# Ensō~Chan - A Multi Purpose Discord Bot That Has Everything Your Server Needs! # Copyright (C) 2020 Hamothy # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import datetime import aiohttp from decouple import config from discord import Embed from discord.ext.commands import Cog, group, bot_has_permissions, command from cogs.libs.paginators import SimpleMenu, MWLMenu my_waifu_list_auth = config('MYWAIFULIST_AUTH') class WaifuCommandNotFound(Exception): """Exception raised for errors when user does not use the right arguments for waifu command Attributes: waifu -- input command which cause the error message -- explanation of the error """ def __init__(self, waifu, ctx): self.command = waifu self.bot = ctx.bot self.message = f"Error! Use **{ctx.prefix}help {self.command}** to see {self.command} commands" super().__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): return f'{self.command} -> {self.message}' def store_in_dict(_dict, api): """Store the waifu data in dicts""" # Store all the shows with the name as the key for item in api: _dict[item["name"]] = {} for value in item: store_dict(_dict, item, value) def store_dict(dict_, key, value): """Method to store waifu's in the new dict""" dict_[key["name"]][value] = key[value] async def get_from_api(self, ctx, url): """Retrieving data from API""" url = f"https://mywaifulist.moe/api/v1/{url}" # Retrieve random or daily waifu from API async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, headers=self.headers) as resp: # Store waifu's in dict when request is successful, else send an error if resp.status == 200: api_dict = await resp.json() _dict = api_dict["data"] # Send error if something went wrong internally/while grabbing data from API else: await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc="**Something went wrong with MyWaifuList!**") return _dict async def post_from_api(self, i, ctx, term, _dict, url): """Posting information to the API and getting data back""" data = {"term": term, 'content-type': "application/json"} # Searching API for waifu(s) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.post(url, data=data, headers=self.headers) as resp: # Store waifu's in dict when request is successful, else send an error if resp.status == 200: api_data = await resp.json() # Send error if something went wrong internally/while grabbing data from API else: await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc="**Something went wrong with MyWaifuList!**") # As long as data is returned # Store all data from the api in dict if len(api_data["data"]) > 0: for item in api_data["data"]: _dict[item["name"]] = {} for value in item: store_dict(_dict, item, value) # When no waifu has been retrieved, send error message to the user else: await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc="**Waifu/Anime Not Found!**") return False # Get the instance of the bot bot = ctx.guild.get_member(self.bot.user.id) # Get the permissions of the channel perms = bot.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel) # Send the menu to the display menu = MWLMenu(i, perms, _dict, self.bot) return menu def anime_embed(self, anime): """Generate embed of single anime's""" # Get all the data to be displayed in the embed name = anime["name"] anime_id = anime["id"] og_name = anime["original_name"] picture = anime["display_picture"] url = anime["url"] romaji_name = anime["romaji_name"] release_date = anime["release_date"] airing_start = anime["airing_start"] airing_end = anime["airing_end"] episode_count = anime["episode_count"] # Only setting the description if original name is returned from the API desc = og_name if og_name else Embed.Empty # Only setting the series date information if they exist rel_date = release_date if release_date else self.bot.cross air_start = airing_start if airing_start else self.bot.cross air_end = airing_end if airing_end else self.bot.cross ep_count = episode_count if episode_count else self.bot.cross fields = [("Airing Start Date", air_start, True), ("Airing End Date", air_end, True), ("\u200b", "\u200b", True), ("Release Date", rel_date, True), ("Episode Count", ep_count, True), ("\u200b", "\u200b", True)] embed = Embed(title=name, description=desc, url=url, colour=self.bot.random_colour()) embed.set_author(name=f"ID: {anime_id}") embed.set_image(url=picture) if romaji_name: embed.set_footer(text=f"{romaji_name} | Powered by MyWaifuList") else: embed.set_footer(text="Powered