import asyncio import datetime from contextlib import closing import discord import mariadb from decouple import config from discord import Embed from discord.ext import commands, tasks from discord.ext.commands import when_mentioned_or, is_owner, guild_only, has_permissions, bot_has_permissions import db import settings from import HelpPaginator from settings import blank_space, enso_embedmod_colours, enso_guild_ID, enso_newpeople_ID # Storing the prefixes and guildID's in the cache cached_prefixes = {} counter = 0 # Updating the prefix within the dict and database when the method is called async def storage_prefix_for_guild(ctx, prefix): cached_prefixes[str(] = prefix with db.connection() as connection: # Update the existing prefix within the database update_query = """UPDATE guilds SET prefix = (?) WHERE guildID = (?)""" update_vals = prefix,, # Using the connection cursor with closing(connection.cursor()) as cur: # Execute the query cur.execute(update_query, update_vals) print(cur.rowcount, f"Guild prefix has been updated for guild {}") # Let the user know that the guild prefix has been updated await ctx.send(f"**Guild prefix has been updated to `{prefix}`**") # Method to store the cached prefixes def cache_prefix(guildid, prefix): cached_prefixes[guildid] = prefix # Deleting the key - value pair for guild def del_cache_prefix(guildid): del cached_prefixes[guildid] # Get the prefix of the guild that the user is in def get_prefix_for_guild(guildid): prefix = cached_prefixes[guildid] if prefix is not None: return prefix return "defaultPrefix" # Before initialising the cache. Store the prefixes from the database within the cache with db.connection() as conn: # Grab the prefix of the server from the database select_query = """SELECT * FROM guilds""" with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(select_query) results = cursor.fetchall() # Store the guildids and prefixes within for row in results: cache_prefix(row[0], row[1]) # Getting the Bot token from Environment Variables API_TOKEN = config('DISCORD_TOKEN') # Method to allow the commands to be used with mentioning the bot async def get_prefix(bot, message): if message.guild is None: return "~" return when_mentioned_or(get_prefix_for_guild(str(, message) def get_version(): """Return the current version of the bot""" return "v1.7.2" # Bot Initiation client = commands.Bot( # Create a new bot command_prefix=get_prefix, # Set the prefix description='All current available commands within Ensō~Chan', # Set a description for the bot owner_id=154840866496839680, # Your unique User ID version=get_version) # Version number of Ensō~Chan client.remove_command("help") # Remove default help command if __name__ == '__main__': for ext in settings.extensions(): client.load_extension(ext) @client.event async def on_message(message): """Make sure bot messages are not tracked""" if return # Processing the message await client.process_commands(message) @tasks.loop(seconds=120, reconnect=True) async def change_status(): """Creating Custom Statuses as a Background Task""" global counter # Waiting for the bot to ready await client.wait_until_ready() # Define array of statuses looping_statuses = [ discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=f"{len(client.users)} Weebs | {get_version()}"), discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=f"Hamothy | Real Life | {get_version()}"), discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=f"Hamothy Program | {get_version()}"), discord.Game(name=f"~help | {get_version()}") ] # Check if the counter is at the end of the array if counter == (len(looping_statuses) - 1): # Reset the loop counter = 0 else: # Increase the counter counter += 1 # Display the next status in the loop await client.change_presence(activity=looping_statuses[counter]) # Start the background task change_status.start() @client.event async def on_ready(): """Displaying if Bot is Ready""" print("UvU Senpaiii I'm weady") @client.command(name="ping", aliases=["Ping"]) async def _ping(ctx): """Latency of the Bot (ms)""" await ctx.send(f'Pong! `{round(client.latency * 1000)}ms`') @client.command(name="leave", aliases=["Leave"], hidden=True) @is_owner() async def leave(ctx): """Leaves the guild""" await ctx.send("**Leaving the guild... Bye Bye uvu**") await ctx.guild.leave() @client.command(name="restart", hidden=True) @is_owner() async def restart(ctx): """Restart the Bot""" await ctx.send("**Success Senpai! Bot has been restarted**") await client.logout() @client.command(name='help') async def _help(ctx, *, command: str = None): """Shows help about a command or the bot""" try: if command is None: p = await HelpPaginator.from_bot(ctx) else: entity = or if entity is None: clean = command.replace('@', '@\u200b') return await ctx.send(f'**Command or Category "{clean}" Not Found.