defaults to .env
                                  file in current working directory.
  -q, --quote [always|never|auto]
                                  Whether to quote or not the variable values.
                                  Default mode is always. This does not affect
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  get    Retrive the value for the given key.
  list   Display all the stored key/value.
  run    Run command with environment variables from .env file present
  set    Store the given key/value.
  unset  Removes the given key.

### Setting config on Remote Servers

We make use of excellent [Fabric]( to accomplish
this. Add a config task to your local fabfile; `dotenv_path` is the
location of the absolute path of `.env` file on the remote server.


import dotenv
from fabric.api import task, run, env

# absolute path to the location of .env on remote server.
env.dotenv_path = '/opt/myapp/.env'

def config(action=None, key=None, value=None):
    '''Manage project configuration via .env

    e.g: fab config:set,<key>,<value>
         fab config:get,<key>
         fab config:unset,<key>
         fab config:list
    run('touch %(dotenv_path)s' % env)
    command = dotenv.get_cli_string(env.dotenv_path, action, key, value)

Usage is designed to mirror the Heroku config API very closely.

Get all your remote config info with `fab config`:

    $ fab config

Set remote config variables with `fab config:set,<key>,<value>`:

    $ fab config:set,hello,world

Get a single remote config variables with `fab config:get,<key>`:

    $ fab config:get,hello

Delete a remote config variables with `fab config:unset,<key>`:

    $ fab config:unset,hello

Thanks entirely to fabric and not one bit to this project, you can chain
commands like so:
`fab config:set,<key1>,<value1> config:set,<key2>,<value2>`

    $ fab config:set,hello,world config:set,foo,bar config:set,fizz=buzz

## Related Projects

-   [Honcho]( - For managing
    Procfile-based applications.
-   [django-dotenv](
-   [django-environ](
-   [django-configuration](
-   [dump-env](
-   [environs](
-   [dynaconf](

## Acknowledgements

This project is currently maintained by [Saurabh Kumar]( and [Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet]( and would not
have been possible without the support of these [awesome

# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this
project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

*No unreleased change at this time.*

## [0.13.0] - 2020-04-16

### Added

- Add support for a Bash-like default value in variable expansion (#248 by [@bbc2]).

## [0.12.0] - 2020-02-28

### Changed

- Use current working directory to find `.env` when bundled by PyInstaller (#213 by

### Fixed

- Fix escaping of quoted values written by `set_key` (#236 by [@bbc2]).
- Fix `dotenv run` crashing on environment variables without values (#237 by [@yannham]).
- Remove warning when last line is empty (#238 by [@bbc2]).

## [0.11.0] - 2020-02-07

### Added

- Add `interpolate` argument to `load_dotenv` and `dotenv_values` to disable interpolation
  (#232 by [@ulyssessouza]).

### Changed

- Use logging instead of warnings (#231 by [@bbc2]).

### Fixed

- Fix installation in non-UTF-8 environments (#225 by [@altendky]).
- Fix PyPI classifiers (#228 by [@bbc2]).

## [0.10.5] - 2020-01-19

### Fixed

- Fix handling of malformed lines and lines without a value (#222 by [@bbc2]):
  - Don't print warning when key has no value.
  - Reject more malformed lines (e.g. "A: B", "a='b',c").
- Fix handling of lines with just a comment (#224 by [@bbc2]).

## [0.10.4] - 2020-01-17

### Added

- Make typing optional (#179 by [@techalchemy]).
- Print a warning on malformed line (#211 by [@bbc2]).
- Support keys without a value (#220 by [@ulyssessouza]).

## 0.10.3

- Improve interactive mode detection ([@andrewsmith])([#183]).
- Refactor parser to fix parsing inconsistencies ([@bbc2])([#170]).
  - Interpret escapes as control characters only in double-quoted strings.
  - Interpret `#` as start of comment only if preceded by whitespace.

## 0.10.2

- Add type hints and expose them to users ([@qnighy])([#172])
- `load_dotenv` and `dotenv_values` now accept an `encoding` parameter, defaults to `None`
- Fix `str`/`unicode` inconsistency in Python 2: values are always `str` now. ([@bbc2])([#121])
- Fix Unicode error in Python 2, introduced in 0.10.0. ([@bbc2])([#176])

## 0.10.1
- Fix parsing of variable without a value ([@asyncee])([@bbc2])([#158])

## 0.10.0

- Add support for UTF-8 in unquoted values ([@bbc2])([#148])
- Add support for trailing comments ([@bbc2])([#148])
- Add backslashes support in values ([@bbc2])([#148])
- Add support for newlines in values ([@bbc2])([#148])
- Force environment variables to str with Python2 on Windows ([@greyli])
- Drop Python 3.3 support ([@greyli])
- Fix stderr/-out/-in redirection ([@venthur])

## 0.9.0

- Add `--version` parameter to cli ([@venthur])
- Enable loading from current directory ([@cjauvin])
- Add 'dotenv run' command for calling arbitrary shell script with .env ([@venthur])

## 0.8.1

-   Add tests for docs ([@Flimm])
-   Make 'cli' support optional. Use `pip install python-dotenv[cli]`. ([@theskumar])

## 0.8.0

-   `set_key` and `unset_key` only modified the affected file instead of
    parsing and re-writing file, this causes comments and other file
    entact as it is.
-   Add support for `export` prefix in the line.
-   Internal refractoring ([@theskumar])
-   Allow `load_dotenv` and `dotenv_values` to work with `StringIO())` ([@alanjds])([@theskumar])([#78])

## 0.7.1

-   Remove hard dependency on iPython ([@theskumar])

## 0.7.0

-   Add support to override system environment variable via .env.
-   Disable ".env not found" warning by default

## 0.6.5

-   Add support for special characters `\`.

## 0.6.4

-   Fix issue with single quotes ([@Flimm])

## 0.6.3

-   Handle unicode exception in

## 0.6.2

-   Fix dotenv list command ([@ticosax](
-   Add iPython Suport

## 0.6.0

-   Drop support for Python 2.6
-   Handle escaped charaters and newlines in quoted values. (Thanks
-   Remove any spaces around unquoted key/value. (Thanks
-   Added POSIX variable expansion. (Thanks

## 0.5.1

-   Fix find\_dotenv - it now start search from the file where this
    function is called from.

## 0.5.0

-   Add `find_dotenv` method that will try to find a `.env` file.
    (Thanks [@isms](

## 0.4.0

-   cli: Added `-q/--quote` option to control the behaviour of quotes
    around values in `.env`. (Thanks
-   Improved test coverage.