By MyWaifuList") # Add fields to the embed for name, value, inline in fields: embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) return embed def waifu_embed(self, waifu, _type): """Generate embed of single waifu's""" # Get all the data to be displayed in the embed name = waifu["name"] og_name = waifu["original_name"] picture = waifu["display_picture"] url = waifu["url"] waifu_id = waifu["id"] likes = waifu["likes"] trash = waifu["trash"] waifu_type = waifu["type"] # Set different values for description based on the command if _type == "random": desc = f"{og_name} | Random {waifu_type}" if waifu["original_name"] else f"Random {waifu_type}" elif _type == "daily": desc = f"{og_name} | Daily {waifu_type}" if waifu["original_name"] else f"Daily {waifu_type}" embed = Embed(title=name, description=desc, colour=self.bot.random_colour(), url=url) embed.set_author(name=f"ID: {waifu_id}") embed.set_image(url=picture) embed.set_footer(text=f"❤️ {likes} 🗑️ {trash} | Powered by MyWaifuList") return embed async def detailed_waifu_embed(self, waifu, author, ctx): """Generate embed of single waifu's (detailed)""" not_found = "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/741072426984538122/748586578074664980/DzEZ4UsXgAAcFjN.png?width=423&height=658" # Get all the data to be displayed in the embed name = waifu["name"] waifu_id = waifu["id"] url = waifu["url"] picture = waifu["display_picture"] likes = waifu["likes"] trash = waifu["trash"] og_name = waifu["original_name"] romaji_name = waifu["romaji_name"] age = waifu["age"] b_day = waifu["birthday_day"] b_month = waifu["birthday_month"] b_year = waifu["birthday_year"] popularity_rank = waifu["popularity_rank"] like_rank = waifu["like_rank"] trash_rank = waifu["trash_rank"] height = waifu["height"] weight = waifu["weight"] waist = waifu["waist"] bust = waifu["bust"] hip = waifu["hip"] # Only setting up description if waifu og_name has a value desc = f"**Waifu ID:** {waifu_id}\n" desc += f"**Original Name:** {og_name}\n" if og_name else f"**Original Name:** {self.bot.cross}\n" desc += f"**Romaji Name:** {romaji_name}\n" if romaji_name else f"**Romaji Name:** {self.bot.cross}\n" desc += f"\n**Age:** {age}\n" if age else f"**Age:** {self.bot.cross}\n" desc += f"**Birthday-Day:** {b_day}\n" if b_day else f"**Birthday-Day:** {self.bot.cross}\n" desc += f"**Birthday-Month:** {b_month}\n" if b_month else f"**Birthday-Month:** {self.bot.cross}\n" desc += f"**Birthday-Year:** {b_year}\n" if b_year else f"**Birthday-Year:** {self.bot.cross}\n" height = f"**Height:** {height}cm" if height != "0.00" else f"**Height:** {self.bot.cross}" weight = f"**Weight:** {weight}kg" if weight != "0.00" else f"**Weight:** {self.bot.cross}" waist = f"**Waist:** {waist}cm" if waist != "0.00" else f"**Waist:** {self.bot.cross}" bust = f"**Bust:** {bust}cm" if bust != "0.00" else f"**Bust:** {self.bot.cross}" hip = f"**Hip:** {hip}cm" if hip != "0.00" else f"**Hip:** {self.bot.cross}" # Only setting up the ranks if they are returned pop_rank_string = f"**Popularity Rank:** {popularity_rank}\n" if popularity_rank else f"**Popularity Rank:** {self.bot.cross}\n" like_rank_string = f"**Like Rank:** {like_rank}\n" if like_rank else f"**Like Rank:** {self.bot.cross}\n" trash_rank_string = f"**Trash Rank:** {trash_rank}\n" if trash_rank else f"**Trash Rank:** {self.bot.cross}\n" fields = [("Measurements", f"{height}" f"\n{weight}" f"\n{waist}" f"\n{bust}" f"\n{hip}", True), ("Ranks", f"{pop_rank_string}" f"{like_rank_string}" f"{trash_rank_string}", True)] # Only using image if it can be displayed, else display 404 image picture_url = picture if picture.endswith((".jpeg", ".png", ".jpg")) else not_found # Different titles depending on if author was given or not title = f"True Love | {name}" if author else f"Detailed Waifu | {name}" detailed = Embed(title=title, description=desc, colour=self.bot.random_colour(), url=url) detailed.set_image(url=picture_url) detailed.set_footer(text=f"❤️ {likes} 🗑️ {trash} | Powered by MyWaifuList") # Add fields to the embed for name, value, inline in fields: detailed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) # Get the permissions of the channel perms = ctx.guild.me.