**') elif isinstance(entity, commands.Command): p = await HelpPaginator.from_command(ctx, entity) else: p = await HelpPaginator.from_cog(ctx, entity) await p.paginate() except Exception as ex: await ctx.send(ex) @client.command(name="prefix", aliases=["Prefix"]) @guild_only() @has_permissions(manage_guild=True) @bot_has_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def change_prefix(ctx, new: str = None): """View/Change Guild Prefix""" # As long as a new prefix has been given and is less than 5 characters if new and len(new) < 5: # Store the new prefix in the dictionary and update the database await storage_prefix_for_guild(ctx, new) # Making sure that errors are handled if prefix is above 5 characters elif new and len(new) > 5: await ctx.send("The guild prefix must be less than **5** characters!") # if no prefix was provided elif not new: # Grab the current prefix for the guild within the cached dictionary await ctx.send(f"**The current guild prefix is `{get_prefix_for_guild(str(}`**") # Bot event for the bot joining a new guild, storing all users in the database @client.event async def on_guild_join(guild): """Store users in a database when the bot has joined a new guild""" # Store default prefix within cache and database cache_prefix(str(, prefix="~") try: # Set up connection to database with db.connection() as conn: # Iterate through every member within the guild for member in guild.members: name = f"{}#{member.discriminator}" # Define the insert statement that will insert the user's information insert_query = """INSERT INTO members (guildID, discordUser, discordID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)""" vals =, name,, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(insert_query, vals) print(cursor.rowcount, f"Record inserted successfully into Members from {}") # Define the insert statement for inserting the guild into the guilds table insert_query = """INSERT INTO guilds (guildID) VALUES (?)""" val =, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(insert_query, val) print(cursor.rowcount, f"Record inserted successfully into Guilds from {}") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Bot event for the bot leaving a guild, deleted all users stored in the database @client.event async def on_guild_remove(guild): """Remove users in the database for the guild""" # Delete the key - value pair for the guild del_cache_prefix(str( try: # Set up connection to database with db.connection() as conn: for member in guild.members: # Delete the record of the member as the bot leaves the server delete_query = """DELETE FROM members WHERE discordID = (?) AND guildID = (?)""" vals =,, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the SQL Query cursor.execute(delete_query, vals) print(cursor.rowcount, f"Record deleted successfully from Members from {}") # Delete the guild and prefix information as the bot leaves the server delete_query = """DELETE FROM guilds WHERE guildID = (?)""" val =, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(delete_query, val) print(cursor.rowcount, f"Record deleted successfully from Guild {}") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Bot event for new member joining, sending an embed introducing them to the server @client.event async def on_member_join(member): # Get the guild guild = member.guild try: # Set up connection to database with db.connection() as conn: name = f"{}#{member.discriminator}" # Define the insert statement that will insert the user's information insert_query = """INSERT INTO members (guildID, discordUser, discordID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)""" vals =, name,, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the SQL Query cursor.execute(insert_query, vals) conn.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "Record inserted successfully into Members") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Make sure the guild is Enso if != enso_guild_ID: return # Set the channel id to "newpeople" new_people = guild.get_channel(enso_newpeople_ID) # Set the enso server icon and the welcoming gif server_icon = guild.icon_url welcome_gif = "" # Set up embed for the #newpeople channel embed = Embed(title="\n**Welcome To Ensō!**", colour=enso_embedmod_colours, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_thumbnail(url=server_icon) embed.set_image(url=welcome_gif) embed.add_field( name=blank_space, value=f"Hello {member.mention}! We hope you enjoy your stay in this server! ", inline=False) embed.add_field( name=blank_space, value=f"Be sure to check out our <#669815048658747392> channel to read the rules and <#683490529862090814> channel to get caught up with any changes! ", inline=False) embed.add_field( name=blank_space, value=f"Last but not least, feel free to go into <#669775971297132556> to introduce yourself!", inline=False) # Send embed to #newpeople await new_people.send(embed=embed) # Bot event for new member joining, sending an embed introducing them to the server @client.event async def on_member_remove(member): # Get the guild guild = member.guild try: # With the database connection with db.connection() as conn: # Delete the record of the member as they leave the server delete_query = """DELETE FROM members WHERE discordID = (?) AND guildID = (?)""" vals =,, with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the SQL Query cursor.execute(delete_query, vals) conn.