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel) if author: menu = SimpleMenu(0, "User Information", perms, [author, detailed], self) await menu.start(ctx) else: return detailed async def user_embed(self, user, ctx): """Generate embed of user profile information""" love = False # Get all the data to be displayed in the embed name = user["name"] avatar = user["avatar"] if user[ "avatar"] else "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/741072426984538122/748586578074664980/DzEZ4UsXgAAcFjN.png?width=423&height=658" joined = user["joined"] id = user["id"] waifus_created = user["waifus_created"] waifus_liked = user["waifus_liked"] waifus_trashed = user["waifus_trashed"] main_love = user["true_love"] profile_url = f"https://mywaifulist.moe/user/{id}" date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(joined, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') joined_at = date_time_obj.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y\n%I:%M:%S %p") desc = f"**Waifu's Created:** {waifus_created}" \ f"\n**Waifu's Liked:** {waifus_liked}" \ f"\n**Waifu's Trashed:** {waifus_trashed}" author = Embed(title=name, description=desc, colour=self.bot.random_colour(), url=profile_url) author.add_field(name="Joined Date", value=joined_at, inline=False) author.set_thumbnail(url=avatar) author.set_footer(text=f"User ID: {id} | Powered by MyWaifuList") if main_love["slug"]: love = True slug = main_love["slug"] # Get true love details from the API true_love = await get_from_api(self, ctx, f"waifu/{slug}") await detailed_waifu_embed(self, true_love, author, ctx) return author, love class Anime(Cog): """ Search MyWaifuList for Waifu's, Anime's and more! Please keep in mind that this API is in ALPHA (And it is a community driven website.) Searches might not return fully detailed results and images may be missing """ # TODO: ADD AIRING SHOWS BY SEASON COMMAND # TODO: ADD USER WAIFUS COMMAND def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.headers = {'apikey': my_waifu_list_auth} @Cog.listener() async def on_ready(self): """Printing out that Cog is ready on startup""" print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} Cog has been loaded!\n-----") @group(name="airing", invoke_without_command=True, case_insensitive=True, usage="`anime|best|popular|trash`") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, add_reactions=True) async def airing(self, ctx): """ Display's airing anime and waifu's within those anime's """ error = WaifuCommandNotFound(ctx.command, ctx) await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=error.message) @airing.command(name="trash", aliases=["worst", "garbage"]) @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, add_reactions=True) async def airing_trash(self, ctx): """Get the worst waifu’s from the airing anime""" # Variables to set up the reaction menu i = 0 airing_trash = {} trash_waifus = await get_from_api(self, ctx, "airing/trash") store_in_dict(airing_trash, trash_waifus) # Get the instance of the bot bot = ctx.guild.get_member(self.bot.user.id) # Get the permissions of the channel perms = bot.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel) # Send the menu to the display menu = MWLMenu(i, perms, airing_trash, self.bot) await menu.start(ctx) @airing.command(name="popular", aliases=["pop"]) @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, add_reactions=True) async def airing_popular(self, ctx): """Get the most popular waifu’s from the airing anime""" # Variables to setup the reaction menu i = 0 airing_popular = {} popular_waifus = await get_from_api(self, ctx, "airing/popular") store_in_dict(airing_popular, popular_waifus) # Get the instance of the bot bot = ctx.guild.get_member(self.bot.user.id) # Get the permissions of the channel perms = bot.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel) # Send the menu to the display menu = MWLMenu(i, perms, airing_popular, self.bot) await menu.start(ctx) @airing.command(name="best") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, add_reactions=True) async def airing_best(self, ctx): """Get the best waifu’s from the airing anime""" # Local Variable i to allow the pages to be modified i = 0 airing_best = {} best_waifus = await get_from_api(self, ctx, "airing/best") store_in_dict(airing_best, best_waifus) # Get the instance of the bot bot = ctx.guild.get_member(self.bot.user.id) # Get the permissions of the channel perms = bot.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel) # Send the menu to the display menu = MWLMenu(i, perms, airing_best, self.bot) await menu.start(ctx) @airing.command(name="anime", aliases=["show", "series"]) @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, add_reactions=True) async def airing_anime(self, ctx): """Display the current airing anime""" # Local Variable i to allow the pages to be modified i = 0 anime_dict = {} animes = await get_from_api(self, ctx, "airing") store_in_dict(anime_dict, animes) # Get the instance of the bot bot = ctx.guild.get_member(self.bot.user.id) # Get the permissions of the channel perms = bot.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel) # Send the menu to the display menu = MWLMenu(i, perms, anime_dict, self.bot) await menu.start(ctx) @group(name="waifu", invoke_without_command=True, case_insensitive=True, usage="`daily|random`") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def waifu(self, ctx): """ Waifu's that are retrieved from MyWaifuList """ error = WaifuCommandNotFound(ctx.command, ctx) await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=error.message) @waifu.command(name="daily") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def daily_waifu(self, ctx): """Returns the Daily Waifu from MyWaifuList""" waifu = await get_from_api(self, ctx, "meta/daily") await ctx.send(embed=waifu_embed(self, waifu, "daily")) @waifu.command(name="random", aliases=["rnd"]) @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def random_waifu(self, ctx): """Returning a Random Waifu from MyWaifuList""" waifu = await get_from_api(self, ctx, "meta/random") await ctx.send(embed=waifu_embed(self, waifu, "random")) @group(name="anime", aliases=["series", "shows"], invoke_without_command=True, case_insensitive=True, usage="``") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def anime(self, ctx, term: int): """Returning information about a given series (MWL ID ONLY)""" anime = await get_from_api(self, ctx, f"series/{term}") await ctx.send(embed=anime_embed(self, anime)) @anime.command(name="waifu", usage="``") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def anime_waifus(self, ctx, term: int): """Return the waifu's of the given anime (MWL ID ONLY)""" i = 0 anime_waifus = {} waifus = await get_from_api(self, ctx, f"series/{term}/waifus") for item in waifus: # Don't bother storing Hentai's or Games (Not yet until I figure out what data they send) if item["type"] in ["Waifu", "Husbando"]: anime_waifus[item["name"]] = {} for value in item: store_dict(anime_waifus, item, value) # Get the instance of the bot bot = ctx.guild.get_member(self.bot.user.id) # Get the permissions of the channel perms = bot.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel) # Send the menu to the display menu = MWLMenu(i, perms, anime_waifus, self.bot) await menu.start(ctx) @command("detailedwaifu", aliases=["dwaifu"], usage="``") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def detailed_waifu(self, ctx, term: int): """Returns detailed information about a waifu (MWL ID ONLY)""" waifu = await get_from_api(self, ctx, f"waifu/{term}") embed = await detailed_waifu_embed(self, waifu, None, ctx) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @command(name="profile", aliases=["user"], usage="``") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def mwl_user_profile(self, ctx, term: int): """Returning the MWL User Profile requested""" user = await get_from_api(self, ctx, f"user/{term}") embed, love = await user_embed(self, user, ctx) if not love: await ctx.send(embed=embed) @command(name="search", aliases=["lookup"], usage="``") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, add_reactions=True) async def search(self, ctx, *, term: str): """Search the entire website! (Anime|Manga|Waifus|Husbandos)""" # Local Variable i to allow the index of the embeds to be modified i = 0 anime_or_waifu = {} url = "https://mywaifulist.moe/api/v1/search/" if menu := await post_from_api(self, i, ctx, term, anime_or_waifu, url): await menu.start(ctx) @command(name="betasearch", aliases=["bsearch", "betalookup", "blookup"], usage="``") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, add_reactions=True) async def beta_search(self, ctx, *, term: str): """Search the entire website - more aggressive searching! (Anime|Manga|Waifus|Husbandos)""" # Local Variable i to allow the index of the embeds to be modified i = 0 anime_or_waifu = {} url = "https://mywaifulist.moe/api/v1/search/beta" if menu := await post_from_api(self, i, ctx, term, anime_or_waifu, url): await menu.start(ctx) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Anime(bot))