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "Record deleted successfully from Members") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Bot Event for handling all errors within discord.commands @client.event async def on_command_error(ctx, args2): discord.errors.Forbidden = getattr(discord.errors.Forbidden, "original", discord.errors.Forbidden) # if the user did not specify an user if isinstance(args2, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await on_command_missing_user(ctx) # if the user has spammed a command and invoked a cooldown elif isinstance(args2, commands.CommandOnCooldown): await on_command_cooldown(ctx, args2) # if the user does not the correct permissions to call a command elif isinstance(args2, commands.CheckFailure): await on_command_permission(ctx) # if the user tries to access a command that isn't available elif isinstance(args2, commands.CommandNotFound): await on_command_not_found(ctx) # if the user provides an argument that isn't recognised elif isinstance(args2, commands.BadArgument): await on_command_bad_argument(ctx) # if the bot does not permissions to send the command elif isinstance(args2, discord.errors.Forbidden): await on_command_forbidden(ctx) # Async def for handling command bad argument error async def on_command_forbidden(ctx): # Send an error message to the user telling them that the member specified could not be found message = await ctx.send(f"**I don't have permissions to execute this command**") # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Async def for handling command bad argument error async def on_command_bad_argument(ctx): # Send an error message to the user telling them that the member specified could not be found message = await ctx.send(f'**I could not find that member!**') # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Async def for handling command not found error async def on_command_not_found(ctx): # Send an error message to the user telling them that the command doesn't exist message = await ctx.send(f'**Command Not Found! Please use `{ctx.prefix}help` to see all commands**') # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Async def for handling cooldown error/permission errors async def on_command_cooldown(ctx, error): # Send an error message to the user telling them that the command is on cooldown message = await ctx.send(f'That command is on cooldown. Try again in **{error.retry_after:,.2f}** seconds.') # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Async def for handling permission errors async def on_command_permission(ctx): # Send an error message to the user saying that they don't have permission to use this command message = await ctx.send("**Uh oh! You don't have permission to use this command!**") # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() async def on_command_missing_user(ctx): # Send an error message to the user saying that an argument is missing message = await ctx.send("**Uh oh! Couldn't find anyone to mention! Try again!**") # Let the user read the message for 5 seconds await asyncio.sleep(5) # Delete the message await message.delete() # Run the bot, allowing it to come online try: except discord.errors.LoginFailure as e: print("Login unsuccessful.") """ # Don't count messages that are taken in the dms if not isinstance(, DMChannel): # Using connection to the database with db.connection() as conn: # Make sure that mariaDB errors are handled properly try: msg_name = msg_discrim = time = message.created_at # Get: guild_id = # Guild of the message msg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Time of the Message msg_author = f"{msg_name}#{msg_discrim}" # DiscordID msg_content = message.content # Content of the message # Store the variables val = guild_id, msg_time, msg_author, msg_content, # If an attachment (link) has been sent if message.attachments: # Loop through all attachments for attachment in message.attachments: # Get the message content and the link that was used attach = "".join(f"Message: {message.content} Link: {attachment.url}") # Define the new variables to send val = guild_id, msg_time, msg_author, attach, # Define the Insert Into Statement inserting into the database insert_query = """"""INSERT INTO messages (guildID, messageTime, discordID, messageContent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"""""" cursor = conn.cursor() # Execute the SQL Query cursor.execute(insert_query, val) conn.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "Record inserted successfully into Logs") except mariadb.Error as ex: print("Parameterized Query Failed: {}".format(ex)) # Using database connection with db.connection() as conn: # Grab the guild and prefix information of the guild that the message was sent in select_query = """"""SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE guildID = (?)"""""" select_val =, # Using connection cursor with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: # Execute the query cursor.execute(select_query, select_val) result = cursor.fetchone() # Grab the guild prefix curr_prefix = result[1] # If no argument has been given, display the current prefix if not new: await ctx.send(f"**The current guild prefix is `{curr_prefix}`**") # Update the prefix for the guild else: colour_change.start() @client.command() @guild_only() @cooldown(1, 300, BucketType.guild) async def someone(ctx): """"""Tags Someone Randomly in the Server"""""" await ctx.send(random.choice(tuple(member.mention for member in ctx.guild.members if not """